Table of Contents
About this manual Chap 1 Installation and Configuration
1.1 Installation 1.2 Configuration
Chap 2 Tutorials
2.1 Search for examples 2.2 Build a Virtual Instrument 2.3 Tutorials 2.3.1 Tutorial 1: Get voltage input from PCL-818 2.3.2 Tutorial 2: Get digital input from PCL-818 2.3.3 Tutorial 3: Programming with Advantech EASY I/O VIs 2.3.4 Tutorial 4: Error handling for error message
Appendix-A Card gain codes Appendix-B Runtime error code listings Appendix-C Reference
Run Tutorials
Run tutorials
The Tutorial sections in this chapter will guide you through a simple example VIs for each functional area. The example will verify your hardware installation, illustrate basic data acquisition concepts, and give you a starting point for your application development. The Getting Started sections are as follows: - Getting Started with Advanced VI: Analog Input - Getting Started with Advanced VI: Digital Input - Getting Started with Easy VI - Getting Started with Error handling
This manual describes Advantechs 32-bit LabVIEW driver designed to integrate Advantech PC-LabCards and remote data acquisition and control devices with LabVIEW software. These drivers will be executed in Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 environments. 32-bit LabVIEW drivers feature with both high speed and normal speed data acquisition functions and provide two different interfaces set for users. One is Easy I/O VIs (virtual instrument) for ease-to-use, another is Advanced I/O VIs (virtual instrument) for complex applications. Through 32-bit LabVIEW drivers, you can easily integrate Advantech DA&C devices with LabVIEW software to build a powerful laboratory automation solution.
Advantech 32-bit LabVIEW drivers enable you to use PC-LabCards and remote data acquisition and control modules with LabVIEW software. The LabVIEW driver forms an interface between Advantech DA&C device DLL drivers, which contain all the relevant functions to control the PC-LabCards or remote DA&C device, and the LabVIEW software. LabVIEW driver forms a VI (virtual instrument) in the LabVIEW package, which enables other applications to be used in conjunction with the PC-LabCards hardware.
Advantechs 32-bit LabVIEW drivers provide two different sets of VIs: Easy I/O VIs and Advanced I/O VIs. The Easy I/O VIs are a collection of I/O blocks which are used to perform basic I/O operations. The Advanced I/O VIs are more flexible than the Easy I/O VIs, at the cost of complexity. 32-bit LabVIEW drivers provide the following I/O VI functions: Single Channel AI: single channel of analog input Multi-Channel AI: multiple channel of analog input Fast AI: high-speed analog input AO: one channel of analog output Fast AO: high-speed analog output Temp Measure: temperature measurement DI: digital input DO: digital output Event Counting: event counting Frequency Measure: frequency measurement Pulse Output: pulse output
The Advanced I/O VIs provides more hardware and software functionality, flexibility, and efficiency than the Easy I/O VIs. For functions of Advanced I/O VIs, please refer to Advantech DA&C device DLL drivers.
Hardware Supporting
32-bit LabVIEW drivers come in four kinds of packages according to the hardware functions and features, as listed below: - Plug-in DA&C cards: PCL-1800, PCL-711S, PCL-720, PCL-722, PCL-724, PCL-725, PCL-726, PCL-727, PCL-728, PCL-730, PCL-731, PCL-733, PCL-734, PCL-735,
PCL-812PG, PCL-813B, PCL-816, PCL-818, PCL-818H/HD/HG/L/LS, PCL-833, PCL-836,PCI-1750/1751/1710/1710HG/1720/1760/1712/1713/1753/1752/1754/1756/1711/1731 PCM series modules: PCM-3718, PCM-3724 MIC series modules: MIC-2718/2728/2730/2732/2750/2752 ADAM-4000 and ADAM-5000/485 series modules
LabVIEW Software
Other Drivers
Other Hardware
1.1 Installation
Installing Advantech DLL (PCLS-DLL) drivers 1. Insert the PCLS-DLL driver installation disk in your PC's floppy drive (or Windows 95/NT DLL Drivers CD into CD-ROM device) and execute "SETUP.EXE" under Windows. The setup utility will expand the files on the installation disk and copy them to your system. 2. Add the device driver to the Windows system. Access the Control Panel in the Main Window and in the Control Panel window, click on the icon marked "Drivers". Choose the ADD button, and highlight the entry in the list box "Unlisted or Updated Driver" and press the OK button. Name the path to the location of the device driver e.g. "C:\Program Files\Advantech\ADSAPI" where you can find the OEMSETUP.INF file. Once the driver is installed, you should see that it is now listed in the list box. There should be only one of each type of I/O device or board installed in WINDOWS. Once each device is installed, it remains installed until you remove it by using the Remove button in the Drivers dialog box. Now you can enter the Device Installation Program (DEVINST.EXE) to install and configure the setting of each I/O device driver you installed. Installing the LabVIEW driver 1. Insert the Installation Disk in your PC's floppy drive A or Advantech Drivers Supporting CD in CD-ROM device.
2. From Program Manager, switch to LabVIEW driver directory and select SETUP.EXE file. Double click the mouse button to run it. 3. Supply the information required by the installation program. The setup program will install all required files to the HDD and the directory you specified. An example program is also installed in a subdirectory of the LabVIEW driver software. The default directory is "C:\LABVIEW\ EXAMPLES \ADVANTECH". 4. LabVIEW Driver User's Manual is copied into the specified installation directory. You can use Microsoft Word 97 to read it and print it for reference.
1.2 Configuration
To configure your hardware, you use the Advantech Device Installation Utility (DEVINST.EXE) that can be found in the PCLS-DLL driver directory (C:\Program Files\Advantech\ADSAPI etc.).
Installing each I/O device To Add and Set up each I/O device within the Advantech Device Installation program, go into the SETUP menu, and click DEVICE. You will notice a dialog box used to set up I/O devices. Choose the ADD button, and you should see a pop-up box (List of Devices) containing a list of the device driver type(s). Highlight the desired device and press INSTALL, or double click on the device. This will bring you to a device specific dialog box that allows you to software configure the device. Configure the device, and when you're satisfied with your entries, press OK. This will bring you back to the I/O Device Installation dialog box, where you can add another I/O device (double click, or INSTALL).
You can install as many I/O devices as you want. When you have completed your device installation and setup, there should be a listing reflecting your installation displayed in the I/O Device Installation dialog box. Once an I/O device installed, you may change its parameters by either double clicking on its entry in the INSTALLED DEVICES list box, or highlighting and pressing the Setup button. Setting up or configuring a device To Set up or Configure/re-configure each I/O device within the Device Installation program, go into the SETUP menu, and click on DEVICE. Highlight the previously installed I/O device you wish to set up, and press the Setup button. This will bring you to a device-specific dialog box that allows you to configure or re-configure the device.
Configure the device, and when you're satisfied with your entries, press OK. This will bring you back to the I/O Device Installation dialog box, where you can see a displayed list (Installed Devices) reflecting your I/O device configuration. Adding a device To Add and set up each I/O device in the Device Installation program, go into the SETUP menu, and click DEVICE. Choose the Add button, and you should see a pop-up box (List of Devices) containing a list displaying the device driver type(s) you have previously installed. Highlight the device and press INSTALL, or double click on it. This will bring you to a device-specific dialog box that allows you to configure the new device. Configure the device, and when you're satisfied with your entries, press OK, This will bring you back to the List of Devices box, where you can add another I/O device of the same type (double click, or INSTALL). When you have completed your device installation and setup, there should be a displayed list reflecting all installations in the I/O Device Installation dialog box.
Removing a device To remove a previously set up I/O device within the Device Installation program, go into the SETUP menu, and click DEVICE. Highlight the device instance you wish to remove in the I/O Device Installation dialog box, and then press the REMOVE button. You should see that the device has been removed at this time. When you have completed your device installation and setup, there should be a displayed list reflecting all installations and removals. The Remove button in the I/O Device Installation dialog box will only remove each instance of the I/O device not the DLL driver itself.
Chapter 2 Tutorials
This chapter teaches you step-by-step how to create an application in LabVIEW. It also guides you through the Search Examples feature to help you find examples in LabVIEW. You will learn to do the following: - Use the Search Examples feature to find and run an example - Create a new program in LabVIEW The VI you build generates data, analyzes it, then writes it to a file. Tip: For more detailed information, please refer to examples in the directory path LabVIEW\Examples\Advantech. You can copy and paste the useful blocks into your programs to make programming faster and easier.
