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MB Concrete Frames Oct06

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Concrete Framed Buildings


Concrete Framed Buildings

1 Benets of Concrete Framed Buildings 4 Structural forms
6 Flat Slabs 8 Ribbed and Wafe Slabs 9 Beams and Slabs 10 Post-tensioned Slabs 12 Hybrid Concrete Construction 14 Precast Concrete 16 Tunnel form

We hope that this will be the book that you rst turn to when a new project arrives on your desk and you need answers to client questions such as: Whats the best frame option for my building? How deep? What span?
We have planned this publication to give structural engineers a design guide to concrete framed buildings short enough to sit on the desk, useful enough to be referred to whenever a new project is being considered, and comprehensive enough to give references to where more information could be found. The guide sits alongside our Economic Concrete Frame Elements (ECFE) [1]. At the start of each project, a decision is made about the form and material of the structural frame. These key decisions are frequently inuenced by whatever frame the contractor, client, QS or engineer may have used on a previous building. This publication sets out to help design teams come to an informed decision, giving likely structural options for a concrete solution. The guide is intended for use by structural engineers, but we hope that clients and other members of the design team will also nd it useful. Construction should not just be about achieving the cheapest building possible, but providing best value for the client. The best value may be about costs, but also includes speed of construction, robustness, durability, sustainability, lettable space, etc. Notes on how concrete meets these value criteria are included here, both in the general case and specically for the frame options detailed. Concrete frame construction has changed over the past twenty years and continues to develop. Common types of concrete frame construction are detailed in the following pages, together with the markets for which they are suitable. A section on recent developments in concrete gives an insight into what has just become, or may soon be available, to the designer. Sustainability is becoming more and more of an issue in todays world. We believe that concrete can help provide a sustainable solution to the changing climate, through the use of its high thermal mass. Concrete is also locally sourced, indeed the raw materials for concrete are ubiquitous, and at the end of its life, it is fully recyclable.

18 Innovations in Concrete Mixes and Emerging Best Practice 20 Concrete Mixes for Construction Methods 22 Sustainability 24 Summary 25 References

The Concrete Centre can provide more information on any of these topics, either through our National Helpline on 0845 812 0000 or our website at www.concretecentre.com. Our team of regional engineers, architects and contractors can also come to discuss your project with you.

Post-tensioned one way slab and band beam construction was used at Cardinal Place, London.

Cover pictures: Main: Flat slab construction at the Visage Development, Swiss Cottage. Courtesy of Getjar Ltd Inset top: Inclined columns are a feature of the Albion Wharf development, London. Courtesy of Foster and Partners. Photography Nigel Young. Inset below: Twinwall construction at More London. Courtesy of John Doyle Construction.

Concrete Framed Buildings



Concretes unique exibility provides a wide range of framing options and design/construction solutions to suit the projects exact needs. Later pages outline particular benets and constraints. In assessing suitability, designers and cost consultants should consider the following issues to achieve the best solution.

Speed of construction
Concrete is highly compatible with fast programme construction, from rapid mobilisation at the start though modern methods of construction, including sophisticated formwork systems, post-tensioning, and precast elements. Modern formwork systems have markedly increased construction rates. It is now common to achieve 500m2 per week per crane. Cellular structures can be built at a rate of up to 50 bedrooms per week. The speed of the various forms of concrete construction is given in the specic information in the Structual Forms section of this publication, see page 4.

Whole Life Value

The frame is the key structural element of any building. Frame choice and design can have a surprisingly inuential role in the performance of the nal structure, and importantly, also inuence people using the building. However, cost alone should not dictate frame choice. Many issues should be considered when choosing the optimum structural solution and frame material that give best value for the construction and operational stages. Inherent benets fabric energy storage, re resistance and sound insulation mean that concrete buildings tend to have lower operating costs and lower maintenance requirements. This is an important consideration, particularly for owner-occupiers and PFI consortia.

Frame costs
While recent price rises in reinforcement and structural steel have increased frame costs, the difference between steel and concrete frame costs remains insignicant, with full t-out whole-building costs broadly similar. These whole project inital costs come from a cost comparison study [2]. Prices as of June 06.
RC Flat Slab 6 Storey Ofce Steel Composite 28,028,600 6,775,300 6,813,100 RC Flat Slab 3 Storey ofce Steel Composite 27,624,300

Cost and Programme

Generally, insitu concrete-framed buildings take no longer to construct than steel-framed buildings: indeed, they can be faster. Prerequisites for fast construction in any material are design discipline, repetition, integration, simplication and standardisation of design details. Rationalising reinforcement, designing and detailing for prefabrication, precasting or part-precasting can help progress concrete construction on site. Many contractors appreciate the opportunity to discuss buildability and inuence designs for construction. More important, however, is the whole project programme. Concrete provides a safe working platform and semi-internal conditions, allowing services installation and follow-on trades to commence early in the programme, while exibility allows accommodation of design changes later in the process.

Foundation costs
Foundations typically represent approximately 3% of whole project initial cost. For the heaviest reinforced concrete solution, foundations will be more expensive, but still represent only a small percentage of the whole and can be offset by using post-tensioned slabs which are typically 15% lighter.

Cladding costs
The thinner the overall structural and services zone, the less the cladding costs. Cladding can represent up to 25% of the construction cost, so it is worth minimising the cladding area. This can be achieved with a concrete at slab and separate services zone.

To obtain best value consider early specialist contractor involvement. UK Concrete frame contractors have expertise that can reduce costs and maximise value when harnessed early in the design process.

Concrete Framed Buildings


Performance in Use
Fire protection
Inherent re resistance means concrete structures generally do not require additional re protection. This removes time, costs, use of a separate trade and ongoing maintenance to applied re protection.

Design exibility
Concrete can be used in a variety of ways to suit the designer, the client, the building and the site using cast insitu concrete, or precast concrete from the factory or made on site. A Hybrid combination of the two is increasingly popular, combining the benets of each form for best value. It is important to consider possible forms of construction in the earliest design stages, allowing change to be easily effected, and value unlocked.

Additional nishings to walls and oors are often required to meet Part E of the Building Regulations. The inherent mass of concrete means additional nishings are minimised or even eliminated. Independent testing of 250mm thick concrete oors in a new tunnel form block of student accommodation gave results exceeding requirements by more than 5dB for both airborne and impact sound insulation. Separating walls comprising 180mm concrete with a 2mm plaster skim nish also met the pre-completion testing requirement [3].

Services co-ordination and installation

Mechanical and electrical services are an expensive and programme-critical element in construction, with signicant maintenance and replacement issues. The soft of a concrete at slab provides a zone for services distribution free of any downstand beams. This reduces design team coordination effort and risk of errors. It allows exibility in design and adaptability in use. A at soft permits maximum off site fabrication of services, higher quality work and quicker installation. M&E contractors quote an additional cost of horizontal services distribution below a proled slab of up to 15%. Openings in the slab for service risers can be accommodated simply during design, and formed during casting, or cut later to suit. For the longest spans, wide shallow beam solutions provide large areas uninterrupted by secondary beams, and the freedom to route ducts under the shallow main beams.

Vibration control
For concrete buildings, vibration criteria for most uses are covered without any change to the normal design. For some uses, such as laboratories or hospitals, additional measures may be needed, but these are signicantly less than for other materials. In a recent independent study [4] into the vibration performance of hospital oors, concrete emerged as the solution least in need of signicant modication to meet the stringent criteria. This gives great exibility for change in use and avoids the cost penalties of providing extra mass and stiffness. The diagrams below show the increases in mass and construction depth needed to upgrade an ofce frame to hospital vibration criteria for night wards and operating theatres.


