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KUHS B.SC Nursing 1st Year Physiology Important Question Bank

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Sc Nursing 1st Year Physiology Important Question Bank


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We uploaded KUHS B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Physiology  important questions 1st semester question bank for 2020 exam
preparation. These questions are useful to all the nursing colleges which are a liated to Rajiv Gandhi University of
Health Sciences.

KUHS B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Last 10 Years (2010-2020) Previous Papers

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Essay Questions:

1. Describe the transport of oxygen and carbon-dioxide in the blood. Add a note on Oxygen

Dissociation Curve.

2. De ne glomerular ltration rate and give its normal value. What are the factors regulating

GFR. Add a note on osmotic diuresis.

3. How is thyroxin synthesized. Explain the physiological actions of thyroxin. What is


4. De ne haemostasis and mention the steps in haemostasis. Describe the intrinsic and

extrinsic coagulation pathways. Add a note on anti-coagulants.

5. Mention the normal respiratory rate. Explain the oxygen transport in the blood. Add a note
on hypoxia.

6. Discuss the blood groups in detail. Add a note on blood transfusion reactions
7. Explain the steps in erythropoiesis. Describe the various factors in uencing

erythropoiesis. Add a note on functions of RBCs.

8. De ne arterial blood pressure and give its normal value. What is hypertension. Explain

the long term regulation of blood pressure.

9. Describe the stages of erythropoiesis. What are the factors regulating erythropoiesis. Add

a note on iron de ciency anemia.

10. Enumerate the coagulation factors. Explain the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. Add a

note on hemophilia.

11. Mention the hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Explain the actions of

growth hormone. Mention one de ciency disease of this hormone.

12. De ne erythropoiesis. Describe the di erent stages of erythropoiesis.

13. De ne erythropoiesis. Describe the di erent stages of erythropoiesis. Add a note on

factors regulating it.

14. De ne blood pressure and mention its normal value. Describe the regulation of blood


15. De ne blood pressure and mention the normal value. Mention the factors a ecting the

blood pressure. Add a note on hypertension.

16. Mention the normal urine output per day. Discuss the three steps in the formation of urine.

Add a note on re-absorption of water by the nephron

17. De ne erythropoiesis. Describe the di erent stages of erythropoiesis. Add a note on


18. Mention the normal urine output per day. Discuss the three steps in the formation of

urine. Add a note on re-absorption of water by the nephron.

19. Discuss the blood groups in detail. Add a note on blood transfusion reactions.
20. De ne glomerular ltration rate and mention its normal value. Explain the factors

regulating glomerular ltration rate.

21. De ne glomerular ltration rate. Discuss the factors a ecting GFR. Mention the normal


22. De ne and Classify Hypoxia. Discuss Oxygen transport in Detail+

23. What is menstrual cycle. Describe the di erent stages of menstrual cycle. Explain the role

of hormones involved in it.

24. Mention the normal respiratory rate. What is surfactant and enumerate its functions.

Describe lung volumes with the aid of a diagram.

25. Discuss the composition and functions of gastric juice. Add a note on deglutition.

De ne jaundice

26. De ne glomerular ltration rate and mention its normal value. Discuss the factors

a ecting GFR. Add a note on e ective ltration pressure

27. Discuss the composition,formation, circulation and functions of cerebrospinal uid.

28. De ne hypoxia and name the types. Describe anaemic hypoxia.
29. De ne cardiac output. Discuss the factors regulating stroke volume. What is cardiac index.

Short essays:

1. Describe the di erent types of blood groups. Add a note on Rh incompatibility.

2. De ne cardiac cycle and mention the duration. Describe the various events in the cardiac cycle.
3. Describe the spinothalamic and pyramidal tract pathways.
4. De ne cardiac output and mention the normal value. Describe the factors in uencing cardiac output.
5. De ne blood pressure and mention its normal values. Describe the various factors a ecting blood pressure.
6. Describe the uterine changes during the various phases of the menstrual cycle. Add a note on contraceptive
7. Describe the physiological events in skeletal muscle contraction.
8. De ne synapse. What are the properties of synapse
9. Di erences between extracellular and intracellular uids
10. Circulatory shock
11. Activity at the neuromuscular junction
12. Glomerular ltration
13. Functions of testes
14. Functions of growth hormone
15. Pyramidal tracts

Short notes:

1. Describe the waves of ECG and mention its uses

2. Excitation-contraction coupling
3. Composition and functions of cerebrospinal uid.
4. Describe the mechanism of inspiration and expiration
5. Visual pathway
6. Hormones regulating pancreatic juice secretion
7. Neuro-endocrine re ex
8. Spermatogenesis
9. Non respiratory functions of lung.
10. Hormones acting on stomach
11. ABO blood group systems
12. Describe the main clinical features of diabetes mellitus
13. Menstrual cycle
14. Rigor mortis
15. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
16. Acromegaly
17. Functions of cerebellum
18. Referred pain
19. Pacemaker potential
20. Impedance matching in the ear
21. Functions of colon
22. Bohr e ect
23. Cyanosis
24. Copper-T
25. ESR
26. Conduction system of the heart.
27. Neuromuscular junction
28. Mechanism of hearing
29. Micturition re ex
30. Neural regulation of respiration
31. Functions of bile
32. Active transport
33. Functions of testosterone
34. Functions of placenta.
35. Cerebrospinal uid
36. Functions of platelets
37. Functions of liver
38. Formation of urine
39. Functions of hypothalamus
40. Myxedema
41. Mitochondria
42. Neuron
43. Functions of gall bladder
44. Re ex arc
45. Myopia
46. Neutrophils
47. Draw and label a nephron
48. Hemophilia
49. Functions of middle ear
50. Factors a ecting glomerular ltration rate
51. Functions of saliva
52. Re ex arc
53. Functions of skin.
54. Chemical regulation of respiration
55. Functions of plasma proteins
56. Functions of cerebellum
57. Functions of liver
58. Hemophilia
59. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
60. Stages of deglutition
61. Diabetes insipidus
62. Surfactant
63. Functions of middle ear
64. Cell mediated immunity
65. Mean arterial pressure
66. Sickle cell anemia
67. Ovulation
68. Renal threshold
69. Myopia
70. Functions of oxytocin
71. Tidal volume
72. Intrinsic factor
73. Cretinism
74. Refractory period
75. Spermatogenesis
76. Second heart sound
77. Functions of lungs
78. Enumerate the ovarian hormones. Describe any one in detail
79. Movements of small intestine
80. Loop of Henle
81. Functions of hypothalamus
82. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
83. Mention any two tests for anemia
84. Functions of thalamus
85. Hypermetropia
86. Peristalsis
87. De ne arterial blood pressure
88. CO2 transport
89. Cell mediated immunity
90. Cyanosis
91. Primary taste sensations
92. Coronary circulation
93. Carbon-di-oxide (CO2) transport
94. Hormones of posterior pituitary and their functions
95. Stages of spermatogenesis
96. Types and functions of immunoglobulins
97. Composition and functions of saliva
98. Color blindness
99. Functions of skin
100. Properties of cardiac muscle
101. Glomerular ltration rate
102. Functions of placenta
103. Pancreatic juice
104. Errors of refraction
105. Functions of platelets
106. Functions of cerebellum
107. Plasma proteins
108. Re ex arc
109. Functions of stomach
110. Cyanosis
111. Oxytocin
112. Diabetes mellitus
113. Functions of saliva
114. Rh incompatibility
115. Jaundice
116. Mitochondria
117. Functions of synapse
118. Functions of WBC
119. Oxygen transport
120. Peristalsis
121. Pregnancy test
122. Functions of cerebellum
123. Hormones secreted by the pancreas
124. Functions of haemoglobin
125. Functions of hypothalamus
126. Intrauterine contraceptive devices
127. Hypermetropia
128. Functions of gastric acid
129. Tidal volume
130. List any four primary taste sensations
131. Functions of CSF
132. Corpus luteum
133. Normal ECG
134. Functions of insulin
135. Functions of skin
136. Neuron
137. Functions of WBC
138. Functions of bile
139. Oxygen transport
140. Myopia
141. Pregnancy test
142. Re ex arc
143. Organ of corti
144. Cretinism
145. Hyper tension
146. Landsteiner’s law
147. CSF
148. Functions of saliva
149. Dyspnoea
150. Cerebrospinal uid
151. Transport of carbon dioxide
152. Pregnancy test
153. Synapse
154. Hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland
155. Functions of bile
156. Neuromuscular Transmission
157. Visual receptors
158. Jaundice
159. Functions of cell membrane
160. Referred pain
161. Functions of Cerebellum
162. Testosterone
163. Vital capacity
164. Anemia
165. Hypoxia
166. Leukemia
167. Properties of synapse
168. Blood groups
169. Respiratory volumes
170. Menstrual cycle
171. Functions of gastric juice
172. Blood pressure
173. Anti diuretic hormone
174. Functions of middle ear
175. Functions of skin
176. Surfactant
177. Functions of ovary
178. Electrocardiogram
179. Thyroid hormones
180. Re ex arc
181. Referred pain
182. Neutrophil
183. Bile
184. Refractive errors
185. Jaundice
186. Hypoxia
187. Functions of Kidney
188. Hormones of posterior pituitary
189. Composition and functions of pancreatic juice
190. Classify Anemia with examples
191. Di usion
192. Functions of Saliva
193. Circulatory shock
194. De ne residual volume and vital capacity
195. Muscle proteins
196. Functions of hypothalamus
197. Cross matching
198. Oral pill
199. De ne hemiplegia
200. Peristalsis
201. Functions of Kidney
202. Eosinophil
203. Referred pain
204. Blood coagulation
205. Oral contraceptive pill
206. Myopia
207. Role of skin in regulation of body temperature
208. Two types of neuroglia
209. Basis for pregnancy tests
210. Function of middle ear
211. Two functions of haemoglobin
212. Visual pathway
213. Functions of Thyroid Gland
214. Factors a ecting blood pressure
215. Peristalsis
216. Di erentiate between skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles
217. Ovulation
218. Sarcomere
219. De ne menarche and menopause
220. Functions of Haemoglobin
221. Restingmembrane potential
222. Hormones for lactation
223. Parkinsonism
224. Functions of Saliva.
225. Hypoxiac
226. Functions of cerebellum
227. De ne cardiac output and stroke volume
228. Functions of plasma proteins.
229. Hormones regulating blood calcium
230. Di erences between monosynaptic and polysynaptic re exes
231. Factors regulating glomerular ltration rate
232. Functions of liver
233. Tests of ovulation
234. Refractive errors
235. Platelets
236. Surfactant
237. Sarcomere
238. Cyanosis
239. Jaundice
240. Copper-T
241. Arterial pulse
242. Salivary juice
243. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
244. Juxta glomerular apparatus

Di erentiate between:

1. Di usion and osmosis

2. Counter-current exchanger and counter-current multiplier.
3. First and second heart sound
4. nnate and acquired immunity
5. Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
6. Actions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
7. Cardiac and skeletal muscle.
8. Rods and cones
9. Actions of insulin and glucagon
10. Proliferative phase and secretory phase of menstrual cycle
11. Active transport and passive transport
12. Skeletal muscle and smooth muscle

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