6. Create a waveform chart by selecting Controls>>Graph>>Waveform Chart. This chart plots data one point at a time. 7. Place the chart on the front panel and label it Random Plot. 8. To change the scale of the waveform chart, select the Operating tool from the Tools palette. If the Tools palette is not visible, select Windows>>Show Tools Palette. Double-click 10.0 on the Y-axis of the Random Plot indicator and enter new scale value. Build the Block Diagram Now you can create the source code in the block diagram of your VI. 1. Go to the block diagram by choosing Show Diagram from the Windows menu or clicking in the block diagram window. The two terminals on the block diagram correspond to the Power toggle switch and the Random Plot waveform chart on the front panel. 2. Select Random Number (0-1) from the Functions>>Numeric subpalette. If the Functions palette is not visible, select Windows>>Show Functions Palette. For this exercise, you use a random number generator to generate input data for your VI. 3. Place the Random Number function on the block diagram. This VI generates a random number ranging from zero to one. 4. Select While Loop from the Functions>>Structures subpalette. The While Loop runs all code within its boundaries while the value on its conditional terminal remains TRUE. When the value changes to FALSE, the While Loop exits. 5. Place your pointer in the position where you want to anchor the top left corner of the loop. Drag the loop diagonally to enclose the Random Number function, the Power toggle switch, and the Random Plot chart. Wire and Run Your VI You need to add wiring to define the data flow in your VI. After your VI is complete, you can run it from the front panel to see the data plot to your chart. 1. Select the Wiring tool from the Tools palette. If the Tools palette is not visible, select Windows>>Show Tools Palette. 2. Wire the Random Number function to the Random Plot chart terminal. To create a wire, click on the Random Number function, move to the Random Plot chart, and click again to terminate the wire. 3. Wire the Power toggle switch terminal to the conditional terminal on the While Loop. 4. Go to the front panel and select the Operating tool. Click the Power toggle switch to turn it to the TRUE position. 5. Click the Run button on the toolbar to run the VI. 6. To stop running the VI, click the Power toggle switch again to turn it to the FALSE position. Because the While Loop executes only as long as its conditional terminal remains TRUE, changing the value of the toggle switch to FALSE stops the loop.
2.3 Tutorials
2.3.1 Tutorial 1 : Get voltage input from PCL-818L The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to build a LabVIEW application to retrieve voltage input values from Advantech PCL-818L data acquisition and control cards through Advantech 32-bit LabVIEW driver. 1. Click New VI button to create a new LabVIEW program
2. Select Front Panel and enable Controls Palette to choose a Waveform Chart indicator in Graph group, add to front panel and name it Voltage.
3. Switch to Block Diagram to verify that a new data terminal was created (named Voltage).
4. Add a DeviceOpen VI from the Advantech 32-bit LabVIEW driver by clicking on user defined VIs. The path to get DeviceOpen VI is User Defined VIs >> Advantech >> Advance >> DeviceManager >> DeviceOpen.
5. Move the mouse to the DeviceOpen VI and click on the mouse left button to invoke the Create Constant function. After creating a constant, a number will appear at the left of
DeviceOpen VI block.
6. Execute the Advantech device installation utility (within Advantech DLL driver) from the Windows environment to check with the device number of Advantech DEMO I/O virtual demo board. For example, the device number of Advantech DEMO I/O in the screen shown below is
8. Add AIConfig and AIVoltageIn VIs from the Advantech 32-bit LabVIEW driver by clicking on user defined VIs. The path to get AIConfig and AIVoltageIn VI is User Defined VIs >> Advantech >> Advance >> adSlowAI >> AIConfig and AIVoltageIn.
9. Add DeviceClose VI from the Advantech 32-bit LabVIEW driver by clicking on User Defined VIs. The path to get DeviceClose VI is User Defined VIs >> Advantech >> Advance >> DeviceManager >> DeviceClose.
10.Change the mouse cursor for use with the Wiring pattern (move the cursor into Tools Palette and select the Wiring icon).
11.Wire the DeviceHandle output of the DeviceOpen VI to the DeviceHandle input of AIConfig VI. To make wiring easier, you can invoke the Help window to support it. The Help window shows input and output parameters of each selected VI. (The way to display the Help window is to click on the Help menu selection and select the Show Help option)
12.Wire the DeviceHandle output of the AIConfig VI to the DeviceHandle input of AIVoltageIn VI.Wire the DeviceHandle output of AIVoltageIn VI to the DeviceHandle input of the DeviceClose VI. Wire the Voltage output of the AIVoltageIn VI to the Voltage data terminal.
13.For the AIConfig VI, Channel and Gain are necessary input values. In order to provide Channel and Gain values for the AIConfig VI, you can add two controls items in Front Panel and pass their values to the AIConfig VI in Block Diagram. The simple way to do this is to copy existing control items from AIConfig. First, change the cursor from Wiring mode to Indicator mode. Then, move the cursor to the AIConfig VI and double-click on it. Another Front Panel for the AIConfig VI will appear on the screen. Move the cursor to the Chan&Gain field and draw a loop around the field. Use Edit>>Copy to copy Channel and Gain control items and paste them on the Front Panel.
14.After enabling the Block Diagram, you will find a Chan&Gain data terminal displayed on the Block Diagram. Wire the output of the Chan&Gain data terminal to the input Chan&Gain of the AIConfig VI.
15.The basic steps to get AIVoltageIn data are now complete. You can change the window to the Front Panel window and click the Run or Run Continuously button to execute AIVoltageIn VI.
16.If your waveform chart does not show the whole graph, you can change the scale of the Y-axis. To change the Y axis scale on the waveform chart, move the cursor to the graphic origin, click the left mouse button, and type in the desired value.
17.The Run Continuously button executes the AIVoltageIn VI continuously. You can also add a While Loop to enhance your program. First, move mouse to Functions Palette and select the Structures group and the While Loop VI. Add the While Loop VI to the Block Diagram and enlarge it to include the AIVoltageIn VI and the Voltage data terminal.
18.Add a Stop button to control the execution of the While Loop. Enable the Front Panel and move the mouse to Controls Palette. Select the Boolean and Stop Button to add a STOP button to the Front Panel.
19.Switch to Block Diagram. A TF VI should be showing on the Diagram. Move the TF VI into the While Loop VI and add a NOT VI from Functions Palette. Move NOT VI to the location
20.Wire the output of the TF VI to the input of the NOT VI and wire the output of the NOT VI to the input of the COND VI. After wiring, switch to Front Panel and press the RUN button to execute.
21.If you want to get voltage data from a given device, just change the constant number of the DeviceOpen VI to be the device number of the device of interest. For example, the device number of the PCL-818 in this tutorial is 0.
2.3.2 Tutorial 2: Get Digital Input Data from PCL-818 The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to build a LabVIEW application to retrieve digital input values from Advantech PCL-818L data acquisition and control cards through an Advantech 32-bit LabVIEW driver. 1. Click New VI button to create a new LabVIEW program
2. Switch to Block Diagram. Add the DeviceOpen and the DeviceClose VIs from Advanced VIs and the DeviceManager group. Add the DIOReadPortByte VI from Advanced VIs and adDIO group.
3. Switch to the Front Panel. Add a Round LED from Boolean group and add an Array from the Array & Cluster group.
4. Move the Round LED icon into the Array icon and enlarge the Array icon to contain 8 round LEDs.
5. Switch to the Block Diagram window. You will find the TF data terminal (named Digital Input) mapped to the Round LED icon. Add a NumbertoBinaryArray VI from the Boolean group in the Functions Palette.
6. Create a constant for the device number of the DeviceOpen VI. Create another constant for the port of the DIOReadPortByte VI.
7. Wire the DeviceHandle output of the DeviceOpen VI to the DeviceHandle input of the DIOReadPortByte VI. Wire the DeviceHandle output of the DIOReadPortByte VI to the DeviceHandle input of DeviceClose VI. Wire the state output of the DIOReadPortByte VI to the input of NumbertoBinaryArray VI. Wire the output of NumbertoBinaryArray VI to the input of TF data terminal.
8. Compare the device number of the Advantech DEMO I/O with the device number value of the DeviceOpen VI. After checking, press the Run button to execute this tutorial.
