The Occult Numerology of 2012
The Occult Numerology of 2012
The Occult Numerology of 2012
Most people around the earth still view the disasters of 9-11, the earthquakes, airplane deaths, the
death of popular people such as Michael Jackson as a part of life, it just happens. The Terrorists did
it—9-11, “God” is causing the earthquakes—Haiti, an airplane malfunction—AF447. However, very
few people are aware, nor do people consider the numerology behind the Illuminati of the Occult
and the usage of Black Magic.
Please note: this article is not about the belief in the Occult, it is about the numerology and how the
combined powers of the darkness use the numerology of the Occult to accomplish its agenda. The
Occult does exist and is a very powerful entity for the governments and its agencies, secret societies,
masonry, and all offshoots of the powers of the darkness. This can scare many people, but just
understanding that the Occult uses numerology and symbolism all over the world can assist to
comprehending the agenda of the NWO.
From researching the prime numbers of the occult in relation to 2012, there is a paramount reason
why the world is popularizing the date of 12/21 2012 and the time 11:11. Without understanding the
number system of the occult religion, the numbers of 2012 look innocent, we indeed don’t view the
number 666 within the date. Well, this post will analyze the numbers of 12/21 2012 11:11.
The most venerated occult numbers are: 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, and multiples thereof, especially 22, 33, 44,
55, 66, 77. A triplication of numbers is also considered sacred (possibly even more sacred) to the
occultist: 111, 222, 333, and so fourth. The number 5 is the number of Death; also, an extremely
scared number is the double 11, as in 11:11, or 11/11/11.
The number 7 and 12 are also an extremely important number universally. Seven is a number of
complement and is considered a Divine number. Seven days in a week, seven colors to the rainbow.
The occult will also use this number 7, but their favorite numbers are 11 and 6. The occult avoids
using the numbers and multiplications of 4, 8, 10, and 12, unless they correlate with their numbers.
The winter solstice in 2012 will occur 12/21 2012 and at 11:11 universal time.
The time is 11:11 that adds to 22.
WOW, that means the date and time correlates with the triple power sacred number of 11:11:11.
The number 11 correlates with the letter K as in KKK = 11:11:11.
1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6; 11+11+11 = 33.
Also, 6+6 = 12, 3×7 = 21; the day and month 12/21 or, = 1+2+2+1 = 6 which adds 666 to the mix, from
the month of 12.
The day of 21 is a multiple of 7×3 that signifies a time of complement.
2+1+2 = 5, the number of death; the year 2012. But, not the “end of the world” but the death of an
old age into a new—the new world order.
All the numbers of the Occult are related to 2012; 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 22, and 33 = 11:11:11.
So the day and month relate to 6 and to 666 (covertly), the year relates to 5 (death), and the time
of the solstice relates to the power number of 11 doubled (activation). And, the day relates to 7
(time of complement). And, most importantly the entire dates adds to 11 that creates the triple
11:11:11 and adds to 33 (Illuminati Mason Pyramid of the 33*).
All the numbers of the Occult are involved with the 2012 syndrome. But, what is the meaning, and
the deception behind 2012?
11:11 signifies the activation of a “new beginning”. Aquarius is associated with the astrological 11th
house, the “water bearer”, a possibility of entering into the “Age of Aquarius”. The current age of
Pisces, the two fish, possibly representing the battle between the darkness and the light of the last
two thousand years. The Occult Serpent religion views a “death” and a new beginning as very
important. Throughout the centuries the fertility worship of the spring equinox has held in place that
dates all the way back to Sumer of 3500 BCE. Considering this history, the death of an old age, into a
new age is extremely important, and this age will be the age of the dominance of the New World
Order and the rise of the occult agenda. So considering the occult numerology about 12/21/2012
11:11, or more importantly, 11:11:11, we can be assured that startling events will take place around
this time.
Using the numbers of 2012 dividing by 666, the number is 3.021021021021. 2+1 = 3×4=11; the
number 11 and 33 are the prime numbers of the Occult, the Illuminati, and the Freemasons, and 5 is
of death.
2012 divide 6 = 335.33333333.
2012-666 = 1346; Interesting, the date when the black death plague began. In Europe the date of the
Black Death is said to have commenced between 1346 and 1348 from many different sources. Even
of the plague started in Europe in 1347, the virus migrated from the East.
Before 12/21 2012 11:11 occurs, the date 11/11/11 will present itself. Correlating with the letters
Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication’s are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77,
88, and 99. If you multiply 1111 by 1111 you get 1234321, representing a pyramid, and number 11 is
a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. So
11/11/11 which in on a friday will occur, and 12/21 2012 11:11, which correlates with 11:11:11 which
is also on a friday the 6th day of the week according to the western calendar.
The Occult Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the
correct numbers, or it may not be successful. They go to great lengths to make an event occur
according to the correct numbers. 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect.
9-11 caused dramatic change and initiation of a war 11-01 = 111. It also transpires that 111 in
numerology is a ‘power number’ related to fresh modes of thinking applied to new cycles in life‘s
play. 111111 maybe a super power number doubling 111. 11/11/11 = KKK.
