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Feb. 2011 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Scuttlebutt Flotilla 12-8, 7th District Charleston, South Carolina Vol. Vol. 37, 35, No. No. 2-February 3-March 2009 2011
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Flotilla Web Site: http://www.uscgauxcharleston.org

Commanders Corner
Alan Miles, FC 12-8
Greeting Shipmates. With February approaching and warm weather shortly after, we should start to feel a sense of urgency in our call to duty. There are plenty of opportunities for all to serve the flotilla. The Coast Guard is requesting some of our time and service. The Station is looking for a few good men and women to step up and assist them with various duties on the station such as Radio, Computer data entry, warehouse work (light), and more. Do not let these assignments intimidate you. There is plenty of OJT and the work is easy and fun. Best of all youll get to interact with some of the most professional men and women youll ever meet. They are the Coasties. On Jan 22, VFC Thomas and I attended the Flotilla Commanders School in Savannah, Ga. After the class, while driving home, VFC Thomas said exactly what I was thinking. I learned most about how little I know. What an understatement! There was so much information and valuable training that I feel very confident that we will continue to forge ahead with success. We have plenty of support and Help from up the Chain of Command. We were fortunate to spend some time with the new
(Continued on page 6)

Vice Commander
Paul Thomas, VFC 12-8
Its January and we have started out with a bang, we have new FSOs and the boat show is over. Per the e-mail from Barbara it appears that we will have Inside additional work in pro- FC ............. 1 viding training to approximately VFC .......... 1 400 students that want a boating CM ........... 6 safety course. I thank Barbara CS ............. 5 FN ............. 7 and the other members of the flo- HR ............ 7 tilla that participated in the boat IS .............. 2 show this year, way to go. I MA ........... 5 would like the FSOs to provide MS ............ 5 NS ............. 7 me with a tentative schedule of MT............ 2 what they are planning for their OP ............ 6 sections this year. We have PA ............. 8 PB ............. 2 ninety-four members assigned SR ............. 3 and several more in the pipeline, VE ............ ? we need to be able to tap this re- Citadel ...... 4 source to help us accomplish our Calendar... 7 Trivia........ 8 mission and commitment to the Coast Guard. We have talked about each FSO having a back up and I would like to see that happen this year. Participation is another item, we will probably achieve another 100 member flotilla this
(Continued on page 5)

Confidentiality Notice: Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publication of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunities policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No Person shall be subject to

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Member Training
Bob Mathewes, SO-MT
lease indulge me if I begin this article on a purely personal note. I would be remiss if I didnt take the opportunity to thank the members for their prayers and support during my recent hospital stay and as the recuperative process continues. The good news is that, as nearly as he can really be, the surgeon is very optimistic that this time they got it all. The mandatory (for all operational qualifications) TCT refresher and the optional Operations Workshop materials are already available for 2011. The IT workshop and VE/RBS workshop materials (both optional) have yet to be released. I will propose at the February meeting that we offer all workshops, both mandatory and optional, early in the year. Last year our attendance at these workshops showed that optional workshops produced poor attendance. Just because a workshop isnt mandatory does not mean it isn't worth your time. The opportunity to share ideas and new concepts will make you better at what you do. Our reason for being here is to provide support for the Gold Side. The better trained we are the better we can fulfill tat role. Elsewhere in this issue you will read that the totally revived AUXCOM course will be offered beginning in March. Even though this is no longer the prerequisite for being able to operate an Auxiliary Radio Facility it is a great adjunct to the Telecommunications PQS. Those of you who have Operational Radio Facilities would probably find the updated AUXCOM Course an interesting experience. Lets make a commitment to improve our personal training level this year. Bob Mathewes, SO-MT

Information Services
Bob Mathewes, FSO-IS

s of this writing all of the forms I have received since the first of the year have been entered in AUXDATA. A number of those were for missions done in 2010. Last year over 26% of the total submissions for the year came in in December. That says a lot of you were not sending your forms in a timely manor. I would urge you to get your hours in monthly. Part of that is my selfishness. The other part is for your benefit. When you start scrambling around trying to get things done months after the fact hours are going to get lost. That costs you, the flotilla and the Coast Guard. With the cooperation of John Sikes, we will continue to post weekly a spread sheet showing everyones hours. Please, for your own good, check this source at least monthly. Dont wait until December to find That you have a problem. Then its too late

Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB
e came up short again this month. We have articles from all but one of the officers. Some are still pushing the envelope when it comes to the deadline. At the risk of being a curmudgeon, the deadline needs to be carved in stone. If I drop it for one then, in fairness, I have to do the same for all and then there is no deadline. In order to have the Scuttlebutt in your hands by the first I need a few days to put the pieces of the puzzle together and run it by my proof reader. Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

Feb. 2011



Secretary Records
Pam Bray, FSO-SR
The 12 January 2011 Flotilla 12-8 monthly meeting was held at Station Charleston in the Brass Buckle. FC Alan Miles called the meeting to order at 1900 hrs, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. After welcoming everyone to the New Year 2011, guest Brent Thompson and new member Steve Jacobs were introduced. Old Business A thank you was extended to FC Miles and everyone who helped make our Change of Watch an enjoyable evening. Command Senior Chief Dale of Sector Charleston addressed the members and guests, highlighting the strong sense of fellowship, volunteerism and exceptional accomplishments of Flotilla 12-8 for the 2010 year. An update on member Bob Mathewes was given. Bob is on the mend and resting at home. Thank you, Bob, for your diligence in recording and submitting our 2010 data forms in a timely manner. FC Miles and VFC Thomas, who attended the Division COW in Myrtle Beach, proudly reported that 12-8 ranked 3rd in all categories for 2010. Remarks by DCO Walter Jaskiewicz emphasized that the common goal for all Auxiliarists in District 7 will be to focus on National Safe Boating Week, May 21-27. It was also announced that a new flotilla for the Socastee River area is being organized to assist the CG with marine safety patrols and operation in this region. It should be in place by March 2011.

New Business Flotilla 12-8 has received a request from Chief Pappas of Sector Charleston for AUX assistance in the warehouse with logistical and supply functions. If you are interested, contact FC Miles. A new course/workshop-- Coxswain and Crew Academy-- is being offered for all Aux members beginning March 5 May 14, Saturdays (time tba) at Station Charleston. If you are interested in teaching or attending. Please contact FC Miles. A revised U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Policy Statement has been issued. This new printed document will be framed and mounted in the Station Charleston administrative area. Staff Officer Reports: The secretary meeting minutes were approved. FSO-FN Frank Leister stated that the 2011 budget will be presented for a vote at the February meeting. All other Officer reports can be found in the January Scuttlebutt. FC Miles reviewed expectations for all AUX members. Of particular importance is the recording of missions and data on the 7029 and 7030 forms. These forms need to be completed in a timely manner and submitted to Bob Mathewes monthly. It was also noted by FC Miles that if you have a problem or concern, a review of your 7029 and 7030 forms and dues status would be the first action taken by FC Miles. A new Vessel Safety Check (VSC) Form 7012A has been added specifically for Pad(Continued on page 4)

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(FSO-SR, Continued from page 3)


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dle Craft. A day-glow decal will be issued to identify owner and contact information of the Paddle Craft. This should help eliminate costly CG time and manpower involved with reports on such Craft. Other news and notes: 1. Please take a minute each week and read our website so you can stay informed regarding events and programs. 2. Ready-Set-Inflate event will be in July (date tba) 3. A District 7 Regatta is being planned (dates tba) The National Safety Boating Week will be May 21-27. Thank you to members Laura Meehan and Bill Meehan who have agreed to be Committee Co-Chairs. Home Depot has agreed to be a sponsor, among others, to be announced. A variety of opportunities for this week-long event will be forthcoming so mark your calendar and plan to participate! Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 9 1900 hrs in the Brass Buckle. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2100 hrs. Respectfully submitted, Pamela Bray, FSO-SR

ment attended two Change of the Watch ceremonies during this time. Both ceremonies proved to be very special because Detachment Commander Westall received awards. Commander Westall has worked very diligently during the year to provide cadets with classes and training. Cadets Singletary and Westall attended the Flotilla 12-8 C.O.W. at the top of the very eloquent round Holliday Inn. The Detachment appreciates the hard work Mr. Miles put in by securing the rotunda for the ceremony. At the Flotilla ceremony Commander Westall was presented a certificate of appreciation. Cadets Cardwell, Singletary, Westall and Wycoff attended the Division C.O.W. in Myrtle Beach thanks to contributions made by Mr. Riley. A surprised Westall received the prestigious Auxiliary Achievement Medal during the Division ceremony. BIC class is still underway and cadets are looking forward to more hands on experiences this semester with field training exercises. Cadet Corporal Singletary

Citadel Detachment
Cadet Corporal Singletary

fter living life in a winter wonderland, Cadets returned from furlough o n Januar y 9th. Members of The Detach-

L to R: CWO Gelwicks, Mike Cardwell, Singletary, Capt. White, Wycoff, Harry C. Westall, Bill Riley.