2.3.3 Tutorial 3: Programming with Advantech EASY I/O VIs The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to build a LabVIEW application through EASY I/O VIs to retrieve digital input value from Advantech PCL-818L data acquisition and control cards. 1. First, you can open to continue with Tutorial 1 Get voltage input from PCL-818L. If you did not do Tutorial 1, please refer to Tutorial 1 to implement
2. After opening, the Front Panel and Block Diagram windows will appear as shown below:
In Tutorial 1, you have to assign a constant value for the device number of the DeviceOpen VI before executing Tutorial 1. That means, you can not change the device while Tutorial 1 is executing. Now, you can use the SelectDevicePop VI from EASY I/O VIs to select the device during execution. 3. Switch to the Block Diagram window. Move the mouse to the Tools palette and select indicator mode for the cursor.
5. Move the mouse to the Functions Palette and select the SelectDevPop VI from the SelectPop group of the EASY I/O VIs. Add the SelectDevPop to the Block Diagram and wire it to the DeviceOpen VI.
6. Now, you can run Tutorial 1 immediately. A pop-up panel will be displayed on screen for selecting devices.
7. Proceed as in step 5 to add the SelectChanPop VI and the SelectGainPop VI. Due to parameter transformation of channel and gain data, you will need to add the Unbundled by Name VI for retrieving channel values from channel info parameter and a Bundled VI to combine channel and gain codes into a cluster chan&gain for the AIConfig VI.
8. Press the Run button to execute the tutorial 3 program. Three pop-up windows will appear for selecting device, channel and gain:
2.3.4 Tutorial 4. Error handling for error message The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to apply the error handling function (error in and error out) of each Advantech VI to debug your program. 1. First, you can open to continue with Tutorial 2 Get voltage input from PCL-818L. If you did not do Tutorial 2, please refer to Tutorial 2 to implement
2. Wire the error out parameter of the DeviceOpen VI to the error in parameter of the DIOReadPortByte VI. Additionally, wire the error out parameter of the DIOReadPortByte VI to the error in parameter of the DeviceClose VI.
3. Switch to Front Panel. Add a String Indicator VI to Front Panel for displaying error messages during error handling.
4. Switch to the Block Diagram window. You will find the Error Message data terminal added to the Block Diagram. Move the data terminal to the end of the DeviceClose VI. Insert an UnbundledByName VI between the DeviceClose VI and the ErrorMessage data terminal and wire the error out parameter to the input of the UnbundledByName VI.
5. Move the cursor to the UnbundledByName VI and click on the right button of the mouse to invoke the Selectitem option. At the Selectitem option, choose source as the output item.
6. Wire the output of the UnbundledByName VI to the input of the ErrorMassge data terminal to
7. Press the Run button to execute Tutorial 4 program. You will find that the Error Message block at the Front Panel is blank. But if you delete the wiring between the DeviceOpen VI and the DIOReadPortByte VI, you will get an error message in the Error Message block.
VI -
SelectDevicePop -ConfigDICountPop SelectSubDevicePop -ConfigDIFilterPop SelectChannelPop -ConfigPatternPop SelectGainPop -ConfigStatusPop GetGainInfo EasyAIPopup SingleChannelINTSetup SingleChannelDMASetup MultiChannelINTSetup MultiChannelDMASetup MultiChannelDMAExSetup WaitFastAIEvent EasyFAICheck SingleChanDualDMASetup MultiChanDualDMASetup MultiChannelWatchdogINTSetup MultiChannelWatchdogDMASetup OverrunHandler BufferChangeHandler Split1DArray EasyDualFAICheck
3.1 SelectPop
3.1.1 SelectDevicePop Displays pop-up panel for selecting an installed device and outputting device number and the number of sub-devices linked to the device. If error occurs, error information will be passed through the error out parameter.
Input: None Output: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE
Specifies the number of the expansion or daughterboards (if an expansion board has been installed). If no expansion board is installed, this value will be zero. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
3.1.2 SelectSubDevicePop Displays pop-up panel for selecting installed device by its device number, and outputting the module numbers of the expansion device or daughterboard. If error occurs, error information will be passed through error out parameter.
Input: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE
Output: Data type Parameter ModuleNum Description Specifies the module number of the expansion or daughterboard thats installed at the specified device (specified by input device number). A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
3.1.3 SelectChannelPop Displays pop-up panel for selecting the channel of an installed device and outputting selected channel information and the gain list of the specified device. If error occurs, error information will be passed through the error out parameter.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. The Chan Info parameter includes Channel number, ExpBrdID, and Expchannel data. The Channel number specifies the digital or analog channel number. ExpBrdID specifies the ID of an expansion board. Expchannel specifies the channel number of the expansion board. An array of gain code for the device previously specified. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Chan Info
Gain List
error out
3.1.4 SelectGainPop Display pop-up panel for selecting the gain code from a gain list for the device specified at a previous VI.
Input: Data type Parameter Gain List Description An array of gain code for the previously specified device. .
Output: Data type Parameter Gain Code Description Specifies the gain code for the channel specified above on the DAS I/O device. If the hardware does not support a programmable gain (gain setting by software), this value should be ignored.
3.1.5 GetGainInfo Gets the gain information of the specified device. The device is specified by DevHandle. (You can use DeviceOpen VI to get DevHandle). Gain information includes a string list of gains (such as +/- 5V, +/- 10V, ) and gain codes.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Gain information includes a string list of gains (such as +/- 5V, +/- 10V, ) and gain codes of the specified DevHandle. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Gain Info
error out
3.1.6 EasyAIPopup Pops up a dialog windows for inputting Analog Input (AI) related configuration data and passes these data to next VI block.
Input: None Output: Data type Parameter Chan&Gain Description A cluster data containing Chan Info parameter (includes Channel number, ExpBrdID, and Expchannel data) and Gain code for specified device. The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
3.2 EasyFastAI
3.2.1 SingleChannelINTSetup Initiates an asynchronous, single-channel data acquisition operation with interrupt transfer and stores its input in an array.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Initiates an asynchronous, single-channel data acquisition operation with interrupt transfer and stores its input in an array. FAIINTStart includes trigsrc, samplerate, chan, gain, buffer, count, cyclic, Intrcount. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.2 SingleChannelDMASetup Initiates an asynchronous, single-channel data acquisition operation with DMA and stores its input in an array.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. FAIDMAStart includes trigsrc, samplerate, chan, gain, buffer, count, Intrcount.
Cyclic mode: cyclic
Cyclic error in
A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.3 MultiChannelINTSetup Initiates an asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation with interrupt transfer and stores its input in an array.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIINTScanStart FAIINTScanStart includes TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChans, StartChan, GainList, buffer, count, cyclic, FIFOSize. error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.4 MultiChannelDMASetup Initiates an asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation with DMA and stores its input in an array.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDMAScanStart FAIDMAScanStart includes TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChans, StartChan, GainList, pBuf, count Cyclic error in
Cyclic mode: cyclic (1), non
cyclic (0)
A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.5 MultiChannelDMAExSetup Initiates an asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation with PCI-Bus mastering DMA and stores its input in an array(only for PCI-1712).
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDMA1712Start FAIDMA1712Start includes TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChans, StartChan, GainList, pBuf, count error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.6 WaitFastAIEvent Waits for FastAI event until specified time has elapsed and outputs the status of the buffer change, terminate, or overrun.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Specifies the time to wait for a FastAI event. The unit of time is milliseconds. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Indicates whether the data in the buffer has changed or not. Indicates whether the waiting operation has terminated or not. Indicates whether the specified time has overrun or not. A cluster containing error information. If error in
Buffer Change
error out
indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.7 SingleChanDualDMASetup an asynchronous, single-channel data acquisition operation with Dual DMA transfer and stores its input in an array. This function supports PCL-1800 only .
