How To Disinfect A Private Water Well
How To Disinfect A Private Water Well
How To Disinfect A Private Water Well
6. Determine the amount of chlorine product required for a 100-ppm solution. For each 100 gallons of water in the well or system use the amount of chlorine liquid or compound given in Table I. Mix this total amount in about ten (10) gallons of water. If dry granules or tablets are used, they may be added directly to drilled wells using the manufactures directions. Example: We will use liquid household bleach containing 5 percent to 6 percent sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Divide 155 (total gallons) by 100 = 1.55 100-gallon units. Multiply 1.55 100-gallon units times 3 cups/100-gallon units = 4.65 cups. 7. Introduce the chlorine material into the well and distribution system. The total amount of this solution shall be poured into the top of the well and splashed around the casing of the well. Ensure that the solution has contacted all parts of the well. Attach a hose to the water hydrant or faucet nearest the well and run water through the hydrant and back into the well. This will thoroughly mix the chlorine solution and well water. Start the pump, recirculating the water back into the well for at least fifteen (15) minutes. Then open each faucet in the system until a chlorine smell is evident. If a water softener is attached it is always best to check with the water treatment company before you allow any chlorine into the water softener. You may bypass the water softener unit throughout the entire chlorination process. It is best to verify the chlorine concentrations by using a test kit. Chlorine test papers are available through restaurant suppliers. The maximum detectable limit is 200 ppm. If chlorine is not present or is weak at any faucet, add small amounts of chlorine into the well to maintain or increase the desired chlorine concentration. Close all faucets. 8. Let the chlorine disinfect the system. The most difficult step is to refrain from using water from the well so that the chlorine can disinfect the system. The system should remain idle for at least 2-3 hours, preferably overnight. 9. Flush the system to remove the chlorine. After the water system chlorination has been completed, the entire system must be emptied of chlorine and thoroughly flushed with fresh water by running water out of each faucet or hydrant until the chlorine odor dissipates. Distribute the waste water on gravel roads or other areas without plants or aquatic life, which it might harm. Do not allow the chlorinated water to enter the septic system. If possible, attach a hose to outlets inside the house and distribute the water to a nongrass area away from the house. The chlorine will eventually evaporate into the atmosphere. 10. Test or Retest the water supply for bacterial contamination. The final step is to test or retest the water to ensure that the water source is bacteria free. Take a water sample 1-2 weeks after chlorinating the well. Although, most chlorination treatments are successful; do not drink the water until the laboratory results confirm that no bacteria are present. Retest the well every month for 2-3 months to be sure contamination is not reoccurring. If test results are negative, an annual water analysis program can be reinstated. For additional information contact the: West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau For Public Health Office of Environmental Health Services Environmental Engineering Division Capitol and Washington Streets 1 Davis Square, Suite 200 Charleston, West Virginia 25301-1798 Phone 304-558-2981 Website @ Fax 304-558-0324 For additional Local Health Department information, please contact:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension Neb Guide #1761, "Drinking Water Treatment: Shock Chlorination" Wilkes University Center for Environmental Quality Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Shock Well Disinfection
Revised 3-2008