Vol. 8 Num. 21
Gratitude to Egypt?
Tell Aharon: Take your staff, and
extend your arm upon the waters of
Egypt, upon their rivers, upon their
canals, etc. (Shemot 7:19) Rashi
explains, citing a midrash, Because
the river protected Moshe, it was not
struck by his hand in the plagues of
Blood and Frogs; it was struck by
Aharons hand. This is perplexing; of
what value is gratitude toward an
inanimate object?
Devarim 23:20 adds to our confusion,
commanding, You shall not reject the
Egyptian, for you were a stranger in
his land. The Talmud (Bava Kama
92b) explains, Do not cast a stone
into the cistern from which you
drank. And explaining this mitzvah,
Rambam writes (Moreh Nevuchim
3:42), So regarding anyone you
needed once, and anyone from whom
you benefited, who now encounters
trouble. Even though he then harmed
you, you must remember that which
came first See that we learn several
good traits from these mitzvot.
It appears that Rambam seeks to see
the good in the Egyptian, despite all of
their evils. But how can one be
grateful to Egypt, and neither reject
nor hate them, after all the ways they
harmed us? Should we ignore the fact
that they threw our sons into the river,
because they gave us a home during a
famine? Further, it appears that all of
their supposed kindness to the Jewish
people in the days of Yosef was only in
order to reap the financial benefits of
his presence and leadership. When
they no longer needed the Children of
Israel, and Yosef had passed away,
Yaron Perez
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Adam Friedmann
Is Judaism
Inherently Zionist?
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101 Tangreen
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Monday 9:30 AM to Noon, Middot haNefesh through Chassidut, Mrs. Elliezra Perez
Tuesday 9:30 AM to Noon, Gemara Chullin / Hilchot Kashrut, Mrs. Ora Ziring
Wednesday 9:30 AM to Noon, Hilchot Bein Adam laChaveiro, Mrs. Ora Ziring
Thursday 9:30 AM to Noon, Netivot Shalom on the Parshah, Mrs. Elliezra Perez