Feb. 2011



Marine Safety
Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS
have been in contact with Gary Barnum regarding future plans in the MER area. He stated that they (the Gold side) were gearing up for 2011. There will be another SORS Drill" using the Oaks skimming system and several Boom drills also . Dates will be forthcoming. HARPATS will be starting up shortly so keep your eyes peeled. There are several of you who are very close to completing your sign-offs for the Assistant PI rating. Contact Gary and plan to spend the time in his office completing the requirements. If you have any questions, contact me! Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS

Communication Services

John Sikes, FSO-CS

Chuck Chirila, FSO-MA
oat Shows have already begun and, as the weather gets better, the boaters will back on the water. So if you need items for the shows, boat dealers and inspections, please give me ample time to order and receive those items. At the January flotilla meeting, I provided a price list of personal protective equipment (PPE) for crew from Mustang Survival. If you need a copy, simply e-mail me (cchirila@sc.rr.com), and I will forward you the list and web site to order from. Safe boating everyone. Chuck Chirila, FSO-MA

here's not much from your CS officer this month. We've been busy making updates and additions to the flotilla's web site, including a link near the bottom of the Members' left sidebar for a Ribbon Checker. Why not use it to see if your ribbons are in the correct sequence? We're working on a page of links to other associated and/or nice to have sites that will be posted soon. Please let us know what other links you feel might be of interest. For those who may be interested, it's easiest to add links toward the bottom of the left sidebar. For this reason, we presently have a very random listing. We hope to correct this soon and rearrange our links into groups. In the meantime, please take a few minutes to look around the flotilla's web site and let us know what you feel needs to be changed or added?. John Sikes, FSO-CS

(VFC, Continued from page 1)

year and we need to reach out and bring our non-participating seasoned members back to help be mentors for the new members. Several of the new members have boats and want to be crew members. Any assistance in helping them get trained will be an asset for us and help insure that we can meet our commitment to the Coast Guard. Paul V. Thomas, VFC

Have you done your 7029 for January? If not, why not?

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(FC, Continued from page 1)


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District 7 Commodore, Walter Jaskiewicz. What an impressive fellow! The Commodore taught several topics during the course. I should stress that the COMO knows who we are. We are on the map (chart). He commented that he reads the newsletters from the flotillas each month and we can be grateful for our past accomplishments as well as a bright future. I am concerned that several of our members are not being paid for their service. Providing fellow members with appropriate recognition is the only paycheck we receive. As you recall from the new members course, anyone can recommend another member for an award. Any member can even recognize worthy members from outside their own flotilla. Please remain ever thoughtful and take the time to recommend another for the tremendous service that they have given. I am also asking for your recommendations on Flotilla 12-8 Auxiliarist of the Quarter for 1st Quarter 2011. Please take the time to support another person. Crew / Coxswain training starts in March. We need more coxswains and crew members in our unit. Please sign up for the classes and contact me if you need more information. I am still looking for someone interested in a staff position in Public Education. SEMPER PARATUS Alan J.P. Miles, FC

ment and boat designs. Things like this can help a crew or coxswain when he or she has to respond to the different types of situations we face while on the water. Operations on the water right now have us a little restricted, on patrols, due to water temp. We are averaging 46 deg. water temp. Temperatures below 50 degrees make it mandatory for us to be in dry suits. Having only three suits restricts us to minimum patrols. Im hoping the water temp will come up soon. I need all crew and coxswain to check their PPE equipment and let me know what kind of shape its in. If you will e-mail me, so I can make a list, it will help me with what kind of equipment we need to work on getting this year. Remember to change the batteries in your lights. We check ALL our equipment out before getting under way for any patrol, so dont get left at the dock for faulty PPE equipment. This year Div.12 will have a crew and coxswain academy starting in March at CG Station Charleston. It will be held on Saturdays, so get in there and learn what it takes to be a team member in operations on the water. I will e-mail this years patrol schedule to all crew and coxswains, so you can let me know what days you can fill. Joe Fleming, FSO-OP

