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May 2011 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Scuttlebutt Flotilla 12-8, 7th District Charleston, South Carolina Vol. Vol. 35, 37, No. No. 3-March 5-May 2011 2009
Page 1

Flotilla Web Site: http://www.uscgauxcharleston.org

Commanders Corner
Alan Miles, FC 12-8
As I write my 70th article for the Scuttlebutt I am ever reminded of the changing tide around us. During the Telecommunications Operator (TCO) classes in April, Dean Creed instructed the students on the various tides. Of course everyone knew about the high, low and the ebb tides. But we also learned about the highest high tide and the lowest low tides. Navigation charts indicate water depths as mean high and mean low tides. To further illustrate the complexities and changes of the tides, there exist unusually high tides and unusually low tides that are called Neap Tides. As the discussion went on Dean trained us on the Diurnal Tides, Semi-Diurnal Tides and Mixed tides which are a combination of both. Its confusing! Just as we must accept and cope with all the various changes of the tides, we must also accept the changes in the Auxiliary organization in order for us to remain Semper Paratus, (Always Ready). The following is quoted from the Spring 2011 issue of District Seven Magazine THE BREEZE. As members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, we have grown accustomed to the word change. Over the past
(Continued on page 7)

Vice Commander
Paul Thomas, VFC 12-8
Thanks to everyone that participated in the Flower Town Festival and the air show at Joint Base Charleston. Our next major project is National Safe Inside Boating Week and while FC ............. 1 the plans appear to be VFC .......... 1 coming together I encourage our Citadel ...... 4 members to participate in as many CM............ 8 CS ............. 8 events as possible. Thanks to Al Crothers for FN ............. 5 his support in helping us en- HR ............ 9 roll approximately thirteen Citadel IS .............. 2 Cadets in two different enrollment MA............ 10 MS ............ 9 sessions and thanks to Chuck MT ............ 2 Chirila for coming to my office to NS ............. 9 finger print two new members on OP ............. 5 April 19. PA ............. 6 The crewmember class PB ............. 2 appears to be on track and we PV ............. 5 should have approximately eight SR ............. 3 new qualified crew members VE ............. 9 shortly. Now we need more Calendar ... 12 boats. If I can assist any of the Trivia ........ 11 FSO's please do not hesitate to call me. Paul V. Thomas, VFC Dont forget the Flotilla meeting on the 11th.

Confidentiality Notice: Telephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy, rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publication of these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunities policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No Person shall be subject to

May 2011


Page 2

Member Training
Bob Mathewes, SO-MT
hanks to the efforts of Dick Clarke, Dean Creed and Joe Fleming we have completed the Auxiliary Telecommunications Operator Specialty Class. Those completing the course were Jay J. Bird, R. Daniel Cowley, William Meehan, Alan J. P. Miles, and Paul V. Thomas. As soon as the paperwork comes back from District 7, these individuals will be qualified to operate an Auxiliary Radio Facility. I got an interesting invitation from the SO-MT of Division 33 in the 8th Western District. They are going to use the internet to teach the AUXCOM course. The classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday from 5 May until 2 June. The time will be 2030 to 2200 our time. You can register now at the following URL: http://www1.gotomeeting.com/ register/638192424 Once you are registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with information you need to join the webinar. PC based attendees will need Windows 7, Vista, XP or 2003 server. MAC users will need MAC OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger or newer. The virtual classroom webinars will Led by two instructors making use of video, live audio/chat, cameras and other presentation material. The virtual classroom is a secure, interactive website that will allow students to post questions and discuss problems. Obtain helpful links and ancillary material, and get communication from the instructors. This was an open invitation. Those who hold the TCO PQS qualification might find this a valuable adjunct. Bob Mathewes, FSO-MT

