Can We Trust The Bible
Can We Trust The Bible
Can We Trust The Bible
Lecture notes by Charlie Campbell Director of The Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry Twitter: @CharlieABReady Copyright 2012
The Holy Bible is unarguably an incredible book. It is the best-selling, most quoted, most published, most circulated, most translated, most influential book in the history of mankind. There is no close second. But why should anyone believe that the Bible is actually true? Might not the Bible be a fraud? Might not it be an ancient book of mythology, filled with the fanciful, yet deceitful writings of men? What about other books like the Quran or the Book of Mormon? What makes the Bible any different than those books? Those are questions that intelligent, critical thinking people are asking today. Those are the questions I used to ask about the Bible. We need to, as Christians, be able to answer these questions (1 Peter 3:15). So, in our time together this evening Id like to share with you some of the evidence that I think demonstrates that the Bible is indeed what it claims to be, the inspired, trustworthy Word of God (written by men yes, but men who were led by the Holy Spirit to pen down the words they wrote). I want to do that by bringing to the witness stand, if you will, ten witnesses or evidences that all testify to this truth. My prayer is that, if you are already a Christian, your faith in the Bible will be strengthened, and if you are a skeptic that you will reconsider your skepticism. The first witness or evidence for the Bibles trustworthiness is...
Fulfilled prophecy is something that sets the Bible apart from every other religious book. And the Bible does have some competition today. There are 26 other religious books that people of faith believe are divinely inspired (the Hindu Vedas, the Quran, the Book of Mormon, etc.). Of these twenty-six books, none of them contain any specific, fulfilled prophecies. None. In stark contrast to these other writings, the Bible is literally filled with hundreds of specific, detailed prophecies that were written hundreds of years before their fulfillment. In fact 27% of the Bible contains what was predictive prophecy at the time that it was written. And the authors of the Bible did not just predict some vague things like Nostradamus or Jeanne Dixon (who have proven to have been false prophets over and over again), they were very specific. Consider a few of the Old Testament prophecies made regarding the Messiah (the Savior that God promised He would send into the world) hundreds of years before they were fulfilled.
For example, the Old Testament prophesied that He would be born of the seed of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3, 22:18), of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49:10), and in the lineage of David (2 Samuel 7:12f). Micah 5:2 said that He would be born in Bethlehem, that Hed come while the temple was still standing (Malachi 3:1), that He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), that He would open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf, and cause the lame to walk (Isaiah 35:5-6), that Hed be rejected by His own people (Ps alm 118:22; 1 Peter 2:7). The Scriptures foretold the precise time in history when He would die (Daniel 9:24-26), how He would die (Psalm 22:16-18, Isaiah 53; Zechariah 12:10), and that He would rise from the dead (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:27-32). These are just a few of the prophecies related to the coming of the Messiah. And there are lots of other prophecies about the rise and fall of nations, the regathering of the Jewish people back into their homeland (something that's being fulfilled right now). The fact that these prophecies and hundreds of others have been fulfilled, even though they were spoken hundreds and even thousands of years before their fulfillment is strong evidence that a God who is all-knowing and all-powerful orchestrated the Bible's completion. No other religious writing is able to substantiate its claims with this kind of supernatural evidence. SKEPTIC: "Hold on a second Charlie. Maybe the disciples just made up all of these things that Jesus supposedly did. Perhaps they read all of those prophecies in the Old Testament and decided to make up an elaborate story about Jesus fulfilling them!" Ahh, that is a legitimate concern (that the disciples were just lying, just fabricating the whole story about Jesus). Well, I'm going to address that concern and show you why I don't think they were lying later on in the study when we get to evidence number eight. For further study on fulfilled prophecies, please see: Every Prophecy of the Bible by Dr. John Walvoord.
