Prediction of Residual Strength and Curvilinear Crack Growth in Aircraft Fuselages
Prediction of Residual Strength and Curvilinear Crack Growth in Aircraft Fuselages
Prediction of Residual Strength and Curvilinear Crack Growth in Aircraft Fuselages
8, August 2002
ONCERN about residual strength of aging aircraft prompted the development of an advanced analysis toolkit for fatigue and fracture problems.1 One component of the toolkit FRANC3D/STAGS has been developed to assess damage tolerance in critical aircraft structures.2;3 The program is capable of tracking crack growth using FRANC3D 4 and performing nonlinear thin-shell analysis using STAGS. 5 This paper presents two recent studies on simulating crack growth in airplane fuselages using the FRANC3D/STAGS program. The software program FRANC3D is available from the Cornell Fracture Groups web site at of stable crack growth and plastic zone evolution in the KC-135 fuselage panel and curvilinear crack growth in the narrow-body fuselage panel are also available from the web site. The rst example is residual strength prediction for a typical KC-135 fuselage panel.6 The crack-tip opening angle (CTOA) fracture criterion7 and elastic-plastic thin-shell nite element analysis are used to characterize stable crack growth and predict residual strength. The objective of this study is to examine several damage scenarios that might occur in pressurized fuselages and their effects on residual strength prediction. In particular, lead crack growth, presence of multiple-site damage (MSD) from rivet holes, multiple crack interaction, and material loss as a result of corrosion damage are studied. The second example is curvilinear fatigue crack-growth simulation in a generic narrow-bodyfuselage.This is relatedto the growing interest by using crack turning phenomenon to improve the structural integrity of aircraft structures.810 A reliable crack trajectory prediction for fatigue and fracture thus serves as a crucial step to use
Received 12 December 2000; revision received 24 February 2002; c 2002 by the American accepted for publication 1 March 2002. Copyright Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 0001-1452/02 $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road. Senior Research Associate, Cornell Fracture Group, 641 Rhodes Hall. Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 1644
this evolving methodology. In this study linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) parameters including stress intensity factors and T-stress, together with orthotropy of fracture toughness, are used to predict the direction of fatigue crack growth. The objective is to study the effects of various fracture parameters on crack-growth trajectorypredictionand validate the analysis methodology by comparing with experimental observations.
A crown lap-jointed KC-135 fuselage panel is chosen for analysis. This is a three-stringer-wide,three-frame-long, fuselage panel. The panel section has a radius of curvature of 72 in. (1829 mm). It contains a lap joint at the central stringer. The lap joint is a typical 3 three-row con guration with 16 -in. (4.76-mm)-diam countersunkhead rivets. The other two stringers are spot-welded to the skin. The upper and lower skins are 0.04-in. (1.02-mm)-thick, 2024-T3 aluminum alloy. The stringers and frames are 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. Frames are connectedto stringersby rivets.The panel con gurationsare shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The frame and stringerdimensions are shown in Fig. 3.
All structural components including skins, stringers, and frames are modeled by shell elements. A piecewise linear representation is used for the uniaxial stress-strain curves for 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 aluminumalloys(see Figs. 4 and 5). Symmetric boundaryconditions are imposed on all of the boundary edges to simulate a cylinderlike fuselage structure. Pressure loading is applied on all of the external skins. Both geometric and material nonlinearities are included in the analysis. Rivets are modeled by one-dimensional elastic-plastic fastener elements that connect shell nite element nodes in the upper and lower skins. Each fastener element has six degrees of freedom, corresponding to extension, two shearing, two bending and twisting of the rivet. The stiffness of each degree of freedom is de ned by prescribing a force-de ection curve. The axial, exural, and torsional stiffnesses are computed by assuming that the rivet behaves like 3 a simple elastic rod with a diameter of 16 in. (4.76 mm). The elastic shear stiffness of the fastener element is computed by the following empirical relation developed by Swift11 : K rivet D ED [ A C C . D = t1 C D = t2 /] (1)
Numerical Model
Fig. 5 KC-135 fuselage panel: piecewise linear representation of the uniaxial stress-strain curve for 7075-T6 aluminum. Fig. 1 Dimensions of the KC-135 fuselage panel.
