Surge Arrestors CGL
Surge Arrestors CGL
Surge Arrestors CGL
Surge Arresters
Business Edge
Business Edge
The Switchgear Works of Crompton Greaves is located on a 1,32,540 sq.mtrs. plot in Nashik on the Mumbai Agra National Highway and is demarcated in four main divisions: EHV SF6 Gas Switchgear, EHV Instrument Transformer, Medium Voltage Vacuum Switchgear and Surge Arresters. Operations commenced in 1980 with the manufacture of Medium Voltage Switchgear, which was relocated from Kanjur Mumbai Works. A specialised Business Unit spearheads the export thrust for in-house products as well as carefully out-sourced synergestic products for supply to Trade, Industry, OEMs and Power Utilities. Our regional establishments throughout India have factory-trained personnel to provide prompt after sales service, supporting our service personnel located at the factory.
CG House, Mumbai
Global Leadership
Today, Crompton Greaves is well on its way to becoming a Global Leader in the field of Transmission & Distribution. In May 2005, CROMPTON GREAVES acquired the entire Pauwels Group, a leading transformer manufacturer in Europe. With this acquisition, it has become one of the top 10 transformer manufacturers in the world. To further augment its position in the Transmission & Distribution sector, CROMPTON GREAVES has recently acquired two Hungarian companies. Ganz Transelektro, engaged in manufacture of EHV Transformers, Gas Insulated Switchgear, rotating machines and Ganz Transverticum, involved in the project business & specializing in high-end engineering & substation capabilities. With the latest acquisition, the turnover of CROMPTON GREAVES has crossed the US$ 2 billion mark; making it the first truly Indian multinational. CROMPTON GREAVES has manufacturing facilities on all five continents spanning - India, Belgium, Ireland, USA, Canada, Indonesia, Hungary. International business today accounts for over 50% of the sales. Crompton Greaves already possesses the distinction of producing world-class, quality products that are globally competitive. The acquisition has given CROMPTON GREAVES access to new technologies 765kV transformers, GIS upto 300kV. The integration process now underway will strengthen the technological capability of CROMPTON GREAVES and its subsidiaries and allow the CROMPTON GREAVES group to emerge as leader at the cutting edge of Transmission & Distribution business on a global scale.
Surge Arresters
Components in any power system face in service, overvoltages that arise either due to natural lightning or inevitable switching operations. Surge arresters are used to protect power system installations and equipment against Lightning Overvoltages, Switching Surges etc. Generally arresters are connected across the equipment to be protected, typically between phase and earth for three phase installations. CG metal oxide Surge Arresters consist of active part, which is a series of highly nonlinear ceramic resistors made essentially of Zinc Oxide. Fine Zinc Oxide crystals are surrounded by other metal oxides (additives).
Special Features
Unique doughnut construction of ZnO elements offer high energy capability, provide uniform density and temperature distribution Shatter proof performance Simple, robust construction of Arresters Extremely high non-linearity of ZnO elements Positive locking of Zinc Oxide elements
Low power loss resulting in enhanced performance at elevated temperatures Controlled environment assembly line Ultra stable elements resulting in enhanced overvoltage protection capacity Available in Brown & ANSI-Grey Porcelains Optional Spares :
All CG Arresters in this Catalog are designed in line with the requirements of ANSI-IEEE Standard C62.11 & IEC 60099-4. Note : CG Ltd. reserves the right to change Design and specifications in this catalogue without notice, due to continuous product improvements.
Surge Arresters
Bi O 2 3 Barrier ZnO
Voltage Rating : The voltage rating of an arrester is that voltage which can be applied for a limited time after the arrester has absorbed a large amount of energy as established in the operating duty tests. The rated voltage is used as a reference parameter for the specification of operating characteristics. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV) :
The MCOV is the maximum permissible rms value of power frequency voltage that may be applied continuously between the terminals of the arrester. Temporary Overvoltage Capability : An arrester must be selected with a high enough voltage rating to withstand temporary overvoltages which might be caused by various occurrences on the system. The most common event causing a temporary overvoltage is a single line to ground fault. For an effectively grounded system such faults will normally be cleared in less than one second. Therefore an overvoltage capability based on a duration of one second is usually recommended. Also, the below table shows Temporary Overvoltage Capability for a time range of 0.1 to 1,000 seconds.
