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Annex3 CSR Framework Questionnaire

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EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

CSR Questionnaire
Training Workshop on Improving Business Performance through Sustainability - CSR Concepts and Applications European-Malaysian Alliance and Capacity Building of Malaysian Intermediary Institutions in European Management Information Systems (MIS) to Enhance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Export Oriented Malaysian SMEs - EMIT CSR -

Malaysia, 2007 Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF), Germany Asian Society for Environmental Protection (ASEP), Thailand Megaskills Research Company Limited (MGS), United Kingdom Multimedia University Malaysia (MMU), Malaysia

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 1 Company Details

Please state the name of your company.

To which type of industry does your company belong to? (e.g. electroplating, semiconductor, etc.)

To which of the following industry sectors does your company belong to?
Agriculture, hunting and forestry Fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and communications Financial intermediation Real estate, renting and business activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Health and social work Other community, social and personal service activities Private households with employed persons Extra-territorial organizations and bodies Other

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 1 Company Details

What is your companys registered capital?
< US$ 500.000 US$ 500.000 - US$ 2.000.000 >US$ 2.000.000 Registered capital approximately: US$

What is your companys approximate yearly turnover?

Yearly turnover approximately: US$

How many employees does your company have?

<50 51 - 250 251 - 500 501 - 1000 > 1000 Number of employees approximately:

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 1 Company Details

What is your position in the company?

How is CSR organised in your company, or how is its implementation planned?

Own CSR Department Cross-functional Collaboration No organisational CSR structure

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 2 Stakeholder Analysis

With which of the following organisations is your company currently cooperating?
Amnesty International International Labour Organisation OXFAM Friends of the Earth Greenpeace Human Rights Watch United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) CARE International


Which Stakeholders does your company want to address through CSR initiatives?
Government Industry associations Shareholders Local communities Regulatory bodies Customers Suppliers Competitors Employees Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)


EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 2 Stakeholder Analysis

Why is your company interested in applying CSR?
Competitive pressure Community pressure Social concerns relating to products or service Improving Business Performance Other: Information demand by stakeholders Differentiation opportunities Environmental concerns relating to products or service Legal- or regulatory obligations Attraction of new investors or customers Philanthropy

What will be the objective of the CSR activities with respect to the addressed Stakeholders?
Provision of Information Benchmarking Analysis of Stakeholder needs and expectations Other: Provision of a forward-looking business perspective Provision of a holistic reporting effort Social care for workers Societal and environmental impact assessment Attracting/retaining talented personnel Internal business performance improvement

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 2 Stakeholder Analysis

What will be the objective of the CSR activities with respect to your company?
Qualitatively Internal and external information provision Input on strategy formulation and assessment Issue- and risk management Create/adapt company wide values system Enhance internal and external communication tool Enabling company-/industry wide comparable performance assessments Enhance employee commitment Establish a continuous improvement process Enhance innovation potential and creativity Strengthening of the corporate culture Quantitatively Reduction of accidents Reduction of rejects Reduction of customer complaints Increase resource efficiency Decrease material waste Increase production efficiency Increase delivery reliability Increase stakeholder engagement Increase production efficiency Improvement of energy balance



EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Has your company adopted and implemented a code of ethics?
Yes No Specify (e.g. where to find, applicable to whom) Year of implementation

Has your company drawn up an environmental friendliness policy and objectives?

Yes No Specify (e.g. where to find, applicable to whom) Year of implementation

Does your reporting system already encompasses environmental and/or sustainability reporting?
Yes No Specify (e.g. cycle of reporting, where to find, etc.) Year of implementation

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Does your company formally adhere to one of the following initiatives/ standards/ indexes in the fields of environment, social and human rights, or is planning on doing so?
Already implemented Year of implementation Implementation planned No implementation planned

ISO 9001 ISO 14001 SA 8000 OSHAS 18001 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) UN Global Compact DowJones Sustainability Index FTSE4Good Amnesty International Business Principles OECD Guidelines Sigma Guidelines International Labour Organisation (ILO) - Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work Universal Declaration of human rights

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Where shall be the thematic focus of your CSR activity? (multiple choices possible)
Social (Workplace & Community indicators)
Employee performance management Management of workplace safety Innovation Management Management of training and qualification efforts Employee satisfaction and motivation Management of stakeholder engagement Management of community engagement Management of charity Communication & reporting of social performance

Economic (Performance & Marketplace indicators)

