The Goal of It All
The Goal of It All
The Goal of It All
Vol. 7 Num. 36
This issue of Toronto Torah is graciously sponsored by Shloimie and Annie Romberg
for the yahrtzeit of Grandmother Rose Troster zl
and Aunt Fanny Weiner zl
We are grateful to
Continental Press 905-660-0311
The Author
Rabbi Dovid Lichtenstein is the founder
and CEO of The Lightstone Group, a
prestigious real estate firm. He is also a
Torah scholar, who shows a vast depth
and wide scope of Torah knowledge and
understanding. He delivers weekly
shiurim on contemporary halachic
subjects on Shabbat afternoons,
regarding technological advances or
simply the issues of the day. He
c l e ar l y c o n n e c t s a n d a n a l yz e s
traditional sources and brings them to
life by relating them to contemporary
issues, using a style that is both
understandable to the layperson and
illuminating to the scholar.
He ad line s dea l s pr imar il y wi th
contemporary halachic issues from, as
the title implies, news headlines. As the
book was published in 2014, most of
the issues are from 2011-2013 and
relatively fresh in our memories.
In the first two sections, Lichtenstein
11:11 .
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After repeating the Amidah, I said the blessing of Hallel, invoking G-ds Name and
monarchy, and completed the full Hallel. After the prayers we began dancing, This
year in Jerusalem, rebuilt! and May the Temple be built! As we were praying, the
chaplain of the Jerusalem division, Rav Zemmel, came, bringing with him a
portable Aron Kodesh of the IDF Rabbinate, with a big sign: Military Synagogue.
Special Notes
After hashkamah
R Yisroel M. Rosenzweig
City of Stringency?
Rabbis Classroom
Main Shul
7:00 PM
Har haBayit
7:15 PM
R Jonathan Ziring
Daf Yomi
Rabbis Classroom
Main Shul
8:50 AM
8:00 PM
Seudah shlishit
R Yisroel M. Rosenzweig
After minchah
R Mordechai Torczyer
Simcha Suite
Book of Shemuel
Associated (North)
Sun. June 5
9:15 AM
10:00 AM to
11:20 AM
Yom Yerushalayim
R Shalom Krell
Mrs. Yael Gelernter
R David Ely Grundland
Mon. June 6
9:30 AM
Ulpanat Orot
7:30 PM
Shaarei Shomayim
Yeshivat Or Chaim
University Chaverim
Tue. June 7
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Ulpanat Orot
10:30 AM
R Mordechai Torczyner
Adath Israel
1:30 PM
R Mordechai Torczyner
Shaarei Shomayim
Wed. June 8
Yom haMeyuchas
2:30 PM
R Jonathan Ziring
8:00 PM
R Yisroel M. Rosenzweig
8:00 PM
Location: Contact
For women
Shaarei Tefillah
Thornhill BYachad
Thu. June 9
11:30 AM
R Mordechai Torczyner
Yeshivat Or Chaim
1:30 PM
R Mordechai Torczyner
49 Michael Ct.
For women