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What Is Diabetes?: By: Gwen Hall Dsn/Primary Care Clinical Educator Nhs Surrey

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What is diabeteS?

By: Gwen Hall DSN/Primary Care Clinical Educator NHS Surrey

What is diabetes?

What is diabetes?
In simple terms diabetes prevents your body converting sugars and starches in your food into energy. The body uses insulin to do this. When diabetes is present the body fails to produce insulin or the insulin it does produce doesnt work properly (insulin resistance). When we eat food some special cells in our pancreas should produce insulin. The insulin transports glucose, made from carbohydrates in the food, into the cells, where it can be used by the body for energy. Sugars and starches are the most efficient source of food energy and are carried in the blood as glucose. If insulin isnt produced, or doesnt work, the glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of the cells, causing the common symptoms of diabetes: Lethargy; carbohydrate cannot be converted into energy Frequent passing water; the body flushes excess glucose down the toilet. Thirst; the body attempts to replace lost fluid. Repeated infections; bugs love sugar. Weight loss; predominantly in type 1 diabetes. Visual changes; due to temporary changes in lens shape. Symptoms are more often to be found in people with type 1 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes may have no or very few symptoms prior to diagnosis. Your health care team should support you through this time and answer your queries.

What are the different types of diabetes?

In type 1 diabetes the pancreas fails to produce insulin and insulin injections are required for life. In type 2 diabetes the cause is generally weight related. If you are slim it is likely your body is not producing enough insulin to convert the carbohydrate you eat into energy. You may need tablets and/or insulin to help. If you are overweight it is more likely that insulin resistance is responsible. Reducing your weight and being physically active will improve your insulins activity but you may need medication or insulin to help. There are other types of diabetes but they are unusual conditions and specialist care should be provided.

Causes of diabetes
The cause of type 1 is unknown but it is thought to be an auto-immune process. In effect the body produces antibodies to the pancreas, damaging it and preventing it producing insulin. Type 1 only affects about 15% of all people with diabetes and it usually starts below the age of 40. Type 2, however, is more likely to affect older people, although it is being found increasingly in younger people especially if overweight and lacking in physical activity. Type 2 diabetes is strongly linked to obesity and tends to run in families. It is more prevalent in South Asians and Afro-Caribbeans. Many people with type 2 diabetes have high blood pressure and cholesterol and you may need tablets to control these too.

Type 1 is always treated with insulin injections. There are many different types and regimens. If you are on insulin you should discuss the most appropriate one for you with your care team. Be sure to rotate injection sites a fatty pad

may build up if you inject repeatedly in the same spot. You can inject into the tops of your thighs, tops of your arms, abdomen and buttocks. If you are on insulin, sharps, needles and lancets need to be disposed of carefully. Sharps bins are available on prescription. Your healthcare team can give you advice on how to dispose of your sharps responsibly. The backbone of treating type 2 is always healthy eating plus physical activity. But type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition and in time tablets, and/or other forms of medication are likely to become necessary and it may even progress to insulin injections. Most people with diabetes require medication to control their condition yet fewer than half remember to take them as prescribed. When you agree to take medication make sure you know what each tablet is for, any side effects to be expected and when to have a review. Your medication is designed to prevent complications in the future even if you feel no difference now.

Blood glucose target levels

All people with diabetes taking insulin treatment and some of those treated with specific tablets are encouraged to monitor their blood glucose with finger prick tests. You should discuss this with your GP or healthcare professional. See Figure 1 Generally the target to aim for is around 4-8mmol before meals and up to 10mmol two hours after meals although we are all individuals and targets must be tailored to our needs. These levels should not be confused with a blood test usually done by the Practice Nurse called an HbA1c which gives a percentage of the glucose in the blood over the preceding three months the target nowadays is 48 58mmol/mol (which was 6.5 - 7.5% previously). Insulin and some tablets can reduce your blood glucose levels to low levels making you feel unwell and confused, a condition referred to as a hypo or hypoglycaemic attack. Your health care team should discuss this with you, if you are at risk of them and how to stop them happening.

Basic recommendations
Food, glorious food. If we all ate the diet recommended for diabetes the health of the nation would be improved. The size of the plate matters too. If food intake exceeds energy expenditure weight will increase. A healthy balanced diet is also recommended as part of a healthy and active lifestyle. See Figure 2

What care to expect

At diagnosis you should be given a full explanation of diabetes and a care plan. You should be involved in agreeing goals and targets achievable by you. Take a note of what is agreed. It will come in useful as you see your progress over time. At the very least you should have annual reviews for your diabetes including an explanation of blood tests which, ideally, should be done a week or two prior to the consultation to allow time for the results to be shared with you.

Figure 1 Many people with diabetes monitor their

blood glucose levels through fingerprick tests. This allows them to alter their insulin dose or contact their care team for advice if concerned.

Figure 2 Healthy eating plus physical

activity are the cornerstones of good diabetes management.

Stay i ng well u n t i l a c u re i s fo u nd . . .
From 2006 Primary Care Trusts were instructed to provide eye screening for people with diabetes. You should also, as part of your annual health check, have your feet examined and your blood pressure reviewed. Most importantly, you should have an opportunity to discuss your care with your team and agree next steps to protect your health.

Top tips to manage diabetes

Diabetes is never mild. But it can be managed.

Maintain a healthy weight. Losing weight, if you are overweight, improves overall health and diabetes control Be physically active. Physical activity improves insulin sensitivity Keep blood glucose levels under control. Helps protect the eyes, kidneys and feet Know your cholesterol level. Statin medication helps protect the heart Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Good blood pressure levels protect the heart and kidneys

Do not smoke. Smoking is highly damaging but much more so when combined with diabetes. Both thicken the blood, encourage plaque formation and put a strain on the heart.

More information:
Your first point of call should be your diabetes healthcare professional. For more information on any aspect of diabetes care please call DRWF on 02392 637808. You can also call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 for nurse advice and health information. The helpline is open 24 hours. Or you can visit the NHS Choices website: www.nhs.uk

Registered Office: DRWF, 101-102 Northney Marina, Hayling Island, Hampshire PO11 0NH Tel: 02392 637808 Email : enquiries@drwf.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 1070607 Registered in England, Company Number 3496304 Company Limited by Guarantee

Staying Well Untila Cure is found...

The Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation works towards educating, informing and reminding you of the best and healthiest choices to make. Contact us to join the Diabetes Wellness NetworkTM and request the full series of patient information leaflets.

Source references can be provided on request. All details correct at time of print

V2.0 published: September 2011 Due for review: October 2012 Printed by Holbrooks Printers Ltd. Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK

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