Archaeological discoveries could never prove that the Bible is divinely inspired, but they do help build a compelling case for the historical reliability of the Bible. Of course many people today think that the Bible is a book of mythology, that the persons, places and events mentioned in the Bible were inventions by the authors. Well, the advance of archaeology has proven them wrong. For the past 150 years archaeologists have been verifying the exact truthfulness of the Bible's detailed records of various events, customs, persons, cities, nations, and geographical locations. The Bible has proven so accurate that archaeologists often refer to it as a reliable guide when they go to dig in new areas. Nelson Glueck, who appeared on the cover of Time magazine and who is considered one of the greatest archaeologists ever, wrote: No archeological discovery has ever controverted *overturned] a Biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing dis coveries. [Nelson Glueck, Rivers
in the Desert, p. 31.]
These are the words of a man who has who has been credited with uncovering more than fifteen hundred ancient sites in the Middle East. *Archaeology: The Shards of History, Time, December 13, 1963.] By 1958, Donald Wiseman, an archaeologist and Professor of Assyriology at the University of London estimated that there were more than 25,000 discoveries that had confirmed the truthfulness of the Bible. [D. J. Wiseman,
"Archaeological Confirmations of the Old Testament," in Carl F. Henry (editor), Revelation and the Bible, 301302.]
What's staggering about this enormous number of discoveries is that this was the estimate back in 1958! There
have been a lot of discoveries since then! I have written an entire book on this topic detailing dozens of discoveries called Archaeological Evidence for the Bible. Here is a small sampling of some of the discoveries: A. Pontius Pilate The New Testament authors tell us that Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea at the time of Christ who oversaw Jesus trial and then sentenced Him to death by crucifixion (Matthew 27: 2; Luke 3:1). Was he a legendary figure that the authors of the New Testament invented? No. In June of 1961, a team of Italian archaeologists was digging in Caesarea, on the shore of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea in Israel, about fifty-five miles northwest of Jerusalem. While digging in the jumbled ruins of a Roman theater these archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a limestone block about three feet tall and two feet wide that had been turned upside down and reused as part of a flight of steps during one of the renovations of the theater. It bore an inscription in Latin mentioning Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea. This is an amazing evidence outside of the Bible that Pontius Pilate was an actual historical person, that he reigned in the very position ascribed to him by the Gospels, and that as prefect he would have had the authority to condemn or pardon Jesus, just as the Gospel accounts report. Since the time of this discovery in 1961, Pilates official residence at Caesarea has also been identified. B. Caiaphas The New Testament tells us that the name of the Jewish high priest at the time of Jesus was Caiaphas (Matthew 26:3). Caiaphas was the one who presided over the late night Jewish trial of Jesus wherein Jesus confessed Himself to be the Messiah resulting in His condemnation (Matthew 26:57 68). It was also in the courtyard of Caiaphass house that Peter denied knowing Jesus (John 18:24 27). Was Caiaphas a New Testament fabrication? No. In 1990 a team of construction workers building a water park approximately two miles south of Jerusalem accidentally unearthed a first-century burial cave. A bulldozer unintentionally broke through the roof of the cave. The yield of this discovery was an uncharacteristically ornate ossuary (a bone box used in burial) with an inscription on it in Aramaic that read Joseph, son of Caiaphas. Inside the ossuary were the bones of a man who was approximately sixty years old at the time of his death. Although the Gospel writers and the Jewish historian Josephus referred to the high priest as Caiaphas, Josephus tells us that his full name was Joseph Caiaphas, the very name etched into the side of the ossuary. His ossuary is on display today in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
C. David Up until 1993 not a shred of evidence could be found anywhere outside of the Bible that David the king of Israel ever existed and so it had become fashionable in some academic circles to dismiss the David stories as an invention of priestly propagandists who were trying to dignify Israels past after the Babylonian exile. The critics verdict was that David was nothing more than a figure of religious and political mythology. Well, their skepticism regarding David collapsed overnight in 1993 when a nearly 3000-year-old inscription on black basalt was discovered in the town of Dan, a little north of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. The inscription, written in Aramaic by Israels enemies, describing the defeat of the kings of Judah and Israel, mentioned the king of Israel and the king of the House of David. This was an amazing discovery and helped to verify for the first time that David was an actual historical figure. Michael Lemonick, writing for Time magazine, acknowledged, The skeptics claim that King David never existed is now hard to defend. U. S. News & World Report religion writer, Jeffery Sheler, said:
