SMT Seminar Report
SMT Seminar Report
SMT Seminar Report
Surface mount technology is the method of attaching both leaded and non-leaded electrical components to the surface of a conductive pattern that does not utilize leads in feed through holes. It is an innovative trend in the field of Printed Circuit. Printed circuit board designing especially those requiring high on board density. This seminar explains how the PCB circuit can be designed step by step. It is done in a SMT also provides improved shock and vibration resistance due to the lower mass of components. The smaller lead lengths of surface mount components reduce parasitic losses and provide more effective decoupling.
Page No CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY 2.1. BASIC SMT PROCESS 2.2. Types of Surface Mount Technology Chapter 3: Fine Pitch Devices Chapter 4: Surface Mount Design
4.1. design of manufacturability pattern design for testability 4.4.specification of pcb
surface mount components and their placement 6.1 component packaging 6.2 component placement Chapter7 soldering 7,1 infrared/convective reflow soldering 7.2 hot bar reflow soldering Chapter 8 cleaning Chapter9 repair/rework
10.1 advantages 10.2 disadvantages
1 Introduction Traditional through-hole Dual In-Line Package assemblies reached their limits in terms of improvements in cost, weight, volume, and reliability at approximately 68L. SMT allows production of more reliable assemblies with higher I/O, increased board density, and reduced weight, volume, and cost. The weight of printed board assemblies (PBAs) using SMT is reduced because surface mount components (SMCs) can weigh up to 10 times less than their conventional counterparts and occupy about one-half to one-third the space on the printed board (PB) surface. SMT also provides improved shock and vibration resistance due to the lower mass of components. The smaller lead lengths of surface mount components reduce parasitic losses and provide more effective decoupling .
The Type II Type II is probably the most common type of SMT board. It has a
combination of through-hole components and SMT components. Often, surface mount chip components are located on the secondary side of the Printed Board (PB). Active SMCs and DIPs are then found on the primary side. Multiple soldering processes are required.
The Type III. Type III assemblies are similar to Type II. They also use passive
chip SMCs on the secondary side, but on the primary side only DIPs are used Figure 1. Surface Mount Technology Board Types
Figure 2. Typical Process Flow for Total Surface Mount (Type I SMT The process sequence for Type I SMT is shown in Figure 7-3. For a single sided type I, solder paste is printed onto the board and components are placed The assembly is reflow soldered and cleaned (if needed). For double-sided Type I, the board is turned over, and the process sequence just described is repeated
Figure3. Typical Process Flow for Underside Attachment (Type II &IIISMT) Type II & III assemblies go through the process sequence of Type I SMT followed by the sequence for Type III. In general practice, only passive chip components and low pin count gull wing components are exposed to solder wave immersion.
4.1.Design for Manufacturability
Design for manufacturability is gaining more recognition as it becomes clear that cost reduction of printed wiring assemblies cannot be controlled by manufacturing engineers alone. Design for manufacturability-which includes considerations of land pattern, placement, soldering, cleaning, repair, and test-is essentially a yield issue. Thus, companies planning surface mount products face achallenge in creating manufacturable designs. Of all the issues in design for manufacturability, land pattern design and interpackage spacing arethe most important. Interpackage spacing controls cost-effectiveness of placement, soldering, testing, inspection, and repair. A minimum interpackage spacing is required to satisfy all these manufacturing requirements, and the more spacing that is provided, the better. With the vast variety of components available today, it would be difficult to list or draw the spac requirements for every component combination. In general, most component spacing ranges fro 0.040 in. to 0.060 in. The space is typically measured from pad to pad, lead to lead, or body to body, whichever is closest. Smaller spacing (0.040 in) is generally used for low or thin profile parts and small chip components. Taller parts such as PLCCs are usually spaced at 0.060 in. The placement capability of each individual piece of equipment will partially dictate minimum requirements. However, often the ability to rework or repair individual leads, or entire parts, will have a stronger influence on the minimum spacing. Allowing enough space for rework nozzles or soldering irons can save considerable cost by allowing repair of a few bad solder joints versus scrapping the entire board. Thus, each user must set spacing requirements based on the equipment set used. The spacing between the pads of conventional and surface mount components may be as large as 0.100 in. so that auto-insertion equipment may used for conventional components. Clear spaces ofat least 0.050 in. should be allowed around all edges of the PC boards if the boards are tested offthe connector, or 0.100 in. if vacuum seal is used for testing, such as bed-of-nails. Another manufacturing consideration is the alignment of components on the PC board. Similar types of components should be aligned in the same orientation for ease of component placement, inspection, and soldering. Via holes are used to connect SMC lands to conductor layers. They may also be used as test targetsfor bed-of-nails probes and/or rework ports. Via holes may be covered with solder mask material ifthey are not required for node testing or rework. Such vias are called tented or capped vias. Via holes may be placed under surface mount components. However, in Type II and Type III SMT(mix-and-match surface mount), via holes under SMCs should be minimized or tented with soldermask to prevent trapping of flux under the packages during wave soldering. For effective
cleaning,via holes should only be located beneath SMCs in Type I SMT assemblies (full surface mount) thatare not wave soldered.
