2009 Achr Youth Farm Baseball Rules: 1. Eligibility/Registration
2009 Achr Youth Farm Baseball Rules: 1. Eligibility/Registration
2009 Achr Youth Farm Baseball Rules: 1. Eligibility/Registration
Boys between the ages of 8 and 10 on or before May 1st of said year.
E. CAN I PLAY UP IF I AM NOT YET EIGHT? Yes. However, with the approval of the
ACHR Farm Baseball Coordinator! A younger player should be at the top of his game in order to
compete with the older players. We do not want the younger players to be discouraged because
they are trying to keep up with the older players. Parents must use good judgment when
requesting younger players to play up. You must be at least 7.5 in order to play up.
A. TELL ME ABOUT THE CATCHER’S GEAR Teams will be furnished with shin guards and
straps, chest protector, catcher’s face mask and a catcher's glove. No player may play the
catcher's position without the use of all this equipment, however, a player or team may
substitute its own catching equipment for the equipment supplied by the league. If any
equipment is needed during the game, it needs to be borrowed from the other team. It is
mandatory that all players playing the catcher’s position wear all necessary protective gear and
it is highly recommended that ALL players wear protective cups.
B. TELL ME ABOUT THE BALLS AND BATS Teams will be furnished with practice and
game balls. Each team needs to supply a new game ball for each game. In addition, the league will
furnish bats, at least two per team. We do realize many kids bring their own bats, senior bats
are allowed(2 ¾ barrel size). This is ok as long as the following bat rules are followed:
In addition, players are asked not to throw bats during a game, regardless if it is their bat or
the league’s bat. Players can be called out at the discretion of the home plate umpire for
excessive or deliberate bat throwing.
C. TELL ME ABOUT THE HELMETS Like the bats, balls and catcher’s gear, teams will be
furnished with a supply of helmets, at least four. During games, batters, on-deck batters and
base runners are required to wear a helmet at ALL times. Players who intentionally remove their
helmet during base running can be called out at the discretion of the home plate umpire.
D. TELL ME ABOUT THE UNIFORM Players will be supplied with a team shirt and hat.
Players must wear the uniform as provided by the league at each game. Please note that for
those parts of the uniform not provided by the league such as baseball pants and socks, players
are free to wear whatever style they’d like; however, coaches may request players to purchase
matching pants and socks, but this is not a requirement.
G. CAN I WEAR WRISTBANDS? Yes. Please note that pitchers cannot wear wristbands on
their throwing hand or wear any article of clothing or jewelry that can be distracting to a
batter. Your friendly neighborhood home plate umpire will ask pitchers to remove clothing or
jewelry he deems distracting to a batter.
H. CAN I WEAR JEWELRY? NO! Please note that the home plate umpire will ask players to
remove jewelry. Parents and coaches are also responsible for enforcing this rule.
I. DO I HAVE TO WEAR A CUP? Yes! Boys who are playing catcher should especially wear a
protective cup; it is for their safety as a batted or pitched ball can be a very lethal weapon.
Parents and coaches are responsible for enforcing this, not the league.
A. THE RULES…All league games will follow the current National Little league baseball Rules
with the exceptions as listed in this rulebook. All teams will be furnished a copy of these rules.
B. THE COACHES…All coaches must be 18 years of age or older, and a minimum of 2 coaches
must be present at all games, practices or team activities. Coaches are not allowed to use
tobacco related products or alcoholic beverages during practices or games.
All judgment calls by the umpires are final and no argument will be allowed. If arguing occurs, a
warning will be given. If arguing continues, the player, coach or parent is subject to ejection, at
the discretion of the umpire.
D. THE SCORER…Each team shall furnish a scorer who should check with the home plate
umpire and the scorer from the other team after each inning to ensure they are in agreement.
The home plate umpire will settle any dispute relative to the score.
E. MOTHER NATURE…The ACHR Farm Baseball Coordinator may postpone a game. Please note
that games will not be postponed due to shortages of players, this would lead to a forfeit by the
team with the shortage. In the event a game is postponed, an announcement will be made via the
information line number at least one hour before the scheduled start of the game (i.e. 5:00 pm
for a 6:00 pm start). In the absence of such a message on the hotline, it shall be assumed that
all games will be played as scheduled.
In the event of adverse playing conditions at game time or after the game has begun, the
decision to play or continue playing will be made by the home plate umpire.
F. STARTING TIME Games will begin at the exact time designated on the schedule, to be
enforced by coaches and the home plate umpire. The home plate umpire is the official
timekeeper for each game. If a team does not show up or does not have enough players to play
within 10 minutes after the scheduled starting time, this team will forfeit the game. If for some
reason, both teams do not show up for a game or do not have enough players, the home plate
umpire will declare the game a no-contest, no wins, no losses, no ties, and no the game will not be
made up.