A mA mA kA
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Surge Arresters
CG Arresters can be customized to meet virtually all the duty cycle voltage (Voltage Rating) & MCOV requirements.
Surge Arresters
SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SYSTEM PARAMETERS System Voltage Maximum System Voltage System Earthing Basic Insulation levels (LI, SI) Line length, Energy involved Short Circuit level System over-voltages Pollution level Altitude
With available Surge Arrester parameters and from appropriate table, other ratings of Surge Arrester can be determined. The tables show typical requirements from customers. Surge Arrester with different parameters can also be supplied.
Surge Arresters
Reference Standard Arrester Type & Class Rated Frequency Line Discharge Class Nominal Discharge Current Energy Handling Capability Continuous Leakage current at MCOV Hz kAp kJ / kV of Rating Resistive (Max.) Capacitive (Max.) Product Range
Unique Ref. No. ZYPD002 ZYPD003 ZYPD004 ZYPD005 ZYPD005 ZYPD007 ZYPD008 ZYPD010 ZYPD013 ZYPD015 ZYPD017 ZYPD019 ZYPD022 ZYPD024 ZYPD029 Rated Voltage 2.7 3 4.5 5.1 6 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 MCOV 2.3 2.55 3.6 4.2 5.1 7.65 8.4 10.2 12.7 15.3 17 19.5 22 24.4 29 Steep Impulse RV at 5kA (1/ 2microsec) 11.2 12.3 18.5 22.4 24.6 33.6 35.3 49.3 58.2 67.2 71.7 90 101 106 134
Lightning Impulse RV (8/20 micro-sec) at 1.5kA 8.5 9.4 14.0 17.0 18.7 25.5 26.8 37.4 44.2 51.0 54.4 68.0 76.5 80.3 102.0 2.5kA 9.0 9.9 14.9 18.0 19.8 27.0 28.4 39.6 46.8 54.0 57.6 72.0 81.0 85.1 108.0 3.0kA 9.5 10.5 15.7 19.0 20.9 28.5 29.9 41.8 49.4 57.0 60.8 76.0 85.5 89.8 114.0 5kA 10.0 11.0 16.5 20.0 22.0 30.0 31.5 44.0 52.0 60.0 64.0 80.0 90.0 94.5 120.0 10kA 11.2 12.3 18.5 22.4 24.6 33.6 35.3 49.3 58.2 67.2 71.7 90 101 106 134
Surge Arresters
Reference Standard Arrester Type & Class Rated Frequency Line Discharge Class Nominal Discharge Current Energy Handling Capability Continuous Leakage current at MCOV Hz kAp kJ / kV of Rating Resistive (Max.) Capacitive (Max.) Product Range
Unique Ref. No. ZPR1002 ZPR1003 ZPR1004 ZPR1005 ZPR1005 ZPR1007 ZPR1008 ZPR1010 ZPR1013 ZPR1015 ZPR1017 ZPR1019 ZPR1022 ZPR1024 ZPR1029 Rated Voltage 2.7 3 4.5 5.1 6 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 MCOV 2.3 2.55 3.6 4.2 5.1 7.65 8.4 10.2 12.7 15.3 17 19.5 22 24.4 29 Steep Impulse RV at 10kA (1/ 2microsec) 11.2 12.3 18.5 21.3 24.6 33.6 35.8 43.1 53.8 64.4 68.9 86 97 108 129
Lightning Impulse RV (8/20 micro-sec) at 1.5kA 9.3 10.2 15.3 17.7 20.5 27.9 29.8 35.8 44.6 53.5 57.2 71.6 80.4 89.3 107 3.0kA 9.4 10.3 15.5 17.9 20.7 28.2 30.1 36.2 45.1 54.1 57.8 72.4 81.3 90.2 108 5kA 9.5 10.5 15.7 18.1 20.9 28.5 30.4 36.6 45.6 54.6 58.4 73.2 82.2 91.2 109 10kA 10 11 17 19 22 30 32 38.5 48 57.5 61.5 77 86.5 96 115 20kA 11.2 12.3 18.5 21.3 24.6 33.6 35.8 43.1 53.8 64.4 68.9 86 97 108 129
Surge Arresters
Reference Standard Arrester Type & Class Rated Frequency Line Discharge Class Nominal Discharge Current Pressure Relief Class Energy Handling Capability Continuous Leakage current at MCOV Cantilever strength Product Range