Fig. 6
Fig. 2
where E is the elastic modulus of the sheet material, D is the rivet diameter, t1 and t2 are the thicknessesof the joined sheets, and A and C are empirical constants, which equal to 5 and 0.8 for aluminum rivets. The initial shear yielding and ultimate shear strength of the rivets are assumed to occur at load levels of 510 lb (2268 N) and 725 lb (3225 N), respectively.A 50% reductionof the shear stiffness is assumed after the initial yielding. Once the fastener reaches its ultimate strength, it breaks and loses its load-carryingcapacity. The shearing force-de ection curve is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 3 Dimensions of stringer and frame for the KC-135 fuselage panel (dimensions in inches; 1 in. = 25.4 mm; modi ed after Ref. 6).
Fig. 4 KC-135 fuselage panel: piecewise linear representation of the uniaxial stress-strain curve for 2024-T3 aluminum.
The criticalcrack-tipopeningangle (CTOA c ) is used to characterize elastic-plasticcrack growth and to predict residual strength. The CTOA fracture criterion asserts that the angle maintains a constant value during stable crack growth for a given thickness of a metallic material. Previous studies of residual strength prediction using two-dimensional elastic-plastic analyses had mixed success.7 Typically, the predicted residual strength would agree with test results up to a certain width of the panels. The discrepancy between twodimensionalpredictionsandtest resultsfor larger panelswas thought to be related to the three-dimensional constraint effects. Although thin-sheetstructuresbehave essentiallyin plane stress,the constraint from the nite thickness of the specimens can cause the regions, local to the crack tip, to approach plane-strain conditions.12 14 Extensive numerical studies of two- and three-dimensional elastic-plastic fracture have been conducted to investigate the constraint effects on residual strength prediction.13;15 17 From these comes the concept of a plane-strain core, which assumes that for thin-sheet structures a small near-tip region reaches plane-strain conditions whereas the rest of the structural behaves essentially in plane stress. This concluded that, although three-dimensional simulations are best to quantify the constraint effects, two-dimensional simulations with the plane-strain core concept seem to capture the effects for residual strength prediction. For two-dimensional and thin-shell problems the width and the height de ne the plane-strain core region (Fig. 7). Although the height of the plane-strain core has a modest effect on residual strength prediction, the width of the plane-strain core has a relatively minor in uence.18 The plane-strain core concept is used for all analyses presented here.
Initial crack con guration for KC-135 model Lead crack length 7.14 in. (181.36 mm) 7.14 in. (181.36 mm) 7.14 in. (181.36 mm) 10.0 in. (254 mm) 10.0 in. (254 mm) 10.0 in. (254 mm) MSD crack lengtha None 0.025 in. (0.64 mm) 0.046 in. (1.17 mm) None 0.025 in. (0.64 mm) 0.046 in. (1.17 mm)
Fig. 9
Fig. 10 panel.
The effect of material thinning is modeled by a uniform reduction in thickness of the upper skin at the lap joint in the two center bays.
C. Numerical Results and Discussion
Fig. 8 Crack con gurations with a 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack and MSD (external view).