4.2.LAND PATTERN DESIGN The surface mount land patterns, also called footprints or pads, define the sites where components are to be soldered to the PC board. The design of land patterns is very critical, because it determines solder joint strength and thus the reliability of solder joints, and also impacts solder defects, leanability, testability, and repair or rework. In other words, the very producibility or success of SMT is dependent upon the land pattern design. The lack of standardization of surface mount packages has compounded the problem of standardizing the land pattern. To simplify the land pattern design guidelines, surface mount components are divided into four different categories: 1. 0.050" Pitch J-leaded Devices 2. 0.050" Pitch Gullwing Leaded Devices 3. Sub 0.050" Pitch Gullwing Leaded Devices 4. Chip Components
For each of these categories dimensions will be mentioned and as per these dimensions pitch pad size is created for each device.
. 4.3 Design for Testability In SMT boards, designing for testability requires that test nodes be accessible to automated test equipment (ATE). This requirement naturally has an impact on board real estate. In addition, the requirement impacts cost, which is dependent upon defects. A lower number of test nodes can be tolerated when defect rates are low, but higher defect occurrence demands adequate diagnostic capability by allowing ATE access to all test nodes. Most companies use bed-of-nails in-circuit testing for conventional assemblies. Use of SMCs does not impact testability if rules for testability of assemblies are strictly observed. These rules require that (1) 0.050-in. and 0.100-in. test probes are used, (2) solder joints are not probed, and (3) through-hole vias or test pads are used to allow electrical access to each test node during in-circuit testing. If possible, this electrical access should be provided both at top and bottom, with the bottom access being necessary. The main drawback of providing all the required test pads is that the
real estate savings offered by SMT are somewhat compromised. To retain these savings requires development of some form of self-test or reliance upon functional tests only. However, self-test requires considerable development effort and implementation time, and functional tests lack the diagnostic capability of incircuit tests. Designing for manufacturability, test, and repair are very important for yield improvement and thus cost reduction. 4.4 SPECIFICATION OF PCB After all these above mentioned design steps the following information should be provided when ordering PCBs: 1.quantity and lead time. 2.x-y dimensions/boards per panel,number of sides with components. 3.board material,thickness and tolerances 4.layer count and copper weight for layers: -1/2 oz or 1 oz copper on outer layers. -1 oz copper on inner layers 5. metallization(SnPb/HASL,organic,Cu-Ni-Au,immersion Sn or Ag or Au) 6.minimum line and space width 7.hole current,min hole dim and finish 8.surface mount pad count and minimum pad pitch 9.silkscreen and solder mask(usually green LPI) 10.electrical testing requirements(need netlist for electrical test) 11.gerber data(always create a README file).
Specify PCBs
In most cases, solder paste is applied on the solder pads before component placement by stenciling.Stencils are etched stainless steel or brass sheets. Stencils are essentially the industry standard for applying solder paste. Screens with emulsion masks can be used but stencils provide more crisp and accurate print deposits. The types of solder paste available fall under three main categories: Rosin Mildly Activated (RMA), water-soluble Organic Acid (OA), and no-clean. Each of these has advantages and disadvantages as listed in the Table 1, and choosing one over the others depends on the application and the product type.