Take note, possibly nothing will occur on 11/11/11, although something occurring around this date is
possible. Nothing occurred on 6/6/6. Occult behavior is based on deception and covert action.
November 1st is called “all saints day” or All Hallows, just after the Halloween (Hallows Eve)
celebration where people put on masks, which is the celebration of the master (Baal) of the Lower
10/31 = 1+3+1 = 5, five is the number of death that correlates to Baal’s death of the spirit, and
demotion (or new life) into the darkness. November 1st is a major day for the Occult, 11/1 = 111.
Understanding the importance and perception of how the Occult values “Death” and “New Life” is
pivotal to understanding the agenda of the combined powers of the darkness.
The number 11 is extremely significant in 9-11; you can visit the Cutting for more
information on the numerology of 9-11.
2018: The Complete of 70 years of Jewish Exile.
With so much focus on 2012, the date of 2018 is pushed into oblivion. 2018 is the 70 year
complement of the Jewish exile—defining as—possessing a nation but no temple. For more
information on this subject you can visit Time Table of the Antichrist.
May 14, 1948 the Jews proclaimed independence. 5 can stand alone, 1+4 = 5; 1+9+4+8=22, or add
the entire date 5+5+22 = 33.
33 and 22 are the power numbers of 11. So two power numbers that relate to 11 from the date Israel
proclaimed Independence.
The month of 5 may signify death—defining as death of the old and the 11′s signifies activation of a
new birth.
The day 14 is a multiple of 7 that signifies a time of complement.
Israel’s flag is the six pointed star, or two pyramids, one standing upright and the other facing
downward, the symbolism of the Occult such as the back of the American One Dollar Bill.
2018 is more of a significant date than 2012, but since 2012, possibly, is the death of an old age and
birth into a new age, the occult is popularizing the event. In doing so, 2018 is pushed aside. The
movie, The Terminator that debuted in 1984, and since then created three more movies, coined
2018 as judgment day. Yet, within the context of the movie “the judgment day” was only a
beginning, this context may correlate with 2012.
From 9-11 destruction 9/11/2001 to 12/21/2012 = 11 years and 101 days, From 9/11/2012 to
12/21/2012, began counting on the 9/12 equals 101 days. 11 years and 101 days = 11:11 the power
number of 22.
1111 days before the 2012 solstice is the date 6-12-09. The fact that 6, 9, and 12 are sequential
multiples of 3 of perhaps the most highly regarded number of the date is 3 can be a notable fact or
the power number of 33 = 11:11:11 the occult date of 12/21/2012 11:11.
The number 11 link returns when we divide 33 by 3 which of course give us 11 once again.
In 1991/1992 the number 11:11 was issued to humanity as an activation number. The 9-11
destruction of the twin towers in New York activated the preparation era pointing the activation of
the New World Order—the new age.
When we review the way in which the attacks of 9/11 occurred by the “11′s” and review the
significance of “11″ in history there should be no doubt that 12/21 2012 11:11 is a significant date.
The Twin Towers symbolized the number 11.
9-11 activated the preparation stage of the New World Order. 11 years and 101 days = 11:11, to
12/21/2012. 2012 is the activation key to the reality of the New World Order.
The Deception of 2012 is the propaganda of the ideology that the world is teaching. The truth is
beginning to unravel behind the occult definition of end-of-the-world saga, or an awakening. The
occult definition is the old system of government duality into the beginning of the New World
Order, and possibly the Age of Aquarius—the reference is of death and rebirth. The mind-set to to
cause fear and panic and deluded humanity from the true agenda. From the numerology that is
presented—the occult is using 2012 as an beginning to their “New Age” of fascist domination of the
New World Order, however; the illuminati could cause a false reality that perceives that the world
will end, but then generate a “savior” and strong possibly of an alien presence. Producing an alien
savior, then causing manipulation between the aliens and humans that generates are war is highly
possible—then the Antichrist can arrive and save the world from the alien war, although the entire
situation is staged. Then in 2018, the end of the 70 year exile, the Jews can build their temple (or
possibly before), because the aliens will have bombed the temple area. The New World Order will be
in full swing establishing their “One God” the antichrist, and possibly the complement date could be
There should be no doubt that 12/21 2012 11:11 is a doorway to the beginning of the Age of
Aquarius and the New World Order. The Delusion of the New Age Movement was designed to
deceive spiritual seekers from the truth. The truth of the matter is that “the change of age” will be
the powers of the darkness dominating and enslaving humanity. It is a New Age for the Illuminati and
the combined powers of the darkness. The New Age perception of “ascending or awakening” is a
delusion form of deception; the awakening will be the separation of the light from the darkness. The
ideology of the New Age syndrome is propaganda deceptive falsehood. The Age of Aquarius is
negative for this earth, however; for the people that are truly spiritually awake, this change over is
positive, because if means freedom from the clutches of the darkness. The separation of the light
from the darkness will require the death of the person with a disposition of the light, through that
death, the person will be saved from the enslavement of the darkness and rise into the kingdom of
the light: the only requirement is Faith.