Information Services
Bob Mathewes, FSO-IS

number of you have sent inquiries as to whether or not a particular form was received or entered. Beginning the week of 17 April I began sending a reply showing the form and the date of entry to every member who submits a form. That way you will have a record that your form was entered and the date of entry. You should start a file and retain these replies so that you will have a record of all your activity. In the case of patrols, PA booths or other activities that involve groups of people, I will endeavor to send copies to all involved. You need to check the information entered before you send it. I am still getting forms indicating activity with dates in the future. Another frequent error is 7030s with a start time and nor end time or the reverse. An extra minute spent checking the form over will save extra trouble for all involved. Bob Mathewes, FSO-IS

Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

or the second tie this year we have articles from all of the officers. I thank all of you for your efforts. Without your input this publication does not happen. This is probably the last time we will have news of the Citadel Detachment until the Cadets return in the Fall. Cadet William Singletary has done a superb job this school year in getting articles in about the goings on at the Bastille on the Ashley. We will all be looking forward to their Participation when they return. Bob Mathewes, FSO-PB

May 2011



Secretary Records
Pam Bray, FSO-SR
The April 2011 Flotilla 12-8 monthly meeting was called to order at 1900 by FC Miles. Citadel Cadets Westall and Zeller gave a ceremonial change of colors presentation, retiring our Flotilla American flag and raising our new Flotilla American flag. This was followed by the pledge of allegiance by our members. Members in attendance include Bray, L. Meehan, B. Meehan, Glas, Marguerite Bishop, Leister, S. Wolf, H. Wolf, Clarke, Mathewes, Wright, Whitley, Daniel, Jerussi, Harris, Berka, Zeller, Singletary, Hammett, Westall, Chirila, Orenstein, Miles, Rasnak, Fleming, Thomas, and Cowley. Guests Charles Dickens, Conner Rosenblum (pending member) and Cadet Benjamin Owen were introduced. FC Miles began the discussion of 2011 National Safe Boating Week, May 21-27. PA Thibodeaux and co-chair Laura Meehan have been busy planning many events. Meehan will be emailing a schedule with dates, times and locations needing volunteer time. A public media blitz will begin May 16 so stay informed. Thanks to FC Miles, our Flotilla now has VE Banners, booth signage, indoor/outdoor tents and chairs for use in all our PA events. FC Miles reported on the many activities and hours our Flotilla has logged in for 2011 including 332.64 mission hours, 25VE inspections, 153 training hours, 17hrs/SAR, 35 ATON patrols among others. Old Business

Approval of the March meeting minutes was carried by membership vote. FC Miles stated that The Scuttlebutt continues to be a formidable publication with the Nautical Trivia page. Entries are always welcome and should be submitted to Bob Mathewes. Due to a computer glitch, Richard Daniel was unable to give his presentation and was rescheduled for the May agenda. Separately, Daniels reported on the ATON day and night patrols done recently with J. Fleming and others. These include Federal, private ATONS and DOT/bridges from the N. Edisto to Cooper Rivers. Daniel reported that the relationships between these ATON agencies is now streamlined and very efficient. VFC Thomas asked for FSO reports. For more specific FSO report details, please consult the March Scuttlebutt. New entries include: Cadet Westall introduced Cadet William Singletary; F. Leister who will be the Vice Commander of the Detachment next year. (FN) reported a $2000 net to our budget; P. Berka (VE) pending inspections for May 21,22,27 & 28 from 0900 to 1300 for Leeds Ave. and Limehouse boat ramps; Marguerite Bishop (Historian) will continue research for the Flotilla history journal/ scrapbook in the coming months. FC Miles introduced guest Charles Dickens who described several scenarios of boat donations and purchase available to our Flotilla. J. Fleming will review options for further discussion and action. New Business FC Miles presented Flotilla Mottos suggested by our members. After a vote by quorum, a motion carried to adopt Semper Paratus.
(Continued on page 4)

May 2011
(SR, Continued from page 3)


