My Learning Plan: Teacher: Subject: - Personal Development
My Learning Plan: Teacher: Subject: - Personal Development
My Learning Plan: Teacher: Subject: - Personal Development
12 2nd Quarter
Week 1 to 7 Subject: PERSONAL Teacher:
__________________ DEVELOPMENT
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Topic: Knowing Oneself Topic: Knowing Oneself Topic: Knowing Oneself
share his/her
share unique characteristics,
his/her unique share his/her unique habits, and experiences
characteristics, habits, and characteristics, habits,
experiences and experiences
Learning Task: Activity 1: Learning Task: Learning Task: Activity 1.2:
Pre-Test: Instruction: Write Activity 1.1: Johari’s Window
the word TRUE if the My Self Through the Instruction:
statement is correct; Years Below is the table devised
otherwise, Instruction: Paste a by Joseph and Harrington
write FALSE. picture of you when you in assessing
were in elementary, in the self. Write your name
high school, and now that(optional) on the first box
you are in senior high indicated.
school. Below the picture,
2. On the first box (no.1)
list down your salient write everything that you
characteristics that you know about
remember. yourself; and everything
that people around
you/others often
think or feel everything
Topic: Developing the Topic: Developing the about
Topic: you.
Developing the
Whole Person Whole Person 3. On the
Whole second box (no.
2) Write everything about
yourself that is
Learning Objective: 1. Learning Objective: 1. Learning
only known Objective:
to you and 1. to
discuss the relationship discuss the relationship discuss
you alone.the relationship
among physiological, among physiological, among
4. On the physiological,
third box (no. 3)
cognitive, psychological, cognitive, psychological, cognitive,
You may need psychological,
the help of
spiritual, and social spiritual, and social spiritual,
others to and social
fill out
development to development to development
this space for to understand
you. At the
2 understand one’s understand one’s one’s thoughts,
beginning of thisfeelings,
thoughts, feelings, thoughts, feelings, and
name is
and behaviors; and behaviors; 2. evaluate
optional if youone’s
want thoughts,
to write
2. evaluate one’s 2. evaluate one’s feelings, and behaviors;
it or not. This box explains
thoughts, feelings, and thoughts, feelings, and and
people/others know
behaviors; and behaviors; and 3. show theabout
something connections
you, but
3. show the connections 3. show the connections between
you yourselfthoughts,
need to feelings,
between thoughts, between thoughts, and
check behaviors in real-life
or to re-affirm.
feelings, and behaviors in feelings, and behaviors in situations
5. On the last box (no. 4),
real-life real-life you may leave it blank.
situations situations
Learning Task: ACTIVITY Learning task: Read and Learning Task: Activity 1.3:
1.1: Self-assessment Understand: Five Areas of Personal Development
(Critical thinking, Personal Development, Advocacy (Critical thinking,
Character) PHYSIOLOGICAL Creativity,
Instruction: Assess DEVELOPMENT, Communication, Character)
yourself based on the EMOTIONAL Instruction: Create a video
following statement. The DEVELOPMENT, clip or a printed pamphlet
highest SOCIAL for advocacy about the
rate is 5 and the lowest is DEVELOPMENT, importance of developing
1. Why Am I Like Topic:
COGNITIVEWhy Am I Like Topic:
the whole WhyofAm I Like This?
This? This?
DEVELOPMENT, focused on the five areas
SPIRITUAL of personal
DEVELOPMENT,. development. (A pamphlet
Learning Objective: Learning Objective:
Activity 1.2: Learning
is a smallObjective:
Discuss developmental Discuss developmental
Instruction: Create a Discuss
containing developmental
information or
tasks and challenges tasks
diagram and“About
Myself “ tasksargumentsand challenges being
being experienced during being experienced
using the Five Areas during
of experienced
about a single during
subject. You
adolescence adolescence
Personality adolescence
may refer to it using other
3 Evaluate one’s Evaluate’sThis will be Evaluate
words, like one’s
development through the development your “Personal through the development
brochure, through the
help of significant
Learning Task: ACTIVITYpeople help of
Learning significant
Reflection”. You can people
Activity help of
Learning significant
flyer, handout or Activity
Task: people )
around 4
1.1. : Me, Myself, and I around
1.2. 4
create your own style around
(Critical- 1.3.