2010 = 3
Haiti Earthquake: 1/12 at 21:53 UTC
Most likely they didn’t want to make it that obvious to have it occur on 1/11.
Date, 1+12 = 13, Time, 2+1+5+3 = 11, adding the year of 3 = 15 which correlates with 3×5 = 15; the
number 5 is of death.
Chile Earthquake: 2/27, 2010, at 06:34:14 UTC
Date, 2+2+7 = 11, Adding the year, 2010 = 3 = 11:3 or 1+1+3 = 5.
Time, 6+3+4 = 13 or adding the seconds, 6+3+4+1+4 = 18 = 6+6+6 = 666.
Turkey Earthquake: 3/8 at 2:32:35 UTC
Date, 3+8 = 11, Time, 2+3+2 = 7, adding the seconds, 2+3+2+3+5 = 15, 15 is a multiple of 3×5 = 15
and 5 is the number of death.
The number 7 can be used, but it seems like the preference is 11.
This earthquake list continues and the correlation with the numbers of the Occult.
6/25 2009, 6 can stand alone, 2+5 = 7, or 6+2+5 = 13. The year 2+9 = 11
Michael Jackson was pronounced dead at 21:26 UTC.
2+1+2+6 = 11. MJ was a summer solstice sacrifice for the darkness. The combined powers of the
darkness thrive and gain energy from the emotional energetic attachment of humanity. It was the
same case with Princes Diana; a major outcry of grief, sorrow, depression, sadness, and anger of the
collective consciousness of humanity sends emotional energy to the powers of the darkness.
Leo, over at Leonoury puts together the Occult numbers and the crash of Air France Flight 447 that
killed 228 people.
The below information is copied and edited from the Cutting
When the Illuminati ended the First World War, they had just successfully completed the first war of
the occult plan to produce the Antichrist. Thus, they deliberately ended World War One on the 11th
Month [November], the 11th Day, at the 11th hour. The signing of the Armistice agreement was thus
undergirded by three elevens!
When the Illuminati assassinated President Kennedy, he was killed according to the occult number
signature of eleven [11]. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel.
He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza.
1. September 11, 1609 — The explorer Henry Hudson sailed into New York harbor and
discovered Manhattan Island and the Hudson River, the very location on which the Twin
Towers were constructed!
2. September 11, 1941 — Construction officially began at the Pentagon. [Ibid.] Thus, 60 years
later to the day, the Pentagon is attacked. The number “6″ is an important number to the
occultist. The number of man is “6″; the number of man’s “perfect” government is “66″ and
the number of the perfect leader of all time is “666″.
3. September 11, 1972 — The world was introduced to terrorism at the 1972 Munich Olympic
Games. . There were 121 participating countries (11X11=121), and 11 Israeli athletes were
killed. Exactly 29 years (2+9=11) after this terrorist horror ended, another more despicable
horror occurred – the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
4. September 11, 1772 — About 300 Indians and 50 British soldiers began the siege of Fort
Henry. Researchers and historians of this siege are puzzled by the meaning of a comment in a
document describing these events. It was recorded in a letter written by Lydia Cruger (11
letters), and it seems a fitting comment to this section. She wrote, “The siege commenced
about sun an hour high, Monday, 11th, at all events, the 11th.” *Ibid.]
5. September 11, 1776 — A failed peace conference with the British was held. The war that had
begun on April 19, 1776 [the first day of the 13-day Satanic celebration, "The Bloody Sacrifice
of the Beast"] continued. [Ibid.] After the fall of New York to the British, a Peace
was held between General Howe and three prominent representatives of the Continental
Congress – Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Edward Rutledge. After taking the Americans
key city, Howe thought he was entitled to a peace settlement. The Americans, having
declared independence in July, considered separation from England as non-negotiable. The
conference of Sept. 11, 1776, ended and the war continued for seven years.
6. September 11, 1777 — The first day the American flag was used in battle at the Battle of
Brandywine. [Ibid.] The British defeated the Americans, led by George Washington, but Old
Glory flew for the first time!
7. September 11, 1922 — Despite Arab protests, a British mandate is proclaimed in Palestine on
September 11, 1922. The mandate came into effect at the end of September 1922. [Ibid.]
Not only was this proclamation made on a September 11, but the year formed a twice “11″
— (11×2)
8. September 11, 1941 — The US 1st Army crosses the border into German territory. Also, the
Quebec Conference was held between England’s Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. *Ibid.+
9. September 11, 1973 — Chilean President Salvador Allende is killed in a brutal, violent military
coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. [Ibid.] Henry Kissinger was strongly implicated in this
attack, and if he were to ever stand trial in an International Court, he would be charged with
masterminding this coup and ordering the assassination of Allende. [" The Latest Kissinger
Outrage: Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11 investigation?", by
Christopher Hitchens, November 27, 2002]
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