Generate A Unique Sequential Filename.
Generate A Unique Sequential Filename.
Generate A Unique Sequential Filename.
Ease of Use Intermediate Version tested with 2003 Submitted by: Kenneth Hobs Description: A unique full path with filename is generated from a folder and base filename. N either folder nor filename need exist. If they do, gaps in the sequential filena mes are filled first. Requires v5 of shell32.dll which is included in XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003. It is my Vista x64 as well. Discussion: This concept can be used in any VBA code where one needs to generate a unique fi lename with a prefix or base name. The filenames generated are from a folder nam e and a base filename though neither need exist. e.g. c:\file.xls, c:\file (1).x ls, c:\file (2).xls, etc. Basically, two API's are shown. Four custom functions enable the user to pass the folder name and base filename separately or as one s tring. The concept of this macro is a bit similar to tstav's KB entry to produce a unique suffix for a filename. In the XLS attachment, I have compared this met hod to tstav's method. Code: instructions for use Sub Test1() Dim s As String s = fMakeAnotherUnique("", Environ("username") & ".xls", ThisWorkbook.Path) MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox1: fMakeAnotherUnique()" s = fMakeAnotherUnique("", ThisWorkbook.Name, ThisWorkbook.Path) MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox2: fMakeAnotherUnique()" End Sub Sub Test2() Dim s As String s = MakeAnotherUnique(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("username") & ".xls" ) MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox3: MakeAntoherUnique()" s = MakeAnotherUnique(ThisWorkbook.FullName) MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox4: MakeAntoherUnique()" End Sub Sub Test3() Dim s As String s = fMakeUnique("", Environ("username") & ".xls", ThisWorkbook.Path) MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox5: fMakeUnique()" s = fMakeUnique("", ThisWorkbook.Name, ThisWorkbook.Path) MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox6: fMakeUnique()" End Sub Sub Test4() Dim s As String s = MakeUnique(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("username") & ".xls") MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox7: MakeUnique()" s = MakeUnique(ThisWorkbook.FullName) MsgBox s, vbInformation, "MsgBox8: MakeUnique()" End Sub
'Put this part below in a separate module. Const Max_Path As String = 260 ' Public Declare Function PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName _ Lib "shell32.dll" _ ( _ ByVal pszUniqueName As String, _ ByVal pszPath As String, _ ByVal pszShort As String, _ ByVal pszFileSpec As String _ ) As Boolean ' Public Declare Function PathMakeUniqueName _ Lib "shell32.dll" _ ( _ ByVal pszUniqueName As String, _ ByVal cchMax As Long, _ ByVal pszTemplate As String, _ ByVal pszLongPlate As String, _ ByVal pszDir As String _ ) As Boolean Function fMakeAnotherUnique(vShortTemplate, vLongTemplate, vFolder) As String 'vFolder can end in trailing backslash or not Dim rc As Boolean, vUniqueName As String, s As String vUniqueName = Space$(Max_Path) rc = PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName(vUniqueName, StrConv(vFolder, vbUnicode), _ StrConv(vShortTemplate, vbUnicode), StrConv(vLongTemplate, vbUnicode)) If rc Then vUniqueName = StrConv(vUniqueName, vbFromUnicode) fMakeAnotherUnique = vUniqueName End If End Function Function MakeAnotherUnique(filespec As String) As String MakeAnotherUnique = fMakeAnotherUnique("", GetFileName(filespec), GetFolderN ame(filespec)) End Function Function fMakeUnique(vShortTemplate, vLongTemplate, vFolder) As String 'vFolder can end in trailing backslash or not Dim rc As Boolean, vUniqueName As String, s As String vUniqueName = Space$(Max_Path) rc = PathMakeUniqueName(vUniqueName, Max_Path, StrConv(vShortTemplate, vbUni code), _ StrConv(vLongTemplate, vbUnicode), StrConv(vFolder, vbUnicode)) If rc Then vUniqueName = StrConv(vUniqueName, vbFromUnicode) fMakeUnique = vUniqueName End If End Function Function MakeUnique(filespec As String) As String MakeUnique = fMakeUnique("", GetFileName(filespec), GetFolderName(filespec)) End Function Function GetFileName(filespec As String) As String
Dim p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer p1 = InStrRev(filespec, "\") p2 = Len(filespec) - p1 GetFileName = Mid$(filespec, p1 + 1, p2) End Function Function GetFolderName(filespec As String) As String Dim p1 As Integer p1 = InStrRev(filespec, "\") GetFolderName = Left$(filespec, p1) End Function
How to use: 1. Open the example XLS file and click each of Test buttons, or: 2. Copy the above code. 3. Open any workbook. 4. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE). 5. From the Menu, choose Insert-Module. 6. Paste the code into the right-hand code window. 7. Move the Test1 to Test4 Subs to the end or cut and paste to another Modu le. 8. Close the VBE, save the file if desired. Test the code: 1. Open the example XLS file and click each of Test buttons. 2. Save the file with names like those generated and re-click the Test butt ons. 3. Note how the filenames are generated. 4. After saving the workbook with filenames that have (2).xls , (3).xls, (4 ).xls and such, delete one in the middle and click the Test buttons to note how the next generated name is the one that was deleted. Sample File: 23.79KB