Joe Fleming, FSO-OP

Dick Clarke, FSO-CM

ew Year 2011 starts like most do, with the biggest boat show in Charleston. Those of us involved with on water ops get to see what the boating manufacturers have in store for the new year with regard to new types of electronics, engines, boating equip-

IRAUX has cancelled a directive requiring a member to be watchstander qualified to stand radio watch at an Auxiliary radio facility and also eliminated the method for qualifying members as watchsatnders.
(Continued on page 7)

Feb. 2011
(FSO-CM, Continued from page 6)



That being said and because the Auxiliary Communications Specialty course was updated in 2010, it will be offered to our flotilla members in March in lieu of the TCO PQS course. This upgraded version brings us up to date on the latest CG developments such as GPS usage and the latest communications techniques. Right now Dean Creed, Joe Fleming, Bob Mathewes (has a base station too) and I have mobile Aux radio facilities. We can do a lot better than this in supporting the Guard and its not that difficult to have a radio installed in your car.. Its fun too. GET INVOLVED Dick Clarke, FSO-CM

there are no big changes in the net of our bank balance. The 2011 budget will be presented for a vote at the February membership meeting. The budget will show revenues equaling expenditures but there is a risk item -- PE fees. Again, the Flotilla is not an investment club. If it were we would be a bloody poor one as the bank balance accrues no interest. We are fortunate not have to pay a monthly fee. Should there be a worthy project that bolsters our role in supporting the Coast Guard or Boating Safety, we should not dismiss it as unaffordable. We probably can. Happy New Year. Frank Leister, FSO-FN

Human Resources
Paul Thomas, FSO-HR
e currently have three applications pending at DIRAUX and I have one application to be handed to the FC. I have two applications mailed to potential members, but have not heard back from yet. Bob Orenstein is being a mentor to Steve Jacobs. Chuck Chirila has been blessed by division to be our fingerprint person. Thank you, Chuck for making my job a whole lot easier. Last year was a banner year for new members. Thank all of you who referred potential new members my way. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Paul V. Thomas, FSO-HR

Navigational Services
Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

his year ATON patrols will be on a monthly basis. Richard Daniel will be assisting me with coordinating and scheduling the ATON patrols. Richard has meet with BM1 Station ANT team leader and set up what they need us to do. We will do day and night ATON patrols. New members need to get BQ status to participate. This is on hand training for those of you wanting to have a good time learning something new. Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

Frank Leister, FSO-FN

he Flotilla finished the year with about the same balance as 2010 began. Part of that is late payments from 2009 but even so,

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Public Affairs
Barbara Thibodeaux,
he Charleston Boat Show that we participated in from March 21st to the 23rd was a huge success! We had a big turnout of Auxiliarists from our flotilla, Flotilla 12-6 and personnel from the Gold Side. We had many Gold Side personnel throughout the entire show, in addition to LTJG Patrick Grizzle and BM1 Jason P. Miller. I want to personally thank BM1 Miller for sending us the personnel and then spending hours out there with us. It was awesome to see so many participate in the event and it didn't go unnoticed by the public or vendors. The coordinators of the show told me they had people come to them daily and comment favorably about our attendance. I have to say, as all know that were out there, it was not the best weather to have to be outdoors. Most of the weekend was very cold but those of us that weathered Saturday felt like Sunday was summer (until the sun went away.) I want to personally thank each of the members from Flotillas 12-8, 12-6 and the Gold Side for participating. It is only with your assistance and attendance that we make these events a success! I have approximately four pages of people interested in taking a boating course. A number signed up or made arrangements for vessel exams and a few signed up expressing interest in joining the Auxiliary. I will be sending all the information to the prospective Flotilla Staff Officers so they can start contacting people and providing the services they've requests. I also want to thank the wonderful group from JBM & Associates out of Greenville, SC that put this show together. They are Debbie Taylor, Brittany Julian, Jacqui Bomar and Lindsey