Unique Ref. No. ZLA2002 ZLA2003 ZLA2005 ZLA2007 ZLA2008 ZLA2010 ZLA2013 ZLA2015 ZLA2017 ZLA2019 ZLA2022 ZLA2024 ZLA2029 ZLA2031 ZLA2036 ZLA2039 ZLA2042 ZLA2048 ZLA2057 ZLA2070 ZLA2076 ZLA2084 ZLA2098 ZLA2106 ZLA2115 Rated Voltage 2.7 3 6 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 39 45 48 54 60 72 90 96 108 120 132 144 MCOV 2.3 2.55 5.1 7.65 8.4 10.2 12.7 15.3 17 19.5 22 24.4 29 31.5 36.5 39 42 48 57 70 76 84 98 106 115
(Class - 2)
Hz kAp kArms kJ / kV of Rating Resistive (Max.) Kg-m IEC 60099-4, ANSI IEEE Std C62.11, IS 3070 (Part-3) Gapless, Station class 48-62 Hz 2 10 A / 40 4.0 micro-amps 400 & Capacitive (Max.) micro-amps 1500 325 upto 144kV 2.7kV to 144kV
Creepage Overall distance Height mm (H) mm 150 150 150 300 300 300 300 600 600 600 900 900 900 1050 1050 1050 1815 1815 1815 3075 3075 3625 3625 3625 3625 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 560 560 560 640 640 640 680 680 680 1160 1160 1160 1745 1745 1825 1825 1825 1825
Steep Impulse Switching Impulse Switching Impulse Lightning Impulse RV (8/20 micro-sec) at RV at10kA RV at 125A RV at 500A (1/ 2microsec) (30/60microsec) (30/60microsec) 1.5kA 3.0kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 8.7 9.2 18.3 27.4 30.4 36.5 45.7 54.8 63.9 71.4 80.3 90 107 114 132 141 154 171 205 257 271 283 314 342 376 5.9 6.2 12.4 18.6 20.7 24.8 31.0 37.2 43.4 48.4 54.5 60.8 72.7 77.6 90 96 104 116 139 174 184 192 213 232 255 6.1 6.4 12.7 19.1 21.2 25.4 31.8 38.2 44.5 49.7 55.9 62.4 74.6 79.7 92 98 107 119 143 179 189 197 219 238 262 6.9 7.2 14.3 21.5 23.9 28.7 35.9 43.0 50.2 56.1 63.1 70.4 84.1 89.9 104 111 121 134 161 202 213 242 268 292 321 7.2 7.5 15.0 22.5 25.0 30.0 37.5 45.0 52.5 58.6 66.0 73.6 88.0 94.0 108 116 126 140 169 211 223 253 281 305 336 7.4 7.8 15.5 23.2 25.8 31.0 38.7 46.5 54.2 60.6 68.1 76.0 90.8 97.0 112 119 131 145 174 218 230 261 290 315 347 7.8 8.2 16.3 24.5 27.2 32.6 40.8 48.9 57.1 63.7 71.7 80.0 95.6 102.1 118 126 137 153 183 229 242 275 305 332 365 8.7 9.2 18.3 27.4 30.4 36.5 45.7 54.8 63.9 71.4 80.3 89.7 107 114 132 141 154 171 205 257 271 308 342 372 409
90kV-144kV Class-2 SA
54kV-72kV Class-2 SA
2.7kV-48kV CL2 SA
Surge Arresters
Reference Standard Arrester Type & Class Rated Frequency Line Discharge Class Nominal Discharge Current Pressure Relief Class Energy Handling Capability Continuous Leakage current at MCOV Cantilever strength Product Range
Unique Ref. No. ZLA3002 ZLA3003 ZLA3005 ZLA3007 ZLA3008 ZLA3010 ZLA3013 ZLA3015 ZLA3017 ZLA3019 ZLA3022 ZLA3024 ZLA3029 ZLA3031 ZLA3036 ZLA3039 ZLA3042 ZLA3048 ZLA3057 ZLA3070 ZLA3076 ZLA3084 ZLA3098 ZLA3106 ZLA3115 ZLA3131 ZLA3140 ZLA3144 ZLA3152 ZLA3168 ZLA3180 ZLA3190 ZLA3209 ZLA3212 ZLA3220 ZLA3230 ZLA3235 ZLA3245 ZLA3292 ZLA3303 ZLA3318 ZLA3335 Rated Voltage 2.7 3 6 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 39 45 48 54 60 72 90 96 108 120 132 144 168 172 180 192 198 228 240 258 264 276 288 294 312 360 390 396 420
(Class - 3)