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDualDMAStart FAIDualDMAStart includes TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChan, StartChan, GainList, BufferA, BufferB, count. Cyclic error in Cyclic mode: cyclic (1), non cyclic (0) A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.8 MultiChannelDualDMASetup
Initiates an asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation with Dual DMA transfer and
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDualDMAScanStart FAIDualDMAScanStart includes TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChan, StartChan, GainList, BufferA, BufferB, count. Cyclic error in Cyclic mode: cyclic (1), non cyclic (0) A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.9 MultiChannelWatchdogINTSetup Initiates an asynchronous data acquisition operation with analog watchdog by interrupt transfer and stores its input in an array
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIINTWatchdogStart FAIINTWatchdogStart includes TrigSrc, SampleRate, buffer, BufferSize, count, cyclic, IntrCount. error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.10 MultiChannelWatchdogDMASetup Initiates an asynchronous data acquisition operation with analog watchdog by DMA transfer and stores its input in an array.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDMAWatchdogStart FAIDMAWatchdogStart includes TrigSrc, SampleRate, BufferA, BufferB, BufferSize, buffer, count, cyclic . error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the address of allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Overrun status: overrun (1), no overrun (0) A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Overrun error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
3.2.12 BufferChangeHandler Transfers the data from the buffer being used for the data acquisition operation to the specified data buffer
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Indicates whether the data in the buffer is changed or not. Specifies the buffer size to be transferred A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Count error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The value of voltage transferred from the buffer A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
3.2.13 EasyFAICheck Checks whether the single channel data acquisition operation is complete or not and return current status.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Specifies the buffer size to be transferred A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Count error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing ActiveBuf, stopped, retrieved and overrun data A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
3.2.14 SplitIDArray Splits the input array to the output array based on the input NumOfChannel.
Input: Data type Parameter NumOfChannel Description While input array contains multiple-channel data, the NumOf Channel is used to specify which data will be output to output array. The buffer array stores multiple-channel data.
3.2.15 EasyDualFAICheck Checks whether the asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation is complete or not and return current status.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Specifies the buffer size to be transferred A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Count error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing ActiveBuf, stopped, retrieved and overrun data A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Device functions DeviceOpen DeviceClose DeviceGetFeatures Analog input AIConfig AIGetConfig AIBinaryIn AIScale AIVoltageIn AIVoltageInExp MAIConfig MAIBinaryIn MAIVoltageIn MAIVoltageInExp Analog output AOConfig AOBinaryOut AOVoltageOut AOScale Port I/O functions WritePortByte WritePortWord ReadPortByte ReadPortWord Digital input/output DioGetConfig DioSetPortMode DioReadPortByte DioWritePortByte DioReadBit DioWriteBit DioGetCurrentDOByt DioGetCurrentDOBit Temperature TCMuxRead High-speed FAIIntStart FAIDMAStart
FAIIntScanStart FAIDMAScanStart FAIDualDMAStart FAIDualScanStart FAITransfer FAICheck FAIIntWatchdogStart FAIDMAWatchdogSta FAIWatchdogCheck FAIStop AllocateDMABuffer FreeDMABuffer FAOIntStart FAODMAStart FAOLoad FAOScale FAOCheck FAOStop EnableEvent CheckEvent Counter functions CounterEventStart CounterEventRead CounterFreqStart CounterFreqRead CounterPulseStart CounterReset QCounterConfig QCounterConfigSys QCounterStart QcounterRead
Function Device functions DeviceOpen DeviceClose DeviceGetFeatures Analog input AIConfig AIGetConfig AIBinaryIn AIScale AIVoltageIn AIVoltageInExp MAIConfig MAIBinaryIn MAIVoltageIn MAIVoltageInExp Analog output AOConfig AOBinaryOut
AOVoltageOut AOScale EnableSyncAO WriteSyncAO AOCurrentOut Port I/O functions WritePortByte WritePortWord ReadPortByte ReadPortWord Digital input/output DioGetConfig DioSetPortMode DioReadPortByte DioWritePortByte DioReadBit DioWriteBit DioGetCurrentDOByte DioGetCurrentDOBit Temperature TCMuxRead High-speed functions FAIIntStart FAIDMAStart FAIIntScanStart FAIDMAScanStart FAIDualDMAStart FAIDualScanStart FAITransfer FAICheck FAICheckEvent FAIIntWatchdogStart FAIDMAWatchdogStart FAIWatchdogCheck FAIStop AllocateDMABuffer FreeDMABuffer FAOIntStart FAODMAStart FAOLoad FAOScale FAOCheck FAOStop EnableEvent CheckEvent Clearoverrun FAIDMAExStart Counter functions CounterEventStart CounterEventRead CounterFreqStart CounterFreqRead CounterPulseStart CounterReset
Table 4-1. VI Functions (Continued) Device PCL-72 PCL-728 Demo PCL-7 6/727 MIC2728 Board 25 /730
Device functions DeviceOpen DeviceClose DeviceGetFeatures Analog input AIConfig AIGetConfig AIBinaryIn AIScale AIVoltageIn AIVoltageInExp MAIConfig MAIBinaryIn MAIVoltageIn MAIVoltageInExp Analog output AOConfig AOBinaryOut AOVoltageOut AOScale Port I/O functions WritePortByte WritePortWord ReadPortByte ReadPortWord Digital input/output DioGetConfig DioSetPortMode DioReadPortByte DioWritePortByte DioReadBit DioWriteBit DioGetCurrentDOByt DioGetCurrentDOBit Temperature TCMuxRead High-speed EnableEvent CheckEvent
Table 4-1. VI Functions (Continued) Device PCL-8 PCL-7 PCL-7 PCL-734/73 PCL-8 36 33 20 21 5 MIC2750 /723 /2752
DeviceClose DeviceGetFeatures Port I/O functions WritePortByte WritePortWord ReadPortByte ReadPortWord Digital input/output DioGetConfig DioSetPortMode DioReadPortByte DioWritePortByte DioReadBit DioWriteBit DioGetCurrentDOByte DioGetCurrentDOBit Counter functions CounterEventStart CounterEventRead CounterFreqStart CounterFreqRead CounterPulseStart CounterReset QCounterConfig QCounterConfigSys QCounterStart QCounterRead High-speed functions EnableEvent CheckEvent
Function Device functions DeviceOpen DeviceClose DeviceGetFeatures Port I/O functions WritePortByte WritePortWord ReadPortByte ReadPortWord Digital input/output DioGetConfig DioSetPortMode DioReadPortByte DioWritePortByte DioReadBit DioWriteBit DioGetCurrentDOByt DioGetCurrentDOBit
PCI-17 50
High-speed EnableEvent CheckEvent TimerCountSetting EnableEventEx FDITransfer Counter functions CounterEventStart CounterEventRead CounterFreqStart CounterFreqRead CounterPulseStart CounterReset QCounterConfig QCounterConfigSys QCounterStart QcounterRead
Table 4-1. VI Functions (Continued) Function ADAM -4011/ 4011D ADAM -4012 ADAM4014D Device ADAM ADAM -4018/ -4017/ 4018M 4013/5 /5018 017 ADAM -4021/ 5024 ADAM -4016 ADAM -4052/ 4053/5 051/50 52
Device functions DeviceOpen DeviceClose DeviceGetFeatures Analog input AIGetConfig AIVoltageIn AIVoltageInExp MAIConfig MAIVoltageIn MAIVoltageInExp Analog output AOVoltageOut Digital input/output DioGetConfig DioSetPortMode DioReadPortByte DioWritePortByte DioReadBit DioWriteBit DioGetCurrentDOByte DioGetCurrentDOBit Temperature TCMuxRead Counter functions CounterEventStart CounterEventRead CounterReset Alarm functions AlarmConfig AlarmEnable AlarmCheck AlarmReset
