Design of Curved Beams
Design of Curved Beams
Design of Curved Beams
d i o bi bo Mb ci co
e ri ro rc
rn d h
max = A = P =
Machine frames having curved portions are frequently subjected to bending or axial loads or to a combination of bending and axial loads. With the reduction in the radius of curved portion, the stress due to curvature become greater and the results of the equations of straight beams when used becomes less satisfactory. For relatively small radii of curvature, the actual stresses
may be several times greater than the value obtained for straight beams. It has been found from the results of Photoelastic experiments that in case of curved beams, the neutral surface does not coincide with centroidal axis but instead shifted towards the centre of curvature. It has also been found that the stresses in the fibres of a curved beam are not proportional to the distances of the fibres from the neutral surfaces, as is assumed for a straight beam.
Curved beam
The neutral axis is shifted towards the centre of curvature by a distance called eccentricity i.e. the neutral axis lies between centroidal axis and centre of curvature. The variation of normal stress due to bending across section is non-linear and is hyperbolic.
The variation of normal stress due to bending is linear, tensile at the inner fibre and compressive at the outer fibre with zero value at the centroidal axis.
Derivation of Expression to Determine Stress at any Point on the Fibres of a Curved Beam
Consider a curved beam with rc, as the radius of centroidal axis, rn, the radius of neutral surface, ri, the radius of inner fibre, ro, the radius of outer fibre having thickness h subjected to bending moment Mb. Let AB and CD be the two adjacent cross-sections separated from each other by a small angle d. Because of Mb the section CD rotates through a small angle d. The unit deformation of any fibre at a distance y from neutral surface is Deformation
= yd = l (rn y )d
The unit stress on this fibre is, Stress = Strain Youngs modulus of material of beam
=E = Eyd (rn y )d
For equilibrium, the summation of the forces acting on the cross sectional area must be i.e., or
dA = 0
(rn y) d
E E yd dA =0 d ydA =0 d rn y
Also the external moment Mb applied is resisted by internal moment. From equation 1.2 we have,
y (dA ) = M
(rn y) d
E y2 ddA
(1.4) (1.5)
Note: In equation 1.5, the first integral is the moment of cross sectional area with respect to neutral surface and the second integral is zero from equation 1.3. Therefore,
d M = E Ae d
Here e represents the distance between the centroidal axis and neutral axis. i.e.,
e = rc rn
d M = d AeE
... (1.7)
Substituting Stress
C H A h e B rn ri rc Mb ro v y
C d Outer fibre D
D d
= Ey M (rn y ) AeE My r ( n y) Ae
(rn y) = (rn y)
= rn = rn
(rn v ) dA
dA dA = 0 v dA A=0 V
rn =
A dA v
Note: Since e = rc rn, equation 1.9 can be used to determine e. Knowing the value of e, equation 1.8 is used to determine the stress .
Normal stress due to bending (Compressive) b B Mb y +y A b Normal stress due to bending (Tensile)
Figure: 1.2
M b b E = = I y R
i.e., Bending stress
b =
M b b = I y
Mb y I
For a given beam, Mb and I are constant and hence b y, i.e., the variation of bending stress is linear and is directly proportional to its distance from centre of gravity axis which coincides with neutral axis. The maximum bending (tensile) stress b tensile at A and compressive at B are equal in magnitude at A and B as shown in the Fig. 1.2.
( b ) Curved beam
Figure 1.3 shows a Let ri ro rc rn curved beam subjected to bending moment Mb. = Distance of inner fibre from centre of curvature, C = Distance of outer fibre from centre of curvature = Distance of centroidal axis (CG axis) from centre of curvature = Distance of neutral axis from centre of curvature
bo co
ci ri ro Mb
e bi
rc rn
Centre of curvature
Figure: 1.3
The neutral axis is shifted towards the centre of curvature by a distance called eccentricity e. The value e should be computed very accurately since a small variation in the value of e causes a large variation in the values of stress. i.e., e = rc rn ci = Distance between neutral axis and inner fibre = rn ri co = Distance between outer fibre and neutral axis = ro rn