From: (Gary Stollman)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy,sci.skeptic,alt.paranormal
Subject: INVASION!!!
Date: 8 Apr 92 06:23:56 GMT
Sender: (BBS Login)
Organization: Blue Moon BBS ((614) 868-998[024])
Gary Stollman Copyright (C) 1991
446 Conradi St. Apt. A328 Gary Stollman
Tallahassee, Fl. 32304
This all started back in 1981, when I was attending school at Tallahassee
Community College...I had just come back from my sister's wedding in New
York when wierd things started happening...I started getting phone calls
from people asking for the same person over and over, which continued even
though I told them I wasn't her...At one point, I called the operator to
complain, and get this now...She says, "Well, can't you remember who that
is?"..."Come on, give it a try!"...That was the first indication that
something was screwy in Denmark...Then, I had my mom ship my records and
stereo to me from LA..The UPS delivered one package, but one was
missing...I called my mom, and I instantly knew something was amiss...Her
voice sounded labored and extremely worried, and it sounded like somone
was standing there while she was talking, watching her or something...She
told me that the other package had been delievered downstairs to another
apartment, and to go down and ask them for it...I went downstairs, and
this wierd looking Hindu guy answered the door...I peeked in, and the
place looked like some kind of Bordello...He was nice about it though, and
handed me my package...
When I went back upstairs and called my mom, she seemed to be overly
relieved that I had gotten the package ok...I sensed tenseness in her
voice, but didn't know what it could be from...I forgot something
important...I am tired and it is late, so I am not gonna rewrite
this...Before I went downstairs, my mom told me to call UPS and see if
they had the package...They don't list a local number in information for
UPS in Tally, but the information operator gave me the 800 number for the
office in Jacksonville...After he read off the number he says REAL LOUD,
"And that's a TOLL FREE number!!"...He made it sound like he KNEW all
about the fact that the previous time I had been in Tallahassee, the first
time, I moved into an apartment which had a phone already installed in it,
which somebody had hooked up illegally...I used the phone then to call all
over the country, cause it wasn't showing up on my bill...Then, one night,
the operator caught me, and I hung up quickly...I didn't ever use the
phone again, but later on, after I left Tally, the phone company there
called all over the country to try to find me to make me pay for the
charges...They called my whole family and everybody I had called during
that time...It turned out ok, cause my sister in New York convinced them
that I wasn't responsible, and they dragged the guy who was into
court...But when this smart-alak information operator said that to me, in
a tone of voice that made me suspicious of everything that had been
happening, I knew I was playing with fire!!
Then, my dad called me one night just before I entered classes at TCC, and
said one of the wierdest things I had ever heard...He asked me if I
remembered the time when we had stayed at some hotel with fancy marble
staircases and crystal chandaleirs...I didn't know what the FUCK he was
talking about!! I told him we had never been to any such place in our
lives, and asked him what the hell was going on...Then his voice went REAL
low, and he told me that it was ok, and not to worry about it...But I WAS
worried, VERY worried!! Some kind of serious bullshit was going on with
my parents and the phones, and I didn't know what to think or do...
I got mad and decided to have it out with the phone company and find out
what the hell was going on...I went over to their office, and sat down at
some phone company "representative's" desk...She was REAL nice at first,
and told me she would find out what was happening...She called a number
downtown, and started speaking to someone...She was right in the middle of
the conversation, when suddenly, she looked right at me and shouted, "Do
you know Carol Lewis!!??"...I was startled and told her no...Then she
practically screamed at me, "Do you know where she IS, Gary!!??"...I said,
fearfully, "Well, she's not THERE!!"...Then she hung up the phone, became
SWEET as a lamb, and said, "All right, Mr. Stollman. We'll take care of
the problems you've been having!" I thanked her and left...With the
knowledge that whatever was going on was so big, it involved the taking
over of the phone company completely...
Carol Lewis was the name the people who called me asked me for, and it was
later that I remembered why it sounded familiar...I have almost a
photographic memory, and during a previous time in the past, when I was
traveling around the country, I had stopped at a motel somewhere in the
pouring rain...Some guys came in right after I did, and they looked like
the kind of enemies of mine who had been following me all over the country
for years...They walked in and used the phone in the lobby to call a
number...While on the phone, one of the guys asked someone if they had a
Carol Lewis staying there, apparently a hotel or motel...Then he changed
the name slightly and asked if they had a Carol Lewison, or something like
that...He kept on using aliases, until he had exhausted his supply...Then
he and the other guys stood around while I checked in...When I took my
room key, one of the guys stood next to me watching to see what room it
was...When I got up to the room, everything was ok for awhile...But, a few
minutes later, I heard the guys in the room next to me, and it sounded
like they were tearing the walls apart...I was NO stranger to this
happening, as these assholes from California had been following me all
over the country for years...I packed up my stuff, and went down and told
the manager to call the police, that these guys were NUTS!! He did so,
and gave me another room...
It took me a couple of years to remember that, but it was the same
name...When I gave that name to the FBI in Atlanta some time later, the
girl at the desk picked up a phone, gave them the name, and a few minutes
later she wrote down on a piece of paper dates and prisons that person had
been in, then told me they couldn't help me...She told me that two
"AGENTS" would help me, and two guys who didn't look anything like FBI
agents came out and asked me if I had a place to sleep for the night...I
went to the FBI in Tally for help, but got the runaround there also...I
don't know how we can fight this thing, but fight it we MUST!!
I will write more tomorrow, I didn't get enough sleep last night, and it
is very late...Take care, humans!
Gary Stollman Internet: GEnie: G.STOLLMAN
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy
Subject: INVASION!!!