Improvement of business process performance Enhancement of corporate governance Improvement of supply chain management Enhancement of product & process quality Marketing and brand management Formulation of corporate mission and values Business expansion and investor attraction Improvement of supplier relations Improvement of customer relations Issues- and risk management

Environmental (Environmental indicators)

Management of environmental impact Resource and waste management Energy management Management of hazardous materials Water management Environmental risk management Management of greenhouse gas emissions Communication & reporting of environmental performance Establishment or support for an environmental management system




EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following economic indicators is your company collecting and assessing? (D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly)
Collecting Economic Indicator Type

No Yes
D W M Q Y Other (Specify)

Q Y Other (Specify)


Business performance Turnover Sales Investments Costs Business Partner & Customer Relations Performance Number of customer complaints Customers perception of the company Customers perception of products/ services Lead time performance Product quality performance Number of suppliers screened for human rights performance Number of suppliers screened for environmental performance Investors Investors perception of the company Cost/ benefit of environmental and social investments Ratio of domestic and/or community sourcing Customer loyalty measures

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following environmental indicators is your company collecting and assessing? (D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly)
Collecting Environmental Indicator Type

No Yes
D W M Q Y Other (Specify)

Q Y Other (Specify)


Resource Management Water usage and efficiency Energy usage and efficiency Raw material usage CO2/ greenhouse gas emissions Production output Output rejects Process rejects Percentage of waste recycled Environmental Impact Over the supply chain Of products/ services Of processes Environmental Policy Achievement of environmental objectives Costs for implementation of environmental programmes Number of environmental violations Number environmental accidents

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following social indicators is your company collecting and assessing?
(D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly) Collecting Social Indicator Type

No Yes
D W M Q Y Other (Specify)

Q Y Other (Specify)


HRM Employee turnover Employees perception of the company Employee satisfaction level Training efforts and results Staff complaints Benefits of staff improvement suggestions Absentee days Ratio of absentee causes Health and Safety Number of health and safety violations Number of legal non-compliance with standards Costs incurred by legal non-compliance with standards Number of accidents Costs of accidents

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following social indicators is your company collecting and assessing?
(D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly) Collecting Social Indicator Type

No Yes
D W M Q Y Other (Specify)

Q Y Other (Specify)


Community Relations Impact evaluations of community programmes Cash amount of charity donations Achievements of community support activities Communitys perception of the company Staff time and costs for community activities Number of corruption cases Stakeholder Engagement Number of consultations with stakeholders Number of codes, policies, guidelines, standards etc. directly influenced by stakeholders Social impact of the companys core products/ services Human Rights Costs for compliance with international human rights and labour standards Number of complaints regarding human rights/ labour standards Internal communication Internal reporting of goals and degree of achievement Number/ impact of management system failures

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following economic indicators is your company reporting on and who is the addressee of these reports? (D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly)
Reporting Economic Indicator Type

No Internal Reporting
Management Controlling Annual Reporting

Q Y Other (Specify)

External Reporting
Government Customer External Stakeholders

Business Performance Turnover Sales Investments Costs Business Partner & Customer Relations Performance Number of customer complaints Customers perception of the company Customers perception of products/ services Lead time performance Product quality performance Number of suppliers screened for human rights performance Number of suppliers screened for environmental performance Investors Investors perception of the company Cost/ benefit of environmental and social investments Ratio of domestic and/or community sourcing Customer loyalty measures

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following environmental indicators is your company reporting on and who is the addressee of these reports? (D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly)
Reporting Environmental Indicator Type

No Internal Reporting
Management Controlling Annual Reporting

Q Y Other (Specify)

External Reporting
Government Customer External Stakeholders

Resource Management Water usage and efficiency Energy usage and efficiency Raw material usage CO2/ greenhouse gas emissions Production output Output rejects Process rejects Percentage of waste recycled Environmental Impact Over the supply chain Of products/ services Of processes Environmental Policy Achievement of environmental objectives Costs for implementation of environmental programmes Number of environmental violations Number of environmental accidents

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following social indicators is your company reporting on and who is the addressee of these reports? (D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly)
Reporting Social Indicator Type

No Internal Reporting
Management Controlling Annual Reporting

Q Y Other (Specify)

External Reporting
Government Customer External Stakeholders

HRM Staff fluctuation Employees perception of the company Employee satisfaction level Training efforts and results Staff complaints Benefits of staff improvement suggestions Absentee days Ratio of absentee causes Health and safety Number of health and safety violations Number of legal non-compliance with standards Cost incurred by legal non compliance with standards Number of accidents Costs of accidents