Page 4

Citadel Detachment
Cadet Cpl. Wm. Singletary

FC Miles introduced the suggestion that our Flotilla have a (Charlie) flag as a means to distinguish our Flotilla among many. Further discussion is needed. Awards: Awards were presented to: Marguerite Bishop 40 yr Service Award; Gary Whitley 5 yr Service Award; Cody Westall Outstanding Performance Award; Pam Bray Auxiliarist of the Quarter Award. A special award was presented to FC Miles by Cadet Westall who presented the Cadet Sword to FC Miles for his mentoring and leadership to all members of the Citadel Detachment. Further Business: Marguerite Bishop suggested a Spring Cleaning Sale for our members at the May meeting with a 1830 start time. Details to follow. VFC Thomas suggested that the membership dues be raised from $35 to $40 per member. Protocol will be followed before any measures are taken on this issue. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm. Respectfully submitted, Pamela Bray, FSO-SR

he end is near for seniors, but it only marks the start of a new chapter in their lives. Our current Detachment Commander plans to enlist this summer seeking to become a Marine Science Technician (MST) following A school. Also, Cadet Singletary will be heading off to Cape May, NJ for a fun filled summer at boot camp. As time is progressing and the seasons are changing, so is the command of The Detachment. Cadet Gregory Battenfield is going to be the new Commander and Cadet William Singletary will be the new Executive Officer. The new staff plans on continuing on the well laid path set by Cadet Cody Westall. Moreover, they plan on being a more active unit participating in training held by Flotilla 12-8 and Station Charleston. A special thanks goes out to Commander Miles for instructing a water swim survival training class at The Citadel. The Detachment is looking at a very bright future. During second semester alone there have been at least five enrollments with many more prospects. Our name is getting out on campus and we are growing at a satisfying rate. Furthermore, to all those who helped out with our enrollment processes, it is greatly appreciated. Cadets Battenfield, Christopher Zeller, and Singletary attended an ethics symposium at The Coast Guard Academy with CW04 Gelwicks. This was a great experience in that we could compare different aspects of cadet life and listen to the speakers. (Photos on pages 7 & 10) Cadet Corporal Singletary Be ready to do your part for National Safe Boating Week

Bill Riley Gets award from Cody Westall

May 2011



Joe Fleming, FSO-OP
t has been a busy month with operations on the water and in the class room. This month started out with QE testing of one of our Coxswains, with the help of BM1 Miller from Station Charleston and Hugo Endris as QEs, on water tasks went like clockwork. Our Coxswain being tested showed his skills to all, with the high wind and a low tide it was a challenge. On top of that, Sector sent us on a SAR call before we could get finished. Sector received a call and could not get a response when they answered. At this time we were called and the Helo was put in the air. Due to the short radio transmission the signal was not located and the Helo had to run a search pattern as far as Wadmalaw Island. Two and a half hours later it was called off. It appears that it was a faults call. Trainees onboard got to experience first-hand how its done. Kayak races ran from Brittle Bank Park to Charleston Yacht Club and back with 45 kayaks involved, this made for a long day. We had to assist an overturned kayaker near South Battery after his PFD tore and he grabbed on to the rear of another kayaker, almost sinking him. Trainees Laura Meehan and Dwayne Harris on board 21545 helped with their first man in the water rescue. With Sail boat races in the Harbor the following weekend our trainees experienced again firsthand how to maintain a safety zone. As coxswain and crew academy training classes are working on-the water-tasks, we need all coxswains to help with training when possible. Festus and Ron are shooting for QEs in mid-May, so please let me know if y o u c a n h e l p . BM1 Miller is requesting that I give him a list of all patrols and what type of patrol, two weeks ahead of time, so he knows what assets are on the water. Coxswains check the patrol list schedule and let me know what dates you can take patrol. Boating

Safety Week will be on us next month, Please try to help where you can. Joe Fleming, FSO-OP

Frank Leister, FSO-FN

t the last membership meeting a motion was made to increase the annual dues. The discussion that followed centered on the amount; $40, $50 or more. The Flotilla's programs may well need additional funding. In particular, a more active Public Affairs program requires signage, furniture and additional equipment. It may well be that Operations may need more as well. Currently the Flotilla has the funds necessary to cover Business As Usual, but it is not clear that there are enough funds for moving forward with more robust programs. There was discussion too, on whether we ought to combine an assessment to fund a program and a dues increase that would keep the dues at a level for continuing operations while assessing what is needed to fund, one time, the programs that require "start up". This will be brought up at the May meeting. I urge everyone to attend to assure the membership is fully involved in this decision and committed to it. Frank Leister, FSO-FN

Partner Visitor
Rick Miller, FSO-PV
No activity to report Rick Miller, FSO-PV Have you done your 7029 for April? If not, why not?

