Anatomy & Physiology Questions
Anatomy & Physiology Questions
Anatomy & Physiology Questions
Describe the structure of the cell with a neatly labeled diagram. Add a note on cellular transport 3. Describe the cell cycle in detail 4. What are the various kinds of glands found in the body? 5. Describe the types of membranes with examples URINARY TRACT SYSTEM 1. Name the organs of urinary tract. Explain the anatomy and blood supply of the kidneys? 2. Describe the mechanism of urine formation? 3. Write a short note on ureter? 4. Describe the structure of nephron? 5. Composition of urine? 6. Short note on urinary bladder? 7. Microscopic structure of ureter? 8. What is GFR, write briefly about it? 9. Glucosuria? 10. Heat stroke? 11. Functions of kidneys? 12. What is normal body temperature? Explain the various compensatory physiological responses to increase in environmental temperature? 13. Write a short note on fluid balance? 14. Effects of hormones on water regulation? 15. What is electrolyte imbalance? SPECIAL SENSES 1. Write a short note on cross section of the skin? 2. What are the errors of the refraction in eyes? How are they corrected? 3. Write short note on presbyopia and myopia? 4. Describe the functions of the skin and its role in thermoregulation? 5. Describe the physiology of vision? 6. What are the muscles of the eye ball? 7. Describe the physiology of hearing? 8. Describe the regulation of body temperature? 9. Write a short note on rods and cones? 10. What are the various sensory organs? Describe the gross anatomy of nasal cavities?
11. What is deafness and various types? 12. Describe the anatomy of ear? 13. What are the functions of middle ear? 14. What is direct and indirect papillary reflex? 15. Functions of the eye? 16. Ear ossicles? 17. Components of middle ear 18. Auditory pathway? 19. Olfactory receptors? 20. Structure of the tongue? 21. Astigmatism 22. Write a short note on organ of cortillage 23. Membranous structures of inner ear
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 1. Describe the structure and functions of female reproductive system 2. Describe the process of fertilization 3. Describe the formation of placenta. Add a note on fetal circulation? 4. Describe the various changes occurring in the menstrual cycle and correlate them with various hormonal changes? 5. Mention the parts of male reproductive system. Describe the spermatic cord. Add a note on the descent of testis? 6. Mention the parts of the female reproductive system. Describe the uterus with supports. Add a note on its aspects 7. Explain the anatomy of uterus 8. Describe in detail epididymis 9. Write a short note on cell cycle 10. Short note on ovary and uterine tubes 11. State the functions of the testis. Describe spermatogenesis 12. Mention the contents of the female pelvis 13. Describe the structure of uterus 14. Functions of the ovary 15. Ovulation 16. Spermatogenesis
17. Describe the female internal reproductive system 18. Describe the oogenesis, fertilization, cleavage and implantation 19. Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of the mammary glands 20. Write a short note on estrogen 21. Write a short note on testis 22. Rite a short note on prostate gland 23. Infertility 24. Oral contraceptives 25. Male infertility 26. Endometrical changes during normal menstrual cycle with a diagram 27. Function of corpus lutetium 28. Tests of ovulation 29. Fallopian tubes SKELETAL SYSTEM 1. What is skeletal system? Write the functions of skeletal system 2. Write the classification of the bones and give examples for each 3. Write about the composition of the bone and describe the bone structure 4. Write about the various types of the skeleton 5. Write about the bones of the cranium 6. Describe in detail facial bones 7. What are the functions of the skull 8. Describe the classification of the vertebrae 9. Write the functions of the vertebral column 10. Describe the structure of the vertebrae 11. Write about scapula and clavicle 12. Write about the structure of humerus 13. Describe the structure of femur 14. Write about the classification of joints with examples. Add a note on the structure of a synovial joint? 15. Classification of the synovial joints 16. Describe the ball and socket joints citing examples 17. Write a short note on atlas and axis 18. Gross anatomy of shoulder joint 19. Gross anatomy of hip joint 20. Gross anatomy of knee joint