Device functions DeviceOpen DeviceClose DeviceGetFeatures Digital input/output DioGetConfig DioSetPortMode DioReadPortByte DioWritePortByte DioReadBit DioWriteBit DioGetCurrentDOByte DioGetCurrentDOBit Counter functions CounterEventStart CounterEventRead CounterReset Alarm functions AlarmConfig AlarmEnable AlarmCheck AlarmReset Comm. port COMOpen COMClose COMGetConfig COMSetConfig COMRead COMWrite COMWrite232 COMEscape
Fig 4-10. The Call Flow for Single-channel Data Acquisition with interrupt transfer
Single channel
Fig 4-11. The Call Flow for Single-channel Data Acquisition with interrupt transfer and event function
Fig 4-12. The Call Flow for Single-channel Data Acquisition with DMA transfer
Single channel
Fig 4-13. The Call Flow for Single-channel Data Acquisition with DMA transfer and event function
Fig 4-14. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Data Acquisition with interrupt transfer
Multiple Channel
Fig 4-15. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Data Acquisition with interrupt transfer and event function
Fig 4-16. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Data Acquisition with DMA transfer
Multiple Channel
Fig 4-17. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Data Acquisition with DMA transfer and event function
Fig 4-18. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Watchdog Data Acquisition with interrupt transfer
Conditional conversion
Fig 4-19. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Watchdog Data Acquisition with interrupt transfer and event function
Fig 4-20. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Watchdog Data Acquisition with DMA transfer
Conditional conversion
Fig 4-21. The Call Flow for Multiple-channel Watchdog Data Acquisition with DMA transfer and event function
Analog Output
Fig 4-22. The Call Flow for Single-Channel Analog Output with DMA transfer
Analog Output
Fig 4-23 The Call Flow for Single-Channel Analog Output with DMA transfer and event function
Analog Output
Fig 4-24. The Call Flow for Single-Channel Analog Output with interrupts transfer
Analog Output
Fig 4-25. The Call Flow for Single-Channel Analog Output with interrupt transfer and event function
The Advanced I/O VIs are actually composed of intermediate VIs, which are in turn composed of advanced VIs. Advanced I/O VIs Group DeviceManager
VIs - DeviceGetNumOfList - DeviceGetList - DeviceGetSubList - BoardName - DeviceOpen - DeviceClose - DeviceGetFeatures - GetErrorMessage - AllocDMABuf - FreeDMABuf - AllocINTBuf - FreeINTBuf - EnableEvent - CheckEvent - GetFIFOSize - DeviceNumToDeviceName - AIConfig - AIGetConfig - MAIConfig - TCMuxRead - AIVoltageIn - AIBinaryIn - AIScale - AIVoltageInExp - MAIVolatgeIn - MAIBinaryIn - MAIVoltageInExp - AOConfig - AOVoltageOut - AOScale - AOBinaryOut - AOCurrentOut - EnableSyncAO - WriteSyncAO - DIOSetPortMode - DIOGetConfig - DIOGetCurrentDOBit - DIOGetCurrentDOByte - DIOWriteBit - DIOReadBit - DIOWritePortByte
Mapping 32-bit DLL API - DRV_DeviceGetNumOfList - DRV_DeviceGetList - DRV_DeviceGetSubList - DRV_BoardTypeMapBoardName - DRV_DeviceOpen - DRV_DeviceClose - DRV_DeviceGetFeatures - DRV_GetErrorMessage - DRV_AllocDMABuf - DRV_FreeDMABuf
- DRV_EnableEvent - DRV_CheckEvent - DRV_GetFIFOSize - DRV_DeviceNumToDeviceName - DRV_AIConfig - DRV_AIGetConfig - DRV_MAIConfig - DRV_TCMuxRead - DRV_AIVoltageIn - DRV_AIBinaryIn - DRV_AIScale - DRV_AIVoltageInExp - DRV_MAIVolatgeIn - DRV_MAIBinaryIn - DRV_MAIVoltageInExp - DRV_AOConfig - DRV_AOVoltageOut - DRV_AOScale - DRV_AOBinaryOut - DRV_AOCurrentOut - DRV_EnableSyncAO - DRV_WriteSyncAO - DRV_DIOSetPortMode - DRV_DIOGetConfig - DRV_DIOGetCurrentDOBit - DRV_DIOGetCurrentDOByte - DRV_DIOWriteBit - DRV_DIOReadBit - DRV_DIOWritePortByte
COM Port
DIOReadPortByte WritePortByte ReadPortByte WritePortWord ReadPortWord outp outpw inp inpw CounterEventStart CounterEventRead CounterFregStart CounterFregRead QCounterStart QCounterRead CounterPulseStart CounterReset QCounterConfigSys QcounterConfig TimerCountSetting AlarmConfig AlarmEnable AlarmCheck AlarmReset FAIINTStart FAIINTScanStart FAIDMAStart FAIDMAScanStart FAIDualDMAStart FAIDualDMAScanStart FAITransfer FAICheck ClearOverrun FAIStop FAIDmaExStart FAOINTStart FAODMAStart FAOScale FAOLoad FAOCheck FAOStop FAIWatchdogCfg FAIINTWatchdogStart FAIDMAWatchdogStart FAIWatchdogCheck COMOpen
DRV_DIOReadPortByte DRV_WritePortByte DRV_ReadPortByte DRV_WritePortWord DRV_ReadPortWord DRV_outp DRV_outpw DRV_inp DRV_inpw DRV_CounterEventStart DRV_CounterEventRead DRV_CounterFregStart DRV_CounterFregRead DRV_QCounterStart DRV_QCounterRead DRV_CounterPulseStart DRV_CounterReset DRV_QCounterConfigSys DRV_QcounterConfig DRV_TimerCountSetting DRV_AlarmConfig DRV_AlarmEnable DRV_AlarmCheck DRV_AlarmReset DRV_FAIINTStart DRV_FAIINTScanStart DRV_FAIDMAStart DRV_FAIDMAScanStart DRV_FAIDualDMAStart DRV_FAIDualDMAScanStart DRV_FAITransfer DRV_FAICheck DRV_ClearOverrun DRV_FAIStop DRV_FAIDmaExStart DRV_FAOINTStart DRV_FAODMAStart DRV_FAOScale DRV_FAOLoad DRV_FAOCheck DRV_FAOStop DRV_FAIINTWatchdogStart DRV_FAIDMAWatchdogStart DRV_FAIWatchdogCheck COMOpen
COMClose COMGetConfig COMSetConfig COMRead COMWrite COMWrite232 COMEscape CounterPWMEnable CounterPWMSetting DICounterReset EnableEventEx FDITransfer PWMStartRead ADAMAIGetHWConfig ADAMAISetHWConfig ADAMAOGetHWConfig ADAMAOSetHWConfig
- COMClose - COMGetConfig - COMSetConfig - COMRead - COMWrite - COMWrite232 - COMEscape - DRV_CounterPWMEnable - DRV_CounterPWMSetting - DRV_DICounterReset - DRV_EnableEventEx - DRV_FDITransfer - DRV_PWMStartRead - DRV_ADAMAIGetHWConfig - DRV_ADAMAISetHWConfig - DRV_ADAMAOGetHWConfig - DRV_ADAMAOSetHWConfig
4.2. DeviceManager
4.2.1 DeviceGetNumOfList Gets number of the installed devices
Input: None Output: Data type Parameter NumOfDevices Description The number of devices installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.2.2 DeviceGetList Gets a list of the installed devices not including the devices attached to COM ports.
Input: None Output: Data type Parameter NumOfDev Description The number of devices installed in the system not including devices attached to COM ports. Specifies the list of the installed devices. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Data type
Parameter DevNum
Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE
Output: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE The number of devices expansion hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE Specifies the list of the installed expansion or daughterboard devices. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Data type
Parameter BoardID
Output: Data type Parameter BoardName Description The device item name of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.2.5 DeviceOpen Open the device specified by DevNum and installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE.
Input: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.2.6 DeviceClose Close the device specified by DevHandle and installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter error out Description A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.2.7 DeviceGetFeatures This function accepts a device handler id and returns the device features of the specified devices.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Selected specifications of the device. These specifications are retrieved from a storage area and output by this VI.. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Device Features
error out
4.2.8 GetErrorMessage Retrieves an error message specified by an error code and returns it to the message buffer.
Input: Data type Parameter ErrorCode Description Specifies error code returned by the driver.
Output: Data type Parameter ErrorMsg Description Returns the error message string of ErrorCode.