Brown. They are on the ground and running the entire time - always with a smile on their faces. One of the things I really look forward to when we work this show is seeing the Miami Safety Trailer with all the latest safety equipment. Chief Bruce Wright and his wife Stacy put a lot of work and thought into their program. Those attending the boat show also had the opportunity to meet Sammy, the Sea Otter. He is a prototype that the Chief and his wife have been working with engineers to design for some time now. Sammy has a mike on him and someone (Stacy) away from the area controls his movements and conversation. His mouth movements match those of his speech. He was a huge hit for the young and old! (see photo, pg 9) They will be sending out information on him and a Safe Boating Week project they have in the works. Next event - Follygras Parade on February 26th. I need everybody to get your ideas together about how we can decorate our boat for the event and we will talk about it at our February meeting. I have a number of children's events in the works, i.e., going to the school or designated location and talking to the children about safe boating. I need all your ideas and anybody that can assist with these and any PA events I would greatly appreciate your ideas and assistance! Once again, a big THANK YOU to all that have stepped up to the plate and assisted with PA at the Charleston Boat Show. We are off to a great start this year! Barbara Thibodeaux, FSO-PA 12-8

Flotilla meeting 9 February at the Brass Buckle at 1900

Feb. 2011



Vessel Examinations
Paul Berka, FSO-VE he 2011 decals are on order and will be distributed when they arrive. There is a new Vessel Safety Check form for Paddle Craft (Kayak, Canoe, Row Boat, Paddleboard and Scull and any other craft that fits this category). These new forms will be distributed when they arrive. There are also labels that can be placed on the Paddle Craft where the owner can place their name and a telephone number. These labels will be a great help to the Coast Guard when they come across these type of craft adrift. I have a number of these labels and will distribute them with the decals. The VE season will start in March 2011 when the weather is warmer and the boaters are going out on the water. Any new members who would like to become a VE (Vessel Examiner) please contact me by email to find out what steps are needed to qualify. Paul H. Berka, FSO-VE

Nautical Trivia
Last month's question was to define guest rope. There are several definitions including, the line by which a boat makes fast to the swinging boom, any line sent or trailed over the side of a vessel as a convenience for boats drawing alongside, as an aid in warping or towing, a second rope fastened to a boat in tow to keep it steady , a rope slung outside a ship to give a hold for boats coming alongside, etc. Seven people came up with one or more of the acceptable answers. Congratulations to Jim & Karen Andrews of Flotilla 12-12, Reggie Hollar of 12-10 and our own Chuck Chirila, Dick McLaren, John Sikes and Agnes Wright. Ask any boat owner how much water his boat draws and he will give you a number, like it was carved in stone. The truth is that the number varies with water temperature and salinity. Warm water is less dense and therefore less buoyant than cold water. Likewise the higher the salinity the more buoyant water is. So a boat will ride lower in warm, fresh water than in cold, salt water. Since a ship riding too low in the water will become dangerously unstable and could capsize, an international marking is used to warn against overloading. John Sikes suggested this one. There is an internationally accepted mark or line that indicates the safe load line in different waters and temperatures. This mark was made compulsory by the Merchant Shipping Act of 1876 in Great Britain. The bill was largely the work of a Member of Parliament whose name is that of the mark. What is this line called?

Sammy the Sea Otter in trailer at the Boat Show

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February 2011

1 6 13 20 27 7 14
Valentines Day

Groundhog Day

New Moon

4 11 18
Full Moon

5 12 19 26

8 15 22

Flotilla Meeting

10 17 24

16 23

Presidents Day



Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Commander Alan Miles bigcid@comcast.net Finance Frank Leister fcl@lwinslow.com Flotilla Vice Commander Paul Thomas paul.thomas@sba.gov Human Resources Paul Thomas paul.thomas@sba.gov Communications Dick Clarke dbcreed@comcast.net Communication Services John Sikes jsikes@netrockets.com

Information Services Materials Bob Mathewes Chuck Chirila rhmathewes@comcast.net cchirila@sc.rr.com Navigational Services Joe Fleming joeflemingjr@comcast.net Public Education Alan Miles bigcid@comcast.net Operations Joe Fleming joeflemingjr@comcast.net RBS Visitor Rick Miller rick.mllr@gmail.com

Marine Safety Member Training Bob Orenstein Bob Mathewes bandjorenstein@bellsouth.net rhmathewes@comcast.net Public Affairs Publications Barbara Thibodeaux Bob Mathewes barbara.thibodeaux@gmail.com rhmathewes@comcast.net Secretary Records Pamela Bray pamelagbray@gmail.com

Vessel Examination Paul Berka phberka@comcast.net

IPFC Joe Fleming joeflemingjr@comcast.net

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