The CTOAc that is used is 5.7 deg, measured 0.04 in. (1.02 mm) behind the crack tip, with a plane-straincore height equal to 0.08 in. (2.03 mm). No experimental crack-growth data are available to date for this material and thickness; this particular CTOA c value is estimated based on the 5.25 deg used in 0.09-in. (2.29-mm)-thick, 2024-T3 bare material used in Refs. 17 and 19. The plane-strain core height is assumed to be twice the sheet thickness. Six different crack con gurations with various lengths of lead and MSD cracks are studied. The initial con gurations prior to crack growth are shown in Table 1. The lead crack is located symmetrically about the central frame line. The MSD pattern is symmetric about the lead crack at the three rivets in front of the lead crack. The lead and MSD cracks are located along the upper rivet row in the upper skin of the joint. The crack con gurations with a 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack are shown in Fig. 8. Because rivet holes are not modeled explicitly in the nite element model,a small crack with a lengthequal to the rivet diameter plus the MSD length is used to model the MSD crack. A mesh pattern with 0.04-in. (1.02-mm) crack-tip elements is used. This pattern is similar to the one used in the at-panel simulation reported in Refs. 16 and 19. A nite element mesh for the model is shown in Figs. 9 and 10. In addition to the effects of MSD, material thinning as a result of corrosion damage is also studied.
Figure 11 shows the predicted results of the operating pressure loading vs the total crack extension for all of the cases conducted in this study. Predicted residual strengths summarized in Fig. 12 indicate the following: 1) The MSD cracks signi cantly reduce the residual strength of the fuselage panel. A 21.8 to 28.0% loss of residual strength as a result of the presence of small MSD is observed. 2) A 10% uniform thickness degradation caused by corrosion damage reduces the residual strength by 3.4 to 9.0%. The coupling of MSD and corrosion damage leads to the most severe damage scenario. 3) In general, increasing the lead and MSD crack lengths reduces the residual strength. However, for the cases with a 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack residual strength seems to be relatively insensitive to the MSD crack sizes, similar to the conclusionsdrawn in Ref. 20. 4) The required residual strength for the aircraft fuselages is 12.5 psi (86.18 kPa). The predicted residual strength for the MSD and/or corrosion damage cases with a 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack is well below the required strength. The deformed structure at residual strength for the case with a 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack but without MSD and corrosion damage is shown in Fig. 13. Out-of-plane bulging is observed in the skin crack edges. Because of the stiffnessof the stringer, the bulging at the lower crack edge is much smaller than the opposing side. The unsymmetric out-of-plane bulging leads to an antisymmetric bending deformation eld at the crack tips.21 Figures 14 and 15 depict the predicted plastic zones for the cases with a 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack as the panel reaches its residual strength.The plastic zone is composed from those elements with computed effective stresses exceeding the initial yield stress. As shown in Fig. 14, the evolving plastic zones are well-con ned by the elastic regions within the frames. For the case without MSD, dominant plastic zones accompanying the lead crack tips are observed. For the case with MSD, plastic zones are developed at the multiple crack tips. The plasticity distributions are highly in uenced by the multiple crack interactions; the animation of the plastic zone evolution is available from the Cornell Fracture Groups web site at
Fig. 11 Predicted operating pressure vs total crack extension for the KC-135 fuselage panel: , no MSD; M, 0.025-in. (0.64-mm) MSD; and s , 0.046-in. (1.17-mm) MSD.
Fig. 12 Predicted residual strength vs initial lead crack length: , no MSD; M, 0.025-in. (0.64-mm) MSD; s , 0.046-in. (1.17-mm) MSD; , no MSD, corrosion; N, 0.025-in. (0.64-mm) MSD, corrosion; d , 0.046-in. (1.17-mm) MSD, corrosion; and , curve t.
Fig. 14 Predicted plastic zones for 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack without MSD [pressure = 15.3 psi (105.5 kPa); magni cation factor = 5.0].
Fig. 13 Deformed shape of the KC-135 fuselage panel [pressure = 15.3 psi (105.5 kPa); magni cation factor = 5.0].
