BOD Procedure
BOD Procedure
BOD Procedure
5-Day BOD Technique Reference: Standard Methods,, Procedure 5210 B BOD Analysis: Curses and Cures. 1984. SLOH Apparatus: 1. 300 ml BOD bottles 2. 2 - 5 liter glass bottle with siphon . Avoid using detergents to clean these bottles. Periodically clean with bleach water. 3. 20 1C incubator 4. DO meter 5. Buret Nutrient Solutions: 1. Phosphate buffer: Dissolve 8.5 g KH2P04, 21.75 g K2HP04, 33.4 g Na2HP047H20, and 1.7 g NH4Cl in approx. 500 ml reagent water. Dilute to 1 L. The pH should be 7.2. Store in 4 C refrigerator. Check before each use for contamination (if there is any indication of biological/microbial growth, discard remaining reagent and prepare fresh). 2. Magnesium sulfate solution: Dissolve 22.5 g MgSO47H20 in reagent water. Dilute to 1 L. 3. Calcium chloride solution: Dissolve 27.5 g CaCl 2 in reagent water. Dilute to 1 L. 4. Ferric Chloride solution: Dissolve 0.25 g FeCl36H20 in reagent water. Dilute to 1 L. Preparation of Sample: If any type of chlorination process is employed during treatment, final effluent samples are initially tested for the presence of residual chlorine. Residual chlorine can kill the microorganisms which are critical to measuring BOD. 000000001. The diluted sample used to determine BOD must have a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 . For municipal sewage or effluent, the pH range is generally between 5 - 9, but the buffering capacity of the phosphate buffer will often bring the pH of the diluted sample between 6.5 and 7.5. For unknown samples, check the pH of the dilution which uses the most sample to confirm that the dilutions lie in the proper pH range. As needed neutralize samples with 1N sulfuric acid or 1N sodium hydroxide. Do not dilute the sample with the acid or base by more than 0.5% (1.5 ml in a 300 ml BOD bottle). 2. 3. Test final effluent for residual chlorine. Dechlorination is required if a chlorine residual is present when testing is initiated. See Page BOD - 6. Samples supersaturated with dissolved oxygen, over about 8.6 mg/l at 20 C (and typical Wisconsin altitudes), may be encountered during winter months or in localities where algae are actively growing (lagoons). To prevent loss of oxygen during incubation of these samples, the DO should be reduced by shaking the sample or aerating it with filtered compressed air. These types of samples often have a high concentration of nitrifying organisms, which can lead to bias in BOD results. Nitrification inhibition can be performed, but a permit variance is required if inhibited BODs (CBOD5) are used for required permit reporting . Samples of untreated industrial wastes, disinfected wastes (final effluent), high temperature wastes, or wastes with extreme pH values may not contain enough microorganisms to oxidize the biodegradable matter in the samples. Such wastes should be seeded. See BOD Seeding Procedure on page BOD - 8 and 9.
Dilution Technique: 1. Estimate the B.O.D. of the sample and select suitable dilutions from the following tables: Estimated BOD5 (mg/L) < 5 < 10 10 - 30 30 - 60 60 - 90 Suggested Sample Volumes (mL) 200, 250, 300 100, 150, 200 25, 50, 100 15, 25, 50 10, 15, 25 Estimated BOD5 (mg/L) 90 - 150 150 - 300 300 - 700 700 - 1500 1500 - 2500 Suggested Sample Volumes (mL) 5, 10, 15 3, 5, 10 1, 3, 5 *** 0.5, 1, 3 *** 0.25, 0.5, 1 ***
BOD - 1
Standard Methods provides additional guidance as follows: use less than 3 mL for strong industrial wastes, 3-15 mL for raw and settled wastewater, and 15-75 mL for biologically treated effluent. When preparing replicate samples for quality control purposes, prepare the replicate at exactly the same dilutions as the original sample. See Helpful Hints #23 (September, 1992) for information regarding the preparation and calculation of BOD replicates. 2. Using a large-tipped, volumetric pipette - for samples less than 50 ml - or a graduated cylinder for larger sample volumes, measure the proper amount of well-mixed sample into thoroughly cleaned and rinsed 300 ml bottles. **** Dilutions under 3 mL must be made by diluting the waste in a graduated cylinder before pipetting . *** Dilution water may be prepared immediately before use, or, except for the addition of the phosphate buffer , days or weeks ahead of time. Add 1 ml or each nutrient solution per liter of dilution water. The phosphate buffer is the critical nutrient in stimulating contaminating growths so it must be added the day the water is to be used. Distilled water should be allowed to equilibrate in the incubator or with outside air for at least 24 hours at 20 C before use. To avoid dust or dirt contamination while allowing oxygenation, use a paper towel, cotton plug, or sponge to cover the bottle opening. Care is taken to ensure that dilution water is oxygen saturated. The use of aerator stones for this purpose should be discouraged as there is a tendency to develop growths which can prevent dilution water BOD criteria from being met. The best technique is to use compressed air which is passed through glass wool or a filter of some type to prevent the introduction of contaminants . 