Shabbat Announcements June 8
Shabbat Announcements June 8
Shabbat Announcements June 8
TORAH Artscroll 820 Hertz 628 Maftir Artscroll 890 Hertz 694 HAFTORAH Artscroll 1208 Hertz 944 Not Everything Is Black Or White Whenever there are 10 male Jews together for a prayer quorum, they are able to publicly sanctify the Name of G-d by reciting Kaddish, Kedusha, etc. This well-known fact is derived from the pasuk "V'Nikdashti b'Soch Bnei Yisrael" [Vayikra 22:32]. The Talmud in Berachos 21b teaches that this requires a minimum of 10 Jews. The Talmud derives this from a Gezeirah Shavah (word comparison) between the word "toch" (in the midst) in this pasuk and the word "toch" in the pasuk in Parshas Korach "separate yourself from the midst (m'toch) of this wicked congregation" [Bamid bar 16:21]. To complete the teaching however, one needs to go a step further and link the pasuk in Korach which says "from this midst of this wicked congregation (Eidah)" and a pasuk in Parshas Shlach which speaks of the 10 spies who
Candle Lighting Friday Mincha Hashkama Parsha Shiur Youth Minyan Main Minyan Beit Midrash Gemorah Shiur Mincha Shabbat Ends Sunday, June 9 Mon., Thurs. Tues., Wed., Fri. Mincha
8:06 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:15 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:15 pm 7:30/8:30 am 6:35/7:45 am 6:45/7:45 am 8:10 pm
Kiddush is sponsored by Great Neck Synagogue with a Herring Table sponsored by Murray Weiss on the Anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah
The Master of the Universe however, in His Infinite Wisdom, sometimes sees positive motivations even in evil deeds. Korach challenged Moshe's leadership. As Rashi explains, there was an element of jealousy and an attempt to grab power from Moshe. But there was also an element in Korach's campaign to gain a bigger role in the Divine Service. Korach and his followers felt themselves to be Holy and they wanted to live up to their full potential of being Holy by participating in the Divine Service. The Talmud even obliquely criticizes Moshe's put down of Korach and his followers when he told them "Rav Lachem" , too much for you[Bamidbar 16:7]. The exact same words were thrown back at Moshe, so to speak, when he asked to enter the Land of Canaan, despite Hashem's decree that he would die before entering the Land. "Rav Lach" [Devorim 3:26] is what he is told. This implies that Korach did have within his scheme a desire and a striving to achieve holiness, which should not have been totally rejected. Hashem recognized those aspirations and such aspiration are indeed "holy" and can be used as the basis for deriving the necessary prayer quorum to recite matters of holiness. Likewise, when 250 people risked their lives to become closer to Hashem and to participate in His Service, there was something good in that motivation as well. There was inherent Kedusha in those pans that they used in their attempts to become participants in the Divine Service. That Kedusha in the Eyes of the Almighty could be harnessed for an appropriate covering for the Mizbayach. In the case of the Meraglim as well, as the commentaries explain at length, there were multiple motivations that caused their report to come out the way it did. There were also positive intentions in what they said. According to some, they felt the people would not be able to live up to the high standards of Eretz Yisrael; according to others they wanted to maintain the idyllic spiritual existence that they had in the Wilderness. Whatever the reason, it was certainly not just a lack of faith in the Almighty. They were wrong, but they were not entirely evil. The
lesson is that the Almighty sees Kedusha even in the apparent evil of the congregation of Korach and counsel of the spies. Even from these less than totally blameless individuals, there is room to find a derivation for the idea of sanctity within the Jewish people. The lesson is that people are very complex. They do things for a variety of reasons and there can be light and darkness intermingled in their actions and motivations. The Satmar Rebbe once said that he recalled hearing his great-grandfather (the Yismach Moshe) tell his grandfather (the Yitav Lev) that the Yismach Moshe lived in this world three times. In other words, via the institution of Gilgul Neshamos [transmigration of souls], he came to this world on three different occasions. The first time he was in this world, he claimed, was in the period of the Wilderness at the time of the incident of the Congregation of Korach. Upon hearing this, the Yitav Lev asked his father to tell him about the events of that time. The Yismach Moshe told his son that all the Heads of the Sanhedrin sided with Korach and the masses of the people sided with Moshe. The Yitav Lev then pressed his father and asked him "Who did you side with?" He responded "I was neutral". Whereupon the Yitav Lev asked him, "How could you not pick sides? It was Korach against Moshe Rabbeinu and you stood on the sidelines? How could that be?" The Yitav Lev told his son, I can see that you have no inkling of what a great person Korach was. If you would have been there and you would have seen who Korach was (as Rashi says, Korach was very clever and was one who carried the Aron), you would not be so shocked by my neutrality. Korach wanted Kedusha. There was an element of good within his argument. It was hard to choose sides. This is the lesson we learn from the fact that the fire pans were utilized as a covering for the Mizbayach. Human beings are very complex. Things are not always just black and white. More often, they are shades of gray.
Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,zl, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, zl, Cantor Emeritus Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director Zehava & Michael Atlas, Youth Directors Mark Twersky, Executive Director Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Program Director Dr. Scott Danoff, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board
SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday night, June 4th at 8 PM - we'll have a Krav Maga class for women only. This method teaches simple self protection techniques specifically catered to reality based attack situations incorporating instinctive movements and real-world situational training. This Fearless Fitness for women is an innovative solution to all your self defense needs. There will be a (small) fee of $10 per person. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. If you have any questions, please email Judy Lillien at See page three for more details. GNS TALMUD TORAH PARLOR MEETING The Talmud Torah of Great Neck Synagogue invites you to a parlor meeting to discuss the upcoming year Thursday night, June 6th at 8 pm at the home of Jessica and David Smooha at 45 Dickenson Place. Please contact Vivian Kron, Jessica Smooha or Rabbi Lichter for any questions. YOUTH LUNCHEON This Shabbat, June 8, will be the End Of Year Youth Bash and Grand Raffle. All GNS youth first grade and up are invited to attend. MENS CLUB UPCOMING EVENTS June 12 & 13 Wed. and Thur. DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE: Reduce your auto insurance premiums and points on your license by taking the Defensive Driving Course, which will be held over two evenings from 7:00 to 10:00 pm. Limited Seating. $17.00 for AARP members and $19.00 for non-members. Please make checks payable to AARP. Please call Al Leiderman 516-482-0628 for reservations. TUES. JUNE 18, 8Pm The third in our Medical Forum series features two Gastroenterologists, Dr. Robert Herman and Dr. Alex Novogrudsky. They will educate and inform you on subjects from prevention of Heartburn and Acid Reflux down to why and how often should you have a colonoscopy. SUN. JUNE 30: Annual Fishing trip. $48.00 per person, $36.00 for children 6-12. (first 6 children free) for more information contact Steve Blumner, Mark Freidman or Hilly Milun. See bottom of page three. UPCOMING EVENTS SAVE THE DATE June 15: Annual Graduation and Congregation Kiddush. $100 per family. Please call the office or email form on page three. CHESED CHAIRS NEEDED Volunteer co-ordinators are needed for June and July Chesed Collections June is sports equipment for Camp Kaylie July is for school supplies. call Sharon Goldwyn at 917-287-7334 or SUMMER LEARNING PROGRAM Our summer learning program will be taking place this summer Beginning July 2. Dates for the remaining classes are July 9, 23 and 30th and August 6 and 13. Sponsors are welcome. To sponsor or dedicate a day of learning please contact Rabbi Lichter at or ROSH HASHANAH SCOPE MAGAZINE Please submit all articles, advertisements, photos, and recipes for the Rosh Hashanah SCOPE magazine edition by Monday, July 1st to Diane Rein at Thank you. HIGH HOLIDAYS With the High Holidays taking place right after Labor Day, we are asking that all members take care of their outstanding financial obligations in a timely manner to insure that seats for the holidays will be able to be sent out. Those in arrears will not be able to obtain their seats unless arrangements for payment have been made. If you have any questions please speak to Mark Twersky or Elie Cohen our Treasurer.
Netti Herman and family wish to thank Rabbi & Ellen Polakoff, Rabbi & Katie Lichter, and the community for their warmth and support following the passing of her mother Jennifer Minsker zl.
Saturday, 30 Sivan Albert Benak for Jacob Benak Kitty Justin for Jolan Nagel Gerald Nathel for Daniel Nathel Marion Rabinowitz for Abraham Getreu Richard Reiser for Freida Reiser Zahava Slonim for Mordechai Kukelkah Sunday, 1 Tammuz Adina Abraham for David ben Nissan Priov George Zobel for Alex Zobel Monday, 2 Tammuz Jacques Aboaf for Albert J. Aboaf Lev Dynkin for Zalman Dynkin Ebrahim Gabbaizadeh for Jack Shaw Halina Greenwald for Psachje Salpeter Tuesday, 3 Tammuz Joseph Fischman for Magdalina Fischman Sharon Janovic for Valerie Meltz Henry Katz for Fred Katz Frederick Shaw for Bernard Shaw Mitchell J. Siegel for Isadore Siegel Elaine Wolf for Hinda Wolf Wednesday, 4 Tammuz Miriam Bader for Samuel Bader James Frisch for Laszlo Frisch Amy Goldberg-Reiss for Jack Goldberg Deborah Hollander for David Warren Joseph Sokol for David Warren Ellie Werber for Michael Preis Thursday, 5 Tammuz Yafa Gabbaizadeh for Eliazer Sadigh Helen Ishofsky for Ethel Herskovits Edward Parver for Sylvia Parver Friday, 6 Tammuz Leslie Kahn for Benny Kahn Rona Mittleman for Ida Haber