Table1.COMPARISON OF SOLDER PASTES Type RMA Advantages Stable chemistry, Good properties Disadvantages Needs chemical solvent or Saphonication for Cleaning Cleaned using pure Humidity sensitive, water, Water leaches into Good cleanability Waste stream No cleaning process May leave some Invisible residue behind
Like the selection of auto-placement machines, the type of soldering process required depends upon the type of components to be soldered and whether surface mount and through-hole parts will be combined. For example, if all components are surface mount types, the reflow method will be used. However, for a combination of through-hole and surface mount components, reflow soldering for surface mount components followed by wave soldering for through-hole mount components is optimum. 7.1 Infrared/Convective Reflow Soldering There are basically two types of infrared reflow processes: focused (radiant) and non-focused (convective). Focused IR, also known as Lamp IR, uses quartz lamps that produce radiant energy to heat the product. In non- focused or diffused IR, the heat energy is transferred from heaters by convection. A gradual heating of the assembly is necessary to drive off volatiles from the solder paste. This is accomplished by various top and bottom heating zones that are independently controlled. After an appropriate time in preheat, the assembly is raised to the reflow temperature for soldering and then cooled. The most widely accepted reflow is now "forced convection" reflow. It is considered more suitable for SMT packages and has become the industry standard. The advantage of forced convection reflow is better heat transfer from hot air that is constantly being replenished in large volume thus supplying more consistent heating. While large mass devices on the PB will heat more slowly than low mass devices, the deltas are small allowing all parts to see nearly the same heat cycle. 7.2 Hot Bar Reflow Soldering The ability to place and reflow high lead count ultra fine pitch components challenges traditional stencil, place and reflow processes at or below 0.4mm lead pitch. This is due to poor solder paste flow characteristics through very small stencil apertures and mechanical alignment difficulties with stencil to the substrate. Pulsed resistance thermode attachment or "hot bar" reflow is an outer lead bonding technique for component lead pitches down to 0.2mm. The package for this process is the Tape Carrier Package (TCP). Component input into the placement system can be accomplished through many different format types: molded carrier ring, singulated slide carriers, or matrix trays. In this process, no solder paste is used. Only the solder plated on the PB lands form the solder joints. Hence, a PB vendor with tight solder plating control is needed. First, liquid flux is applied to the lands at the mounting site. No-clean "low solids" fluxes that can withstand the higher temperature of the thermodes (approximately 260C - 300C) without carbonizing are recommended for this application. An advanced machine vision system is used to perform component lead inspection, board fiducial location and calculate placement location. After component placement, the hot bar blades are brought down to "gang bond" all the leads simultaneously. The blades physically contact the top of the component leads, holding them in place during reflow and cool down. This hold down process results in fewer problems due to coplanarity. Heat is conducted through the leads and into the solder deposit to form solder fillets. The blades are then allowed to cool to let the solder re-solidify before lifting. Computer control manages the temperature and force profiles for each component type. Different thermal masses make this essential
In general, cleaning of SMT assemblies is harder than that of conventional assemblies because of smaller gaps between surface mount components and the PB surface. The smaller gap can entrap flux, which can cause corrosion, which leads to reliability problems. Thus, the cleaning process depends upon the spacing between component leads, spacing between component and substrate, the source of flux residue, type of flux, and the soldering process. RMA cleaning requires chemicals and has waste affuents to deal with. OA cleaning uses water that must flush down the drain. However in this chemistry, lead is often found in the wastewater and creates an environmental concern. No clean is generally becoming the preferred solder process since it eliminates cleaning all together. This eliminates the environmental issues and saves in capital costs. One of the key issues in SMT has been to determine the cleanliness of SMT assemblies. The Omega meter is a common tool originally used for DIP boards. For SMT, the industry also uses Surface Insulation Resistance (SIR) surface mount boards. These boards check for ionic contaminates left on the PB by measuring the electrical resistance between adjacent traces or circuits.
Repair and rework of SMT assemblies is easier than that of conventional components. A number of tools are available for removing components, including hot-air machines for removing active surface mount components. As with any rework tool, a key issue in using hot-air machines is preventing thermal damage to the component or adjacent components. No matter which tool is used, all the controlling desoldering/soldering variables should be studied,including the number of times a component can be removed and replaced, and desoldering temperature and time. It is also helpful to preheat the board assembly to 150F 200F for 15 to 20 minutes before rework to prevent thermal damage such as measling or white spots of the boards,and to avoid pressure on pads during the rework operation. To prevent moisture induced damage,SMT components may require bake-out prior to removal from the board.
The manufacturing processes for SMT are much more sophisticated than throughhole boards, raising the initial cost and time of setting up for production. Manual prototype assembly or component-level repair is more difficult (more so without a steady hand and the right tools) given the very small sizes and lead spacings of many SMDs. SMDs can't be used with breadboards (a quick snap-and-play prototyping tool), requiring a custom PCB for every prototype. The PCB costs dozens to hundreds of dollars to fabricate and must be designed with specialized software. For prototyping around a specific SMD component, a less-expensive breakout board may be used.