JESUS and Ahmadiyya Movement
JESUS and Ahmadiyya Movement
JESUS and Ahmadiyya Movement
Edited By
Published By:
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Introduction ………………………………………… 04
Part One:
Jesus According to Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani
Part Two:
Conclusions & The Virtues of Jesus
6. Conclusions………………………………….. 35
7. Common Beliefs about Jesus………………... 39
8. The Virtues of Jesus…………………………. 41
Bibliography…………………………………………. 47
After Mirza declared himself to be the Promised Messiah,
grave difficulties confronted him in validating a claim rendered
spurious by his not fitting Jesus’ (peace be upon them) foretold
description. He therefore resorted to first denying the miraculous
reappearance of Jesus by suggesting a hitherto unknown history,
according to which Jesus fled to Kashmir after escaping the
scene of his alleged crucifixion, where after hiding for many
years he died and now lies buried in Kashmir.1
I swear by God in whose hands my soul is that it is He
Who has sent me and has named me a Prophet; it is He
group are no more than a marketing ploy to sell their religion by
camouflaging its more serious implications.
-- A. Aftab
2) A book of Mirza Tahir in which he has compiled what he calls Divine Revelations.
3) Ruhani Khaza’in, (A’ina-i-Kamalot): Vol. 5, p. 547.
Jesus According to
Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani
Chapter 1
(Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. II, p.289
It should be remembered that he (Jesus) had also to some
extent the habit of lying.
(Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 11, p. 289.
(Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 11, p. 289.
of his aliments he used this occasion as an opportunity to
criticize Jesus. The following remark of Mirza is a testimony of
his evil objectives:
(Nasim-i Da’wat):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 19, p. 434.
(Satt Bachan):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 10, p. 296.
In the next two accusations, Mirza’s slanderous
imagination has really run amock. These atrocious and
blasphemous remarks clearly demonstrate Mirza’s shameful
distortion of the Biblical episodes as a way to deride our beloved
(Zamimah Anjam-i-Atham):
Ruhani Khaza-i-n, Vol. 11, p.29.
established in the Bible that the woman was one of the
prostitutes, notorious for adultery in the entire city.
(Nur Al-Qur’an):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 9, p. 449.
answered and said, I supposed that he, to whom he forgave most.
And he said unto him, thou hath rightly judged. And he turned to
the woman and said unto Simon, seeth thou this woman? I
entered into thine house, thou givest me no water for my feet; but
she hath washed my feet with tears and wiped them with the
hairs of her head. Thou givest me no kiss; but this woman since
the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet. My head with
oil thou didst not anoint; but this woman has anointed my head
with ointment. Therefore, I say unto thee, her sins which are
many, are forgiven; but she loved much; but to whom little is
forgiven, the sane loveth little. And he said unto her, thy sins are
forgiven. And they that sat at meat with him began to say within
themselves, who is this that forgive sins also? And he said to the
woman, thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.
The New Testament
St. Luke, Ch. 7: 36-50.
And according to Mathew the story is narrated in the
following manner:
Chapter 2
(Ittimam al-Hujjat):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol.8, p.308.
(Zamimah, Anjam-i-Atham):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol.11. p290.
The teachings of Jesus ruined the whole of Europe due to
permitting unrestrained liberty and unconditional
(licentiousness. So much so that this (looseness) resulted in all
(being involved) in adultery and fornication like pigs and dogs.
And (this) immorality has spread to such an extent that it is even
written on the wrappers of foreign (European) sweets and
candies: ‘Kiss me, o my sweetheart’. Now who is responsible for
these sins? The burden of these sins is undoubtedly on Jesus.
(Nur al-Qur’an)
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol.9, p.416.
Don’t you know that manliness and virility are
praiseworthy attributes of men. Being impotent is not a
commendable quality just as being deaf and dumb are not
commendable. Yes, this objection is indeed very great, that the
Messiah being completely deprived of the greatest of them
masculine qualities (viz. virility) could not leave a practical
example of a perfect and upright social life with his wives.
Therefore, the European women took advantage of the extremely
shameful laxity and crossed the limits of moderation whose
consequences were the unspeakable acts, fornication and
(Nur al-Quran):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 9, pp. 392-393.
Chapter 3
Besides this, it is also conceivable that such miracles
might have taken place by the way of mesmerism, for play and
entertainment, rather than as a reality, because in mesmerism
there are such marvels which come about by the expert
practitioner casting the heat of his own spirit on (lifeless things)
to make them appear as living being. However, Jesus was
inferior to (the Prophet) Elisha (in acts of mesmerism), because
even the corpse of Elisha performed the miracle of reviving the
dead person whose bones it touched. But Jesus’ dead body could
not at all revive the thieves who were crucified along with Jesus
despite their bodies being in contact with Jesus’ body.
(Azalah-I Auham):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 3, p. 255.
humble one (Mirza) would not have been inferior to the Messiah,
son of Mary, in showing wonderful acts (of mesmerism).
(Azalah-I Auham):
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 3, p. 257.
