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2 Communication systems

There is a fundamental need for communication between aircrew and ground controllers, among the aircrew and between aircrew and passengers. External communication is achieved by means of radio-telephone (RIT)link while internal communication (intercom or audio integrating system) is by wire as opposed to wireless. Although intercom. is not a radio system, it is included in this chapter because of its intimate relationship with the aircraft radio systems. Voice recorders and in-flight entertainment systems are also considered since they are usually the responsibility of the aircraft radio technicianlengineer. The first items of radio equipment to appear on aircraft were low-frequency (1.f.) communications sets in the World War 1 days of spark gap transmitters. Intercom was by means of a Gosport (speaking) tube. By the 1930s the early keyed continuous wave (c.w.) (radio-telegraphy) was beginning to be replaced by R/T although 'key-bashing' had its place as long as aircraft carried radio operators. Early R/Twas within the 1.f. and h.f. bands, the sets operating on only one or very few frequencies. With airfields widely spaced and low-powered transmission, there was little interference and so the need for many channels did not arise. The situation has drastically changed since World War 11; air traffic and facilities have increased-with the consequent demand for extra channels which cannot be provided in the l.f., m.f. or h.f. bands. Fortunately v.h.f. equipment has been successfully developed from early beginnings in Wdrld War I1 fighter control, The current situation is the v.h.f. is used for short-range communication while h.f. is used for long-range. A large airliner, such as a Boeing 747, carries three v.h.f.s and dual h.f. In addition, in such aircraft, selective calling (Selcal) facilities are provided by a dual installation such that a ground station can call aircraft either singly or in groups without the need for constant monitoring by the crew. Provision for satellite communication (Satcorn)

on v.h.f. frequencies is often found; unfortunately aeronautical communications satellites are not to be found (1979). The audio integrating system (AIS) complexity depends on the type of aircraft. A light aircraft system may provide two transmitlreceive channels for dual v.h.f. comms and receive only for dual v.h.f. nav., ADF, DME and marker. Each receive channel has a speaker-o ff-phone switch while the microphone can be switched between v.h.f. comms 1 and v.h.f. comms 2. A multi-crew large airliner has very many more facilities, as described later.

V.H. F. Communications
Basic Principles An aircraft v.h.f. comms transceiver is comprised of either a single or double conversion superhet receiver and an a.m. transmitter. A modern set provides 720 channels at 25 kHz spacing between 118 MHz and 135-975 MHz; until recently the spacing was 50 kHz giving only 360 channels. The mode of operation is single channel simplex (s.c .s.), i.e. one frequency and one antenna for both receiver and transmitter. If provision for satellite communication is included in accordance with ARINC 566 then in addition to a.m. S.C.S. we will have f.m. double channel simplex (d.c.s.), i.e. different frequencies for transmit and receive. Communication by v.h.f. is essentially 'line of sight' by direct (space) wave. The range available can be approximated by 1.23 ( J h , + Jht)nm where h, is the height, in feet, above sea level of the receiver while h+ is the same for the transmitter. Thus, with the g o i n d station at sea level, the approximate maximum range for aircraft at 10 000 and 1000 ft (30 000 and 3000 m) would be 123 and 40 nm respectively. Installation A single v.h.f. installation consists of three parts, namely control unit, transceiver and antenna. In addition crew phones are connected to the v.h.f. via

Fig. 2 .2 CN-2011 v.h.f. carnm./nav. equipment (court esy B e n d i ~ Avionics Division)

selection switches in the AIS. Light aircraft v.h.f.s usually have a panel-mounted combined transceiver and control unit, an example being the King KY 196 illustrated in Fig. 2.1. The current trend is for combined COM/NAV/RNAV, Fig. 2.2 illustrates the Bendix CN-201 I , a general aviation panel-mounted unit comprising two comms transceivers, two nav. receivers, glidepath receiver, marker receiver,

frequency control for internal circuits and d.m.e, and last but not least, audio selection switches. Such equipment will he considered in Chapter 12. Figure 2.3 shows one of a triple v.h.f. comms installation as might be fitted t o a large passenger transport aircraft: VHF2 and VHF3 are similar to VHFl but are supplied from a different 28 V d.c. bus bar and feed different selection switches in the AIS.

ATE v.h.f. C O M M

+ +








Rcv Audio

6 3
0 MIC.




v.h.f. No. 2

v.h.f. No. 3

Rcv Audio To Selcal

28 V d.c. Stby Bus

Fig. 2.3 Typical v.h.f. l installation

The transceiver, which is rack-mounted, contains all the electronic circuitry and has provision for the maintenance technician to connect mic. and tels direct, disable the squelch, and measure VSWR. These provisions for testing are by no means universal but if the system conforms to ARINC 566 a plug is provided to which automatic test equipment (ATE) can be connected. A protective cover for the ATE plug is fitted when the unit is not in the workshop. The antenna can take various forms: whip, blade or suppressed. In a triple vh.f. comms installation these may be two top-mounted blade antennas and one bottom-mounted; an alternative would be two blade and one suppressed within the fincap dielectric. The whip antenna is to be found on smaller aircraft. All antennas are mounted so as to receive and transmit vertically polarized waves. The blade antenna may be quite complex. It will be self-resonant near the centre of the band with bandwidth improvement provided by a short-circuited stub across the feed terminal or a more complicated reactive network built in which will permit height and hence drag reduction.

Frequency control is achieved by concentric knobs, the outer one of which varies the tens and units while the inner one varies the tenths and hundredths. An alternative is shown in Fig. 2.1 where there is one frequency control and two displays. On rotating the frequency knobs clockwise or anticlockwise, the standby frequency only will increment or decrement respectively. Standby may then become in-use by operation of the transfer switch. There are many controllers in service with only in-use selection. Some or all of the following switches/controls may be provided by manufacturers on request.

Volume Control A potentiometer , which allows variable attenuation of audio, prior to feeding the AIS may be fitted as a separate control or as a concentric knob on the frequency selector(s). Such a volume control may have sidetone coupled through it on

Squelch Control A squelch circuit disables the receiver output when no signals are being received so preventing noise being fed to the crew headsets between ground transmissions. The squelch control is a potentiometer which allows the pilot to set the level at which the squelch opens, so allowing audio output from the receiver. When the control is set t o minimum squelch (fully clockwise) the Hi and Lo squelch-disable leads, brought to the control unit from the transceiver, should be shorted, so giving a definite squelch-disable.

Controls and Operation It is common to have in-use and standby frequencies available, the former controlling the transceiver frequency. This is the situation in Fig. 2.3 where we have two sets of frequency controls and two displays, the in-use one being selected by the transfer switch and annunciated by a lamp above the display.

Mode Selector Control Provides selection of normal a.m., extended range a.m. or Satcom. If the Satcom antenna has switchable lobes such switching may be included in the mode switch, or could be separate.
On-Off Switch Energizes master power relay in transceiver. The switch may be separate, incorporated in mode selector switch as an extra switch position, or ganged with the volume or squelch control.

Receiver Selectivity Switch Normal or sharp selectivity. When Satcom is selected sharp selectivity automatically applies.

Block Diagram Operation (KY 196) Figure 2.4 is a simplified block diagram of the King KY 196 panel-mounted v.h.f. cornm. transceiver. This equipment, intended for the general aviation market, is not typical of in+ervice transceivers since frequency and display control is achieved with the aid a microprocessor; however within the lifetime of this book such implementation will become commonplace.