May 2011


Page 6

Public Affairs
Barbara Thibodeaux,

e have hit the ground running this month, and expect it to continue into May. We started April with participation in the Flowertown Festival on 2 April. It was a very busy day, and organizers estimate attendance at about 250,000. The entire day you could see a sea of people in every direction. We talked to a tremendous amount of people and had children command the SAR activity with FC Alan Miles. Thanks to Laura Meehan, Bob Orenstein, Bill Meehan and Alan Miles for your help in making it such a successful event! On 9 April we participated in the Air Expo at the Joint Base Charleston. We trailered the facility there for display and set-up our usual public information booth. Again, we had another busy day and discussed safe boating with numerous people. The Air Expo was spectacular and included USCG SAR demonstration. Thanks to Joe Fleming, Richard Clarke, Bob Mathewes, Agnes Wright, and Cody Westall for your help in making this another successful event! On 17 April we participated in a children's safety event at Home Depot, Northwoods, North Charleston. NASCAR #20 car was there, along with emergency services. Thanks to Alan Miles and Bill Meehan for helping make this event another success story! We have an event at Lowes James Island on 14 May as well as a number of things to get accomplished for NSBW, so Please, Please be generous with your time and talents! We reach so many people by our presence at these events it would be a shame for us to slow down now. Here is some information from Laura Meehan in reference to NSBW We have just a few more weeks until National Safe Boating Week (NSBW)! This

is a great opportunity to get involved with your Auxiliary since we will need as many volunteers as possible to make a great presence during the weeks activities. A very important mission of the USCG Auxiliary is to educate and remind the public of their safe boating practices. Safety and prevention is the best way to protect against boating fatalities and life jacket wear is one of the most effective and simple life-saving strategies for safe recreational boating. Kicking off NSBW, boating enthusiasts across the country will gather together on May 21 st to raise awareness about boating safety. At 11:00am, we would like to have 6-8 people simultaneously inflate life jackets for the Ready, Set, Inflate campaign at Station Charleston. We will take photos and video the action for the National website. Pam Bray and Bob Mathewes are already signed up for this event, and we still have lifejackets for five more volunteers! On May 23rd, the Island School on Johns Island has invited us to visit with their children at 9:30am. We are excited that Joe Fleming has offered to bring his facility and PFD Panda will be there, too! Citadel Cadets, Westall and Singletary have also signed up to volunteer at this event. During both weekends (21May, 22May, 27May and 28May), we will be present at four area boat landings to promote NSBW. We will install life jacket advertising and Life Jacket Zone stenciling at four area boat ramps: Leeds Avenue, Limehouse Bridge, Wappoo Landing and Folly Landing. Our goal is to take on 2 boat landings per day, and I would like to see 5 volunteers at each boat landing. Please save the dates as we will be calling on volunteers and we need as many people as we can get! We cant have a successful event without YOU! Get involved and save a life! For more information on National Safe B o a t i n g W e e k : www.safeboatingcampaign.com Barbara Thibodeaux, FSO-PA

