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Course Outline: International Islamic University Malaysia

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Kulliyyah / Institute Department / Centre Programme Name of Course / Mode Course Code Name (s) of Academic staff / Instructor(s) Engineering Mechatronics Engineering B. Eng (Mechatronics) (Honours) Electrical Machines / Full time MCT 2337 Asst. Prof. Dr Iskandar Al-Thani Mahmood

Rationale for the Required course for Mechatronics Engineering Programme inclusion of the course / module in the programme Semester and Year Offered Status Level Proposed Start Date Batch of Student to be Affected Independent Learning 81 Face to Face Practical Tutorial Lecture Assessments Midterm Final Total Student Learning Time 128 Every semester Core 2 Sem 2 2009/2010

Total Student Learning Time (SLT)


Credit Value / Hours Pre-requisites (if any) Co-requisites (if any)

3/128 ECE 1311

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to: 1. Introduce students to basic concepts of static and dynamic electric machines using circuit theory. 2. Expose students to the characteristics of electrical machines and different modes of operation and applications.

3. Familiarize students to three phase systems and machines. 4. Introduce students to basic elements of industrial motor control. Upon completion of the course students should be able to: 1. Explain fundamentals of electricity, magnetism and circuit related to electrical machines. 2. Explain operating principles of electrical machines. 3. Analyze performance of electrical machines. 4. Select motors, generators and transformers for various applications. 5. Explain principles of industrial motor control. Skills and how they are developed and assessed: Skills Development Assessment Technical Lectures Written Assessment Analytical

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills:

Teaching-Learning and assessment strategy

Lectures, Midterm and Quizzes Magnetism and electromagnetic forces. DC generators. DC motors. Efficiency of electrical machines. Three-phase systems. Ideal and practical transformers. Three-phase transformers and phase transformations. Three-phase induction motors. Synchronous generator and synchronous motors. Single phase motor. Stepper motor. Industrial motor control.

Course Synopsis

Mode of Delivery

Lecture, Tutorial. LO 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5 Method Quiz Assignments Mid-term Examination Final Examination % 20 10 30 40

Assessment Methods and Type/Course Assessement State weightage of each type of assessment.

Mapping of course / module to the Programme Learning Outcomes Programme Outcomes Learning Outcome of the course
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09




Explain fundamentals of electricity, magnetism and circuit related to electrical machines. Explain operating principles of electrical machines. Analyze performance of electrical machines. Select motors, generators and transformers for various applications. Explain principles of industrial motor control.

Content outline of the course / module and the SLT per topic Learning Weeks Topics Task/Reading Hours 1 Magnetism and Mechanics: Introduction to Magnetic Fitzgerald circuits and B-H curves, Hysteresis and Eddy current Chapter 1 losses, Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. 2 Magnetism and Mechanics: Lorentz force, Fitzgerald Determination of Magnetic force and torque from energy Chapter 3 and co-energy. Chapter 7 3 DC Machinery Fundamentals: Voltage induced in rotating loops, brush and commutator, Induced torque in rotating loop, Armature reaction, interpoles, and compensating windings. Chapter 8 4 DC Motors: Equivalent circuit of a DC motor, Counter electromotive force, shunt, series and compound motors. Characteristics of DC motors. Speed control, Dynamic braking. Efficiency calculations. Chapter 8 5 DC Generators: Shunt and compound generators. Equivalent circuit. Load characteristics. 6 Electric Transformers: Transformer action, Effect of Chapter 2 imperfect core and coupling. Primary and secondary leakage reactance. Losses. Equivalent circuit. Voltage regulation. 7 Electric Transformers: Auto transformer. Current Chapter 2 transformer. Three-phase transformer. Transformer connections, Phase transformations, Current Inrush. 8 Three Phase Induction Motors: Squirrel Cage and Chapters 6 wound type rotors. Rotating field. Synchronous Speed. Starting characteristics. Slip. Load characteristics. Locked rotor characteristics. 9 Three Phase Induction Motors: Torque and speed. Chapters 6 Selection and application of three phase induction motor. Equivalent circuit of induction motor. Linear induction motor. Magnetic levitation. Chapter 4 10 Synchronous Generators: Non-Salient pole synchronous generators, Equivalent circuit. Phasor diagram, power relations, Salient pole generators. Power transfer between two sources. Machine construction, starting synchronous motors, torque, effects of changing loads and excitation, V-curves, synchronous condensers. 11 Synchronous Motors: Machine construction, starting Chapter 5 synchronous motors, torque, effects of changing loads and excitation, V-curves, synchronous condensers. Chapter 9 12 Single Phase Motor: Synchronous speed. DoubleRevolving-Field theory, Cross-Field theory. Torquespeed characteristics. Resistance split-phase motor. Capacitor-start and Capacitor-run motor, Shaded-Pole motor. Universal motor. Hysteresis Motor. Reluctance Motor.