Receiver The receiver is a single. conversion superhet . The r.f. stage employs varactor diode tuning, utilizing the tuning voltage from the stabilized master oscillator (s.m.0.). Both the r.f. amplifier and mixer are dual gate field-effect transistors (f.e.t.). The r,f. amplifier f.e.t. has the input signal applied t o gate 1 while the a.g.c. voltage is applied to gate 2, The mixer connections are: gate 1, signal; gate 2, s.rn.0. The difference frequency from the mixer, 11.4 MHz, is passed by a crystal filter, providing the desired narrow bandpass, to the i.f. amplifiers. Two stages of a.g.c.-controlled i.f. amplification are used; the first of which is a linear integrated circuit. The detector and squelch gate utilize transistors on an integrated circuit transistor array. A further array is used for the squelch-control circuitry. Noise at 8 kHz from the detector output is sampled and used to close the squelch gate if its amplitude is as from the receiver operating at full gain. When a signal is received, the noise output from the detector dfxreases due to the a.g.c. action; as a consequence the squelch gate opens allowing the audio signal to pass. The squelch can be disabled by

Frequency display


S' tone

118.70 Use

121.90 Standby






Anode drive
4 -

Display drive

Cathode drive


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I

Multiplex counter

Display dlrnmsr

Clock sync.



Phase det.




Ref. Osc. and divider




L -- --

Programmable divider



I -ep -- - - -52- - - - - - - - -1

MHz Code

kHz Code

Microcomputer 8 0 4 8

Fig. 2.4 King KY 196 simplified block diagram


Increment/ Decrement

R.F. Input


Tuning Volts (s.m.0.)

Carrier squelch detector

R.F. A.G.C.



Noise squelch detector

Audio out

Fig. 2.5 King K Y 196 simplified receiver block diagram

means of a switch incorporated in the volume control. When the received signal has excessive noise on the carrier, the noise-operated squelch would keep the squelch gate closed were it not for carrier-operated or backup squelch. As the carrier level increases, a point is reached where the squelch gate is opened regardless o f the noise level. The mean detector output voltage is used to determine the i.f. a.g.c. voltage. As the i.f. a.g.c. voltage exceeds a set reference the r.f. a.g.c. voltage decreases. The detected audio is fed via the squelch gate, low-pass filter, volume control and audio amplifier to the rear panel connector. A minimum of 100 mW audio power into a 500 L l load is provided.

transmitter chain comprises a pre-driver, driver and final stage all broad band tuned, operated in Class C and with modulated collectors. The a.m. r.f. is fed via a low-pass filter, which attenuates harmonics, to the antenna. On receive the t.r. diode is forward biased to feed the received signal from the antenna through the low-pass filter to the receive r.f. amplifier. The modulator chain comprises microphone pre-amplifier, diode limiting, an f.e.t . switching stage, integrated circuit modulator driver and two modulator transistors connected in parallel. The pre-amp output is sufficient to subsequently give at least 85 per cent modulation, the limiter preventing the depth of modulation exceeding 100 per cent. The mic. audio line is broken by the f.e.t. switch during receive.
Stabilized Master OscilEator The s.m.0. is a conventional phase locked loop with the codes for the programmable divider being generated by a microprocessor. Discrete components are used for the voltage controlled oscillator (V.C.O.)and buffers while integrated circuits (i.c.) are used elsewhere. The reference signal of 25 kHz is provided by an oscillator divider i,c. which utilizes a 3.2 MHz crystal to give the necessary stability. Only seven stages of a fourteen-stage ripple-carry binary counter are used t o

Thansrnitter The transmitter (Fig. 2.6) feeds 16 W of a.m. r.f. to the antenna. Modulation is achieved by superimposing the amplified mic, audio on the transmitter chain supply. The carrier frequency corresponds to the in-use display. Radio frequency is fed from the s.m.0. t o an r.f. amplifier. This input drive is switched by the transmit receive switching circuits, the drive being effectively shorted to earth when the press to transmit (p.t .t.) button is not depressed. The

Mic. input



--+ Modulator



T.R. diode

Rx r

Fig. 2.6 King K Y 196 simplified transmitter block diagram

Phase 4 detector

Whole MHz divider


Prescaler + 40141



Fractional MHz divider

M H ~iont. ' from pP

M H cont. ~ from p P

Fig. 2.7 King KY 196 simplified programmable divider block diagram

give the necessary division of 27 = 128. This reference, together with the output of the programmable divider, is fed to the phase detector which is part of an LC.,the rest of which is unused. The pulsating d.c. on the output of the phase detector has a d.c. component which after filtering is used to control the frequency of the v.c.0. by varactor tuning. If there is a ~nthesiier malfunction, an out-of-lock signal from the phase detector is used to switch off the s.m.0. feed to the transmitter. The programmable divider consists basically of three sets of counters as shown in Fig. 2.7. The buffered v.c.0. output is first divided by either 40 or 41, the former being so when a discrete MHz selection

is made; i.e. zeros after the displayed decimal point. The prescaler which performs this division is a u.h.f. programmable divider (+ 1O/ 11) followed by a divide-by-four i.c. The whole MHz divider uses a 74LS162 b.c.d. decade counter and a 74LS163 binary counter which together can be programmed to divide by an integer between 1 18 and 145, hence the prescaler and whole MHz divider give a total division of 4720 (40 X 1 18) to 5800 (40 X 145) in steps of 40. Thus a required v.c.0. output of, say, 130.00 MHz would be achieved with a division of 5200 (40 X 130) since 130 MHz + 5200 = 25 kHz = reference frequency. The 25 kHz steps are obtained by forcing the

prescaler to divide by 41, the required number of times in the count sequence. Each time the division ratio is 41, one extra cycle of the v.c.0. frequency is needed to achieve an output of 25 kHz from the programmable divider. To see that this is so, consider the previous example where we had a division ratio of 5200 to give 130.00 MHz, i.e. 5200 cycles at 130-00MHz occupies 40 ps = period of 25 kHz. Now a prescaler division ratio of 41 once during 40 ps means 520 1 cycles of the v.c.0. output occupy 40 ps so the frequency is 5201/(40 X lom6)= 130.025 MHz as required. The prescaler ratio is controlled by the fractional MHz divider, again employing a 74LS 162 and 74LS163. The number of divide-by-41 events in 40 ps is determined by the kHz control code from the microprocessor and can be anywhere from 0 to 39 times. Therefore each whole megacycle can have N X 25 kHz added where N ranges from 0 to 39. This produces 25 kHz steps from 0 kHz to 975 kHz.

Microprocessor and Display The microprocessor used, an 8048, contains sufficient memory for the program and data required in this application to be stored on the chip. In addition to this memory and, of course, an eight-bit c.p.u., we have an eight-bit timerlcounter and a clock on board. Through twenty-seven I/O lines the 8048 interfaces with the programmable divider, display drive circuits and non-volatile memory.

event counter

i / 0 lines

Fig. 2.8 8048 eight-bit microcomputer (courtesy King Radio Corp.)