Vibration control: Increase in total mass



Vibration control: Increase in floor thickness


% increase

% increase
Operating thea tre Night ward Office
PT b sla

150% 100% 50% 0%

40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

mp Co


te m Sli


ck RC fla

la ts

mp Co


te Sli md

eck f RC



b PT

Operating thea tre Night ward Office

sla b

Concrete Framed Buildings


The environmental impacts of developments are increasingly considered during initial design. Concrete has many environmental benets in construction, and, most importantly, during use.

Other Benets
Robustness and vandal resistance
Concrete is, by its nature, very robust, capable of withstanding explosions, accidental damage and vandalism.

Thermal mass
A concrete structure has a high thermal mass. Exposed softs allow fabric energy storage (FES), regulating temperature swings. This can reduce initial plant costs and ongoing operational costs, while converting plant space to usable space. With the outlook of increasingly hot summers, it makes sense to choose a material that reduces the requirement for energy intensive, high maintenance air-conditioning.

Minimal maintenance
Unlike other materials, concrete does not need any environmentally unfriendly coatings or paint to protect it against deterioration. Properly designed concrete is maintenance free.

Modern methods of construction

Concrete construction has undergone a revolution in speed and efciency in recent years. Forming the concrete into shape is potentially the most costly and labour intensive part of the process. However, modern high efciency modular formwork standardises and mechanises this process. It often employs whole ready assembled tables or complex moulds, swung into place. Alternatively, elements may be factory precast, requiring only assembly, or stitching together with in-situ elements. The result is an economic and swift process, capable of excellent quality and nishes to suit the frames needs.

Markets and working practices are constantly changing, therefore it makes sense to consider a material that can accommodate changing needs or be adapted with minimum effort. A concrete frame can easily be adapted to other uses. Holes can be cut through slabs and walls relatively simply, while there are methods to strengthen the frame if required.

Other environmental benets

Concrete is durable, frequently allowing building reuse, rather than replacement. Demolished, concrete is 100% recyclable, as are reinforcing bars - indeed all UK reinforcement is fabricated from recycled steel. The constituent parts of concrete (water, cement and aggregate) are all readily and locally available to any construction site, keeping any impact of transporting raw materials low. This is examined in more detail in the Sustainability section, see page 22.

Sealing and re stopping at partition heads is simplest with at softs. Signicant savings of up to 10% of the partitions package can be made compared to the equivalent dry lining package abutting a proled soft with downstands. This can represent up to 4% of the frame cost, and a signicant reduction in programme length.

Air tightness
Part L of the Building Regulations requires precompletion pressure testing. Failing these tests means a time consuming process of inspecting joints and interfaces, resealing where necessary. Concrete edge details are simpler to seal, with less failure risk. Some contractors have switched to concrete frames on this criterion alone.

Internal fair-faced concrete can be both aesthetically pleasing and durable, ensuring buildings keep looking good with little maintenance. Precast concrete cladding also looks good. It is available in many different colours, textures and nishes, including brick, stone and tile faced.

Canon Headquarters showing coffered concrete slabs which increase the surface area for improved FES performance.
Courtesy of The Concrete Society

Concrete Framed Buildings



Flat slab - page 6 Post-tensioned slabs - page 10

Ribbed slab - page 8

Wafe slab - page 8

Band beam and slab - page 9

Deep Beam and Slab - page 9

Hybrid Concrete Construction - page 12

Precast - page 14

Tunnel form - page 16


If designed by P/T contractor 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Speed on site (Weeks / 1000m2 / Crane)

1 2 3 4

The diagram shows approximate lead-in times and construction speeds for each of type of construction detailed in this publication. Times and speeds are typical but will vary, depending on availability of contractors and materials and site constraints.

Concrete Framed Buildings



These graphs show typical depths required for different spans for each slab form. The design has been taken from BS 8110 Part 1 using a superimposed dead load of 1.5kN/m2, and C28/35 strength class concrete. The graphs assume that multiple, square bays are considered, except for the hybrid hollowcore and topping which is assumed to be a single span. The diagram below shows the economic spans and the typical range of depths for different types of oor construction. It therefore covers imposed loads of between 2.5 and 10 kN/m2.

Depth (mm)
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 3 4 5 6 7 8

Spans (m)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15


The line graphs show span and depth information for different live loads for each slab form. For loads not shown, interpolation between graphs is acceptable. For further information on this, the reader should use Concept.xls [5], a spreadsheet allowing 13 different reinforced concrete slab forms to be considered.

800 700 600

Qk = 2.5kN/m2

800 700 600

Qk = 7.5kN/m2

Depth in mm

500 400 300 200 100 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Depth in mm

500 400 300 200 100 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Span in m

Span in m


Qk = 5.0kN/m2

800 700 600

Qk = 10.0kN/m2


700 600

Depth in mm

Depth in mm

Flat Slab Troughed Slab One-way Slab P/T Flat Slab Hybrid Hollowcore and topping

500 400 300 200 100 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

500 400 300 200 100 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Span in m

Span in m

Concrete Framed Buildings


Flat slabs are highly versatile elements widely used in construction, providing minimum depth, fast construction and allowing exible column grids.

Points to Note
Flat slabs may be designed using the strip method set out in BS 8110 Part 1, nite element analysis (FEA) programmes or yield line analysis [6]. Use FEA [7] or yield line analysis for irregular grids. Flat slab Punching shear around the column heads can be the limiting factor on either depth of slab or column size. Shear reinforcement can be provided by links, shear rails, beam strips (to the American code) or steel cruciforms. Deection can be a limiting factor on depth. In tests, corner bay deections have been shown to be greater than in other bays, as the membrane action in the slab plate is less at the corners. It is therefore sensible to consider the corner bay for reinforcement design, shortening the end grid to make reinforcement similar across all spans. There is a limit to the moment that can be transferred into the edge columns. If the moment from the design method used is greater than allowable the moment should either be redistributed to allow the moment to be within the limit, or column width or slab depth should be modied.

Construction of at slabs is one of the quickest methods available. Table forms can be used; these are becoming more lightweight so that larger areas can be constructed on one table form, with formwork lifted by crane. Table forms should be used as repetitively as possible to take most advantage of the construction method. Downstand beams should be avoided wherever possible as forming beams signicantly slows construction. Edge beams need not be used for most cladding loads [1]. Reinforcement should be rationalised fairly heavily as this gives the most economic solution. (see gure below). Detailing can be done by the designer or the contractor. Prefabricated reinforcement mats, normally detailed by the supplier, can speed up construction on site.

Residential Commercial Hospitals Laboratories Hotels

Cost Speed Flexibility Sound control Fire resistance Robustness Thermal mass Durable nishes


Slow High Minimum overall cost Fast


Finance Labour, plant & preliminaries


Highly detailed Usual Rationalised Highly rationalised

Concrete Framed Buildings


Lead times
Lead times are very short as this is one of the most common forms of construction. If contractor reinforcement detailing or prefabricated reinforcement is used, lengthen lead time to allow for production and checking of detailing information.

Speed on site
With table forms, the average speed on site of at slabs is approximately 500m2/crane/week.