May 2011
(FC, Continued from page 1)



several years, many of those changes resulted from our realignment with the Coast Guard. We have a new leadership structure and office titles, new uniforms, and new training guidelines. While adapting to these ongoing changes is sometimes difficult and often frustrating, we cannot deny that we are more efficient, more effective, and better able to serve the Coast Guard in its missions. On September 11th, 2001, and because of devastating attacks here in our homeland, we experienced a great number of changes. These changes prepare and protect us from future attacks and from a changing world. Even the Breeze magazine is changing to a non-printed digital magazine starting with the summer issue because of budget constraints. Flotilla 12-8 will have to undergo a few more changes to remain current and vital to the Coast Guard. We recently had to adjust our quorum in order for us to continue to conduct business. At the last flotilla meeting, a motion was made to increase the dues to better prepare the Flotilla for the future and to improve the quality of our services to Public Education. We have a facility and cargo trailer that need to repaired and brought to full capability. Our Public Affairs Program has grown in the last three years but needs some more help. In accordance with the units standing rules, this serves as written notice that at the May 11th meeting a discussion and vote will be conducted on an increase of dues of approximately $10.00. It is important to the Flotilla that everyone attends on May 11th. The meeting is scheduled to commence at 6:30 PM. The uniform will be Tropical Blues. At the meeting there will be a presentation by BM1 Miller on Heat Stress and Heat Stroke so we can prepare for the hot weather boating season. (yet another

change). The meeting will start hour earlier than normal because of the full schedule. We will be showing a 45 minute movie starting at 6:30 on the Vessels of the US Coast Guard. Sodas and popcorn will be served during the movie. Our monthly meeting starts after the movie. There remains about 5 months left in this year for members to consider serving as the Flotilla Commander, Vice Commander, and as Flotilla Staff Officers for 2012. If youre considering it, you should have your plans made by October to be successful. Its time now to think about what programs and changes you will make to guide the Flotilla into the future. In closing I want to mention 2011 National Safe Boating Week on May 21-27. We have put together our biggest and most event packed week ever. Please read FSOPA Thibodeauxs column on the week long events carefully. Every member is encouraged to find time to help. Contact Barbara or Laura Meehan to get on the list. Our National Safe Boating week will be heard and visible to thousands during that particular week. Thats thousands of safer and more safety aware boaters on the water this season. Thats us being SEMPER PARATUS. Alan J.P. Miles, FC

Greg Battenfield, new Commander of Citadel Detachment

May 2011


Page 8

Communication Services John Sikes, FSO-CS

n case you missed the discussion of Everbridge at the last flotilla meeting or in a recent email message, this is to explain what it is and why it is important to the Auxiliary. Everbridge is a state-of-the-art communication system that the Auxiliary will be using for both Standard communication (such as meeting notices) and Emergency messages (such as a hurricane alert). It will replace the manual calling tree that we have been using. While most of the messaging you receive will be e-mails, there will also be occasions (e.g. a hurricane alert) which will be pre-recorded phone messages. To utilize the system to its fullest, youll need to register with Everbridge. The following instructions will assist you in the registration process. You will shortly receive an e-mail from Everbridge. The letter will have instructions on how to register with Everbridge. There will be an authorization code within the letter. After you have logged on to Everbridge, (there will be link in the letter but the address is www.everbridge.com), follow the instructions on how to use your authorization code. It is a lengthy code so its best to use copy and paste (Select, Ctrl-C and Ctrl V). That will be the only time you will need the code. During the login process you will be asked to provide a user name and password, or they may give you a temporary one. Write down the user name and password and put it in a safe place. You will also be asked to provide some information. You will note that most of your personal information has already been

entered. In fact, the information was taken directly from AuxData; if it is not current, you need to change it by submitting a Change of Member Information form 7028. (To make your information current until the AuxData change is recorded, go ahead and correct your information in Everbridge. Just know that this change will not affect AuxData.) You will also note that the system needs you to tell it just how you want to be communicated with in both an Emergency and a Standard situation. Make these choices and then you may leave the site. After we have the system up and running and you have been registered, I will send you some test communications. When you receive these communications, please respond as requested in the message. If you dont, the system may continue sending you the message until you have responded that you have received it. Like any new venture, there will be a learning curve that must be coped with. The good news is that it is short and we should be up and running very quickly. John Sikes, FSO-CS

Dick Clarke, FSO-CM

he TCOPQS class has concluded but I have some additional hard copies of the course material if anyone would like to do the tasks on their own. Its not that difficult and proves to be valuable Coast Guard asset when completed. Please lets get some more mobile facilities on the books. The radios and antenna are not that expensive and it gives the owner a fantastic window on the maritime world we live in. Dick Clarke, FSO-CM