The 8048 has been programmed to generate a binary code for the 'use' and 'standby' frequencies. The code, as well as being stored in the 8048, is also stored in a 1400-bit electrically alterable read only memory (EAROM). This external memory is effectively a non-volatile RAM, the data and address being communicated in serial form via a one-pin bidirectional bus, the readlwritelerase mode being controlled by a three-bit code. When power is applied the microprocessor reads the last frequencies stored in the EAROM which are then utilized as the initial 'use' and 'standby' frequencies. In the event of failure of the EAROM the microprocessor will display 120-00 MHz as its initial frequencies. The EAROM will store data for an indefinite period without power. The 'standby' frequency is changed by clockwise or counterclockwise detent rotation of the frequency select knobs. 1 MHz, 50 kHz and 25 kHz changes can be made with two knobs, one of which incorporates a push-pull switch for 50125 kHz step changes. The microprocessor is programmed to increment or decrement the 'standby' frequency by the appropriate step whenever it senses the operation of one of the frequency-select knobs. The code for the frequency in use is fed to the programmable dividers from the microprocessor. 'Use' and 'standby' frequencies are exchanged on operation of the momentary transfer switch. When the transceiver is in the receive mode the microprocessor adds 11-4 MHz to the 'use' frequency code since the local oscillator signal fed to the receiver mixer should be this amount higher than the desired received carrier in order to give a difference frequency equal to the i.f. Both 'usei and 'standby' codes are fed to the display drivers. The 'use' code represents the transmit frequency and is not increased by 11.4 MHz in the receive mode. Each digit is fed in turn to the cathode decoderldriver , an i .c. containing a sevensegment decoder, decimal point and comma drives and programmable current sinks. The decimal point and comma outputs (i and h) are used to drive the segments displaying 'l', '.' and 'T' (see Fig. 2.10). The 'T' is illuminated when in the transmit mode. The display is a gas discharge type with its intensity controlled by a photocell located in the display window. As the light reaching the photocell decreases the current being supplied to the programming pin of the cathode decoderldriver from the display dimmer circuit decreases, so dimming the display. Time multiplexing of the display drives is achieved by a clock signal being fed from the microprocessor to


Data register

Memory Reac Write


110 buffer.

I1 0 Data 1
Data flow

decode logic






Units Address


Fig. 2.9 Electrically alterable read only memory, e.a.r.0.m. (courtesy King Radio Corp.)
Display A1








(A1 to AS)

(a to i)

Anode driver

Cathode decoderldriver A B C D

t h A A
B.C.D. code


Dimming current



Anode drive B.C.D. code














1 1 1 1 0 sec.

Fig. 2.10 King KY 196 simplified display drive block diagram

a 1 of 8 counter/rnultiplexer so that the anode drives

(A1 to A8) are switched sequentially. As the anode

drives are switched the appropriate b.c.d. information from the microprocessor is being decoded by the cathode decoderldriver, the result being that the necessary segments of each digit are lighted one d i g t at a time at approximately 110 times per second. A synchronization pulse is sent t o the multiplexer from the microprocessor every 8 cycles t o maintain display synchronization.

modulated off-resonant signal and an unmodulated desired signal, the resultant audio output shall not exceed -10 dB with reference t o the output produced by a desired signal only when modulated 30 per cent (under specified signal levelloff resonance conditions).

Undesired Responses All spurious responses in band 108-135 MHz shall be down at least 100 dB otherwise, including image, at least 8 0 dB down. Audio Output

The selected characteristics which follow are drawn from ARINC Characteristic 566 covering airborne v.h.f. communications and Satcom Mark 1 . Details of Satcom and extended range a.m. are not included.

Gain A 3 pV a.m. signal with 3 0 per cent modulation at 1000 Hz will produce 100 mW in a 200-500 S2 load. Frequency Response Audio power output level shall not vary more than 6 dB over frequency range 300-2500 Hz. Frequencies 2 5750 Hz must be attenuated by at least 20 dB.

System Units 1. V.h.f. transceiver; 2. modulation adaptor/modem - f.m. provision for Satcom; 3. power amplifier - Satcom and extended range; 4. pre-amplifier - Satcom and extended range; 5. control panel; 6. remote frequency readout indicator - optional; 7. antennas - separate Satcom antenna. Note: 1 and 2 may be incorporated in one line replaceable unit (1.r.u.). Frequency Selection 720 channels from 1 18 through 135.975 MHz, 25 kHz spacing. Receiver muting and p.t.t. de-energization during channelling. 215 channel selection. Channelling time: d 6 0 ms. Receiver Sensitivity 3 pV, 30 per cent modulation at 1000 Hz to give S t NJN 2 6 d B . Selectivity Minimum 6 dB points at f 15 kHz (* 8 kHz sharp). Maximum 60 dB points at + 3 1a 5 kHz (+ 15 kHz sharp). Maximum 100 dB points at f 40 kHz ( 5 18.5 kHz sharp). Cross Modulation With simultaneous receiver input of 30 per cent

Harmonic Distortion
Less than 7-5 per cent with 30 per cent modulation. Less than 20 per cent with 9 0 per cent modulation.

AGC No more than 3 dB variation with input signals from 5 pV to 100 mV. Transmitter Stability Carrier frequency within prescribed conditions.

+ 0.005 per cent under

Power Output 25-40 W into a 52 ! 2 load at the end of a 5 ft transmission line.

Sidetone With 9 0 per cent a.m. at 1000 Hz the sidetone output shall be at least 100 mW into either a 200 or 500 L? load.

Mic. Input Mic. audio input circuit to have an impedance of 150 i'2 for use with a carbon mic. or a transistor rnic. operating from the (approx.) 2 0 V d.c. carbon mic. supply. Antenna Vertically polarized and omnidirectional.

To match 52 S2 with VSWR < 1.5 : 1.

Ramp Testing
After checking for condition and assembly and making available the appropriate power supplies the following (typical) checks should be made at each station using each v.h.f. 1. Disable squelch, check background noise and operation of volume control. 2 . On an unused channel rotate squelch control until squelch just closes (no noise). Press p.t.t. button, speak into mic. and check sidetone. 3 . Establish two-way communication with a remote station using both sets of frequency control knobs, in conjunction with transfer switch, if appropriate. Check strength and quality of signal.

The current and future norm is to use single sideband (s.s.b.) mode of operation for h.f. communications, although sets in service may have provision for compatible or normal a.m., i.e. carrier and one or two sidebands being transmitted respectively. This s.s.b . transmission and reception has been described briefly in Chapter 1 and extensively in many textbooks. A feature of aircraft h.f. systems is that coverage of a wide band of r.f. and use of a resonant antenna requires efficient antenna tuning arrangements which must operate automatically o n changing channel in order to reduce the VSWR to an acceptable level.

A typical large aircraft h.f. installation consists of two systems, each of which comprises a transceiver, controller, antenna tuning unit and antenna. Each of the transceivers are connected to the AIS for mic., tel. and p.t .t. provision. In addition outputs t o Selcal. decoders are provided. Such an installation is shown in Fig. 2.1 1. The transceivers contain the receiver, transmitter, power amplifier and power supply circuitry. They are mounted on the radio rack and provided with a flow of cooling air, possibly augmented by a fan. A transceiver rated at 200 W p.e.p. needs t o dissipate 300 W when operated on s.s.b. while on a.m. this figure rises to 500 W. Telephone and microphone jacks may be provided on the front panel, as might a meter and associated switch which will provide a means of monitoring various voltages and currents. Coupling to the antenna is achieved via the antenna tuning unit (ATU). Some systems may employ an antenna coupler and a separate antenna coupler control unit. The ATU provides, automatically, a match from the antenna t o the 50 Cl transmission line. Closed-loop control of matching elements reduces the standing wave ratio t o 1.3 : 1 or less (ARINC 5 59A). Since the match must be achieved between line and antenna the ATU is invariably mounted adjacent to the antenna lead-in, in an unpressurized part of the airframe. For high-flying aircraft (most jets) the ATU is pressurized, possibly with nitrogen. Some units may contain a pressure switch which will be closed whenever the pressurization within the tuner is adequate. The pressure switch may be used for ohmmeter checks or, providing switch reliability is adequate, may be connected in series with the key h e thus preventing transmission in the event of a leak. Alternatively an attenuator may be switched in to reduce power. Light aircraft h.f. systems in service are likely, for

NB. Do not transmit on 12 1.5 MHz (Emergency). Do not transmit if refuelling in progress.
Do not interrupt ATC-aircraft communications.