Note:For more information of ErrorCode and ErrorMsg, refer to DLL Driver users manual Appendix:
Error Codes.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Cyclic mode: cyclic (1), non cyclic (0) Specifies the size of requested DMA buffer A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns the size of actual allocated DMA buffer A data that stores the allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the allocated memory. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
hBuf error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.2.11 AllocINTBuf Allocates data buffer of Windows system for interrupt data acquisition.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Specifies the size of requested INT buffer A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
ReqBufSize error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns the size of actual allocated INT buffer A data that stores the allocated memory. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A data that stores the allocated memory. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
hBuf error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.2.13 EnableEvent Enables or disables events. This funtion supports both interrupt and DMA features
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing EventType, Enabled, and Count information. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Specifies the time to wait for an event. The unit of time is milliseconds. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Type of event A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Return size of the FIFO. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DeviceNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DeviceName error out Description The name of the specified device. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.3. adSlowAI
4.3.1 AIConfig Configures the input range for the specified analog input channel.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster data containing Chan Info parameter (includes Channel number, ExpBrdID, and Expchannel data) and Gain code for specified device. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster data containing Chan Info parameter (includes Channel number, ExpBrdID, and Expchannel data) and Gain code for specified device. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.3.2 AIGetConfig Retrieves analog input configuration data and returns it to a buffer.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster of data containing sampled channel and gain code. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.3.3 MAIConfig Configures the input ranges for the specified analog input channels.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster of data containing NumChan, StartChan and GainArray value. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster of data containing NumChan, StartChan and GainArray value. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.3.4 TCMuxRead Measures a temperature using an expansion board, for example, PCLD-788/789/789D/8115/889.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster of data containing DasChan, DasGain, ExpChan, TCType, TempScale and temp value. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns value of temperature. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.3.5 AIVoltageIn Reads an analog input channel and returns the result scaled to a voltage (units = volts).
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster of data containing Chan Info parameter (includes Channel number, ExpBrdID, and Expchannel data) and Gain codes for a specified device. 0-normal (software), 1-external A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
TrigMode error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Voltage error out Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns the value of the voltage. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.3.6 AIBinaryIn Reads an analog input channel and returns the unscaled result.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Channel value specifies a digital or analog channel number 0-normal (software), 1-external A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
TrigMode error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Return the value of the specified channel A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.3.7 AIScale Convert the binary result from an AIBinaryIn call to the actual input voltage.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing MaxVolt, MaxCount, offset and Voltage values. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing MaxVolt, MaxCount, offset and Voltage values. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.3.8 AIVoltageInExp Reads an analog input channel using expansion board and returns the result scaled to a voltage (units = volts). This function supports the expansion boards: PCLD-770/779/789/789D/788.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing DasChan, DasGain, ExpChan and voltage values A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Voltage error out Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns the value of voltage. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.3.9 MAIVolatgeIn Reads analog input channels and returns the results scaled to voltages (units = volts).
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing NumChan, StartChan, GainArray, TrigMode and VoltageArray values A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle VoltageList error out Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns the values of a list of voltages. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.3.10 MAIBinaryIn Reads analog input channels and returns the unscaled results.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing NumChan, StartChan, TrigMode and ReadingArray values A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle ValueList error out Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns the values of a list of raw data. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.3.11 MAIVoltageInExp Reads an analog input channel with an expansion board and returns the result scaled to a voltage in units of volts. This function supports the expansion boards: PCLD-770/779/789/789D/788.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
MAIVoltageInExp A cluster containing NumChan, DasChanArray, DasGainArray, ExpChanArray and VoltageArray values error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle VoltageList error out Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Returns the value of a list of voltages. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.4. adSlowAO
4.4.1 AOConfig Records the output range and polarity for each analog output channel selected. Its use is optional.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel number of a specified device A cluster containing RefSrc, MaxValue and MinValue data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Channel AOCFG
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.4.2 AOVoltageOut Accepts a floating-point voltage value, scales it to the proper binary number, and writes that number to an analog output channel to change the output voltage.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel number of a specified device The value of output voltage. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.4.3 AOScale Scales a voltage to a binary value that, when written to one of the analog output channels, produces the specified voltage.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel number of a specified device The voltage value needing to be changed to be a binary value.
Channel Voltage
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Binary output value scaled from input voltage.
4.4.4 AOBinaryOut Writes a binary value to one of the analog output channels, changing the voltage produced at the channel.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel number of specified device Output binary value, for use in analog output device. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.4.5 AOCurrentOut Accepts a floating-point current value, scales it to the proper binary number, and writes that number to an analog output channel to change the output current.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel number of a specified device The current value needing to be changed to be a binary value. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Channel Value
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Ture is enable, false is disable A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Enable error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.5. adDIO
4.5.1 DIOSetPortMode Configures the specified port for input or output. This function only supports PCL-722/724/731.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The digital port number Direction: input (0) or output(1) A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.5.2 DIOGetConfig Reads digital input and output configuration data stored in the Registry or a configuration file. The application calls this function by passing the configuration datas memory address
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing PortArray and NumOfPorts
error out
A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.3 DIOGetCurrentDOBit Returns the value stored at a specified bit position from the specified digital I/O port. The port is specified by port number which ranges from 0 to the maximum number of ports provided by the devices. For example, PCL-722 has up to 18 ports digital output. The port number of the board is from 0 to 17
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The port number of specified device The specified position in the port. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Bit data read from the specified port (0 or 1). A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.4 DIOGetCurrentDOByte Returns byte data from the specified I/O port of a device. The port is specified by port number which ranges from 0 to the maximum number of ports provided by the device. For example, PCL-722 has up to 18 ports digital output. The port number of the board is from 0 to 17.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The port number of specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Port error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Byte data read from the specified port A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.5 DIOWriteBit Writes digital output bit data to the specified digital port. The port is specified by the port number which ranges from 0 to the maximum number of ports provided by the device. For example, PCL-730 has 4 ports of digital output. The port number of the board is from 0 to 3.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The port number of specified device The specified bit position in the port. Bit value will be written to the specified bit position A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.5.6 DIOReadBit Returns the bit state of digital input from the specified digital I/O port. The port is specified by port number which ranges from 0 to the maximum number of ports provided by the device. For example, PCL-722 has up to 18 ports digital output. The port number of the board is from 0 to 17.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The port number of specified device The specified bit position in the port. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Data value read from the specified bit position. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The port number of specified device The byte data will be written to specified port. Specifies which bit(s) of specified byte data should be sent to the output port and which bits remain unchanged A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.5.8 DIOReadPortByte Returns input byte data from the specified I/O port. The port is specified by port number which ranges from 0 to the maximum number of ports provided by the device. For example, PCL-722 has up to 18 digital output ports. The port number of the board is from 0 to 17.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The port number of specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Port error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Byte data read from the specified port A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.9 WritePortByte Writes an 8-bit data to the specified I/O port. The port address is an I/O port address on the PC.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The port number of specified device Byte data written to the specified port A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.5.10 ReadPortByte Reads a 8-bit of byte data from the specified I/O port. The port address is an I/O port address on the PC.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. The port number of specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Port error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. Data value read from specified port A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.11 WritePortWord Writes a 16-bit of word data to the specified I/O port. The port address is an I/O port address on the PC.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. The port number of specified device Word data written to the specified port A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.5.12 ReadPortWord Reads a 16-bit of word data from the specified I/O port. The port address is an I/O port address on the PC.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. The port number of specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Port error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. Word data read from the specified port A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.13 Outp Directly outputs byte data to a specified port of a defined device using the device number.
Input: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE The port number of specified device Byte data written to the specified port. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter error out Description A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.14 Outpw Directly outputs word data to a specified port of a defined device using the device number.
Input: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE The port number of specified device Word data written to the specified port. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter error out Description A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.15 Inp Directly inputs byte data from a specified port of a defined device using the device number.
Input: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE The port number of specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Port error in
Output: Data type Parameter Data error out Description Byte data read from the specified port. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.5.16 Inpw Directly inputs word data from a specified port of a defined device using the device number.
Input: Data type Parameter DevNum Description The device number of the hardware installed in the system by DEVINST.EXE The port number of specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Port error in
Output: Data type Parameter Data error out Description Word data read from the specified port. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.6 adCountTimer
4.6.1 CounterEventStart Configures the specified counter for an event-counting operation and starts the counter.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. Counter number of the specified device. Gating mode to be used for AMD Am9513A A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.6.2 CounterEventRead Reads the current counter total without disturbing the counting process and returns the count and overflow conditions.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. Counter number of the specified device. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Counter error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. The count value of the specified counter Overflow status of the counter, 1 means overflow, 0 means no overflow. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Counts OverFlow
error out
4.6.3 CounterFreqStart Configures a specified counter for frequency measurement and starts the counter.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. Counter number of the specified device. Gating period in seconds for AMD Am9513A Gating mode to be used for AMD Am9513A A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. Counter number of the specified device. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Counter error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Frequency error out Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.. Returned frequency value of the counter. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.6.5 QCounterStart Configures the specified counter for an event-counting operation and starts the counter. This function only supports PCL-833.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Counter number of the specified device.