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 3 Indicator Management

Which of the following social indicators is your company reporting on and who is the addressee of these reports? (D=daily, W=weekly, M=monthly, Q=quarterly, Y=yearly)
Reporting Social Indicator Type

No Internal Reporting
Management Controlling Annual Reporting

Q Y Other (Specify)

External Reporting
Government Customer External Stakeholders

Community Relations Impact evaluations of community programmes Cash amount of charity donations Achievements of community support activities Communitys perception of the company Staff time and costs for community activities Number of corruption cases Stakeholder Engagement Number of consultations with stakeholders Number of codes, policies, guidelines, standards etc. directly influenced by stakeholders Social impact of the companys core products/ services Human Rights Costs for compliance with international human rights and labour standards Number of complaints regarding human rights/ labour standards Internal communication Internal reporting of goals and degree of achievement Number/ impact of management system failures

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 4 Technical Assessment

In which areas of activity is IT support already present and with what benefit for your company? If no IT support is being used, estimate the possible benefits from your personal view. (Condition: It goes beyond conventional office applications such as MS Word, or MS Excel.)
Areas of activity Already in use
Yes No Very great Great

Benefit Main brands & software provider

Average Small Very small

Definition of CSR orientated objectives Preparation of material and energy balances In-house gap analysis Representation and analysis of material flows Simulation of processes Process monitoring with indicators Process/business assessment based on indicators Benchmarking Internal documentation (hazardous materials administration, staff training) Internal communication (production review, management reports) External reports/communication (preparation of CSR reports and stakeholder communication) Other:

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 4 Technical Assessment

How does your company collect relevant data for the indicator-based management?
Yes Name of the Software and the software provider Pen & Paper Spreadsheet software (e.g. Excel) Database software (e.g. Access) Own software application ERP System (e.g. SAP) Web-based application No Implementation planned for (Year)

How satisfied are you with your current management information system (MIS)?
Satisfaction Name of the system Software provider Thematic area
Very good Good Average Bad Very bad

System 1



EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 4 Technical Assessment

In what main areas does your management information system need improvement? If your company does not have one, for what area would you need IT support regardless the financial point of view? (Please provide comments in the appropriate boxes.)
IT Improvement Data collection Data analysis Visualization Documentation Reporting Benchmarking Other New IT support Please specify the needed improvement or new support

What main software systems are used in your company?

In use Name of the system Yes Production planning & Control/ERP system Storage and Warehousing system Cost accounting systems Management systems (EHS, QM, CSR) Human Resource Management Customer Relationship Management No Software provider

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 4 Technical Assessment

Which operating systems are used in your company?
Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows NT/2000/XP Linux Unix MacOS

Which internet browser is used in your company?

Microsoft Explorer Mozilla Firefox Which version of the Microsoft Explorer Which version of Mozilla Firefox

Are the individual personal computers in your company networked, if so, how?
Yes Partly No Windows Novell Unix Linux Other

Organised as



EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 4 Technical Assessment

Does your company have internet access, if so, what kind?
Yes No Dial-up Modem ISDN Broadband (DSL or Cable) Other

Would your company principally accept using a web-based service for CSR? This means that CSR relevant data will be stored and evaluated on-line (i.e. Application Service Provider solutions, ASP).
Yes Maybe No I dont know ASP already employed For which service

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 4 Technical Assessment

Would your company principally accept to share CSR relevant data for
Yes benchmarking with other companies? web-based publication and marketing? web-based reporting to stakeholders? Maybe No I dont know

If your company has not been using web-based software solutions, why?
Web-based services in use (see previous question concerning ASP) I dont know Not considered yet No appropriate software solutions available Lack of sufficient support service Company policy regarding sensitive data

EMIT - CSR Malaysia

CSR Framework Questionnaire

Part 5 Overall Assessment

With respect to CSR, your company belongs to the group of
CSR Leaders (First mover, best-practice examples and setting of standards) CSR Adopters (Extensive knowledge of the CSR concept, first implementation of appropriate measures) CSR Newcomers (Uninitiated to the concept of CSR, no or only basic knowledge)

Which of the following major activities did your company already implemented?
In-depth stakeholder analysis Stakeholder driven definition of CSR targets Definition of an appropriate CSR relevant indicator set Assessment of the companys CSR performance Internal and external reporting of CSR performance

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