Mirza has taken the reference about the pool from what is
regarded as a debatable verse of the Bible (John 5:3,4). These
verses are not to be found in the ancient manuscripts such as
Codex Vaticanux, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Bezac, Codex Syriac
and the Latin Vulgate. Therefore the modern versions such as the
Revised Standard, New American Standard, etc., have deleted
these verses and put them in the footnotes.
of horrendous conclusions. The following will prove how Mirza
draws evil conclusions to accuse Jesus of cunning and deceit:
attributed to Jesus, have been reduced to the level of mesmerism
by Mirza. As pointed out earlier, the reason behind the denial of
miracles was that the opponents of Mirza demanded that if he
was a true similitude of Jesus, then why could he not perform
miracles like the former Messiah. Since his claims of Messiah-
hood were based on falsehood, he did not have the slightest
ability of performing miracles. Therefore to quieten this demand
he thought it suitable to deny the miracles of Jesus by
interpreting them as being metaphoric expressions – the spiritual
effect of clay – mesmerism – obscene tricks etc. This he did to
cast doubts upon their magnificence, as Mirza himself writes:
Mirza Accuses Jesus of False Prophecies
false. Since this article addresses those who believe in this
fundamental premise, the need was not felt to pursue Mirza’s
allegations by stating the prophecies in question.
Chapter 4
After all when God and His Apostle and all the Prophets
have declared the supremacy of the second Messiah
(Mirza) of this last period because of his great
achievements, then it is a devilish temptation to say, Why do you
proclaim yourself superior to the first Messiah, the son of Mary?
(Haqiqat al-Wahi)
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 22, p.159.
Give up the mention of the son of Mary. (For) superior to
him is Ghulam Ahmed.
(Dafi’ al-Bala)
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 18, p. 240.
Chapter 5
remembered that Jesus did not have a parental genealogy like
other human beings. Thus the possibility of Jesus having paternal
grandmothers does not arise. By saying that Jesus had paternal
grandmothers Mirza is implying that Joseph was the biological
father of Jesus. Hence, this assertion of Mirza is tantamount to a
denial of the virgin birth as will also be demonstrated later in
other references.
Mary’s Pregnancy before Marriage
to his vague theories and his subsequent concluding remarks and
inferences give rise to a heinous portrait of Jesus and his
illustrious mother. Mirza has clearly stated in his allegations,
not he had a wife. Jesus was the only offspring of Mary,
according to Christianity and Islam. Any Biblical reference to
Jesus’ brothers and sisters does not refer to real brothers and
sisters as claimed by Mirza. In order to prove that Mary was
unchaste and breached her covenant to remain celibate, Mirza
attributed six children to Mary:
Jesus the Messiah, had four brothers and two sisters; all
of them were his real brothers and real sisters. I mean that they
were the offspring of Joseph and Mary.
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 19, p. 18.
1. For example, God has revealed; Invite (people) to your Lords way with discretion and
kindly instruction, and discuss things with them in a polite manner (Qur’an 16: 125).
The life of the Prophet (s.a.w.) was a living example of this injunction. Despite many serious
accusations made by his contemporaries, he never retaliated by saying anything obscene in any
context. So much so that he never used foul language concerning idol worshippers or their false
Conclusions &
The Virtues of Jesus
Chapter 6
When the Christians and Muslims objected to the
blasphemous writings and claims of Mirza Qadiani, he adopted
different positions to deceive the masses. By sometimes praising
Jesus and in the very next instant becoming downright
blasphemous; Mirza has tried to confuse the public. Therefore
much in the same way that Mirza had coined the theory of Jesus’
death in Kashmir, he concocted another hoax to explain that he
was insulting an imaginary Jesus. Sometimes he thrust the blame
for his insults on the Jews and at other times he justified his
meanness by saying that his insults were based on the Biblical
portrait of Jesus. He therefore cunningly misused1 the various
episodes of the Bible to arrive at horrendous conclusions. For
example, after a lengthy discussion of a Biblical commentary (as
outlined in Mathew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13), Mirza had the
audacity to conclude:
In view of their heretical beliefs, the Muslim World has
unanimously declared ** the Ahmadiyya and Qadianis to be
non-Muslims. They are not to be confused with any sect within
Islam. They are therefore debarred from making the pilgrimage
to the Holy Ka’abah (the House of Worship in Makkah
constructed by Abrahim and Ismael (as)).
Footnote Continued
1. Another example is given here to give the reader an idea about the devious tricks of
Mirza. In this statement Mirza has attempted to justify his insults in another way:
The righteousness of Jesus in his time does not prove to be above that of the other righteous ones.
In fact the Prophet John the Baptist is superior to him, because he did not consume alcohol, nor
is it ever heard about him that any prostitute massaged his head with perfume purchased from,
her earnings, or touched his body with her hands and with her hair, or that any unrelated woman
served him. This is the very reason why God names John the Baptist as ‘Circumspect’ (Quran
3:39). But He did not give the Messiah this name because such (inglorious) episodes were
obstacles to giving him such a name.
(Dafi’ al-Bala)
Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 18, p. 220.