A generic narrow-body fuselage panel with tear straps, stringers, stringer clips, and frames was tested by the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group. Skins and tear straps were 0.036-in. (0.91-mm) thick, 2024-T3 clad aluminum alloy. Stringers, frames, and stringer clips were 7075-T6 clad aluminum alloy. The tear straps were hot-bonded
Description of Experiment
Fig. 15 Predicted plastic zones for 10-in. (254-mm) initial lead crack with 0.025-in. (0.64-mm) MSD [pressure = 11.3 psi (77.9 kPa); magni cation factor = 5.0].
Various directional criteria have been proposed. Zaal22 gives an excellent review of this subject. In the following, the equations used in this study to compute the fatigue crack-growth direction are outlined. Detailed derivations can be found elsewhere.2 It is assumed that the crack will start to grow from the tip in the direction perpendicularto which the tangentialstress is maximum. Considering only the singular stresses (or the rst-orderterms) from the asymptoticexpansions,the directionof crack growth or the crack propagation angle c is determined by solving K I sin c C K II .3 cos c 1/ D 0
Fig. 16 Structural features of a generic narrow-body fuselage panel (modi ed after Ref. 9).
where K I and K II are mode I and mode II stress intensity factors. This criterion was developed by Erdogan and Sih.23 If one includes the constant stresses (or the second-order terms) from the asymptotic expansions, the crack propagation angle c is determined by solving 1
2 r c 3 cos.c =2/ [ K I sin c C K II .3 cos c 1/] 4 2 r c 3 .3 cos c 1/ [ K I cos.c =2/ K II sin.c =2/] 8 (3)
C 2 T sin c cos c D 0
Fig. 17 panel.
to the skins at midbay and at each frame station. The structural features of the test panel are shown in Fig. 16. More information about panel dimensions can be found in Ref. 3 and online at The tested panel had a 5.0-in. (127-mm) initial saw cut in the transverse-longitudinal orientationcenteredon the midbay tear strap and just above the stringer tear strap. The saw cut went completely through both the skin and midbay tear strap. The panel was inserted into a test xture with a radius of curvature of 74 in. (1880 mm) to match narrow-bodyairplanes.A cyclic pressure of 7.8 psi (53.8 kPa) was applied to propagate the crack. During the test, the positions of the crack tips were recorded. The detailed test data can be found in Ref. 3.
where r c is a critical distance away from the crack tip and T is the constant stress or the T-stress. The physical meaning of rc has been studied in Ref. 24. The asymptotic stress expansion from the crack tip including the T-stress and other higher-order terms can be found in Ref. 25. This directional criterion was proposed by Williams and Ewing26 and later corrected by Finnie and Saith.27 Figure 18 shows the predicted propagation angle with the effect of T-stress. N 8 . T =K I /p.2 r c / used in Ref. 10 A dimensionless parameter T 3 is introduced to normalize the T-stress effect. For crack growth in orthotropicmedia, it is assumed that the crack propagatesin the directionof maximum normalizedstress, such that . K I ; K II ; T ; rc ; / Maximum K c ./
C 2 T cos 2c < 0
at D c
where is the angle characterizingthe material grain orientationand K c ./ is the strength parameter characterizingthe material fracture resistance. A simple elliptical functionis used to characterizethe anisotropic fracture toughness K c ./ (Refs. 28 and 29), that is, K c ./ D
The entire curvilinear crack-growth simulation consists of more than 20 in. (508 mm) of crack extension. As a result, using a globallocal hierarchical modeling approach3 could require continual updating of the boundary conditions from the preceding model in the hierarchy as a result of the crack growth. This would increase efforts substantially in performing the numerical analyses. For this speci c problem only internal pressure was applied to the structure; thus, a simple numerical model using symmetric boundary conditions might suf ce to simulate the panel test. In this study a four-stringer-bay wide and two-frame-bay long panel was analyzed. All structural components including skins, stringers, and frames were modeled by quadrilateralshell elements. Each node of the shell element has six degrees of freedom. A typical nite element mesh used in the simulation is shown in Fig. 17. Geometrically nonlinear analyses are performed. Pressure loading is applied on the skin of the shell model. Symmetric boundary conditions are imposed on all of the boundary edges of the model to simulate a cylinder-like fuselage structure. Uniform axial expansion is allowed at one longitudinal end. On this boundary edge, an axial force equal to .PR=2/ L is assigned, where P is the applied pressure, R is the radius of the panel, and L is the arc length of the edge.