May 2011



Human Resources
Paul Thomas, FSO-HR
or the month of April recruiting has been fast and furious. Between the Citadel cadets, the interest from the Flower Town Festival and the air show, I have five applications outstanding and completed and forwarded eight applications to the FC. The FC was at the Citadel on Thursday, 21 April. He enrolled 5 new cadets. Thanks to everyone who assists with recruiting. Hopefully you will serve as a mentor to those you help recruit. Paul V. Thomas, FSO-HR

Navigational Services
Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

Vessel Examinations
Paul Berka, FSO-VE uring National Safe Boating Week we have planned VSC's at County Farm Landing (off of Leeds Avenue) and John F. Limehouse landing. The VSC's will be on May 21, 22 and 28 at both landings from 0900 to 1300 hours. On May 27 there will be VSC's at Wappoo Cut Landing from 1000 to 1400 hours. Alan Miles will be coordinator for County Farm Landing and Paul Berka will be coordinator for John F. Limehouse Landing and Wappoo Cut Landing. Displays and signage will have to be set up at each site. A number of VE's will be required at both sites. Please call Paul Berka at 843-559-4668 as to what landing you will be available to work. Alan Glas has signed up for County Farm Landing. We will need additional help during the week of May 16 to paint safety logo's on the ramps at the landings. Paul H. Berka, FSO-VE

ichard Daniel is doing a great job with ATONs. He and his ATON team have verified and documented all ATONs from Charleston Harbor to the South Edisto and from the harbor, North up the Cooper River to Strawberry Bridge. Station Charleston ANT team Chief Certa has commended them for their work. In the past we hit many road blocks on reporting problems found with PATONs and ATONs. With the help of Chief Certa on the paper work, Richard and his team have no problem with getting the message to the right persons to get things done. Those of you that havent been on an ATON patrol need to. Richard will send out a request for crew a week ahead of time to all members qualified to ride. Next patrol will be mid-month, so watch for the e-mail. Joe Fleming, FSO-NS

Marine Safety
Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS

o date I have not heard from the MER side of the Guard. With the changeover from Gary Barnum, it probably will take some time for the new liaison to "come aboard". There are a number of activities coming up this summer, several of which were eluded to in last months Scuttlebutt. Exact timing and the type of event will come with the notification from the new person at MER. KEEP TUNED! Bob Orenstein, FSO-MS

May 2011


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Chuck Chirila, FSO-MA
s of this writing, another order has been faxed to the USCG Aux National Supply Center to replenish PA supplies for the upcoming Safe Boating Week. VE and RBS manuals have been distributed to the Citadel Detachment. 2011 State Regs should be in for distribution any day. There have been several inquiries as to how to obtain personal items like name tags, uniforms, etc. Such references can be found on the 12-8 web site. Simply go to the Logistics Department and read FSO-MA News. There youll find web sites and phone numbers for the different suppliers. Safe boating & Semper Paratus!!! Chuck Chirila, FSO-MA


ne of the great joys of being an Auxiliarist is the opportunity to meet and work with some really fine people and to develop friendships that will last through the years. Today I met a gentleman who I knew over ten years ago when he was Operations Officer for, what was then, Coast Guard Group Charleston. He went on to become Vice Commander of Coast Guard Sector Guam. It got me to thinking of those I have crossed paths with who have retained ties with Charleston after moving on. It reminded me that the other side of the coin is that after two or three years these friends are off the new assignments usually stepping up to greater challenges. In May we are going to lose two