Use of table forms has speeded up the construction of at slabs. Courtesy of PERI Ltd

Mechanical and electrical services

Flat slabs provide the most exible arrangements for services distribution as services do not have to divert around structural elements. Holes through the slab close to the column head affect the design shear perimeter of the column head. Holes next to the column should be small and limited to two. These should be on opposite sides rather than on adjacent sides of the column. It is worth setting out rules for the size and location of these holes early in the design stage to allow coordination. Large service holes should be located away from the column strips and column heads in the centre of the bays. Again, location and size of any holes should be agreed early in the design.

This is one of the most common forms of concrete construction. All CONSTRUCT [8] members and many other concrete frame contractors can undertake this type of construction.

Cost/whole life cost/value

Flat slabs are particularly appropriate for areas where tops of partitions need to be sealed to the slab soft for acoustic or re reasons. It is frequently the reason for at slab to be considered faster and more economic than other forms of construction, as partition heads do not need to be cut around downstand beams or ribs. Flat slabs can be designed with a good surface nish to the soft, allowing exposed softs to be used. This allows exploitation of the buildings thermal mass in the design of HVAC requirements, increasing energy efciency.

Health and safety

Modern table forms can incorporate all edge protection and provide a robust working platform.

Leeds Oncology Wing at St James Hospital. Flat slabs were used to simplify the construction of the concrete frame and the internal partitions.
Courtesy of Faber Maunsell

Concrete Framed Buildings



Ribbed and Wafe slabs provide a lighter and stiffer slab than an equivalent at slab, reducing the extent of foundations. They provide a very good form where slab vibration is an issue, such as laboratories and hospitals. Ribbed slabs are made up of wide band beams running between columns with equal depth narrow ribs spanning the orthogonal direction. A thin topping slab completes the system. Wafe slabs tend to be deeper than the equivalent ribbed slab. Wafe slabs have a thin topping slab and narrow ribs spanning in both directions between column heads or band beams. The column heads or band beams are the same depth as the ribs.

Ribbed slab

Points to Note
Frequently ribs are designed as L-sections to allow a hole on one side of the rib. This allows design to proceed before the service holes have been nalised. Wafe slabs work best with a square grid. Ribbed slabs should be orientated so that the ribs span the longer distance, and the band beams the shorter distance. The most economic layout is lx:ly = 4:3. Wafe slab

Cost/whole life cost/value

Ribbed and wafe slabs normally have good surface nish to the soft, allowing exposed softs to be used in the nal building. This allows the use of the thermal mass of the building in the design of the HVAC requirements, particularly as the soft surface area of the slab is greater than a at slab, increasing the buildings energy efciency.

Speed on site
This is a slower form of construction than at slabs, but the use of table forms increases the speed. Where partitions need to be sealed acoustically or for re up to the soft, ribbed and wafe slabs take longer on site. Lightweight oor blocks can be used as permanent formwork, which give a at soft, although these take away some of the benets of the lighter weight slab design. If partition locations are known, the moulds may be omitted on these lines.

Both wafe and ribbed slabs are constructed using table forms with moulds positioned on the table forms. Speed of construction depends on repetition, so that the moulds on the table forms do not need to be repositioned.

Vibration critical projects Hospitals Laboratories

Lead times
Both ribbed and wafe slabs need moulds to be procured before starting on site. The lead-in times for these moulds depends on whether the mould is standard or needs to be fabricated.

Mechanical and electrical services

Holes should be located in the topping slab rather than the ribs where possible. If the holes are greater than the space between ribs, then the holes should be trimmed with similar depth ribs. Postconstruction holes can be located in the troughs of the slab.


Flexible Relatively light, therefore less foundation costs Speed Fairly slim oor depths Robustness Excellent vibration characteristics Thermal mass Good services integration Durable nishes Fire resistance

All concrete frame contractors should be able to provide this type of construction.

Health and safety

Modern table forms can incorporate all edge protection and provide a robust working platform.

Exposed wafe slabs are excellent for providing the full benets of fabric energy storage.

Concrete Framed Buildings



Beam and slab construction involves the use of one or two way spanning slabs onto beams spanning in one or two directions. The beams can be wide and at or narrow and deep, depending on the structures requirements. Beams tend to span between columns or walls and can be simply supported or continuous. This form of construction is commonly used for irregular grids and long spans, where at slabs are unsuitable. It is also used for transferring columns, walls or heavy point loads to columns or walls below. It is not a fast method of construction as formwork tends to be labour intensive.
Band beam and slab

Points to Note
This is a very common form of construction and as such is well covered in standard codes and guidance. Beams can be designed as either L or T beams using the slab as a ange.

Speed on site
Slow and laborious on site due to time for formwork and xing reinforcement in the beams.

Mechanical and electrical services

Wide band beams can have less effect on the horizontal distribution of the M&E services than deep beams which tend to be more difcult to negotiate, particularly if spanning in both directions. Any holes put into the web of the beam to ease the passage of the services must be coordinated. Vertical distribution of services can be located anywhere in the slab zone, but holes through beams need to be designed into the structure at an early stage.

The formwork tends not to be reused. Beam reinforcement can be prefabricated and craned into place. Slabs tend to be lightly reinforced and can normally be reinforced with standard mesh.

Deep beam and slab

Lead times
Fast lead times as formwork tends to be made on site.

Health and safety

Most of the work is undertaken on site; therefore care is needed with all operations. Formwork should include all guard rails.

All concrete frame contractors, and indeed general builders, are able to do this type of work.

Transfer structures Heavily loaded slabs Long spans unsuitable for at slabs

Flexibility Sound control Fire resistance Robustness Thermal mass

Concrete Framed Buildings


Post-tensioned (PT) slabs are typically at slabs, band beam and slabs or ribbed slabs. PT slabs offer the thinnest slab type, as concrete is worked to its strengths, mostly being kept in compression. Longer spans can be achieved due to prestress, which can be used to counteract deections. Post-tensioning can use bonded or unbonded systems. Currently the most common type is bonded. Bonded systems have tendons that run typically in at ducts, grouted up after the tendons have been taken to full prestress. Bonded systems do not rely on the anchorages after the ducts have been grouted, with the prestress locked into the slab even if a tendon is inadvertently cut. Unbonded systems have tendons that run in a small protective sheath. Unbonded systems are more exible, with no need for a separate grouting stage. Normal reinforcement is required wherever prestress is not present. This includes the edges of the slab and in any closure or inll strips. It is also needed at anchorages, where there are large bursting stresses due to high local forces. Normal reinforcement is also needed in unbonded systems for the ultimate load case. In bonded systems, this ultimate load case can be resisted partially or fully by the bonded strands. Around column heads shear and bending reinforcement is required for both bonded and unbonded slabs. There are a number of computer programs available for the design of post-tensioned slabs. They cover the design of the tendons, and any normal reinforcement.



Commercial Hospitals Car parks Residential Long spans


Closure strip

Cost Speed Reduced material use Sound control Robustness Thermal mass Minimal deliveries Fire resistance

Concrete Framed Buildings


Points to Note
For at slabs, design tends to be based on limiting punching shear or deection. Post-tensioning should not be between two stiff points, e.g. cores, as the tension cannot be mobilised in the slab without pulling the stiff points together (or cracking the slab). Cores should be placed in the centre of the building. If this is not possible, closure strips should be used, and concreted after the posttensioning has been carried out. Design should be carried out to BS 8110 or Eurocode 2 for which guidance is available in The Concrete Society Report TR43 [9].

