To Contemplate The Holy: 25 Adar I, 5776/march 5, 2016 Parshat Vayakhel Vol. 7 Num. 26
To Contemplate The Holy: 25 Adar I, 5776/march 5, 2016 Parshat Vayakhel Vol. 7 Num. 26
To Contemplate The Holy: 25 Adar I, 5776/march 5, 2016 Parshat Vayakhel Vol. 7 Num. 26
Vol. 7 Num. 26
This issue of Toronto Torah is sponsored by Rebecca & Yossi Salmon and Family
lilui nishmat Alan (Bumi) Salmon, Avraham Ben Yisrael,
and for a refuah shleimah for Yaakov Yosef ben Chaya Yenta
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Continental Press 905-660-0311
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Another item:
R a s h i e x p l ai n e d , [ An d M o s h e
assembled] On the day after Yom
Kippur, when he descended from the
mountain, etc. In truth, we find in the
Talmud (Sanhedrin 20b), The Jews
were commanded three mitzvot upon
entering Eretz Yisrael: to appoint a king,
to cut off the seed of Amalek and to
build the Beit HaMikdash. Thus, this
construction was really the last thing
they were obligated to do, but here we
see that immediately after being forgiven
for the Calf they were commanded to
build the Mishkan, and it seems to be a
change of order.
] :[
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Special Notes
Fri. pre-minchah
R Jonathan Ziring
After Hashkamah
R Yisroel M. Rosenzweig
Midrash Rabbah
Clanton Park
R Jonathan Ziring
Daf Yomi
R Mordechai Torczyner
8:45 AM
R Jonathan Ziring
8:45 AM
R Josh Gutenberg
Contemporary Halachah
9:15 AM
R Shalom Krell
Associated (North)
12:00 PM
R Mordechai Torczyner
Battlefield Morality
Limmud 2016
9:30 AM
Ulpanat Orot
University Students
7:30 PM
Daf Highlights
Shaarei Shomayim
7:30 PM
Yeshivat Or Chaim
8:00 PM
R Chaim Strauchler
Town Hall on
Shaarei Shomayim
R Mordechai Torczyner Medically Assisted Suicide
Mar. 4-5
Before minchah
After minchah
Sun. Mar. 6
Mon. Mar. 7
Tue. Mar. 8
9:30 AM
R Mordechai Torczyner
Yeshivat Or Chaim
University Chaverim
Ulpanat Orot
University Students
R Mordechai Torczyner
Shaarei Shomayim
10:00 AM
R Mordechai Torczyner
Beth Emeth
12:30 PM
R Jonathan Ziring
The Ethics of
Non-Refundable Deposits
3625 Dufferin
2:30 PM
R Jonathan Ziring
Narratives of Bereishit
8:00 PM
R Yisroel M. Rosenzweig
Shaarei Tefillah
49 Michael Ct.
10:00 AM
1:30 PM
Wed. Mar. 9
Thu. Mar. 10
1:30 PM
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