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E Biomedical Engineering Semester: I


UNIT - I PART A 1. Write short notes on embryonic period. 2. Classify the different types of bones. 3. Mention the types of bone marrow and its function. 4. What is myology? 5. What is osteology? 6. Define anatomical position. 7. Mention the major organ system and their role in human body. 8. What are cell organelles? 9. Write short note on Endoplasmic reticulum. 10. What are the different types of blood circulation? 11. What is half cell potential? 12. How Sodium-Potassium Pump is working? 13. Define action potential. 14. Define resting membrane potential. 15. What is chloride shift? 16. List out the function of lysosomes. 17. What is the function of Mitochondria? 18. Write short notes on DNA 19. Define eosinophilia. 20. What is phagocytosis? 21. What is bioelectric potential? 22. What are the significant of bioelectric potential? 23. What is a bio potential electrode? 24. Name the types of bio potential electrodes. 25. Draw the measurement of biopotential equivalent circuit. PART - B 1. Define cell and write an essay on eukaryotic cell structure. 2. Draw and explain with neat Diagram of the formation of Embryo and fetus. 3. Describe long bone in detail and add a note on blood supply and applied anatomy. 4. Explain in detail about the Muscles of the abdominal wall. 5. Explain the principle with neat diagram of Action Potential. 6. Write in detail about Muscles of the Face and Neck. 7. Explain in detail about the circulatory system in the human body. 8. Explain in detail about the cardio vascular system. 9. Explain in detail about the central nerve system. 10. Explain in detail about bio electric potential.

UNIT - II PART A 1. Name the parts of the respiratory system. 2. Distinguish right and left lung. 3. Mention the lobes of the lungs. 4. Write short note on function of nasal cavity. 5. What are the different parts of pharynx? 6. List out the name of the cartilage which covers the larynx 7. What is gaseous exchange? Where it takes place? 8. Differentiate right and left bronchi. 9. Define bronchial tree. 10. What is conducting system? 11. Define cardiac cycle. 12. What is SA node? Where it is located? 13. Name the respiratory center of brain. 14. Mention the muscles involved in inspiration. 15. Define anatomical dead space. 16. Define alveolar ventilation rate. 17. Name the covering of the Heart and it components. 18. Where is the Heart located? 19. Differentiate arteries from veins. 20. Define dysponea. 21. What is the main function of heart? 22. Define function of lungs. 23. What is capillary circulation? 24. What is meant by inhale and exhale? 25. How the lung carrier the O2 and CO2? PART B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Describe the structure of upper respiratory system in details. Explain the anatomy of pharynx, larynx and trachea and mention their role. Write a short essay on lung and mention the difference between right and left lungs. Explain in detail about the mechanism and regulation of breathing. Describe the transport of gases by blood. Give an account on electrical and mechanical events of heart. Describe the anatomy of heart in details. Describe the veins drainage of thorax, abdomen and lower extremity. What is circulatory system? Explain in brief about different types of circulation. Give a short note on the following I. Valves and blood vessels of Heart II. Conducting system of heart

UNIT - III PART -A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PART -B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define Neuron. Classify the nervous system. What is a nerve fibre? How are they classified? What are nuclei and ganglia? Name the cells responsible for myelination of neurons. What is meant by cerebro spinal fluid? Define synapse. What is the functional classification of neurons? What is the neuroglia? Name the different types of neuroglia. Name the lobes of cerebral hemisphere. What is brain stem? Mention the coverings of the spinal cord. Write note on functions of nervous system. What is fovea centralis? Name the muscle which moves the eye ball. What is meant by sensory system? Name the ear ossicles. Mention the functions of semicircular canals. Name the nerve which is related to hearing. Mention different layer of eye ball. What is meant by physiology emotion? Name the papillae of tongue. What are functions of the tympanic membrane? What is function nerves system? What is meant by hearing and smelling?

Describe the structure of the spinal cord. Describe the brain in details add a note on blood supply. Give an account on Peripheral Nervous System. Explain in detail about the functional and morphological classification of Neurons. Write a short essay on reflex arc and reflexes. Write in detail about the structure of ear with neat diagram. Explain the physiology of hearing and equilibrium. Briefly describe the structure of eye ball and add a short note on the physiology of vision. Give a short note on the following I. Accessory structure of eye II. Taste buds and sense of taste 10. Explain the cerebro spinal fluid and sensory end organs.

UNIT - IV PART - A What are parts of small intestine? What are Rugae? Write about the blood supply in stomach. List the content of gastric juice. Mention the functions of liver. What are the differences between small and large intestine? What is the function of esophagus? Write short note on tongue. Mention the functions of stomach. Name the different types of teeth. What are the compositions of saliva? What is esophageal hiatus? Define villi and microvilli. Name the parts of colon. Write short note on lobes of liver. Define liver sinusoids. List out the parts of large intestine. What is appendix? Name the bones that form the roof of mouth. Define frenulum. What is meant by alimentary canal? What is mechanism of alimentary canal? What are the secretions of digestive fluids? Structure of alimentary canal? Define gall bladder? PART - B 1. Describe in detail about stomach including the structure, blood and nerve supply. 2. Briefly describe about the anatomy and role of tongue and teeth. 3. Mention the parts of small intestine and add note on the anatomy and role of each part. 4. Explain in detail about the digestive process. 5. Write a short essay on membrane, tunics and innervations of GI tract. 6. Elaborate on large intestine with neat diagram. 7. Explain the location, anatomy and role of liver. 8. Explain in detail about pancreases. 9. Explain in detail about the alimentary canal. 10. Explain in detail about the gall bladder. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

UNIT - V PART - A 1. Which is known as master of endocrine glands, why it is called so? 2. Mention the hormones secreted by adrenal medulla. 3. Define Nephron. 4. What are the parts of urinary system? 5. What is a renal pyramid? Where does the renal papilla open? 6. What are the two types of nephrons and where they are located? 7. Mention the functions of urinary system. 8. What are the parts of male urethra? 9. Mention the hormones secreted by thyroid glands. 10. Name the cells responsible for secreting insulin. Name the gland in which they are located. 11. Mention the different zones of adrenal cortex. Mention the hormones secreted by each zone. 12. What are the hormones secreted by female gonad? 13. What are the parts of pituitary gland? 14. Mention the covering of the testis. 15. What is testosterone? Where it is produced? What are its functions? 16. Where the kidneys are located? 17. What is GFR? 18. How total plasma volume filters into the renal tubules 19. List out the physical character of urine. 20. Define Micturition. 21. Draw the structure of kidney. 22. What is meant by thyroid? 23. What is meant by physiology of urine formation? 24. What is the pituitary gland? 25. Define parathyroid. PART - B 1. Define endocrine gland and mention the endocrine glands of human body. Describe in detail about pituitary glands. 2. Elaborate the structure and function of adrenal gland. 3. Explain in detail about the anatomy of kidney. 4. Give an account on urinary bladder and urethra. 5. Describe the mechanism of urine formation. 6. Explain the role of large intestine in defecation. 7. List out and explain the diseases of kidney. 8. Explain in detail about Thyroid and parathyroid gland. 9. Explain in detail about Gonads, pineal and thymus gland. 10. Explain in detail about pancreas, ovary and tests.

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