Before the official start of each game, the home plate umpire will discuss any ground/field rules
and other pertinent information to both head coaches.
←• Teams must start a game with a minimum of nine players to avoid forfeiture. If after the
start of a game, an injury occurs, a team may continue with eight players, two in the outfield, a full
infield must be played.
←• Teams must supply a batting order to the opposing team. Players who arrive after the game
has begun will be inserted into the bottom of the batting order.
←• All teams will use a continuous batting order.
A. GAME LENGTH…Farm baseball game inning limit and time limit will be 5 innings or 1 hour
and 30 minutes. Unless the game is tied, a new inning may not be started after the time limit.
←• #1: The time limit or the maximum number of innings has been reached, it is the middle of
the inning and the home team is ahead.
←• #2: The time limit or the maximum number of innings has been reached, it is the end of the
inning and the game is not tied.
←• #3: The game is stopped because of inclement weather or darkness, the visiting team is
ahead or the game is tied, and 4 full innings or more have been played.
←• #4: The game is stopped because of inclement weather or darkness, the home team is ahead,
and 3 1/2 innings or more have been played.
If a game is stopped because of inclement weather or darkness, and the game is not yet
considered official, the game must be replayed in its entirety.
If the time limit or maximum number of innings is reached and the game is tied, the game is not
considered official and play continues. Games can only end in a tie due to inclement weather,
darkness or seven innings have been played. No game will go past seven innings, if at the end of
seven innings the game is still tied, the game shall end in a tie.
C. WHEN A GAME IS SUSPENDED…The home plate umpire has the authority to suspend
(stop) a game in progress because of inclement weather, darkness or other conditions as deemed
by the home plate umpire. The time during which a game is suspended shall not be considered as
part of the time limit.
D. PLAYING TIME & SUBSTITUTIONS Each player shall not sit out defensively for more
than one inning in a row, except for disciplinary reasons. In the case of disciplinary reasons, the
opposing coach must be notified first. Disciplinary reasons would be related to the Players Code
of Ethics and infractions will be reported to the Farm Baseball Coordinator.
Free substitution during play will be allowed, however, players must bat in their assigned batting
position. If the substituted player goes to the bench with one out, that player may not sit out
defensively the next inning.
E. PITCHING GUIDELINES No player may pitch more than 4 innings per game and a total of
7 innings per week. If for any reason a player plays more than two games in the same week, the
player is allowed to pitch one additional innings per game. Any one pitch will count as a full inning
pitched. A week is defined as Sunday through Saturday. All parents and coaches should make
every effort to ice a pitchers elbow and shoulder after pitching. If a pitcher hits four batters
in the same inning he must be removed for the rest of the inning. He can return in another
F. ON DECK AREA A team cannot have more than one player in the on-deck area at a time. All
other players should remain in dugout or on the bench for their own safety.
G. FIRST BASE DOUBLE BAGS ACHR uses safety bags at first base for the stated purpose
of the player's safety. It is for this reason that the runner or fielder when making a play at
first base may use either side of the base. The best way to teach safety at first base is for the
runner to use the orange side of the bag and the fielder to use the white side of the bag. If a
runner makes a deliberate attempt in the judgment of an umpire to advance to second base he
may be tagged out.
H. CALLING TIMEOUT Any player on the field or any coach may request time out from an
umpire; however, only an umpire may grant time out (by calling “TIME OUT" or “TIME") and play
shall continue until an umpire grants time out.
I. BAT THROWING Any batter who throws a bat when leaving the batter’s box will get one
warning per game. Thereafter, if the player continues to throw their bat, the batter will be
called out.
J. BASE RUNNING Base runners are not allowed to slide head first, except when returning to
a base, otherwise the runner is out if he/she slides head first.
K. PLAYS AT HOME PLATE The player covering home plate cannot block home plate without
having a play. If the player covering home plate has a play, runners who intentionally ram the
player covering home plate will be called out, at the discretion of the umpire. Contact made while
sliding into home plate is permissible.
L. THIRD STRIKE A batter is automatically out, even if the catcher drops or cannot control a
third strike. Runners cannot advance to the next base on a third strike dropped ball by the
M. RUN RULE The maximum number of runs a team can be ahead is 12 runs. In the event a
winning team is ahead by 12 or more runs the game may be called if the loosing coach agrees, but
this may only occur if two and a half innings have been played. The loosing coach must agree to
call the game. If the game is in the first two and half innings and the batting team gets ahead
by 12 runs their batting inning comes to an end and they must take the field. If the team that
is down by 12 runs does not score during their turn at bat the team ahead by 12 runs may only
score an additional 3 runs per inning as long as they stay up by more than 12 runs. There is no
base stealing once a team has a ten run lead. We want the kids to play as much baseball as
possible without getting discouraged.
