Common Council
Common Council
Common Council
January 2012 President Obama signs legislation requiring the FAA to select six UAS test sites by the end of the year (FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012; National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012) The purpose of the sites is to conduct research, collect data, etc. for 5 years in order to begin to safely integrate unmanned vehicles and systems into the National Airspace (NAS) These sites are where the industry will proliferate, where jobs will be created and where research and testing will be conducted. Companies, jobs and private and public sector investment will be attracted to these sites.
New York State, particularly Upstate, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have the assets and expertise to be selected as one of these sites.
February, 2013 FAA releases their Screening Information Request (SIR) 50 competitors register
May 6, 2013 Deadline for submission of the last of the seven volumes of the SIR 25 sites complete the application process
December, 2013 FAA deadline to selected six test sites
70,000 new jobs nationwide in the UAS industry by 2017; 100,000 by 2025
(According to AUVSI The Economic Impact of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the United States)
Retain thousands of existing jobs and attract private sector jobs. Attract significant research investment to our companies, colleges and universities. Expand our globally competitive sensor and radar industrial base. NY and MA can meet all the FAA criteria. NY and MA have political support at the local, state and federal level.
New York State in Top Ten States to grow jobs industry wide
2,276 jobs, Tax Revenue of $4+ million
(Source: AUVSI)
Agriculture Public Safety Cargo delivery Fire response Disaster response Search and Rescue Flood plain surveillance Wildlife monitoring Meteorological research Accident investigations
Damage assessment Infrastructure monitoring Power line surveillance Broadband communications Aerial news coverage Flood mapping Mail and freight transport Sporting event coverage Border surveillance
Restricted Airspace
R5201 Ft Drum
Restricted Airspace
26 NM
Ontario Airspace
Adirondack Airspace
Massachusetts Airspace
Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR): -Otis Air National Guard Base, 102d Intelligence Wing MMR Airspace and UAS activity -20 sq mi. restricted airspace adjacent to areas over water, near Boston flight path -Adjacent littoral warning area
Rochester Institute of Technology (Lead NY Academic Institution) Cornell University Clarkson University Dowling College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Cayuga, Jefferson and Onondaga Community Colleges SUNY Binghamton, Morrisville and Buffalo SUNY IT Syracuse University Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Lead Mass. Academic Institution) University of Massachusetts at Lowell Worcester Polytechnic Institute Northeastern University Georgia Tech Research Institute