Summary: How I discovered the Florida government had been overthrown!!!
Keywords: aliens, invasion,stollman
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy
Subject: INVASION!!!
Summary: How I discovered that the entire Florida government was involved...
Keywords: aliens,invasion,stollman
I am Gary Stollman, the person who pulled the toy gun on Tv Consumer
Advocate David Horowitz on live television at the set of KNBC in 1987,
forcing him to read a statement on the air about how the CIA and aliens
had replaced my family and friends with clones. I gained access to the
studios because my father, Max Stollman, had been a reporter for the
station as a spokesman for pharmacy. My father is a pharmacist, and owner
of our pharmacy, Family Pharmacy, in Beverly Hills, California. He is a
past president of the California Pharmacists Association and the winner of
a nationwide prize for being the best pharmacist in the country.
In 1981, while attending school in Tallahassee, Florida, it became
apparent to me that I had people in my classes who were placed there for
the sole purpose of spying on me and driving me insane. These facts were
beared out by several sources, including a friend whose father worked for
the CIA who had obtained my file and had urged me repeatedly to get off of
computers, telling me that they didn't trust people on computers and would
ruin my life. I didn't believe at the time that this could be possible,
and so ignored his warnings. It soon became evident that he was correct.
In December of 1981, I was forced to sign myself into a small mental
facility in town by a counselor at Tallahassee Community College, who had
refused to allow me to continue my studies unless I did so, after I had
brought the things happening in my classes to her attention. In the
hospital, my father called me on a pay phone, and asked me if I knew if
the conversation was being monitored. This was a total shock, as my dad
has no knowledge of such things, and could have only meant that he was
being forced to ask it by someone over him, and that he was probably
confined in some kind of government prison camp. He then said other
things which indicated to me that this was indeed the case. Then my
sister called me and told me that my brother-in-law had gone insane from
the EXACT same kind of things which had been happening to me for the past
six or seven months. I was totally shocked, as he was one of the
strongest guys I had ever met, when I had flown to New York for her
wedding to him that year. She said he had lost his job because of it, and
when she put him on the phone I asked him desperately exactly what kinds
of things had happened, but he was so upset and nervous that he couldn't
even speak about it. I immediately went to one of the doctors there and
demanded to be released. She told me that I had the right to sign myself
out, and I asked for the form to sign. She reluctantly gave it to me,
telling me that she didn't think I was READY to be released. I filled out
the form, and she asked me if I would sign another form to sign myself
back in again. I adamantly refused, and she went into a closed room with
some other people who "worked" there. After I had gotten off the phone
with my sister, I had demanded to see these other workers IDs, and they
told me they didn't have to show me their IDs.
After a few minutes, the door to the room opened and this woman
psychiatrist came out and told me I was being put on an emergency hold,
and was being transferred to the main mental hospital in town. I
immediately jumped on the phone and called up a friend of mine who worked
at Florida State University and told him to get me an attorney. After a
few minutes, some Sheriff's Deputies came into the facility and took me
forcibly to the other hospital. At the other facility, I was told that I
had the right to sign myself in voluntarily, but that if I didn't they
would seek a court order to keep me there, a law known in Florida as the
Baker Act. I felt it was in my best interest and so signed myself in. A
few days later, an attorney from the Public Defenders Office, whom my
friend had called, came by and told me to just sit tight and go along with
it, and in a few days I would be released. My mother called me, and said
things which indicated to me that somehow she was possibly in the same
boat as I believed my father was. However, I kept my cool, and a few days
later, I was transferred back to the smaller facility and shortly
afterwards released.
Since that first unlawful and wrongful first admission, I have over the
past ten years been forced ILEGALLY by forces beyond any normal human
being's control into many mental hospitals. In some cases, my signature
was actually forged on the admission forms to confine me. Most of the
cases, however, involved either my "parents" or the police or other
officials throwing me by physical force into locked wards, where I was
told that if I wouldn't sign myself in VOLUNTARILY, they would go to court
and have a judge put me into the facility involuntarily! I was coerced
by these means to sign myself into long periods of confinement, far away
from friends or family in some cases.
During the time previous to these things happening, I lived happily in
Tallahassee, content on simply going to school, and becoming a computer
programmer. However, I began to get strange phone calls from my parents,
which indicated that something was wrong, although I couldn't put my
finger on it at the time. When these calls went to the point of
incredulity, I began to suspect that there were other, very powerful forces
at work. I had been followed around the country for many years by people
from California, who I believe were rich enemies I had accidently made in
the course of living there and going to school. I began to have people
bothering me while attending Grossmont Community College in San Diego
during the period of 1971-1973. When I left there early, and used an
inheritance from my grandmother to travel around the country looking for a
4-year school to go to, I began to notice cars from California with the
same license numbers everywhere I went. I began to have people bother me
at museums, national parks, etc., wherever I would go. I believe this may
have all started from a bus trip I took when I was sixteen with a bunch of
rich kids from Los Angeles. I got into a fight with a few of them over
some girls on the bus, and they swore they would get even with me the rest
of my life. If you don't think people are this crazy, you need to move to
This story is much more involved that what I am putting on here in these
few paragraphs, but suffice it to say that this involves the entire
past government of Florida, and the past two administrations. After I was
released from the first hospitalization, my mom came to see me, and I KNEW
that it was NOT my real mother. The voice was different, and I have
perfect pitch, and she almost ripped the door to my bedroom off with her
bare hands. I went running off into the night in terror, and wound up
driving to Cincinnati, where I was picked up by some police in events too
involved and strange to get into in this note. For more information, I
would suggest that you read past notes from the news groups
alt.alien.visitors or alt.conspiracy, where I have been writing for some time.