BALK RULE and Stealing Bases The balk rule is not in effect, there are NO BALKS. There
are no lead-offs however stealing is allowed between 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd only. No stealing
Pitchers should continue to make proper & legal contact with the pitching rubber when delivering
a pitch, when the condition of the pitching area allows for this. The home plate umpire will warn
pitchers who violate this rule, and repeated violations can result in the pitch being ruled a ball at
the home plate umpire’s discretion.
It is also recommended that any questions or clarifications of calls or situations be made with
the umpire at home plate and not from the dugout or base paths. This is a recreational league
whose purpose is to teach sportsmanship, among other things, and we must set a good example
for the players.
P. PROTESTS Protests must be made at the time of the incident by notifying the home plate
umpire and the opposing team's head coach. A notation must be made on the game report
indicating the inning the protest was made, the batter, the base runners, the number of outs,
grounds for the protest and all circumstances relevant to the protest, indicating any
differences of opinion between the opposing managers and/or umpires. Once the protest has
been made, the game will continue and the protest will be brought to the coordinators attention
after the game day is over. During the game, the home plate umpires decision is final.
B. RESCHEDULING A CALLED GAME For games that are called before they are official,
the home team's head coach must notify the coordinator within 24 hours. The coordinator shall
reschedule said game, subject to field availability. If said coaches cannot agree upon the date
and time, then the coordinator may cancel any rescheduled games at his/her discretion and that
game goes un-played and may be listed as a forfeiture for both teams.
C. PROTESTS All protests must be filed with the game report within 24 hours of completion
of the protested game. The coordinator shall decide the protest unless his/her team is involved
in the game protested, in which event the ACHR Board shall decide the protest.
←• A full field will consist of four outfielders, a player on each base, a shortstop, a pitcher and a
catcher. Base length is 60 feet and the pitching distance is 46 feet from the back of the plate.
There is no infield fly rule, no base lead-offs ,no bunting or slap hitting, no balks and walks will be on
four balls. Batters must make every effort to get out of the way of a bad pitch. If the batter makes
no attempt to get out of the way of a bad pitch and is hit, it will be called a ball.
←B. BASE COACHES Each team will provide coaches/parents to serve as the third and first base
coach. The base coaches must wear a helmet when on the field for their protection.
←C. PLAYING TIME Coaches are encouraged to rotate players each inning so no player will play a
single position more than three times, this is not mandatory but goes hand in hand with developing
young baseball players and is a sign of fair coaching. No player will sit out more than one defensive
inning in a row and all players will bat.
←D. BASE RUNNING Base runners can advance past the base they are running to when the ball
reaches the infield, a fielding team must continue to try and make a play on the runner until time is
called by the umpire or the play is clearly over and the base runner cannot advance without a stealing
situation. Base runners cannot stop between bases to put themselves in a rundown situation for an
extra base on purpose. One extra base will be taken on an overthrow to any base, including home
plate. If a ball goes out of play on a hit or throws one extra base is given from the point the ball goes
out of play. A base runner may be called out if they leave the base before the ball crosses the plate,
no lead-offs are permitted.
“Runs” will be scored when the runner crosses home plate. It is the visiting teams responsibility to
verify the score inning by inning with the home team. The home team’s records are the official score.
←F. INNINGS An inning consists of 3 outs or a 12 run difference. No adjustments will be made to
the pitcher replacement rules due to a team having less or more players than the other team.
←G. PUTTING THE BALL IN PLAY Batters must hit the ball past the In-Play line in front of home
plate, there is no bunting and balls not hit past the in-play line will be treated as a foul ball.
For the tournament games only, the game will be played 5 full innings. There is no time limit
rule in the tournament games.
There will be no tie games. If a game ends in a tie due to darkness or inclement weather, the
game will be continued before the start of another tournament game.
A batted ball that hits home plate and goes fair is a fair ball, providing it passes the in-play
The strike zone is the area over home plate that begins at the top of the batters knees and
ends at the top of chest and below the shoulders. Any part of the ball that touches the
strike zone is a strike.
Any base runner that interferes with a fielder that is attempting to make a play on a batted
ball is automatically out.
Any fielder that is not making a play on a batted ball must not interfere with a base runner in
anyway. This is obstruction. The obstructed runner must be awarded at least one base
beyond the last one that was legally touched.
A ball that starts foul and then goes fair before reaching first or third base is a fair ball.
Coaches can visit the mound as much as needed to insure the pitchers safety and to
effectively coach the pitcher.