Stepper Motor: Construction. Torque and current Wildi characteristics. Start-stop stepping rate. Type of steeper Chapter 19 motor. High-speed operation. Wildi 14 Industrial Motor Control: Control devices. Control Chapter 20 diagrams. Starting methods. Required references supporting the course The reference lists shall be presented in accordance with APA bibliographic practices and in alphabetical order. Chapman, S.J., (2012). Electrical Machinery Fundamentals, (5th ed.), McGraw-Hill. Recommended references supporting the course Charles, H.I., (2002). Electric Machines- Theory, Operations, Applications, Adjustments and Control, (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall. Fitzgerald A. E, Kingsley C Jr. & Umnas S. D., (2001). Electric Machinery, (6th ed.), McGraw-Hill. El-Hawary M. E., (2002). Principles of Electric Machines with Power Electronics Applications, (2nd ed.), Wiley Interscience. Wildi, T., (2006). Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems, (6th ed.), Prentice Hall.


Prepared by:

Checked by:

Approved by:

Dr Iskandar Al-Thani Mahmood Assistant Professor Kulliyyah of Engineering

Dr. Asan Gani Abdul Muthalif Head of Department Kulliyyah of Engineering

Dr. Amir Akramin Shafie Dean Kulliyyah of Engineering

Programme Learning Outcome (PO): At the end of the programme, Students are able to: Programme Learning Outcome (PO) MQF Domain Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Practical Skills Problem Solving and Scientific Skills Problem Solving and Scientific Skills Communication, Leadership and Team Skills Managerial and Entrepreneurial Skills Information Management and Lifelong Learning Skills Social skills and Responsibilities Value, Attitudes and Professionalism Information Management and Lifelong Learning Skills

1. acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, computers, science, and engineering. (T) 2. have in-depth understanding and technical competency in relevant engineering discipline. (T) 3. identify, formulate and provide solutions to engineering problems. (T) 4. design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. (D) 5. analyze and design a system, component, or process to achieve the required objectives. (A) 6. apply design principles for sustainable development. (D) 7. communicate effectively. (S) 8. function effectively as an individual and in group with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member. (S) 9. recognize the need for lifelong learning and to pursue independent learning for professional development. (S) 10. understand the responsibility of a professional engineer in the context of contemporary social, cultural, global and environmental issues. (ESSE) 11. demonstrate understanding and commitment to professional and ethical responsibilities. (ESSE) 12. understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context through broad-based education. (ESSE)

The program learning outcomes (PO) are grouped into 5 general areas to identify the nature of the skills and capability involved. These groups are: 1. Technical (T) essential capabilities related to traditional scientific and engineering knowledge 2. Analysis (A) creatively working with available data and engineering tools and fundamental knowledge to correctly solve basic problem 3. Design (D) being able to perceive the best solution for both small scale and large scale project by involving all required basic problems 4. Ethics, Safety, Society and Environment (ESSE) - giving appropriate consideration to matters pertaining to professionalism and ethics, safety, local and global society and the environment 5. Work skills (S) being and effective communicator and effective member of a team and to appreciate the need to continuously acquired skills and abilities.

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