Procurement of post-tensioned frames is done via a concrete frame contractor, who may well employ a specialist sub-contractor. All major frame contractors can provide post-tensioned frames. For a listing of CONSTRUCT [8] members visit www.construct.org.uk Procurement can be with a full design prepared by the designer or with a performance specication suitable for a subconsultant to the frame contractor to be able to carry out the design. The performance specication should include: Floor and beam sizes (if critical) Design loads Hole locations Restraint locations The designer and specialist post-tensioning designer should agree a design responsibility matrix, to ensure that all parts of the design are covered.

Speed on site
Post-tensioned slabs tend to be faster on site than reinforced concrete slabs due to the reduction in steel xing required and the reduction in the volume of concrete. Formwork can also be struck earlier.

Mechanical and electrical services

Holes for the vertical distribution of services can be provided without a problem between the tendons. If the required hole is too large to t between them, the tendons can either be displaced around the holes or anchored at the edge of the hole.

Health and safety

Post tensioned slabs are not an unexploded bomb. If cut inadvertently the tendons do not whip out of the protective sheath or duct. In particular, the bonded systems, when grouted, are as safe as normal reinforcement. Alterations can be achieved in bonded systems by back propping the span affected and cutting the ducts as necessary. Often no strengthening will be required, unless the new void is at a critical section. Alterations can be achieved in unbonded systems by backpropping all the spans affected by the tendon(s) to be cut. The cut tendons can then be restressed against newly formed anchorages. For a bonded system post-tensioned slabs can be demolished by normal methods. For an unbonded system, the slab should be backpropped, the anchors broken open and the tendons destressed before the slab is demolished.

Contractors should be aware of the need to protect ducts and tendons from damage prior to concreting. The tensioning jack needs to have a working space of approximately one metre. If the site is constricted it may be necessary to have a normally reinforced strip around the edge of the slab and prestress via a stressing pan. Stressing pan to provide top access to post-tensioning strands.

Lead times
Lead times depend on the method of procurement. If the design is by the main designer, procurement is only slightly longer than for normal reinforced concrete. If the design of the post-tensioned slabs is by a specialist, lead in time should reect work to be done before start on site.

Cost/whole life cost/value

Post-tensioned slabs can be cheaper than the equivalent RC frame, particularly for spans exceeding 7.5m/8m.

A bonded post-tensioned slab just prior to the concrete being placed. Note the minimal amount of reinforcement required.

Concrete Framed Buildings


All: particularly suited to ofces bespoke and speculative Schools Car parks Retail Sports stadia


Hybrid Concrete Construction (HCC) makes use of precast and insitu concrete together, combining the benets of both to give a robust, durable construction which is fast on site, with an excellent nish. There are many different forms of HCC as different parts of the structure can be precast. Further information can be found in The Concrete Centres Hybrid Concrete Construction [10].
Option 1 Precast twin wall and lattice girder slab with insitu inll and topping. Option 2 Precast columns and edge beams with insitu oor slab

Cost Speed Accuracy for prefabricated elements Sound control Fire resistance Robustness Thermal mass Durability High quality nishes Safety

Option 3 Precast columns and oor units with cast insitu beams

Option 4 Cast insitu columns and beams with precast oor units

Option 5 Cast insitu columns and oor topping with precast beams and oor units

Key Precast Insitu

Concrete Framed Buildings


Points to Note
HCC can be designed as a normal reinforced concrete building, with full composite action between insitu and precast elements. The construction phase needs to be designed, as one of the load cases is normally precast concrete elements supporting the weight of wet insitu concrete. An additional stage may be considered if de-propping happens before the insitu concrete develops its design strength. Precast elements should be repetitive, as mould costs are a signicant factor. For non-standard areas, insitu concrete could be used instead, or layout altered to allow a standard form.

Cost/whole life cost/value

Initial HCC costs vary, depending on quality of nish required and the extent of repetition of precast units. HCC can provide the best value building, as the procurement process should allow for cooperation between parties to provide best value for clients requirements.

Speed on site
One of the main benets of HCC is speed. A recent project constructed 4200m2 in an eleven day cycle, with three cranes, using insitu concrete for vertical elements and oor toppings, and precast beams and slabs.

Full coordination of the services through the building needs to take place early in the design process, as they need to be incorporated into precast elements. Also items frequently sorted out on site must be resolved before the project gets to site, allowing faster and safer construction.

Mechanical and electrical services

M&E services can be integrated into precast elements, and need to be fully coordinated. Thermal mass can be used to reduce energy consumption of the building in comparison to other similar sized buildings.

Lead times
Depending on the precast elements of the construction up to twenty weeks lead in time can be necessary. However rapid progress of insitu elements can be made, with substructure often completed in this period. The design should be fully coordinated prior to the precast elements being manufactured if coordination affects the precast elements.

Health and safety

HCC is a modern method of construction (MMC), with much work done in the factory, where activities are easier to control. Where precast slab units are used (the majority of cases) the working platform is provided by the slab, giving less danger of a fall from height.

Since a standardised layout allows the full benets to be realised, use of HCC should be considered from design concept stage. A lead frame contractor (usually a concrete frame contractor) should be appointed early together with specialist supplier(s) of the precast elements. This will provide the best advice to the design team and hence the best nished building. The Home Ofce Project used hybrid concrete construction to achieve a oor cycle time of 4200m2 in eleven days. Courtesy of Pell Frischmann.

Concrete Framed Buildings


Precast concrete can form all types of structures, from cellular type construction such as crosswall where wall and slabs are precast, to stick frame construction with columns, beams and slabs. Precast concrete is particularly suited to uses where either speed on site or a ne fair faced concrete nish is required. A high degree of repetition is advisable, as the cost of the mould required for each element reduces the more the mould is used.
Crosswall is generally associated with cellular and orthogonal grids but there is scope for other geometries [11] Precast

Crosswall[11] is suited to repetitive accommodation on orthogonal grids, and some degree of complexity can be achieved. Rooms of up to approximately 4m x 9m are standard. Precast concrete can also be used as elements within a building. For instance, precast footings or stairs can be used whether the main frame is precast concrete or not.

Residential Hotels Car parks Shopping centres Commercial Student accommodation Prisons

Speed Accuracy for prefabricated elements Sound control Fire resistance Robustness Thermal mass Durable nishes Safety Reduced risk Minimal deliveries

The use of precast concrete at the Gloucester Docks project meant that the car park element of the project was erected in just seven weeks. The car park is a 15.6m clear span with a circular ramp structure at each end. Courtesy of Composite.

Concrete Framed Buildings


Points to Note
Grids and layouts should be as repetitive as possible. Precasters can give advice at an early stage to achieve the most economic layouts. Precast concrete is normally manufactured from high strength concrete and the design can take advantage of this. Junctions between the precast elements need to be designed. The specialist subcontractor can either do this, or give guidance to the designer. Code requirements to protect against progressive collapse are fully met by use of tie bars through junctions, bolted details or proprietary jointing systems. Load bearing precast concrete cladding can also be used as a precast frame ensuring the building becomes weather tight as quickly as possible, allowing nishing works to start early.

The trade association, British Precast and its specialist body the Structural Precast Association (SPA) holds lists of specialist precast subcontractors and their specialities. Some standard precast frames, such as those for car parks, are frequently procured as a turn-key project where the design, detailing and erection are carried out by the specialist precaster.