H.F. Communications

Basic Principles The use of h.f. (2-30 MHz) carriers for communication purposes greatly extends the range at which aircrew can establish contact with Aeronautical Mobile Service stations. This being so, we find that h.f. comm. systems are fitted to aircraft flying routes which are, for some part of the flight, out of range of v.h.f. service. Such aircraft obviously include public transport aircraft flying intercontinental routes, but there is also a market for general aviation aircraft. The long range is achieved by use of sky waves which are refracted by the ionosphere to such an extent that they are bent sufficiently to return to earth. The h.f. ground wave suffers quite rapid attenuation with distance from the transmitter. Ionospheric attenuation also takes place, being greatest at the lower h.f. frequencies. A significant feature of long-range h.f. transmission is that it is subject to selective fading over narrow bandwidths (tens of cycles). The type of modulation used, and associated details such as channel spacing and frequency channelling increments, have been the subject of many papers and orders from users, both civil and military, and regulating bodies. ARINC Characteristic No. 559A makes interesting reading, in that it reveals how conflicting proposals from various authorities (in both the legal and expert opinion sense) can exist at the same time.





Mic. -+


No. 1 Xmit

No. 1 t.r.


' Aerial
No. 1 p.t.t. coupling


No. 2 p.t.t. Aerial coupling Mic.


No. 2 Xmit

d r

No. 2 t.r.


Fig. 2.1 1 Typical dual h.f. installation

financial reasons, to have a fixed antenna coupler. Such a system operates on a restricted number of channels (say twenty). As a particular channel is selected, appropriate switching takes place in the coupler to ensure the r.f. feed to the antenna is via previously adjusted, reactive components, which make the effective antenna length equal to a quarter of a wavelength, thus presenting an impedance of approximately 50 52. The required final manual adjustment must be carried out by maintenance personnel on the aircraft. The antenna used varies greatly, depending on the type of aircraft. For low-speed aircraft a long wire antenna is popular although whip antennas may be found on some light aircraft employing low-powered h.f. systems. The aerodynamic problems of wire

antennas on aircraft which fly faster than, say, 400 knots, have led to the use of notch and probe antennas whch effectively excite the airframe so that it becomes a radiating element. Modern wire antennas are constructed of copper-clad steel or phosphor bronze, giving a reduced r.f. resistance compared with earlier stainless-steel wires. A covering of polythene reduces the effects of precipitation static. Positioning is normally a single span between forward fuselage and vertical stabilizer. Larger aircraft will have twin antennas while a single installation, possibly in a 'V' configuration, is more common for smaller aircraft. The r.f. feed is usually at the forward attachment via an antenna mast. The rear tethering is by means of a tensioning unit. The antenna mast is subject to pitting and erosion

of the leading edge; a neoprene covering will provide some protection, nevertheless regular inspections are called for. Protection against condensation within the mast may be provided by containers of silica gel which should be periodically inspected for a change in colour from blue to pink, indicating saturation. Hollow masts are usually provided with a water-drain path which should be kept free from obstruction. The two most important features of the rear tethering point are that the wire is kept under tension and that a weak link is provided so as to ensure that any break occurs at the rear, so preventing the wire wrapping itself around the vertical stabilizer and rudder. On light aircraft a very simple arrangement of a spring, or rubber bungee, and hook may be used. The spring maintains the tension but if this becomes excessive the hook will open and the wire will be free at the rear end. On larger aircraft a spring-tensioning unit will be used to cope with the more severe conditions encountered due to higher speeds and fuselage flexing. The unit loads the wire by means of a metal spring, usually enclosed in a barrel housing. A serrated tail rod is attached to the tethering point on the aircraft and inserted into the barrel where it is secured by a spring collet, the grip of which increases with tension. The wire is attached to a chuck unit which incorporates a copper pin serving as a weak link designed to shear when the tension exceeds about 180 lbf. Some units incorporate two-stage protection against overload. Two pins of different strengths are used; should the first shear, a small extension (31 16 in.) of overall length results, thus reducing tension and exposing a yellow warning band on the unit. Notch antennas consist of a slot cut into the aircraft structure, often at the base of the vertical stabilizer. The inductance of the notch is series-resonatedby a high-voltage variable capacitor driven by a phase-sensing servo. Signal injection is via matching circuitry driven by a SWR sensing servo. Since the notch is high 'Q' the input is transformed to a voltage across the notch which is of the order of thousands of volts. This large voltage provides the driving force for current flow in the airframe which serves as the radiator. A probe antenna, which is aerodynamically acceptable, may be fitted at either of the wing-tips or on top of the vertical stabilizer. Again series tuning provides the necessary driving force for radiation. The probe antenna, as well as the wire antenna, is liable to suffer lightning strikes, so protection in the form of a lightning arrester (spark gap) is fitted. Any voltage in excess of approximately 16 kV on the antenna will cause an arc across the electrodes of the hykoge-n-filled spark gap, thus preventing discharge &kyc.,

through the h.f. equipment. Bujld-up of precipitation static on antennas, particularly probes, is dealt with by providing a high resistance static drain (about 6 M a ) path to earth connected between the antenna feed point and the ATU. It is important in dual installations that only one h.f. system can transmit at any one time; this is achieved by means of an interlock circuit. This basic requirement is illustrated in Fig. 2.1 1 where it can be seen that the No. 1 p.t.t. line is routed via a contact of the No. 2 interlock relay, similarly with No. 2 p.t.t. The interlock relays will be external to the transceivers o f t e ~ fitted in an h.f. accessory box. While one of the h.f. systems is transmitting the other system must be protected against induced voltages from the keyed system. In addition, with some installations, we may have a probe used as a transmitting antenna for both systems and as a receiving antenna for, say, No. 1 system. The No. 2 receiving antenna might be a notch. It follows that on keying either system we will have a sequence of events which might proceed as follows.

HF 1 keyed: 1. HF 2 keyline broken by a contact of HF 1 interlock relay; 2. HF 2 antenna grounded; 3. HF 2ATU input and output feeds grounded and feed to receiver broken.
HF 2 keyed: 1. HF 1 keyline broken by a contact of HF 2 interlock relay; 2. HF I probe antenna transferred from HF 1; ATU to HF 2 ATU; 3. HF 2 notch antenna feed grounded; 4. HF 1 ATU input and output feeds grounded and feed to receiver broken.
Controls and Operation Separate controllers are employed in dual installations, each having 'in-use' frequency selection only. Older systems and some light aircraft systems have limited channel selection where dialling a particular channel number tunes the system, including ATU, to a pre-assigned frequency, a channellfrequency chart is required in such cases. With modern sets, indication of the frequency selected is given directly on the controller. The controls shown in Fig. 2.1 1 are those referred to in ARINC 559A; variations are common and will be listed below.

