Atch Your ALK: Welcome Sharon Christian Assembly Thane
Atch Your ALK: Welcome Sharon Christian Assembly Thane
Atch Your ALK: Welcome Sharon Christian Assembly Thane
Walk in the Way of the Lord & Not Man (Deut 5:33; Psa 1:1) Walk with a Perfect Heart & Not With Deceit (Ecc 11:9;Ps101:2) Walk Worthy of the Vocation & Not Callously (Eph 4:1) Walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:16) Walk Not after the Flesh (Gal 5:19-21) Walk in the Truth and Not in falsehood (3John 1:4) Walk as Jesus Walked (1John 2:6)
Isa 40:31 summarizes, It is three fold: They shall - Mount up with wings as eagles - speaks of our WORSHIP. - Our God-ward Responsibility. - Run and not be weary - speaks of our WORK. - Our World-ward Relationship - Walk and not faint - speaks of our WALK. - Our Self-ward Reckoning. Ex. Matt 3:17.
Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. (v27) Remember: The Waves that were over their heads, were the same waves under His feet O thou of little faith not no faith, bad faith. (v31).
Lord did not condemn but commended little faith. Notice: What little faith can do?