In the words of Mirza, the Messiah was involved in these sins, and therefore was not
named Circumspect. The evil designs of Mirza against Jesus become obvious from the fact that
none of the exalted Prophets, e.g. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, Solomon, David, Moses,
Jesus, Muhammad (Peace be upon them all) have been called Circumspect. What sins (God
forbid) were an obstacle to their being named Circumspect? By singling out Jesus, Mirza’s sin
was to demonstrate his own superiority over Jesus.
Even prior to this declaration of the Muslim World, Mirza and his successor have
always regarded those who did not believe in Mirza as disbelievers. Regardless of their verbal
clamis and hoax, it becomes clear from the statements of Mirza and his followers that they have
nothing to do with Islam and Muslims.
In a speech published in Al-Fadl dated July 30, 1931, Mirza Qadianii said: “It is
wrong to say that our differences with others are confined to the problem of the death of the
Messiah or to a few others doctrinal issues only”.
In another speech published in the same journal on August 21, 1917, under the caption
“Advice to Students”, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din son and successor of Mirza Qadiani told the students:
The Promised Messiah declared that their (Muslims) Islam is difference than that of
ours (Qadiani/ Ahmadis). Their God is different from our God. Our pilgrimage (too) is different
from their pilgrimage. In the same manner we (Qadiani/ Ahmadis) differ from them (Muslim) in
each and everything.
He further explained that the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya, Qadiani or Lahoris were
diametrically opposite to those of Muslims, by saying:
All Muslims who do not enter into allegiance with the Promised Messiah (Mirza
Qadiani) are disbelievers (kaffirs) and are outside the pale of Islam even though they might never
have heard of him.
(Aina-i-Sadaqat, p. 35)
(Dafi’ al-Bala)
It is obligatory on us (Qadianis, Ahmadis and Lahoris) to consider non-Ahmadis as
non-Muslims and not to offer prayers behind them, because we consider them to be the
repudiators of one of the Prophets of God (i.e. Mirza Qadiani).
(Anwar-i-Khalifat, p. 90)
Chapter 7
God’s Messenger (S.A.W.) said: God will send the
Messiah, son of Mary. He will come down near the white tower
to the east of Damascus dressed in two red clothes, placing his
hands upon the wings of two angels…
Muslim, Tirmidhi
Chapter 8
The story of Jesus (peace be upon him) in the Qu’ran
begins with praise for his mother and his family.
And when the angels said: O Mary! See! God has chosen
you and made you pure, and has preferred you above (all) the
women of creation. O Mary! Be obedient to your Lord, prostrate
yourself and bow with those who bow (in worship).
(Qur’an 3:42, 43)
him as one of the greatest Prophets of God. His virgin birth is
clearly stated:
placed a rivulet beneath you. And shake the trunk of the palm
tree towards you. You will cause ripe dates to fall on you. So eat
and drink and be consoled. And if you meet any mortal, say: I
have vowed fast to the Compassionate, and may not speak this
day to any person.
She carried him back to her family. They said: Mary you
have brought something hard to believe! O sister of Aaron! Your
father was no evil man, nor was your mother a loose woman, She
pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to someone who is a
child in the cradle? He said: I am God’s servant. He has given
me a book and made me a Prophet. He has made me blessed
wherever I may be, and has enjoined on me prayer and aims-
giving so long as I remain alive. And (has made me) dutiful
toward her who bore me, and has not made me arrogant,
unblessed. Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die,
and the day I shall be raised alive!
(Qur’an 19:16-32)
He is called a spirit from God (Qur’an 4:171), a term
which is used elsewhere in the Qur’an to refer to others (e.g.
15:29 and 32:9). He is called a ‘pure child’ (Qur’an 19:19), a
term similar to that used in reference to another great Prophet;
John the Baptist (19:13). He is described as one who is honoured
in this life and in the hereafter and among those nearest to God
(Qur’an 3:45), that he was strengthened with the holy spirit,
Archangel Gabriel (2:87, 253; 16:102). The Qur’an indicates that
Jesus (p.b.u.h.) performed miracles with the permission of God.
What is not true, however, is that any of such differences
should be construed to express any disrespect to Jesus (peace be
upon him) or to belittle him. Any person claiming any allegiance
to Islam who believes otherwise is severing his relationship to
Islam and can no longer be part of the Muslim Ummah
(Community of believers). He (or she) would be violating the
clear word of God (the Qur’an) and disobeying the universal
Messenger to all mankind, Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) who
* This refers to the Angel Gabriel.
The New Testament
The Qur’an
A’ina-i-Kamalat (Ruhani Khaza’in*) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
A’jaz-i-Ahmadi (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Anwar-i-Khalifat (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Ayyam al-Sulh (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Azalah-i-Auham (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Chahma-i-Masihi (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Dafi’ al-Bala (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Ittimam al-Hujjat (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Kashti-i-Nuh (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Haqiqat al-Wahi (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Nasim-i-Da’wat (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Nur al-Qur’an (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Satt Bachan (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G. A. Qadiani
Zamima Amjam-i-Atham (Ruhani Khaza’in) by Mirza G.A. Qadiani
* This 23 volumes set of the writings of Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani was recently printed by Unwin
Brothers Limited. The Greesham Press, Old Woking, Surrey, England. Miza is addressed as The
Promised Messiah on the cover of each of threse books.