InputMode Input mode control : DISABLE(0), ABPHASEX1(1), ABPHASEX2(2), ABPHASEX4(3), TWOPULSEIN(4), ONEPULSEIN(5) error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.6.6 QCounterRead Reads the current counter total without disturbing the counting process and returns the count and overflow conditions.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Counter number of the specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Counter error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Overflow state of the counter, 1 means overflow, 0 means no overflow The high 32-bit of returned count value. The low 32-bit of returned count value. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.6.7 CounterPulseStart Configures the specified counter for pulse output and starts the counter.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Counter number of the specified device The period time of a pulse (Its unit is a second) The first 1/2 cycle length in seconds for AMD Am9513A Gating mode to be used for AMD Am9513A A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
GateMode error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.6.8 CounterReset Turns off the specified counter operation. This function supports boards with the timer/counter chip (i.e. Intel 8254 or AMD Am9513A) and PCL-833.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Counter number of the specified device A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Counter error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.6.9 QCounterConfigSys Configures the system clock of the digital filter, time period for latching and cascade mode. This function only supports PCL-833.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Frequency for digital filter. The value could be set to SYS8MHZ(0), SYS4MHZ(1), SYS2MHZ(2) 16C54 time base control. Divider control value Cascade mode NOCASCADE(0), CASCADE(1) A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.6.10 QCounterConfig Configures the specified counter for an event-counting operation. This function only supports PCL-833.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing Counter; LatchSrc, LatchOverflow, ResetOnLatch, and ResetValue data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Counter number of the specified device. Input value of the specified counter. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.7 adAlarm
4.7.1 AlarmConfig Configures the high and low limit value of the specified channel for alarm monitoring. This function only supports ADAM modules.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel for alarm monitoring High limit value for alarm monitoring Low limit value for alarm monitoring A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.7.2 AlarmEnable Enables the alarm in either momentary or latching mode. This function only supports ADAM modules.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel for alarm monitoring Momentary(0), Latching(1) Enable(1), Disable(0) A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel for alarm monitoring A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Channel error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The current state of the low alarm limit The current state of the high alarm limit A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The channel for alarm monitoring A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Channel error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8 FastAI
4.8.1 FAIINTStart Initiates an asynchronous, single-channel data acquisition operation with interrupt transfer and stores its input in an array.
Note: 1. While FIFO enabled, VIs count (number of conversion) must be a multiple of FIFO size 2. The FIFO size of PCL-818HD and PCL-818HG is 512.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, chan, gain, buffer, count, cyclic, and IntrCount data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.2 FAIINTScanStart Initiates an asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation with Interrupt and stores its input in an array and the gain codes for the scan channels.
Note: 1. While FIFO enabled, VIs count (number of conversion) must be a multiple of FIFO size 2. The FIFO size of PCL-818HD and PCL-818HG is 512.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChans, StartChan, buffer, count, cyclic, and IntrCount data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.3 FAIDMAStart Initiates an asynchronous, single-channel data acquisition operation with DMA and stores its input in an array.
Note: DMA buffer size must be bigger than 2048 while using DMA transfer
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, chan, gain, buffer and count data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.4 FAIDMAScanStart Initiates an asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation with DMA and stores its input in an array and the gain codes for the scan channels.
Note: DMA buffer size must be bigger than 2048 while using DMA transfer
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDMAScanStart A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChans, StartChan, GainList, buffer, and count data error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.5 FAIDualDMAStart Initiates an asynchronous, single-channel data acquisition operation with Dual-DMA and stores its input in an array(for PCL-1800 only).
Note: DMA buffer size must be bigger than 2048 while using DMA transfer
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDualDMAStart A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, Gain, Chan, Count, BufferA and BufferB data error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.6 FAIDualDMAScanStart Initiates an asynchronous, mutiple-channel data acquisition operation with Dual-DMA and stores its input in an array and the gain codes for the scan channels(for PCL-1800 only).
Note: DMA buffer size must be bigger than 2048 while using DMA transfer
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDualDMAScanStart A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChan, StartChan, GainList, BufferA, BufferB, and count data error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.7 FAITransfer Transfers the data from the buffer being used for the data acquisition operation to the specified data buffer.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing HalfBufSize, VoltageBuf, BinaryBuf A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing HalfBufSize, VoltageBuf, BinaryBuf Overrun status: overrun (1), no overrun (0) A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.8.8 FAICheck Checks if the current data acquisition operation is complete and return current status.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing ActiveBuf, stopped, retrieved and overrun data A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.10 FAIStop Cancels the current data acquisition operation and resets the hardware and software.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.8.11 FAIDMAExStart Initiates an asynchronous, multiple-channel data acquisition operation with PCI-Bus mastering DMA and stores its input in an array and the gain codes for the scan channels(for PCI-1712 only).
Note: DMA buffer size must be bigger than 2048 while using DMA transfer
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDMA1712Start A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, NumChans, StartChan, GainList, buffer, and count error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.9 FastAO
4.9.1 FAOINTStart Initiates an asynchronous analog output operation with interrupt transfer.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing StartChan, StopChan, buffer, count and cyclic data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.9.2 FAODMAStart Initiates an asynchronous analog output operation with DMA transfer.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing StartChan, StopChan, buffer, count and cyclic data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.9.3 FAOScale Translates an array of floating-point values that represent voltages into an array of binary values that produce those voltages when the driver writes the binary array to one of the boards. This function uses the current analog output configuration settings to perform the conversions.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Channel number Input float-point values of data buffer A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle BinaryArray error out Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Output binary values of data buffer A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.9.4 FAOLoad Transfers the data from the buffer being used for the data acquisition operation to the specified data buffer.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing ActiveBuf, DataBuffer, start and count data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing ActiveBuf, DataBuffer, start and count data A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.9.5 FAOCheck Checks if the current analog output is complete and return current status.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing ActiveBuf, stopped, CurrentCount, and HalfReady data A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.9.6 FAOStop Cancels the current analog output operation and resets the hardware and software.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.10 WatchDog
4.10.1 FAIWatchdogCfg Configures the hardware to acquire data before, before and after or after the signal triggers a analog watchdog. It also configures the condition and level of the analog watchdog for each channel. This function only supports PCL-1800.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing TrigMode, NumChans, StartChan, GainList, CondList, and LevelList data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.10.2 FAIINTWatchdogStart Initiates an asynchronous data acquisition operation with analog watchdog by interrupt transfer and stores its input in an array.
Note: 1. While FIFO enabled, VIs count (number of conversion) must be a multiple of FIFO size 2. The FIFO size of PCL-818HD and PCL-818HG is 512.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIINTWatchdogStart A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, buffer, BufferSize, count, cyclic, and IntrCount data error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.10.3 FAIDMAWatchdogStart Initiates an asynchronous data acquisition operation with analog watchdog by DMA transfer and stores its input in an array.
Note: DMA buffer size must be bigger than 2048 while using DMA transfer
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIDMAWatchdogStart A cluster containing TrigSrc, SampleRate, BufferA, BufferB, BufferSize, buffer, count, and cyclic data error in A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.10.4 FAIWatchdogCheck Checks if the current data acquisition with watchdog is triggered.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program.
FAIWatchdogCheck A cluster containing DataType,ActiveBuf, triggered, TrigChan, TrigIndex and TrigData data error out A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter PortNo error in Description The number of the serial port A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The handler id of the serial port specified by PortNo A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter error out Description A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.11.3 COMGetConfig Retrieves the serial port settings; e.g. port number, baud rate, parity check.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing CommPort, BaudRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits, TxMode and PortAddress data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.11.4 COMSetConfig Set the port communication configuration; e.g. port number, baud rate, parity check.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing CommPort, BaudRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits, TxMode and PortAddress data A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The time interval elapsed in milliseconds. The termination character for serial port communication. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The number of bytes read from the serial port. The data string read from the serial port. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
4.11.6 COMWrite Writes data to the specified serial port according to the previous configuration stored in Registry.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The data string written to the serial port. The number of bytes sent to the serial port. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The escape data for the serial port. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Escape error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.11.8 COMWrite232 Writes data to the specified RS-232 serial port according to the previous configuration stored in Registry.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The data string written to the serial port. The number of bytes sent to the serial port. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.12 PWM
4.12.1 CounterPWMEnable Enable PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) output operation.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Enable/Disable port.If bit0 = 1, port0 is enabled. If bit1 = 1,port1 is enabled. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
4.12.2 CounterPWMSetting Config the setting value of PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) output.
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing Port, Period,HiPeriod, OutCount, and GateMode A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Reset counter data. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Counter error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing Digital Filter. A cluster containing Pattern Match. A cluster containing Counter Match and Counter Overflow A cluster containing Change of Input State. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
DIStatus error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
error out
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The type of event. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
EventType error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. The return data. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Input: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. Specified the channel to be read. A cluster containing error information, such as the status, code, and source elements that is passed from a previous linked VI.