The gist of this note is this. The things which have happened to me have
been extremely severe and extremely serious. They indicate that the
government has knowledge of alien beings and techniques involving the
cloning of human beings and forces we can barely comprehend. It is also
quite apparent that the government is bypassing the Constitution, to a
degree which is scarcely believable. The entire telephone system of LA
and Tallahassee has been subverted, and everyone I have contact with has
reported having problems with their phones, and believe they are being
tapped. From what I have read here on Usenet and the way I was placed
into these hospitals with such ease, it is possible that the entire US
medical profession has been overthrown, and replaced by clones. Now, I
realize what I am saying, but you would need to review the kinds of things
that I have gone through to understand the full implications of what I am
In November of last year, my mom had a stroke, and had bypass surgery.
Although she survived the operation, she was left paralzyed on the left
side. I was in Tallahassee at the time, with my girlfriend, who was
living with me. I gradually had a nervous breakdown, because of the
situation regarding my mom, and wound up having things happen to me
similar to the ones which have been going on for ten years. I ran out
into the street and lay down on the ground, screaming for help of ANY
kind. People began rushing up to me, asking how they could help. After a
few minutes, other people came up and these people ran off. To try to
describe actual events would make you hop the nearest plane to the most
remote area in South America in terror. Suffice it to say that an
ambulance came, and I was placed onto a stretcher and put in the back. I
offered no resistance, and was taken to the Emergency Room at Tallahassee
Memorial Hospital. There I was unloaded and placed into a small room.
Some people who were in the room began strapping me down to the stretcher
with heavy tie-downs, all the time saying things about how "That's how we
do it in Texas!", and similar bullshit. After running people in and out
of the room for almost fifteen minutes, to see who they could trust, a
"doctor" came in and pulled down my shorts and taking a scapel, cut my
dick on each side. I bled profusely and screamed in agony but the nice
man told me it would be over soon. Then without anyone stopping to help
in any way or do anything, I was placed back in the ambulance and taken to
Tallahassee Memorial Psychiatric Hospital, and throw into a locked room to
lay and bleed. If I were to tell you what happened there, you would hop
that plane, or call up NASA to see if there were any flights going to
Mars. Suffice it to say that I, once again, had to check myself IN to get
OUT. After two weeks of nightmarish events, I was discharged, and my
girlfriend took me home.
The point of this note is THIS! WHY is the government of George Bush and
Ronald Reagan still in power?! I know they sure wouldn't be if I had had
the intelligence to simply walk out of the Burbank Police Station five
years ago like I could have! Only my utter stupidity and fear of the
unknown made me let myself be arrested, for the police did NOT want to
arrest me. They wanted me to go into another mental hospital, and
although I should have, I kept my mouth shut tight, and so they arrested
me on trumped-up charges, and I have had to suffer a living hell for four
years to avoid having a felony record. FSU has turned me down for
re-admission, unless I go to another shrink, so I have decided on an
alternate course for my life. I am going to be filing a lawsuit in a
little time against the government that has done this to me. And I can
only tell you this...If George Bush gets re-elected, you all had better
find a flight to somewhere, preferably Tombago!
It was the summer of 1982. I had spent time in two mental hospitals by
this time, the first one, at PATH and Goodwood Mental Hospital in
Tallahassee, (Goodwood is no longer there) and Rollman Psychiatric Center
in Cinncinati, Ohio, which I was forced into after driving away from town
in terror when I knew that my mom had somehow been replaced, and half the
Sheriff's Dept. showed up at my apartment to try to force me into PATH
again. I had to lie to my dad and promise him that I would go into a
halfway house to get him to drive me back to Tallahassee from Ohio. When
we got back, I took all my stuff and moved into Colony Club Apartments,
where I live to this day, mainly because it is the closest one to school
and has what I consider to be the best swimming pool in town.
I had gotten back to FSU too late to get into any classes, so I spent most
of my time on the Plato computer system programming and learning. Plato
is the greatest education machine in the world, or I should say WAS, as
CDC, their parent company, just filed for chapter 11, and Plato is gone
from FSU now. My greatest dream was to become a Plato programmer, but
that one went the way of my life in the 80's. I learned quite a bit, but
kept on thinking about how I had been ill-treated at the hospitals, and
how my "mom" had almost taken the door off of my apartment with her bare
hands, and other things that indicated that some of the police were
involved in the conspiracy. I just couldn't set my mind on anything
positive for very long without those thoughts of the terrors I had seen
and gone through coming back again and again. I finally had a nervous
breakdown from this, when school was out, and everybody left town, as they
do at FSU. I wound up driving back to LA in the middle of the night,
because things started happening around me again, which led me to the
belief that a serious flaw I had seen in the Arpanet one time, could lead
to nuclear war. I will be the first to admit that I really went off the
deep end several times, but the end result was finding out that I wasn't
half wrong about a REAL threat to the human race.
I wound up losing my car at the Houston Intercontinental Airport, and some
"security guards" picked me up and drove me over to a hospital, after
getting a warrant from a court to place me in there for observation. They
were unlike any security guards I had ever met before. After they dropped
me off at the hospital, I was so fed up with the bullshit that I simply
walked out of the place, as I was left in the main waiting area. I went
to a motel where a Eastern-type "manager" tried to sign MY name to the
check-in card. This whole thing involves a lot of Eastern types, who are
really demons overseeing the devilish stuff of my enemies, who are true
devil-worshippers. At least this is the gist of what I have learned while
this has all been going on.