21. Gross anatomy of ankle joint 22. Rickets 23. Arches of foot 24. Femoral triangle 25. Ossification of bone 26. Femoral sheath 27. What is fracture, types of fracture and fracture healing? 28. Describe the embryonic growth of bone? 29. Factors effecting bone growth 30. Fracture healing 31. Name the bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton. Explain the anatomy of mandible 32. Short note on tibia 33. Write a short note on ulna and radius 34. Classify joints. Write in detail about synovial joints citing example for each 35. Write a short note on histology of bones 36. Describe the gross anatomy of shoulder joint. Mention the movements permitted at the joints 37. Describe the mandible. Its relations and attachments 38. Describe the elbow joint MUSCULAR SYSTEM 1. Write a short note on deltoid muscle 2. Write a short note on scapular muscles 3. Write a note on sarcomere 4. Describe the effects of muscular exercise on respiratory and circulatory systems 5. Write a short note on the respiratory muscles 6. Write a short note on muscular tissue 7. Write a short note on sternocledomastoid 8. What are the different kinds of muscles 9. Explain the physiology of muscle contraction 10. Muscle fatigue 11. Isotonic and isometric contractions 12. Muscle tone 13. Scapular muscles 14. Gluteus maximus 15. Diaphragm muscle
16. Biceps brachii muscles 17. Name 4 upper limb muscles 18. Neuro muscular junction ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 1. Structure of the adrenal glands 2. Functions of the thyroid glands 3. List the various endocrine glands in the body and explain the structure of thyroid gland 4. Write a short note on growth hormone 5. Short note on pituitary gland 6. Short note on the structure of thyroid gland 7. Functions of parathyroid 8. Enumerate about the endocrine glands of body and explain in detail about the pituitary gland 9. Write a short note about hypothyroidism 10. Enumerate about the endocrine glands of body and explain in detail about thyroid gland 11. List the similarities and differences between the nervous and endocrine system. 12. Describe the mechanism of hormone regulation 13. Types of diabetes and their manifestations 14. Ketoacidosis 15. Normal serum calcium levels 16. Functions of calcium 17. Rickets 18. Thyroid deficiency 19. Thymus gland 20. BMR 21. Adrenal/suprarenal gland 22. Acromegaly 23. Name the various hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Explain the functions of growth hormone. What is gigantism DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1. Describe the composition and functions of pancreatic juice 2. Name the parts of GIT and describe the anatomy of stomach 3. Write a short note on peristalsis. 4. Describe the gross anatomy of liver. Add a note on gall bladder. 5. Describe the movements of small intestine.
6. Write a short note on functions of bile. 7. Describe the functions of pancreas. 8. Describe the functions of stomach. 9. Write a short note on appendix. 10. Describe the anatomy of pancreas. 11. Write a short note on salivary glands. 12. Write a short note on tongue. 13. Describe the histology of tongue. 14. Describe the functions of liver. 15. Describe the regulation of bile juice secretions. 16. Mention the glands associated with digestive system 17. Name the parts of GIT and histology of stomach. 18. Describe the process of digestion in stomach. 19. Short note on bile salts. 20. Phases of deglutition. 21. Phases of gastric secretion. 22. What is jaundice? 23. Waldeyers ring. 24. Hernia. 25. Soft palate. 26. Protein digestion at various sites of GIT. 27. Hypo proteinimia. 28. Tonsils. 29. Functions of bile. 30. Anatomy of large intestine. 31. The digestion and absorption in small intestine. 32. Structure of the tooth. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 1. Write the functions of blood. 2. Write the composition of blood. 3. Describe the structure and functions of RBC, WBC and Platelets. 4. Describe the structure of the heart. 5. Write about the conducting system of the heart. 6. Describe cardiac cycle.