Hz kAp kArms kJ / kV of Rating Resistive (Max.) Kg-m IEC 60099-4, ANSI IEEE Std C62.11, IS 3070 (Part-3) Gapless, Station class 48-62 Hz 3 10 A / 65 6.0 micro-amps 400 & Capacitive (Max.) micro-amps 1500 725 2.7kV to 420 kV
Creepage Overall distance Height mm (H) mm 150 150 150 300 300 300 300 600 600 600 900 900 900 1050 1050 1050 1815 1815 1815 3075 3075 3625 3625 3625 4495 4890 5000 5000 5440 6125 6125 7250 7250 7250 9065 9065 9065 9065 10500 10500 10500 13020 460 460 460 460 460 460 460 680 680 680 790 790 790 856 856 856 1090 1090 1090 1390 1390 1600 1600 1600 1600 2283 2625 2625 2535 2883 2883 3100 3100 3100 4075 4075 4075 4075 4700 4700 4700 4700
MCOV 2.30 2.55 5.1 7.65 8.4 10.2 12.7 15.3 17 19.5 22 24.4 29 31.5 36.5 39 42 48 57 70 76 84 98 106 115 131 140 144 152 168 180 190 209 212 220 230 235 245 292 303 318 335
Steep Impulse Switching Impulse Switching Impulse Lightning Impulse RV (8/20 micro-sec) at RV at10kA RV at 250A RV at 1kA (1/ 2microsec) (30/60microsec) (30/60microsec) 1.5kA 3.0kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 8.5 6.2 6.3 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.7 8.6 8.8 6.4 6.5 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.0 8.9 17.4 12.7 13.0 14.7 14.9 15.0 15.8 17.7 27.5 20.0 20.5 23.3 23.5 23.8 25.0 28.0 28.5 20.7 21.3 24.1 24.4 24.6 25.9 29.0 34.8 43.6 52.3 59.6 68.1 76.6 85.5 102 110 129 136 154 171 202 253 270 307 341 374 407 475 487 510 545 561 639 673 724 741 774 807 825 876 913 990 1056 1120 25.3 31.7 38.0 43.3 49.5 55.7 62.2 74.3 80.0 94 99 112 124 147 184 196 223 248 272 296 346 354 371 396 408 465 490 526 539 563 587 600 637 664 720 768 814 26.0 32.5 39.0 44.4 50.8 57.1 63.8 76.2 82.0 95.9 102 115 127 151 189 201 229 254 279 303 354 363 380 406 418 476 502 540 553 577 602 615 653 681 738 787 835 29.5 36.8 44.2 50.4 57.6 64.8 72.3 86.4 93.0 109 115 130 144 171 214 228 259 288 316 344 402 412 432 460 474 540 569 612 627 655 683 698 740 772 837 893 947 29.8 37.2 44.7 50.9 58.2 65.5 73.1 87.3 94.0 110 117 132 146 173 216 230 262 291 320 348 406 416 436 465 479 546 575 619 634 662 690 705 748 780 846 902 957 30.1 37.6 45.1 51.5 58.8 66.2 73.9 88.2 95.0 111 118 133 147 175 219 233 265 295 323 352 410 421 441 470 485 552 581 625 640 669 697 713 756 789 855 912 967 31.7 39.6 47.5 54.2 61.9 69.7 77.8 92.9 100 117 124 140 155 184 230 245 279 310 340 370 432 443 464 495 510 581 612 658 674 704 734 750 796 830 900 960 1018 35.5 44.4 53.2 60.7 69.4 78.0 87.1 104 112 131 139 157 174 206 258 274 312 347 381 414 484 496 520 554 571 651 685 737 755 788 822 840 892 930 1008 1015 1076
Surge Arresters
Reference Standard Arrester Type & Class Rated Frequency Line Discharge Class Nominal Discharge Current Pressure Relief Class Energy Handling Capability Continuous Leakage current at MCOV cantilever strength Product Range
Unique Ref. No. ZLA4042 ZLA4048 ZLA4057 ZLA4070 ZLA4076 ZLA4084 ZLA4098 ZLA4106 ZLA4115 ZLA4131 ZLA4140 ZLA4144 ZLA4152 ZLA4168 ZLA4180 ZLA4190 ZLA4209 ZLA4212 ZLA4220 ZLA4230 ZLA4235 ZLA4245 ZLA4292 ZLA4303 ZLA4318 ZLA4335 Rated Voltage 54 60 72 90 96 108 120 132 144 168 172 180 192 198 228 240 258 264 276 288 294 312 360 390 396 420 MCOV 42 48 57 70 76 84 98 106 115 131 140 144 152 168 180 190 209 212 220 230 235 245 292 303 318 335