Anyways, I checked into the motel, then ran away in terror when the
"manager" told me he had to have a key to the room so he could come in
during the night. I was in a state of mind by then, that I didn't know
whether up was down or vice-versa. And so, I wandered around Houston for
the rest of the night until the morning. I started bothering people at a
Denny's when things happened that I couldn't handle anymore, and a short
while later, the police showed up and threw me into the back of a squad
car and drove me to Ben Taub Hospital. On the way, they said stuff which
made me start to wonder about whether they were really the REAL police
officers they were making out to be.
When we got to Ben Taub, they handcuffed me, and put me in a long
corridor, and sat me down on a bench. One of the cops told me that he
would soon take the cuffs off me, but that they had to wait. I asked what
they were waiting for, and he said, "Why, it's ALL on the computers, Gary!
YOU should know THAT!!" Then suddenly over the intercom system came a
loud bang, and a hysterical voice shouted, "BREAK-IN UNIT FIVE!!" Then,
there was a muffled cry, and a few seconds later, "BREAK-IN UNIT THREE!!"
Shots rang out over the intercom. "BREAK-IN UNIT NINE!!" "BREAK-IN UNIT
TWO!!" "THIS IS UNIT TWELVE, WE HAVE A BREA..." Shots. Then silence.
The "police officer" holding the keys to my handcuffs smiled broadly and
began swinging the keychain around his finger. I was too scared to think
about what the FUCK was going on, but I made up my mind that I was gonna
find out. I looked up at the policeman and said, "What's going on??"
"Nothing's going on, Gary!", came the reply. "They're just having heart
attacks!" I tried to utilize every facet of my fine wit. "Are you MAKING
them have the heart attacks??", I asked carefully. "NO, Gary!", came the
response. "They're having them voluntarily!!" I sorted my computer-like
mind through this data as fast as possible and came up with another
question. "Do you kill them by giving them heart attacks??" "No, Gary!",
in a almost jolly mood. "They come in for two weeks, and then they
leave." I pondered. "Do you make them do what YOU want them to do after
that??" I asked the right question. "No, Gary!" "They come in for two
weeks and then they can be anyone they want to be!!" By this time, I was
scared shitless, and KNEW these people or whatever they were were playing
for keeps.
Then the police officer walked over to a microphone hooked onto the wall
and picked it up. He put it to his mouth, and waited. A voice came over
the intercom, not HIS voice. "This is officer (making up a name here)
Gamble. Rea"...The police officer started speaking into the microphone, as if
on cue. ..."dy to report to section Nine."...HIS voice replaced the one
on the intercom. He then handed the keys to an orderly, took off his
uniform, under which was a set of street clothes, and walked out. A man
wearing a doctor's smock was standing there next to the bench, nervous as
hell. Suddenly, from down the long corridor, two big, husky black
orderlies came, escorting an EXACT DOUBLE of the man standing next to
me. They came up, and the "second doctor" took the place of the "first
doctor", who was "escorted" out by the two men with his head hung down
low, as if he were being taken away to be killed or something similar.
The "new doctor" stood there, and I, having nothing else brilliant to
think of, said, "YOU'RE not my doctor!!" The double replied, "YES, I'm
your doctor, Gary!" A minute after that, a black orderly took the cuffs
off me, and took me down the corridor. We were about to go out of the
back of the building, where I saw stacks of body bags which looked filled.
I was about to scream for my dear life, when suddenly the black guy threw
open a door, and pushed me quickly through it. He pulled me up some
stairs real fast, and shoved me into a locked ward, and slammed the door
behind him.
A blone-haired male "nurse" came up to me and started asking me questions.
I responded as best I could, being VERY careful about my answers. He
then took me into a small room and closed the door. He seemed extremely
nervous, as if something was about to happen. He kept looking at his
watch and then up at a mirror up on the top of the wall, alternating back
and forth between them every few seconds. He took QUICK glances, as if he
knew some kind of camera was hidden behind the mirror and was timing it.
He then told me hurriedly that in a few minutes I would be taken back into
the main room and be given a blood pressure test. He took my arm around
the elbow with his and held it TIGHTLY. He kept squeezing my arm and
pulling it, without glancing down at it, as if someone was watching him
closely. Then he started wrinkling his nose at me, as he pulled my arm
again and again, as if trying to tell me something with the facial
expressions. Then he looked one final time at his watch, and gave me a
look like the end of the world was at hand, and took me back out into the
main room and sat me down in a chair. I went along with all of it and
didn't make a sound, as I knew something extremely bad was going on.
After a few minutes, a real big black "orderly" came into the unit. He
sat down at the table and started to give me a blood pressure test. He
wrapped the blood pressure cuff around my arm and then...
I am sorry I can't finish the story. I am NOT joking, and the rest of it
up to that point is the TRUTH as I know it. For reasons of "National
Security", that would be putting it mildly, I cannot tell you what
happened next...I won't!! This is NO bullshit attempt at getting
attention, or melodramatics. This is the future of the frigging human
race we are talking about!!! I was going to keep this part to myself
until the right time, I have had a long, long time to think it over, and
decided that this stuff is best kept under wraps until the proper time to
tell it, which won't be much longer now. I have been through TOO much
damn suffering for TOO long to blow our chances at getting revenge of
these mother-fuckers and father-fuckers. My real dad was in a fucking CIA
PRISON CAMP for over five long years!!! My real mom was switched back and
forth during that time with her clone, but they kept my father to the
last. When I was taken to the LA County Jail, which is being RUN by ALIEN
CLONES, they gave me my one phone call and my REAL dad spoke to me for the
first time in years, but I was so mad with hate, I wouldn't even say hello
to him, and so he turned the phone, (after a click) over to my real mom,
who told me I had made the wrong decision NOT to take the police offer of
going into a mental hospital instead of jail. I didn't see my real father
until two years later!! I could tell you things that would make you run
like hell for the farthest corner of the earth to hide, and I ain't
playing games!! I will tell you this much...THE ENTIRE PHONE SYSTEM IN
LOS ANGELES IS BEING MONITORED...If you don't believe me, fine, I can't
say I didn't TRY!! I am not out to scare you, but you should be scared!!
