Applied Science Private University
Applied Science Private University
Applied Science Private University
Semester: Summer/2010
Electronic design:
1234567Identify the problems Convert to blog diagram Make a study for the cost of the project Replace blog diagrams by electronic components Design the electronic circuit using bread board Test the circuit Print PCB board
1- Push Button There are many types of push buttons and the picture below explains these types:
Types of connection: 1- Non-inverse mode: this mode gives a positive voltage (Vcc) when the button is pushed. (pull up)
2- Inverse mode: this mode gives a zero voltage when the button is pushed. (pull down)
3- Voltage Regulator: it is one of the used methods to protect devices from the change in the Voltage. It is consist of three terminals (Input, output and ground).
*connection: Connect the trigger input with Rb= 330 ohm to the base. Connect the Vcc and device to the collector. Connect the emitter to the ground. Triac : a very High voltage and Current transistor , acts as a switch
When the gate G is triggered by an input volt the high current will flow from (A2) which is connected with Vcc to (A1) which is connected with the device. TIP: is same as the transistor, but with high current and voltage.
5- LCD Screen :
Configuration: Lcd is consists of 16 pins which are: D0......D7 data out from micro controller. E enable of LCD should be 1 R/W read and writes from Lcd , 0 write , 1 read Rs 0 instruction input, 1 data input VSS power supply (GND) VCC power supply (+5v) VEE contrast adjust (0v to +5v) Anode (+5v) Cathode (0v) Anode and Cathode are used for the back light. GLCD: Graphical liquid screen display The difference between GLCD and LCD, that is the GLCD can draw figures.
Types of relays: Commercial Relay: it consists of a single relay with five pins as shown in figure below:
Industrial relay: it consists of two relays operate in one time by one command with eight pins, as shown in figure below:
7- Sensors: Ultrasonic sensor: is a value type sensor, which means that the reading sensor varies according to the distance of the body from the sensor, variation in output voltage.
IR Sensor: is a switch type sensor, which means the readings of the sensors are ON or OFF according to the distance of the body from the sensor, (body within 0-30 cm ON gives 5volts, else OFF gives 0volt).
Temperature Sensor: it is a value type sensor, which means the reading of the sensor varies according to the temperature of the room, the variation in the output volt.
Humidity Sensor: it is a value type sensor, which means the reading of the sensor varies according to the humidity of the room, the variation in the output volt.
8- Transceivers: RF : RF module used to transmit data up to 1 Kilo meters, by using serial techniques. RF module consists of six pins (VCC, GND, RX and TX) and the other two pins should be float.
ZigBee: wireless module used to transmit data from 1 mile up to 20 miles, by using serial techniques, also it used to build a wireless network.
ZigBee Downloader and X-CTU software: this package is used to program the ZigBee module by converting from Serial to USB and choose the (source, destination, name and bit rate).
9- PIC Micro Controller: EMBEDED system chip used to control any small project, but it faces some problems when it use in large projects because of the big noises.
PIC Downloader and Software program: to program PIC micro controller we use C++ or Mickro basic languages, after that we use downloader board to copy the HEX. File to the EPROM memory of the PIC. Connecting the PIC16F877A:
PCB : Printed Circuit Board Draw the electrical circuit by the PCB software. Print the drawn circuit by inkjet printer on toner transfer paper Stick toner paper on the blank PCB layer. Put the layer in the light box. Remove toner transfer paper from layer and sink the layer in the acid. Drill the holes. Design of Electronic Circuit for meats refrigerator: The objective of this design is to convert the mechanical switch to electrical switch, because the mechanical switch crashes short time.