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The First Step in The Problem Solving and Decision Making Process Is To Identify and Define The Problem

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The first step in the problem solving and decision making process is to identify and define the


A problem can be regarded as a difference between the actual situation and the desired
situation. This means that in order to identify a problem the team must know where it is meant
to be and have a clear understanding of where it currently is in relation to the perceived

In order to clearly define the problem the following steps can be followed:

Agree with the team where the team should be

Describe and document the problem

Agree with the team where the team should be

The Team Purpose, the Team Performance Plan and the Operational Plan can be used to identify
where the team should be. If an organised and structured planning process has been followed
then the desired position and performance of the team should be clear. However, when a
problem arises it is always worthwhile to involve the team members in identifying and
understanding the gap between the actual situation and the desired situation. This helps to
ensure that all team members understand that a problem exists and that they are an integral
part in rectifying the situation.

Describe and document the problem

In this step it is important to clearly describe and document what you and the team consider
the problem to be. This helps to ensure that agreement is reached as to the problem and
provides a starting point for resolving the problem. Describing the problem also ensures that
any confusion about the problem is identified and resolved.

A useful technique for describing the problem is to ask a number of questions which can help
direct the team to actively think about the problem.

Some questions that can be usefully employed are:

Why do you think there is a problem?

What is happening?

When is it happening?

Where is it happening?

Who do you believe is involved?

Why is it happening?

Note: When asking the question Who do you believe is involved? ask the team to state facts
and not to apportion blame.

Once you and the team have worked through these questions the answers should be used to
document the problem as specifically and accurately as possible.

The description of the problem should be verified by and agreed with the team. This description
can then be used as a starting point for the next step in the problem solving and decision
making process: gather information relevant to the problem.

The Star Bank Customer Contact Centre has a problem with its Credit Card team. A number of
Call Centre Operators have not been turning up for work on Mondays and this has affected the
performance levels of the team.

The Credit Card Team Leader has decided to follow the problem solving and decision making
process in order to implement a suitable solution to this problem.

In conjunction with the team the Team Leader has used the Performance Plan and the
Operational Plan to highlight where the team should be in terms of attendance and

The team have documented the problem as:

High absenteeism rates of 20.5% on Mondays are affecting the performance levels of the Credit
Card team. An absenteeism rate of 5% has been budgeted for in the Operational Plan.

Problem solving series

1. Defining the problem/
gathering information
Define the Problem
What prevents you from reaching your goal?
You may need to state the problem in broad terms since the exact
problem may not be obvious.
you may lack information to define it
you can confuse symptoms with underlying causes
Prepare a statement of the problem and find someone you trust to
review it and to talk it over. If the problem is a job situation, review
it with your supervisor or the appropriate committee or resource.
Consider these questions:
What is the problem?
Is it my problem?
Can I solve it? Is it worth solving?
Is this the real problem, or merely a symptom of a larger one?
If this is an old problem, what's wrong with the previous solution?
Does it need an immediate solution, or can it wait?
Is it likely to go away by itself?
Can I risk ignoring it?
Does the problem have ethical dimensions?
What conditions must the solution satisfy?
Will the solution affect something that must remain unchanged?
When problem solving, identify the causes of the problem in order to solve it.
Identify causes of your problem
Look at the current situation, rather than its history
Do not consider the "trouble" it creates whether now or in the future.
List and organize the causes of the problem
Fishi-kawa! Ishikawa diagrams! Fishbone diagrams! *
Similar to the practice of concept mapping and brainstorming,
place each "cause" along a line that ends in a box identifying a problem
creating your very own fishbone diagram.

At the beginning brainstorm and identify all the possible causes.

One strategy is to use post-it notes for each cause,
then paste them into your "graph" along the "spine" for a visual representation,
either on a whiteboard, flipchart, or other large surface that can be modified.
If some causes relate to others, you can develop layers connecting and extending out from the first rays.
As you develop your diagram, arrange the causes toward the fishhead/problem to indicate importance.
Identify/map all the causes before considering solutions to the problem.
What are examples of causes of the problem?
Are there enough participants to help?
Are the participants' skills adequate?
Are some participants perceived as not helpful?
Are there enough, for example funding?
Are some not identified?
Are some not used effectively, or mis-placed?
Is it conducive to problem solving? Is there too much stress?
Is the power structure (administration or line of authority) supportive?
Is the power structure (administration or line of authority) aware of the problem?
Processes, procedures and rules
Are they understood, or badly defined?
Are they perceived as an obstacle?
Is there an agreed-upon vocabulary, and understanding of their meanings and definitions?
Are some "hidden"?
Working with the diagram:
Consider all the causes and rank them in importance
either on their post-its, or by circles with numbers etc.
Examine relationship
Drop some causes to secondary levels, or off the chart to indicate irrelevance.
* The Ishikawa Diagram was developed by Kaoru Ishikawa (1968) with applications in manufacturing and
later published in "Introduction to Quality Control (1990. It was first used in the 1940s, and is considered one
of the seven basic tools of quality control.[4] It is known as a fishbone diagram because of its shape, similar
to the side view of a fish skeleton. Mazda Motors used the procedure in the development of the Miata sports
car. "Every factor identified in the diagram was included in the final design."
Gathering Information
Individuals, groups, organizations that are affected by the problem, or its
solution. Begin with yourself. Decision makers and those close to us are very
important to identify.
Facts & data
Results from experimentation and studies
Interviews of "experts" and trusted sources
Observed events, past or present, either personally observed or reported
The boundaries or constraints of the situation are difficult to change. They include lack of funds or other
resources. If a solution is surrounded by too many constraints, the constraints themselves may be the problem.
Opinions and Assumptions
Opinions of decision makers, committees or groups, or other powerful groups will be important to the success
of your decision. It is important to recognize truth, bias, or prejudice in the opinion.
Assumptions can save time and work since is often difficult to get "all the facts." Recognize that some things
are accepted on faith. Assumptions also have a risk factor, must be recognized for what they are, and should
be discarded when they are proven wrong.

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