Psalm 23 - Class 8
Psalm 23 - Class 8
Psalm 23 - Class 8
Rod and staff- most essential Equipments Now a days they may carry a gun
Equipments of a shepherd
Olden days they carried a sling- eg.David Some times a small knapsack in which packed his lunch Bottle of water
For entertainment some musical instrument like Harp, flute etc eg. David
Shepherd's Rod
To be a shepherd one should know how to use the rod
Staff helps to bring back the Sheep may slip into water or thorny sheep..... bushes
With the help of staff shepherd lifts it up and bring back to the fold Holy Spirit convicts the sin and brings back a back slider A sheep that is 'hooked in their wool' or caught up in the thicket by horns will be restored Gen.22:13 Staff is used to bring back 'way ward'
At the time of delivery mother sheep died leaving the lamb alone.but the other sheep she lost the lamb. Shepherd got an idea to feed the lamb with the help of the mother sheep who is alive when she smelled the lamb refused to feed her finally shepherd took the skin of the dead lamb and covered the live lamb with it when mother sheep could smell her own lamb's smell she allowed the little lamb to feed story narrated by Ravi Zachariah on Christmas message on 25th 2012.