(Class - 4)
Hz kAp kArms kJ / kV of Rating Resistive (Max.) Kg-m IEC 60099-4, ANSI IEEE Std C62.11, IS 3070 (Part-3) Gapless, Station class 48-62 Hz 4 20 A / 65kArms 8.0 micro-amps 400 & Capacitive (Max.) micro-amps1500 1000 54kV to 420 kV
Creepage Overall distance Height mm (H) mm 1815 1815 1815 3075 3075 3625 3625 3625 4495 4890 5000 5000 5440 6125 6125 7250 7250 7250 9065 9065 9065 9065 10500 10500 10500 13020 1368 1368 1368 1368 1368 1630 1630 1630 1630 2623 2623 2623 2623 2623 2623 2623 2888 2888 3153 3153 3153 4710 4710 4710 4710 4710
Steep Impulse Switching Impulse Switching Impulse Lightning Impulse RV (8/20 micro-sec) at RV at20kA RV at 500A RV at 2kA (1/ 2microsec) (30/60microsec) (30/60microsec) 1.5kA 3.0kA 10kA 20kA 40kA 177 196 228 284 314 352 392 432 470 549 562 588 627 647 713 781 840 859 897 937 956 1015 1171 1269 1281 1371 116 128 148 186 205 229 256 282 306 358 367 383 409 422 466 510 548 561 585 611 624 662 764 828 836 895 120 133 154 193 213 238 266 293 318 372 381 398 425 438 484 530 570 582 608 635 648 688 794 860 869 930 138 153 177 222 245 274 305 337 366 428 438 458 489 504 556 609 655 670 699 730 745 791 913 989 999 1069 140 155 180 225 249 279 310 342 372 435 445 466 496 512 565 619 666 681 711 742 757 804 928 1005 1015 1086 143 158 183 229 253 283 315 348 378 442 452 473 504 521 574 629 676 692 722 754 770 817 942 1021 1032 1104 150 166 193 241 266 298 332 366 398 465 476 498 531 548 605 662 712 728 760 794 810 860 992 1075 1086 1162 168 186 216 270 298 334 372 410 446 521 533 558 595 614 677 741 797 815 851 889 907 963 1111 1204 1216 1301
[ Class - 3 diagram ]
[ Class - 4 diagram ]
1090 280
860 280
276kV-420kV Class-3 SA
168kV-264kV Class-3 SA
2.7kV-144kV Class-3 SA
276kV-420kV Class-4 SA
168kV-264kV Class-4 SA
54kV-144kV Class-4 SA
Surge Arresters
These Polymeric-housed surge arresters are designed to protect against overvoltage due to lightning or switching. Station class arresters are used in large electric utility and industrial sub-stations to protect transformers and other substation equipments from lightning & switching surge-generated overvoltage. Our polymeric arresters provide both excellent protective characteristics and temporary over-voltage capability. The type ZPL2 station class arresters offer the benefits of polymer housings for system voltages up to 110kV. The ZPL2 arresters are approximately 1/5 the weight of the porcelain equivalent. Handling and installation are much easier as a result. The risk of damage to the housing is significantly reduced by comparison with porcelain.
Rated 3 to 96kV, 2.55kV to 81kV MCIV.2.4 to 110kV system line to line voltage. The ZPL2 arrester design is tested inaccordance with the latest industry standards for metal oxide arresters. The ZPL2 arresters consistently withstand the following minimum design tests.