Numerical Model
Fig. 18 Predicted propagation angle from the maximum tangential stress theory with T-stress [Eq. (3)].
Fig. 21 Comparisons between predicted and measured crack trajectories (isotropic directional criterion with various magnitudes of rc ): , measured; M, predicted (rc = 0); and s , predicted [rc = 0.09 in. (2.29 mm)]. Fig. 19 Effects of fracture orthotropy ratio on predicted propagation angle.
Fig. 20
N m is the fracture orthotropy ratio de ned as K N m K c . T /= where K K c . L /. K c . L / is the fracture toughness along the material longitudinal ( L ) direction and K c . T / is the fracture toughness along the transverse (T ) direction. N m and the material orientaBoth the fracture orthotropy ratio K tion angle can affect the predicted angle of impending fracture propagation c , as demonstrated in Figs. 19 and 20.
D. Fracture Parameter Evaluation
puted deformed shapes during curvilinear crack growth. Bulging caused by the applied pressure is observed. Moreover, severe apping is predicted as the crack turns. Figure 23 shows the computed stress intensity factors and T-stress vs the half-crack extension at the right crack tip. The sign conventions of stress intensity factors follow those in Ref. 3. Predicted results suggest the following: 1) The T-stress has a very mild in uence on the early crack trajectory prediction because of its relatively small magnitude. But as the crack approaches the tear strap, T-stress increases and plays an important role in the crack turning prediction. For the case with rc D 0:09 in. (2.29 mm), a sharp turning caused by T-stress is predicted as the crack approaches the tear strap. 2) The computed fracture parameters for rc D 0 and 0:09 in. (2.29 mm) are comparable at the early stage of curvilinear crack growth. However, sharp turning as the crack approaches the tear strap alters the deformation and stress elds. This drastically changes the computed values of fracture parameters. Predicted crack paths from both numericalsimulationsat the right and left crack tips are almost symmetric about the midbay, but the measured crack paths are not. This observation gives a preliminary indication of the experimental scatter that might occur in the panel test.
2. Effect of Fracture Toughness Orthotropy
Calculated deformation and stress elds near the crack tip are used to compute fracture parameters for crack-growth simulations. The modi ed crack closure integral method is used to compute the membrane and bending stress intensity factors . K I ; K II ; k 1 ; k2 /:3;30 A simple displacement correlation method is used to evaluate the T-stress10;31 . Although a better numerical method for T-stress computation using a path-independent integral is available for twodimensional models,26;32 its counterpart for curved shells is not availableto date. Using the simple displacementcorrelationmethod, a 5 10% error in the computed T-stress is expected. The crackgrowth directional criteria, Eqs. (3) and (4) for the isotropic and orthotropicmedia, are used to predict the propagationangle in thinshell structures.
