Car Plate Recognition Using The Template Matching Method: M.I.Khalil
Car Plate Recognition Using The Template Matching Method: M.I.Khalil
Car Plate Recognition Using The Template Matching Method: M.I.Khalil
5, October, 2010
Abstract One of the most important topics of intelligent
transportation system (ITS) is the License Plate Recognition
(LPR). LPR systems have many potential applications in
intelligent traffic systems, such as the payment of parking fee,
highway toll fee, traffic data collection, traffic monitoring
systems, traffic law enforcement, security control of restricted
areas and so on. Generally, LPR was developed to identify
vehicles by the contents of their license plates. The LPR system
consists of four major modules: image acquisition, license plate
extraction, segmentation and recognition of individual
characters. This paper presents a study of applying the
template matching approach for character image recognition.
The new approach can be applied equally to Egyptian and
Saudi Arabian cases and can be extended to cover more
countries. It is based on keeping the names of these countries
along with a list of Arabic characters as entries in a table and
then matching these entries one by one with the car plate. The
new approach is tested on 400 samples of extracted license plate
images captured in outdoor environment. The result yield 90%
recognition accuracy, the method takes 1.6 seconds to perform
the car plate recognition.
Index Termslicense plate recognition, template matching,
moving window.
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is one kind of intelligent
transport systems and is of considerable interest because of
its potential applications to areas such as highway electronic
toll collection, traffic monitoring systems and so on. It can be
considered as a logical complement for automatic radar and
red-light running systems. Such systems are developed to
identify vehicles by the contents of their license plates. The
fundamental issues in number plate recognition are high
accuracy and high recognition speed [1-5]. Due to the rapidly
increase in number of vehicles across the world's big cities
and one of them is Cairo, license plate recognition system has
become one of the most important digital image processing
systems to be used. The field of LPR and its application has
attracted many researchers to search and develop systems
which can process images and get useful information from
them. Most previous researches and applications have faced
some kind of poor performance due to the diversity of plate
formats, the non uniform outdoor illumination conditions
during image acquisition, noisy patterns connecting
characters and poor edge enhancement. Accordingly, these
researches and applications have in some way restricted their
working conditions, such as limiting them to indoor scenes,
Manuscript received November 5, 2009.
M. I. Khalil, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Nuclear Research
Center: Phone: 966-564680744; (e-mail: magdi_nrc@
stationary backgrounds, fixed illumination, fixed type of
license plate, limited vehicle speeds and designated ranges of
the distance between camera and vehicle. Several techniques
have been developed to achieve this job. The artificial neural
network method has shown good accuracy but long
processing time and a need for periodical training for better
accuracy. Template matching theorem has been used widely
for recognizing the segmented characters and numbers.
Template matching method has shown high accuracy but
requires efficient searching method and needs a large storage
to save all the numbers and character templates. Fuzzy logic
technique has been used to recognize the plate's segmented
elements showing high performance, accuracy and short
processing time. However, it is sensitive to the noise and
distortion. Generally, the LPR system consists of four
modules: image acquisition, license plate extraction,
segmentation and recognition of individual characters. The
structure of such systems is shown in Fig.1.
Image acquisition
License plate extraction
Vertical edge detection
Size and shape filtering
Vertical edge matching
B/W ratio and plate
Characters and
numbers segmentation
Characters & numbers
Fig.1 License plate recognition system
The image acquisition is the first phase in the LPR system
where the image is acquired through digital camera, video
camera or analog camera and scanner. The acquired image
may be converted to a grayscale image to facilitate the
extraction of the license plate. The first step of license plate
extraction process is locating the plate within the car image.
This step is achieved through four steps: vertical edge
detection, size and shape filtering, vertical edge matching and
B/W ratio and plate extraction. For the transformed
grayscale image, its corresponding vertical edges are detected
using Sobel or Prewitt edge detectors. Sobel edge detector
shows better results. The threshold used by the edge detector
is dynamic because the system takes an automatic value from
the algorithm. The Sobel edge detector uses a 33 mask,
which is applied on the input image to give the resultant
edged image. It is observed that most of the vehicles usually
have more horizontal lines than vertical lines. To reduce the
complexity of the algorithm, the vertical edges are detected.
If two of the vertical edges are detected correctly, the four
Car Plate Recognition Using the Template
Matching Method
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
corners of the license plate can then be located. This helps in
extracting the license plate exactly from the input image,
even if it is out of shape. After the extraction phase, the
license plate is segmented into individual characters
according to the plate types used in the country. The last
phase is character recognition and it is divided into two stages:
Normalization of individual characters and recognition using
template matching. Normalization is to refine the characters
into a block containing no extra white spaces (pixels) in all
the four sides of the characters.
Unlike the traditional methods for number plate
recognition, the proposed algorithm does not need the
segmentation process of the input image of number plate.
The new approach begins directly after the license plate
extraction phase; and will be called herby as information
recognition phase (IRP). Usually, the number plate consists
of two main sections. The upper section contains the name of
the country and the lower part is for the number plate which
consists of three or four alphabetic characters and three or
four numbers. The recognized information should include
the name of the country to which the car belongs and the
characters and numbers of this car's plate. The suggested
database of the new approach includes an image set for
names of the countries included in this system. Currently,
there are only two countries: Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Fig.2a).
