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Advantages & Disadvantages of this solar charger + Simple, small & inexpensive + Uses commonly available components + Adjustable

ustable voltage + ZERO battery discharge when sun is not shining High drop-out voltagemay be marginal for 6V application Current limited to 1.5A No LED indicatorsno bells or whistles

Solar battery charger specifications Solar panel rating: 20W (12V) or 10W (6V) Output voltage range: 5 to 14V (adjustable) (may be reduced further by shorting R2) Max power dissipation: 10W (includes power dissipation of D1) Typical dropout voltage: 2 to 2.75V (depending upon load current) Maximum current: 1.5A (internally limits at about 2.2A) Voltage regulation: 100mV (due to regulation of series rectifier) Battery discharge: 0mA (this control will not discharge the battery when the sun doesnt shine)

Solar battery charger schematic

6V Applicaton

Output Voltage: Set for 7V Input voltage: o o Battery discharged (6V): 8.75V Min @ 1.5A (this is a little high for panels that are characterized for 6V applications) Battery charged (7V): 9V Min @ 10mA (e.g.)

12V Application Output Voltage: Set for 14V Input voltage: o o Battery discharged (12V): 14.75V Min @ 1.5A (Available from solar panel characterized for 12V operation) Battery charged: (14V): 16V Min

Minimum Head Voltage This is also referred to drop-out voltage. The input voltage must exceed the output voltage by about 2.75V @ 1.5A. Fortunately, when the battery discharged, the output voltage is lower so the solar panel voltage will also be lower. When fully charged, the battery voltage will be high, but the current is very lowat this point, the drop-out voltage reduces to about 2V and the open circuit solar panel voltage also comes into play. The schottky rectifier was selected to reduce this head voltage requirementthe voltage drop of the schottky is about 0.5V @ 1.5A or about half that of a typical silicon rectifier. More advanced controls have a much lower head voltage requirement and will function better under marginal conditions. Maximum Power Dissipation The power is limited by the thermal resistances of both the LM317T and the heat sink. To keep the junction temperature below the 125C Max, the power must be limited to about 10W. If a smaller or less effective heat sink is used, the maximum power dissipation must be de-rated. Fortunately, the LM317 has internal temperature limiting so that if it gets too hot, it shuts down thus protecting itself from damage. Max power comes into effect when charging a 12V battery @ 1.5A: e.g. battery voltage = 12V, solar panel = 18V. P = (18V 12V) * 1.5A = 9W. So thermally, it is carefully matched to the current rating. If a solar panel that is characterized for 12V is applied with a 6V battery, the maximum current must be reduced to about 0.7A: e.g. battery voltage = 6V, solar panel voltage = 18V. P = (18V 6V) * 0.7A = 9.6W. In this case, the solar panel power may not exceed 10W. When charging, the heat sink normally runs warm. When beginning to top off or completing the charge at maximum voltage, the heat sink runs hot. When fully charged, the heat sink runs cool.

This heat is not exactly wasted powerit is excess power that is unneeded in the process of charging a battery. Current Limiting Current limiting is provided by the solar panelit is not a commonly understood fact that the solar panel tends to be a constant current device. For this reason, a solar panel can withstand a short circuit. Therefore, the control does not need current limiting. Float Charge of Lead-Acid Batteries This control charges the battery at a constant voltage and also maintains a charged battery (float charge). The float charge voltage specification is a little lower, so to accommodate both charge and float charge voltage, a compromise is reached by simply reducing the voltage slightlythat is how ALL automotive systems operate. To obtain maximum charge in a 12V battery, set the control to 14.6V. Automotive systems further reduce voltage to 13 to 13.5V in order to accommodate high temperature operation as the battery is usually located in the hot engine compartmentbattery has a negative thermal coefficient of voltage.

