CRM Planning Process
CRM Planning Process
CRM Planning Process
By David Alexander and Charles Turner
Drawings by Phil Hailstone Brilliant and inspiring even for an organisation that has focused on building long-term profitable customer relationships, this book sets the context for the next Millennium. Mike Norris, Chief Executive, Computacenter plc Concise but comprehensive. This book will help you capture the imagination and support of all parts of your organisation. A must for any disciple of CRM. Nigel Grimes, Director of Customer Strategy, Centrica
WHAT IS CRM? An overview of CRM - what it delivers, what knowledge it provides and what benefits it brings. vi FRAMEWORK FOR CRM 13 Understanding your customers, their needs and relative values, is central to implementing a CRM strategy, as is the need to align business processes, technology and marketing initiatives. This chapter explains.
DRIVERS FOR CRM 1 Looks at the main issues affecting customer relationships and provides a checklist of questions to address and points to consider.
DIFFERING CRM THEMES 25 AND START POINTS Highlights the differences and reveals the common ground between business to business (B2B) CRM and business to consumer (B2C) CRM.
THE DIFFERENT ROLES 45 PLAYED IN A CRM PROGRAMME Explains each departments contribution to the CRM initiative, with particular emphasis on the roles of marketing and IT services - the graveyard of so many CRM programmes! PLANNING A CRM 77 PROGRAMME A step-by-step guide through the five key stages of CRM planning: auditing, valuing customers, establishing a vision, scoping CRM and developing a business case. IMPLEMENTING A CRM 99 PROGRAMME Describes the different elements of the CRM programme plan and the roles of the team and programme manager who will implement it. Lists the critical success factors and provides a useful checklist. AN EXAMPLE PROJECT METHOD A generic template for effective delivery of a CRM programme. 111
What is customer relationship management? Why is it important in todays environment? What different models and themes are there? What are the different roles played within an organisation?
With this knowledge you are now in a position to develop a CRM programme plan and business case.
What is the current understanding of CRM? What is the current level of customer focus across the organisation? How important is it? What are the barriers to CRM being implemented? How will you get buy in and support? How can you drive CRM forward?
Provide a clear definition and rationale for CRM Identify highly experienced representatives from Sales, Marketing, Service, Finance & Administration, Information Technology Services, Human Resources and Research & Development Conduct a series of one to one interviews using questionnaires and topic guides Gain insights from key people in the organisation, taking your total market into account (eg: UK, Europe, World)
The processes around the customers The way of working The culture, mindset and attitude The systems The pain and stress points The parts of the process that are bureaucratic rather than customer focused
Buying touch points Communication touch points Customer service touch points Customer generated touch points - informal routes into an organisation (eg: complaints)
Consider duplication and distribution of touch points (eg: four call centres, two internet sites). Assess usage and importance of each.
Identify the customer experience at each touch point (Mystery experience exercise by touch point). Grade by: - ability to handle query - level of customer sensitivity - how customers are moved to another part of the organisation. Assess what improvements can be made short-term and longer-term. What impact will this have on other departments?
David can be contacted at: E-mail:
Charles can be contacted at: E-mail: