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Updated COC1 - Facilitate Training Session SCRIPT

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Day 1

Good morning everyone! my name is Lara Jane T. Lobo from Provincial Training Center-
Dumaguete, a TESDA accredited training and assessment center. Today, I’m going to
demonstrate COC1 of Trainer’s Methodology NC I.


I have already checked all the workstations, the availability of supplies and materials, the
condition of tools and equipment and prepared the electronic media that I am going to use.
Everything is set!

1. Prayer
- Before we will start, let’s have a prayer. Let us all stand.
- and put ourselves in the presence of God. Amen. (Please be seated)
2. Greetings
-Good morning! I’m glad to see you all here.
3. Checking of Attendance
- Please sign the attendance sheet with your name and signature. Are you
4. Introduction of Oneself
-Once again good morning and welcome to Foundation University. I am Lara
Jane Lobo your trainer in Animal Production Poultry-Chicken NC II.
5. Acknowledge the Students
- Okay, so you are Mark Palalon and Junaly Babor
6. Data Gathering
-For me to gather more information about you, not just your names. I have
here a structured questionnaire that you need to fill out. This will help me know your
profile, characteristics and learning styles and this will serve as my guide in preparing
your learning activities. (Give the Data Gathering Instrument to the students). You have
10mins to finish that. Done?
-Okay, so as I ran through here, you’re both college graduate and physically fit.
Mark has visual learning style while Junalyn has an kinesthetic learning style. So, you
have different learning styles. Again, this will be my guide in preparing your learning
7. Self-Assessment Check
- This time I want you to answer this self-assessment check. This is a checklist
of competencies required in this qualification. This will help me to determine your
current competencies and with this self-assessment check I would be able to identify
the skills and competencies needed by each one of you. So that, the competencies or
skills that you are acquired will no longer be repeated. (Give the self-assessment
checklist to the student).
- Please put a check to the yes or no column and please read thoroughly the
different competencies enumerated in that checklist. If you check yes make sure you
know and can perform the task enumerated in that competency. If you check yes, you
will undergo an RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) in which you will undergo
Institutional Assessment which is divided into 3: written, demo and oral questioning.
(Give the Self-assessment Check) Okay, are you done? May I have your test papers?
-Okay, Mark you’ve checked yes on the “Brood and grow chicks” one Of
competency on the Animal Production Poultry-Chicken NC II.

-Okay, so Mark make sure by tomorrow you can present proof of evidence. This
could be an employment certificates with specific duties and responsibilities, the
projects you had made or certificate of awards, certificate of training and other related
proofs that you can perform the task enumerated in “Brood and grow chiks, and by
tomorrow you will undergo Institutional Assessment.

8. Pre-test
-Now, I will let you answer this pre-test. This is a written test that would
initially test your underpinning knowledge on the competencies in Animal Production
Poultry-Chicken NC II and to determine your baseline knowledge and preparedness in
this qualification. This is a 40 item test, multiple choices. (Give the pre-test to the
student). You have 30mins to finish the pre-test.
-Done? May I have the test papers? Thank you.

-----------------------------Turn on the PROJECTOR------------------------------

9. Conduct Orientation

-Let us now have an overview of what is CBT?

-Welcome to Foundation University.
- In Foundation University our approach to teaching/training is much different
from the traditional educational system. We call this approach as CBT.
-Okay, What is CBT?
-Unlike the traditional education system the unit of progression is time and it
is teacher-centered. In a Competency-Based Training (CBT), the unit of progression is
mastery of specific knowledge and skills and is participant-centered.
-Also, CBT is a training that is designed to allow a learner to demonstrate their
ability to do something meaning this emphasizes most on what the learner can actually
do and focuses on outcomes rather than the learning process within specified time. It is
concerned with the attainment and application of knowledge, skills and attitude to a
specific level of competency.
- In CBT Approach we have 10 principles. (Explain at least 3 principles)
-Explain Role at least 3 Role of a Trainer
- Explain Role at least 3 Role of a Trainee
- Continue sa Power Point.
- Do you have any question? (Turn off projector)
10. Workshop Tour
- These time we are now going to have a tour inside our workshop. Please follow me as
we will be visiting the 9 areas inside our workshop.

1. Practical Work Area - This area is where the learner acquires the
skills and knowledge components of the competencies prescribed by
the standard. This area must be subdivided into work stations, which
are arranged in order according to hierarchy of competencies, such as
work stations for auto electrical, for engine overhauling, etc.

2. Learning resource area - This area is proximate to the heart - the

practical work area. This area provides the learner with the knowledge
requirements in the various modules responding to the competencies.
It is a place where projects can be planned and self-paced learning is
based. This area has an array of learning materials in print or soft-
copies for a multimedia environment.

3. Institutional assessment area - It is located very proximate to the

practical work area. This is where Recognition of Prior Learning is
done by the trainer. This component also provides the mechanism of
assessing the completion of competencies of a learner. Upon
completion of all modules within a competency, the trainee is handed
a Certificate of Achievement by the institution. This facility is provided
with a computer system that houses and manages learners’ individual
records. The skills assessment is conducted at the practical work

4. Contextual Learning Laboratory - This facility ensures that the

underpinning knowledge, science, mathematics and communication
principles as applied to the technology are provided to the learner.

5. Quality Control Area - Various tests aside from metrology and

calibration are conducted in this area including in-process quality

6. Trainers Resource Center - This area houses the learning materials,

the training regulations and curriculum exemplars. This is, also, the
place where instructors produce courseware or training materials.
7. Distance Learning - One major issue of TVET is accessibility. This is
the major objective of this component – enhance accessibility of TVET.
This is to enable the learning provision outside and away from the
training institution in terms of print and non-print media.

8. Computer Laboratory - This area depicts the major physical change

in the delivery – the use of Information Technology. This laboratory
has an array of computer units of which learners are provided for
them to learn and gain appropriate IT competencies that may include
Word, Excel even Desktop Publishing as may be prescribed in the
competency standard and curriculum.

9. Support Service Area - This area provides value-adding competencies

as such for Automotive Service Technician NC II, welding competency
address underpinning skills in the particular competency.

-Okay, do you have any questions about the different areas inside our
workshop? If none, please go back to your seat.

11. Remind

I would like to remind again Mark to please do bring with you yo ur proof of competency it
could be either a certificate of training or certificate of employment or other certificates that
may support that you have undergone the competencies you checked yes in the self-
assessment check and please prepare for the Institutional Assessment tomorrow. This
Institutional Assessment again is package into Written, Demo and Oral questioning. Do you
have any question? If none, please sign the attendance sheet and you can go.

Day 2

- Good Morning! How are you?

- Please sign the Attendance Sheet for today.
-Mark do you have with you your proof of evidence? Good, May I have.
- So, you have an Internship in Municipality of Valencia Department of Agriculture
for 1 year. That’s good, so please be ready for the Institutional Assessment and go to
institutional assessment area.
- For you Junalyn, you checked no on all the items in the Self-Assessment Check
yesterday. That means you have no prior learning or knowledge about Animal
Production Poultry-Chicken so, you will start with the first competency.
- I’ll be posting here the Training Activity Matrix, this will serve as your guide or map
on which area you will go.
(NO) -Now, Junalyn please proceed to the Learning Resource Area and read this
information sheet on “Maintain poultry environment” and please answer the self-
check after reading and after answering, compare your answer with the answer key.

(YES) -Okay, Mark are you now ready for the Institutional Assessment? Good, now
please proceed to the Institutional Area for the written test. Here’s your written test.
You have 20mins to answer this.
- Okay, Mark time is up. May I have the test paper?
- Now, let’s proceed to your demonstration in “Brood and grow chicks” Given
the tools, equipment and materials you are.

- to place chicks inside the brooder house observing requirements and basic
needs of chicks. Your given 1 hour to perform the demonstration. Time starts
now. ( Observe while the trainee is performing).
- Time is up. and we will proceed to oral questioning. Are you ready? (Ask at
least 2 questions)
 Explain the sufficient heat requirement/ temperature
to be ideal in brooding.
 What you will do before the arrival/transferring of your

- Okay, so let us proceed to feed backing. Base on the result of the written test,
you were able 90% of the correct answer which is already high. In the
demonstration you were able to place the chicks inside the brooder house
though there were some requirements you did not follow, make sure you
always observe the requirements needed. And in the oral questioning, you
were able to answer all my questions correctly.
- Based on the evidences gathered, you were able to perform within the
standard requirement for the competency which is Brood and grow chicks.
This proves that you have prior learning about this competency.

- Congratulations Mark for passing the Institutional Assessment.

- Now, let me record the result of performance in the Progress Chart and here
is your Certificate of Achievement.
- I assume you are now ready to move for the next competency on “Perform
pre-lay and lay activities”. Please proceed to the Learning Resource Area.
Read this Info Sheet in “Transfer layers in laying house”. Answer the self-
check after reading and compare your answer to the answer key.

-Are you done Junalyn? Did you answer the self-check? Did you compare your
answers in the answer key? Very good! You got a perfect score.
- Now, I think you are ready to perform a task. Here’s the Task Sheet in
Maintain poultry environment. Please proceed to the Practical Work Area
Station. After studying the task sheet, you may perform the task. The tools,
materials and equipment are ready in your station.
- Okay, Junalyn as I’ve noticed you’re having a hard time in Practicing 5S. Pls.
allow me to do the demonstration then please observe because afterwards you
will have your return demo. (Do the demonstration)
- I will give you time to practice.
- Are you now ready for the return demo? Okay you may start now.
(Observe while the student/trainee is demonstrating)
- You’re doing great! You were able to follow the correct procedure.
- I’ll now record your performance in the achievement chart.
- Now let’s step up to the next activity. You may go back to the learning
resource area and read this Info Sheet “maintain farm area”. Answer the self-
check after reading and compare your answer to the answer key.

- All the trainees were able to perform the different activities and their
performances are recorded in the Progress Chart ad achievement chart.


Day 3

- Good Day Trainees!

- Please sign todays Attendance Sheet
- Today you will be taking your post- test. The purpose of this post-test is to
measure the achievements and the effectiveness of the trainings program we
have done. (Give post-test) I am giving you 30 minutes to answer it. Alright,
time is up.
- Finally, we’ve come to the most awaited part which is the awarding of
Certificate of Training for completing the 33 days Training in Animal
Production Poultry-Chicken NC II. (Awarding of Certificate).
- I now suggest that you take a National Competency Assessment at any
assessment centers accredited for Animal Production Poultry-Chicken NC II.
Bring with you 2 pcs. Passport size ID Pictures wearing polo with white
background and 420 pesos for assessment fee. As you are waiting for it, do
not waste your time but practice further. Thank you and good luck with your
- Before you go, let me conduct Program Session Evaluation. This program
session evaluation is done to evaluate the effectiveness of the program in
terms of the trainer, facilities and methodologies. The result of the evaluation
will further improve the program so kindly give your honest rating by
checking on the corresponding cell of your response. Your answers will be
treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you. (Give the Program Session

- Please pass the answer sheets and you may now go. Thank and

Narrate: Considering all the modules of the qualification are satisfactorily completed by the
trainees based on the progress and achievement chart, I will now recommend them to the
National Assessment. That’s all for Facilitating Training. Thank you and have a good day!

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