Channel error in
Output: Data type Parameter DevHandle Description The handler id of the device specified by DevNum as assigned by the LabVIEW program. A cluster containing HighPeriod and Low Period. A cluster containing error information. If error in indicated an error, the status, code, and source elements of error out have the same values as the corresponding elements of error in
Gain code 0 1 2 3 4
PCL-812PG gain code table (JP9 set to 5 V) Input range Recommended gain xl 5 V x2 2.5 V x4 1.25 V x8 0.625 V x16 0.3125 V
Gain code 0 1 2 3 4
PCL-812PG gain code table (JP9 set to 10V) Input range Recommended gain xl 10 V x2 5 V x4 2.5 V x8 1.25 V x16 0.625 V
Gain code 0 1 2 3 4
Recommended gain x1 x2 x4 x8
Gain code 0 1 2 3
PCL-818 gain code table Input range 10V 5 V 2.5 V 1.0 V 0.5 V 0 to 10V 0 to 5 V 0 to 2 V 0 to 1 V
Gain code 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PCL-818H gain code table Input range 10V 5 V 2.5 V 1.25 V 0.625 V 0 to 10V 0 to 5 V 0 to 2.5 V 0 to 1.25 V
Gain code 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PCL-818HD gain code table Input range 10V 5 V 2.5 V 1.25 V 0.625 V 0 to 10V 0 to 5 V 0 to 2.5 V 0 to 1.25 V
Gain code 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PCL-818L gain code table (JP set to 5V) Input range Recommended gain xl 5 V x2 2.5 V x4 1.25 V x8 0.625 V
Gain code 0 1 2 3
PCL-818L gain code table (JP set to 10V) Input range Recommended gain x1 10V x2 5 V x4 2.5 V x8 1.25 V
Gain code 0 1 2 3
PCL-818HG gain code table Input range 5 V 0.5 V 0.05 V 0.005 V 0 to 10V 0 to 1 V 0 to 0.1 V 0 to 0.01 V 10V 1 V 0.1 V 0.01 V
Recommended gain xl x10 x100 x1000 x1 x10 x100 x1000 x0.5 x5 x50 x500
Gain code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
PCL-816 gain code table Input range 10V 5 V 2.5 V 1.25 V 0 to 10V 0 to 5 V 0 to 2.5 V 0 to 1.25 V
Recommended gain x1 x2 x4 x8 x1 x2 x4 x8
Gain code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PCL-1800 gain code table Input range 10V 5 V 2.5 V 1.25 V 0.625 V 0 to 10V 0 to 5 V 0 to 2.5 V 0 to 1.25 V
Gain code 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MIC-2718 gain code table Input range 5 V 0.5 V 0.05 V 0.005 V 0 to 10V 0 to 1 V 0 to 0.1 V 0 to 0.01 V 10V 1 V 0.1 V 0.01 V
Recommended gain xl x10 x100 x1000 x1 x10 x100 x1000 x0.5 x5 x50 x500
Gain code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
PCM-3718 gain code table Input range 10V 5 V 2.5 V 1.25 V 0.625 V 0 to 10V 0 to 5 V 0 to 2.5 V 0 to 1.25 V
Gain code 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Error Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Error ID
MemoryAllocateFailed (*) ConfigDataLost (*) InvalidDeviceHandle (*) AIConversionFailed AIScaleFailed SectionNotSupported InvalidChannel InvalidGain DataNotReady InvalidInputParam NoExpansionBoardConfig InvalidAnalogOutValue ConfigIoPortFailed CommOpenFailed CommTransmitFailed CommReadFailed CommReceiveFailed CommConfigFailed CommChecksumError InitError DMABufAllocFailed (*) IllegalSpeed ChanConflict BoardIDNotSupported FreqMeasurementFailed CreateFileFailed (*) FunctionNotSupported (*) LoadLibraryFailed (*) GetProcAddressFailed (*) InvalidDriverHandle (*) InvalidModuleType InvalidInputRange InvalidWindowsHandle InvalidCountNumber InvalidInterruptCount
36 37 38 39 40 41
Invalid Number of Event Count On I/O=%XH Create or Open Event Failed On I/O=%XH Interrupt Process Failed On I/O=%XH Invalid digital output direction setting COM %d Address %XH Invalid Event Type On I/O=%XH The Time-out Interval Elapsed in Milliseconds Parameter On I/O=%XH
Note: * means that the status code only includes error code. Error Code 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Error ID KeInvalidHandleValue KeFileNotFound KeInvalidHandle KeTooManyCmds KeInvalidParameter KeNoAccess KeUnsuccessful KeConInterruptFailure KeCreateNoteFailure KeInsufficientResources KeHalGetAdapterFailure KeOpenEventFailure KeAllocCommBufFailure KeAllocMdlFailure KeBufferSizeTooSmall Description (Error Message) An error occured while starting the device The device has not been created The handle passed to the function is not a valid The logic commands have created an apparent endless loop Passed to the driver contains an invalid parameter Attempts to access a port which has not been defined in DEVINST The operation was not successful The driver connects interrupt failure on I/O=%XH The driver creates notification event failure On I/O=%XH The system resource is insufficient OnI/O=%XH An adapter object could not be created On I/O=%XH The driver opens notification event failure On I/O=%XH Allocate DMA buffer failure On I/O=%XH Allocate MDL for DMA buffer failure On I/O=%XH The buffer of requisition must be bigger that PAGE_SIZE On I/O=%XH
Error Code 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
Error ID DNInitFailed DNSendMsgFailed DNRunOutOfMsgID DNInvalidInputParam DNErrorResponse DNNoResponse DNBusyOnNetwork DNUnknownResponse DNNotEnoughBuffer DNFragResponseError DNTooMuchDataAck DNFragRequestError DNEnableEventError DNCreateOrOpenEventErr or DNIORequestError DNGetEventNameError DNTimeOutError DNOpenFailed DNCloseFailed DNResetFailed
Description (Error Message) DeviceNet Initialization Failed Send Message Failed On Port %d MACID %XH Run Out of Message ID Invalid Input Parameters Error Response On Port %d MACID %XH No Response On Port %d MACID %XH Busy On Network On Port %d MACID %XH Unknown Response On Port %d MACID %XH Message Length Is Too Long on Port %d MACID %XH Fragment Response Error On Port %d MACID %XH Too Much Data Acknowledge On Port %d MACID %XH Fragment Request Error On Port %d MACID %XH Event Enable/Disable Error On Port %d MACID %XH Device Net Driver Create/Open Event Failed On Port %d MACID %XH IO Message Request Error On Port %d MACID %XH Get Event Name From CAN Driver Failed On Port %d MACID %XH Wait For Message Time Out Error On Port %d MACID %XH Open CAN Card Failed Close CAN Card Failed DeviceNet Reset Failed
NOTE. To implement applications created on another system, the ADVANTEK.INI file from the initial system must be copied into the WINDOWS directory of the new system. The ADVANTECH.INI file contains all of the driver information as configured in the initial system. For your application to function properly in another system, this file must accompany the previously-created applications.
Appendix C Reference
Advantech 32-bit DLL Driver Users Manual for Windows NT/95 Ver. 1.xx, MANUAL.PDF1 Advantech LabVIEW Driver Users Manual for Windows NT/95 Ver. 1.xx , LVMANUAL.PDF2 LabVIEW User Manual LabVIEW Code Interface Reference Manual
1 2
You can find MANUAL.PDF file in \Program Files\Advantech\Adsapi\ directory. You can find LVMANUAL.PDF in \Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW\ directory.