The set can be extended to include more Arabic countries. In
addition to the countries names set, the database includes two
character image sets. The first set includes all the 38 Arabic
alphanumeric characters used in the Egyptian license plates
(28 alphabets and 10 numerals) (Fig.3a). The second set is
similar to the first one except that it matches the font used in
the Saudi Arabian license plates (Fig.3b). The text names of
the countries and the alphanumeric characters corresponding
to these images are listed in two separate tables (Fig.2b and
Fig.3c respectively). Fitting approach is necessary for
template matching. The characters included in the database
are equal-sized and are fitted to 36 x 18 pixels. The images of
the license plates are also equal-sized and are fitted to 240 x
100 pixels. Accordingly, the size of each character in the
license plate image is 36 x 18 pixels.
Country image
Fig.2 a) countries images b) countries names
The next step is template matching. Template matching is
an effective algorithm for recognition of characters [6]. IRP
has been designed and implemented using Microsoft Visual
Studio C# software. To recognize the country name, the
license plate image is loaded as the main image then the first
image entry of the countries images set is loaded as an object.
The moving window with template matching method is
applied to detect that object within the image. If the answer is
"yes" then the name of the country corresponding to the
country name image is retrieved from the countries names
table. If the answer is "no" the next country name image is
loaded as the object and this procedure is repeated. To
recognize the characters and numbers of the license plate, the
same procedure is performed loading the characters images,
one by one, as objects to find out which of them are matching
with characters and numbers included in the license plate.
The text characters corresponding to those objects are then
retrieved from the characters and numbers table. The
flowchart of the proposed algorithm is illustrated in Fig.4.
Character image set used in Egypt
Character image set used in Saudi Arabia
.. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig.3 a) A sample of characters images (Egypt)
b) A sample of characters images (Saudi Arabia)
c) The corresponding character set
Moving window using the template matching method (sum
of squared differences) is a common and practical technique
utilized in many pattern recognition applications [7,8]. The
template matching method gives high recognition accuracy
and reduces the processing time compared to other methods
such as cross-correlation. The applied method computes the
sum of squared differences in each position while the word
image we want to recognize moves over the background
template. The point where the sum of squared difference is
less than a preset threshold will be considered as the point of
matching. The proposed moving window template matching
scheme is illustrated in Fig.5. First a window containing an
object with size smaller than that of the main image is defined.
Only a portion of the image is visible through this window.
The template matching function is performed between the
object in the window and the corresponding area of the image.
Then the window is shifted and the template matching
function is carried out between the object in the window and
the new part of the image visible through the window. Thus,
the window is moved left to right and top to bottom in single
pixel displacement steps until the entire image is covered and
template matching is carried out for all different window
positions. Mathematically, distance measure is a measure of
the similarities or shared properties between two signals. The
distance metric commonly used is the Minkowski metric
d(x,y) [9]:
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
d(x, y) = (|x
where X, Y are two N dimensional feature vectors, and r is a
Minkowski factor. And when r is 2, it is actually Euclidean
load the extracted
license plate image
convert it to BW
Load next country
name image
perform moving
window template
matching algorithm
between the license
plate image and the
country image x
x <= threshold
load next character
image from the
selected set
perform moving
window template
matching algorithm
between the license
plate image and the
current character
image y
y <= threshold
write corresponding
character in the
located place
is there more
Fig.4 Flow chart to illustrate the suggested approach
In our case there are two discrete signals f, t represent two
images denoting the object to be searched and the template
respectively. The object is of dimension I x J pixels and the
template is of dimension M x N (Fig.5).
(x, y) = |(|, j) -t(x +|, y +j)]
x = 0,1,M I, y = 0,1,,N-J
where the sum is over i, j under the window containing the
feature positioned at x, y.
To reduce the computing time, the above equation can be
simplified to Manhattan distance:
d(x, y) = |(|, j) -t(x +|, y +j)|
Moving window
Main image
Fig.5. Moving window template matching scheme
The prescribed moving window template matching
algorithm has been implemented in C#, and compiled on a
Windows-based PC using Microsoft Visual Studio. A variety
of country names, characters and numbers are used through
this primary test. Fig.3 shows some of the characters and
numbers images included in the database with two different
fonts to match the fonts used in Egypt and Saudi Arabia
license plates. The software program has been improved
several times to reduce the processing time to the minimum
value. A large number of Egyptian license plates acquired in
different environments have been used in the test phase to
determine the most suitable threshold for similarity as shown
in Fig.6-a. Another number of Saudi license plates have been
acquired and processed in the test phase (Fig.6-b). It can be
easily noted that the distance measures for the Saudi plates
have higher peaks than that for Egyptian ones. It can be
referred to the fact that the Egyptian plates have colored
background while the Saudi plates have white background.
The size of the moving window is an important criterion in
determining the system performance. The threshold
corresponding to minimal error has been determined. The
relation between the minimum error (minimum distance
between the object in the moving window and corresponding
area in plat's image) and the standard deviation of the
distance measure is control factor for determining the
threshold. It has been found that R = 0.4 is safe threshold.
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, October, 2010
R =
= d
__(d(x, y) -d
_ ((M-I)(N -]) -1) _ _
a: Egyptian case b: Saudi case
Fig.6: Illustration of the threshold determination:
Where d
, d