E. Numerical Results 1. Effect of T-Stress and rc
The effect of T-stress and rc on crack trajectory prediction is studied rst. Crack-growth direction is predicted by the isotropic directional criterion[Eq. (3)]. Figure 21 plots the predictedcrack trajectories with r c D 0 (T-stress effectsignored) and r c D 0:09 in. (2.29 mm) as well as the experimentalmeasurements.Figure 22 shows the com-
The predicted crack-growth trajectories depicted in Fig. 21 are comparable to the experimental measurements, but with some discrepancy. The disagreement during early stages of crack growth might be related to the fracture toughness orthotropy of the fuselage skins. In subsequent analyses the orthotropic directional criterion, that is, Eq. (4), is used to predict the propagationangle. From the coupon test results the fracture toughness p p for this material and thickness is about 100 mPa m) in the p ksi in: (109p p L direction and 105 120 ksi in: (114 mPa m 131 mPa m) in the T direction.3 Thus, the fracture toughness is assumed to be 10% higher in the T than in the L direction. The predicted crack trajectories with r c D 0.09 in. (2.29 mm) are compared with those from the isotropic prediction and experimental measurements. As shown in Fig. 24, during early stages of crack growth the predicted trajectories for the orthotropic case agree better with the experimental measurements than the isotropic case. Crack-growth simulation with fracture orthotropy also predicts crack turning as the crack approachesthe tear strap. Yet, when the crack grows further into the tear strap region the inclusion of fracture orthotropy adversely alters the crack path predictionand does not predict apping as observedin the panel test. Several possible reasons might explain why the current methodology including the fracture toughness orthotropy does not predict the desired apping and should be examined in future research: 1) A characteristic feature of fracture orthotropy in the tear strap region is that the material orientation in the tear strap differs from that in the skin (that is, the transverse direction in the tear strap is along the longitudinal direction of the skin and vice versa). As a
a = 5.0 in.
a = 21.8 in.
a = 23.6 in.
Computed deformed shapes during curvilinear crack growth [isotropic case with rc = 0.09 in. (2.29 mm), magni cation factor = 2.0].
Fig. 23 Computed stress intensity factors and T-stress vs half-crack extension. The hollow and solid markers denote the computed fracture parameters for the isotropic case with rc = 0 and 0.09 in. (2.29 mm), respectively.
Fig. 24 Comparisons between predicted and measured crack trajectories [isotropic and orthotropic cases with rc = 0.09 in. (2.29 mm)]: , measured; s , predicted (isotropic); and M, predicted (orthotropic, Kc ( T )/Kc (L ) = 1.1).
result, the material characteristics in this overlapped region might behave like a quasi-isotropic material with less fracture toughness orthotropy. 2) The skin and tear strap are assumed to be perfectly bonded in the current model. However, as the crack grows into this region the adhesive bond between the skin and tear strap is likely to fail. This inevitably alters the local crack-tip stress elds and consequently affects the crack-growth behavior. 3) The thin-shell approximation does not capture all of the threedimensional complexities of the problem in the vicinity of the tear strap, particularly in the crack-tip region. Additional three-
dimensional crack-growth simulations are needed to quantify the three-dimensionaleffect on crack turning prediction. 4) Accurate stress intensity factor and T-stress evaluations in this region are crucial to predict crack turning. Current crack-growth simulations use a low-order polynomial degree of shape functions for thin-shell nite element analysesand use a displacementcorrelation method to extract the T-stress term from the nite element solutions, which can be inaccurate.Other numerical methods, for example, path-independent integrals for geometrically nonlinear shells, should improve the accuracy of fracture parameter evaluations. 5) The crack-growth directional criterion and its subsequent curvilinear crack-growth simulations explicitly assume that the crack is grown under small-scale yielding conditions. Yet, as the length of the fatigue crack extends to tear strap, stable tearing and
extensive plasticity are likely to occur. The active plastic zone and accumulated plastic wake caused by stable tearing would likely affect the crack-growth prediction.