I High Current-Short Duration: 100 kAp I Nominal discharge current (IEC): 10kA I Line Discharge Class (IEC): Class 2 I Minimum Energy Capability: 4.94 kJ / kV MCOV I Pressure Relief Capability: 65kA rms sym. I Working Cantilever strength: 60 kg-m
Surge Arresters
Reference Standard Arrester Type & Class Rated Frequency Line Discharge Class Nominal Discharge Current Pressure Relief Class Energy Handling Capability Continuous Leakage current at MCOV Cantilever strength Product Range
Unique Ref. No. ZPL2002 ZPL2003 ZPL2005 ZPL2007 ZPL2008 ZPL2010 ZPL2013 ZPL2015 ZPL2017 ZPL2019 ZPL2022 ZPL2024 ZPL2029 ZPL2031 ZPL2036 ZPL2039 ZPL2042 ZPL2048 ZPL2057 ZPL2070 ZPL2076 ZPL2084 ZPL2098 ZPL2106 ZPL2115 Rated Voltage 2.7 3 6 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 36 39 45 48 54 60 72 90 96 108 120 132 144 MCOV 2.3 2.55 5.1 7.65 8.4 10.2 12.7 15.3 17 19.5 22 24.4 29 31.5 36.5 39 42 48 57 70 76 84 98 106 115
Steep Impulse Switching Impulse Switching Impulse Lightning Impulse RV (8/20 micro-sec) at RV at10kA RV at 125A RV at 500A (1/ 2microsec) (30/60microsec) (30/60microsec) 1.5kA 3.0kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 8.7 9.2 18.3 27.4 30.4 36.5 45.7 54.8 63.9 71.4 80.3 90 107 114 132 141 154 171 205 257 271 283 314 342 376 5.9 6.2 12.4 18.6 20.7 24.8 31.0 37.2 43.4 48.4 54.5 60.8 72.7 77.6 90 96 104 116 139 174 184 192 213 232 255 6.1 6.4 12.7 19.1 21.2 25.4 31.8 38.2 44.5 49.7 55.9 62.4 74.6 79.7 92 98 107 119 143 179 189 197 219 238 262 6.9 7.2 14.3 21.5 23.9 28.7 35.9 43.0 50.2 56.1 63.1 70.4 84.1 89.9 104 111 121 134 161 202 213 242 268 292 321 7.2 7.5 15.0 22.5 25.0 30.0 37.5 45.0 52.5 58.6 66.0 73.6 88.0 94.0 108 116 126 140 169 211 223 253 281 305 336 7.4 7.8 15.5 23.2 25.8 31.0 38.7 46.5 54.2 60.6 68.1 76.0 90.8 97.0 112 119 131 145 174 218 230 261 290 315 347 7.8 8.2 16.3 24.5 27.2 32.6 40.8 48.9 57.1 63.7 71.7 80.0 95.6 102.1 118 126 137 153 183 229 242 275 305 332 365 8.7 9.2 18.3 27.4 30.4 36.5 45.7 54.8 63.9 71.4 80.3 89.7 107 114 132 141 154 171 205 257 271 308 342 372 409
90kV-144kV CL-2 POLY SA
Surge Arresters
Line Terminals General Arrangement
14.5 HOLE 4 NOS. 75 44.5/50
120 120
320 250
400 275
350 275
Surge Arresters
AC m A (CREST/ 2)
Surge Monitor
Model No. SC 07-1
Surge Arrestors may be supplied with following accessories on request :
Surge counter Insulating base (required in case surge counter is to be used) Cable conductor of specific length (required in case surge counter is to be used)
Note : Grading rings are supplied with CG Surge Arresters for CLASS 3 & 4 and for KV rating higher than or equal to 144 KV.
Test Lab
2 3 4 5
Canada Iceland Kyrgyzstan Iraq Iran Dubai Nepal Bangladesh South Korea Laos Myanmar Taiwan Vietnam Thailand Philippines Malaysia Mozambique Zimbabwe Zambia Botswana South Africa Indonesia Australia Japan
Costa Rica
Ecuador Peru
Switchgear Complex A-3, MIDC, Ambad, Nashik - 422 010 India Tel : (+91) 253 2301661 to 674 Fax : (+91) 253 2381247 E-mail : URL : Regd. Office : 6th Floor, CG House, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 030, India.
New Zealand