"The fragmentary reference to David was a historical bombshell. Never before had the familiar name of Judahs ancient warrior king, a central figure of the Hebrew Bible and, according to Christian Scripture, an ancestor of Jesus, been found in the records of antiquity outside the pages of the Bible. Skeptical scholars had long seized upon that fact to argue that David was a mere legendNow, at last, there was material evidence, an inscription written not by Hebrew scribes but by an enemy of the Israelites a little more than a century after Davids presumptive lifetime. It seemed to be a clear corroboration of the existence of King Davids dynasty and, by implication, of David himself." [Sheler, Is the Bible True? 6061.] Archaeology has not proven so helpful for other religious writings. Consider the Book of Mormon. Not one piece of evidence has ever been found to support the Book of Mormon -- not a trace of the large cities it names, no ruins, no coins, no letters or documents or monuments, nothing in writing. Not even one of the rivers or mountains or any of the topography it mentions has ever been identified. [Dave Hunt, p.156, In Defense of the Faith; also see p. 107 in The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel]. Nothing which demonstrates that the Book of Mormon is anything other than an early nineteeth century piece of American fiction, invented by Joseph Smith has ever been found. We address numerous other problems with the Book of Mormon here.
These are the big controversial questions of life. These are the kinds of questions that people tend to disagree about (ask your neighbors!) and yet they are the very questions that the authors of the Bible tackle head on,
chapter after chapter, book after book, and they do so absolutely consistently. B. The Bible is a collection of 66 different documents. It might be easy to have harmony in a book like the Quran. Why? It's a single book. Entirely different than the Bible! The Bible is made up of 39 Old Testament documents and 27 in the New. C. The Bible was written by approximately 40 different authors. Again, it might be easy to have internal harmony in the Quran. Why? It contains the teachings of one man: Muhammad, born about 570 years after Jesus. The Bible is absolutely different. It contains the teachings of approximately 40 different men! D. Many of the Bibles authors came from different educational and cultural backgrounds. Peter was a fisherman. Paul was a scholar. Daniel was a prime minister. Asaph was a musician. Matthew was a tax collector. David was a shepherd, then a king. Luke was a historian and medical doctor. E. The Bible was written over a period of approximately 1500+ years, covering some 60+ generations. Many of the authors did not even know one another. F. Many of the authors were separated by hundreds of miles geographically. The Bible was written in a variety of places on three different continents: Africa, Asia and Europe. For example, Paul wrote four letters imprisoned in Rome. The apostle John, wrote while a prisoner banished to the Isle of Patmos in the Mediterranean Sea. The prophet Ezekiel wrote his work while held captive in Babylon. G. The Bible was written in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of pulling together 40 different people, from 60 different generations, who live on three different continents, who speak three different languages, and ask them to write 66 different documents regarding life's most controversial questions...I'm thinking we are going to have some serious problems. That book is a going to be a confusing and difficult read! Yet, in spite of all of these factors, the Bible is a perfectly harmonious, consistent account of how God is seeking to reconcile sinners (like you and me) back to Himself through the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ. This internal consistency is an amazing evidence that the authors of the Bible were being guided by the Holy Spirit when they wrote the different books of the Bible.