Mode Selector Switch. OFF-AM-SSB The 'turn off' function may be a separate switch or indeed may not

be employed at all; switching on and off being achieved with the master radio switch. The 'AM' position may be designated 'AME' (AM equivalent or compatible) and is selected whenever transmission and reception is required using a.m. or s.s.b. plus full carrier (a.m .e .). The 'SSB' position provides for transmission and reception of upper sideband only. Although use of the upper sideband is the norm for aeronautical h.f. communications some controllers have 'USB' and 'LSB' positions. In addition 'DATA' and 'CW' modes may be available. The former is for possible future use of data links by h.f. using the upper sideband - the receiver is operated at maximum gain, The latter is for c .w . transmission and reception, morse code, by 'key bashing', being the information-carrying medium.

indicator A meter mounted on the front panel of the controller may be provided in order t o give an indication of radiated power.
Block Diagram Operation

Dansceiver Figure 2.12 is a simplified block diagram of an a.rn.1s.s.b. transceiver. The operation will be described by function. Amplitude Modulated Transmission The frequency selected on the controller determines the output from the frequency synthesizer to the r.f. translator which shifts the frequency up and provides sufficient drive for the power amplifier (p.a.). The mic. input, after amplification, feeds the modulator which produces high-level amplitude modulation of the r.f. amplified by the p.a. The ref,signal is fed to the ATU via the antenna transfer relay contact. The PA output signal is sampled by the sidetone detector which feeds sidetone audio via the contact of the deenergized sidetone relay and the sidetone adjust potentiometer to the audio output amplifier. Single Sideband Transmission Low-level modulation is necessary since there is no carrier to modulate at the p.a. stage, hence the mic. input, f,, is fed t o a balanced modulator together with a fixed carrier frequency, fc, from the frequency synthesizer. The balanced modulator output consists of both sidebands f, t f, and fc - f , , the carrier being suppressed. The required sideband is passed by a filter t o the r.f. translator after further amplification. If we consider an audio response from 300 to 3000 Hz we see that the separation between the lowest u.s.b. frequency and the highest 1.s.b. frequency is only 600 Hz. It follows that the filter used must have very steep slurts and a flat bandpass. A mechanical filter can be used in which an input transducer converts the electrical signal into mechanical vibrations, these are transmitted by mechanically resonant metal discs and coupling rods and finally converted back to an electrical signal by an output transducer. Frequency translation is by a mixing process rather than a multiplicative process since if the u.s.b. f, + f;, were multiplied by N we would radiate a frequency of N ( fc + f,) rather than ft t f, +f,. The amount by which the u.s.b. is translated, ft, is determined by the frequency selected on the controller. Final amplification takes place in the p.a. prior to feeding the r.f. to the ATU. To obtain sidetone from the p.a. stage a carrier would need to be re-inserted. A simpler method,

Frequency Selectors Frequency selectors consist of, typically, four controls which allow selection of frequencies between 2.8 and 24 MHz in 1 kHz steps (ARINC 559A). Military requirements are for a frequency coverage of 2 t o 30 MHz in 0.1 kHz steps, consequently one will find systems offering 280 000 'channels' meeting these requirements in full or 28 000 channels meeting the extended range but not the 0-1 kHz step requirement. When a new frequency is selected the ATU must adjust itself since the antenna characteristics will change. For this purpose the transmitter is keyed momentarily in order that SWR and phase can be measured and used to drive the ATU servos. Squelch Control Normal control of squelch threshold may be provided. As an alternative an r.f. sensitivity control may be used, but where Selcal is utilized it is important that the receiver operates at full sensitivity at all times with a squelch circuit being employed only for aural monitoring and not affecting the output to the Selcal decoder. Audio Volume Control Provides for adjustment of audio level. Such a control may be located elsewhere, such as on an audio selector panel, part of the AIS. Clarifier This control is t o be found on some h.f. controllers. With s.s.b. signals while the phase of the re-inserted carrier is of little consequence its frequency should be accurate. Should the frequency be incorrect by, say, in excess of + 20 Hz deterioration of the quality of speech will result. A clarifier allows for manual adjustment of the re-inserted carrier frequency. Use of highly accurate and stable frequency synthesizers make the provision of such a control unnecessary.


Squelch gate

Tuning relay


Audio to AIS

Squelch cont.

, Squelch

4 ( P
Tone gen.

Sidetone relay

A.M. det.

A.G.C. det.

*To r.f./i.f. stages

f -

S.S.B. 0


R.F. lxtranslator
4 L

, *
- T0/fl

+ fm

Product det.


Frequency synthesizer

fc + fm


, f

Balanced mod.

Control wires

Tuning relay

Modulator .

Fig. 2.12 Typical h.f. a.m.1s.s.b. transceiver block diagram

which nevertheless confirms that a signal has reached the p.a., is to use the rectified r.f. t o operate a sidetone relay. When energized the contact of this relay connects the amplified mic. audio t o the output audio amplifier .
Amplitude Modulated Reception The received signal passes from the ATU via the de-energized antenna transfer relay contact to an ref. amplifier and thence to the r.f. translator. After the translator normal a.m. detection takes place, the audio so obtained being fed to the output stage. A variety of a.g.c. and squelch circuits may be employed.

signal, which is dealt with in the same way as before.

Antenna Tuning Unit Figure 2.13 illustrates an automatic ATU simplified block diagram. On selecting a new frequency a retune signal is sent to the ATU control circuits which then:
1. keys the transmitter; 2 . inserts an attenuator in transceiver output line (Fig. 2.12); 3. switches on the tuning tone signal generator (Fig. 2.12) and drives a tune warning lamp (optional); 4. switches on reference phases for servo motors. The r.f. signal on the input feed is monitored by a loading servo system and a phasing servo system. If the load impedance is high then the line current, I L , is low and the line voltage VL is high. This is detected by the loading servo discriminator which

Single Sideband Reception The circuit action on s.s.b, is similar to that o n a.m. until after the translator when the translated r.f. is fed to the product detector along with the re-inserted 'carrier' f,. The output of the product detector is the required audio


Tune Tx Retune tone key


Loading servo




1 I


Variable reactive

1 1 ;;:;;it



Spark gap.

Phasing servo

- -

1 t

Fig. 2.13 Typical h.f. a.t.u, block diagram

applies the appropriate amplitude and polarity d.c. signal to a chopper/ampIifier which in turn provides the control phase for the loading servo motor. The auto transformer tap is driven until the load impedance is 50 St. Should ILand VL not be in phase this is detected by the phasing servo discriminator which applies the appropriate amplitude and polarity d.c. signal to a chopperiamplifier which in turn provides the control phase for the phasing servo motor. The reactive elements, inductance and capacitance, are adjusted until IL and V L are in phase. As a result of the action of the two servo systems a resistive load of 50 S2 is presented to the co-axial feed from the transceiver. When both servos reach their null positions the control circuits remove the signals listed previously,

Transmitter Power output: 400 W p.e .p. (200 W p.e.p. operational). Absolute maximum power output: 650 W p.e.p. Mic. input circuit frequency response: not more than 6 dB variation from 1000 Hz level through the range 350 Hz to 2500 Hz. Spectrum control: components at or below f , - 100 Hz and at or above f, t2900 Hz should be attenuated by at least 30 dB. Frequency stability: k 20 Hz. Shop adjustment no more often than yearly. Pilot control (e.g. clarifier) not acceptable. Interlock: only one transmitter in a dual system should operate at a time on a 'firstsome, first-served' basis, this includes transmitting for tuning purposes.