4. Each BOD bottle is filled by slowly adding sufficient dilution water so that the stopper can be inserted without leaving an air bubble but not so much that there is overflow. The siphon hose must be made of surgical gum (latex rubber), polypropylene or polyethylene to avoid introducing BOD into the dilution water. Tygon and black rubber can add oxygen demand to the water. When volumes of sample used exceed 150 ml, additional nutrients should be added to the sample bottle . Add an additional 0.1 mL of nutrients for each 50 mL of sample used in excess of 150 mL. For example, if the sample size is 200 ml, an additional 0.2 ml is required. 5. Completely fill two bottles with dilution water to be incubated as blanks. 6. Label each bottle carefully as to sample and volume used. RECORD ON BENCH SHEET.
Incubation and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Determinations: 1. Calibrate DO meter each day of use and check membrane on probe. Record the barometric pressure each day of analysis. This can be obtained from a barometer in the laboratory. Alternatively, barometric pressure readings can be obtained via the Internet, from a local radio or television news station, or from a local airport. Barometric pressure readings should not be corrected to sea level. NOTE: as a reference, typical barometric pressures range from about 29.6 to 30.3 inches (751.8 mm to 769.6 mm; 1002.36 to 1026.072 millibars) of mercury. Only under severe low pressure systems (seasonal storm systems, e.g., hurricanes or tornadic storms), does barometric pressure drop below 29.0 inches. 2. 3. Determine the DO of the two dilution water blanks and all sample bottles and record on data sheet as Initial DO. Place the samples and the 2 dilution water blanks in a 20 1C incubator for 5 days. Fill water seals with dilution water and cap to reduce evaporation from seals. Check daily, add water to seals if necessary. Due to the 5 day testing period, certain samples require that set-ups and run-outs of results be performed by different individuals . Before removing the caps, pour off the water above the cap. BOD - 2
After 5 days determine the DO of the two dilution water blanks and the sample bottles.
Calculations: In general, BOD5 values less than 2.0 mg DO/L should be reported on DMRs as non-detects ( i.e., < LOD). Using the data recorded for un-seeded samples: BOD mg/l = (Initial DO - DO5) x Dilution Factor Dilution Factor = Bottle Volume (300 ml) Sample Volume
Notes: 1. Blank BOD5. If the DO depletion in the dilution water blanks exceeds 0.2 mg/l, the results of the test are questionable. The results of samples which used the same dilution water the "high" blank should be qualified on the DMR. Do not subtract blank values from sample results. Dissolved oxygen values of the samples. Only dilutions with DO depletions of at least 2 mg/L, and DO5 of at least 1 mg/L may be used to calculate the sample's BOD. Average results from sample dilutions to calculate final sample BOD5. See page BOD - 9 for calculations appropriate for seeded samples
2. 3. 4.
If there is no evidence of toxic effects, average the results from all dilutions which meet the minimum oxygen depletion and minimum residual DO requirements. A toxic effect is indicated when BOD increases significantly as the sample dilution increases. This is often referred to as sliding BODs. Helpful Hints #17 (March, 1991) provides additional guidance for reporting results.
BOD - 3
Procedure: 1. Slowly siphon three portions of aerated dilution water into three separate BOD bottles. Avoid adding atmospheric O2 to dilution water. 2. 3. 4. To two of the three BOD bottles, add 1 ml MnS0 4 solution, followed by 1 ml alkali-iodide-azide reagent. Submerge pipette tips in sample when adding reagents. Rinse tips well between uses. Stopper carefully to exclude air bubbles; mix by inverting bottle several times. When precipitate has settled to about half the bottle volume, carefully remove the stopper and add 1.0 ml conc. sulfuric acid. Re-stopper and mix by gentle inversion until the iodine is uniformly distributed throughout the bottle. Transfer 203 ml of sample into a white 500 ml casserole dish and titrate with 0.0250N sodium thiosulfate to a pale straw color. Add 1-2 ml of starch solution and continue to titrate to first disappearance of the blue color. (200 ml of original dilution water is equal to 203 ml of dilution water plus reagents.)