7. Describe pulmonary circulation. 8. Describe systemic circulation. 9. Describe about blood pressure and factors influencing blood pressure. 10. Write the symptoms of heart attack. 11. Write the functions of the lymph. 12. Write a short note on blood supply of the heart. 13. Write a short note on right atrium. 14. Describe the structure of lymphnode. 15. Enumerate events of cardiac cycle. Describe the pressure changes in the left ventricle during a cardiac cycle. 16. Write a short note on anti coagulants. 17. What are heart sounds? How are they produced? 18. Write a short note on universal donor. 19. Write a short note on RH factor and cyanosis. 20. Write a short note on great saphenous vein. 21. Write a short note on transfusion of blood. 22. Radial artery. 23. Describe a dependable method for the determination of cardiac output and factors influencing it. 24. Short note on erythropoiesis. 25. Write a short note on radial pulse and blood groups. 26. Write a short note on femoral artery. 27. Define arterial blood pressure. Mention methods of recording and normal values. 28. Haemolysis. 29. Describe the arterial supply and venous drainage of the heart. 30. Define coagulation of blood. Name the various clotting factors and mechanism involved in process of clotting. Describe any three anti coagulants used in the ward. 31. Describe the bleeding time and the clotting time. 32. Dorsal pedis artery. 33. Medial cubital vein. 34. Pericardium. 35. Aorta. 36. Factors controlling pulse. 37. Brachial artery. 38. Femoral artery.
39. Inguinal lymph nodes. 40. Cyanosis. 41. Hypoxia. 42. Define portal circulation. The formation and termination of portal vein. Note on porto caval anastomosis. 43. Cysternia chyli. 44. Venous return. 45. Spleen. 46. Hemophilia. 47. Capillaries. 48. Describe the factors maintaining the blood pressure. 49. Describe the physiological basis for various blood groups. Explain the terms universal donor, universal recipient and mismatched transfusion. 50. Describe the external and internal features of the heart. Add a note on its blood supply. 51. Describe the composition and functions of lymph. 52. Classify the various types of WBC and describe their functions. 53. Give the composition and mechanism of formation of lymph. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1. Write a short note on the structure of the lung. 2. Describe diaphragm of the nervous system. 3. Artificial respiration. 4. Nasal cavities. 5. Respiratory muscles. 6. Microscopic structure of right lung. 7. Trachea. 8. Lateral wall of the nose. 9. Pleura. 10. Pleural recess. 11. Name the organs of respiratory system. 12. Describe the external features, relations of the right lung. 13. Enumerate the respiratory centers. How do these centers regulate respiration? 14. Describe the nervous regulation of respiration. 15. Describe the exchange of gases in the lungs. 16. Describe the organs of respiration and their functions.
17. Describe the chemical regulation of the respiratory system. 18. Describe the attachment, relations, nerve and blood supply of diaphragm. 19. What is hypoxia? Enumerate the types of hypoxia. 20. Gross anatomy of the lung and its relations. 21. Bronchio pulmonary segments. 22. Chemo receptors. 23. Waldeyers ring. 24. Medial wall of nasal cavity. 25. Role of surfactant. 26. Physiology of respiration. 27. Lung volumes. 28. Transport of oxygen and carbon-dioxide. 29. Mechanics of respiration. NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. Gross anatomy of the brain stem. Important nuclei found in the brain stem. 2. Write a short note on neuron. 3. What are the functions of spinal cord. 4. Write a short note on spinal nerves. 5. Write a short note on reflex arc. 6. Write a short note on neuroglia. 7. Describe the lobes sulci, gyri and functional areas of right cerebral hemisphere. Add a note on its blood supply. 8. Name the parts of CNS. And explain the anatomy of cerebrum. 9. Write a short note on neuro muscular junction. 10. What are the cranial nerves and mention the names and functions of cranial nerves. 11. Describe the anatomy of spinal cord. 12. Functions of CSF. 13. Short note on circle of willis. 14. Facial nerve and its applied aspects. 15. Mention the parts of hind brain and describe cerebellum. 16. Choroidplexuses. 17. Central sulcus. 18. Describe the functions of nervous system. 19. Describe the classification of nervous system.
20. Describe the meninges. 21. Describe the CNS. 22. Describe the structure and function of the brain. 23. Write a short note on thalamus. 24. Write a short note on hypothalamus. 25. Write a short note on cerebellum. 26. Medulla oblongata. 27. Functions of limbic system. 28. Describe the autonomic nervous system. 29. Brachial plexus. 30. Ulnar nerve. 31. Lumbar puncture. 32. Diencephlon. 33. What are the components of limbic system? 34. Trigeminal nerve. 35. Radial nerve. 36. Functional areas of cerebrum. 37. Axillary nerve. 38. Name the functional divisions of cerebellum. List the functions. Mention two signs of cerebellar lesions. 39. Parts of synapse. 40. Describe the eight cranial nerves in detail.