27 March 2009
27 March 2009
27 March 2009
Issue 2
The Breathe of Life concert offered our students the opportunity to work with professionals in the
music industry and to gain some insight into their lives as musician, sound technicians and “roadies”.
The Gala dinner was an opportunity for our catering students to work a major event and see the
rewards of their efforts.
Our major project, Summit 2 School captured the minds and attention of everyone connected to our
school community through a variety of experiences. Everywhere I went people were talking about it,
asking me questions, talking about what their class had achieved. This project was designed to bring our
school community together and make connections with the wider community. There can be no doubt
in anyone’s mind that the project was an outstanding success.
Another major highlight of our school year in 2008 was the Anzac assembly. Everyday I continued to be
impressed with the initiative and achievements of our student leaders. The Anzac Assembly of 2008 will
be remembered as one of those occasions when a simple message touched the emotions of every
person present. Not only that but the efforts of the Prefect Board were recognised when they became
state winners of the Department of Veteran Affairs Anzac Day Schools’ Awards.
There were many other fine achievements during 2008 and although we have no major whole school
project underway at present we have a number of smaller projects happening within the school in 2009.
One such project is the Lighthouse Career Project. This involves a class of Grade 10 students working
closely with the Devonport City Council. Students are engaged in working on real projects being
developed by the Council and through this process are receiving the benefits of mentoring from
Devonport City Council employees. Developing future pathways for students is an important goal at
Reece High School. As part of this students in TAPP class are currently in Melbourne attending a
Career Expo whilst other Grade 10 students have had the opportunity to undertake a mock interview
with business people from our local community.
2008 was an outstanding year for Reece High School but I have no doubt that 2009 will prove to have
many highlights that we will be able look back on and be proud.
R e e c e H i g h S ch o o l
Wise Up to Asia
Globally the Asian region is of great significance
Did you know that Asia includes:
60% of the worlds population and 30% of the worlds
land mass
the worlds two most populous nations, China and
a great diversity of belief systems including Islam,
Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, and
Indonesia, the worlds largest Muslim country
the world’s second largest economy, Japan, and the
two fastest growing major economies, China and India.
2009 Competitions
The following competitions for 2009 are being offered to the students of Reece High
Competition Competition date Cost
ICAS Computer Skills Wednesday 27th May $6.60
ICAS Science Wednesday 10 June $6.60
ICAS Writing Tuesday 23rd June $12.10
ICAS English Tuesday 4 August $6.60
ICAS Mathematics Wednesday 19th August $6.60
If you would like your son or daughter to participate in one or more of these competitions
could you please complete and forward the attachment below to the school office by Easter,
Thursday 9th April
Please indicate which competition and send the appropriate money with the form.
Total: _________________
If you have any questions or queries regarding the competitions please contact Andrew
Baker or Nerissa Snyders on 64208100.
As I approach the completion of my 2nd year as Chairperson, I reflect on this time as an invaluable and interesting
experience. Along with the other parent members, who commenced at the same time, I have increased my knowledge
and understanding of the school’s operational activities, an awareness of the broad range of the school curriculum and
the demonstrated exceptional standard that is continually achieved. We also recognise the dynamic leadership of the the
Principal and appreciate her involvement with and representation of Education on both National and International levels,
resulting in the recognition of the Reece High School model in these arenas. The parent members have developed the
upmost respect for the commitment and dedication of the teaching team and that is why we fully support additional
Professional Learning days, which are considered necessary to maintain the high standard. The school community has
been asked to vote on this, with hopefully a positive outcome.
The first challenge for 2008 was the Breath of Life Concert. This event is to be held again at the end of February 2010. A
working group has been established with representatives from all stakeholders and preparations are well under way. A
workshop is to be held in early July to discuss strategies and progress. It is anticipated that this will be a major fundraising
Lack of school fundraising activities has been a continuing concern and following a newsletter plea to parents, late last
year, a small group indicated interest in forming a committee. This will be followed through as soon as possible, this year.
