2010+a+rules English
2010+a+rules English
2010+a+rules English
Reference number Accountable executive manager Policy owner Responsible division Status Approved by Date of approval Amendments Date of amendments Review date Web address of this policy Address on the policy data base
7P Institutional Registrar Director: Student Administrative Systems Student Administrative Systems Approved Council 19 June 2009
June 2010
HSCAVDM r:\7. student administration, systems and affairs\7pa-rules\general academic rules (november 2009)_e.docx
A.1.3 A.1.4
co-promoter means a person who is normally but not necessarily on the staff of the University and who, in consultation with the promoter, affords assistance and guidance to a student for a doctorate with regard to the study undertaken by such student; compulsory modules means those modules prescribed in terms of these general academic rules, by means of which critical cross-field outcomes may be attained in all curricula and which students are required to pass; core modules means those modules at all levels of a programme or curriculum which have been designated as such by the faculty concerned; co-supervisor means a person who is normally but not necessarily on the staff of the University and who, in consultation with the supervisor, affords assistance and guidance to a student for the masters degree with regard to the study undertaken by such student; credits means the number of notional study hours which an average student should devote to a module in order to achieve the critical and specific outcomes at the knowledge and/or skills level laid down for that module, conceived as one credit for every ten (10) notional study hours. Modules carry credits in multiples of an integer or integers determined by the Senate and the number of credits allocated to each module and with regard to each qualification is determined in the faculty rules concerned; curriculum means the prescribed module (where a qualification requires only one module, subject or study field) or set of modules (where a qualification requires more than one module, subject or study field), which must be completed to obtain the particular qualification; curriculum code means the code designating a curriculum that comprises five characters and is compiled as follows: The first character is an alpha character and denotes the faculty in which the qualification is presented (e.g. L = Faculty of Arts, R = Faculty of Law, etc.) The second character is a numerical character and denotes the type of qualification, namely: 1,2,3,4 = First degrees or diplomas or certificates 5= Postgraduate diplomas 6= Honours degrees 7= Postgraduate advanced diplomas after Honours 8= Masters degrees 9= Doctorates The third and fourth characters are numerical characters and distinguish between curricula of which the first two characters of the curriculum codes are the same. The last and fifth character is an alpha character denoting the following: M = Mafikeng Campus P = Potchefstroom Campus V = Vaal Triangle Campus dissertation means a manuscript prepared for examination purposes, including a single published research article or set of published research articles or unpublished manuscript(s) in article format, in accordance with the prescripts of documentation, argumentation,
language and style in which the student must provide proof that he/she is conversant with the method of research, and which is presented in partial or full compliance with the requirements for the prescribed outcomes for a masters degree from the University; A.1.19 elective modules means those modules at the NQF-level specified from which a choice may be made and which supplement the core and fundamental modules in ensuring that the purpose of the qualification is achieved, and elective has a corresponding meaning. examination means the summative final assessment which upon its completion can confirm that the student has achieved the prescribed outcomes of the module concerned; and examine / examining has a corresponding meaning; examination committee means a committee convened by the Faculty concerned to consider the results of an examination process, whether undergraduate or postgraduate.; examination mark means the mark awarded to a student in any examination in a module or component thereof; examination period means the official period within which an examination must be conducted in a module of the first semester or the second semester, including the second opportunity scheduled for an examination in the said module of the first or second semester; examination session means the specific period of a day during which an examination in a module is conducted; external examiner means any person who is not on the staff of the University and who is responsible for marking undergraduate examination scripts or conducting oral or practical examinations, or in the case of postgraduate examinations, for evaluating papers, minidissertations, dissertations and theses; external moderator means any person who is not on the staff of the University and who, with regard to undergraduate and postgraduate students, is responsible to: a) b) assess whether syllabi and study-guides meet the required standard; assess whether examination questions meet the required standard and are based on the syllabus and study-guide for the module concerned; check the consistency and fairness of the marking by examiners; make appropriate recommendations and/or adjustments where applicable.
A.1.22 A.1.23
A.1.24 A.1.25
c) d) A.1.27
final assessment includes all components of any formative assessment of a students progress in the learning process, and the summative assessment by which the achievement of any prescribed outcomes are completed in respect of a module, any subdivision thereof, or in respect of any curriculum; first bachelor's degree means a bachelor's degree where another or prior degree is not required for admission;
formative assessment means any assessment that provides developmental feedback that enhances learning, to the students. All assessments that measure progress in a continuous assessment system should have a strong formative element; foundational modules means those modules which are part of a foundational programme intended to equip a student to undertake the education, training or further learning required for the obtaining of a qualification; full-time student means a student for whom study is the predominant activity and who follows a curriculum which can be completed within the prescribed minimum period; full-time programme means a programme enabling students to complete their studies for the qualification they have registered for within the minimum period prescribed for the relevant curriculum; fundamental modules means those modules which give expression to the critical cross-field outcomes and which students have to take in order to comply fully with the education, training or further learning required for the attainment of a qualification; internal examiner means the lecturer in the module concerned who sets the test and/or examination papers, marks the scripts, conducts oral and/or practical examinations or, in the case of postgraduate examinations, sets and examines the papers and evaluates and examines mini-dissertations, dissertations and theses, provided that the supervisor or promoter is not an internal examiner of any minidissertation, dissertation of thesis of which he/she is the supervisor/promoter; Manual for Postgraduate Studies means the manual for prospective and registered students for masters degrees and doctorates, supervisors, promoters, research and school directors, deans, examiners and the academic administration as approved by the Senate from time to time. It contains guidelines and suggestions as well as binding rules; mini-dissertation means a manuscript prepared for examination purposes, including a written report or a single published research article or set of published research articles or unpublished manuscripts in article format, more limited in scope than a dissertation, and in accordance with the prescripts of documentation, argumentation, language and style and which, in addition to the writing of a number of prescribed examination papers, will be evaluated with a view to determining whether the student is conversant with the method of research, and is presented in partial compliance with the requirements for obtaining a masters degree or honours bachelor degree or another professional degree from the University in terms of the prescribed rules; moderator means a person, external or internal to the University who has not him/herself been involved in any undergraduate or postgraduate teaching in the module concerned or part thereof, and who has not given any guidance to a postgraduate student concerned, and who is responsible for establishing the extent to which the required outcomes have been achieved, and further oversees any marks awarded by the examiner(s), in line with the principles of fairness and consistency;
module means the selected outcomes and learning content of any subject forming a complete unit and in which teaching takes place according to a fixed programme, and credits are earned by achieving the required outcomes on the appropriate undergraduate and/or postgraduate level(s) over a period of one or two semesters or any other prescribed period, and to which a module code has been allocated; module code means a code comprising alpha and numeric characters allocated to a module. Note: The module code consists of seven characters of which the first four are alpha characters and the last three numeric characters. The first four characters denote the field of study to which the module in question belongs.
The first figure denotes the academic level of the module 1 = certificate 1+2 = diploma 14 = Bachelor's degree 5 = Postgraduate diploma 6 = Honours bachelor degree 7 = Advanced Postgraduate Diploma after Honours 8 = Masters 9 = PhD The second figure denotes the year, semester or term in which the module is presented: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 1st semester = 2nd semester = 1st term = 2nd term = 3rd term = 4th term = year modules = year modules = year modules
The third figure distinguishes between modules of which the first six characters of the code are the same. A.1.40 A.1.41 module level means the same as qualification level unless otherwise specified by credits accepted at other levels; module mark means a mark calculated according to a formula which must from time to time be determined by the faculty rules for each module, based on the participation mark and the examination mark awarded to a student in that particular module; occasional student means a person who meets the admission requirements and has registered for any module(s) but not for an entire approved qualification, and who will not later necessarily receive any recognition for such module(s) for qualification purposes; Open Distance Learning means any academic programme(s) offered by the NWU, independently or in terms of an agreement of co-operation with another public or private provider of higher education. Students may enrol at any time of the year with minimum and maximum periods of study. Students write examinations during appropriate examination
periods designated by the School responsible for said programmes. These programmes imply independent study by students in combination with structured contact sessions and student support consisting of appropriate study material and access to lecturing staff; A.1.44 A.1.45 paper means a set of oral and/or written questions set in a test or an examination; "participation mark means the average mark awarded to a student in a module by way of formative assessment within a prescribed period for the completion of those teaching-learning activities which are required as part of the study within the module and for which a mark has been awarded; part-time programme means any curriculum followed by students with a view to acquiring a qualification for which they have enrolled which will take them longer to complete than the minimum period of time specified for the same curriculum if followed on a full-time basis; part-time student means any person for whom study is not the predominant activity and who follows a curriculum which may be completed within a longer period of time than the usual minimum period prescribed for a full-time curriculum; postgraduate diploma/certificate means a diploma to which admission will only be granted to a student in possession of an appropriate first bachelors degree or an equivalent qualification obtained from this university or any other institution of higher learning, or on whom the status of such qualification has been formally conferred by this university, and postgraduate certificate has a corresponding meaning; progress requirement(s) means the prescribed minimum number of credits which must be acquired in terms of part of a curriculum before a student may proceed with that curriculum; promoter means a person who is normally on the staff of the University (but who can also be contracted in) and who has been appointed to give guidance to a student registered for a doctorate and to supervise the work which the latter is required to do in this regard; proof of participation means the confirmation of participation by the appropriate school director in teaching learning activities and the performing of teaching-learning assignments by the student, in accordance with the curriculum prescripts, in order to be admitted to a final assessment in that module or part of a module, irrespective of what such teaching-learning activities and assignments entail and whether or not the student has, by way of formal assessment, received any mark for having completed any or all of them; qualification code means the code allocated to a qualification. The qualification code consists of seven numeric characters: The first three characters denote the qualification (e.g. Bachelor of Arts). The fourth, fifth and sixth characters denote the field of study (e.g. Languages) The seventh character denotes the level of study (e.g. first, second or third year level).
qualification level means the level of advanced status allocated to a module or qualification, reflected by the code of the module or qualification and based on the outcomes required in respect thereof; recognition of prior learning (RPL) means an approved process by which a prospective student of this University or any current student of this or any other institution of higher learning, with a view to obtaining admission to any specific curriculum of this University, where such student does not comply with the usual admission requirements, may, in view of the prospective students proven learning skills, be admitted to such curriculum or may be afforded the status of the prescribed admission requirements, as the case may be; registration means the complete prescribed process which a student has to follow in order to be registered as a student of the University; semester means one half of the academic year; supervisor means a person who is normally on the staff of the University (but who can be contracted in) who has been appointed to give guidance to a student who has registered for a masters degree, and to supervise the work which the latter is required to do with regard to a dissertation or mini-dissertation; study period means the period prescribed by faculty rules for a curriculum calculated from the date of first registration for that curriculum; subject means a specialised and demarcated field of study from which one or more modules are prescribed for presentation; summative assessment means the final determination of the extent to which a student has achieved the required outcomes in a module or part thereof, or in a total curriculum; syllabus means a brief description and exposition of the learning content and learning outcomes presented in a module; teaching periods means the contact times for teaching determined by the Senate; telematic programme means any curriculum for a qualification designed to promote a learning strategy which is not dependent upon direct day to day contact teaching but which applies appropriate technology to ensure, by means of source-based and structured contact, optimal utilisation of a learners capacity to study independently; test means any part of the formative assessment of a students progress in the learning process of the extent to which a student has achieved the required outcomes in a module or part thereof, and test mark, test period and test session bear, respectively, the same meanings; thesis means a manuscript prepared for examination purposes, including a set of research articles or unpublished manuscripts in article format, and/or an internationally examined patent, which represents a distinct contribution to the knowledge of, and insight into, a subject and provides proof of originality, either by the presentation of new facts or by the exercise of an independent and critical faculty, in accordance with the prescripts of language, style, documentation and argumentation,
A.1.59 A.1.60
and which is presented by the student in partial or full compliance with the requirements for a doctorate from the University in terms of the prescribed rules. A.2 THE UNIVERSITY QUALIFICATIONS IS AUTHORISED TO CONFER THE FOLLOWING
A.2 reflects the list of qualifications approved for the North-West University and its predecessors as reflected in its Programme and Qualifications Mix (PQM). Not all of the qualifications on the list are available for registration in any given period. To see the qualifications offered in a given year, the relevant faculty calendar should be consulted. Information about the qualifications, curricula and modules offered can also be obtained from the specific faculties on the various campuses. The University reserves the right not to offer certain programmes or modules, depending on circumstances.
A.2.1 A.2.1.1
Degrees Bachelor's Degrees Bachelor of Arts - BA / Baccalaureus Artium - BA Bachelor of Commerce - BCom / Baccalaureus Commercii - BCom Bachelor of Science - BSc / Baccalaureus Scientiae - BSc Bachelor of Social Science - BSocSc
Professional first Bachelors Degree Bachelor of Administration BAdmin Bachelor of Arts and Science (Planning) - BArt et Scien (Planning)/ Baccalaureus Artium et Scientiae - BArt et Scien (Bepl) Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) - BA (Graphic Design)/Baccalaureus Artium (Grafiese Ontwerp) - BA (Grafiese Ontwerp) Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Knowledge Systems - BA in Indigenous Knowledge Systems Bachelor of Arts in Land Reform and Rural Development - BA in Land Reform and Rural Development Bachelor of Arts in Peace Studies and International Relations - BA in Peace Studies and International Relations Bachelor of Arts (Language Technology) - BA (Language Technology/ Baccalaureus Artium (Taaltegnologie) - BA (Taaltegnologie) Bachelor of Arts (Sport, Health and Leisure Science) - BA (Sport, Health and Leisure Science/Baccalaureus Artium (Sport-, Gesondheid- en Vryetydwetenskap) - BA (Sport-, Gesondheid- en Vryetydwetenskap) Bachelor of Criminal Justice Bachelor of Education - BEd/Baccalareus Educationis - BEd Bachelor of Engineering - BEng/Baccalaureus in Ingenieurswese - BIng Bachelor of Laws - LLB/Baccalaureus Legum - LLB Bachelor of Music/Baccalaureus Musicae - BMus Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing Sciences/Baccalaureus Curationis - BCur Bachelor of Nursing Science (Education and Administration)/Baccalaureus Curationis (Educationis et Administrationis) - BCur (Ed et Admin) Bachelor of Pharmacy - BPharm/Baccalaureus Pharmaciae - BPharm Bachelor of Science (Dietetics) - BSc (Dietetics)/Baccalaureus Scientiae (Dieetkunde) - BSc (Dieetkunde) Bachelor of Science in Agriculture BscAgric Bachelor of Science in Consumer Sciences - BSc in Consumer Sciences/ Baccalaureus Scientiae in Verbruikerswetenskappe - BSc in Verbruikerswetenskappe Bachelor of Science (Industrial Science) - BSc (Industrial Science)/ Baccalaureus Scientiae (Industrile Wetenskap) BSc (Industrile Wetenskap) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - BSc in Information Technology/Baccalaureus Scientiae in Inligtingstegnologie BSc in Inligtingstegnologie Bachelor of Science in Land Management - BSc in Land Management Bachelor of Social Work - BSW/Baccalaureus Maatskaplike Werk - BMW Bachelor of Theology - BTh/Baccalaureus Theologiae - BTh Bachelor of Training and Development BTD/Baccalaureus in Ontwikkeling en Bestuur A.2.1.3 Honours Degrees Honours Bachelor of Administration HonsBAdmin Honours Bachelor of Arts - HonsBA/Honneurs Baccalaureus Artium HonsBA Honours Bachelor of Arts (Development and Management)/ Honneurs Baccalaureus Artium (Ontwikkeling en Bestuur - HonsBA (Ontwikkeling en Bestuur) Honours Bachelor of Arts in Life Skills and Counselling - HonsBA in Life Skills and Counselling Honours Bachelor of Arts (Social Work) - HonsBA (SW)/Honneurs Baccalaureus Artium (Maatskaplike Werk) - HonsBA (MW) Honours Bachelor of Commerce - HonsBCom/Honneurs Baccalaureus Commercii - Hons BCom Honours Bachelor of Consumer Sciences/Honneurs Baccalaureus in Verbruikerswetenskappe Honours Bachelor of Criminal Justice Honours Bachelor of Education - HonsBEd/Honneurs Baccalaureus Educationis - HonsBEd Honours Bachelor of Pharmacy - HonsBPharm/Honneurs Baccalaureus Pharmaciae - HonsBPharm Honours Bachelor of Science - HonsBSc/Honneurs Baccalaureus Scientiae HonsBSc Honours Bachelor of Science in Agriculture - HonsBScAgric Honours Bachelor of Science (Pharmacology) - HonsBSc (Pharmacology) Honours Bachelor of Social Science - HonsBSocSc
Master of Administration - MAdmin Master of Arts - MA/Magister Artium MA Master of Arts and Science (Planning) - MArt et Scien (Planning) / Magister Artium et Scientiae (Beplanning) - MArt et Scien (Bepl) Master of Business Administration - MBA Master of Commerce - MCom/Magister Commercii - MCom Master of Consumer Sciences / Magister in Verbruikerswetenskappe Master of Development and Management/Magister in Ontwikkeling en Bestuur Master of Divinity - MDiv/Magister Divinitatis - MDiv Master of Education - MEd/Magister Educationis - MEd Master of Engineering - MIng/Magister in Ingenieurswese - MIng Master of Environmental Management/Magister in Omgewingsbestuur Master of Environmental Sciences/Magister in Omgewingswetenskappe Master of Laws - LLM/Magister Legum LLM Master of Music - MMus/Magister Musicae - MMus Master of Nursing Science/Magister Curationis - MCur Master of Pharmacy - MPharm/Magister Pharmaciae - MPharm Master of Philosophy MPhil/Magister Philosophiae - MPhil Master of Public Administration Master of Science - MSc/Magister Scientiae - MSc Master of Science in Agriculture - MSc (Agric) Master of Science in Applied Radiation Science and Technology MSc in Applied Radiation Science and Technology Master of Social Science - MSocSc Master of Social Science in Clinical Psychology - MSocSc in Clinical Psychology Master of Social Science in Social Work - MSocSc in Social Work Master of Social Work/Magister in Maatskaplike Werk Master of Theology - MTh/Magister Theologiae - MTh A.2.1.5 Doctorates Doctor of Education - DEd Doctor of Laws - LLD/Doctor Legum - LLD Doctor of Music - DMus/Doctor Musicae - DMus Doctor of Philosophy/Philosophiae Doctor - PhD A.2.2 A.2.2.1 Diplomas Undergraduate Diplomas and Certificates Advanced Certificate in Education - ACE/Gevorderde Onderwyssertifikaat GOS Diploma in Agriculture - DiplAgric
General Academic Rules
Diploma in Animal Health Diploma in Sport Science/Diploma in Sportkunde National Professional Diploma in Education - NPDE/Nasionale Professionele Onderwysdiploma - NPOD University Diploma in Music/Universiteitsdiploma in Musiek - UDM University Diploma in Social Auxiliary Work/Universiteitsdiploma in Maatskaplike Hulpwerk A.2.2.2 Advanced Diplomas and Certificates Advanced University Diploma in Health Science Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE/Nagraadse Onderwyssertifikaat NGOS Postgraduate Diploma in Agriculture Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education and Training/Nagraadse Diploma in Hor Onderwys en Opleiding Postgraduate Diploma in Management Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science Postgraduate Diploma: Nuclear Science and Technology A.3 PRIVILEGES
The privileges associated with the conferral of a qualification by the North-West University and matters related thereto are provided for in the Statute of the North-West University. A.4 DISCIPLINE AND BINDING FORCE OF RULES AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY
A.4.1 Only registered students may use the facilities of the University. A.4.2 All registered students are subject to the provisions of the Higher Education Act, Act 101 of 1997, as amended, and the North-West University Statute, as well as all policies, rules and resolutions of the Council, the Senate and the relevant faculty. In the event of any contravention, the provisions of the Students Disciplinary Rules will apply. A.4.3 Acceptance of binding force of rules and resolutions of the University By signing admissions and registration forms, the student declares that he/she accepts the University rules and resolutions and commits him-/herself to obeying all rules and resolutions for the duration of his/her study at the University. A.4.4 Duration of study and required credits for any undergraduate or postgraduate module or qualification The minimum and maximum duration of a curriculum and the required number of credits for a module or qualification are, with regard to every module and the curriculum for every qualification, determined in the appropriate faculty rules. A5 First degrees and diplomas A.5.1 Admission to the University A.5.1.1 a. General rule
A prospective student is deemed to have applied for admission to the University after a properly completed and signed, prescribed application form, together with
payment of the prescribed application and selection fees, where applicable, or proof of payment, have been received by the University. b. No application for admission shall be accepted unless the applicant, in addition to the general admission requirements, has also complied with faculty-specific requirements. Anyone who has been admitted to the University as a student and has been registered as such will remain a student of the University for as long as the registration is valid or the students registration as a student is terminated by the student in terms of the relevant rules or by the University in terms of the provisions of the applicable rules. Admission requirements for the different qualifications
Subject to the provisions above, the following shall apply to undergraduate admission in terms of national legislation (however, the University has specific minimum statutory requirements): A. Higher Certificate The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution as certified by the Council for General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi). Institutional and programme needs require appropriate combinations of recognised NSC subjects and levels of achievement. A. Diploma studies The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution as certified by Umalusi, coupled with an achievement rating of 3 (moderate Achievement) 40-49% or better in four recognised NSC 20 credit subjects. Institutional and programme needs may require appropriate combinations of recognised NSC subjects and levels of achievement. A. Degree studies The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution as certified by Umalusi, coupled with an achievement rating of 4 (Adequate Achievement, 50-59%) or better in four subjects chosen from the following recognised 20-credit NSC subjects (which will be known as the designated subject list): Accounting Agricultural Sciences Business Studies Consumer Studies Dramatic Arts Economics Engineering Graphics and Design Geography History Information Technology Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language subjects) Life Sciences Mathematics
General Academic Rules
Mathematical Literacy Music Physical Sciences Religion Studies Visual Arts Adequate Achievement in four designated NSC subjects provides the primary basis for admission to a Bachelors degree programme. Further faculty-specific requirements based on Admission Point Score (APS) are applicable in the case of particular programmes. A. Institutional discretionary admission The Senates discretionary conditional exemption entails that a certificate of conditional exemption may be issued to an applicant who, in the opinion of the Senate, has demonstrated in the screening and/or selection process approved by the Senate, that s/he is suitable for admission to bachelor degree studies. a. A person who has obtained a qualification at NQF level 5 or higher from any institution of higher learning, or to whom the status of such qualification has been formally conferred by this University, may be admitted conditionally to a curriculum for a qualification of or above NQF level 5 at this University. In addition to the requirements as outlined above, the University may also prescribe selection tests and/or the attainment of a particular standard in specific school subjects (viz. Admission Point Score and faculty-specific admission requirements) for admission to a particular degree or diploma curriculum. Where such additional admission requirements have been laid down, they are determined in the rules of the faculty concerned for the specific curriculum. Qualifications obtained outside the Republic of South Africa
An applicant may qualify for conditional exemption on the basis of qualifications obtained outside the Republic of South Africa. A. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
An applicant who cannot provide formal proof of compliance with the prescribed admission requirements for a specific curriculum, but with prior learning and relevant work experience may be admitted to degree studies after the procedure for recognition of prior learning in terms of the Universitys RPL policy has been completed successfully. The procedure for such recognition may, within the sole discretion of the University, include compliance with one or more of the following requirements: a. b. c. d. specific results in a set of admission tests; production of proof of alleged skills; successful interviews; and/or the achievement of specific outcomes in an approved curriculum at this or any other educational institution indicated for this purpose. Credit for any module for which a student receives recognition, will be granted in accordance with the national prescripts and the faculty rules in respect of the appropriate curriculum. A.5.2 Provisions with regard to general academic and language proficiency Any undergraduate student registered at the University is required to pass a preregistration test to determine his/her level of academic and language proficiency in the students intended language of tuition. A student who does not attain the required level of
performance will be required to complete a semester upgrading course in general language and academic proficiency in addition to the prescribed course required of all undergraduate students. A.5.2.1 Non-compliance
Non-compliance with a condition of this provision will result in the cancellation of the students admission and registration without any refund of fees. A.5.3 Registration provisions Only registered students may use the facilities of the University. No person will be registered as a student unless such a person has already been admitted as a student to a specific curriculum. A.5.3.1 A. Annual registration A student who has been admitted must register per semester or annually for the duration of a specific curriculum at the time and place determined by the University for that purpose, by paying the prescribed registration fee, completing the registration form, affixing the required signatures and filing the registration form with the University and proof of registration will then be handed to the student. Students attending lectures, writing tests, submitting assignments and writing examinations without having officially registered, will not obtain any credits for modules/courses passed. This rule applies even where a student has paid the prescribed fees. Amendment of registration
A student may, in terms of the prescribed university procedures, change his/her registration within the period determined annually by the University. A.5.3.3 Registration according to the rules of the qualification and compliance with requirements
A student must register on the date of registration in accordance with the rules of the qualification, curriculum and module concerned as determined in the faculty rules in respect of that qualification, curriculum and module. It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for registration in respect of such qualification, curriculum and module are complied with. The University reserves the right to cancel any erroneous registration and may revoke any qualification erroneously conferred upon a student. A.5.3.4 a. Module exemptions A student who joins this University after having completed only a portion of or a full qualification at another recognised higher education institution may, with a view to further study at this University, apply in writing to the respective Campus Registrar for recognition of modules, provided that the exemption shall not be granted for more than half the number of credits required for the curriculum. There may, in accordance with faculty rules, be a time limit for the recognition of such modules. Module exemptions will be granted at the discretion of the respective deans of faculties. Any registered student of this University who wishes to change a curriculum in the course of his/her study period with a view to further study at this University, must apply in writing to the respective Campus Registrar for recognition of any modules which he/she has already passed and which form part of the curriculum to which the
student wishes to change. The respective deans of faculties will assess the application in accordance with their respective faculty rules and consequently approve or disapprove the application. A.5.3.5 A. Registration for additional modules Subject to the relevant faculty rules, a student may in any study year, in addition to the module(s) prescribed for the curriculum concerned, with the consent of the faculty, enrol for additional modules in accordance with the appropriate faculty rules. A first-year student shall not be allowed to register additionally for more than 12 credits per semester in the first year of the relevant curriculum. Subject to the relevant faculty rule, no student registering for a year after the first year of a curriculum and who has thus far passed all prescribed modules of the curriculum, may with the approval of the dean of the relevant faculty offering the curriculum, register for more than 25% FTE per semester additional to the prescribed modules of the relevant semesters curriculum. A student registering for a final year of study of a curriculum and who has thus far passed all prescribed modules of the curriculum may, with the approval of the dean of the relevant faculty offering the curriculum, register for additional modules to a maximum 50% FTE per semester. Renewal of registration for the same semester in which the qualification may be obtained
A. A.
A student who must still sit for an examination in any module in the semester in which the qualification may be obtained, should not register for that semester. However, if a student does not sit for the examination or fails in it and continues with his/her studies, then registration must be renewed. A.5.3.7 Simultaneous registration at more than one institution
A student may not register simultaneously at this University and another institution of higher learning. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.5.3.8 Simultaneous registration for more than one qualification
A student may not register simultaneously for more than one qualification within this university. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.5.3.9 Cancellation of registration
Notice to cancel registration must be submitted in writing to the University on the prescribed form and within the period determined by the University annually.
Interruption of studies
A student who had interrupted his/her studies must re-apply, in writing to the respective Campus Registrar, for re-admission to the University. A.5.4 Examinations A.5.4.1 A. Number of examination opportunities For undergraduate examinations there will be two examination opportunities, either or both of which may be utilised by the student. A student who utilises the second examination opportunity will be liable for the required fee. Where the student utilises both such opportunities, the mark achieved in the module written during the second opportunity will determine the final module mark. A student who has passed all modules, but one, required for a qualification, shall after finalisation of all the examination results of the student, upon application to the respective Campus Registrar and recommendation of the dean of the faculty concerned, be granted an additional opportunity to be assessed in such a module before a date determined by the Senate and without registration.
Internal examiners and moderators For each module there will be a first internal and one further internal examiner. For each exit-level module there will be two internal examiners and one examiner/moderator external to the University who will have a moderating function. Requirements with regard to admission to examinations
A student who has obtained the required participation mark or proof of participation as prescribed by the relevant faculty rules, is admitted to the examination in the module concerned. A.5.4.4 A5.4.4.1 Pass requirements A final assessment mark in a module will be considered a pass mark if a student was admitted to assessment and has attained the required final module mark of at least 50% in the assessment and provided that the subminimum as laid down in the faculty rules has been achieved. Where a student who is a bona fide first-time entering student has failed any first-level module of the first semester, the school director may nevertheless award a pass mark of 50% for such module, provided that an examination mark of at least 50% has been attained in it. The final module mark is made up in accordance with the faculty rules from the mark attained by the student in the examination and the participation mark in respect of the module, provided that in the calculation of the module mark the weight attached to the participation mark will not be less than 30% and not more than 70% depending on the specific requirements of different academic disciplines. The sub-minimum for examinations in all modules will be 40% except where a higher sub-minimum has been laid down by the faculty rules.
Any qualification will be conferred with distinction if the candidate obtains an average of 75% in all the core modules of the curriculum of the qualification at all levels in the minimum period of study. A.5.5 Unsatisfactory academic performance A student whose academic performance is found to be unsatisfactory, in that the student fails more than 50% of his/her semester's work/credits as prescribed by rule A.5.7, shall receive a formal written warning from the dean, and be referred for academic advice and study counselling. If progress is still not satisfactory, the student may be dealt with in terms of rule A.5.7. A.5.6 Extension of study period Subject to any other provisions of the faculty rules, a student who does not expect to complete the curriculum at all levels for any qualification within the prescribed number of years (n), must, before the end of the academic year preceding the normal year n minus 1 (n-1) of such curriculum, apply to the school director concerned for an extension of the study period for the minimum period of study which will enable a student to complete the qualification. A.5.7 Termination of studies The Vice-Chancellor may, in terms of the prescribed rules and upon the recommendation of the relevant Vice-Rector Academic, terminate the studies of any student who: a. b.
fails to comply with the requirements laid down by the Senate and/or faculty, or exceeds the maximum duration of the study period as determined by the faculty, or
in any three semesters, fails to acquire at least half of the work/credits prescribed for those three semesters and has previously received a deans warning.
A student whose studies have been terminated, may apply to the respective Campus Registrar for re-admission to the University. In the event of re-admission, it will be subject to the conditions laid down by the University. A.6 Honours degrees
A.6.1 Admission to the University Prospective postgraduate students must apply for admission to the University in accordance with the procedures in the Manual for Postgraduate Studies and in line with Faculty-specific admission requirements. To qualify for admission to an honours programme, a student must be in possession of a recognised undergraduate degree or its equivalent in an appropriate field as approved by Senate. In addition, a student must also comply with any other requirements prescribed in the rules of the faculty offering the honours degree. A faculty may refuse admission to a curriculum if the standard of competence that a prospective student has previously attained in the subject(s) in which the student wants to undertake further study does not comply with the requirements. A.6.1.2 Recognition of Prior Learning
An applicant who cannot provide formal proof of compliance with the prescribed admission requirements for a specific curriculum, but with prior learning and relevant work experience may be admitted to honours degree studies after the procedure for recognition of prior learning in terms of the Universitys RPL policy has been completed successfully. Such recognition is within the sole discretion of the University and within the context of faculty requirements. A.6.2 Structure of the qualification An honours degree consists of a number of modules (curricula determined by faculties) and a student must pass a minimum of 120 credits. A.6.3 Registration No person will be registered as a student unless such a person has already been admitted as a student to a specific curriculum. A.6.3.1 A. Annual registration A student must register on the date of registration in accordance with the rules of the qualification, curriculum and module concerned as determined in the faculty rules in respect of that qualification, curriculum and module. It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for registration in respect of such qualification, curriculum and module are complied with. A student will not be registered for a module if the faculty rules, specifically those dealing with the requirements with regard to assumed learning for that module or curriculum, have not been complied with. A student who has been admitted must register per semester or annually for the duration of a specific curriculum at the time and place determined by the University for that purpose, by paying the prescribed registration fee, completing the registration form, affixing the required signatures and filing the registration form with the University and proof of registration will then be handed to the student. A student who must still sit for the examination in any module and/or submit a mini-dissertation for examination in the semester in which the qualification may be obtained, should not register for that semester,. However, if a student does not sit for the examination or fails in it, or does not submit a mini-dissertation for examination and continues with his/her studies, then registration must be renewed. Amendment or cancellation of registration by the student
A student may, in terms of the prescribed university procedures, change or cancel his/her registration within the period determined annually by the University. A.6.3.3 Registration according to the rules of the qualification
A student must register on the date of registration in accordance with the rules of the qualification, curriculum and module concerned as determined in the faculty rules in respect of that qualification, curriculum and module. It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for registration in respect of such qualification, curriculum and module are complied with. The University reserves the right to cancel any erroneous registration and may revoke the degree if it was erroneously conferred upon the student. A.6.3.4 Registration for additional modules
A student may in any study year, in addition to the module(s) prescribed for the curriculum concerned, with the consent of the faculty, enrol for additional modules in accordance with the appropriate faculty rules. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.6.3.5 Simultaneous registration at more than one institution
A student may not register simultaneously at this University and another institution of higher learning. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.6.3.6 Simultaneous registration for more than one qualification
A student may not register simultaneously for more than one qualification within this university. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.6.3.7 Cancellation of registration by the University
Unless provided otherwise by the faculty rules, a students registration may be cancelled if he/she fails to comply with the programme rules as prescribed by the faculty concerned. A.6.3.8 Interruption of studies
A student who had interrupted his/her studies must re-apply, in writing to the respective Campus Registrar, for re-admission to the University. A.6.4 A.6.4.1 A. Examinations Number of examination opportunities A student who in an examination fails one or more of the modules of an honours study, may be granted a second examination opportunity by the dean in the relevant module(s), except where the faculty rules specify differently. A student may, within the maximum study period of three years, repeat a maximum of 25% of the examination papers of the curriculum concerned, but any particular paper may only be repeated once. A student requiring only one module for the completion of a qualification, can be granted a further opportunity within the examination period. This opportunity might comprise a re-examination or reconsideration. Examiners and moderators
For each module there will be one internal (first) and a further internal (second) examiner, as well as an examiner/moderator external to the University. A.6.4.3 Requirements with regard to admission to examination
No student will be admitted to the examination without having complied with the requirements of the curriculum. Admission to the examination will only be granted to a student who has proved to the satisfaction of the school director, who acts in consultation with the subject group chairperson, by submission of proof of participation and an appropriate participation mark, that the participation requirements of the relevant module, as determined in the relevant faculty rules, have been met.
Pass requirements
The pass requirements for every curriculum and modules are laid down in the faculty rules concerned, inclusive of the ratio in which the assessment methods applicable to a specific module (or group of modules) in the faculty are combined to determine whether it has been completed successfully. A.6.5 Extension of study period Subject to any other provisions of the faculty rules, a student who does not expect to complete the curriculum for any qualification within the number of years prescribed by faculty rules, must, before the end of the final academic year specified for such a curriculum, apply to the school director concerned for an extension of the study period for the minimum period which will enable a student to complete the qualification. The application will be considered upon recommendation of the school director and approval of the dean of the faculty. A.6.6 Termination of studies The Vice-Chancellor may, in terms of the prescribed rules and upon the recommendation of the relevant Vice-Rector Academic, terminate the studies of any student who: a. b. c. fails to comply with the requirements laid down by the Senate and/or faculty; or exceeds the maximum duration of the study period as determined by the faculty., or fails more than 25% of the modules of the curriculum concerned (cf. A.
A student whose studies have been terminated, may apply to the respective Campus Registrar for re-admission to the University. In the event of re-admission, it will be subject to the conditions laid down by the University. A.7 Masters degrees
A.7.1 Admission to the University Prospective postgraduate students must apply for admission to the University in accordance with the procedures in the Manual for Postgraduate Studies and in line with the faculty-specific admission requirements. To qualify for admission to a masters programme, a student must be in possession of an honours degree in an appropriate field or its equivalent as approved by the Senate, as well as comply with any other requirements prescribed in the rules of the faculty offering the masters degree. In certain fields a student with a four-year undergraduate degree may be considered for admission to a masters programme as prescribed by the relevant faculty rules. A.7.2 Structure of the qualification A.7.2.1 A.7.2.2 For a masters degree a minimum of 180 credits is required, of which at least 96 credits must be at level 8. Unless decided otherwise by the research director or entity leader in consultation with the school director, a student for a masters degree must follow an approved curriculum offered within the appropriate research entity/faculty, or as otherwise offered by the university. In the case of a study undertaken outside a research entity, an appropriate faculty approval structure should be used to approve the study.
In the case of a curriculum requiring examination papers as well as a minidissertation, the latter, must, unless provided otherwise in the faculty rules, entail at least 30, but not more than 64 credits. In such a curriculum the minidissertation must in every case represent at least 25% of the total number of credits. In the case of a curriculum requiring examination papers as well as a dissertation, unless a different prescription is contained in the faculty rules for such a curriculum, the dissertation must comprise at least 50% of the total number of credit points. In a case where a student is allowed to submit a dissertation or minidissertation in the form of (a) published research article(s) or unpublished manuscript(s) in article format, or a research report or a concert series or an exhibition, or a composition portfolio, the dissertation or mini-dissertation must be so structured that it will still in all respects comply with the requirements for such a document.
A.7.3 Study supervision A student who has been admitted to a masters degree must work under the supervision of a supervisor recommended by the research director or research entity leader concerned, in consultation with the relevant school director where applicable. In the case of a study undertaken outside a research entity, an appropriate faculty approval structure should be used to approve the study. Final approval must be given by the faculty board or a structure of equivalent status and be reported to the Senate. A.7.4 Registration A.7.4.1 General A student must register on the date of registration in accordance with the rules of the curriculum concerned as determined in the faculty rules in respect of that curriculum. It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for registration in respect of such qualification, curriculum and modules are complied with. The University reserves the right to cancel any erroneous registration and may revoke the degree if it was erroneously conferred upon the student. A student who registers for the first time for the masters degree must do so at the time determined by the University except where another date has been laid down by the faculty rules. Re-registration for further study years must take place at the time determined by the university. A student who does not register at the time determined by the University, must apply to the University for re-admission. A.7.4.2 A. Annual registration A student who has been admitted must register per semester or annually for the duration of a specific curriculum at the time and place determined by the University for that purpose, by paying the prescribed registration fee, completing the registration form, affixing the required signatures and filing the registration form with the University and proof of registration will then be handed to the student. A student who must still sit for examination in any module and/or submit a mini-dissertation, dissertation or thesis for examination in the semester in which the qualification may be obtained, should not register for that semester. However, if a student does not sit for the examination or fails in it,
or does not submit a mini-dissertation, dissertation or thesis for examination and continues with his/her studies, then registration must be renewed. A.7.4.3 Amendment and cancellation of registration by the student
A student may, in terms of the prescribed university procedures, change or cancel his/her registration within the period determined annually by the University. A.7.4.4 Registration according to the rules of the qualification
A student must register on the date of registration in accordance with the rules of the qualification, curriculum and module concerned as determined in the faculty rules in respect of that qualification, curriculum and module. It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for registration in respect of such qualification, curriculum and module are complied with. A.7.4.5 Registration for additional modules
A student may in any study year, in addition to the module(s) prescribed for the curriculum concerned, with the consent of the faculty, enrol for additional modules in accordance with the appropriate faculty rules. A.7.4.6 Simultaneous registration at more than one institution
A student may not register simultaneously at this University and another institution of higher learning. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.7.4.7 Simultaneous registration for more than one qualification
A student may not register simultaneously for more than one qualification within this university. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.7.4.8 Cancellation of registration by the University
Unless provided otherwise by the faculty rules, a students registration may be cancelled if he/she fails to comply with the dissertation proposal submission rules as prescribed by the faculty concerned. A.7.4.9 Interruption of studies
A student who had interrupted his/her studies must re-apply, in writing to the respective Campus Registrar, for re-admission to the University. A.7.5 Examinations A.7.5.1 a. b. c. d. e. General examination requirements a dissertation only; or one or more papers and a dissertation; or one or more papers and a mini-dissertation or a research report in the field of study concerned; or in the case of the performing arts an approved concert programme(s) or composition portfolio and a mini-dissertation; or in the case of the visual arts, an approved exhibition(s) and a mini-dissertation. The examination for a masters degree must comprise:
Subject to any other provisions for specific curricula, the examination paper portion, if examination papers are required, must be completed in the first year of study. A.7.5.2 A. A. Number of examination opportunities (including submission of minidissertation/dissertation) A dissertation or mini-dissertation may only once be referred back to a candidate and after revision again be submitted for examination. A student who has failed a dissertation or mini-dissertation may only apply once for re-admission into the same masters curriculum at the University, whereafter a new study must be embarked upon. A student may, within the maximum study period of three years, repeat a maximum of 25% of the examination papers of the curriculum concerned, but any particular paper may only be repeated once. Examiners and moderators For the examination of each postgraduate mini-dissertation or dissertation at least two examiners must be appointed by the dean in consultation with the director responsible for research. At least one must be an examiner external to the University. No examiner of a mini-dissertation or dissertation should have been involved in any manner in the supervision of the student. The external examiners of a mini-dissertation or dissertation may not be from the same institution. Requirements with regard to admission to the examination A dissertation or mini-dissertation must be submitted for examination before or on the date determined annually by the Senate and indicated in the relevant annual timetable. A translation of the title, a summary of not more than 500 words and five to ten key terms in the language or languages prescribed in the Manual for Postgraduate Studies, must be bound with every dissertation or minidissertation. When a dissertation or mini-dissertation is submitted for examination, a research article that, in the opinion of the supervisor is ready for submission to a journal, may also be required. A dissertation or mini-dissertation may only be submitted with the written consent of the supervisor. If the supervisor refuses consent for the submission of a dissertation or minidissertation for examination, the dean may, in consultation with the appropriate school director and/or research director, and after consultation with the supervisor and the candidate, consent to submission. After any dissertation or mini-dissertation has been submitted to the examiners, a copy thereof must be made available for inspection by any staff member in the library of the University for at least 14 days and notice of such availability must be given in an appropriate manner. Any comments resulting from the inspection must be submitted to the appropriate dean within two weeks from the date of the notice of availability for inspection.
A.7.5.3 A.
A. A.
Any comments that are alleged not to have been considered sufficiently by the school director and/or the research director and/or entity leader, may be heard by the dean concerned. After the external examiners copies of a mini-dissertation or dissertation have been dispatched, the supervisor, co-supervisor or assistant supervisor may not make any contact or enter into any discussion with examiners. Every examiner must submit to the registrar a separate written report about the dissertation or mini-dissertation. The dean may, in consultation with the school director and/or research director, clarify with an examiner any matters raised in such examiners report that requires clarification. Examination results Where a student in any examination passes according to the unanimous view of the examiners, that result will be final. Where the examiners, in the case of any taught module, cannot reach agreement that the student has passed the module, the dean must make the final decision after having taken such advice as deemed necessary. Where the examiners are not unanimous with regard to the assessment with respect to the student having passed or failed a mini-dissertation or dissertation, the dean must take the steps he/she may deem necessary to obtain a result. This may entail that an external arbiter be called upon to determine the result. A module, mini-dissertation or dissertation will be passed with distinction if an average mark of at least 75% is awarded in the examination of that module, mini-dissertation or dissertation. The qualification will be passed with distinction if an average of 75% is obtained. A dissertation or mini-dissertation may:
A. A.
A. a. b.
be accepted unconditionally; or be accepted on condition that adjustments of limited extent be effected, in which case the supervisor, in consultation with the research director, and with notice to the school director where applicable, must ensure that a memorandum dealing with the adjustments be supplied to the student within two weeks after the outcome has been made known; or be referred back to the student for review and/or amplification and resubmission for re-examination, in which case the supervisor, in consultation with the research director, and with notice to the school director where applicable, must ensure that a memorandum with regard to the nature and extent of the review or amplification be supplied to the student within two weeks after the outcome has been made known; or not be accepted, in which case the student fails. Arbitration
d. A.7.5.6
If a dispute arises about any aspect of the guidance given to a student or in connection with the procedure followed in respect of the examination of a dissertation or minidissertation, which cannot be resolved in terms of the appropriate rules, the dispute must be referred to an arbiter for a decision. Such an arbiter must be appointed by the Institutional Registrar upon recommendation of the respective dean of the faculty in
General Academic Rules
collaboration with the Student. If the Institutional Registrar and the student fail to agree upon an arbiter, an arbiter will be appointed by the appropriate Dean of another tertiary institution, whose decision shall be final. The arbiter must be the holder of at least a doctorate or equivalent qualification and must have sufficient research experience in the particular field of study. The arbiter must decide the dispute according to procedural rules laid down by him-/herself and the decision of the arbiter will be final. . The arbiter shall be entitled to make an award inter alia for specific performance, an interdict, damages and/or a penalty, including an award to pay costs and if applicable, costs of council and/or cost at an attorney and own client scale. A.7.5.7 A. A7.5.7.2 Requirements for mini-dissertations and dissertations A dissertation or mini-dissertation must provide proof that the student is familiar with the method of research. As regards technical requirements, a dissertation or mini-dissertation must comply with all the requirements set by the faculty (see the faculty rules and Manual for Postgraduate Studies). The physical form in which a dissertation or mini-dissertation is submitted for examination, as well as the number of copies, is determined by the Institutional Registrar. The same applies to the submission of copies for safekeeping after successful examination. If a student is allowed to present a dissertation or mini-dissertation in the form of (a) published research article(s) or (an) unpublished manuscript(s) in article format, and if more than one such manuscript or article is used, the dissertation or mini-dissertation must still be presented as a unit, supplemented by an overarching problem statement, a focused literature analysis and integration, together with a summarised concluding discussion. If any research article or manuscript, and/or an internationally examined patent, involving more than one author and/or inventor is used the student must obtain a written statement from each co-author and/or co-inventor stating that such co-author and/or co-inventor consents to the use of the research article or manuscript and/or patent for the intended purpose and indicating the extent of each co-authors and/or co-inventors share in the research article or manuscript and/or patent concerned. If any co-authors have been involved the student must mention that fact in the preface and must have the statement of each co-author inserted after the preface in the mini-dissertation or dissertation. In the case of performing arts, the student must complete the approved concert programme and submit a written manuscript that complies with the requirements of a mini-dissertation together with a recording of the concert. In the case of visual arts, the student must mount the approved exhibition and submit a written manuscript that complies with the requirements of a mini-dissertation together with a series of photographs in approved format of the works contained in the exhibition. Upgrading of masters study to doctoral study
A student who is registered for a masters degree and who, according to the unanimous opinion of the supervisor, the research director and/or the school director and/or entity leader concerned, has potentially reached outcomes the quality and extent of which are acceptable for a doctorate, may apply to the faculty board to change the registration for the
masters degree to registration for a doctorate. A student on whom such a concession has been bestowed: A. A. A. must complete the examination paper portion of the masters examination (where applicable) successfully before the thesis may be submitted; must comply with all rules and prescripts laid down by the University in connection with a doctorate; and may not receive the doctorate until at least the prescribed number of credits has been acquired and the minimum period of time has elapsed since acquisition of the qualification which allowed admission to the masters degree in terms of the appropriate faculty rules prescribed for a doctorate.
A.7.6 Extension of study period A.7.6.1 A student who does not expect to complete the curriculum within the maximum study period, must, before the end of the final year of such study, apply to the school director and/or the research director and/or entity leader concerned, for an extension of the study period for one academic year. The research director and/or the school director and/or entity leader concerned, make(s) a recommendation to the dean with regard to an extension of the study period. In the event of a recommendation that the study period be extended, the dean may dispose of the matter. If the dean is of the opinion that the study must be terminated, the dean must make a recommendation to that effect to the relevant Vice-Rector Academic. An application for an extension of the study period must be in the form of a submission indicating: that the research topic is still relevant; what progress has already been made; what must still be done to complete the study; whether the supervisor is still available. If the study period is extended, a levy determined by the Council from time to time, will be imposed.
A.7.7 Termination of studies A.7.7.1 The Vice-Chancellor may, in terms of the prescribed rules and upon the recommendation of the relevant Vice-Rector Academic, terminate the studies of any student if the student: fails to comply with the requirements laid down by the Senate and/or faculty; or exceeds the maximum duration of the study period as determined by the faculty; or in any two consecutive study years, fails to acquire at least half of the credits prescribed for those two study years and has previously received a deans warning, or fails more than 25% of the examination papers of the curriculum concerned (cf. A. A student whose studies have been terminated, may apply to the respective Campus Registrar for re-admission to the University.
a. b. c.
d. A.7.7.2
A.7.8 Publication of mini-dissertations and dissertations A.7.8.1 The University is the owner of all intellectual property that may arise in the course of or in the scope of the study, including but not limited to intellectual property as contemplated in the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, 51 of 2008 and the Regulations promulgated thereunder. In any publication of the dissertation or mini-dissertation by the University, the student must be acknowledged as first author. The University is entitled to duplicate a dissertation or mini-dissertation either physically or electronically, and to distribute or make available such copies. The student may not publish or otherwise disseminate his/her dissertation or mini-dissertation, or have it published or disseminated, without the prior written consent of the University or its authorised representative. When a dissertation or mini-dissertation or a part or a summary or an adaptation thereof by the student is published, mention must be made of the fact that it results from a masters degree study at the University and, where applicable, the name of the supervisor(s) as co-author(s) must also be mentioned.
A.7.9 Classification of mini-dissertations and dissertations When a dissertation or mini-dissertation has been classified as confidential or secret according to the rules laid down by the Senate, the prescripts laid down by the Senate with regard to the examination process must be complied with.
Doctoral degrees
A.8.1 Admission to the University A.8.1.1 Prospective postgraduate students must apply for admission to the University in accordance with the procedures in the Manual for Postgraduate Studies and in line with the Faculty-specific requirements. A masters degree or its equivalent as approved by Senate is a requirement for admission to a doctoral degree. Admission shall be subject to approval by the faculty on the recommendation of the research director, in consultation with the school director where applicable, i.e. students are advised to discuss their intended research proposals and supervision with the relevant school/department well in advance before admission to a doctoral programme (see the Manual for Postgraduate Studies). In addition, a student must also comply with any other requirements prescribed in the rules of the faculty offering the degree.
A.8.2 Structure of the qualification A doctorate may consist of: a. b. A thesis; A series of articles with appropriate supportive documentation by way of introduction, contextualization and conclusions as to the originality of the contribution (this may include a patent suitably described); A concert series or a composition portfolio accompanied by a thesis of limited scope; A visual arts exhibition accompanied by a thesis of limited scope.
c. d.
A.8.3 Study supervision A student registered for a doctorate must work under the guidance of a promoter appointed by the research director and or entity leader in consultation with the school director where applicable. The appointment of the promoter should be approved by the faculty board or a structure of equivalent status and be reported to Senate. A.8.4 Registration A.8.4.1 A. General registration requirements A student must register on the date of registration in accordance with the rules of the curriculum concerned as determined in the faculty rules in respect of that curriculum. It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for registration in respect of such qualification, curriculum and modules are complied with. A student who registers for the first time for the doctoral degree must do so at the time determined by the University except where another date has been laid down by the faculty rules. Re-registration for further study years must take place at the time determined by the university. Should a student in any year fail to re-register as a student at a time determined by the University, the faculty may allocate the topic of the thesis, if already registered, to another student.
A student who does not register at the time determined by the University, must apply to the Registrar for re-admission. Annual registration A student who has been admitted must register per semester or annually for the duration of a specific curriculum at the time and place determined by the University for that purpose, by paying the prescribed registration fee, completing the registration form, affixing the required signatures and filing the registration form with the University and proof of registration will then be handed to the student. A student who must still sit for examination in any module and/or submit a thesis for examination in the semester in which the qualification may be obtained, should not register for that semester, however if a student does not write the examination or fails in it, or does not submit a thesis for examination and continues with his/her studies, then registration must be renewed. Amendment or cancellation of registration by the student
A student may, in terms of the prescribed university procedures, change or cancel his/her registration within the period determined annually by the University. A.8.4.4 Registration according to the rules of the qualification
A student must register on the date of registration in accordance with the rules of the qualification and curriculum concerned as determined in the faculty rules in respect of that qualification and curriculum. It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for registration in respect of such qualification and curriculum are complied with. The University reserves the right to cancel any erroneous registration and may revoke the degree if it was erroneously conferred upon the student. A.8.4.5 Simultaneous registration at more than one institution
A student may not register simultaneously at this University and another institution of higher learning. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.8.4.6 Simultaneous registration for more than one qualification
A student may not register simultaneously for more than one qualification within this university. An exception to this rule will be considered upon recommendation of the respective deans and approval by the Vice-Rector Academic. A.8.4.7 Cancellation of registration by the University
Unless provided otherwise by the faculty rules, a students registration may be cancelled if he/she fails to comply with the thesis proposal submission rules as prescribed by the faculty concerned. A.8.4.8 Interruption of studies
A student who had interrupted his/her studies must re-apply, in writing to the respective Campus Registrar, for re-admission to the University.
The examination for a doctoral degree must comprise: a. b. c. d. e. A.8.5.2 A. A. a thesis only; or in the case of the performing arts an approved concert series or a composition portfolio and a brief thesis; or in the case of the visual arts, an approved exhibition(s) and a brief thesis; or a series of articles; a colloquium which may be required in defence of the thesis. Number of examination opportunities (including submission of thesis, examination of music concerts or art exhibitions) A thesis may only be referred back to a candidate and after revision again be submitted for examination once. A student who has failed a thesis may only apply once for re-admission into the same doctoral programme at the University, where after a new study must be embarked upon. Examiners and moderators (including examiners reports) For the examination of each doctoral thesis at least three examiners, including external examiners, must be appointed by the dean in consultation with the director responsible for research. The external examiners must be in the majority. No examiner of a thesis may have been involved in any manner in the supervision of the student. The external examiners of a thesis may not be from the same institution. Requirements with regard to admission to the examination A thesis must be submitted for examination before or on the date determined annually by the Senate and indicated in the relevant annual timetable. A translation of the title, a summary of not more than 500 words and five to ten key terms in the language or languages prescribed in the Manual for Postgraduate Studies, must be bound with every thesis. When a thesis is submitted for examination, a research article that, in the opinion of the promoter is ready for publication, may be required. A thesis may only be submitted with the written consent of the promoter. If the promoter refuses consent for the submission of a thesis for examination, the dean may, in consultation with the appropriate research director and/or research entity leader and/or school director, and after consultation with the promoter and the student, consent to submission. After any thesis has been submitted to the examiners, a copy thereof must be made available for inspection in the library of the University for at least 14 days and notice of such availability must be given in an appropriate manner. Any comments resulting from the inspection must be submitted to the appropriate dean within two weeks from the date of the notice of availability for inspection. Any comments that are alleged not to have been considered sufficiently by the research director and/or entity leader and/or the school director may be heard by the dean concerned.
A.8.5.3 A.
After the external examiners copies of a thesis have been dispatched, the supervisor, co-supervisor or assistant supervisor may not make any contact or enter into any discussion with examiners. Every examiner must submit to the registrar a separate written report about the thesis. The dean may, in consultation with the school director and research director, clarify with an examiner any matters raised in such examiners report that might require clarification. Examination results Where a student in any examination passes according to the unanimous view of the examiners, that result may be final, subject, in the case of a thesis, to the possibility that another result may follow after the thesis has been open to inspection. Where the examiners are not unanimous with regard to the assessment with respect to the student having passed or failed a thesis, the dean must take the steps he/she may deem necessary to obtain a result. This may entail that an external arbiter is called upon to determine the result. A thesis may:
A. A.
A.8.5.5 A.
A. a. b.
be accepted unconditionally; or be accepted on condition that adjustments of limited extent be effected, in which case the promoter, in consultation with the research director, and with notice to the school director where applicable, must ensure that a memorandum dealing with the adjustments be supplied to the student within two weeks after the outcome has been made known; or be referred back to the student for review and/or amplification and resubmission for re-examination, in which case the promoter, in consultation with the research director, and with notice to the school director where applicable, must ensure that a memorandum with regard to the nature and extent of the review or amplification be supplied to the student within two weeks after the outcome has been made known; or not be accepted, in which case the student fails. Arbitration
d. A.8.5.6
If a dispute arises about any aspect of the guidance given to a student or in connection with the procedure followed in respect of the examination of a thesis, which cannot be resolved in terms of the appropriate rules, the dispute must be referred to an arbiter for a decision. Such an arbiter must be appointed by the Institutional Registrar upon recommendation of the respective dean of the faculty in collaboration with the Student. If the Institutional Registrar and the student fail to agree upon an arbiter, an arbiter will be appointed by the appropriate Dean of another tertiary institution, whose decision shall be final. The arbiter must be the holder of at least a doctorate or equivalent qualification and must have sufficient research experience in the particular field of study. The arbiter must decide the dispute according to procedural rules laid down by him-/herself and the decision of the arbiter will be final. The arbiter shall be entitled to make an award inter alia for specific performance, an interdict, damages and/or a penalty, including an award to pay costs and if applicable, costs of council and/or cost at an attorney and own client scale.
A.8.5.7 A.
Requirements for theses A thesis must make a distinct contribution to the knowledge of and insight into a subject field and produce proof of originality, either by the discovery and dissemination of new facts or by the exercising of an independent critical capacity. The editing of a thesis must be satisfactory and comply with the requirements laid down by the faculty in this regard (see the faculty rules and the Manual for Postgraduate Studies). The physical form in which a thesis is submitted for examination, as well as the number of copies, is determined by the Institutional Registrar. The same applies to the submission of copies for safekeeping after successful examination. A doctorate must comprise at least a thesis containing the results of the students study and research. A faculty may set additional requirements in the form of either a written and/or an oral examination (which may entail the defence of the thesis) for obtaining the doctorate, in which case the research director, in consultation with the school director where applicable, must nominate examiners for this purpose, to be approved by the dean, and submit such names through the normal faculty and campus approval channels.
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A.8.6 A.8.6.1
Extension of study period A student who does not expect to complete the curriculum within the maximum study period, must, before the end of the third year of such study, apply to the school director, acting in consultation with the research director and/or entity leader concerned, for an extension of the study period for one academic year. The research director and/or entity leader must, in consultation with the school director concerned, where applicable, make a recommendation to the dean with regard to an extension of the study period. In the event of a recommendation that the study period be extended, the dean may dispose of the matter. If the dean is of the opinion that the study must be terminated, the dean must make a recommendation to that effect to the relevant Vice-Rector Academic. An application for an extension of the study period must be in the form of a submission indicating: that the research topic is still relevant; what progress has already been made; what must still be done to complete the study; whether the supervisor is still available. If the study period is extended, a levy as determined by the Council from time to time will be imposed. Termination of studies
The Vice-Chancellor may, in terms of the prescribed rules and upon the recommendation of the relevant Vice-Rector Academic, terminate the studies of any student if the student: a. fails to comply with the requirements laid down by the Senate and/or faculty; or
exceeds the maximum duration of the study period as determined by the faculty;
A student whose studies have been terminated, may apply to respective Campus Registrar for re-admission to the University. A.8.8 A.8.8.1 Publication of theses The University is the owner of all intellectual property that may arise in the course of or in the scope of the study, including but not limited to intellectual property as contemplated in the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, 51 of 2008 and the Regulations promulgated thereunder. In any publication of the thesis by the University, the student must be acknowledged as first author. The University is entitled to duplicate a thesis either physically or electronically, and to distribute or make available such copies. The student may not publish or otherwise disseminate his/her thesis, or have it published or disseminated, without the prior written consent of the University or its authorised representative. When a thesis or a part or a summary or an adaptation thereof by the student is published, mention must be made of the fact that it results from a doctoral degree study at the University and, where applicable, the name of the supervisor(s) must also be mentioned as co-author(s).
Classification of theses
When a thesis has been classified as confidential or secret according to the rules laid down by the Senate, the prescripts laid down by the Senate with regard to the examination process must be complied with. A.9 A.9.1 Application These General academic rules shall, unless expressly provided otherwise, apply with regard to all qualifications offered by the University and shall always supersede any faculty rules and/or any other term or condition pertaining to the students enrolment at the University. Each faculty adopts, with the approval of Senate, specific rules with regard to the qualifications offered by the faculty concerned. Faculty rules may, in addition to the instances provided for in these rules and where appropriate, make provision for arrangements necessary for the accommodation of qualification-specific requirements and faculty-specific procedures and structures. The site(s) of delivery indicating language of tuition and method of delivery of each qualification or curriculum, are provided for in the relevant faculty calendars.
A.9.2 A.9.3
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