I have an IQ of over 150, know about 20 computer languages, and have an
ALMOST, not complete, photographic memory...If you want to dismiss this as
crap, that's up to you, but it will be YOUR children who are left the
legacy of whether or not they will have the government fucking up THEIR
lives the way this government has done to me!! I am sorry for having to
put it so bluntly or crazy-sounding, but this is WAR!!!
I just got back from the Social Security Office here, and I was given the
runaround by some woman who I am CONVINCED was not whoever she was
pretending to be. ALSO, the restaurants here and the hotels have been
taken over, because of the types of things that have happened to my sister
when she was staying at a hotel here. This message is now going VERY slow
across my computer screen, which also shows how deeply the involvement of
this is. ALL of Pacific Bell is involved, and ATT as well! Tell your
friends, tell your neighbors, get ready to fight for your lives!!
When I call this system, there is a pinging noise in place of the click
when netcom answers. Pacific Bell was just "working" on ALL their lines
the other day! This is not new to ME. I have been living this nightmare
for 10 years!!!
I have just returned from a foree into the world of the unknown for the
umteenth time, where I learned exactly who and why this has all been
happening to me. It turns out that I am a special angel put here by God
to bring peace and happiness to the world. I was taken over by Jesus, and
he in turn saved my family and friends. I drove all over California in my
car, although the distances were altered by God moving my car through
space, and one minute I was driving near Santa Barbara, and then the next
minute I was back in Pasadena, where I was taken out of the car by angels
after stopping as told by God in the middle of an intersection. I
performed other functions for God as well, including being the vehicle
through which Jesus has started the Second Coming. It would take a VERY
long article to explain it all in detail, but suffice it to say that I am
back in the real world now, except that now I have Jesus(a small part of
him) inside me to guide me, and I met an angel of an old girlfriend of
mine, who put her soul into me, and I have both inside me now. I KNOW
this sounds like channeling or something like that, but this is the truth
as best as I know it. God was speaking to me directly, and through his
commands, I was transported through places unimaginable by anyone of
normal standards, if there is such a thing. I will get back on tonight,
and give you some more details.
Gary Stollman
Gary Stollman Internet: GEnie: G.STOLLMAN
This message is for Michael Corbin. I am very happy to see postings from
you, Mike. I just read the one about trying to put down Stanton Friedman
and the Gulf Breeze Sightings, which you defended so well. I just want to
put in my two cents worth for everyone here to know. I know people here,
not all of them but a lot of them think I'm a "kook" as well, even more so
than most other people because of the unimaginable things I speak about.
But I want to tell you, Mike, and everyone else on here, that I went to
the UFO convention here in LA with a completely open mind. I especially
wanted to meet John Lear, as John Grace (aka Val Valerian) has been
helping me with my book, and who, with John Lear, tried to get in touch
with me in jail after I was arrested for the David Horowitz thing. I can
tell you that I found John Lear to be a very compassionate and honest man.
He was very kind to me, and even took me to dinner with another friend of
his. He also introduced me to Linda Moulton Howe, who is a FOX of the
highest caliber, and I had NO reason whatsoever to disbelieve anything any
of the people of their statue had to say after having met them personally.
I am a VERY good judge of human character, and they came across to me as
honest people just doing a special task which requires an open and
positive mind. I KNOW John Lear believes in what he knows and that it is
true. I am not sure if possibly he has been receiving disinformation, but
if he has, he feels it is the truth. I personally, except for the
channeling crap, believe everything I heard those two days.
A few weeks later, after ascertaining that something was definitely wrong
with my instructor, he was indeed replaced. I know this because when I
asked his clone for the password, he not only didn't know it, I could tell
that he had read my teacher's mind, because he tried to fake his way out
of it. Although he didn't know what the password was, he knew the first
part, but then tried to infer what the rest of it was from me. I didn't
say a word, as I knew that my real teacher's life might depend on my
silence. But once again, I was faced with the fact that someone I had
divulged my experiences to had been replaced.
In case you are wondering by now how this all got started, suffice it to
say that in 1981, I was attending Tallahassee Community College in order
to finish up my AA degree. Events in my classes led me to believe that
there were people placed in all my classes keeping me under keen
observation for some unknown reasons. At first I believed these could be
enemies of mine, which had been following me around the entire country for
many years before I ever got to Tallahassee. These enemies were from
California, where I had moved from New Jersey when I was 10. In 1973,
while attending Grossmont Community College in San Diego, I began to
notice wierd guys hanging around my apartment building, and following me
around town. I suspect it all started on a bus trip around the country I
was sent on by my mom when I was 16, which was populated mostly by very
rich kids from Beverly Hills. I made friends with a girl who some of
these rich guys were stuck on, and she dumped them for me. After
practically murdering me in a motel room in Williamsburg, Virginia on the
trip, these guys swore they would get even with me if it took them the
rest of their lives. If you don't think people like this exist, you need
to live in LA for awhile!
