MK Conveyor Technology
MK Conveyor Technology
MK Conveyor Technology
O ne construction kit
many options
Base Technology
Profile Technology Conveyor Technology Factory Equipment Linear Motion
Everything comes from one source: interchangeable modules and
components for profile, conveyance and linear technology, as well
as factory equipment
Outsourcing of various project functions at a fixed price helps inte-
grators to minimize their project costs and risks
Coverage of all basic mechanical functions for modern factory auto-
The widest profile range on the market reduces the need for speci-
al design and therefore provides a cost benefit due to standardiza-
High material quality, solid connecting technology and high-quality
accessories guarantee high loading capacity and long service life
The highest flexibility for system extensions or alterations due to
reusability of individual components and modules
The degree of assembly of our products can be freely selected,
guaranteeing optimum adaptation to existing utilization of resour-
ces at all times
The modular construction is subject to constant optimization and
extension because mk itself uses it daily for the preparation of
customer-specific solutions
Advant ages of t he mk modular syst em
Selecting the Conveyor System 4
Introducing mk 6
Information about Conveyor Technology 8
mk Belt Conveyors 12
mk Modular Belt Conveyors 94
mk Incline Conveyors 106
mk Timing Belt Conveyor 138
mk Chain Conveyors 166
mk Flat Top Chain Conveyors 206
mk Roller Conveyors 224
mk Stands 246
mk Side Rails 262
mk Accessories 268
mk Accumulation and Storage 276
mk Lift- and Transfer Stations 280
Customer Specific Application Examples 286
Our services 296
mk Conveyor Technology 3
Table of cont ent s
Selecting the
Conveyor System
Belt Conveyors
G U F-P 2 0 0 0
G U F-P 2 0 4 1
G U F-P 2 0 0 4
K G F-P 2 0 4 0
D G F-P 2 0 0 1
Modular Belt Conveyors
M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2
Incline Conveyors
K FG -P 2 0 0 0
K FM -P 2 0 4 0 . 8 6
K FS -P 2 0 4 0 . 8 6
Timing Belt Conveyor
Z R F-P 2 0 1 0
Z R F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2
Chain Conveyors
K T F-P 2 0 1 0
S R F-P 2 0 1 0
S R F-P 2 0 1 2
Flat Top Chain Conveyors
S B F-P 2 2 5 4
Roller Conveyors
R B S -P 2 0 6 5 /2 0 6 6
R B S -P 2 2 5 5
R B T-P 2 2 5 5
R B M -P 2 2 5 5
mk Conveyor Technology 5
*in 100 mm increments
75/100/150 410-5000 25 50 22/32
50-800 420-10000 75 80 10/12/19/52
200-1200 500-10000 150 60 22/85
200-2000 600-20000 200 60 105
300-600* 45-180 30 30 19
100-250 300-2000 15 30 25
210-1010 400-10000 150 30 110
300-700* 1000-4000 50 15 52
210-710 1000-10000 150 30 95
210-710 1000-10000 150 12 100
200-2000 500-6000 100 30 85
40/80/120/160 400-10000 200 30 100
200-2000 500-10000 200 30 90
200-2000 500-10000 200 30 90
200-2000 1000-10000 300 30 100
100/130 individually 350 40 150
290-690* 500-5000 400 18 50
290-690* 500-5000 400 18 50
420-720* 600-10000 400 30 50
380-680* 500-5000 275 70 50
p a g e 1 2
p a g e 9 4
p a g e 1 0 6
p a g e 1 3 8
p a g e 1 6 6
p a g e 2 0 6
p a g e 2 2 4
We live our passion f or t echnology
t hat shapes us f or over 40 years
Introducing mk
Maschinenbau Kitz GmbH, was
founded in 1966 and is head-
quartered in Troisdorf, near
Bonn, operates internationally;
together with its subsidiaries
and sales parteners as the mk
Technology Group . Backed by
over 40 years of experience, mk
sells mechanical modules, compo-
nents for profile, conveyor and
mk Conveyor Technology 7
linear technology, as well as fac-
tory equipment. These products
are based on more than 250
different aluminum profiles and
extensive stainless steel sheet
metal work. The modular con-
struction principle these products
offer ensure full compatibility
between all products. The resul-
ting benefits include considerable
cost savings during installation
of the system, as well as a high
degree of flexibility for future
extensions and re-configurations.
Our most important target mar-
kets include original machine
constructions, as well as work in
the automotive, electrical, packa-
ging, pharmaceutical, and food
Advant ages of mk Conveyor Technology
Optimum functionality of every system thanks
to the 20 different conveyor systems which can
be selected to suit the properties of the product
to be transported as well as the environment in
which the conveyor is used
Simplified planning and design using standardized
Maximum process reliability is assured by:
optimum functionality, mature technology,
high-quality materials and purchased parts,
fast worldwide spare parts supply
Cost savings and short delivery times due to
standard modular construction
High level of flexibility in systems manufacture
and modification due to compatibility with all
other mk profile technology, linear technology
and factory equipment systems
Competent design advice and support from
mks sales engineers
Customer-focused assistance, such as an online
CAD library
Information about
Conveyor Technology
mk Conveyor Technology 9
Conveyor Technology select ion crit eria
P ro p e rtie s o f th e p ro d u ct to
b e tra n sp o rte d
Sensitivity to shock
Dry vs. damp
E n v i ro n m e n t
Soiling, e.g. due to dust
Explosion protection
Clean room conditions
Food regulations
Chemical resistance
Tra n sp o rt p a t h
Straight-line and curved
Transport on one level or on
different elevations
A cce p ta n ce a n d h a n d o v e r o f th e
p ro d u ct b e in g tra n sp o rte d
Defined acceptance and handover
Ty p e o f t ra n sp o rt
Accumulated or good traction
Defined orientation during
S p e e d a n d cy cle t i m e
Degree of discharge
suited for your transportation
requirements please use the
list of criteria below. It is best
to use our online tool at
By selecting the optimal system
for your conveyor requirements,
mk guarantees maximum process
safety. To select the conveyor best
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0
Information about
Conveyor Technology
Drive locat ion
When selecting a drive version, please note
the available drive locations (head/tail, left/right,
head right
left tail
below above
Mot or orient at ion
The motor orientation can be specified as 0, 90,
180 or 270 as shown. If no specific orientation is
requested, the drive location head, left, below
with motor orientation 0 will be supplied as a
Order considerat ions
The conveyor type designation consists of the
selected Conveyor System, the Drive Version, the
Conveyor Length L and the Conveyor Width B.
The configuration of a specific conveyor is influen-
ced by many factors. In order to ensure the correct
conveyor for your application, please include any
relevant information relating to the product and
the environment where the conveyor will be used.
Not to be ignored are cleanroom or explosion-
proof requirements.
Conveyor Designat ion
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 A C /. . . . /. . .
Conveyor System
Drive Version
Conveyor Length L
Conveyor Width B
Besides the Conveyor Designation we also require
the following information:
Drive location, motor orientation
Speed (constant or variable)
If variable: Vmax
Travel (Continuous or Accumulating)
Tail at discharge (as applicable)
Tail at pickup (as applicable)
Belt Type
Product (Weight and Dimensions)
Side Rails
Stands incl. altitude
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s
The conveyor length L is a nominal size and is defined as the outer distance of the head pieces in the tension-
free state. The actual conveyor length is generally larger and comes about taking the following aspects into
Rollers projecting beyond the head pieces (between 1 and 3.5 mm per side)
Minimum tension for the conveyor medium (for belts 0.3% of the length)
Compensation for the length tolerance of the conveyor medium (for belts up to 0.8%)
Thickness and thickness tolerance of the conveyor medium (for belts between 1 and 5 mm per side)
If fixed lengths must be strictly adhered to on the customer side, it must be pointed out explicitly for inquiries and
orders. A fixed installation length can only be assured with drive version BC.
M o t o r se le ct i o n
mk offers a number of different motors in its standard range of products. A tool is available on our homepage
at for selecting the motor design for the current conveyor systems GUF-P MINI, GUF-P 2000,
GUF-P 2041 and GUF-P 2004 for the production site in Germany. The range of products varies based on the
regulations and requirements applicable in the country of operation. AC Spiroplan gearbox, AC worm gearbox
motors and in part, DC helical gearbox motors from renowned manufacturers are preferred. With appropriate
stockkeeping, mk maintains a sensible supply of spare parts. The end connection sizes of the motors are based
on DIN 42948.
M o t o r v o lt a g e
As a standard, mk provides motors which comply with the normal, expected electrical requirements of the coun-
try where they are manufactured. International motors are also available for conveyors designed for export.
M o t o r p o w e r
Motors are sized to each individual conveyor style, size and performance requirements. A range of output of
0.054 kW to 0.75 kW (1/14 hp to 1/3 hp) is covered standard.
S p e e d s
The maximum conveyor speed depends on the motor, load of the belt, type of transport and length of the
conveyor selected. These figures refer to the rated speeds. It should be noted that the motors have a speed
tolerance of 10%. For AF drives, that has a direct impact on the conveyor speed. For drives with chain/toothed
belts, the tolerance tends to move into positive territory. The real speed can be up to 20% above the rated
S p e e d C o n t ro l
For drives with AC motors and variable speed, this is adjustable based on the rated speed at 50 Hz in the range
1: 7 (corresponding 10 to 70 Hz). For DC motors, the control range is 1: 6 (corresponding to 0.25 to 1.5 A or 0.5
to 3.0 A).
R a t i n g
All standard motors are built to IP 54 (IP = International Protection) standards, whereby higher standards are
available on request.
S p e ci a l fe a t u re s
The motors are suitable for cyclic operation on request. At lower frequency ranges, use of auxiliary fans is requi-
red based on the temperature. The version with clutch/brake combination or thermostatic switch is also possible
in the range of products. However, this does not apply to the CA drive version (with drum motor).
mk Belt Conveyors
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3
Cont ent s mk Belt Conveyors
GUF-P 2000 26
GUF-P 2041 42
GUF-P 2004 54
KGF-P 2040 64
DGF-P 2001 70
Belt Conveyors Belt Types 76
Belt Conveyors Cleat Types 79
Belt Conveyors Application Examples 84
Belt Conveyors
Conveyor frame
mk 2075
mk 2100
mk 2150
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5
Due to its compact design, GUF-P
MINI conveyors are ideally suited
for equipment applications such
as stamping machines, for exam-
ple, where its small size and rigi-
dity are an asset. The available
T-slots (7 mm opening) of Profile
mk 2075, mk 2100 or mk 2150
can be used to attach stands,
side rails or other components.
This single profile frame con-
struction ensures a rigid struc-
ture with good load carrying
ca-pacity, whereby given values
for load, speed, etc. are directly
related and can vary as a result.
The drive rolls of the different
versions can be rubberized in
order to efficiently transfer all
available motor torque to the
belt. Crowned drive and tail
drums simplify belt tracking
and ensure proper alignment
of the belt along the centerline
of the frame. The belt travels
on a stainless steel slider bed
which is fastened to the frame
profile, thus providing low
friction and ensuring long belt
life. Finally, the underside of
the frame extends to not only
protect the belt, yet allows the
conveyor to be placed directly
onto an existing surface.
Belt Conveyors
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A D D ri v e Ve rsi o n A G
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B A D ri v e Ve rsi o n B C
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7
Cont ent s GUF-P MINI
GUF-P MINI AA Head Drive without Motor ex. for multiple lanes 18
GUF-P MINI AC Head Drive Drive Roll 52 19
GUF-P MINI AD Head Drive Drive Roll 32 20
GUF-P MINI AG Head Drive Drive Roll 32 21
GUF-P MINI BA Center Drive without Motor, bidirectional ex. for multiple lanes 22
GUF-P MINI BC Center Drive, bidirectional Drive Roll 62 o 88 23
GUF-P MINI Tails 24
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive, w it hout Mot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is often used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
with a single drive motor. The compact frame is ideal for integrating this conveyor into new or existing
equipment. Additional features include a 52 mm crowned drive roll, separate belt tension roller, easy
belt tracking at tail end, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum
T-slot designed frame. Use of cleated belts is not possible with this drive version. The 16 mm output
shaft has a usable length of 19 mm and includes a 5 x 5 x 16 mm shaft key (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 365 - 5000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 75 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm
B e lt Wi d t h B-15 mm see page 76
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 25 kg (55 Ibs) higher on request
see page 24
Drive shaft on both sides also available.
Please specify this when inquiring.
B 2 0 . 7 5 . 0 0 9
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC, which are sized and selected for each applica-
tions individual speed and load requirements. The compact frame is ideal for integrating this conveyor
into new or existing equipment. Additional features include a 52 mm crowned drive roll, separate
belt tension roller, easy belt tracking at tail end, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed
fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Use of cleated belts is not possible with this drive
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 370 - 5000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 75 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm
B e lt Wi d t h B-15 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 25 kg (55 Ibs) higher on request
see page 24
B 2 0 . 7 5 . 0 0 1
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AD, which are sized and selected for each applica-
tions individual speed and load requirements. The compact frame is ideal for integrating this conveyor
into new or existing equipment. Additional features include a 32 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt
tensioning and tracking at tail end, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an
aluminum T-slot designed frame. The 32 mm drive roll allows for the use of cleated belts. Compared
to Drive Version AC, this version is significantly more compact.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 375 - 5000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 75 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm
B e lt Wi d t h B-15 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 15 m/min (50 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 15 kg (33 Ibs) higher on request
see page 24
B 2 0 . 7 5 . 0 3 3
mk Conveyor Technology 2 1
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive, small geared mot or
Fe a t u re s:
The AG drive with small geared motor has a slightly modified structure compared to the AD drive. The
compact frame is ideal for integrating this conveyor into new or existing equipment. Additional featu-
res include a 32 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt tensioning and tracking at tail end, sealed ball
bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. The 32 mm
drive roll allows for the use of cleated belts. Compared to Drive Version AC, this version is significantly
more compact.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 375 - 5000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 75 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm
B e lt Wi d t h B-15 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 15 m/min (50 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 15 kg (33 Ibs) higher on request
see page 24
B 2 0 . 7 5 . 0 0 4
mk Conveyor Technology 2 2
Belt Conveyors w it h Cent er Drive w it hout Mot or, bidirect ional
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version BA is used primarily when driving multiple conveyors in parallel using one drive motor.
This conveyor is used as the slave, or driven, lane. The compact design, and the ability to move the drive
location anywhere along the conveyor frame, simplifies the integration of this conveyor into new or
existing equipment. Additional features include a 62 or 88 mm crowned drive roll, separate belt
tensioning and tracking, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum
T-slot designed frame. Use of cleated belts is not possible with this drive version. The crowned drive
roll features a 20 mm hollow shaft with a 6 mm keyway according to DIN 6885.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 530 - 5000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 75 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm
B e lt Wi d t h B-15 mm see page 76
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 25 kg (55 Ibs) higher on request
see page 24
B 2 0 . 7 5 . 0 3 0
mk Conveyor Technology 2 3
Belt Conveyors w it h Cent er Drive, bidirect ional
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version BC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations individual speed and load requirements. When combined with Drive Version BA, this version
serves as the driving conveyor in parallel arrangements. The compact design, and the ability to move
the drive location anywhere along the conveyor frame, simplifies the integration of this conveyor into
new or existing equipment. Additional features include a 62 or 88 mm crowned drive roll (depen-
ding on the application), separate belt tensioning and tracking, sealed ball bearings and a stainless
steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Use of cleated belts is not possible
with this drive version. The crowned drive roll features a 20 mm hollow shaft with a 6 mm keyway
according to DIN 6885 and can be optionally located on the right or left.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 530 - 5000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 75 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm
B e lt Wi d t h B-15 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 25 kg (55 Ibs) higher on request
see page 24
B 2 0 . 7 5 . 0 0 5
mk Conveyor Technology 2 4
Ta i l 0 1
I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 1 . 0 0 2
22 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking
using alignment blocks
Minimum part size for
transfer 54 mm
Note mimimum pulley diameter
when selecting belt
Ta i l 0 3
I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 1 . 0 0 1
32 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking
using alignment blocks
Minimum part size for
transfer 74 mm
Note mimimum pulley diameter
when selecting belt
Ta i l 1 9
I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 1 . 0 0 4
32 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
10 mm x 15 mm long shaft,
3x3x12 mm shaft key (DIN 6885)
Coupling of two lanes using one
drive (specify right, left or both
Minimum part length for
transfer 74 mm
Note mimimum pulley diameter
when selecting belt
mk Conveyor Technology 2 5
Belt Conveyors
GUF-P 2000
Conveyor frame cross-section Conveyor frame profiles
mk 2026
Profile mk 2000
Angle B25
Profile mk 2000/2002
mk 2027
mk 2028
mk Conveyor Technology 2 7
GUF-P 2000 conveyors are desi-
gned and manufactured using
our very rigid structural profile
system mk 2000, and assembled
using standard components.
Through this standardization we
are able to offer an extremely
versatile belt conveyor with a
wide variety of drive and tail
options. A large selection of belt
types complement the compact
frame height of 50 mm and the
52 mm drive roll, which is
available in either a steel or rub-
berized version depending on
the application. All mk belt con-
veyor systems feature crowned
rollers which significantly simpli-
fy belt tracking. Included system
T-slots (10 mm opening) run the
length of the conveyor frame
which can be used for integra-
tion into existing equipment as
well as for mounting of stan-
dard or customer-specfic stands,
side rails and other accessories.
Additional quality details include
a stainless steel slider bed moun-
ted to the conveyor frame which
reduces wear on the belt, and
sealed ball bearings for overall
conveyor life and performance.
In addition to the large selection
of side rails and stands, stops,
diverters, electrical brackets and
V-guided belts are also available.
Belt Conveyors
GUF-P 2000
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A F D ri v e Ve rsi o n A G
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A M D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A U D ri v e Ve rsi o n B A
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B C
mk Conveyor Technology 2 9
Cont ent s GUF-P 2000
GUF-P 2000 AA Head Drive without Motor ex. for multiple lanes 30
GUF-P 2000 AC Head Drive 31
GUF-P 2000 AF Head Drive direct 32
GUF-P 2000 AG Head Drive, small geared motor 33
GUF-P 2000 AM Offset Head Drive 34
GUF-P 2000 AS Outside Head Drive 35
GUF-P 2000 AU Outside Head Drive 36
GUF-P 2000 BA Center Drive without Motor, bidirectional ex. for multiple lanes 37
GUF-P 2000 BC Center Drive, bidirectional 38
GUF-P 2000 Tails 39
mk Conveyor Technology 3 0
GUF-P 2000 AA
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive, w it hout Mot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is often used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
with a single drive motor. The series 50 frame is ideal most general purpose conveying applications.
Additional features include a 52 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball
bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts
may be used with this drive version. The 16 mm output shaft has a usable length of 20 mm for
chain drive or 29 mm for timing belt drive. Both include a 5 x 5 x 16 mm shaft key (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 410 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 80 m/min (260 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 75 kg (165 Ibs) higher on request
see page 39
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 9
mk Conveyor Technology 3 1
GUF-P 2000 AC
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The series 50 frame is ideal most general purpose con-
veying applications. Additional features include a 52 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at the
tail end, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed
frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 410 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below, head left shown
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 80 m/min (260 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 75 kg (165 Ibs) higher on request
see page 39
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 2
mk Conveyor Technology 3 2
GUF-P 2000 AF
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive direct
Fe a t u re s:
By placing the motor directly onto the drive shaft, this drive version minimizes not only the space
required at the drive yet also the number of moving parts and maintenance requirements.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 410 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d 2.8; 3.6; 4.4; 5.4; 6.5; 7.7; 8.7;
10.9; 12.9 and 14.9 m/min see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 30 kg (65 Ibs) higher on request
see page 39
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 1
mk Conveyor Technology 3 3
GUF-P 2000 AG
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive, small geared mot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AG differs from version AC due to the use of small geared motor. The series 50 frame is
ideal most general purpose conveying applications. Additional features include a 52 mm crowned
drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed faste-
ned to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Drive Version AG is also dimensionally more compact than
version AC due to the use of parallel shaft gearmotors.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 310 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below, head left shown
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d 180/200 V DC to v=15 m/min (50 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 15 kg (33 Ibs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 5
see page 39
mk Conveyor Technology 3 4
GUF-P 2000 AM
Belt Conveyors w it h Of f set Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AM combines the cost advantages of a head drive with the unobstructed discharge end
of a center drive. This conveyor is ideal for feeding parts into or out of equipment. Additional features
include a 52 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a
stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used
with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 735 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 80 m/min (260 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 75 kg (165 Ibs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 3
see page 39
mk Conveyor Technology 3 5
GUF-P 2000 AS
Belt Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features the motor mounted to an aluminum casting outside of the conveyor frame.
This is used in situations where the conveyor frame must be unobstructed, or where the motor must
remain clean. The conveyor can be placed very close to equipment. Additional features include a 52 mm
crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider
bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 525 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below, head left shown
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 80 m/min (260 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 75 kg (165 Ibs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 8
see page 39
mk Conveyor Technology 3 6
GUF-P 2000 AU
Belt Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AU features motor placement outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used in situa-
tions where the underside of the conveyor frame must be as unobstructed as possible, or where the
motor must remain clean. The conveyor can be placed very close to equipment and transport of tall
objects is no problem. Additional features include a 52 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at
the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot desi-
gned frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 415 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below, head left shown
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 80 m/min (260 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 75 kg (165 Ibs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 2 0
see page 39
mk Conveyor Technology 3 7
GUF-P 2000 BA
Belt Conveyors w it h Cent er Drive w it hout Mot or, bidirect ional
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version BA is used primarily when slave driving multiple conveyor lanes in parallel using one
drive motor. The compact design, and the ability to move the drive location anywhere along the
conveyor frame, simplifies the integration of this conveyor into new or existing equipment. Additional
features include a 62 or 88 mm crowned drive roll (depending on the application), separate belt
tensioning and tracking, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum
T-slot designed frame. Use of cleated belts is not possible with this drive version. The drive roll features
a 20 mm hollow shaft with 6 mm keyway (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 610 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 80 m/min (260 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 75 kg (165 Ibs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 1
see page 39
mk Conveyor Technology 3 8
GUF-P 2000 BC
Belt Conveyors w it h Cent er Drive, bidirect ional
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers many motor options for Drive Version BC, which are sized and selected for each applications
individual speed and load requirements. When combined with Drive Version BA, this version serves as
the driving conveyor in parallel arrangements. The compact design, and the ability to move the drive
location anywhere along the conveyor frame, simplifies the integration of this conveyor into new or
existing equipment. Additional features include a 62 or 88 mm crowned drive roll (depending on
the application), separate belt tensioning and tracking, sealed ball bearings and a stainless steel slider
bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Use of cleated belts is not possible with this drive
version. The drive roll features a 20 mm hollow shaft with 6 mm keyway (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 610 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,
400, 500, 600, 700, 800 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 80 m/min (260 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 75 kg (165 Ibs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 4
see page 39
mk Conveyor Technology 3 9
Ta i l 0 1 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 1
52 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking using using
alignment blocks
Minimum part size for transfer 114 mm
GUF-P 2000
Ta i l 0 2
Ta i l 0 9 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 5
52 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension using roll holders
Belt tension and tracking using set
screws from end
Compact tail
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
<_3.000 mm <_300 mm 105 mm 145 mm plastic
<_3.000 mm > 300 mm 105 mm 145 mm aluminium
> 3.000 mm unrestricted 155 mm 195 mm aluminium
I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 3
50 mm cylindrical drum
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking using using
alignment blocks
Minimum part size for transfer 110 mm
Load Capacity max. 25 kg (55 Ibs)
Not suitable for sideloading
Not for reversing operation
For use in the run-in only
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
unrestricted 100 <_B <_500 mm 105 mm 145 mm plastic
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
unrestricted unrestricted 105 mm - aluminium
mk Conveyor Technology 4 0
GUF-P 2000
Ta i l 1 9 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 6
52 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
16 mm output shaft 22 mm long for chain
drives or 29 mm long for timing belt drives.
Both include a 5 x 5 x 16 mm shaft key (DIN
Coupling of two lanes using one drive (specify
right, left or both sides)
Ta i l 1 1 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 7
52 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking using using
roll holders
Roll holders flush
Compact tail
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
<_3.000 mm <_300 mm 105 mm 145 mm plastic
<_3.000 mm > 300 mm 105 mm 145 mm aluminium
> 3.000 mm unrestricted 155 mm 195 mm aluminium
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
unrestricted unrestricted 105 mm - aluminium
mk Conveyor Technology 4 1
Ta i l 1 3 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 8
Rolling nosebar
Roll 19 mm, sealed bearings
Side belt tension using alignment blocks
Adjustment using idler roller from end
Minimum part size for transfer 48 mm
Note mimimum pulley diameter when
selecting belt
Ta i l 1 0
Ta i l 1 7 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 2
Fixed nosebar
Side belt tension using alignment blocks
Adjustment using idler roller from end
Minimum part size for transfer 30 mm
Note mimimum pulley diameter when
selecting belt
Max. belt speed 10 m/min (33 ft/min)
Requires rubberized roller
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
<_5.500 mm unrestricted 105 mm 145 mm aluminium
> 5.500 mm unrestricted 155 mm 195 mm aluminium
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
<_5.500 mm <_300 mm 105 mm 145 mm aluminium
> 5.500 mm <_300 mm 155 mm 195 mm aluminium
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
unrestricted <_200 mm 105 mm 145 mm aluminium
I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 4
Rolling nosebar
Sealed bearings
Side belt tension using alignment blocks
Adjustment using idler roller from end
Minimum part size for transfer 34 mm
Note mimimum pulley diameter when selecting belt
Max. belt speed 30 m/min (100 ft/min)
Max. load capacity of 5 kg per 50 mm conveyor width
Profile mk 2251
Conveyor frame
Belt Conveyors
GUF-P 2041
mk Conveyor Technology 4 3
The use of our rigid structural
Profile mk 2251 (50 x 80 mm) to
manufacture the conveyor frame
allows System GUF-P 2041 con-
veyors to accomodate loads of
up to 150 kg (330 lbs). The com-
ponents used in the drive and
tail assemblies are also specifi-
cally designed to handle these
loads. The 85 mm drive roll
standard for this system further
ensures that all available motor
power is transfered to the belt.
A further advantage of this
system is an almost unlimited
selection of belt types, including
cleats and sidewalls. Each side of
the conveyor frame features two
system T-slots (10 mm opening)
for integration into existing
equipment, or for the attach-
ment of stands, side rails and
other accessories. Additional
noteworthy details include the
use of galvanized slider beds
for reduced belt friction, sealed
ball bearings and crowned rol-
lers for simple belt tracking and
Belt Conveyors
GUF-P 2041
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A F D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B C D ri v e Ve rsi o n C A
mk Conveyor Technology 4 5
Cont ent s GUF-P 2041
GUF-P 2041 AA Head Drive without Motor ex. for multiple lanes 46
GUF-P 2041 AC Head Drive 47
GUF-P 2041 AF Head Drive direct, Torque Arm 48
GUF-P 2041 AS Outside Head Drive 49
GUF-P 2041 BC Center Drive, bidirectional 50
GUF-P 2041 CA Driven Roller 51
GUF-P 2041 Tails 52
mk Conveyor Technology 4 6
GUF-P 2041 AA
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive, w it hout M ot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is often used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
with a single drive motor. The robust frame is ideal for stand-alone applications or for integrating this
conveyor into new or existing equipment. Additional features include a 85 mm crowned drive roll,
easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a galvanized steel slider bed fastened to an
aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version. The 20 mm x
27.5 mm long output shaft includes a 6 x 6 x 22 mm shaft key (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1200 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 150 kg (330 Ibs) higher on request
see page 52
Drive shaft on both
sides also available.
Please specify this
when inquiring.
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 0 9
mk Conveyor Technology 4 7
GUF-P 2041 AC
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The robust frame is ideal for stand-alone applications or
for integrating this conveyor into new or existing equipment. Additional features include a 85 mm
crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a galvanized steel slider
bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1200 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 150 kg (330 Ibs) higher on request
see page 52
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 0 1
mk Conveyor Technology 4 8
GUF-P 2041 AF
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive direct
Fe a t u re s:
By placing the motor directly onto the drive shaft, this drive version minimizes not only the space
required at the drive yet also the number of moving parts and maintenance requirements.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 650 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1200 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d 3.2 to 55.3 m/min others on request
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 100 kg (220 Ibs) higher on request
see page 52
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 0 8
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used
in situations where the conveyor frame must be unobstructed, or where the motor must remain clean.
The conveyor can be placed very close to equipment. Additional features include a 85 mm crowned
drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a galvanized steel slider bed faste-
ned to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 650 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1200 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below, head left shown
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 150 kg (330 Ibs) higher on request
see page 52
mk Conveyor Technology 4 9
GUF-P 2041 AS
Belt Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 0 3
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version BC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations individual speed and load requirements. The compact design, and the ability to move the drive
location anywhere along the conveyor frame, simplifies the integration of this conveyor into new or
existing equipment. Additional features include a 88 mm crowned drive roll, separate belt tensioning
and tracking, sealed ball bearings and a galvanized steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot
designed frame. Use of cleated belts is not possible with this drive version. The drive roll also features
a 20 mm hollow shaft with a 6 mm keyway (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 650 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1200 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 150 kg (330 Ibs) higher on request
see page 52
mk Conveyor Technology 5 0
GUF-P 2041 BC
Belt Conveyors w it h Cent er Drive, bidirect ional
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 0 4
mk Conveyor Technology 5 1
GUF-P 2041 CA
Belt Conveyors w it h Driven Roller
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version CA with Driven Roller is the most compact drive version available for System GUF-P 2041.
By integrating the motor within the drive roll itself, there is no mechanical interference. The integra-
tion of this conveyor into equipment is therefore relatively simple.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 3000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 mm others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-10 mm see page 76
D ri v e a n d S p e e d [m /m i n ] 2.9; 4.1; 5.1; 6.1; 7.4; 8.7; 10.6; 10.7; 13; 13.1;
15.6; 18.7; 22.3; 23; 27.4; 33.6; 48.2 and 59.2 see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . on request
see page 52
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 0 5
mk Conveyor Technology 5 2
GUF-P 2041
Umlenk ungen
U m le n k u n g 0 2 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 7. 0 0 9
85 mm cylindrical drum
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking using tension shafts
Minimum part size for transfer 180 mm
Not suitable for sideloading
U m le n k u n g 0 1 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 7. 0 0 1
85 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking using using
alignment blocks
Minimum part size for transfer 180 mm
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
unrestricted unrestricted 150 mm - aluminium
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
<_3.000 mm unrestricted 160 mm 175 mm aluminium
> 3.000 mm unrestricted 250 mm 265 mm aluminium
mk Conveyor Technology 5 3
U m le n k u n g 1 3
I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 7. 0 0 6
Drum 22 mm
Sealed bearings
Side belt tension using alignment blocks
Adjustment by idler roller from end
Minimum part size for transfer 54 mm
Note mimimum pulley diameter when
selecting belt
U m le n k u n g 1 9
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
unrestricted unrestricted 188 mm 228 mm aluminium
I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 7. 0 0 2
85 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
20 x 27.5 mm long shaft,
6x6x22 mm shaft key (DIN 6885)
Coupling of two lanes using one drive
Additional output shaft (specify right, left
or both sides)
C o n v e y o r le n g t h s L C o n v e y o r w i d t h B L1 L2 M a t e ri a l ro ll h o ld e r
<_3.000 mm unrestricted 160 mm - aluminium
> 3.000 mm unrestricted 250 mm - aluminium
Conveyor frame
Belt Conveyors
GUF-P 2004
mk Conveyor Technology 5 5
Besides the standard features of
all mk Belt Conveyor Systems
including crowned rolls for sim-
ple belt tracking and low friction
slider beds, System GUF-P 2004
is noted for its extremely heavy
frame manufactured using our
structural Profile mk 2004. With
total load capacities to 200 kg
(440 lbs) and frame dimensions
of up to 2.000 mm wide by 20
meters long, this conveyor is
ideally suited for transporting
large and bulky goods. The
105 mm drive roll, which is avai-
lable in either steel or rubberi-
zed depending on load, comple-
tes this conveyor, which is the
largest belt conveyor we offer.
In addition to the high load
carrying capacity, this conveyor
system can be further enhanced
by the large selection of stan-
dard accessories including side
rails and heavy-duty stands.
Belt Conveyors
GUF-P 2004
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A M D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
mk Conveyor Technology 5 7
Cont ent s GUF-P 2004
GUF-P 2004 AA Head Drive without Motor ex. for multiple lanes 58
GUF-P 2004 AC Head Drive 59
GUF-P 2004 AM Offset Head Drive 60
GUF-P 2004 AS Outside Head Drive 61
GUF-P 2004 Tails 62
mk Conveyor Technology 5 8
GUF-P 2004 AA
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive, w it hout M ot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is often used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
with a single drive motor. The rigid frame is ideal for integrating this conveyor into new or existing
equipment. Additional features include a 105 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail
end, sealed ball bearings and a galvanized steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed
frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version. The 22 mm x 32 mm long output shaft
includes a 6 x 6 x 32 mm shaft key (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 660 - 20000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 - 2000 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-50 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n Output shaft right, left or both sides
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 Ibs) higher on request
see page 62
B 2 0 .1 4 . 0 0 9
Drive shaft on both sides also
available. Please specify this
when inquiring.
mk Conveyor Technology 5 9
GUF-P 2004 AC
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The compact frame is ideal for integrating this conveyor
into new or existing equipment. Additional features include a 105 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt
tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a galvanized steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum
T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 20000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 - 2000 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-50 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 Ibs) higher on request
see page 62
B 2 0 .1 4 . 0 0 1
mk Conveyor Technology 6 0
GUF-P 2004 AM
Belt Conveyors w it h Of f set Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AM combines the cost advantages of a head drive with the unobstructed discharge end
of a center drive. This conveyor is ideal for feeding parts into or out of equipment. Additional features
include a 105 mm crowned drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a
galvanized steel slider bed fastened to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used
with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 850 - 20000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 - 2000 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-50 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 Ibs) higher on request
see page 62
B 2 0 .1 4 . 0 0 3
mk Conveyor Technology 6 1
GUF-P 2004 AS
Belt Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used in
situations where the conveyor frame must be unobstructed, or where the motor must remain clean.
The conveyor can be placed very close to equipment. Additional features include a 105 mm crowned
drive roll, easy belt tracking at the tail end, sealed ball bearings and a galvanized steel slider bed faste-
ned to an aluminum T-slot designed frame. Cleated belts may be used with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 800 - 20000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 - 2000 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
B e lt Wi d t h B-50 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below, head left shown
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 Ibs) higher on request
see page 62
B 2 0 .1 4 . 0 0 2
mk Conveyor Technology 6 2
Ta i l 0 1 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 2 . 0 0 4
105 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking
using alignment blocks
Minimum part size for
transfer 220 mm
GUF-P 2004
Ta i l 0 9 I d e n t -N r. B 8 0 . 0 2 . 0 0 5
105 mm crowned roll
Sealed bearings
22 x 32 mm long output shaft,
6x6x32 mm shaft key (DIN 6885)
Coupling of two lanes using one
Output shaft left, right or both
sides possible
mk Conveyor Technology 6 3
Conveyor frame
Belt Conveyors
KGF-P 2040
mk Conveyor Technology 6 5
The conveyor system KGF-P 2040
is based on our Profile Series 40,
and is compatible with all other
mk conveyor systems. The exte-
rior profile frame features 10 mm
T-slots which allow for the direct
mounting of additional accesso-
ries such as side rails, sensors,
etc. The structural profiles used
ensure rigid construction with
excellent load bearing capacities,
whereby the indicated values
for maximum loads and speeds
are directly dependent, and
thus vary. The conveyor features
a 20 mm rolling nosebar
which allows for the transfer
of small parts. Automatic belt
tensioning is built into the tails
which compensates for normal
belt stretch, while at the same
time ensuring a fixed, unchan-
ging installed dimension. The
compact center drive features
no external protrusions when
using our standard motor.
Belt Conveyors
KGF-P 2040
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B I
mk Conveyor Technology 6 7
Cont ent s KGF-P 2040
KGF-P 2040 BI Center Drive, reversible 68
KGF-P 2040 Stands and Order Example 69
mk Conveyor Technology 6 8
KGF-P 2040 BI
Curved belt conveyor w it h Cent er Drive, reversible
Fe a t u re s:
For this conveyor mk offers Drive Version BI, featuring usable belt widths of 300, 400, 500 and 600 mm
for a 90 curve. The compact construction simplifies the integration of the conveyor within existing
lines. The 55 mm drive roll ensures good grip and efficient motor power transfer.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r A n g le 90 others on request
U sa b le Wi d t h s B 300 at Ra=600 mm, Ri=300 mm, FB=706 Ident.-Nr.: B20.40.023
400 at Ra=900 mm, Ri=500 mm, FB=1006 Ident.-Nr.: B20.40.022
500 at Ra=900 mm, Ri=400 mm, FB=1006 Ident.-Nr.: B20.40.021
600 at Ra=900 mm, Ri=300 mm, FB=1006 Ident.-Nr.: B20.40.020
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n below, center
D ri v e a n d S p e e d 5 to 30 m/min in Rm others on request
St a n d s standard, or with belt change support
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . to 30 kg (65 Ibs), depending on
conveyor angle, speed and product
B e lt s see page 76
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 2 0 fo r 9 0 cu rv e , B 2 0 . 4 0 . 0 2 1 fo r 1 8 0 cu rv e
mk Conveyor Technology 6 9
KGF-P 2040
St ands and Order Example
St ands
st a n d a rd w i t h b e lt ch a n g e su p p o rt
Order Example
In order to properly quote and manufacture your
conveyor we require the following information:
KGF-P 2040
Version Ra 900 / Ri 500
Speed 15 m/min
Usable Width B = 400 mm
Belt type
Stands with (or without)
belt change support
Height H = 800 mm
R a d i u s Ve rsi o n s cu rv e 1 8 0 R a d i u s Ve rsi o n s cu rv e 9 0
Conveyor frame
Wear Strip mk 1005
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2001
Belt Conveyors
DGF-P 2001
mk Conveyor Technology 7 1
Conveyor System DGF-P 2001 is
primarily designed for the trans-
port of pallets. It is ideally suited
to assembly areas, such as can be
found in the electronics industry
for example. The small diameter
tail drum allows for the transfer
of relatively short pallets. Belt
tensioning is accomplished using
the lower tail return roller. As
the roll holders are not moved,
a fixed overall length is achieved.
The belts run entirely on standard
mk UHMW wear strips, whereby
a maximum total load of 15 kg
(33 lbs) is possible. Pallets for the
DGF-P 2001 conveyors are supplied
by mk in aluminum, as a standard.
Machining is therefore according
to the customers wishes.
Belt Conveyors
DGF-P 2001
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
mk Conveyor Technology 7 3
Cont ent s DGF-P 2001
DGF-P 2001 AC - Dual Belt Conveyor with Head Drive - 74
DGF-P 2001 Pallets 75
mk Conveyor Technology 7 4
DGF-P 2001 AC
Dual Belt Conveyor w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
The belts of the DGF-P 2001 dual lane conveyor ride on UHMW wear strips 4.5 mm thick x 5 mm
tall integrated side rails. The recommended pallet width is the conveyor width B-11 mm (2 mm gap).
The compact conveyor frame is ideal for integrating this conveyor into new or existing equipment.
The 58 mm drive rolls ensure sufficient motor power transmission.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 300 - 2000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 100, 125, 150, 175, 200 and 250 mm
B e lt Wi d t h 18 mm see page 76
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left head left shown
S p e e d to 15 m/min (50 ft/min)
constant or variable
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 15 kg (33 Ibs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 1 . 7 0 1
mk Conveyor Technology 7 5
DGF-P 2001
Rew ork
Upon request we can rework the pallet for your
particular application. We can also provide pallets
per your drawings.
As as standard, the pallets for Conveyor System
DGF-P 2001 are manufactured using aluminum
(2017A, or 3.1325). Dimensionally the width is
fixed in relation to the conveyor (B-11 mm). The
minimum length is 90 mm. Depending on the
product to be conveyed, anodized aluminum or
other pallet materials are also available. Below is
a representation of our standard, with customer-
specific tooling shown at left.
Conveyor and pallet cross-section
B e lt t y p e K G F-P D G F-P S u rfa ce A llo w a b le T h ick n . P ro p e rt ie s M in . A ccu m u - M a t e ria l B e lt
2 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 Te x t u re Te m p e ra t u re ( m m ) P u lle y la t io n C a t e -
su it a b le su it a b le g o ry
smooth -30 - +100C 0,6 antistatic 8 mm Urethane 1
structure -30 - +100C 1,2 antistatic, 8 mm Urethane 3
laterally stiff
woven -30 - +100C 1,2 antistatic, 8 mm Urethane 2
laterally stiff
smooth -30 - +100C 1,4 antistatic, 8 mm Urethane 3
laterally stiff
smooth -30 - +100C 1,5 antistatic 8 mm Urethane 3
woven -30 - +100C 2,0 antistatic, 20 mm NBR 3
cut resistant
Transilon E 2/1 U0/U2 HACCP white FDA, K 1 0 2 0 0
Transilon E 3/1 U0/U2 RF brown FDA, K 1 0 2 6 8
Transilon E 3/2 U0/U0 colorless FDA, K 1 0 2 0 3
Transilon E 3/2 U0/U2 HACCP white FDA, K 1 0 2 1 4
Transilon E 3/2 U0/U2 HACCP-FF blue FDA, K 1 0 2 6 9
Transilon E 3/2 U0/G8 NSTR green, K 1 0 2 5 6
The belt types shown below are our standards, and are
suitable for most applications. In addition to these we
can offer a variety of special belts.
Applicationspecific belts can include, for example, teflon
belts, velour belts or others with specific chemical resi-
stance properties. When selecting a belt, please note
whether accumulation is required.
mk Conveyor Technology 7 6
Belt Conveyors
Belt Types
Transilon E 4/1 U0/V5H MT green, K 1 0 2 0 1
Transilon E 4/2 U0/U2 MT-HACCP white FDA, K 1 0 2 7 0
Transilon E 4/2 U0/U2 MT-HACCP-FF blue FDA, K 1 0 2 7 1
Transilon E 5/2 0/0 colorless, K 1 0 2 6 6
Transilon E 5/2 0/V5 green, K 1 0 2 0 2
Transilon E 5/2 0/V5H MT black, K 1 0 2 6 1
Transilon E 6/2 U0/U2 M green FDA, K 1 0 2 4 1
Transilon E 8/2 U0/U2 green FDA, K 1 0 2 0 5
B e lt t y p e K G F-P D G F-P S u rfa ce A llo w a b le T h ick n . P ro p e rt ie s M in . A ccu m u - M a t e ria l B e lt
2 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 Te x t u re Te m p e ra t u re ( m m ) P u lle y la t io n C a t e -
su it a b le su it a b le g o ry
smooth -10 - +70C 1,1 antistatic, 20 mm PVC 1
smooth -30 - +100C 1,4 antistatic 8 mm Urethane 3
smooth -30 - +100C 1,4 antistatic 8 mm Urethane 3
woven -10 - +70C 1,4 antistatic, 20 mm Polyester 1
smooth -10 - +70C 1,9 antistatic, 20 mm PVC 1
smooth -10 - +70C 1,9 antistatic, 40 mm PVC 1
smooth -30 - +100C 1,9 antistatic, 50 mm Urethane 4
laterally stiff,
smooth -30 - +100C 1,4 antistatic, 20 mm Urethane 2
laterally stiff
mk Conveyor Technology 7 7
Belt Conveyors
Belt Types
Transilon E 8/2 U0/V5 green, K 1 0 2 0 4
Transilon E 8/2 U0/V20 AR green, K 1 0 2 0 7
Transilon E 8/2 U0/V/U2H MT green, K 1 0 2 1 7
Transilon E 8/2 0/U10 S/LG green, K 1 0 2 5 3
Transilon E 8/H U0/U2 MT-HACCP white FDA, K 1 0 2 5 2
Transilon E 8/H U0/U2 MT-HACCP blue FDA, K 1 0 2 7 2
Transilon E 8/H U0/V10S-LG black, K 1 0 2 5 7
Transilon NOVO 25-HC black, K 1 0 2 0 6
B e lt t y p e K G F-P D G F-P S u rfa ce A llo w a b le T h ick n . P ro p e rt ie s M in . A ccu m u - M a t e ria l B e lt
2 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 Te x t u re Te m p e ra t u re ( m m ) P u lle y la t io n C a t e -
su it a b le su it a b le g o ry
smooth -10 - +70C 2,1 antistatic, 50 mm PVC 2
good traction,
structure -10 - +70C 4,7 antistatic, 50 mm PVC 3
very good
incline transport
smooth -10 - +70C 1,5 antistatic, 50 mm Urethane 2
cut resistant
structure -30 - +100C 2,1 antistatic, 40 mm Urethane 4
good traction,
incline transport,
oily or greasy
smooth -30 - +100C 1,4 antistatic, 8 mm Urethane 2
laterally stiff,
Hot Water/
Steam resistant
smooth -30 - +100C 1,4 antistatic, 8 mm Urethane 3
laterally stiff,
Hot Water/
Steam resistant
structure -10 - +70C 2,3 antistatic, 40 mm PVC 2
laterally stiff
felt -10 - +70C 2,5 antistatic, 40 mm Polyester 2
conductive (HC)
mk Conveyor Technology 7 8
Belt Conveyors
Belt Types
mk Conveyor Technology 7 9
Belt Conveyors
Belt Types with Cleats
C le a t m a t e ri a l Te m p e ra t u re ra n g e
PVC -10 to +70C
PU -30 to +80C
PE -30 to +100C
When selecting a cleat, please ensure that the
belting and the cleat material are the same.
Segmented lateral cleats as well as combinations
of lateral and longitudinal cleats are possible. The
distance from the cleats to the belt edge must be
at least 2 mm.
The adhesive joints of the cleats generally have a
more limited temperature range than the belt and
cleat material itself.
Lo n g i t u d i n a l C le a t s, t o p si d e
are used primarily for guiding the belt, e.g. as
in inclined conveyors (for these applications, the
following profiles may be used: K6, K10 and K13)
S i d e w a lls, t o p si d e
can be used instead of side guides and are used
in particular in inclined conveyors (for these
applications, the following profiles may be used:
Fw2 x 30, Fw2 x 40 and Fw2 x 60).
Other cleat profiles available on request.
La t e ra l C le a t s, t o p si d e
act as a pusher for the transported product,
especially on inclined conveyors (for these
applications, the following profiles may be used:
K6, K10, K13, K15, K17, K30, F20/3, F30/8, T20U,
T30U, T40U, T50U, T60U, T20, L40, L60)
Lo n g i t u d i n a l C le a t s, u n d e rsi d e
are a belt guide option and are usually used if
lateral forces act on the belt. (for these
applications, the following profiles may be used:
K6, K10 and K13). Unevenness can occur in the
conveyor belt in the area of longitudinal cleats.
C le a t t y p e C o lo r We i g h t La t e ra l Lo n g i t u d i n a l
P V C P U d
m i n
1 m i n
m i n
a p p ro x . m m
D ru m
g re e n w h i t e co lo rl. g re e n w h i t e a p p . g /m a p p x . m m i n m m U n d e rsi d e To p si d e
K 6 2 5 3 0 3 0 4 0 3 0
K 1 0 6 0 5 0 3 0 7 0 6 0
K 1 3 1 0 0 8 0 3 0 1 0 0 7 0
K 1 5 1 2 0 9 0 3 0 1 0 0 8 0
K 1 7 1 8 0 1 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 9 0
K 3 0 4 7 0 1 8 0 5 0 2 3 0 1 8 0
F2 0 /3 7 5 7 0 3 0 7 0 5 0
F3 0 /8 2 9 0 1 2 0 4 5 1 2 0 9 0
mk Conveyor Technology 8 0
Belt Conveyors
Cleat Types
C le a t t y p e C o lo r We i g h t La t e ra l
P V C P U d
m i n
D ru m
g re e n w h i t e co lo rl. g re e n w h i t e a p p . g /m a p p x . m m
T 2 0 U 1 4 0 5 0
T 3 0 U 1 8 0 5 0
T 4 0 U 2 2 0 5 0
T 5 0 U 2 5 0 5 0
T 6 0 U 2 8 0 5 0
T 2 0 1 6 0 9 0
mk Conveyor Technology 8 1
Belt Conveyors
Cleat Types
C le a t t y p e C o lo r We i g h t La t e ra l
P V C P U d
m i n
D ru m
g re e n w h i t e co lo rl. g re e n w h i t e a p p . g /m a p p x . m m
L4 0 4 7 0 8 0
L6 0 6 0 0 8 0
C le a t t y p e C o lo r We i g h t La t e ra l Lo n g i t u d i n a l
P V C P U d
m i n
1 m i n
m i n
a p p ro x . m m
D ru m
g re e n w h i t e co lo rl. g re e n w h i t e a p p . g /m a p p x . m m i n m m U n d e rsi d e To p si d e
Fw 2 H e i g h t = 3 0 m m 1 3 0 8 0
H e i g h t = 4 0 m m 1 7 0 1 2 5
H e i g h t = 6 0 m m 2 4 0 1 5 0
mk Conveyor Technology 8 2
Belt Conveyors
Cleat Types
mk Conveyor Technology 8 3
Belt Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
C o m b in a t io n o f t w o
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 fo r co n v e y in g
sla n t e d t ra n sp o rt t a n k s
G U F-P M i n i fo r i n t e g ra t i o n i n t o a n e x i st i n g sy st e m
a s t ra n sv e rse co n v e y o r a n d si n g u la t o r
M o b i le G U F-P 2 0 0 0 fe a t u ri n g
d i sch a rg e ch u t e w i t h
v a ri a b le i n cli n a t i o n a n g le
mk Conveyor Technology 8 5
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 a s t ra n sv e rse co n v e y o r a n d
si n g u la t o r fo llo w i n g a co o li n g se ct i o n
C o n v e y o r b e lt G U F-P 2 0 0 0 fo r p i st o n ro d s w i t h
p n e u m a t i c p re ssu re cy li n d e rs m o u n t e d o n t h e
si d e fo r se cu ri n g t h e p ro d u ct
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 w i t h m e ch a n i sm fo r fo ld i n g a n d a li g n i n g
p a p e r b a g s b e fo re t h e fi lli n g p ro ce ss
Belt Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
G U F-P 2 0 41 w i t h
p n e u m a t i c d e fle ct o r
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 w i t h co m b -st y le cle a t e d b e lt
G U F-P 2 0 41 w i t h
a d ju st a b le si d e ra i l
mk Conveyor Technology 8 7
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 a s t ra n sv e rse
co n v e y o r a n d si n g u la t o r
fo llo w i n g a co o li n g se ct i o n
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 w i t h ro lli n g n o se b a r R e ci rcu la t i n g sy st e m u si n g t w o p a ra lle l
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 ru n n i n g i n o p p o si t e d i re ct i o n s
G U F-P 2 0 0 0 w i t h d ri p p a n a n d e n d st o p
Belt Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
G U F-P 2 0 0 4 w i d t h s u p t o 2 m a n d
b e lt le n g t h s u p t o 2 0 m p o ssi b le
G U F-P 2 0 41 w i t h d ri p p a n
a n d lo n g i t u d i n a l cle a t s
G U F-P 2 0 41 w i t h g u i d e s fo r
w o rk p i e ce se p a ra t i o n
mk Conveyor Technology 8 9
G U F-P 2 0 41 w i t h b e lt fo r co n v e y i n g
sh a rp -e d g e d p ro d u ct s, e . g . m e t a l st a m p i n g s
G U F-P 2 0 0 4 w i t h se p a ra t e
w o rk i n g a n d re t u rn si d e o f b e lt
Tw o G U F-P 2 0 41 i n t a n d e m a rra n g e m e n t w i t h m o b i le st a n d sy st e m fo r
m o b i le d o u b le fe e d i n g o f a sy st e m
Belt Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
N u t s fo r t h e i n st a lla t i o n si d e ra i ls o r se n so r
p la t e s ca n b e i n se rt e d i n t h e T-slo t s a cco rd i n g
t o t h e cu st o m e rs w i sh e s
S e v e ra l co n v e y o r la n e s li n k e d
v i a a ce n t e r d ri v e
Tw o co n v e y o r b e lt s d ri v e n b y
o n e m o t o r a t t h e h e a d d ri v e
mk Conveyor Technology 9 1
1 8 0 K G F-P 2 0 4 0 w i t h se cu re d g u a rd
a n d i n n e r ra d i u s 0 m m
K G F-P 2 0 4 0 w i t h D ri v e Ve rsi o n B I
1 8 0 K G F-P 2 0 4 0
w i t h si d e ra i l
T h e fla t , si d e e n d o f t h e K G F-P 2 0 4 0
e n su re s sh o rt t ra n sfe r p a t h s
Belt Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
St a n d a rd -K G F-P 2 0 4 0
Tra n sfe r b e t w e e n K G F-P 2 0 4 0 a n d
G U F-P 2 0 41 w i t h ro lli n g n o se b a r
fo r p ro d u ct le n g t h s fro m 5 0 m m
mk Conveyor Technology 9 3
St a n d a rd D G F-P 2 0 0 1 w i t h p a lle t s fo r i n se rt i n g
p ri n t e d ci rcu i t b o a rd co m p o n e n t s
D G F-P 2 0 0 1 w i t h si d e ra i l
fo r e x t ra -w i d e p ro d u ct s
C o m b i n a t i o n o f t w o G U F-P 2 0 0 0 a rra n g e d i n p a ra lle l. T h e sp a ce
b e t w e e n t h e b e lt s e n a b le s a cce ss fro m u n d e rn e a t h
mk M odular Belt Conveyors
mk Conveyor Technology 9 4
mk Conveyor Technology 9 5
Cont ent s mk M odular Belt Conveyors
MBF-P 2040.02 96
Modular Belt Conveyors Application Examples 104
Conveyor frame cross-section
M odular Belt Conveyors
M BF-P 2040. 02
Wear Strip mk 1040.12
Profile for conveyor frame
mk 2040.41
Wear Strip mk 1040.13
Wear Strip mk 1040.10
mk Conveyor Technology 9 7
Conveyor System MBF-P 2040.02
with modular belting and cleanly
integrated drive assemblies
distinguishes itself with high load
capacities even at narrow belt
widths. The belting is positively
driven and cannot deviate from
its direction of travel. As a result,
parts may be discharged off the
side of the conveyor. The belting
material is very low friction and
extremely resistant to wear. With
the selection of belting materials,
this conveyor system has applica-
tions in the food industry, does
well in higher temperature envi-
ronments and has good chemical
resistance. Belt accessories include
sidewalls and lateral cleats.
Maintenance operations such as
belt tensioning or replacement
of individual links are quick and
M odular Belt Conveyors
M BF-P 2040. 02
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
mk Conveyor Technology 9 9
Cont ent s M BF-P 2040.02
MBF-P 2040.02 AC Head Drive 100
MBF-P 2040.02 AS Outside Head Drive 101
MBF-P 2040.02 Modular Belts 102
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 0
M BF-P 2040. 02 AC
M odular Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The molded drive sprockets positively engage with the
underside of the belt and ensure proper grip and tracking. The compact frame design simplifies inte-
gration of the conveyor into new or existing equipment. Use of cleated belts is possible with this drive
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 475 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 210 to 1010 mm (in 50 mm increments) others on request
M o d u la r B e lt w i d t h B-10 mm see page 102
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 150 kg (330 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 8 0 1
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 1
M BF-P 2040. 02 AS
M odular Belt Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used
in situations where the conveyor frame must be as unobstructed as possible, or where the motor must
remain clean. The overall height of the conveyor is held to an absolute minimum. The molded drive
sprockets positively engage with the underside of the belt and ensure proper grip and tracking. Use of
cleated belts is possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 610 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 210 to 1010 mm (in 50 mm increments) others on request
M o d u la r B e lt w i d t h B-10 mm see page 102
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 150 kg (330 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 8 0 2
B e lt t y p e M B 1 M B 2
M B 200 - 1000 mm 194 - 992 mm
C le a t H e i g h t , H 1 25, 50 mm (or none) 25, 51, 76 (or none)
C le a t S p a ci n g , A 3 25 mm increments 27.2 mm increments
C o lo r white, green white, blue
P i t ch , P 25 mm 27.2 mm
B e lt T h i ck n e ss 9 mm 9.8 mm
M i n . C le a t E d g e C le a ra n ce , A 1 0 mm 18 mm
M a t e ri a l PE, PP, POM PE, PP, POM
FD A /U S D A S u i t a b i li t y partial partial
Te ch n i ca l P ro p e rt i e s PP PP
+ 5 - + 105 C + 1 - + 104 C
- 70 - + 65 C - 46 - + 66 C
- 45 - + 90 C - 46 - + 93 C
high wear resistance high wear resistance
low friction low friction
M BF-P 2040. 02
M odular Belt s
Per customer request, mk offers two
types of modular belting with different
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 2
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 3
M odular Belt Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
S h o rt M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h d ri v e v e rsi o n A S
M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h sp e ci a l si d e
ra i l, b e lt w i t h 1 0 % o p e n a re a
M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h si d e
fli g h t s a n d cle a t s
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 5
M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h b e lt i n g su i t a b le fo r fo o d
M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h cle a t s
fo r lo o se n i n g a n d t ra n sp o rt i n g
sm a lle r p ro d u ct s
M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2
d ri v e v e rsi o n A S
M B F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2
d ri v e v e rsi o n A C
mk Incline Conveyors
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 6
Cont ent s mk Incline Conveyors
KFG-P 2000 108
KFM-P 2040.86 118
KFS-P 2040.86 126
Incline Conveyors Application Examples 134
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 7
Conveyor frame cross-section
Incline Conveyors
K FG-P 2000
with sidewall with SF2.1
mk Conveyor Technology 1 0 9
With its compact design using
our structural aluminum Profile
mk 2000, Conveyor System KFG-P
2000 is ideally suited for continu-
ous duty applications in multiple
shift environments. Used prima-
rily for the transport of small
parts, the belt is guided through
the incline by welded-on V-guides.
As with all mk conveyors, belt
alignment is easy with our stan-
dard crowned rollers. Additional
features include a stainless steel
slider bed mounted to the con-
veyor frame which reduces wear
on the belt and the use of sealed
ball bearings for overall conveyor
life and performance. Using all
the inherent benefits of modular
construction with our mk Profile
Technology System, this conveyor
can be readily integrated into
new or existing equipment, or
be used as a free-standing con-
veyor for bulk handling and loa-
ding applications.
Incline Conveyors
K FG-P 2000
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C D ri v e Ve rsi o n A F
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S D ri v e Ve rsi o n A U
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 1
Cont ent s KFG-P 2000
KFG-P 2000 AC Head Drive 112
KFG-P 2000 AF Head Drive direct 113
KFG-P 2000 AS Outside Head Drive 114
KFG-P 2000 AU Outside Head Drive 115
KFG-P 2000 Stands and Side Rails 116
KFG-P 2000 Belt Types 117
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 2
K FG-P 2000 AC
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The 52 mm drive roll provides good belt wrap and
efficient motor power transmission, and the compact construction simplifies the integration of the con-
veyor into existing equipment.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h ( L1 +L2 +L3 ) variable to approx. 4000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 300 to 700 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 400 mm, L3 min. = 610 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 15 m/min (50 ft/min) others on request
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 116
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on speed, incline and higher on request
product, up to 30 kg (65 Ibs)
B e n d s 15, 30, 45 and 60 others on request
P ro d u ct 10 to 80 mm, L to 300 mm others on request
Weight to 500 g/each
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 0
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 3
K FG-P 2000 AF
Belt Conveyors w it h Head Drive direct
Fe a t u re s:
By placing the motor directly onto the drive shaft, this drive version minimizes not only the space
required at the drive yet also the number of moving parts and maintenance requirements.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h ( L1 +L2 +L3 ) variable to approx. 4000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 300 to 700 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 400 mm, L3 min. = 440 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d 2.8; 3.6; 4.4; 5.4; 6.5; 7.7; 8.7; 10.9; 12.9 and 14.9 m/min
S t a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 116
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on speed, incline and higher on request
product, up to 30 kg (65 Ibs)
B e n d s 15, 30, 45 and 60 others on request
P ro d u ct 10 to 80 mm, L to 300 mm others on request
Weight to 500 g/each
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 0
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 4
K FG-P 2000 AS
Belt Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AS which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The 52 mm drive roll provides good belt wrap and
efficient motor power transmission, and the compact construction simplifies the integration of the con-
veyor into existing equipment.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h ( L1 +L2 +L3 ) variable to approx. 4000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 300 to 700 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 400 mm, L3 min. = 720 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 15 m/min (50 ft/min) others on request
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 116
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on speed, incline and higher on request
product, up to 30 kg (65 Ibs)
B e n d s 15, 30, 45 and 60 others on request
P ro d u ct 10 to 80 mm, L to 300 mm others on request
Weight to 500 g/each
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 0
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 5
K FG-P 2000 AU
Belt Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AU which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The 52 mm drive roll provides good belt wrap and
efficient motor power transmission, and the compact construction simplifies the integration of the con-
veyor into existing equipment.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h ( L1 +L2 +L3 ) variable to approx. 4000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 300 to 700 mm (in 100 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 400 mm, L3 min. = 610 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 15 m/min (50 ft/min) others on request
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 116
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on speed, incline and higher on request
product, up to 30 kg (65 Ibs)
B e n d s 15, 30, 45 and 60 others on request
P ro d u ct 10 to 80 mm, L to 300 mm others on request
Weight to 500 g/each
B 2 0 . 0 0 . 0 1 0
Side Rails
Shown is our standard side rail for
this conveyor style. It is designed to
minimize the gap between the con-
veyor frame and the belt surface in
order to avoid product loss and
potential damage.
S i d e R a i l S F 8 .1
Height H = 75 mm and 100 mm
St ands
The stand types shown can be
supplied with any leveling options.
Stand Version 1 features swivel
casters with total lock brakes which
guarantee stable support even at
high speeds. Casters are available
with 75 mm for x = 113 mm,
100 mm for x = 140 mm and
125 mm for x = 165 mm.
S t a n d w i d t h = B +1 0 0
Ve rsi o n 1
Ve rsi o n 2
Ve rsi o n 3
Conf igurat ions
Ty p e S L, L1, L2, L3, H
Bends 1 + 2
Ty p e K L, L2, L3, H
Bends 1
Ty p e L L, L1, L2, H
Bends 1
Order Example
To correctly quote and manufacture your conveyor,
we need the following information:
KFG-P 2000 Configuration Type S
Drive AC motor orientation 90 as shown
Speed 15 m/min
Width B = 500 mm
Length dimensions:
L = 2000 mm; L1 = 500 mm; L2 = 1000;
L3 = 600; H = 1000 mm
Bend 1 = 60; Bend 2 = 60
Cleat type T20 with Side Rail 8.1
Stand type A, Version 3, Leveling Pad x = 20 mm
Ty p e A
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 6
K FG-P 2000
St ands and Side Rails
Transilon E 6/2 U0/U2 M green FDA, K 1 0 2 4 1
Ropanyl EM 6/2 0+02 green M2 FG FDA, K 1 0 2 6 3 for Conveyor width to 500 mm
Ropanyl EM 05 10/2 00+03 blue M2 FG FDA, K 1 0 2 6 4 for Conveyor width as of 500 mm
B e lt t y p e S u rfa ce A llo w a b le T h ick n . P ro p e rt ie s M in . P u lle y Tra n sp o rt M a t e ria l B e lt
Te x t u re Te m p e ra t u re ( m m ) C a t e g o ry
smooth -30 - +100C 1.9 antistatic, 50 mm continuous Urethane 4
extremely inclined
laterally stiff
smooth -10 - +80C 1.85 Oil and grease 14 mm continuous Urethane 2
resistant, inclined
laterally stiff
smooth -20 - +60C 2.4 Oil and grease 50 mm continuous Urethane 4
resistant, inclined
laterally stiff
Belt s
The belt types shown are our standards, and are suitable for most applications.
In addition to these we can offer a variety of special belts.
Cleat s
C le a t t y p e H e i g h t C o lo r We i g h t La t e ra l Lo n g i t u d i n a l
( H ) P V C P U d
m i n
m i n
a p p x . m m
D ru m
g re e n w h i t e co lo rl. g re e n w h i t e a p p . g /m a p p x . m m U n d e rsi d e To p si d e
K 1 0 fo r K 1 0 2 4 1 6 0 5 0 5 2 5 2
P K L fo r K 1 0 2 6 3 /4 5 0 5 2 5 2
T 2 0 U fo r K 1 0 2 4 1 2 0 1 4 0 5 0
T 3 0 U 3 0 1 8 0 5 0
T 4 0 U 4 0 2 2 0 5 0
T 5 0 U 5 0 2 5 0 5 0
T 6 0 U 6 0 2 8 0 5 0
M T 2 0 fo r K 1 0 2 6 3 /4 2 0 3 0
M T 3 5 3 5 5 0
WK 2 0 fo r K 1 0 2 6 3 /4 2 0 4 0
WK 2 5 2 5 5 0
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 7
K FG-P 2000
Belt Types
Conveyor frame cross-section
Incline Conveyors
K FM -P 2040. 86
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2040.86
Wear Strip mk 1040.06
mk Conveyor Technology 1 1 9
With its compact design using
our aluminum profile systems,
Conveyor System KFM-P 2040.86
is ideally suited for continuous
duty applications in multiple shift
environments. The modular belt
(polypropylene) runs entirely on
UHMW (PE1000) wear strips, and
is designed for the removal or
transport of plastic, packaged
food, blow-molded parts or small
metal stampings. The belt may
be used for parts which range in
temperature from 5 to 105C. On
request, belting of Polyethylene
(good shock resistance) or Acetal
(longer life) are also available.
With the modular construction
using all the inherent benefits
of our mk Profile Technology
Systems, this conveyor can be
readily integrated into new or
existing equipment, or be used
as a free-standing conveyor
for bulk handling and loading
applications. The conveyor frame
features T-slots to which accesso-
ries including stands, rails, hoppers
or chutes can be easily mounted.
Through this use of standard
components, mk is in a position to
deliver a truly versatile conveyor.
Customer specific requirement,
such as special hoppers, are
possible on request. Depending
on the product to be conveyed,
please also consider our other
Incline Conveyors featuring
Modular Steel or Fabric belting.
Incline Conveyors
K FM -P 2040. 86
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2 1
Cont ent s KFM -P 2040.86
KFM-P 2040.86 AC Head Drive 122
KFM-P 2040.86 AS Outside Head Drive 123
KFM-P 2040.86 Stands and Side Rails 124
KFM-P 2040.86 Modular Belts 125
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2 2
K FM -P 2040. 86 AC
Incline Conveyors w it h M odular Belt , Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. The molded drive sprockets conform to the underside of
the belt and ensure proper grip and tracking. Through the use of hollow shaft motors, the drive can
be mounted on either the left or right side using the same components.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L depending on conveyor design and any increment possible
load to 10000 mm
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 210 to 710 mm (in 50 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 300 mm, L3 min. = 250 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below,
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 124
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on conveyor design and higher on request
Conveyor length to 150 kg (330 lbs)
B e n d s 1 a n d 2 15, 30, 45 and 60
B 2 0 . 8 6 . 8 0 1
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2 3
K FM -P 2040. 86 AS
Incline Conveyors w it h Modular Belt , Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS provides a very low profile wherby the conveyor can be placed into areas with tight
space constraints. The overall height of the drive assembly is held to an absolute minimum.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L depending on conveyor design and any increment possible
load to 10000 mm
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 210 to 710 mm (in 50 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 300 mm, L3 min. = 400 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 124
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on conveyor design and higher on request
Conveyor length to 150 kg (330 lbs)
B e n d s 1 a n d 2 15, 30, 45 and 60
B 2 0 . 8 6 . 8 0 2
Side Rails
The example shows our standard
side rails. They are designed to mini-
mize the gap between the conveyor
frame and the modular belt surface
in order to avoid product loss and
potential damage. The guide rolls at
the inclines are also entirely covered.
S i d e R a i l S F 8 .1
Height H = 75 mm, L1 = 55 mm
Height H = 100 mm, L1 = 55 mm
St ands
The stand types shown can be
furnished with any leveling options.
If ordering Conveyor Type G, all stands
of the mk Conveyor Technology
System can be utilized.
Stand type 1 features swivel casters
with total lock brakes which gua-
rantee stable support even at high
speeds. Casters are available with
75 mm for x = 113 mm,
100 mm for x = 140 mm and
125 mm for x = 165 mm.
Order Example
To correctly quote and manufacture your conveyor,
we need the following information:
KFM-P 2040.86 Configuration Type S
Drive Version AC, motor orientation 0 as shown
Speed 15 m/min
Width B = 460 mm
Dimensions: L=2000 mm; L1=500 mm; H=1000 mm
Bend 1 = 60; Bend 2 = 60
Cleat Height, H1 = 25 mm (see page 135)
Side Rail Type SF8.1 H = 75 mm
Stand Type A, Version 1,
Roll 75 mm
K FM -P 2040. 86
St ands and Side Rails
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2 4
Ve rsi o n 1
Ve rsi o n 2
Ve rsi o n 3
Ty p e A
Conf igurat ions
Ty p e S L, L1, H,
Ty p e K L, H,
Ty p e L L, H,
Ty p e G L,
B e lt t y p e M B 1
A1 (without Sidewalls/with Sidewalls) 25/33.5 mm
A2 29 mm
MB 150 - 650 mm
Cleat Height, H1 25/50 mm
Sidewall Height, H2 25/50 mm
Cleat Spacing, A3 25 mm increments
Color white, green
Pitch 25 mm
Belt Thickness 9 mm
Material PP, PE, POM
FDA/USDA Suitability depending on the version
Technical Properties PP
+ 5 - + 105 C
- 70 - + 65 C
low friction coefficient
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2 5
K FM -P 2040. 86
M odular Belt s
Conveyor frame cross-section
Incline Conveyors
K FS-P 2040. 86
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2040.86
Wear Strip mk 1040.07
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2 7
With its compact design using
our aluminum profile systems,
Conveyor System KFS-P 2040.86
is ideally suited for continuous
duty applications in multiple shift
environments. The belt is guided
entirely on UHMW (PE1000) wear
strips, and is designed for the
removal or transport of stam-
pings, castings, machined parts
or bulk material handling. The
belt is also available in stainless
steel, or with performations. It
is ideal for hot parts. With the
modular construction using all
the inherent benefits of our mk
Profile Technology Systems, this
conveyor can be readily integra-
ted into new or existing equip-
ment, or be used as a free-stan-
ding conveyor for bulk handling
and loading applications. The
conveyor frame features T-slots
to which accessories including
stands, rails, hoppers or chutes
can be easily mounted. Through
this use of standard compo-
nents, mk is in a position to
deliver a truly versatile conveyor.
Customer specific requirement,
such as special hoppers, are
possible on request. Depending
on the product to be conveyed,
please also consider our other
Incline Conveyors featuring Mo-
dular Plastic or Fabric belting.
Incline Conveyors
K FS-P 2040. 86
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
mk Conveyor Technology 1 2 9
Cont ent s KFS-P 2040.86
KFS-P 2040.86 AC Head Drive 130
KFS-P 2040.86 AS Outside Head Drive 131
KFS-P 2040.86 Stands and Side Rails 132
KFS-P 2040.86 Modular Belts 133
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 0
K FS-P 2040. 86 AC
Incline St eel Link Belt Conveyor, Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each
applications specific speed and load requirements. Steel drive sprockets positively engage roller chains
on the underside of the belt and ensure proper grip and tracking. Through the use of hollow shaft
motors, the drive can be mounted on either the left or right side using the same components.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L depending on conveyor design and any increment possible
load to 10000 mm
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 210 to 710 mm (in 50 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 300 mm, L3 min. = 250 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right below, head left below,
head right above, head left above
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 12 m/min (39 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 132
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on conveyor design and higher on request
Conveyor length to 150 kg (330 lbs)
B e n d s 1 a n d 2 15, 30, 45 and 60
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 1
K FS-P 2040. 86 AS
Incline St eel Link Belt Conveyor, Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS provides a very low profile wherby the conveyor can be placed into areas with tight
space constraints. The overall height of the drive assembly is held to an absolute minimum.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L depending on conveyor design and any increment possible
load to 10000 mm
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 210 to 710 mm (in 50 mm increments) others on request
L1 min. = 300 mm, L3 min. = 400 mm
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 12 m/min (39 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 132
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . depending on conveyor design and higher on request
Conveyor length to 150 kg (330 lbs)
B e n d s 1 a n d 2 15, 30, 45 and 60
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 2
Side Rails
The example shows our standard
side rails. They are designed to mini-
mize the gap between the conveyor
frame and the modular belt surface
in order to avoid product loss and
potential damage. The guide rolls at
the inclines are also entirely covered.
S i d e R a i l S F 8 .1
Height H = 75 mm
Height H = 100 mm
St ands
The stand types shown can be
furnished with any leveling options.
If ordering Conveyor Type G, all
stands of the mk Conveyor
Technology System can be utilized.
Stand type 1 features swivel casters
with total lock brakes which gua-
rantee stable support even at high
speeds. Casters are available with
75 mm for x = 113 mm,
100 mm for x = 140 mm and
125 mm for x = 165 mm.
Ty p e S L, L1, H,
Ty p e K L, H,
Ty p e L L, H,
Ty p e G L,
Conf igurat ions Order Example
To correctly quote and manufacture your conveyor,
we need the following information:
KFS-P 2040.86 Version Type S
Drive Version AC, motor orientation 0 as shown
Speed 10 m/min
Width B = 460 mm
Length: L=2000 mm; L1=500 mm; H=1000 mm
Bend 1 = 60; Bend 2 = 60
Cleat Height, H = 20 mm (see page 143)
with Sidewall
Stand Type A, Version 1,
Roll 75 mm
K FS-P 2040. 86
St ands and Side Rails
Ve rsi o n 1
Ve rsi o n 2
Ve rsi o n 3
Ty p e A
D ri v e A C A S
B 2 0 . 4 0 . . . . 6 0 6 6 1 0
B 2 0 . 4 0 . . . . 6 0 7 6 1 1
B 2 0 . 4 0 . . . . 6 0 8 6 1 2
B 2 0 . 4 0 . . . . 6 0 5 6 0 9
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 3
B e lt t y p e S K 1
A1 (without Sidewalls/with Sidewalls) 38.1 mm
A2 25.5 mm
MB 146.5 - 645.5 mm
Cleat Height, H1 20/40 mm
Sidewall Height, H2 14 mm
Cleat Spacing, A3 38.1 mm increments
Color steel
Pitch 38.1 mm
Belt Thickness 13 mm
Material steel
FDA/USDA Suitability no
Technical Properties steel
wear resistant
heat resistant to 300 C
low friction
K FS-P 2040. 86
M odular Belt s
K FG -P 2 0 0 0 fo r e le v a t i n g sm a ll p a rt s
K FG -P 2 0 0 0
d ri v e v e rsi o n A F
B e lt su p p o rt s k e e p
t h e b e lt t o t h e fra m e
Incline Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
K FG -P 2 0 0 0 t a i l w i t h i n t e g ra t e d
t ra n sfe r co n v e y o r
H o p p e r co n v e y o r fo r
a d d i n g sm a ll p a rt s u si n g
st a i n le ss st e e l h o p p e r
K FG -P 2 0 0 0 w i t h o u t si d e ra i l.
T h e co rru g a t e d e d g e
p ro v i d e s co n t a i n m e n t
M o b i le K FG -P 2 0 0 0 w i t h b e n d
fo r e le v a t i o n ch a n g e
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 5
K FM -P 2 0 4 0 . 8 6 w i t h fo o d g ra d e b e lt i n g
K FM -P 2 0 4 0 . 8 6 fo r h o t p ro d u ct s w i t h
ch a n g e a b le si ze p a rt s re se rv o i r
Incline Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 7
K FM -P 2 0 4 0 . 8 6 fo r b ri d g i n g a t ra ffi c ro u t e S o li d su p p o rt o f t h e K FM -P
2 0 4 0 . 8 6 fo r co n v e y i n g h e a v y lo a d s
mk Timing Belt Conveyor
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 8
mk Conveyor Technology 1 3 9
Cont ent s mk Timing Belt Conveyor
ZRF-P 2010 140
ZRF-P 2040.02 152
Properties of Timing Belts 158
Timing Belt Conveyor Application Examples 160
Conveyor frame
Timing Belt Conveyor
ZRF-P 2010
Wear Strip mk 1041
Profile for conveyor frame 2010
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 1
Timing Belt Conveyor System
ZRF-P 2010 is designed for the
transport of heavy pallets or
structurally rigid products. Due
to the positive engagement of
the belt teeth and the sprockets,
the belts are synchronized and
the conveyors are ideal for inde-
xing applications. A notable fea-
ture of this conveyor system is
the UHMW wear strips, which
prevent contact between the
product and the frame profiles.
The wear strips have a low coef-
ficient of friction, and provide
good wear resistance over a broad
temperature range (continuous
to 65 C, or 149 F).
A further design feature is the
belt return, which occurs within
the frame profile itself. This is a
safety benefit, and also serves
to protect the belt. In addition,
T-slots are accessible on three
sides on the profile frame for the
attachment of stands, side rails,
sensors and stops (10 mm ope-
ning). A variety of belt coatings
are available, providing further
options for specific product and
project related handling applica-
tions. In combination with the
wide and varied drive options,
System ZRF-P 2010 serves as a
key element for the manufacture
of larger automation and materi-
al handling systems.
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B C
Timing Belt Conveyor
ZRF-P 2010
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A F D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 3
Cont ent s ZRF-P 2010
ZRF-P 2010 AA Head Drive without Motor ex. for multiple lanes 144
ZRF-P 2010 AC Head Drive 145
ZRF-P 2010 AF Head Drive direct 146
ZRF-P 2010 AS Outside Head Drive 147
ZRF-P 2010 BC Center Drive 148
ZRF-P 2010 Wear Strips 149
ZRF-P 2010 Pallets 150
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 4
ZRF-P 2010 AA
Timing Belt Conveyor w it h Head Drive w it hout M ot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is primarily used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
using a single drive motor. Frames are our rigid mk 2010 profile, and these conveyors are ideal for
both integrated and stand-alone applications. The drive sprockets feature a hollow bore, and power
transmission is accomplished by installing a 20 mm shaft with 6 mm shaft key (DIN 6885). Use of
fixtured timing belts is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1000 mm
T i m i n g B e lt Wi d t h 32 mm see page 158
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) higher on request see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 100 kg (220 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 3 5 0
Wear Strip Options see page 149
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 5
ZRF-P 2010 AC
Timing Belt Conveyor w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. Use of high torque motors is possible due to positive
drive system. Use of fixtured timing belts is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1000 mm
T i m i n g B e lt Wi d t h 32 mm see page 158
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) higher on request see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 100 kg (220 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 3 51
Wear Strip Options see page 149
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 6
ZRF-P 2010 AF
Timing Belt Conveyor w it h Head Drive direct
Fe a t u re s:
By placing the motor directly onto the drive shaft, this drive version minimizes not only the space
required at the drive yet also the number of moving parts and maintenance requirements. Use of
fixtured timing belts is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1000 mm
T i m i n g B e lt Wi d t h 32 mm see page 158
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) higher on request see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 100 kg (220 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 3 5 7 Fla n g e 8 0 B 2 0 .1 0 . 3 5 8 Fla n g e 1 2 0
Wear Strip Options see page 149
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 7
ZRF-P 2010 AS
Timing Belt Conveyor w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used in
situations where the conveyor frame must be as unobstructed as possible, or where the motor must
remain clean. The overall height of the drive assembly is held to an absolute minimum. Use of fixtured
timing belts is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1000 mm
T i m i n g B e lt Wi d t h 32 mm see page 158
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) higher on request see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 100 kg (220 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 3 5 5
Wear Strip Options see page 149
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 8
ZRF-P 2010 BC
Timing Belt Conveyor w it h Cent er Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version BC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations individual speed and load requirements. The compact design, and the ability to place the drive
location anywhere along the conveyor frame (during manufacture), simplifies the integration of this
conveyor into new or existing equipment. Use of timing belts with fixtures is not possible with this
drive version. Use of fixtured timing belts is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 1000 mm
T i m i n g B e lt Wi d t h 32 mm see page 158
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) higher on request see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 100 kg (220 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 3 5 6
Wear Strip Options see page 149
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
ZRF-P 2010
Wear St rips
O p t i o n A O p t i o n B
mk Guide- and Wear Strips feature low friction and high wear resistance.
The wear strips are made of PE-UHMW (PE-1000). Temperature max. 65 C (149 F).
Wear Strip mk 1041, 22.41.2000 Wear Strip mk 1042, 22.42.2000
mk Conveyor Technology 1 4 9
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5 0
ZRF-P 2010
mk offers individually customized pallets. They
serve primarily to accept a workpiece, whereby
they often travel by various stations on the way
from A to B. They can also be the repository of
information as to the identity of the product or
the processes performed.
By using a standard mk structural profile around
the perimeter of the actual support plate, pallet
WT2025.41 is perfect for attaching accessories
such as metal strips for proximity sensors, or for
fixed or bumper stops. The actual pallet dimen-
sions are variable.
Wear strips are attached to the underside of the
pallet to minimize friction during accumulation.
The surface is made using 10 mm thick aluminum
and provides plenty of room for product-specific
fixtures. The corners of the pallet are manufactu-
red with ball bearings which ensure smooth trans-
fer of the pallet between conveyor systems. Precise
location and/or lifting of the pallet for certain
operations is accomplished using bushings at the
Rew ork
Upon request we can rework the pallet for your
particular application. We can also provide pallets
per your drawings.
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5 1
Conveyor frame
cross-section for example
Conveyor width 80 mm
Timing Belt Conveyor
ZRF-P 2040. 02
Wear Strip mk 1040.12
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2040.03
Wear Strip mk 1040.13
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5 3
Timing Belt Conveyor System
ZRF-P 2040.02 is designed especi-
ally for product indexing applica-
tions where a cleated, or fixtured
belt is required, or for wider
timing belt applications. Timing
belts are available with a variety
of backing materials, or with
welded fixtures. Many cleats are
available. Plain cleats, as shown
at left, are used for product sepa-
ration. Others are available with
threaded inserts for customer
installed fixtures. This conveyor
is ideal for special conveying re-
quiring positioning or loading of
products. Depending on the pro-
duct and the application, custom
fixtures and other belt widths
are available.
Timing Belt Conveyor
ZRF-P 2040. 02
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5 5
Cont ent s ZRF-P 2040.02
ZRF-P 2040.02 AC Head Drive 156
ZRF-P 2040.02 AS Outside Head Drive 157
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5 6
ZRF-P 2040. 02 AC
Timing Belt Conveyor w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. Use of timing belts with fixtures possible with this drive
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 650 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 40/80/120/160 mm others on request
T i m i n g B e lt Wi d t h 32/70/110/150 mm
T i m i n g B e lt Ty p e see page 158
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) higher on request see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . to 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 3 0 1
(DW) 102 (DW) 102
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5 7
ZRF-P 2040. 02 AS
Timing Belt Conveyor w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used
in situations where the conveyor frame must be as unobstructed as possible, or where the motor must
remain clean. The overall height of the drive assembly is held to an absolute minimum. Use of timing
belts with fixtures is possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 650 - 6000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 40/80/120/160 mm others on request
T i m i n g B e lt Wi d t h 32/70/110/150 mm
T i m i n g B e lt Ty p e see page 158
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 60 m/min (200 ft/min) higher on request see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . to 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 . 4 0 . 3 0 2
(DW) 102 (DW) 102
Timing Belt Conveyor
Propert ies of Timing Belt s
Properties of
The standard toothed belts are made of two materials and have a high-
strength steel cord reinforced belt. The belts have a T10 pitch and a width
of 32 mm (others available on request). Different backings can be used to
ensure optimum transport.
At a conveyor speed greater than 30 m/min., a coating on the tooth side
is also recommended to reduce friction.
*not suitable for use in the ZRF-P 2010 except with conveyor frame rework.
