National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
Dines Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 33, No. 11 (Nov. 15, 1947), pp. 329-331 Published by: National Academy of Sciences Stable URL: . Accessed: 24/04/2013 15:56
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VOL.33, 1947
In these PROCEEDINGS, August 15, 1946, Loomis' presented a simple of a theorem dud to proof J. von Neumann2' 3 and formulated by Loomis as follows:
Let aij and bj be two rectangular matrices (i = 1, ..., n), (j = 1, ..., m)
Yn) subject to Xj _ O, y0
such that m
X E aijxj
n i=1
E bijxj, i
= 1, ...,
X E aijy <
bijyz,j = 1, ..
The present note gives an alternative simple proof, the essence of which is a reduction of the question to consideration of a single system of linear equations. This reduction is accomplished in two steps: 1st, replacement of (1) and (2) by an equivalent pair of adjoint linear systems
n+m i-1
ajx O>
1, ...,n
+ m,
(1') (2')
E Coyi = 0,
j =1,...,m;
and 2nd, utilization of a known relationship4 between adjoint systems of form (1'), (2'). This relationship is simply that the system of inequalities (1') admits a solution x which does not annul all the left membersif, and only if, the system of equations (2') admits no positive solution y (everyyi positive). The system (1') consists of n + m inequalities, the first n of which are those in (1) after obvious transpositions, and the last m are the conditions
xj _ 0, j = 1, ..., m, which occur as collateral conditions in the statement
of the theorem. The system (2') consists of m equations, which are equivalent to the m inequalities of (2) by virtue of the introduction of m new and essentially
non-negative variables yn+l, ...,
The explicit definitions of the coefficients aio are i = 1, ...;, n; aij = Xaij - bi, = i = n + 1, ..., n + m; ai a,j where bij = 1 if i = n + j; otherwise it is zero.
1, ..., m, 1, ...,m,
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In view of the relationships which have been indicated above, the von Neumann theorem will be justified if we show the existence of a unique value of the parameter X for which the system of equations (2') admits no positive solution y = (yl, ..., y,+m), but does admit a non-negative
solution with at least one yk positive.
To this end, we consider the explicit form of the system (2'), which may be written
n i=1
(Xa, -
bij)yi + yn+j = 0,
j =
Since aij > 0 for every i, j, it is obvious that for X sufficiently small the system will admit positive solutions y, while for X sufficiently large it will admit no such solution. Furthermore if it admits a positive solution for any particular value of X, it will admit such a solution for any smaller value. We denote by Xothe least upper bound of the values of X for which (2") admits a positive solution y. Since to every positive solution y there
corresponds by simple normalization a solution for which Zln+myk = 1,
At least one of the co6rdinates yk? must be zero. For if they were all positive, a sufficiently small e > 0 would make correspond to the parameter
value Xo+ e a positive solution y' = (yl', .. ., yn+m') with Yi' = yi?, (i = 1, .., n), and y,,+.' = yn+ j? - e Zlnaijyi0, (i = 1, ..., m), thus contradicting
the definition of Xo. In Xowe have therefore one value of the parameter X which affords an admissible solution. No second value of X does. For if Xi > Xo did'afford an admissible
solution y', then 2"l(Xila, - boj)yi' _ O, (j = 1, . .., m), and consequently,
< 0
j = 1, ...,m,
and from the continuity of the linear functions these inequalities remain
'strictly valid if each yi' be replaced by yi" = yi' + qi with 71i> 0 and by the equations sufficiently small. Defining y,+ j", (j = 1, ...m)
[(Xi - e)ai -
bi]yi" + y,+j" = 0
j = 1,. ..,
we would then have a positive solution corresponding to the parameter value X1- e > X0,thus contradicting the definition of X0. This completes the proof of the theorem. The method of proof definitely suggests the possibility of generalization, since the vital relationship between the adjoint systems (1') and (2') persists when the finite matrix
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VOL.33, 1947
aij is replaced by a function a(p, q) and the summations are replaced by more general linear operators.
1Loomis, L. H., "On a Theorem of von Neumann," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 32, 213-215
(1946). 2 von Neumann, J., "Uber ein okonomisches Gleichungssystem, etc.," Ergebnisse
eines Mathematischen Kolloquiums, 8, 73-83 (1937). 3 von Neumann, J., and Morgenstern, O., "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior," Princeton University Press (1944).
4 Dines, L. L., "Convex Extension and Linear Inequalities," Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 42, 353-365 (1936).
Let G be an analytic Lie group with unit element e and let a -* T(a), (a e G), be a representation of G as bounded operators T(a) on a Banach space B such that for every x e B, T(e)x = x and T(a)x -> T(b)x when a -> b. Let A = (a(s)), (s real), be a one-parameter subgroup in G and define TAX = lim,_es-l((T(a(s)) )x
whenever the limit exists in which case x is said to be in the domain of TA. I. Gelfand proved that every such domain is dense in B.1 By a slight extension of his method we will prove that they have a dense intersection when A varies, thus answering a question left open by W. Wigner2 and V. Bargmann.3 Let r be a not-negative integer or + co, let Cr be the class of real functions defined on G with continuous derivatives of order < r, (< r if r = oo), and let Cr?be the subset of Cr whose elements vanish outside a compact set and let Br be the set of elements of B of the form x(h) =
cG h(b)T(b)xdb
(h e Cr?, x e B),
where db is a left invariant volume element on G. THEOREM. Every Br+1 is dense in B, it is in the domain of any TA and TAB,+l is contained in Br for any A. Proof: One has with s = 0 s-'(T(a(s)) l)x(h) = s-l fG h(b)(T(a(s)b) - T(b))xdb = - h(b))T(b)xdb. JG s-l(h(a-(s)b)
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