F. Comparisons with Previous Studies
Potyondy et al.21 and Chen et al.33 have reported numerical simulations for this problem previously. Both studies analyzed early curvilinear crack growth but did not address the issue of sharp turning as the crack approaches the tear strap. It is, nevertheless, of interest to compare these results with the current prediction. In Potyondy et al.21 and Chen et al.,33 a global-local hierarchical modeling approach was used to model the panel test. Three hierarchical modeling levels were employed, composed of a global shell model, a 6 6 bay-stiffened panel model, and a 2 2 bay-stiffened panel model. Crack growth was only performed in the 2 2 bay model, the lowest level in the hierarchy. The kinematic boundary conditions on the 2 2 bay model were not updated during crack growth. Also, the boundary conditions applied to the global shell model corresponded with an open cylinder. Thus, the longitudinal stress in this numerical model is expected to be less than that in the test xture because the test xture is a closed cylinder. The directionalcriterionused in Potyondyet al.21 and Chen et al.33 corresponds to the Erdogan and Sih directional criterion,23 that is, Eq. (2); thus, comparisons are made with the isotropic prediction with rc D 0. Figure 25 shows the predictedcrack-growth trajectories from previous and current studies as well as experimental measurements. The initial crack location in Potyondys simulations was modeled at 0.45 in. (11.43 mm) away from the intersection of the skin and stringer as a result of limitations in the previous version
Fig. 27 Computed stress intensity factors vs half-crack extension. The hollow and solid markers denote the computed stress intensity factors from the current isotropic prediction with rc = 0 and those from Potyondy et al.,21 respectively.
Fig. 25 Comparisons between predicted and measured crack trajectories (isotropic directional criterion with various magnitudes of rc ): , measured; s , predicted (current rc = 0); M, predicted (Chen et al.34 ); and , predicted (Potyondy et al.21 ).
of the FRANC3D program. Figures 26 and 27 show the computed stress intensity factors at the right crack tip in comparison with Potyondy et al.21 and Chen et al.,33 respectively. From these results one can conclude the following: 1) The applied axial force used to model the longitudinal stress caused by a closed cylinder has little in uence on the computed stress intensity factors. This can be observed from the computed values shown in Fig. 26 at zero crack extension; the current model and the model used in Ref. 33 at this stage basically represent the same boundary conditions and crack con guration except an axial force was applied in the current model. 2) The fact that the kinematic boundary conditions were not altered during crack growth in the previous studies has a mild affect on the crack trajectory prediction and stress intensity factor computation. In the previous studies the kinematic boundary conditions used in the lowest level in the hierarchy were obtained from a global model with an initial 5.0-in. (127-mm) crack. The driving force for this case would be less than the one with updated boundary conditions as the crack grows. This is properly re ected on the computed K I values shown both in Figs. 26 and 27. This seems to have little effect on the computed values of K II , because they remain more or less the same for all cases. This leads to a lower ratio of K II =K I in the current model with updated boundary conditions. As a result, more shallow crack trajectories are predicted in the present study. Nevertheless, the computed fracture parameters are comparable with previous results; thus, a similar fatigue life is anticipated.
The CTOA fracture criterion and elastic-plastic nite element analysis are used to predict fracture behavior and residual strength of KC-135 fuselage panels.The analysis methodologytogether with the FRANC3D/STAGS program is shown to be an effective tool to simulate 1) lead crack growth, 2) MSD crack growth, 3) multiple crack interaction, and 4) material thinning as a result of corrosion damage in pressurized fuselages. In addition, curvilinear crack growth in a generic narrow-body fuselage is studied. Comparisons with experimental measurements suggest that the fracture toughness orthotropy plays an important role in predicting the early crack-growth trajectories. The subsequent crack growth after the initial crack de ection follows a trajectory where the local stress states are of a mode I dominant type. Thus, like crack growth in double cantileverbeam specimens,2 crack turning and apping as the crack approachesthe tear strap is highly related to the T-stress.
Fig. 26 Computed stress intensity factors vs half-crack extension. The hollow and solid markers denote the computed stress intensity factors from the current isotropic prediction with rc = 0 and those from Chen et al.,33 respectively.
This work was performed with support from the NASA Langley Aircraft Structural Integrity Program under Contracts NAG1-1184 and NAG-1-2069 and U.S. Air Force Corrosion Damage
Assessment Framework under Subcontract NCI-USAF-9128-001. The authors would like to thank James C. Newman Jr., David S. Dawicke, and Dale Cope for their supportand encouragement.Helpful discussionswith the members of the Cornell Fracture Group are also appreciated.
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