friends who have made a great impact on 12-8. MST2 Gary Barnum is moving to the Pacific Strike Team in California. Gary has made many friends in his few years here. He was instrumental along with the now departed Lt. Litzinger in getting the Trident program started here. He did much more than that. He gave untold hours of his off-duty time to mentor and encourage Auxiliarists who showed an interest. His enthusiasm and good humor was contagious and working with him became one of the perks that make being and Auxiliarist fulfilling and fun. Garys new assignment is a plum for those in Marine Safety and I feel sure it will lead for greater things in his Coast Guard career. The other person who has greatly impressed all who have had the pleasure of knowing and working with him is the graduating Commander of our Citadel Detachment, Cody Westall. Cody is the type of young man who makes me feel like the future of this nation isnt as bleak as it sometimes appears. He has been instrumental in lifting the Detachment from a very small group to a unit that is now well known on the Citadel campus. He is another one who has exhibited enthusiasm and good humor. Working with him has been a pleasure and a privilege. Cody plans to enlist in the Coast Guard and hopefully go to the Marine Science Technician A school after finishing a memorable Summer in Boot Camp at Cape May, NJ. (Is this the start of another Gary Barnum?) These two individuals will be sorely missed by their friends in Charleston and, hopefully, will retain their Lowcountry ties. FAIR WINDS and FOLLOWING SEAS, Gary & Cody!

May 2011




Nautical Trivia
The question last month was to name the lighthouse and location of a light located at the entrance to a US Naval Base. It was one of the first all steel structures built and was shipped in 1904. Sixty-feet tall, the interior is tongue-and-groove mahogany. The weather vane on top of the cupola contains O for ouest, which is Spanish for west. Nine people identified the light as Windward Point Light at the entrance to the Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Those coming up with the right answer were James and Karen Andrews (12-12), Al Crothers (12-6), Reggie Hollar (12-10) and Chuck Chirila, Dick Clarke, Dick McLaren, John Sikes and Agnes Wright of 12-8. Lets return to a question with some local flavor. Some of you may know that William Teach, better known as Blackbeard, blockaded the port of Charleston in May of 1718 and using some prominent South Carolinians, whom he had taken off of a large cargo ship trying to leave the port, as hostages demanded a ransom. What he demanded was a chest full of medicines which were eventually handed over by the citizens of the town. Blackbeard sailed of to eventually be caught and killed on his ship, Queen Annes Revenge, off the North Carolina Coast. Another pirate who participated in the blockade was known as The Gentleman Pirate. He had been a Major in the Kings Guards. Legend has it that he took to piracy to escape an unpleasant marriage. In Sept. 1718, he and his crew were captured in the Cape Fear River. They were returned to Charleston and subsequently hung on the Battery in Dec. of the same year. Who was this buccaneer?

Cadet Auxiliarists visit Coast Guard Academy

Cadets from Citadel Detachment participate in Bulldog Challenge.

Citadel Detachment of Flotilla 12-8 forms on Parade Ground after Change of Watch.. New Commander Greg Battenfield stands behind guidon.

May 2011


Page 12

May 2011

1 8
Mothers Day

2 9 16 23 30
Memorial Day

3 10 17 24 31

4 11
Flotilla Meeting

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

15 22 29

18 25

Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Commander Alan Miles bigcid@comcast.net Finance Frank Leister fcl@lwinslow.com Flotilla Vice Commander Paul Thomas paul.thomas@sba.gov Human Resources Paul Thomas paul.thomas@sba.gov Communications Dick Clarke clarkerrc@att.net Communication Services John Sikes jsikes@netrockets.com

Information Services Materials Bob Mathewes Chuck Chirila rhmathewes@comcast.net cchirila@sc.rr.com Navigational Services Joe Fleming joeflemingjr@comcast.net Public Education Alan Miles bigcid@comcast.net Operations Joe Fleming joeflemingjr@comcast.net RBS Visitor Rick Miller rick.mllr@gmail.com

Marine Safety Member Training Bob Orenstein Bob Mathewes bandjorenstein@bellsouth.net rhmathewes@comcast.net Public Affairs Publications Barbara Thibodeaux Bob Mathewes barbara.thibodeaux@gmail.com rhmathewes@comcast.net Secretary Records Pamela Bray pamelagbray@gmail.com

Vessel Examination Paul Berka phberka@comcast.net

IPFC Joe Fleming joeflemingjr@comcast.net

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