PostComic 4
something Storyon your
him/her ( peers,
(Character, parents,
Critical - him/her
Thinking, ( peers,
of diagram. Writeparents,
Character) your him/her
social media ( peers, parents,
account or
siblings, friends,
Thinking, Creativity)teachers, Instruction:
siblings, friends,
Enlist teachers,
6 siblings,
name at the center of the give the pamphlets friends,
Using teachers,
theto some
community leaders)
Instruction: Draw your community
awkward leaders)that
diagram. Example : community
of your leaders)
figures in each
lifestyle when you’re ways still a have occurred Identify ways
in your box, draw Identify
friends and love one waysto that
that help one become
child and your lifestyle that help one
adolescent life. become help
comes one
inform them become
into your of the capable
capable and responsible Explain
when capable howand youresponsible
managed Once and responsible
you completed
significance of thisadolescent
you’re already an adolescent
each one of them prepared
developmental for
the 6adult
goal lifeof
preparedMental Health
adult life& Topic:
prepared Mental Health
for adult life& Topic: Mental Health &
Stress your Stress you’ve created,
forming people with holistic
Stress make a
drawing, write your Read and Understand: comic story about
personalities and try it which
to get
Learning Objective: in Physical
Learning changes
Objective: during tackles
as many likes
Learning and
terms of physical Adolescence - At a
Discuss understanding of Discuss understanding of Discuss understanding the lesson
appreciation that as was
possible! of
mental health andemotional glance.
mental health and discussed.
mental health Make andit as
state, and behavior.
psychological well-being Whatto psychological
Major Health well-being creative
psychological as possible.
(Critical Thinking) well-being to
has changed over
identify ways to cope with to Concerns of Adolescents Activity
identify 1.4.
ways Story
the with
the years? Body (Creativity,
stress during adolescence identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence with Critical-
the most
Identify Image Concerns
stress during adolescence Thinking,
appropriate Character)
Identify causes
causes and
Learning effects
Task: of
ACTIVITY Nutrition, Health,
Learning task:Identify and Let
ACTIVITY Learning us reflect
referred. ofon
Task: whatinyou
1.1: in My
Me, one’s
Selflife& I Hygiene
1.3: andPerformance
Stress effects of have
1.4: learned!
life Method of Self-
(Critical Thinking, stress in Adolescence
Test one’s life is a Instruction:
Management Using the
Character personal
Building) time to build on
(Critical - Thinking, these keywords
personal- ways
(Critical below,
Thinking, to create
cope with a
ways to cope with
Instruction: Classify or stress basics
Character Building) Why
personalgood story
stress about
and an
Character Building) adolescentmental
and maintain
state mental of personal
some description ways to cope
Read stress character
Instruction: Describe the
health on the different
yourself matters?
and maintain
following mental
statements. that experiences
situation in whichayou certain
aspect. YouBrain:
may use Helping
health think back over the suffered from lack ofthe
the Then, adolescent child challenge and how sleep,
Topic: The Parts, Topic:
with theThe Brain:
basics of Parts, Topic:
character Theovercome
Brain: Parts, that
image as
Function & your guide. How last few
Function & not
Function &
does thisRelationship
affect your personal
months. hygiene: challenge
Societal Societal Have you
Relationship eating
Relationship or stressed
thought, experienced stress as out. Apply the ABC method
feelings, and actions in described in the Instruction:
to work through Writethe an essay
Learning Objective: Learning Objective: Learning
about the Objective:
question “What
dealing with life situations? statements? If so, put a scenario and achieve a
Discuss that Discuss that Discuss
solutions that
will understanding
you suggest
checkmark in the column positive outcome.
understanding the understanding the the
for different parts of the
ACTIVITY 1.2: The that best indicates how
different parts of the brain, different parts of the brain, brain, processes
adolescents and
to overcome
Journey of the shoes of you coped with the
5 processes and processes and functions
these may help in
others experience.
functions may help in functions may help in improving thoughts,
(Critical Thinking,
improving thoughts, improving thoughts, behaviour and feelings.
behaviour and Character
feelings. behaviour and feelings.