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about the fact that there are dozens of historical writings outside of the Bible (in the records of the Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans) that verify the historical accuracy of many of the names of people, places, and events mentioned in the Bible. External sources verify that 50 persons mentioned in the Old Testament and 30 persons written about in the New Testament were actual historical figures (see list of names and sources on p. 270 in I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek). Because of engravings and statues, we even know what 18 (12 from the OT and 6 from the NT) of them looked like! These extrabiblical writings have helped corroborate numerous details in the Bible, including details surrounding Jesus' life. Now, some critics of Christianity today are telling people that Jesus Himself never existed, that He was the invention of some clever deceivers in the first century. This is absurd and only demonstrates their ignorance of the facts or willingness to overlook the facts. There actually is very good historical evidence outside of the Bible that Jesus lived. There are 39 or more sources outside of the Bible, written within 150 years of Jesus' life that attest to more than 100 facts regarding Jesus life, teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection. (See: The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ by Gary R. Habermas). One of these external sources was the first century historian Flavius Josephus. In his writings Josephus mentions more than a dozen individuals talked about in the Bible, including: Herod the Great, Herod Antipas, Caiaphas, Pontius Pilate, John the Baptist, James the brother of Jesus, Felix, Festus, and even Jesus. Listen to one of Josephus statements about Jesus. I have purposely taken this from the Arabic text of Josephus writings called Antiquities, chapter 18:63-64, a text that is unchallenged by most critics of the Bible. Josephus wrote: At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. An d his conduct was good, and (He) was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned Him to be crucified to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that He had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that He was alive." These are not the words of the Bible or a Christian, but a Jewish Roman historian writing outside of the pages of Scripture. He verifies for us that Jesus actually lived and was even crucified under the reign of Pontius Pilate. Some of the other 39 sources that mention Jesus include: A. Cornelius Tacitus (ca. A.D. 55 120) a Roman Historian B. Gaius Suetonius (the chief secretary of Emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117 138) C. The Jewish Talmud (Sanhedrin 43A)
Other writings outside of the Bible corroborate details surrounding: the Flood (Genesis 7) long life spans prior to the Flood details surrounding the Exodus the Assyrian invasion during the days of Hezekiah (2 Kings 18-19) Nebuchadnezzar's invasion of Judah (Daniel 1) the prolonged darkness on the day Jesus died (Matthew 27:43) the expulsion of the Jews from Rome in A.D. 49 (Acts 18:2)
...just to name a few. This is a fascinating subject for another talk, but for time's sake, let's move along.
result of elephants shaking their bodies underneath the ground. They also claim that civilizations live on the back side of the moon and that there are cities on the Sun. I get hot just thinking about that. The Quran 18:86 says that the Sun sets in a muddy spring. The Quran says, "when he reached the setting -place of the Sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring. You could get away with an unscientific statement like that in certain parts of the world in the seventh century. The Bible steers free of these kinds of errors. But not only that, it makes known amazing facts about our world and the universe thousands of years before scientists discovered that they were actually true. Allow me to share with you a few examples: A. The Sun In contrast to the Quran, the Bible teaches that the Sun is actually on a circuit through space. Writing of the Sun in Psalm 19:6, David said, Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end. For many years critics scoffed at this verse, claiming that it taught that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Scientists at that time thought the Sun was stationary. However, it has been discovered in recent years that the Sun is in fact on a circuit through space, just like the Bible says. B. The Shape of the Earth When the rest of the world believed the Earth was flat, Isaiah declared that the world was round. Isaiah 40:22 says, It is He *God+ who sits above the circle of the Earth." When did Isaiah write these words? Between 740 and 680 B.C. That was at least 300 years before Aristotle suggested in his book On the Heavens, that the Earth might be a sphere. More than 2,000 years later some people still believed that Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) was going to sail off the edge of a flat planet in 1492! Another verse that speaks of the shape of the Earth is Job 26:10, where it teaches that God has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters at the boundary of light and darkness. This boundary between light and darkness is where evening and morning occur. The boundary is a circle since the Earth is round. C. The Suspension of the Earth Before Isaac Newton discovered gravity Hindus believed that the Earth rested on