Application with other types of batteries

It is difficult to determine how to set the voltage in this case. The easiest way to do this is to charge the battery fully using other means and then transfer the charged battery to the control and connect an ammeter in series. Increase the voltage setting until there is significant current and then back off the potentiometer until the current drops to perhaps 10mA or so. Some types of batteries such as lithium ion types must be disconnected after charging to prevent degradation. Solar Battery Charger Protection C1 provides substantial protection against static discharge. There is no protection against reverse polarity or mis-wiring. It is protected if solar panel is connected reverse without battery connected, or if battery is connected reverse without solar panel connected. However, if the battery or solar panel is misconnected simultaneously, who knows? anyone care to experiment?

12V Battery Charger Schematic

SCR (Thyristor) Rectifiers First of all, the two SCRs (silicon controlled rectifiers or thyristors) are connected with their anodes (stud or tab) groundedthis makes for excellent thermal transfer because no insulating hardware is required (if it is permissible to connect the negative terminal of the charger directly to the steel enclosure). If you do not wish to ground this point, use insulating hardware to electrically isolate the SCRs. This makes the transformer center-tap the positive terminal. The reason for this circuit placement is the ease of driving the SCR gates via the positive battery voltageit is very unconventional as I have never seen this trick done before. SCRs are the ideal power device choice for a battery charger because they can both regulate battery charging voltage and prevent fault current when the battery is inadvertently connected reverse. I have actually connected mine reverse and thought that the charger was inoperative until I realized what I had done.

Power Device Selection I used two 2N690 stud-mount SCRs that I had available. Any in the series will work (2N683 through 2N690)only the voltage rating differs and anything greater than 100V is good for the application. Other more inexpensive TO-220 candidates are: STMicroelectronics TYN616, Teccor/Littlefuse S6015L (isolated package), NXP 151-500C, or ON Seimconductor 2N6403G. Avoid sensitive gate devices. Circuit Common Normally circuits use a negative commonthat is just the way the world seems to work, but in this case, it was more convenient to make the positive rail the common point and all visualization must be made with this in mind. The only exception is D7 that was installed to prevent damage should the battery get connected reverse. For visualization, simply short out D7. The conventional ground symbol is used for the negative rail. This tends to tie your brain in knots Voltage Reference A good battery charger tapers off when the battery voltage is above about 14V. For this to function, D6 is a 5.1V shunt zener regulator that puts out -5.1V relative to the positive rail. It is biased via R8. Ramp Generator C1 and R4 form a ramp generator that generates a negative going sawtooth voltage (relative to the positive rail). It is reset to the positive rail via Q1 and Q2 at line voltage zero crossing. At zero crossing, there is no voltage at the anodes of D3 & D4 (relative to the positive rail), Q1 is off, Q2 is on and C1 is shorted. At all other points in the AC line cycle, C1 is charging. My line frequency is 60HZ. For 50HZ, increase the value of R4 to 82K. Error Amplifier U1A is the error amplifierit amplifies the difference between the -5.1V reference voltage and the feedback voltage at the arm of the V ADJ pot (R6). It is slowed down by the RC filter (R10 & C2), proportionately amplified by the ratio of R14 /R9, and integrated via C3. Perhaps you have heard of a PID (proportional, integral, derivative) controlthis does just that, but neglects the derivative term as it is generally not required in most applications. If the error amplifier is not satisfied, it continues to integrate its output voltage until the feedback voltage equals the reference voltage. The function of the operational amplifier is to make the two input voltages equal. The device selection here is the LF442 (or TL082) J-FET input operational amplifier. This is vital in this circuit because the common mode voltage range of the differential inputs must extend to the positive rail. Few op amps can do this (many have differential voltages that extend to the negative rail, but those will not work in this application). Phase Comparator U1B is the phase comparator. It compares the ramp voltage with the output of the error amplifier. It is also called the ramp-intercept technique. When the ramp generator voltage exceeds the error voltage signal (in the negative direction), the output of U1B switches negative and turns on Q3 thus providing gate current to the SCR that is forward biased. R13 is the gate current limiting resistor. Flashing a Dead Battery The battery provides the power to begin operation of the regulator circuit, so if the battery is fully

discharged it may be necessary to flash the battery terminals with a good battery to bootstrap the regulator into operation. I have toyed with the idea of installing a Flash pushbutton, but this adds more circuitry and I have not found it necessary.

