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Defining The Problem

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Defining the problem.

In almost every problem solving methodology the first step is defining or

identifying the problem. It is the most difficult and the most important of all the steps. It involves
diagnosing the situation so that the focus on the real problem and not on its symptoms.

Problem statements often have three elements:

1. the problem itself, stated clearly and with enough contextual detail to establish why
it is important;
2. the method of solving the problem, often stated as a claim or a working thesis;
3. the purpose, statement of objective and scope of the document the writer is

These elements should be brief so that the reader does not get lost.

Well-defined problems lead to breakthrough solutions. When developing new products,

processes, or even businesses, most companies aren’t sufficiently rigorous in defining the
problems they’re attempting to solve and articulating why those issues are important.
Without that rigor, organizations miss opportunities, waste resources, and end up pursuing
innovation initiatives that aren’t aligned with their strategies. How many times have you
seen a project go down one path only to realize in hindsight that it should have gone down
another? How many times have you seen an innovation program deliver a seemingly
breakthrough result only to find that it can’t be implemented or it addresses the wrong
problem? Many organizations need to become better at asking the right questions so that
they tackle the right problems.

Here are three stories of organizations in very different fields that did a spectacular job of
defining the problem. This in turn attracted the right kind of innovators and led to
breakthrough solutions.

The Subarctic Oil Problem

More than 20 years after the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, cleanup teams operating in
subarctic waters still struggled because oil became so viscous at low temperatures that it was
difficult to pump from barges to onshore collection stations.

How the Problem Was Defined. In its search for a solution, the Oil Spill Recovery
Institute framed the problem as one of “materials viscosity” rather than “oil cleanup” and
used language that was not specific to the petroleum industry. The goal was to attract novel
suggestions from many fields.

The Breakthrough. A chemist in the cement industry was awarded $20,000 for proposing a
modification of commercially available construction equipment that would vibrate the
frozen oil, keeping it fluid.

The ALS Research Problem

By the late 2000s, researchers trying to develop a cure or treatment for amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease) had not made much progress. One major obstacle
was the inability to detect and track the progression of the disease accurately and quickly.
Because researchers could not know precisely what stage ALS sufferers had reached, they
greatly increased the pool of participants in clinical trials and lengthened their studies,
which drove up costs so much that few treatments were developed and evaluated.
How the Problem Was Defined. Instead of framing its initiative as a search for a cure,
Prize4Life, a nonprofit organization, focused on making ALS research feasible and
effective. The solution it sought was a biomarker that would enable faster and more-accurate
detection and measurement of the progression of the disease.

The Breakthrough. In 2011, a researcher from Beth Israel Hospital in Boston was paid $1
million for a noninvasive, painless, and low-cost approach, which detects ALS and assesses
its progression by measuring changes in an electrical current traveling through muscle. This
biomarker lowers the cost of ALS research by providing accurate and timely data that allow
researchers to conduct shorter studies with fewer patients.

The Solar Flare Problem

In 2009 NASA decided it needed a better way to forecast solar flares in order to protect
astronauts and satellites in space and power grids on Earth. The model it had been using for
the past 30 years predicted whether radiation from a solar flare would reach Earth with only
a four-hour lead time and no more than 50% accuracy.

How the Problem Was Defined. NASA did not ask potential solvers simply to find a better
way to predict solar flares; instead, it pitched the problem as a data challenge, calling on
experts with analytic backgrounds to use one of the agency’s greatest assets — 30 years of
space weather data — to develop a forecasting model. This data-driven approach not only
invited solvers from various fields but also enabled NASA to provide instant feedback,
using its archived data, on the accuracy of proposed models.

The Breakthrough. A semiretired radio-frequency engineer living in rural New Hampshire

used data analysis and original predictive algorithms to develop a forecasting model that
provided an eight-hour lead time and 85% accuracy. He was awarded $30,000 for this

Critically analyzing and clearly articulating a problem can yield highly innovative solutions.
As these stories illustrate, organizations that ask better questions and define their problems
with more rigor can create strategic advantage and unlock truly groundbreaking innovation.
Asking better questions delivers better results.

This blog post was excerpted from the Spradlin’s article “Are You Solving the Right
Problem?” in the September issue of the magazine.

A problem statement is a clear concise description of the issue(s) that need(s) to be addressed by a
problem solving team. It is used to center and focus the team at the beginning, keep the team on
track during the effort, and is used to validate that the effort delivered an outcome that solves the
problem statement.
The first step in the problem solving and decision making process is to identify and
define the problem.

A problem can be regarded as a difference between the actual situation and the desired
situation. This means that in order to identify a problem the team must know where it
is meant to be and have a clear understanding of where it currently is in relation to the
perceived problem.

In order to clearly define the problem the following steps can be followed:

 Agree with the team where the team should be

 Describe and document the problem

Agree with the team where the team should be

The Team Purpose, the Team Performance Plan and the Operational Plan can be used to
identify where the team should be. If an organised and structured planning process has
been followed then the desired position and performance of the team should be clear.
However, when a problem arises it is always worthwhile to involve the team members
in identifying and understanding the gap between the actual situation and the desired
situation. This helps to ensure that all team members understand that a problem exists
and that they are an integral part in rectifying the situation.

Describe and document the problem

In this step it is important to clearly describe and document what you and the team
consider the problem to be. This helps to ensure that agreement is reached as to the
problem and provides a starting point for resolving the problem. Describing the problem
also ensures that any confusion about the problem is identified and resolved.

A useful technique for describing the problem is to ask a number of questions which can
help direct the team to actively think about the problem.

Some questions that can be usefully employed are:

 Why do you think there is a problem?

 What is happening?
 When is it happening?
 Where is it happening?
 Who do you believe is involved?
 Why is it happening?

Note: When asking the question Who do you believe is involved? ask the team to state
facts and not to apportion blame.

Once you and the team have worked through these questions the answers should be
used to document the problem as specifically and accurately as possible.

The description of the problem should be verified by and agreed with the team. This
description can then be used as a starting point for the next step in the problem solving
and decision making process: gather information relevant to the problem.

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