the back of an elephant who stood on the back of a turtle that was swimming in a great endless sea. The Greeks believed that the mythical god Atlas carried the Earth on his shoulders. What did the Bible say? In one of the oldest books in the Bible, Job said in Job 26:7, He *God+ hangs the Earth on nothing. Scientists did not discover that the Earth hangs on nothing until 1650. D. The Stars Before the invention of the telescope, man actually believed that the stars could all be numbered. People were so confident that the stars could be numbered that they drew up star charts with all the stars named and numbered. The Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus (190-120 B.C.) said there were exactly 1,026 stars. The astronomer and mathematician Ptolemy (c. 85-A.D. 165) said there were 1,056 stars. The German astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) counted 1,006. When Galileo (a devout Christian) pointed his telescope to the heavens in 1608, he discovered that these previous counts were way off and that the Bible was actually right. What had the Bible said? God said in Jeremiah 33:22, The host of heaven *a reference to the stars+ cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured. God says, the stars cannot be numbered. In fact, trying to do so would be about as futile as trying to count the grains of sand floating around in the sea, obviously an impossible task. Jeremiah wrote that
more than 2,000 years before Galileo made his discovery. Today, with the help of powerful telescopes, scientists tell us that the universe contains approximately 100 billion galaxies containing approximately 200 billion stars each. Carl Sagan (1934-1996), the world famous astronomer, said, The total number of stars in the universe is greater than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the planet Earth. (Cosmos, p. 196). Wow! Think of the thousands of beaches that exist on each of the world's seven continents. That's a lot of stars. Scientists tell us that there are enough stars for every single living person today to own more than two trillion stars each! Surely the host of heaven cannot be numbered! Now all of these statements in the Bible regarding the universe, the stars and the Earth raise a question: How did the authors of the Bible know these kinds of things? Were they taking wild guesses? I don't think so. I think their perfect accuracy rules that out, especially when you consider the fact that there are dozens of statements like these in the Bible. Well, the Bible tells us how they knew these things in 2 Peter 1:21. It says there that "Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. That is to say, God, who knows all there is to know about the universe He created, superintended (came along side) the writing of the Bible to make sure that what He wanted written, was written. You can remember these first five evidences with the acronym F.A.C.E.S.
have today is the same Bible that the early church possessed 2,000 years ago. You can view these manuscripts in the British Museum, Cambridge University Library, Smithsonian Institute, Oxford University, the National Library at Paris, and Israel Museum. Now, even if we did not have any manuscripts copies of the Bible, there is another way of verifying that we have accurate copies of the Bible, ad that is by examining the writings of the church fathers. By church fathers I am referring to those leaders in the church, of the first three centuries A.D., following the original disciples. I'm talking about men like Justin Martyr, Eusebius, Tertullian, Polycarp. These men, in their writings and correspondence with one another, and in their letters to different churches, quote the Old and New Testament over and over again. In fact, the early church fathers quote the New Testament alone more than 86,000 times. And here is something most people don't realize. Their writings survive to this day! You can go to right now and buy an encyclopedic size set of the writings of the church fathers and see with your own eyes their numerous quotations of both the Old and New Testaments. There are enough quotations from the early church fathers that even if we did not have a single manuscript copy of the Bible, scholars could still reconstruct most of the New Testament today just from their writings [Norman Geisler and William Nix, General Introduction to the Bible, 430]. This shouldn't come as a surprise to us. Isaiah 40:8 says, The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Jesus said in Matthew 24:35, Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. For more on the manuscript evidence, I recommend: Norman Geisler: From God to Us: How We Got the Bible F. F. Bruce: The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? Walter C. Kaiser: The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable and Relevant?
Not at all. And if you add to this evidence the fact that these men imparted to the world the highest standards of conduct the world has ever seen, the case is only strengthened.