6. Titrate two of the three samples. Results should be within 0.1 mL if using a buret with increments of 0.05 mL. Calibrate the DO probe with the third bottle.
BOD - 4
Theoretical Maximum Oxygen Solubility (mg/L) 10.084 9.870 9.665 9.467 9.276 9.092 8.915 8.743 8.578 8.418 8.263
BOD - 5
Starch Indicator Solution (For Analysis with Iodine) : Prepare an emulsion of 5 g soluble starch in a mortar or beaker with a small amount of distilled water. Pour this emulsion into 1 L of boiling water, allow to boil a few minutes, and let settle overnight. Use the clear supernate. This solution may be preserved by the addition of 1.25 g salicylic acid/L and storage at 4C.
Procedure: 1. Conduct a chlorine residual analysis on a portion of the sample collected . Potassium iodide/starch paper can be used as a quick qualitative test for residual chlorine . If no residual is found, proceed with the BOD analysis utilizing seeded dilution water. If a residual is found, proceed with the following steps before initiating the BOD test. Determination of Appropriate Volume of Sodium Sulfite a. b. c. d. e. f. 3. Obtain a 200 ml portion of the sample to be tested. Add 10 ml of 1+1 acetic acid solution Add 10 ml of potassium iodine solution Add 2 ml starch Titrate with 0.0250N sodium sulfite. The end point has been reached when a clear color persists after complete mixing. Measure volume of 0.0250N sodium sulfite used.
Sample Pretreatment a. b. c. d. Obtain another 200 ml portion of the same sample used in Step 2. Add to the sample the same volume of 0.0250N sodium sulfite solution that was determined in Step 2.e and mix. Retest for residual chlorine after allowing the sample to stand for 10-20 minutes. If no residual chlorine is present, proceed with the BOD analysis. Samples which have been chlorinated must be seeded.
BOD - 6
Procedure: 1. 2. Dry reagent grade glucose and glutamic acid at 103 C for 1 hour and cool for one hour in the desiccator. Dissolve 150 mg (0.150 g) of glucose and 150 mg (0.150 g) of glutamic acid in distilled water and bring up to 1 L.
Note:This solution will become contaminated quickly and must be used immediately unless the following is done. Place into each of several milk dilution bottles or capped test tubes the quantity of the GGA standard which is used in one day. Seal the bottles and sterilize them. These sterilized portions can then be cooled and stored at 4 C. When a known standard is run, 6 ml of GGA standard from one of the sealed/sterilized containers is added to each BOD5 bottle and the bottles are filled 3/4 full with dilution water. (This is critical! 198 30.5 mg Oxygen/L is based on a 2 % dilution of GGA (6 mL/300). It is important not to use multiple dilutions which use other than 6 mL). Seed is then added and the bottle is filled with dilution water. These bottles are incubated and BOD is determined similar to sample bottles.
The acceptable BOD5 value of the standard is 198 30.5 mg/l. If the calculated result falls outside this range the cause of the problem must be identified. Sample results obtained using the same seed or dilution water as the standard must be qualified. Once the problem is corrected another known should be set up immediately.
BOD - 7
Preparation of Seed Controls: Table 8 gives general directions for determining the amount of seed to add to seed controls and samples. 1. Take the incubated raw influent sample out of the incubator -- DO NOT MIX. 2. 3. 4. Pipet 3, 5, and 7 ml of the clear supernatant into three BOD bottles respectively. Use other volumes of supernatant based on the strength of your system. You MUST use at least two different dilutions. Fill these three bottles with BOD dilution water. Determine the initial dissolved oxygen on each of the three bottles.
Preparation of Seeded BOD Samples: 1. Fill the bottles approximately 1/3 - 1/2 with dilution water. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pipet 2 ml of the supernatant into each of the BOD sample bottles that will require seeding. Add the appropriate amount of sample to each of the bottles. Complete the filling of the BOD bottles with dilution water. Determine the initial dissolved oxygen (IDO) on each of the bottles.