Power Supply 9VDC no transformer

This is circuiut power supply 9VDC no transformer,It easy circuit and small size. Volt output = Volt Zenerdiode. Output Current 100mA (min). It easy circuit and small size. Power Supply 9VDC no transformer You may know the reason that make power supply circuit have large-sized as a result , because transformer. Way this out be must not use. We use capacitor replace as a result work also well. In Power Supply 9VDC no transformer circuit . The this base equipment have zener diode perform heal voltage be stable or 9V DC Regulator. but kind this circuit be defective that current not tall sir. The detail is other , see in the circuit sir.

DC power supply not use transformer

Work cycle is C1 and R1 acts reduced AC Current Source to rectifier current is a DC Volt by bridge diode circuit which D1-D4 acts to change AC to DC with the C2 makes the filtering power DC to smoother will a zener diode acts to reduce voltage is equal to the number of volt zener diode and C3 will DCV voltage output that is more


Negative Volage Regulator 6V not use Transformer

If friends with look for Mini power supply 6V sizes. That give negative voltage. I begs for to advise this circuit. It has prominent small-sized point and light weight. Because do not use Transformer. But still can use current get 0.07Amp not exceed and when see the circuit. Think use Zener diode control voltage be stable that 6V and have transistor enlarge the trend equal to that want. And still systematically protect through the circuit or Shot Circuit

Protect with Transistor as well. The detail is other , see in circuit picture has yes.

DC Regulator supply 15V non transformer

Friends at dont like large-sized of a transformer. I begs for to advise 15VDC regulator power supply can give the trend current get low about 80mA not exceed. But enough will usable small-sized circuit has comfortablely. Think I uses Zener Diode be formed help maintain ones position volt be stable , and use Transistor help enlarge current tallly increasingly. Make this circuit is usable well , But friends as a result must use the carefulness specially , because apply to the level voltage tall directly yes.

Regulator 12V 10A by IC 723+2N3055

This is circuit regulator 12V 10A by IC 723+2N3055. Q 2N3055 x 2 for to increase form IC LM723. To use transformer 10A, Transistor to Hold Heatsink. To adjust the output voltage

simplyt by VR1 1K.

circuit Regulator 12V 10A by IC 723+2N3055 A friend of me wants 12V Power supply for High Current 10A load. Me tries to search see meet this circuit will should is appropriate. Because of use IC LM723. Be the integrated circuit Voltage Regulator at good one although older already. But still be usable well. Fine decorate voltage output with well. Besides still have the transistor 2N3055 numbers are highly popular transistor again the one number. Make the all equipment of this circuit seeks easy certainly. If friends want to give 10A electric tall currents. Should use a pot transforms the sky that has 10A sizes with. For VR1 give for fine decorate voltage output get as well be can fine about 0-16V. The detail is other , please see in the circuit better.

PCB Regulator 12V 10A by IC 723+2N3055 Related Links Power supply Switching Regulator 12V 3A by LM2576-12 Here is circuit Switching power supply 12V 3A. Or circuit dc converterstep down voltage. Use IC LM2576-12 SIMPLE SWITCHER High Efficiency 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator. Input DC Voltage 40Vmax and 16Vmin 3A. [...] 12V 5A power supply Regulator with LM2678-12 This is circuit Switching power supply 12V 5A. Or circuit dc converterstep down voltage. Use IC LM2678-12 SIMPLE SWITCHER High Efficiency 5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator. Input DC Voltage 40Vmax and 16Vmin 5A. Detail more see in image circuit. [...] Voltage Regulator 12V 1.5A for Battery by MC34063 The circuit is a good battery. It is Control Volttage regulator Output 12V 1.5A , Input Voltage battery 5V-13V Only. Use IC- MC34063 so easy circuit, Adjustable VR1 for Control Efficiency at 12V 600mA. [...]

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