Characteristics The following brief list of characteristics are those of a system which conforms with ARINC 559A. Frequency Selection An r.f. range of 2.8-24 MHz covered in 1 kHz increments. Method: reentrant frequency selection systern. Channelling time less than 1 s.

Mode of Operation Single channel simplex, upper single sideband.

Receiver Sensitivity: 4 pV max.; 30 per cent modulation a.m. (1 pV s.s.b.) for 10 dB signal and noise to noise ratio. A.g.c.: audio output increase not more than 6 dB for input signal increase from 5 to 1 000 000 pV and no more than an additional 2 dB up to 1 V input signal level. Selectivity: s.s.b., 6 dB points at f, + 300 Hz and f, + 3 100 Hz, + 35 dB points at f, and f, + 3500 Hz. A.m.: toensure proper receiver operation (no adjacent channel interference) assuming operations on 6 kHz spaced a.m. channels.

Overall response: compatible with selectivity but in addition no more than 3 dB variation between any two frequencies in the range 300-1500 Hz (for satisfactory Selcal operation). Audio output: two-wire circuit isolated from ground, 300 CL (or less) output impedance supplying 100 mW (0.5 Selcal) into a 600 load.
]Ramp Testing and Maintenance Whilst regular inspection of all aircraft antennas is called for, it is particularly important in the case of h.f. antennas and associated components. Any maintenance schedule should require frequent inspection of antenna tensioning units and tethering points in the case of wire antennas, w h l e for both probe and wire antennas the spark gap should be inspected for signs of lightning strikes (cracking and/or discolouring). A functional test is similar to that for v.h.f. in that two-way communication should be established with a remote station; all controls should be checked for satisfactory operation and meter indications, if any, should be within limits. Safety precautions are particularly import ant since very high voltages are present on the antenna system with the resulting danger of electric shock or arcing. No personnel should be in the vicinity of the antenna when transmitting, nor should fuelling operations be in progress. Remember with many h.f. systems a change of frequency could result in transmission t o allow automatic antenna tuning.

The selective calling (Selcal.) system allows a ground station to call an aircraft or group of aircraft using h.f. or vh.f. comms without the flight crew having continuously to monitor the station frequency. A coded signal is transmitted from the ground and received by the v.h.f. or h.f. receiver tuned t o the appropriate frequency. The output code is fed t o a Selcal decoder which activates aural and visual alerts if and only if the received code corresponds t o the code selected in the aircraft. Each transmitted code is made up of two r.f. bursts (pulses) each of 1 k 0.25 s separated by a period of 0.2 & 0.1 s. During each pulse the transmitted carrier is 9 0 per cent modulated with two tones, thus there are a total of four tones per call; the frequencies of the tones determine the code. The tones available are given by the formula

fN = antilog (0.054(N- 1) + 2-O),

giving a total of sixteen tones between 31 2.6 and 1479.1 Hz. The tones are designated by lettersA to S omitting I, N and O so a typical code might be AK-DM. There are 2970 codes available for assignment using the first twelve tones, the addition of tones P, Q, R and S (1976) bring the total to 10 920. Codes or blocks of codes are assigned on request to air carrier organizations who in turn assign codes t o their aircraft either on a flight number or aircraft registration-related basis. Figure 2.14 illustrates a single Selcal system. Large passenger transport aircraft would normally carry two identical systems. The decoder will recognize a received combination of tones on any of five channels which corresponds to that combination selected on the code select and annunciator panel. When the correct code is recognized the chime switch and appropriate lamp switch is made. The lamp switch supply is by way of an interrupter circuit so that the lamp will flash. A constant supply to the chime switch causes the chimes t o sound once. Each lamp holder, designated HF I , HF 1 1 etc. incorporates a reset switch which when depressed will release the latched lamp switch and chime switch. The tone filters in the decoder will typically be mechanically resonant devices. Variations in the arrangement shown and described are possible. Mechanically the control and annunciator panel may be separate units. Should the operator require aircraft registration-related codes there will be no need for code select switches, the appropriate code being selected by jumper leads on the rear connector of the decoder. Although five reset leads will be provided they may be connected individually, all in parallel to a single reset switch or t o the p.t.t. circuit of the associated transmitter. In this latter case isolation diodes (within the decoder) prevent 'sneak' circuits, i.e. keying one transmitter causing one or more others to be keyed. The lamp and chime supplies shown can be changed at the operator's option. Possibilities are to reverse the situation and have steady lights and multi-stroke chimes, or have steady lights and single-stroke chime, in which case the interrupt circuit is not used. The Selcal systems which d o not comply with ARINC 596 may not provide facilities for decoding of five channels simultaneously. A switch is provided on the control panel with which the single desired channel can be selected; in this case only Selcal codes received on the corresponding receiver will be fed t o

L lL l
V.H.F. V.H.F.
Self test Reset



( 5 wires)

Code select (4 x 4 wires)


Self test

e r : s : l

V.H.F. 1

V.H.F. 2

V.H.F. 3

H.F. 1

H.F. 2

Channel amps


Chime switch

To chimes


Fig. 2.14 Typical Selcal block diagram

the decoder. Only one annunciator lamp is required. Code selection in an ARlNC 596 system is achieved by means of a 'b.c.d.' format. Each of the four tone selectors has four wires associated with it; for any particular tone an appropriate combination of the wires will be open circuit, the rest grounded. If the

tones A to S are numbered 1 t o 16 (0) the open wires will be as given by the corresponding binary number; e.g. tone M-12-1100,so with the wires designated 8,4,2 and 1 we see 8 and 4 will be open. Note this is not really b.c.d. but is nevertheless termed so. Testing of Selcal is quite straightforward. If

possible a test rig consisting of a tone generator in conjunction with a v.h.f. and h.f. transmitter should be used, otherwise permission to utilize a Selcal-equipped ground station should be sought.

Audio lntegrating Systems (AIS)

- l ntercom

Introduction All the systems in this book exhibit a variety of characteristics but none more so than AIS. In a light aircraft the function of the audio system is t o provide an interface between the pilot's mic. and tel. and the selected receiver and transmitter; such a 'system' might be little more than a locally manufactured panel-mounted junction box with a built-in audio amplifier and appropriate switching. In contrast a large multi-crew passenger aircraft has several

sub-systems making up the total audio system. The remainder of this chapter will be concerned with the AIS on a Boeing 747. It is unusual t o consider all the systems and sub-systems which follow as part of AIS, a term w h c h should perhaps be restricted to the system w h c h provides for the selection of radio system audio outputs and inputs and crew in tercomrnunications. However a brief description of all systems w h c h generate, process or record audio signals will be given. The following services comprise the complete audio system: 1. flight interphone: allows flight deck crew to communicate with each other or with ground stations; 2. cabin interphone: allows flight deck and cabin crew to communicate;

Attendant's chime call system




Cabin + interphone system


PTT Audio Audio

Pass. address system


. L


VOR/ILS NAV ' system Marker beacon system Monitor Low range signals + radio altimeter system

override Passentertain. (music)

ATC system

DME system




Selcal system Headsets system I (provisionsl 1

r----..Voice r e c 1 I p~ovisions,

crew call system


Fig. 2.15 Boeing 747: typical communications fit (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane C o . )

3. service interphone: allows ground staff to communicate with each other and also with the flight crew; 4. passenger aderess (PA): allows announcements to be made by the crew to the passengers; 5. passenger entertainment system: allows the showing of movies and the piping of music; 6. ground crew call system: allows flight and ground crew to attract each other's attention; 7. cockpit voice recorder: meets regulatory requirements for the recording of flight crew audio for subsequent accident investigation if necessary.
It should be noted that the above are not completely separate systems as illustrated in Fig. 2.15 and described below. The dividing lines be tween sub-systems of the total audio system are somewhat arbitrary, and terminology is varied; however the facilities described are commonplace.