The second challenge for the year was the Summit 2 School event. Casey Frimley and Nigel Woolley are to be
congratulated for their foresight and courage to strategise and successfully implement such a mammoth undertaking. This
contributed to raising students environmental awareness and the development of a wide range of life skills. The entire
school community is to be commended for their positive participation, everyone rose to the challenge and were
provided with the opportunity to extend themselves beyond their own personal limits.
In 2007 the School Association contributed to funds for the Grounds redevelopment. It was rewarding to receive
positive feedback in relation to the recent Athletics Carnival, which was able to be held on “home territory”, for the first
time for many years. This last year funds were allocated for the construction of the Automotive Shed. A commitment of
a large sum of money has been made to assist with the upgrade and extension of the school gymnasium, due to
commence early to mid year. The contributions to these projects has severely depleted our available funds and we will
be continuing to actively seek assistance from the school community for fundraising activities, to enable us to build our
funds for future school improvements.
I felt privileged to be recently invited to attend a meeting with Sheree in Launceston, with a statewide representation of
School Principals and Association Chairpersons. This meeting was called by the Premier/Minister for Education, David
Bartlett and we were pleasantly surprised to hear him announce the Education Stimulus Package, which will provide
schools with opportunities to access various streams of funding for improvements in selected areas with specific criteria.
The Package is to be advanced quickly to stimulate the economy. The tight timeframes associated with this, may reduce
opportunities for schools that have not been proactive in future planning and may benefit schools who have been recently
unsuccessful in their application for funding and the prospective projects meet the specified criteria. Within 2 days of
attending the meeting, Sheree, with the assistance of her team, was able to present suggested projects for funding
application, for approval by the Association members. We are very fortunate to be involved with a forward thinking team
and we are well in the forefront for ensuring that this school will be sustainable into the future.
On behalf of the School Association, I would like to extend our appreciation to the 2008 Head prefects, Torren Wooley
and Addison Davis for their valuable contribution to the meetings throughout the year, they kept us fully informed of
Prefect activities. We all felt privileged to witness their personal growth and maturity and consider them both a
testament to the high calibre of students, produced at this school. Similarly, we welcome the 2009 Head Prefects,
Chelsea Nichols and Luis Fantarella. You have both already demonstrated your high level of leadership qualities at the
Prefect Induction Assembly along with your fellow prefects. We look forward to working with you in the coming year.
Thankyou to the School Association Committee members for your ongoing support and encouragement and your
valuable contribution. Thankyou to Mike Lizotte for supporting me as Vice Chairperson, Jenny Webb and Anne Stewart
for your diligent respective Treasurer and Secretary responsibilities, also to Paula for your tireless minute taking.
The School Association would like to invite any interested parents or school
community members to attend a fundraising meeting to be held at Reece High
School on Monday 6th April at 5.30pm. We have a small group of parents, who
have already indicated interest. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss possible
fundraising ideas and to form a committee of interested participants. Fund raising
activities are imperative for future redevelopment projects for the benefit of our
children attending the school and future students.
Please come along to the meeting if you are interested or contact a School
Association member or the School office.
Karen Smith
Swimming Carnival:
On Wednesday 16th March, a group of 36 aquaducks from Reece
High School headed to the Burnie Aquatic Centre to do their
best in the North-West Interhigh Swimming Carnival. Everyone
participated throughout the day with their best efforts, excellent
encouragement and team spirit. During the day there were some mighty efforts from our students
highlights which included:
James Lucas 1st 50m Breaststroke
Vivienne Kenny 1st 50m Breaststroke
Stuart Carter 3rd 50m Freestyle
Alex Grant 2nd 50m Freestyle
2nd Boys 50m Medley Relay
2nd Grade 9 Boys 4 x 50m Relay
A big congratulations to Hamish Bound who won Grade 8 Boys Interhigh Swimming Champion.
Well done to all those that were a member of the team!!!
Reece High School, Middle Road, Devonport Tas 7310
Ph (03) 6420 8100 Fax (03) 6420 8199 Email: reece.high@education.tas.gov.au