++ = excellent, + = good, + = fair, = poor
Moisture resistance
+ +
Resistant against
oil and grease
+ +- + +-
Suitable for food
Abrasion resistance + +-
Tear resistant
Wear resistance
Adhesion property
+ ++
(continuous/inclined conveying)
Anti-frictional property
(accumulated conveying)
- + -
Low noise
Color diverse green white petrol red
Temperature resistance up to 60C up to 60C -40/+100C -10/+90C -40/+70C
Hardness 60 Shore A 65 Shore A 40 Shore A 40 Shore A
Typical applications General Accumulated Food Wood, paper, Wood, paper,
transport, operation (unpackaged) packaging, textile, faster
wood, metal, inclined transport
glass conveyor
mk Conveyor Technology 1 5 9
T i m i n g B e lt C o n v e y o r
w i t h su p e rg ri p b a ck i n g
T i m i n g B e lt C o n v e y o r w i t h
b o lt e d o n fi x t u re s
Timing Belt Conveyor
Applicat ion Examples
T i m i n g B e lt C o n v e y o r w i t h fi x t u re s
T i m i n g B e lt w i t h t h re a d e d i n se rt s T i m i n g B e lt C o n v e y o r w i t h
t e le sco p i n g fra m e a n d d ri p p a n
A d ju st a b le w i d t h d u a l-la n e t i m i n g b e lt co n v e y o r w i t h cle a t s
mk Conveyor Technology 1 6 1
Z R F-P 2 0 1 0 w i t h sh a ft g u a rd Z R F-P 2 0 1 0 w i t h ca n t i le v e re d t a i l
Timing Belt Conveyor
Applicat ion Examples
Z R F-P 2 0 1 0 w i t h d ri v e v e rsi o n B C a n d si d e ra i ls
Z R F-P 2 0 1 0 w i t h cu st o m e r-sp e ci fi c
p a i n t i n g o f t h e d ri v e m o t o r
Z R F-P 2 0 1 0 w i t h cle a t s
Z R F-P 2 0 1 0 a s ri g h t -a n g le t ra n sfe r i n Z R F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2
mk Conveyor Technology 1 6 3
Z R F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h cu st o m e r-
sp e ci fi c si d e ra i l fo r p a ra lle l co n -
v e y i n g o f t w o w o rk p i e ce s
Z R F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h
d ri v e v e rsi o n A C
Timing Belt Conveyor
Applicat ion Examples
Z R F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h t h re a d e d b u sh i n g s re ce sse d i n t h e
t i m i n g b e lt a n d i n st a lle d , cu st o m e r-sp e ci fi c cle a t s
C u st o m e r-sp e ci fi c Z R F w i t h p a rt i a l
la t e ra l cle a t se ct i o n s
Ta i l Z R F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h p ri sm a t i c cle a t s
Z R F-P 2 0 4 0 . 0 2 w i t h d ri v e v e rsi o n A C
a n d w i t h p ri sm a t i c cle a t s
mk Conveyor Technology 1 6 5
mk Chain Conveyors
mk Conveyor Technology 1 6 6
mk Conveyor Technology 1 6 7
Cont ent s mk Chain Conveyors
KTF-P 2010 168
SRF-P 2010 178
SRF-P 2012 188
Chain Conveyors Chains 200
Chain Conveyors Application Examples 202
Chain Conveyors Pallets 204
Conveyor frame cross-section
Chain Conveyors
KTF-P 2010
Wear Strip mk 1034
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2010
Wear Strip K10230/12
Wear Strip 21.14.0001
mk Conveyor Technology 1 6 9
Chain Conveyor System KTF-P2010
is designed for the transport of
heavy pallets. The different chain
and wear strip options make for
an extremely low-maintenance
and robust conveyor. The wear
strips have a low coefficient of
friction, and provide good wear
resistance over a broad tempera-
ture range (continuous to 65 C,
or 149 F). Another design featu-
re is the chain return, which
occurs within the frame profile
itself. T-slots are accessible on
three sides on the profile frame
for the attachment of stands,
side rails, sensors and stops (10
mm opening). In combination
with the wide and varied drive
options, System KTF-P 2010
serves as a key element for the
manufacture of larger automa-
tion and material handling sys-
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B C
Chain Conveyors
KTF-P 2010
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A F D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 1
Cont ent s KTF-P 2010
KTF-P 2010 AA Head Drive without Motor 172
KTF-P 2010 AC Head Drive 173
KTF-P 2010 AF Head Drive direct 174
KTF-P 2010 AS Outside Head Drive 175
KTF-P 2010 BC Center Drive 176
KTF-P 2010 Wear Strips 177
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 2
KTF-P 2010 AA
Chain Conveyors w it h Head Drive w it hout M ot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is primarily used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
using a single drive motor. Frames are our rigid mk 2010 profile, and these conveyors are ideal for
both integrated and stand-alone applications. The drive sprockets feature a hollow bore, and power
transmission is accomplished by installing a 20 mm shaft with 6 mm shaft key (DIN 6885). Use of
attachment chain is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n 1/2" single or dual strand see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 4 5 0
Wear Strip Options see page 177
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 3
KTF-P 2010 AC
Chain Conveyors w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements. Use of attachment chain is not possible with this drive
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n 1/2" single or dual strand see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 4 5 3
Wear Strip Options see page 177
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 4
KTF-P 2010 AF
Chain Conveyors w it h Head Drive direct
Fe a t u re s:
By placing the motor directly onto the drive shaft, this drive version minimizes not only the space
required at the drive yet also the number of moving parts and maintenance requirements. Use of
attachment chain is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n 1/2" single or dual strand see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 4 5 9
Wear Strip Options see page 177
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 5
KTF-P 2010 AS
Chain Conveyors w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used in
situations where the conveyor frame must be as unobstructed as possible, or where the motor must
remain clean. The overall height of the drive assembly is held to an absolute minimum. Use of attach-
ment chain is not possible with this drive version.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n 1/2" single or dual strand see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 4 5 7
Wear Strip Options see page 177
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 6
KTF-P 2010 BC
Chain Conveyors w it h Cent er Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version BC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations individual speed and load requirements. The compact design, and the ability to move the drive
location anywhere along the conveyor frame (during manufacture), simplifies the integration of this
conveyor into new or existing equipment. Use of attachment chain is not possible with this drive ver-
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n 1/2" single or dual strand see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 4 5 8
Wear Strip Options see page 177
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
KTF-P 2010
Wear St rips
O p t i o n A O p t i o n B
mk Guide- and Wear Strips feature low friction and high wear resistance.
The wear strips are made of PE-UHMW (PE-1000). Temperature max. 65 C (149 F).
O p t i o n C O p t i o n D
Wear Strip above mk 1037, 22.37.2000
Wear Strip below 21.14.0001
Closure Strip K10230/12
Wear Strip above mk 1038, 22.38.2000
Wear Strip below 21.14.0001
Closure Strip K10230/12
Wear Strip above mk 1033, 22.33.2000
Wear Strip below 21.14.0001
Closure Strip K10230/12
Wear Strip above mk 1034, 22.34.2000
Wear Strip below 21.14.0001
Closure Strip K10230/12
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 7
Conveyor frame cross-section
Chain Conveyors
SRF-P 2010
Wear Strip mk 1048
Wear Strip mk 1047
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2010
mk Conveyor Technology 1 7 9
Accumulating Roller Chain Con-
veyor SRF-P 2010 is designed for
the transport and accumulation
of loads up to 200 kg (440 lbs).
As pallets travel on the large
idler rollers, the conveyor is
very quiet even at accumulation
zones. The force required to hold
accumulating pallets is minimal.
Typical applications include pro-
duct transfer between worksta-
tions or accumulation of pro-
ducts between processes. Entire
handling systems can be desi-
gned using this conveyor system.
T-slots are accessible on three
sides on the profile frame for the
attachment of stands, side rails,
sensors and stops (10 mm ope-
Chain Conveyors
SRF-P 2010
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A F D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B C
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 1
Cont ent s SRF-P 2010
SRF-P 2010 AA Head Drive without Motor 182
SRF-P 2010 AC Head Drive 183
SRF-P 2010 AF Head Drive direct 184
SRF-P 2010 AS Outside Head Drive 185
SRF-P 2010 BC Center Drive 186
SRF-P 2010 Wear Strips 187
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 2
SRF-P 2010 AA
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Head Drive, w it hout M ot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is primarily used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
using a single drive motor. Frames are our rigid mk 2010 profile, and these conveyors are ideal for
both integrated and stand-alone applications. The drive sprockets feature a hollow bore, and power
transmission is accomplished by installing a 20 mm shaft with 6 mm shaft key (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 1/2" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 5 5 4
Wear Strip Options see page 187
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 3
SRF-P 2010 AC
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each applica-
tions specific speed and load requirements.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 1/2" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 5 5 5
Wear Strip Options see page 187
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 4
SRF-P 2010 AF
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Head Drive direct
Fe a t u re s:
By placing the motor directly onto the drive shaft, this drive version minimizes not only the space
required at the drive yet also the number of moving parts and maintenance requirements.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 500 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 1/2" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 5 61
Wear Strip Options see page 187
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 5
SRF-P 2010 AS
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used in
situations where the conveyor frame must be as unobstructed as possible, or where the motor must
remain clean. The overall height of the drive assembly is held to an absolute minimum.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 1/2" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 5 5 9
Wear Strip Options see page 187
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 6
SRF-P 2010 BC
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Cent er Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version BC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations individual speed and load requirements. The compact design, and the ability to assemble the
drive location anywhere along the conveyor frame (during manufacture), simplifies the integration of
this conveyor into new or existing equipment.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 700 - 10000 mm any increment possible
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 1/2" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 200 kg (440 lbs) higher on request
B 2 0 .1 0 . 5 6 0
Wear Strip Options see page 187
(DW) 89 (DW) 89
SRF-P 2010
Wear St rips
O p t i o n A O p t i o n B
mk Guide- and Wear Strips feature low friction and high wear resistance.
The wear strips are made of PE-UHMW (PE-1000). Temperature max. 65 C (149 F).
Wear Strip above mk 1048, 22.48.2000
Wear Strip below 21.14.0001
Closure Strip K10230/12
Wear Strip above right mk 1047, 22.47.2000
Wear Strip above left mk 1048, 22.48.2000
Wear Strip below 21.14.0001
Closure Strip K10230/12
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 7
Conveyor frame cross-section
Chain Conveyors
SRF-P 2012
Wear Strip mk 1089
Wear Strip mk 1050
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2012
Wear Strip mk 1022
mk Conveyor Technology 1 8 9
Accumulating Roller Chain Conve-
yor SRF-P 2012 is designed for
the transport and accumulation
of loads up to 300 kg (660 lbs).
As pallets travel on the large
idler rollers, the conveyor is very
quiet even at accumulation zones.
The force required to hold accu-
mulating pallets is minimal.
Typical applications include pro-
duct transfer between worksta-
tions or accumulation of pro-
ducts between processes. Entire
handling systems can be desi-
gned using this conveyor system.
T-slots are accessible on three
sides on the profile frame for the
attachment of stands, side rails,
sensors and stops (10 mm ope-
ning). mk offers a low-mainte-
nance design for extending servi-
ce intervals.
Chain Conveyors
SRF-P 2012
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A A D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A S D ri v e Ve rsi o n B C
D ri v e Ve rsi o n B F
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 1
Cont ent s SRF-P 2012
SRF-P 2012 AA Head Drive without Motor ex. for multiple lanes 192
SRF-P 2012 AC Head Drive 193
SRF-P 2012 AS Outside Head Drive 194
SRF-P 2012 BC Center Drive 195
SRF-P 2012 BF Center Drive direct 196
SRF-P 2012 Wear Strips 197
SRF-P 2012 Optional features for extended maintenance intervals 198
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 2
SRF-P 2012 AA
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Head Drive w it hout M ot or
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AA is primarily used where multiple lanes are to be slave driven, either parallel or in-line,
using a single drive motor. Frames are our rigid mk 2012 profile, and these conveyors are ideal for both
integrated and stand-alone applications. The drive sprockets feature a hollow bore, and power trans-
mission is accomplished by installing a 25 mm shaft with 8 mm shaft key (DIN 6885).
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 1000 - 10000 mm any increment possible
depending on chain pitch
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 3/4" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 300 kg higher on request
B 2 0 .1 2 . 0 0 8
Wear Strip Options see page 197
(DW) 98 (DW) 98
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 3
SRF-P 2012 AC
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version AC which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations specific speed and load requirements.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 1000 - 10000 mm any increment possible
depending on chain pitch
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 3/4" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 300 kg higher on request
B 2 0 .1 2 . 0 0 7
Wear Strip Options see page 197
(DW) 98 (DW) 98
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 4
SRF-P 2012 AS
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Out side Head Drive
Fe a t u re s:
Drive Version AS features motor placement on the outside of the conveyor frame. This is often used in
situations where the conveyor frame must be as unobstructed as possible, or where the motor must
remain clean. The overall height of the drive assembly is held to an absolute minimum.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 1000 - 10000 mm any increment possible
depending on chain pitch
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 3/4" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 300 kg higher on request
B 2 0 .1 2 . 0 0 9
Wear Strip Options see page 197
(DW) 98 (DW) 98
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 5
SRF-P 2012 BC
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Cent er Drive
Fe a t u re s:
mk offers a variety of motor options for Drive Version BC, which are sized and selected for each appli-
cations individual speed and load requirements. The compact design, and the ability to move the drive
location anywhere along the conveyor frame, simplifies the integration of this conveyor into new or
existing equipment.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 1000 - 10000 mm any increment possible
depending on chain pitch
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 3/4" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n right, left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 300 kg higher on request
B 2 0 .1 2 . 0 1 0
Wear Strip Options see page 197
(DW) 98 (DW) 98
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 6
SRF-P 2012 BF
Accumulat ing Roller Chain Conveyor w it h Cent er Drive direct
Fe a t u re s:
By placing the motor directly onto the drive shaft, this drive version minimizes not only the space
required at the drive yet also the number of moving parts and maintenance requirements. The com-
pact design, and the ability to move the drive location anywhere along the conveyor frame, simplifies
the integration of this conveyor into new or existing equipment.