Mechanical and electrical services

Mechanical services can be integrated into precast elements through such elements as Thermocast* and TermoDeck **. These systems pass heating or cooling through precast concrete oor slabs, allowing the thermal mass of the concrete to act as a storage heater or cooler. The precast option should be integrated into the design at concept stage to allow the full benets of servicing the building to be realised. Using the thermal mass of the building reduces both service requirements and size of plant. Electrical services can be integrated into the design of precast elements as conduits can be cast into the elements in the factory.

Cost/whole life cost/value

With the use of durable nished concrete, maintenance for precast concrete buildings is kept to a minimum, providing excellent value for the whole life costs. The thermal mass of the building can be used as long as it is exposed (eg, if suspended ceilings are not provided) so that the long term costs of heating and cooling the building are reduced.

Health and safety

As the fabrication of the precast elements takes place in a factory setting, health and safety factors on site are much reduced.

The use of precast can be helpful on a tight site provided access is not a problem. Precast elements can be craned into place from a lorry, eliminating any need for storage areas for reinforcement or shutters. Coordination between the specialist subcontractor and other subcontractors is vital to ensure the best is achieved from precast. The specialist subcontractor should be appointed as soon as possible to enable both coordination and buildability aspects to be fully integrated into the precast design. Some insitu stitching is required at joints, but normally only involves grouting up connections. The size of the largest piece of precast concrete normally dictates the size of the crane, so similar weight elements should be used if possible. The contractor should beware of the largest lift requiring the largest reach.

Speed on site
Precast concrete frames are very quick to erect on site. Speed is one of the main benets of using precast concrete.




Raised floor Top flange

Raised floor surface Polybuthylen Pipework 150 50 150 Horizontal ceiling surface Horizontal floor surface Downstand Angled ceiling surface @ 73 Horizontal Downstairs surface


Lead times
Lead times are approximately four months for structural precast frames. This includes preparing all drawings for product manufacture and coordinating with other subcontractors. Lead times for simple standard elements, such as stair ights or hollowcore slabs, are signicantly less.


* - Thermocast is an option where hot or cold water can be passed through the precast slab elements to heat or cool the building. ** - Termodeck uses a similar principle but is based on air passing through the longitudinal voids in the hollowcore slabs.

Concrete Framed Buildings


Tunnel form is a formwork system used to form cellular structures. The system has been recognised as a modern method of construction, and has excellent productivity and quality benets. The system consists of half tunnel forms which, when tted together, form the full tunnel. The system also has gable end forms and stripping platforms. Tunnels are formed by pouring the walls and slab together. This is done on a 24 hour cycle, achieving fast cycle times. The formwork from the previous days pour is struck rst thing in the morning, as soon as the strength of the concrete has been checked, reaching at least 15N/mm2 cube strength. The forms are easily struck by a simple set of handles. Wheels on the forms are then lowered, and the formwork lifted out of the tunnel by a lifting triangle attached to the crane. The forms are then lifted into position for the next pour, the reinforcement xed and the concrete poured that same day. Accuracy is maintained by the use of cruciforms. These t into the top of the wall forms to provide an accurate line for the formwork for the walls above. This means that accuracies of 3mm are achieved for room sizes. Tunnels can be between 8 11m long and 2.4 6.8m width. Wider tunnels can be formed with the use of a table form between the two half tunnels, but this slows down the process. Tunnel form buildings have been built up to 40 storeys high, but can also be used for low rise housing, for example, on the Nightingale Estate in Hackney, London, three storey houses were constructed using the system. Tunnel form for low rise construction is widely used across mainland Europe.

Tunnel form

Residential Housing Hotel Hostel Student accommodation Prisons

Cost Speed Accuracy for prefabricated elements Sound control Fire resistance Robustness Thermal mass Durable nishes Safety Reduced risk Minimal deliveries

Day two of a three day cycle for the oor plate. The tunnels are struck, moved and poured in a daily cycle. Note: The walls can be used to span between column supports on a lower level.

Concrete Framed Buildings


Points to Note
Tunnel forms need sufcient free space next to the building to be swung out, so the designer should check if the crane is allowed to oversail the site boundary. The project should be designed for the system from the early design stages, to bring the most benet in terms of speed and economy. Tunnel form is particularly economical for projects of over 100 cellular units. On any project it is advisable to limit the number of different widths to four. This can be achieved on site by having a different ap attached to each half tunnel form that can be put into position or not.

Cost/whole life cost/value

With accuracies of 3mm on the position of walls, tting and replacement of standard furniture or carpets is straightforward. In fact, one hotel chain species the use of tunnel form for new hotels on the basis of standardising carpet widths. As carpets are replaced every three years, not needing to cut carpets to t saves money each time. Tunnel form also gives very good quality nishes, requiring only a skim coat of plaster to nish the walls. This means that the thermal mass of the building can be used to reduce the heating and cooling requirements, reducing both energy costs and initial mechanical servicing costs.

The formwork supplier will help train the contractors labour force in the early stages of the construction to achieve the 24 hour cycle. The system requires a gang of 9 workmen, plus dedicated use of the crane. As a known volume of concrete is poured daily at the same time, producers can provide the concrete at the right time, causing little wastage.

Speed on site
Speeds of 300m2 of oor per day are typical for tunnel form. This allows up to 8 bedrooms to be constructed per day.

Mechanical and electrical services

Electrical services can be built into walls and oors provided services have been coordinated prior to the concrete construction. Chases into the wall are not needed, saving time on site. Large holes in the slab for mechanical services are easily accommodated in the one-way spanning oor slabs.

Lead times
Many concrete frame contractors have their own tunnel formwork, while others hire formwork for the project. Reinforcement is normally standard mesh, which is readily available.

Health and safety

The formwork system includes all standard health and safety features, including guard rails. The repetitive nature of the work ensures that site operatives are familiar with health and safety features. For further information on Tunnel form systems and their uses see Tunnel form [3].

The concrete frame contractor should be involved early in the design process to ensure that tunnel form can be used most efciently.

The Abito housing development in Salford, Manchester used tunnel form and precast concrete bathroom pods to provide a robust and fast construction.

Concrete Framed Buildings


Self compacting concrete was used at the City and County Museum, Lincoln to achieve a fair faced nish. Courtesy of Panter Hudspith.


In todays modern world of concrete, performance parameters are no longer solely restricted to the materials 28 day compressive strength. Often, concretes other properties take priority in mix design over and above compressive strength. These can include: High ultimate strengths (>70 N/mm )

High Performance Concretes

There are no denitive rules for the design of high performance concretes (HPCs) but, generally speaking, they usually contain low water contents and relatively high powder contents. For example, the high-rise pumping of concrete will require mix designs containing an excess volume of paste, with low water and air contents. Until recent years, superplasticisers did not exhibit sufcient water reduction capabilities and mixes often had to contain very high levels of Portland cement. The development of polycarboxylate based admixtures has signicantly changed this, enabling the boundaries of HPCs to be expanded. Cement replacement materials, such as pulverised fuel ash (pfa) and ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbs) have been used in concretes for a long time, and their inclusion is nearly always required in HPCs. Other ultra-ne materials are frequently included, such as microsilica and limestone powder, to provide ternary and even quaternary blends of powder content. It should be stressed that HPCs of good and consistent quality are best produced in wet-batch, pan mixer type plants. The consistency of HPCs are generally of a high workability and ow, enabling faster and easier pumping and placement of the concrete, reducing labour and producing better off-form nishes.