Table 2.1

Flight interphone facilities







Jack panel Int - R-T p.t.t. Handheld rnic. Headset Boom mic. headset mask mic. lnterphone

Jack Jack Jack Jack

Jack Jack

Jack Jack





Jack Jack


Flight Interphone speaker x x This is really the basic and most essential part of the audio system. All radio equipments having mic. A 'X' indicates the particular unit or component is fitted at that station (column). inputs or tel. outputs, as well as virtually all other 'Jack' indicates a jack plug is fitted to enable use o f the audio systems, interface with the flight interphone appropriate mic. and/or tel. which may, in itself, be termed the AIS. A large number of units and components make up the total system as in Table 2.1 with abbreviated TabIe 2.2 Abbreviations terms as listed in Table 2.2. Figure 2.16 shows the flight interphone block diagram, simplified to the CAPT - Captain a.s.p. - Audio Selector Panel extent that only one audio selection panel (ASP), F/O - First Officer int. - Interphone jack panel etc. is shown. An ASP is shown in OBS - Observer r/t - Radiotelephone Fig. 2.17. m.e. - Main Equipment p.t.t. - Press to Transmit Centre A crew member selects the tel. and rnic. signals required by use of the appropriate controls/s~itches micMicrophone tel. - Telephone on an ASP. The various audio signals entering an ASP audio lines which, together with loading resistors in are selected by twelve combined push select and the interphone accessory box, form an anti-cross talk volume controls. Each ASP has an audio bus feeding network; if one crew member has, say, h.f.1 selected a built-in isolation amplifier. The v.h.f. and h.f. on his ASP then the resistive network will greatly comm. ADF, interphone and marker audio signals are attenuate say h.f.2 which would otherwise be audible fed to the bus via the appropriate select buttons and should another crew member have selected h.f.l and volume controls. The v.h.f. nav. and DME audio is h.f.2. fed to the bus when voice and range are selected with the Voice pushbutton; with voice only selected the Six mic. select buttons are provided on an ASP; DME audio is disconnected while the v.h.f. nav. audio three v.h.f. comm., two h.f. comm. and PA. Additional is passed through a sharp 1020 Hz bandstop filter switches associated with mic. select and transmission (FL1) before feeding the bus. With the fail-normal are the boom-mask and r.t.int. p.t.t. on each ASP and switch in the fail only one audio channel can also p.t.t. buttons on the handheld microphones, be selected (bypassing the amplifier) and the PA jack panels and the captain's control wheel audio is fed direct to the audio-out lines. Radio (R/T-in t .). altimeter audio is fed direct to the audio-out lines. To speak over interphone a crew member should The above audio switching arrangements are illustrated select interphone using the r.t.-int. switch on the in Fig. 2.18. Note the series resistors in the input a.s.p. which will connect mic. high (boom or mask)
















L--L1-I1 ~ : 1E R D r m I

: w!


- - -7


-------- I
ADk I 4DF 3 OME 1


VUF 1 VHf 2 VHF 3




HF 1





Fig. 2.18 Audio signal selection (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co.)

Fig. 2.16 Boeing 747: flight interphone (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co.)






r " D C 7







Fig. 2.17 Audio selection panel (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co .)



to the interphone mic. high output feeding the flight interphone amplifier in the interphone accessory box. Alternatively the captain can select interphone on his control wheel p.t .t. switch which will energize relay K2 thus making the mic. high connection as before. Note that the ASP r.t .-int. p.t .t. switch does not rely on power reaching the ASP for relay operation (see



Fig. 2.19 Microphone signal selection (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co.)

CdI light Fig. 2.19). Interphone mic. signals from all ASPs are fed to the flight interphone amplifier which combines them and feeds the amplified interphone audio to all *ttenciantrs stations1 ASPs for selection as required. (typicaU Pressing a mic. select button on the ASP will hirnallight 'me/light nsor n r nit connect the corresponding system mic. input lines to 6 ' relay K2 and to contacts on the ASP r.t.int. p.t.t. switch. Thus when a p.t.t. switch is pressed, the mic. lines will be made by either the contacts of K2 or by Control logic and control the ASP p.t.t. switch in the r.t. position. In Fig. 2.19 unit switching circuits the h.f.2 select switch is shown as typical of all comm. select switches. When the PA select switch is pressed the flight interphone mic. circuit is interrupted and Central switching unit PA audio is applied to the fail-normal switch; in llnMrphons1 V P A I addition the rnic. lines to the PA system are made. Operation of any p.t.t. switch mutes both interphone speakers to prevent acoustic feedback.

Cabin Interphone The cabin interphone is a miniature automatic telephone exchange servicing several subscribers: the cabin attendants and the captain. In addition the system interfaces with the PA to allow announcements to be made. Numbers are dialled by pushbuttons on the telephone type handsets or on the pilot's control unit. Eleven two-figure numbers are allocated to the subscribers, plus additional numbers for PA in various or all compartments, an 'all-attendants' call and an 'all-call'. Two dialling codes consist of letters: P-P is used by an attendant to alert the pilot (call light flashes on control unit and chime sounds once) while PA-PA is used by the pilot to gain absolute priority over all other users of the PA system. The directory is listed on the push-to-talk switch incorporated in each handset to minimize ambient noise. All dialling code decoding and the necessary trunk switching is carried out in the central switching unit, CSU (automatic exchange). The CSU also contains three amplifiers, one of w h c h is permanently allocated to the pilot on what is effectively a private trunk. Of the five other available trunks, two are allocated to the attendants, two to the PA system and one for dialling. (Note a trunk is simply a circuit which can connect two subscribers.) The cabin interphone and service interphone systems may be combined into a common network by appropriate selection on the flight engineer's interphone switch panel, captain's ASP and cabin interphone control unit. Any handset may then be lifted and connected into the network (dial 'all-call'). In a similar way the flight interphone circuits may be used to make specific calls over the cabin interphone system.

Fig. 2.20 Boeing 747: cabin interphone (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co .)

The system is more complex than has been suggested above but a basic description has been given, supported by Fig. 2.20. Service Interphone A total of twenty-two handset jacks are located in various parts of the airframe in order that ground crew can communicate with one another using the service interphone system. The system is rather simpler than those considered above. Mic. audio from all handsets, with 'press to talk' depressed, are combined in and amplified by the service interphone amplifier in the interphone audio accessory box. The amplified signal is fed to all handset tels. Volume control adjustment is provided by a preset potentiometer. With the flight engineer's interphone switch selected to ON the input summing networks for both service and flight interphone systems are combined. All mic. inputs from either system are amplified and fed to both systems.