Calculation of Seed Correction: 1. Determine the 5 day DO concentration on each of the seed controls. 2. 3. 4. Use the same rule for DO depletion as in all other BODs (at least 2.0 mg/L DO depletion and at least 1.0 mg/L residual DO (after 5 days) (Standard Methods, 18th edition)). If none of the bottles attain a proper depletion, adjust the amount of seed addition accordingly in subsequent tests. For each seed control dilution, the mg DO used per ml seed = (IDO - DO5 for seed control) ml seed in seed control If two seed controls meet the DO depletion criteria, calculate the average mg DO depleted/mL seed. Seed correction = (mg DO/ ml seed in seed control) x (ml seed added to samples @)
@ If the seed is diluted before it is added to the sample bottles, the ml of the diluted seed added to the sample bottle must be multiplied by a dilution factor. (Ex. If 10 ml seed + 90 ml water are mixed to produce the seeding material, the dilution factor is 1/10.)
5. 6.
If the seed correction does not fall in the range of 0.6-1.0, but the seed controls met the DO depletion criteria, the amount of seed used in the sample bottles will have to be adjusted in subsequent tests.
Calculation of BOD in sample : BOD5 = BOD mg/l = [(IDO -DO5) - seed correction] x dilution factor * dilution factor = 300 BOD - 8
sample size (mL) Table 8 - BOD SEED DILUTION GUIDELINES (1) Estimated BOD of seed 30 50 100 150 250 500 (2) Dilutions for Seed Control 15, 25, 50 15, 25, 50 5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15 3, 5, 10 1, 3, 5 (3) # mL seed per BOD bottle 6 - 10 4-6 2-3 1-2 1 0.5 (4) # mL diluted seed (10 mL seed + 90 mL water) NA NA NA NA 6 - 10 5
If the BOD of the seed is 150 mg/L or less, the seed may be added directly to the BOD samples without dilution. If dilution is necessary, use volumes noted in column (4). Set up the seed control dilutions as shown in column (2). Prepare seed controls with seed at full strength. Seed Correction Sample Calculation:
# mL SEED IN BOTTLE 30 20 10
Bottle A is not used due to the insufficient final DO. There must be a residual DO of at least 1.0 mg/L after 5 days.
If 2 ml undiluted seed added to each sample bottle, seed correction = (0.375 mg DO/ml seed)(2 ml seed) = 0.75 mg DO
BOD - 9
BOD5 Benchsheet
Sample Location (specific) Sample Type (grab, xx hr Comp., etc.) Raw ___________ ________________________________ Final ___________ ________________________________ ________ ___________ ________________________________ ________ ___________ ________________________________ ________ ___________ ________________________________ Sample Date: ________________ Collected by: ________________ Samples IN Date: __________ Time: _________ Room Temp (C) __________ Barometric pressure __________ Test Date: Analyst: Samples OUT Room Temp (C) Barometric pressure Initial DO (mg/L) Final DO (mg/L) ________________ ________________ Date: __________ Time:__________ _______________ _______________ Depletion (mg/L) Comments
Depletion must be less than 0.2 mg/L
Bottle # Blank Seeded Blank Seed source: _______________ Sample mLs A Raw Final GGA
Replicate of______
Sample mLs
Bottle #
Initial DO B
Final DO C
BOD5 mg/L
F x (D-E)
Average only those values which are associated with a depletion of at least 2 mg/L and a final DO 1 mg/L. BOD5 mg/L = [ (B-C)-E] x F
Calculation =
Analyst Intials
Temp. (C)
Temp C
Temp C
pH Meter buffers
BOD Room
Temp C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Monthly Balance Check Monthly Balance Check Membrane changes: DO probe _______________ _______________ _______________
weight in milligram range: Actual weight(mg):__________ Measured weight(mg) __________ weight in gram range: Actual weight (g):__________ Measured weight (g) __________
TSS Oven should be 103-105 C BOD Incubator should be 20 1 C Sampler and Refrigerator Temperature should not exceed 4 C (and samples should not be frozen) pH calibration should be done with either a 4 and 7 buffer or a 7 and 10 buffer, depending on sample pH range. Once calibrated, one of the two buffers should be re-checked as if it was a sample. The measured pH should be within 0.1 pH unit of actual pH.
Other problems
(equipment malfunctions, etc.) Symptom(s) (how did you know something was wrong ?):_________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _
Initials ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______