High early strengths Controlled low strength High elastic modulus High tensile strength High density Low creep and shrinkage Low heat of hydration Pumpability Constructability and placeability Durability/Serviceability - Water, chloride and oxygen diffusion - Sulfate and aggressive chemical attack - Abrasion resistance - Freeze-thaw resistance - Resistance to high intensity re and extremes of temperature One or several of these performance parameters may be specied by the concrete structures designer. Durability and serviceability are the most frequently specied criteria. Most standards and codes of practice contain minimum performance levels. However, in todays high-rise concrete frame sector, pumpability and constructability are often controlling parameters which determine mix design.

Benets of high performance concretes

For Benets Less maintenance Longer service life More durable Smaller column sizes Use of higher strength concrete More efcient use of concrete Better nishes Faster placement of concrete Earlier stripping of formwork Reduced labour Less making good

Building Owner



Concrete Framed Buildings



Flowing concretes rst appeared in the 1970s, with the advent of the rst generation of superplasticisers, based upon melamine formaldehydes. Unfortunately, these types of admixtures could only maintain high slumps for a relatively short period of time, generally 20-30 minutes. Consequently, the use of owing concrete was mostly restricted to the precast sector. The 1980s saw a second generation of superplasticisers, with a third generation, based upon polycarboxylate technology and developed in Japan, introduced in the 1990s. These powerful admixtures enable the consistent production of owing concrete by ready-mix producers for supply to projects. In recent years, major projects such as the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and Canary Wharf have extensively used owing concretes in their construction. The development of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) commenced in Japan in the late 1980s. SCC is a natural progression of the concept of owing concrete. SCC requires no vibration. It will ow under its own momentum for horizontal distances of between 10 and 15 metres. With a high content of llers derived from waste materials (pfa, ggbs, microsilica, limestone powder and/or granite powder, etc.) and no need for vibration, it is more benecial than conventional concrete from the aspects of health, safety and the environment. Flowing concretes and SCCs generally have high slumps (>220 mm) and spread ows (>600 mm).

Self-compacting concrete
SCC contains relatively high powder contents. This is required to eliminate bleed (segregation) of the concrete and maintain its cohesion. Powder (or binder) contents are usually of the order 500 to 550 kg/m3, with sand contents between 48 and 55%. Binary, ternary and even quaternary blends of Portland cement (CEM I) and ller materials comprise the binder content. It is possible, with judicious mix design, to produce SCCs of up to 100 N/mm2 characteristic cube strength that contain less than 400 kg/m3 of CEM I. Water contents are normally within the range of 170 to 190 litres/m3. Coarse aggregate sizes may be up to 20 mm maximum, although the optimum is 10 to 14 mm. A polycarboxylate superplasticiser is normally included in the mix. A second admixture (a viscosity modier) is frequently added to improve cohesion and reduce bleed. When placing SCCs, remember that the material should not be allowed to free-fall, since this will

entrap air in the concrete which will not expel itself and, consequently, leave unsightly blemishes on struck surfaces. Similarly, when casting walls or columns with SCC, best results are obtained when the material is pumped through the bottom of the forms and not allowed to drop through the reinforcement. The unformed surface can only accept a brushed nish, not a power oated nish. For more information on SCC technology visit www.efnarc.org.

Cost Benets Analysis

The costs of mix designs of owing concrete are approximately 10% higher, and SCCs are approximately 20 to 50% higher in cost, than those of concretes with identical strength and an S2 or S3 consistency (50 to 150 mm slump). The true costs of using either owing concrete or SCC in a structure can only be quantied by adopting a holistic approach to estimating and costing.

Cost benet analysis

Possible Cost Increases 1. Cost of concrete/m

Possible Cost Savings 1. Faster pumping and placing of concrete 2. Earlier nishing of concrete 3. Signicant reduction in labour to place concrete 4. Elimination (for SCCs) or reduced use (for owing concretes) of vibrators and resultant site noise pollution No HSE problems with vibration 5. Better off-form nishes 6. Less wear and tear on concrete pumps 7. Higher early strengths, reducing stripping time and increasing productivity 8. Higher ultimate strengths, possibly enabling more efcient structural design and hence more lettable oor area for the client

Flowing concretes
In order to maintain cohesion and reduce bleed, sand contents of between 45 and 50% (dependent upon sand gradings) are incorporated into the mix. Powder contents are normally > 380 kg/m3 and often include replacement materials such as pfa or ggbs in order to reduce the cost of the powder component and, in the case of pfa, to further improve mix cohesion. Relatively low water contents are required, achieved by including a polycarboxylate based superplasticiser, which also imparts the required high workability. A benet accruing from using this type of admixture is the high water reduction capability, which enables high strength owing concretes to be designed at moderate cement contents. e.g., a C40/50 strength class owing concrete can be designed with only 380 kg/m3 of cement.

2. Improvement of formwork jointing to prevent grout loss (not an issue when using proprietary formwork systems) 3. Possible stiffening of some formwork to resist formwork pressure (not usually an issue)

Concrete Framed Buildings


The Spinnaker tower in Portsmouth was constructed using slipform construction.

Courtesy of LUSAS.


Slipform and jumpform techniques are fast and efcient systems for constructing cores and shafts in high rise structures. The concrete requirements of the systems are, however, quite different from each other.

Concrete for Jump form Construction

From the point of view of both contractor and concrete supplier, concrete for jump form construction is much simpler than for slipforming. In jump form construction, oor heights of cores are cast in a single operation. Forms are then independently raised to the next level and xed by an anchoring system to the previously cast level of concrete below. Because of the need to x the formwork support to concrete that has only been cast the previous day, high early age strength (15 N/mm2 at 15 hours) is required. This is normally achieved by the use of additions in the concrete.

Concrete for Slipform Construction

In slipform construction, the platform of formwork is continuously raised by hydraulic jacks, at a rate of approximately 300mm per hour, with fresh concrete being placed in even layers into the forms. A continuous supply of concrete is required, uid enough for rapid placement. Open time must be sufcient for adjoining layers to meld together and then undergo a relatively speedy combination of aggregate locking and stiffening, in order to allow forms to be raised without bulging or tearing the concrete. Factors that affect the execution of slipform construction are primarily related to heat generation and absorption within the structure. These are: Variations in ambient temperature over the casting cycle and the seasons The heat of hydration of previously poured, underlying layers, which accelerates the setting times of the freshly placed concrete above Thermal gradients within the structure, caused by varying wall thicknesses Thermal gradients within the structure, caused by solar radiation (south facing walls of a project get hotter than north facing ones) Thermal gradients within the structure, created by openings in the walls for lift shaft and stairwell access. From the above, it may be seen that the supplier of concrete to a slipform project will have to be able to supply concretes of the required characteristic strength but with a very wide range of setting times. This spectrum of mix designs can range from a plain CEM I, with no retarding admixtures, to a concrete with high levels of cement replacement (pfa or ggbs) with retarder levels of several hours. Selecting the type of concrete used during various stages of the pour should be done by the contractor. Coarse aggregate should preferably be of the crushed rock type, to provide better aggregate locking characteristics.

Concrete for Tunnel form Construction

Tunnel form construction relies on quick strength gain to achieve the early striking times required. To achieve strengths of 15N/mm2 at 14 hours, it is normally necessary to specify a concrete that will achieve an ultimate strength of C40/50. This can be used in the design.