Passenger Address The system comprises three PA amplifiers, tape deck, annunciator panel, attendant's panel, PA accessory box, control assemblies, speaker switch panel and fifty-three loudspeakers. The various PA messages have an order of priority assigned to them: pilot's announcements, at tendant's announcements, prerecorded announcements and finally boarding music. All PA audio is broadcast over the speaker system and also, except for boarding music, overrides




20V DC



E M ~ R G E ~ CG YR U


-- -



- -


- -

- --












I 1I





y M P NO 3

:; S " " '



N O 2. S W I T C H I N G A S Y

Fig. 2.21 Boeing 747: service interphone (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co.)

Fig. 2.22 Boeing 747: passenger address (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co.)

entertainment audio fed to the passenger stethoscope headsets. A prerecorded emergency announcement may be initiated by the pilot or an attendant, or automatically in the event of cabin decompression. A chime is generated when the pilot turns on 'fasten seat-belt' or 'no smoking' signs. The passenger address amplifiers are fed via the flight or cabin interphone systems for pilot or attendant announcements respectively. Distribution of audio from the amplifiers to the speakers in various zones depends on the class configuration, since some announcements may be intended for only a certain class of passengers. The necessary distribution is achieved by means of switches on the speaker switching panel. Audio is also fed to the flight interphone system for sidetone purposes. Number 2 and number 3 amplifiers are slaved t o number 1 for all-class announcements. Should separate class announcements be required the parallel control relay is energized, so separating the number 1 audio from that of number 2 and 3. The control assemblies in the PA accessory box contain potentiometers used t o set the gain of the PA

amplifiers. When the aircraft is on the ground with landing gear locked down and ground power applied the level of speaker audio is reduced by 6 dB. The tape deck contains up to five tape cartridges apart from the necessary tape-drive mechanism, playback head and a pre-amplifier. Boarding music is selected at an attendant's panel while prerecorded announcements are selected by means of twelve pushbuttons on the annunciator panel.

Passenger Entertainment System The passenger entertainment system of the Boeing 747 and any other modern large airliner is perhaps the most complex of all airborne systems. It is also the system likely to cause most trouble and, fortunately, least likely to affect the safety of the aircraft unless bad servicing leads t o a fire or loose-article hazard. Even on the same type of aircraft a variety of services will be available since different operators will offer different entertainment in a bid to capture more customers. In view of the above comments, the following description is particularly brief and does not do justice t o the complexity involved.

~uy,~ ,P.A. , override


Tape deck

Main multiplexer
Zone A submultiplexer

........ ........
Other submultiplexers Seats 1 2 3


Other seat columns

4 4 1 2

Channel select seat 'Other demultiplexers

Seat demultiplexer




Fig. 2.23 Boeing 747: simplified passenger entertainment


Both movies and music are provided, the movie audio being fed to individual seats via the music portion of the system. Ten tape-deck channels, four movie audio channels and one p.a. channel (total fifteen) are provided using time multiplexing. A time interval, ternled a frame, is divided into fifteen channel times during which the signal amplitude of each channel is sampled. The audio signal amplitudes are binary coded (twelve bits) and transmitted, together with channel identification, clock and sync. pulses, over a co-axial cable running throughout the aircraft. The music channels (five stereo, ten monaural or a mixture) are multiplexed in the main multiplexer, the resulting digital signal being fed to six submultiplexers in series, the final one being terminated with a suitable load resistor. Movie and PA audio are multiplexed with the music channels in the zone submultiplexers, each of which feeds three or four columns of seat demultiplexers. Channel selection is made by the passenger who hears the appropriate audio over his stethoscope headset after digitil t o analogue conversion in the demultiplexer. Alternate zone submultiplexers are used as back-up in the event of prime submultiplexer failure (class priorities exist if failures mean some passengers must have the entertainment service discontinued). The controls necessary for activation of the entertainments system are located on attendants' control panels.

'system', as can be seen from the schematic diagram in Fig. 2.24. The horn and flight-deck call button ari located in the nose wheel bay while the ground-crew / call (with illumination) and aural warning box are on1 the flight deck. Operation is self-explanatory from the diagram. Should horn or chime sound, the groud crew, or flight crew respectively, will contact each other using one of the interphone systems.




Fig. 2.24 Boeing 747: ground crew call (courtesy Boeing Commercial Aeroplane Co.)

Ground Crew Call System Ground crew call is hardly worthy of the title

Cockpit Voice Recorder An endless tape provides 30 min recording time for audio signals input on four separate channels. The channel inputs are captain's, first officer's and fligh engineer's transmitted and received audio and cock] area conversation. Passenger address audio may be substituted for the flight engineer's audio in an aircraft certified t o fly with two crew members. The microphone inputs should be from so-called 'hot mics', i.e. microphones which are permanently live regardless of the setting of ASP or control column switches. The area microphone (which ma!

Landing gear relay

Parking brake relay

L J ~ W I1ua1

flt. inst. bus bar

Fig. 2.25 Typical cockpit voice recorder block diagram


i E

be separate from the control panel) is strategically situated so that it can pick up flight crew speech and general cockpit sounds. While the control panel is situated in the cockpit, the recorder unit (CVR) is located at the other end of the aircraft where it is least likely t o suffer damage in the event of an accident. The CVR is constructed so as to withstand shock and fire damage, and additionally is painted in a fire-resistant orange paint to assist in recovery from a wreck. The recorded audio may be erased providing the landing gear and parking brake interlock relay contacts are closed. As a further safeguard against accidental erasure a delay is incorporated in the bulk erase circuit which requires the operator t o depress the 'erase' switch for two seconds before erasure commences. Test facilities are provided for all four channels,

separately or all together. A playback head and monitor amplifier allows a satisfactory test to be observed on meters or heard over a headset via jack plug sockets. Pressing the test button on the control panel or the all-test button on the CVR causes the channels to be monitored sequentially. The power supply for the system should be from a source which provides maximum reliability. Since the tape is subject t o wear and thus has a limited life, the CVR should be switched off when not in use. A suitable method would be to remove power to the CVR whenever external ground power is connected.

Testing and Trouble Shooting the Audio

Various self-test facilities may be provided'by which

tones may be generated and heard over headsets. fmding short circuits or howls due to coffee-induced However, t o test properly all switches should be te1.-mic. feedback (i.e. spilt liquid providing a operated and all mic. and tel. jacks, as well as conducting path between tel. and rnic. circuits). speakers, should be checked for the required audio. Where one has a number of units in series, e.g. This should be sufficiently loud, clear and noise-free. demultiplexers in an entertainment system, Amplifier gain presets in accessory boxes may need to disconnecting can be a particularly rapid method of be adjusted, A full functional test is best done by fault-finding; it is usually best to split the run in half, then in half again, and so on until the faulty unit or two men, although it is not impossible for one man connection is found. Continuity checks on very long with two headsets and an extension lead to establish cables can be achieved by shorting to earth at one end two-way contact between various stations. and then measuring the resistance to earth at the Faults can be quite difficult to find owing to the other. The resistance to earth should also be complicated switching arrangements. However the measured with the short removed in case a natural wide range of switching can be used to advantage in short exists. order to isolate suspect units or interconnections, Disconnecting units provides a good method of

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