Question for you. Were these men lying? I find it hard to believe that men who were willing to die these kinds of painful deaths were just "making up a story" about Jesus. Of course, there are people who are willing to die today for something that they think is true. Muslim terrorists come to mind. But nobody willingly dies for something they know is a lie. And Jesus' disciples were at a unique place in history. They lived in and around Jerusalem in the first century where Jesus was publicly crucified and buried in a tomb. So they were at a place historically to know for certain whether or not they had seen Jesus alive after His crucifixion or not. Muslim terrorists today are not in such a place. They die for something they think is true, something they hope is true. But if Muslims lived back in the seventh century at the time of Muhammad and knew for certain that he was not a prophet of God and that he never performed any miracles, etc. they would not be strapping explosives around their waists and blowing themselves up. Nobody willing dies for something they know is a lie. Jesus' disciples sealed their testimonies with their own blood, in and around Jerusalem, all the way back in the first century...claiming all the way to the end that the long-awaited Messiah and Savior of the world lived among them, became a sacrifice for our sins, and that He rose from the dead. That, to me, is compelling evidence that these men were telling the truth about Jesus.
Another reason that you can be sure that the Bible is trustworthy is because Jesus said it was! If there's anyone we can trust regarding the Word of God, it's the One who proved Himself to be the Son of God by fulfilling hundreds of Old Testament prophecies, living a sinless life, performing numerous miracles and His resurrection from the dead. And Jesus assured us that the Jewish Scriptures could be trusted: Jesus taught that the Scriptures were: A. Without Error In John 17:17, Jesus said in His prayer to His Father, Thy word is *Full of contradictions? Errors? No.+ truth. B. Historically Reliable Jesus affirmed as historically true some of the most disputed passages of the Old Testament, including the story of Jonah in the whale (Matt. 12:40), the destruction of the world by a flood in the days of Noah (Matt.24:37-39), and others (see Dan Story, Defending Your Faith, p. 55-60 and Geisler, Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, p. 559). C. Divinely Authoritative Over and over, Jesus said to Satan, It is is is written (Matt. 4:4 -10). D. Scientifically Accurate. For example, when He taught on marriage He referred to the literal creation of Adam and Eve (Matt. 19:4). E. Infallible (Dependable, or Unbreakable) In John 10:35 Jesus said, The Scripture cannot be broken. You can build your life on the Word of God. You can stand upon God's promises. The Word of God is not going to collapse underneath you. F. Indestructible In Matthew 5:18 Jesus said, For truly I say to you, until heaven and Earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished. If Jesus was a prophet of God, as even the Quran teaches, or even if He was a good teacher (as so many are willing to believe today), it would be wise for us to take His Word on the matter, and He taught that the Bible is a historically reliable, divinely authoritative, scientifically accurate, dependable, error free, indestructible book. SKEPTIC: Come on, Charlie, youre referring to the words of Jesus in the Bible to prove the Bible. Youre guilty of circular reasoning. Youre quoting the Bible to prove the Bible! Ah, as I pointed out earlier, the Bible is not one book. It is a collection of 66 books written by different authors. So when I quote Jesus' words to substantiate what Moses or other authors wrote I am not involved in circular reasoning at all. Instead, I am quoting altogether independent sources that happen to be bound together between two covers of the same book. SKEPTIC: Okay Charlie! But, Jesus was only talking about the Old Testament when He said those things. The New Testament had not been written. Youre right! It was not written yet. But listen to what Jesu s said to His disciples in John 14:26. He promised the aid of the Holy Spirit to His disciples in writing the new. Jesus said, But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father
will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembran ce all things that I said to you (John 14:26). In John 16:13, Jesus told His disciples, However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. As these men went out into the world to make disciples, to preach, and teach, to pen the New Testament gospels and epistles, they were going to have the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit! So, Jesus validated the trustworthiness of the Old Testament and He promised the trustworthiness of the New. Based on Jesus testimony, you can trust both.