Anyways, suffice it to say that despite having incidents occur to me, I
left Grosssmont in the summer of 1974 on a trip around the country to
check out colleges I might be interested in attending, using an
inheritance from my grandmother. I didn't know anyone was following me at
all, until I stopped to see Shenandoah Caverns in Virginia. As I was
coming out of the cave tour, I noticed a car from California that I
thought I had seen somewhere before. not being one to allow anyone to
screw with my life at that time, I stood next to the car and waited. When
the people who owned the car came out of the tour just behind mine and
started walking toward their car, they saw me standing next to it.
Immediately, they all turned around, and ran into the gift shop. As I
stood there watching them, it was obvious that they weren't looking for
gifts, but kept staring at me out the windows of the gift shop. I wanted
to make sure, so I went into the gift shop when they weren't looking, and
stood next to some of them. One of them asked if I was still there, and
before the other could answer, he noticed me next to them. A look of
utter terror and hatred came over this person's face, and they just glared
at me. It was VERY obvious they weren't in the shop to buy gifts. I went
outside and called the police and asked them to send an officer. When he
got there, I explained the situation to him, but he told me they had a
convicted murderer on the loose and he didn't have time to check it out.
He offered to give me an escort back to the highway, which I accepted. As
we were pulling out of the parking lot, the people came tearing out of the
gift shop, jumped into the car and took off in a frenzy in the opposite
The NEXT time I saw that SAME car was in the underground parking garage of
my parents apartment building back in LA three MONTHS later!! There was
no mistake, as I have an almost photographic memory, and made sure I would
NEVER forget that license number. I was enraged, but took no action.
Sure enough, some guys at the apartment started bothering me in the
billiard room not long thereafter. I became afraid for my parents, and
moved them to another apartment building in West Hollywood, where they
live to this day. However, people moved in after us, and guys similar to
those began hanging around giving me grief. I was certain that this was a
huge conspiracy by now, but I didn't know just how huge until I went for
my second trip around the country by myself in 1979.
This time, I knew something of what I was up against. I had incidences
occur to me in LA which could not be rationalized out, except to conclude
that SOMEBODY had it in for me! In two SEPARATE incidences, the SAME
truck swerved in front of me on the Santa Monica Freeway, and wouldn't
allow me to pass it. It came out of the blue, and I had done NOTHING to
warrant an attack by a crazy. This was the same truck which had done this
to me SIX MONTHS PREVIOUSLY!! Obviously, I was mad as hell, but luckily
was able to manuveur my car around him before he tried to run me off the
road or something. I walked into my dads store seething with anger, but
couldn't tell my parents what had happened, as I knew they just wouldn't
understand. I had many, many similar incidents happen to me out of the
clear blue at various times before I left LA on my trip.
The trip was like a waking nightmare. At every stop I made, people,
mostly from California, would barge into whatever tourist attraction or
hotel I was at, and start tearing the walls out!! I am not exagerating,
either! I took down so many license numbers at totally different places
all over the country that kept reappearing it was unreal!! I finally lost
them during a hurricane, because I had 4 5-gallon gas cans in my trunk,
and could drive on through the night, while they ran out of gas, as that
was the time when all the gas stations closed on weekends due to the
supposed oil crisis. Cars were towed off the highway left and right, as I
drove on I-95 from my aunts house in New Jersey to Florida.
Suffice it to say that I made it down to Florida, and lived in peace for
awhile, but my enemies soon caught up with me. I had people moving in
next door to me again, banging on the walls, and carrying on like nothing
I have ever experienced when around decent God-fearing people. After
taking it for awhile, I started calling the police at the slightest
provocation. They wound up getting carted away to jail to party. I just
tried to ignore it all and get on with my life. But these bastards were
not about to leave me alone!
This is where the part in Tallahassee comes in. I honestly didn't know if
it was my enemies in my classes or CIA and FBI agents put there to keep an
eye on me because of my involvement in stealing signons from government
computer systems all over the country between 1977 and 1979. All I did
know is that SOMETHING REAL FRIGGIN STRANGE was goin' on!! I had NO
thought of clones at that time, simply that it was people put there to spy
on me and fuck my life up if possible. When I had one of the women
counselors from the college call up the Sheriffs department, the guy she
talked to said to tell me it was what I was thinking. I was supposed to
meet him at the court house later that day, and he would have told me what
it was, but due to my stupidity I got sidetracked, and by the time I got
to the court house, that officer had been replaced, although I still
didn't think it was clones, I only knew it was bullshit!
The first time I knew something was wrong in my family was when I started
receiving crazy phone calls from my dad asking me if I remembered some
hotel with crystal staircases and such, as if we had ever been there,
which we hadn't!! It was obviously crap, and I knew then that my father
was being forced to say that against his will. It did not occur to me
that if he was being held prisoner somewhere somehow, WHO was running the
store?! My moms calls also got bizarre to the point where I did not know
what the hell was going on, but knew that something was fucked up big
time!! I didn't know what to do. I knew the phones had to be tapped, but
visits to the local phone company office just produced more of the same
kind of bullshit. It came to a head when I called up my "mom" in a frenzy
and demanded my passport out of their safe-deposit box. It didn't sound
like my mom somehow, the voice was several octaves deeper. I have perfect
pitch. Suddenly, my dad jumped on an extension phone and SCREAMED, "NO,
GARY!! PASSPORTS CAN BE FORGED!!" Then his line went dead, but my clone
mom said I was too confused and was coming down here. I suspected it
wasn't my real mom, but had to be sure.