Concrete for High Rise Construction

In order to be pumped up to a high level, normal concretes need modifying with superplasticisers and higher powder contents. This normally leads to higher strength concretes being produced, just to provide a pumpable mix. If this is the case, the designer can use the high strengths (C40/50 and above) within the design to achieve the most economical design. When used in columns this will result in more lettable, or useable oor space.

Concrete Framed Buildings



Early strength assessment on site is vital for many modern methods of concrete construction outlined in this publication. The contractor needs to know when formwork can be struck or when post-tensioning can be stressed. Concrete cubes are normally used for this, but are not ideal, as the curing rate in the cube will be different to that in the main pour. Maturity meters, which measure the concrete in the pour, are now a more accurate method for determining the early-age strength of concrete.

The benets obtained from being able to accurately assess the early age insitu strength of a structural member are very signicant in concrete frame construction. These are: Earlier removal of formwork and propping Earlier post-tensioning of slabs Faster construction cycles Elimination of early age cube testing Earlier removal of forms in jump form and tunnel form construction Reduced costs of concrete testing Faster project completion In the past few years, the use of maturity meters in concrete pavement construction in the USA has shown that roads can be opened more quickly after construction than previously possible. This technology is now being applied to modern concrete frame construction.

Maturity meters
Rudimentary maturity meters, trialled in the 1950s, did not gain acceptance. Other systems for monitoring early age strength were subsequently developed, such as temperature matched curing and pull-out tests. The widespread use of computers in the late 1980s and the development of microprocessors led to a resurgence of interest in maturity meters. These comprise thermocouple or thermistor sensors embedded into freshly placed concrete to monitor the materials insitu temperature history. The data is then transferred, either by wires or more recently developed Radio Frequency Identication (i.e. wireless), to a data logger or hand held palmtop computer. A simple computer programme converts this data into a maturity value and, consequently, measurement of actual in-situ compressive strength. Prior to using maturity meters in a project, the actual concrete mixes to be used will have to be calibrated and tested under laboratory controlled conditions in order to produce a maturity curve for each mix (compressive strength vs maturity).

The concept of concrete maturity was rst dened in 1951: the maturity of concrete may be dened as its age multiplied by the average temperature above freezing that it has maintained. From this denition, a law of strength gain with maturity was developed concrete of the same mixture at the same maturity (temperature x time) has approximately the same strength, whatever combination of temperature and time goes to make up that maturity [17].

Concrete Framed Buildings


Sustainability has become one of societys major topics of discussion. It will continue to be a major issue in coming decades as we all come to terms with how human intervention is changing our planet, and what can be done to lessen our impact on the environment. The governments various reports encouraging sustainable development, while impacting on the construction industry, also demonstrate that sustainability is not just about environmental impact; it also encompasses economic and social impacts. The government is committed to reducing its CO2 emissions to 60% of 1990 levels by 2050. In the majority of cases CO2 emissions are directly related to energy consumption. Energy consumed in buildings accounted for 47% of the UKs total CO2 emissions in 2002. Ninety percent of the total energy used in buildings is from their operation, be it lighting, heating, cooling or heating water. The rest, referred to as embodied energy, represents energy used to make the buildings fabric, typically written off over a 60-year life-span. Concrete has relatively low embodied energy and strategies are in place to reduce it further. But designing buildings to reduce operational energy is generally the best strategy. The appropriate use of concrete can empower project teams to meet and exceed clients expectations on sustainability. For background information on the sustainability credentials of concrete and cement please refer to the guide published by The Concrete Centre [13].

Sustainability during Construction

Concrete is the ultimate local material. Material supply is UK based, we are to all intents and purposes self sufcient in the raw materials needed to produce concrete: 99.9% of all aggregates used in the UK are UK in origin 90% of Ordinary Portland Cement produced in the UK (10% imported due to international companies) 100% of UK reinforcement bar is produced from scrap steel 100% admixtures produced in UK 100% pfa produced in the UK 90% ggbs produced in the UK Typically, raw materials for concrete are sourced locally to the concrete producers plant, and plants are local to the construction site. This: Signicantly reduces transportation environmental, economic and social impacts 80% of all aggregates are used within 30 miles of extraction Supports local economy Supports local jobs Does not transport environmental impacts to other countries that may have lower levels of environmental protection legislation Concrete production also uses materials that would otherwise be sent to landll: Blended concretes use pfa and ggbs, by-products of other industries

Sustainability in Use
Concrete can help reduce a buildings operational energy requirements, primarily through the exploitation of thermal mass, thus making more sustainable buildings.

Thermal mass
Heavy weight buildings such as concrete can reduce energy consumption by several times, depending on the design. The frames thermal mass can store energy (fabric energy storage FES) either in the winter reducing the need for heating, or in the summer reducing the need for cooling. This technology has been used for hundreds of years in hotter climates, but it seems to have been forgotten by our hi-tech society.

Fabric Energy Storage (FES)

Inside buildings, heat is generated by people, computers, electrical equipment, lighting and solar gain. Thus some buildings, especially ofces, overheat during the warmer months and this is usually counteracted by the use of air-conditioning. Climate change forecasts now suggest that residential buildings will suffer similarly over the coming century, unless design strategies, including greater mass construction, are adopted. Concrete buildings have a high level of thermal mass, especially in the oors. Exposing softs provides FES, absorbing heat during the day and releasing it at night, reducing temperature uctuations within a building. Daytime internal temperatures can be reduced by 3 to 4C, delaying peak temperature rise by up to 6 hours, when most occupants have left. This smoothing effect can reduce the loads placed on a mechanical cooling system or even eliminate it. Compared with conventional airconditioning, using the thermal mass of concrete for an ofce can reduce carbon emissions by up to 50%.

Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Cement kilns are using alternative fuels such as scrap tyres, animal waste and packaging waste Cement makers have taken government targets to reduce CO2 emissions seriously. An extensive investment programme by the UK cement industry is further improving environmental performance and efciency, e.g. one new kiln has replaced three older and less efcient kilns. The cement industry has set itself the target of reducing energy consumed per tonne of cement produced by 26% from 1990 levels by 2010, and is on target to achieve this. As 35% of the UKs landll comes from construction waste, the construction industry as a whole needs to become tighter in its design and construction. There are various methods to achieve this with concrete construction. Forms of construction outlined in this publication all reduce both use of materials and particularly construction waste.

Concrete Framed Buildings


An Arup study commissioned by the DTI predicted daily average maximum temperature rises of up to 5.8C due to climate change, with many existing ofce buildings and dwellings predicted to overheat by the middle of this century. Building Regulation changes, reducing carbon emissions by 25-30% will incur penalties on overheating and air-conditioning. Fortunately, high thermal mass oors with night cooling, and measures to minimise solar gains to many concrete buildings, will provide cost-effective, sustainable options, reducing requirements for energy intensive, high maintenance air-conditioning, giving signicant future proong against climate change. Sustainable high-mass ofces have proven their performance in the owner occupier market, often prestigious HQ buildings, by using natural and mixed mode ventilation with exposed softs to maximise the use of natural fabric energy storage. Characteristics include aesthetically coffered or shaped softs, adding up to 25% extra FES efciency, and aiding natural lighting, structural and acoustic performance. These buildings are well liked by their occupants, while their sustainable design adds to the public image of the company. Generally, exposed at softs and natural ventilation at night can effectively off-set heat gains of 20W/m2, or 25W/m2 for normal coffered slabs, helping daylight penetration and reducing unwanted heat from lights. The soft nish is typically excellent, while savings in suspended ceilings and reduced air handling plant can result. For more information on the use of thermal mass in the design of buildings see our publication Thermal Mass - Concrete solutions for changing climate [12].

