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Addis Ababa Institute of Technology: Laboratory Report

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To study and understand emitter-coupled differential amplifiers

EQUIPMENT Equipment Oscilloscope Function generator DC source


1 1 1


component resistors

capacitor transistor

type 1k 120k 2.2k 33k 82k 100k 10u BC107

Quantity 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3

When working with amplifiers DC drifts arise from source fluctuations Qpoint shifting due to aging and temperature variations. And the best way to reduce drift is to use balanced differential amplifier. In differential amplifiers the output is obtained from the difference of the two inputs given to the amplifier. Drift in one part of the circuit is balanced by equal and opposite drift from the other part. Due to this, we can say the differential gain (Ad) is much higher where the common mode gain is almost zero practically speaking. Differential amplifier could be balanced or unbalanced concerning the input and output signal. Balanced input both input terminals get balanced input where in unbalanced input the input is in one terminal and the circuit acts as two stage amplifier. And the unbalanced output is taken from the one of the output terminals and the ground. The following are eq. for balanced input and unbalanced output. Vi1 = ib1 hie1 + (hfe1 ib1 + hfe2 ib2)Re Vi2 = ib2 hie2 + (hfe1 ib1 + hfe2 ib2)Re Vid = Vi1 Vi2 = ib1 hie1 ib2 hie2 Vic = (Vi1 + Vi2)/2= (ib1 hfe1 ib2 hfe2)Re

For diferential mode signal (Vi1= Vi2=Vi)

Vid = 2Vi ,Vic = 0

Ib1 = 2 hfe2 Vi/(hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) and Ib2 = 2 hfe1 Vi/(hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Vod = Vo1d-Vo2d=-hfe1 ib1Rc-(-hfe2 ib2 Rc) = (hfe2 ib2-hfe1 ib1)Rc Vod=-4 hfe1 hfe2 Rc Vi/( hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Differential gain Ad=-2hfe1 hfe2 Rc /( hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1)

For common mode signal (Vi1= Vi2=Vi)


Vid =0 ,Vic=Vi , Ib1 = hie2 /Re(hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) and Ib2 = hie1 / Re(hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Voc = (hfe1 hie1 + hfe2 hie2)Rc Vi/ Re(hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Ac = (hfe1 hie1 + hfe2 hie2)Rc / Re(hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Common mode rejection ratio (cmrr) =Ad/Ac= 2hfe1 hfe2Re/(hfe1 hie1 + hfe2 hie2) For matched transistor,hfe1=hfe2=hfe and hie1=hie2=hie; For balanced input and unbalanced output Vod =hfe1 ib1Rc=2 hfe1 hfe2 Rc Vi/( hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Adu = hfe1hfe2 Rc /( hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Voc = hfe1 hie2 Rc Vi/ Re( hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1), Acu = -hfe1 hie2 / Re( hfe1 hie2 + hfe2 hie1) Cmrr = hfe2Re/hie2 and for matched transistors Adu = hfeRc/2hie Ad = -hfeRc/hie

The cmrr could be increased by if hfeRe >> hie , vo1d and vo2d are out of phase. if Vid=Vi1-Vi2>0,Vo1d is negative while if Vid<0 and Vi2>Vi1,Vo1d is positive. hence T1 is inverting and T2 is non-inverting. The cmrr can be increased by increasing Re and also stabilize the Qpoint more but it needs high supply voltage to maintain the required collector current. So this change will result in reduction of the collector current that would in turn affect the hfe and hie in a way that tends to reduce the cmrr. So this problem can be avoided by using a constant current source in place of Re. this is done using transistor in the common base mode with input resistance 1/hoe which is high. The diode D has been included in the base circuit of T3 is used to improve Q-point stability. Another desirable behavior of the differential amplifier is that they improve the linearity property of the transistors. Taking the output at T2 we can see the linearity property of the amplifier from its transfer characteristics.

1. Setup the circuit show, apply Vcc=9v Without applying any ac signal check the voltage at B1,B2,E1,B3,E3 and across D. VB1=4.93V ,VB2=4.91V ,VB3 =2.83V ,VE1=4.32V ,VE3= 1.18V,VD =0.05v 2. apply a signal of 1khziwth 40mVpp. observe and record Vo1, Vo2 and Void.

a)Void=3.2Vpp at (1V/div)

b)Vo1 = Vo2 =1.6Vpp at(.5V/div)

3. record the input resistance of the balanced amplifier at T1. Rin=39k 4. set CRO on xy-mode, x scale = 50mv/div and Y-scale = 1v/div,B2 as ground point and set x-input to Ground and y-input at DC. The connect Y-probe to E1 and Vi switched off, center the spot to lower gratitude on the screen. Move Y-prove to collector ofT1 and X-probe to the base of T1.switch the x-input to AC. Record Vce2 and apply the input and increase it to 400mVpp. Sketch the transfer characteristics curve Vo vs Vi. Vce2 = 2,67V 5. Connect a variable resistor across the series R4 and D. observe the slope of the curve as the resistor is varied.

a)250 d)500k



6. Move ground point to the negative terminal of the battery apply common-mode signal to T1 andT2. Vi may have to be very large if the output is to be measurable. Observe Vo1 and Vo2 simultaneously on the screen, comparing them with respect to magnitude and phase. Both Vo1 and Vo2 are equal in magnitude and in phase. V = 10mV

7. Return B2 to ground pt. and input to 40mVpp; connect the two probes to the collectors of T1 and T2. Also connect the variable resistor across the r4 and D and note that the output can be varied by means of the resistor. Increase the input until the limiting of the output waveform occurs and you will observe a good square wave on the screen. The amplitude of the variable resistor. compare the waveform of the balanced output with that of either collector output taken separately.



dual mode

As it is witnessed form the experiment it is vivid that differential amplifiers have the capacity to amplify difference between two signals and suppress drifts due to common mode rejection. In addition to this they have good stability. And this qualities of the amplifiers are increased by increasing the cmrr(common mode rejection ratio) .and the best way to do is by using transistor as constant current source instead of Re.

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