I made sure the following day. When my "mom" came in the door the voice
was totally different, and the personality was totally different. I
wanted to be absolutely positive, so when she went to sleep that night, I
tied tons of heavy string around the doorknob to my bedroom that even I
couldn't pull open. The next morning, my "mom", without even calling to
me, almost took the door off the hinges with one tug! That was a complete
giveaway, cause my real mom is the most gentle person in the world, and at
the very least would have called to me to ask me why the door wouldn't
open. I wound up driving away from here into the night in terror!!
The first mental hospital I was forced into was a little one here called
PATH. The woman counselor at TCC who spoke to the sheriffs deputy refused
to allow me to finish my AA degree unless I went in there. Like the fool
I am and have been for so long, I did so. Five minutes after signing
myself in, my dad called me on the pay phone for the patients, and asked
me if I knew if the LINE was being monitored! I knew right then that was
crap for him to ask that, and after a few more minutes of nonsense like
that he hung up. Then my sister called. She told me something I couldn't
believe, that my brother-in-law, who she had just married and who was the
strongest willed guy I had ever known, had just lost his job because of
thinking that people were following him, reading their mail, etc, etc.
The EXACT same kinds of things that had been happening to me. I asked her
to put him on the phone. I asked him what the HELL had been happening to
him, but he was so mentally destroyed, he had to give the phone back to my
sister. When I hung up, I was madder than a March Hare!! I went up to
the "staff" and asked to see all their id. They told me they didn't have
to show me their ids. I then asked to sign myself out of the place. In
Florida, you can sign yourself INTO a nuthouse, but it is ANOTHER thing to
sign yourself out!! Thre is a little clause that gives any psychiatrist
who think you shouldn't be released the right to put you on a 48 hour
hold. The woman shrink there aske me to sign myself back in, and I
adamantly refused and demanded to be released! She then went into a room
with one of the "staff", and another Eastern-type guy refused to let me
in. He told me she was deciding on whether to send me over to the main
mental hospital in town here, then called Goodwood. I immediately jumped
on the pay phone and called a good friend of mine at the FSU computer
center, and told him what was happening and told him to get me a lawyer!!
A few minutes later, two Sheriffs Deputies came into the facility and
escorted me over to Goodwood. When I got there, I was told I was on a
hold, and if I didn't sign myself in, they would get a court order to hold
me there. Again, like the fool I was, I signed myself in, as I didn't
know what else to do.
After a few days, the Public Defender, whom my friend had contacted, came
to see me. He told me that if I didn't cause any hassles, I would be
released in a few more days. He told me he would get a writ of habeus
corpus if they tried to Baker Act me, which would mean sending me to the
State mental hospital. I found out later on that this guy was in on it
with them ALL!! After a few days I was sent back to PATH, and shortly
thereafter released. But boy, was I ever mad!! I swore I would sue them
all to high heaven!! Like a dope, I didn't. And if I had, I could have
saved myself 10 more years of similar illegal incarcerations, some of
which were done to me by forging my signature on the admission forms.
Some of these records have vanished, but I have obtained most of them,
including the ones here, which were denied to me previously, which is
illegal. One of the doctors here though, wouldn't release the very first
visit to the nuthouse here. I am OVERJOYED, believe it or not, because
that is one more CRIME they are ALL going to pay for in court!!
Last year, my mom had a stroke, and is still partially paralyzed. My
girlfriend was staying with me here at the time, but I had a nervous
breakdown because we didn't know if my mom would live for awhile. I ran
out into the street, and collapsed. The first people to reach me were
sincere in trying to help, but a few moments later, they all ran away, and
others took their places. One of the first to reach me said loudly, "THE
NAME IS ZAPPA!! FRANK ZAPPA!!!" After seeing his picture on a record
album, yeh, it was HIM!! I was placed on a stretcher and taken to
Tallahassee Memorial Emergency Room, and placed in a small room. After
bullshiting for several minutes, my arms and legs were strapped to the
stretcher by various people. After another few minutes of seeing who they
could trust, a "doctor" in a blue uniform came in, pulled my shorts and
underpants down, and took a scapel and made a deep incision in my penis in
two places. I screamed in pain and bled profusely, but NO ONE offered me
assistance of any kind or tried to stop it. I was then wheeled back into
the ambulance, and thrown into Tallahassee Psychiatric Hospital. I was
left in a small room bleeding for hours.
I have filed a police report now that I am back in town, and am going to
have the scars on my penis verified by doctors, real ones, and then the
FUN is gonna start!! I STILL have enemies of mine here living in the
apartment complex all around me, but soon they are going to be eating
prison food!!!
Fortunately, there is a good side to all this. That is that I have
discovered that my enemies were into witchcraft, and that God and Jesus
and all the angels in heaven have just about solved the problem for me
now. So there is a spiritual side to all this, and not just alien in
nature. But a good deal of it has been. I don't know how much longer it
will take, but I am working on a degree from Lively again, this time in
Computer Science. I will be filing a MAJOR lawsuit in a few months, and I
have the proof of what has been done to me now, so.....