Healthy working and living environment

Buildings should be safe, pleasant and healthy places in which to live and work. Concrete is inert; it does not give off any chemicals or gases; it has no need of toxic preservatives, nor does it need additional corrosion or re protection. Research conrms that concrete with natural ventilation is an excellent strategy to help reduce Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) [13]. The look and feel of a well-designed and aesthetically pleasing building is known to affect the mood, well-being and performance of users, and project a positive image for organisations. Uplifting architecture, often involving the use of exciting, structurally efcient exposed softs, columns and walls, can all add to a buildings character and ambience. This avoids the need to develop articial architectural veneers that add to rst cost, maintenance and refurbishment. Sound pollution and nuisance is a major and growing problem, especially in residential buildings, with the trend for high density, high rise, hard ooring and noisy browneld locations. Independent testing has conrmed that the inherent mass of concrete means that, to meet Part E of the Building Regulations, additional nishes to walls and oors are minimised or even eliminated [14].

Sustainability at End of Life

Concrete can be part of a virtuous cycle, provided life-cycle impacts are considered from day one of the design stage. When a building, or part of a building, reaches the end of its functional life, the most effective solution is to refurbish. Failing that, value should be recovered through recycling or re-use of components. Only if there is no other alternative should disposal be considered. The good news is that, with concrete, there is no need for disposal almost everything can be recovered, including reinforcement, which can be returned to the scrap metal resource from which it was made. Once a concrete building has reached the end of its useful life, up to 95% of even the most heavily reinforced concrete can be recycled, commonly for use in road and runway sub-bases. Recycled aggregates accounted for almost a fth of the UKs aggregates supply in 2001 and that proportion is set to grow in the years to come. Reinforcement can be recycled and remade into new reinforcement. UK reinforcement is made from 100% scrap steel, with reinforcement further recycled at the end of its rst, second, third life etc. Aggregate abstraction can be used to create very attractive sites for wildlife. Over 700 of the UKs 4,000 SSSIs have their origins in quarries. Many are still maintained and supported by the quarry companies [15].

Concrete is inherently robust, capable of withstanding loads of up to 100 MPa. The US Federal study into the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, Washington DC, stated that this concrete buildings structural resilience provided vital resistance to its collapse. Concrete is inherently re resistant, and, unlike some other materials, normally requires no added re protection. This avoids the delays and disruptions of follow-on trades caused by site applied protection, or repair on site of damaged off-site applied protection. Concretes re protection is provided at no extra cost. The inherent re resistance results in concrete often performing in excess of design requirements for occupant safety. This over-performance benets the building owner as repairs and the period before re-use following a re is minimised, as are repairs to the structure.

RSPB Dungeness Reserve. This former quarry has been restored in an award-winning project. Courtesy of Hanson Aggregates.

Concrete Framed Buildings


The Beetham Tower, Holloway Circus in Birmingham used post-tensioned concrete at slabs to give a slim structural zone.

A concrete frame can improve the overall performance of your building. There are many forms of fast, efcient and effective concrete frames.
Flat slabs are a cost effective form of construction, providing at softs which will speed up follow-on trades such as M&E and internal partitions. Flat slabs are a slim form of construction, reducing the overall height of the building. Ribbed and wafe slabs are excellent for areas where vibration particularly needs to be controlled. Beams and slabs are a very exible common form of construction. Post-tensioning concrete increases its structural efciency, allowing it to span longer distances or reducing the depth of section required. Hybrid concrete construction is a fast form of construction, bringing together the nish quality of precast with the exibility and mouldability of insitu concrete. Precast concrete allows fast construction on site with minimal waste and provides excellent factory quality nishes requiring little or no nishing on site. Tunnel form is a formwork system which provides a fast and highly robust construction. It is particularly useful for residential structures, including hotels and student hostels. New high performance concretes have been developed over the past few years which can bring benets to the building owner, the designer and the contractor. High performance concretes tend to be more durable and easy to lay. Concrete producers can supply concretes to meet the requirements of all the construction forms presented in this publication. Concrete is a local product, with low embodied energy, and is fully recyclable at the end of its life. Concrete is durable and requires little or no maintenance. It does not burn and is not susceptible to rot. Concretes thermal mass can be used to reduce dramatically the energy required to heat or cool a building, leading to lower operational costs.

Concrete Framed Buildings


To download or access many of these publications visit www.concretecentre.com/publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Economic Concrete Frame Elements -a handbook for the rapid sizing of concrete frames, 97.358, British Cement Association, 1997. Commercial Buildings Cost Model Study, CCIP 010, The Concrete Centre, 2006 High Performance Buildings: Using Tunnel form Concrete Construction, TCC/04/02, The Concrete Centre, 2005. Visit www.concretecentre.com/publications Hospital Floor Vibration Study, Comparison of Hospital Floor Structures with respect to NHS Vibration Criteria, Study commissioned by The Concrete Centre, 2004 Concept - an invaluable design tool for the conceptual design of reinforced concrete frames, TCC/03/012, The Concrete Centre, 2004 Kennedy G, Goodchild C H, Practical Yield Line: Applied Yield Line Theory, TCC/03/03, The Concrete Centre, 2004 Brooker O, How to Design Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs Using Finite Element Analysis, TCC/03/027, The Concrete Centre, 2006 CONSTRUCT visit www.construct.org.uk Post-tensioned Concrete Floors: Design Handbook, TR43, The Concrete Society, 2005

10. Hybrid Concrete Construction: Combining precast and insitu concrete for better value structural frames, TCC/03/010, The Concrete Centre, 2005 11. High Performance Buildings; Using Crosswall Construction, TCC/03/026, The Concrete Centre, 2006 12. Thermal Mass: A concrete solution for the changing climate, TCC/05/05,The Concrete Centre, 2005. 13. Sustainable Concrete: The Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability Credentials of Concrete, TCC/05/03, The Concrete Centre, 2006 14. Concrete and Sound Insulation: Meeting Approved Document E Requirements For New Build Residential Properties, TCC/04/03, The Concrete Centre, 2006 15. Quarry Products Association (QPA) - visit www.qpa.org 16. Rationalisation of at slab reinforcement, 97.506, British Cement Association, 2000 17. Saul AGA, Principles underlying the steam curing of concrete at atmospheric temperature, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol.2, No.6, 1951

The entire concrete and cement industry in your ofce

The Concrete Centre provides continuing professional development at your ngertips. A wide range of presentations, all of which are CPD-certied with approved learning outcomes, are free of charge and can be delivered in your ofce by our expert team of regional engineers.

For more information visit www.concretecentre.com/cpd

If you have a general enquiry relating to the design, use and performance of cement and concrete please contact our national helpline.

Advice is free and available Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. Call 0845 812 0000 Email helpline@concretecentre.com


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Putney Wharf, Battersea Bridge, London. Courtesy of Stephensons.

The Concrete Centre, Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park, Station Approach, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AB Free National Helpline 0845 812 0000

Ref. TCC/03/024 ISBN 1-904818-40-4 First published 2006 The Concrete Centre 2006
All advice or information from The Concrete Centre is intended for those who will evaluate the signicance and limitations of its contents and take responsibility for its use and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from such advice or information is accepted. Readers should note that all the Concrete Centre publications are subject to revision from time to time and should therefore ensure that they are in possession of the latest version.


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