Instruction: Put yourself to
the situation of others by
reading their
stories below and answer
the guide questions that
Learning Task: Activity Learning Task: Activity Learning Task: Activity 1.3:
1.1: “Let us combine!!!” 1.2: Reading “Let’s put to practical use”
(Critical Thinking, Comprehension (Critical (Critical Thinking)
Collaboration) Thinking) Instruction: The following
Instruction: Below is piece Instruction: Read the two exercises is a good
of article. Read the article paragraphs below. After opportunity for you the
Topic: The a member
Brain: of reading,
Topic: The make a simple
Brain: practice
Topic: The Brain:
your family, A
Developing have a reflection about
Developing A what you Developing
what you have A learned
Personal of whether the Personal
have readPlan from the previous
Personal Plan lesson.
decision of Objective:
the individual Learning Objective: Learning
Our constant Objective:
use of Identify
in the causes and effects Identify causes and causes
brain and effects of
of stress
article is ainrational
one’s life
or effects of stress in one’s stress
is alreadyin one’s life that
a practice
logical one or not. Narrate life we should maintain and be
Demonstrate Task:personal Learning Task: Activity 1.2 Learning
Demonstrate Demonstrate Task: Activity 1.3:
6 your findings and part of our healthy habit
ways 1.1: Reading “A Story to Conclude”
to cope with stress personal ways to cope “Making
ways a difference!”
discussion as wetoventure
cope with
to thestress
and maintain (Critical (Critical Thinking)
and maintain (Critical Thinking,
on the space mental
provided. with stress and maintain
normal”. mental
In part health
1 write
health Instruction: Conclude the Creativity)
You may collaborate with mental health “True” if the statement is
Instruction: Below is a story. Write the answer on Instruction: From the
the member of your family correct and if it is
sample article. Read the the box provided. lesson you learned, make
to narrate your otherwise, change the
article and answer the your own activity that can
discussions. You may also word, to make the
following range
try to look some follow-up statement correct.
questions provided. from the tasks that you do
questions below to help In part 2, provide what is
Topic: for Thought:
Emotional Diet Topic: Emotional daily
Topic: and personally. Make
your discussion. asking.Emotional
Write the answer
and Neurotransmitters
Intelligence Intelligence itIntelligence
as brief as possible,
on the spaces provided.
Learning cures impotence!” Learning Objective:
Objective: concrete,
Learning Objective:
Explore your positive and Explore your positive and and
boosts brain Exploreachievable.
your positive and
negative emotions and 1.1 Learning
negative emotions and negative emotions and 1.3
Learning Task: Activity Task: Learning Task: Activity
how you should
Reflection Quote how you
Read andshould
U nderstand: you shouldEmotions
express or hide them.
(Critical Thinking, express
Emotional or Intelligence
hide them. express
(Character or hide them.
building, Critical
2. Demonstrate
Character Building) and create 2. Demonstrate
Improving Managing and 2. Demonstrate
thinking) and create
ways to manage
Instruction: Read and various create ways
Emotions and Itsto manage ways to manage various
Instruction: Let us try to dig
reflect various emotions
on the quotations Importance on emotions
deeper and know more
below. Write your answer Communication about your emotions!
on a separate sheet. The Emotions of Answer the questions
Adolescence below based on your
Positive Actions to Help answers on the chart
you Manage Emotions above. Use a
Activity 1.2 Exploring separate sheet of paper!
Emotions Activity 1.4 Get a grip on
(Character building, anger!
Critical thinking, (Character building, Critical
Communication) thinking)
Instruction: Emotional Instruction: Sometimes
self-awareness is the people use anger to get
ability to recognize one’s their way. Being assertive
own does not mean getting your
feelings. In a separate way. It means that you
piece of paper, state what cannot express your
was happening to you wishes and beliefs in a
when non-destructive way. Now
you felt the following list more ways that you
emotions listed below? could think of for a healthy
Cite a situation. way in dealing with anger?
Prepared by: Noted by:
Thursday Friday
Topic: Knowing Oneself Topic: Knowing Oneself