Here is some info which will convince even the most diehard skeptics that
what I have been saying is true. When I was in the hospital, the most
recent one in LA, Jesus told me he told the people I was Jesus or the
re-incarnation, and one of the witches there walked by my room and
suddenly looked right at me and shouted, "OH, JESUS CHRIST, HUH!!" Later,
when none of the pay phones would work for the witches, but would work for
me, he shouted out loud, "I THINK THEY GOT MA BELL!!" Then, when the
Angel of my first girlfriend, Sandy Pope from Fresno, was standing in the
he suddenly said, "I think I'm in REAL trouble!", she laughed out loud
like hell at him. Another time, when I was being given a blood-pressure
test, I called out, in my mind, "SATAN!!", which I was doing occasionally
while in there, due to the stress on me, this big fat girl bent down next
to me, and said, "Don't worry, they can't hear me!" and proceeded to run
her hands across the lettering on my T-shirt. She later changed from
being a witch to a servant of God. I saw the Angel of Sandy, move in one
room near me to out of another at the end of the hall, in a fraction of a
second. Sandy, as Jesus tells me, was killed by my enemies, actually
Jesus says he killed her to save her soul, so she could save mine. She
has tried to help me many times in the past, but to no avail, due to the
immense forces against me. At one time, I was in a motel room in Florida,
and I accidently locked my keys in the car. I called the AAA, and it
sounded like Sandy who answered the phone, her Angel at least. When she
asked me quickly what room I was in, suddenly the sound of the phone lines
being ripped out of the walls occurred, and the line went dead. In the
hospital, The Angel of Sandy made a motion to me when I walked past her,
when nobody was looking, to come to her. She asked me to shake her hand,
holding it out, and when I did so, she took my hand in hers, and closed
both her hands around mine. I stared directly into her eyes, which she
moved back and forth. When I started to look away, she said, under her
breath, "Don't look!" and continued moving her eyes across mine. I felt
transfixed, and got scared and started to pull away. "Don't move!", she
said, and after a few more seconds, she let my hand go. A look of
exhaustion and sorrow came across her face, as she let my hand slip away.
When I went into my room, Sandy started speaking through me, as Jesus has
done, because she had put her soul into mine from that little incident.
She asked me if she could stay to help me, and I said yes.
After I got out of the hospital, Sandy asked me if I wanted her to get
Carrie Fisher for me, whom I had sent love letters to in 1980, while
working on some scripts at the Beverly Hills Library. Carrie showed up
beyond my wildest dreams 3 day in a row and we just eyed each other
through the book shelves. I finally got up the nerve to talk to herin the
parking lot while she was walking to her car, but I made a dumb statement,
(I said, "Did anyone ever tell you you look a lot like Carrie Fisher?"),
and she got REAL mad, and said, "NO!", and walked away real fast. She was
looking at me with love in her eyes before that, when I asked her if she
lived around there, and she said, "Yes!", but my stupid attempt at
determining if it was really her apparently worked TOO good!! Anyways,
Sandy spoke to her, and told me she thought she was going insane to hear a
voice telling her who I was, and Sandy convinced her it was real, and
asked her to get on a special Angel flight to Tallahassee the next day,
and she would show her the wonderful place I lived in, and the sweet
people here! During the next few days, Sandy described in great detail
how Carrie had been tormented on the flight by angels for being such a
rich snob and so forth, but Sandy had told her where to stay here, and
then met her in human form in person and showed her around the town. She
took Carrie to the Governor's Square Mall here, where I had been barred
from going into, by one of my enemies who is now the Security Director
there. When Sandy told her what he was, Sandy said Carrie RAN into his
office and threw off her wig, and told him who she was and who I was, and
told him to go to hell. Sandy told me after she walked out, the bum got
down on his hands and knees and prayed to God for forgiveness.
I took all of this with a grain of salt, even with all I had been through
all these years because it just sounded too damn wonderful to be
possible. Then, the day before Carrie was supposedly coming back to LA,
I walked into my dad's pharmacy, and there was a woman aboout Carrie's
size, dressed up as an old hag. I could tell it was a disguise, but as I
didn't believe it was possible that what I had been hearing could be the
truth, I merely walked over to the market and bought a candy bar. There
were two old ladies in the store with this old "hag", and they were
watching her and me very closely. As I walked back into the store, the
"old hag" RAN out the door past me. I walked over to the card section,
and suddenly my eyes were forced to look at a card that said, "EXCUSE ME,
DARLING!" I walked real fast back to the front of the store and looked at
the old hag walking fast down the building, and asked, IN MY MIND, "Was
that the real Carrie Fisher?" The two old ladies suddenly looked up at
me, and said to me, "Yes!", one right after the other!! There was nobody
else in the store. Then the phone rang, and the guy who works at my dad's
store, picked up the phone and shouted into it REAL LOUD, "YES SIR!!"
When I looked at the two old ladies as if I couldn't believe it, they just
stared at each other in disbelief. I watched as the "old hag" ran around
the corner and out of sight. I was disgusted with myself, but felt helpless!
Sandy told me later that Carrie had come back early to see me in person.
After that, not only did Carrie Fisher show up in disguise at the
bookstore across from the Beverly Center I frequented, but soon after that
the Angel of Sandy Pope showed up as a salesgirl there under the name
Jennifer. And BOY, when Jesus told me it was Sandy Pope, I just stared at
her unbelieving, because it was the spitting image of Sandy as she was
when I knew her at 16, only MORE gorgeous than you could ever imagine!!
Over the next couple of weeks, I tried to get to know her, but found
myself, even with prompts from her, which only could come from reading my
mind, chickening out every time. I just was just too overwhelmed by the
chain of events!! Then Carrie Fisher's whole family sarted showing up at
the market across the street from my parents apartment, because she was
intent on marrying me. I turned down her offer, like the fool I have
always been, but at least the phone lines were being run by the angels
then, so I was able to get in touch with my girlfriend and spend time with
her. I regret to this day that I didn't have the nerve to ask Sandy's
angel out, but tonight Sandy is back with me again, in spirit at least,
and because I fasted this weekend for her spirit, she says she is here
now, and will soon be with me again, in some nice shaply form in person.
I could add more, but I want to give people a chance to take all this in,
and like I already said, I got to save something for my book!!