D i m e n si o n s Te ch n i ca l I n fo rm a t i o n N o t e s
C o n v e y o r le n g t h L between 1000 - 10000 mm any increment possible
depending on chain pitch
C o n v e y o r w i d t h B 200 to 2000 mm
C h a i n Accumulating Roller Chain 3/4" with
Plastic or Steel Roller see page 200
D ri v e Lo ca t i o n head right, head left
D ri v e a n d S p e e d to 30 m/min (100 ft/min) see page 11
St a n d s a n d S i d e R a i ls see page 246
Lo a d C a p a ci t y m a x . 300 kg higher on request
B 2 0 .1 2 . 0 1 1
Wear Strip Options see page 197
SRF-P 2012
Wear St rips
O p t i o n A O p t i o n B
mk Guide- and Wear Strips feature low friction and high wear resistance.
The wear strips are made of PE-UHMW (PE-1000). Temperature max. 65 C (149 F).
Wear Strips above mk 1089, 22.89.2000
Wear Strip below mk 1022, 22.22.2000
Wear Strip above right mk 1050, 22.50.2000
Wear Strip above left mk 1089, 22.89.2000
Wear Strip below mk 1022, 22.22.2000
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 7
S e rv i ce I n d i ca t o r
mk offers an optional service indicator, which provides a visual
reference as to the need for tensioning or replacing the chain.
This indicator is installed behind the tail stock and features easily
understood green, yellow and red zones.
Green: Chain tensioning allowed, shortening not required.
Yellow: Chain length should be reduced by 2 links, as long as
the maximum chain stretch of 3% has not been exceeded.
Plan length reduction (or chain replacement) for the next
service interval.
Red: Chain length must be reduced by 2 links, as long as the
maximum chain stretch of 3% has not been exceeded.
The allowable chain stretch is 3% maximum. Chain stretch is a
normal occurrence, and the speed and severity of this stretch is
dependant on a variety of environmental and operational factors.
SRF-P 2012
Opt ional f eat ures f or ext ended maint enance int ervals
M a i n t e n a n ce A i d
mk offers a maintenance aid in its standard range. To replace
accumulating roller chain, relax the chain tension by loosening
the tail assembly. The installed maintenance aid simplifies chain
replacement by allowing the removal of a section of wear strip.
Move the chain until the connection link, identifiable by a blue
ring, reaches this open section of the conveyor. The accumulating
roller chain can now be removed and replaced.
Lu b e St a t i o n
Use of the optional constant lubrication station eliminates the
need for manual lubrication of the chain. The integrated oil brus-
hes continuously coat the chain with lubricant. The required
reservoir is located at the tail as shown, or can be ordered instal-
led on the side of the conveyor.
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 8
mk Conveyor Technology 1 9 9
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 0
Chain Conveyors
p 12,70 (1/2" x 5/16") p 12,70 (1/2" x 5/16")
b1 7,75 b1 7,75
b2 11,30 b2 11,30
b3 b3
b4 b4
d1 8,51 d1 8,51
g 11,50 g 11,80
d2 4,45 d2 4,45
l1 17,00 l1
l2 l2 31,00
e e 13.92
l l
b5 b5
d d
Single-Strand Roller Chain
with straight links
K T F-P 2 0 1 0
C h a i n K 1 1 4 0 2
C o n n e ct i n g Li n k K 1 1 4 0 2 0 0 0 1
Dual-Strand Roller Chain
with straight links
K T F-P 2 0 1 0
C h a i n K 1 1 4 1 6
C o n n e ct i n g Li n k K 1 1 4 1 6 0 0 0 1
to 60 C/140 F (Specials to 120 C/248 F) to 60 C/140 F (Specials to 120 C/248 F)
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 1
Accumulating Roller Chain
Plastic or Steel Rollers
S R F-P 2 0 1 0 S R F-P 2 0 1 2
Chain St* K 1 1 4 1 8 Chain St* K 1 1 4 0 6
CL St* K 1 1 4 1 8 0 0 0 1 CL St* K 1 1 4 0 6 0 0 0 1
Chain Pl* K 1 1 4 3 5 Chain Pl* K 1 1 4 0 7
CL Pl* K 1 1 4 3 5 0 0 0 1 CL Pl* K 1 1 4 0 7 0 0 0 1
to 60 C/140 F (Specials to 120 C/248 F) to 60 C/140 F (Specials to 120 C/248 F)
Accumulating Roller Chain
Plastic or Steel Rollers
S R F-P 2 0 1 0 S R F-P 2 0 1 2
Chain St* K 1 1 4 2 1 Chain St* K 1 1 4 2 3
CL St* K 1 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 1 CL St* K 1 1 4 2 2 0 0 0 1
Chain Pl* K 1 1 4 2 0 Chain Pl* K 1 1 4 2 2
CL Pl* K 1 1 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 CL Pl* K 1 1 4 2 2 0 0 0 1
* St = Steel Roller, Pl = Plastic Roller, CL = Connecting Link
p 12,70 (1/2") 19,05 (3/4") p 12,70 (1/2") 19,05 (3/4")
b1 7,75 11,68 b1 9,20 11,70
b3 11,15 15,62
b3 11,40 15,80 b3 11,40 15,80
b4 14,70 20,00 b4 14,50 19,55
d1 8,50 12,00 d1 8,51 12,07
g g
d2 4,45 5,72 d2 4,45 5,72
l1 l1
l2 l2
e e 18,70 31,50
l 27,00 48,00 l 27,00 45,00
b5 4,00 11,50 b5 6,25 12,73
d 16,00 24,00 d 16,00 24,00
K T F-P 2 0 1 0 w i t h
p ri sm a t i c h o ld e rs
K T F-P 2 0 1 0 w i t h a d ju st a b le
si d e ra i ls a n d a d ju st a b le
h a n d le s fo r fre q u e n t ly
ch a n g i n g p ro d u ct w i d t h s
Chain Conveyors
Applicat ion Examples
S R F-P 2 0 1 2 w i t h B C d ri v e a n d si d e ra i l
fo r e x t ra -w i d e p ro d u ct s
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 3
K T F-P 2 0 4 0 w i t h a t t a ch m e n t s S R F-P 2 0 1 2 w i t h li ft a n d t ra n sfe r u n i t K T F-P 2 0 1 0
K T F-P 2 0 4 0 w i t h i n cli n e a n g le a n d sp e ci a l
a t t a ch m e n t s w h i ch e n su re h o ri zo n t a l p o si t i o n i n g o f
t h e p ro d u ct d u ri n g i n cli n e d t ra n sp o rt
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 4
mk offers individually customized pallets. They
serve primarily to accept a workpiece, whereby
they often travel by various stations on the way
from A to B. They can also be the repository of
information as to the identity of the product or
the processes performed.
By using a standard mk structural profile around
the perimeter of the actual support plate, pallet
WT2025.41 is perfect for attaching accessories
such as metal strips for proximity sensors, or for
fixed or bumper stops. The actual pallet dimen-
sions are variable.
Wear strips are attached to the underside of the
pallet to minimize friction during accumulation.
The surface is made using 10 mm thick aluminum
and provides plenty of room for product-specific
fixtures. The corners of the pallet are manufactu-
red with ball bearings which ensure smooth trans-
fer of the pallet between conveyor systems. Precise
location of the pallet for certain operations is
accomplished using bushings at the corners.
Rew ork
Upon request we can rework the pallet for your
particular application. We can also provide pallets
per your drawings.
Chain Conveyors
Pallet s
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 5
mk Flat Top Chain Conveyors
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 6
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 7
Cont ent s mk Flat Top Chain Conveyors
SBF-P 2254 208
Application Examples 218
Conveyor frame cross-section
Flat Top Chain Conveyors
SBF-P 2254
Wear Strip mk 1044
Profile for conveyor frame mk 2254
mk Conveyor Technology 2 0 9
The modular mk Flat Top Chain
Conveyor System SBF-P 2254 is
ideal for product handling in
either stand-alone or integrated
applications. Applications can be
found in the packaging, manu-
facturing, bottling, glass, food,
medical and pharmaceutical indu-
stries. Conveyors can be manu-
factured quickly and economically
using the various individual com-
ponents. Due to their modular
construction, later reconfigura-
tions necessitated by product
or production changes can be
accomplished with relatively little
effort. The system is available
in two standard widths and can
accept chain from a variety of
suppliers. Conveyor frames are
manufactured using our Profile
mk 2254 which features a 10 mm
T-slot. Accessories such as side
rails, stands, etc. can be easily
mounted to the conveyor at any
time. The chain is completely
guided using wear strips on the
running side as well as the
return. A special feature of the
modular design is the use of
individual subassemblies. Compo-
nents designed specifically for
this conveyor system ensure a
simple and quick assembly of the
individual elements into a com-
plex material handling system.
Flat Top Chain Conveyors
SBF-P 2254
D ri v e Ve rsi o n A C
mk Conveyor Technology 2 1 1
Cont ent s SBF-P 2254
SBF-P 2254 AC Head Drive 214
mk Conveyor Technology 2 1 2
SBF-P 2254
Ordering inst ruct ions
Various factors need to be considered when con-
figuring Flat Top Chain conveyors. The total belt
length, as well as the number of curves, the pro-
duct to be conveyed, the conveyor environment,
the product weight and the line speed all influen-
ce the motor power requirement. Motors will be
specified by mk depending on the above factors
for each specific application. For systems which are
to be completely installed by mk, please note that
the direction (left/right) for the drive, transfer seg-
ments and curves must be defined in the direction
in which the conveyor runs, i.e. towards the drive.
C Tail
Gliding Curve right
Rolling Curve 180 left
Rolling Curve 90 left
Transfer Segment
( Drive
Side Rail
N a m e D e t a i ls I d e n t -N o .
Tail B 8 0 . 0 0 . 4 0 9
Transfer Segment left B 3 7. 0 0 . 0 0 2
Straight L1 670 mm B 0 8 . 0 0 . 4 0 9
Rolling Curve 180 left B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 2 8
Straight L2 700 mm B 0 8 . 0 0 . 4 0 9
Gliding Curve 90 (R = 500 mm) right B 3 6 . 0 0 . 41 4
Straight L3 380 mm B 0 8 . 0 0 . 4 0 9
Rolling Curve 180 left B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 2 8
Straight L4 700 mm B 0 8 . 0 0 . 4 0 9
Rolling Curve 90 left B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 2 8
Transfer Segment right B 3 7. 0 0 . 0 0 2
Drive Head/Left B 0 1 . 0 0 . 4 0 9
230/400 VAC, 50 Hz
Speed 20-100 ft/min
Frequency Inverter
Frame Width 100 mm
Side Rail SF10.1 B 1 7. 0 0 . 0 2 0
4 x Stands System 52.5 (H = 700 mm) B 6 7. 0 5 . 0 0 8
Chain K 1 1 4 5 1 0 0 3 1
mk Conveyor Technology 2 1 3
Order Example
mk Conveyor Technology 2 1 4
SBF-P 2254
Drive AC
The motor can be located on the left (as shown)
or right side. Motor power requirements typically
vary between 1/3 - 3/4 Hp. Line speeds of about
8 - 40 m/min (130 fpm) are possible. Speeds
less than 8 m/min. can cause the chain to run
unevenly. In the range of L
= 600 mm, only
straight lane elements may be used.
Width B Chain Width B1 Type Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm sideflexing B 0 1 . 0 0 . 4 0 9 *
130 mm 114,3 mm sideflexing B 0 1 . 0 0 . 4 1 0 *
*without profiles and chain
The tail, consisting of aluminum side plates and
stainless steel covers, guides the belt precisely
onto the running surface using high quality belt
returns. In the range of L
= 400 mm, only
straight lane elements may be used.
Width B Chain Width B1 Type Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm sideflexing B 8 0 . 0 0 . 4 0 9 *
130 mm 114,3 mm sideflexing B 8 0 . 0 0 . 4 1 0 *
*without profiles and chain
Manufactured using our Profile mk 2254, the con-
veyor frame in extremely rigid. The belt is guided
above and below using standard mk UHMW wear
Width B Chain Width B1 Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm B 0 8 . 0 0 . 4 0 9 *
130 mm 114,3 mm B 0 8 . 0 0 . 4 1 0 *
*Assemblies with connecting elements, less chain
i n
i n
Gliding Curve
UHMW guides the belt throughout the entire curve.
This ensures that the belting never contacts the
frame profiles. Economical to use, these gliding
curves are primarily used with shorter conveyors as
their application is limited to lighter loads and lower
Width B Chain Width B1 R Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm 300 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 1 6 *
100 mm 82,5 mm 500 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 1 4 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 300 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 1 7 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 610 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 1 5 *
Rolling Curve 90
Designed using idler disks, the rolling curves signifi-
cantly reduce the friction and tensile forces on the
belt. As such, they are used where longer conveyor
lengths, higher loads and higher speeds are requi-
Width B Chain Width B1 B2 R Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm 500 mm 200 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 2 8 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 530 mm 200 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 2 9 *
Rolling Curve 180
Designed using idler disks, the rolling curves signifi-
cantly reduce the friction and tensile forces on the
belt. As such, they are used where longer conveyor
lengths, higher loads and higher speeds are requi-
Width B Chain Width B1 B2 R Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm 500 mm 200 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 3 0 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 530 mm 200 mm B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 3 1 *
*Assemblies with connecting elements, less chain
mk Conveyor Technology 2 1 5
SBF-P 2254
mk Conveyor Technology 2 1 6
SBF-P 2254
Vertical Bend
The vertical bend is designed for elevation chan-
ges. Depending on the product, we recommend
cleated belts to prevent product slippage. As with
all conveyor assemblies, wear strips ensure no
contact between belting and frame profiles.
Width B Chain Width B1 Type Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm 15 B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 3 4 *
100 mm 82,5 mm 30 B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 3 5 *
100 mm 82,5 mm 45 B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 3 6 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 15 B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 3 8 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 30 B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 3 9 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 45 B 3 6 . 0 0 . 4 4 0 *
Transfer Segment
Using the transfer segment, products can be
moved between conveyors on parallel lanes.
With the precise guides and minimal gap,
products remain very stable during transfer.
Width B Chain Width B1 L Ident Nr.
100 mm 82,5 mm 500 mm B 3 7. 0 0 . 0 0 2 *
130 mm 114,3 mm 500 mm B 3 7. 0 0 . 0 0 3 *
*Assemblies with connecting elements, less chain