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Numerical Simulation of Coal Gasification in Entrained Flow Gasifiers With CoalFoam

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Numerical simulations of coal gasication in entrained ow gasiers with coalFoam

Danny Messig, Konrad Uebel, Martin Grbner, Bernd Meyer

Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering Freiberg, Germany

Fifth OpenFOAM Workshop Gothenburg


Introduction Research project HotVeGas Solver-package coalFoam Preliminary results Future work


Introduction Research project HotVeGas Solver-package coalFoam Preliminary results Future work

Scope: Numerical simulation of an industrial coal gasier with respect to the inuence of mineral matter What is gasication? Gasication is a thermo-chemical process that converts carbonaceous materials (e.g. coal, biomass) into a combustible gas, yielding mainly CO and H2 . Typical conditions: 10001500 C, 30 bar, < 1, O2 , CO2 , H2 O as gasifying agents Why gasication? Gaseous fuels are better to handle than solid ones Syngas may be burned in combined cycles for power production, used to produce methanol and hydrogen or converted via the Fischer-Tropsch process into synthetic fuel


Software used for numerical simulation: OpenFOAM-1.5.x [1]: Open-source software for CFD calculations ChemApp [2]: Commercial software for calculation of complex multicomponent and multiphase chemical equilibrium Cantera [3]: Open-source software package for kinetic controlled reaction rates and equilibrium calculations alternateChemistryModel [4],[5]: Coupling of chemistry packages with OpenFOAM


Introduction Research project HotVeGas Solver-package coalFoam Preliminary results Future work

Research project HotVeGas

Tasks: Fundamental investigations in development of future high-temperature gasication and gas cleaning processes for IGCC power plants and for production of synthetic energy sources Basic analysis of the behaviour of coals and other heterogeneous energy sources with mineral content and trace elements at highest temperatures and pressures under reducing atmosphere Numerical simulation of a large scale coal gasier (POI for now) Project period: 01.09.2007 till 31.08.2011

Research project HotVeGas

Project partners: Department for Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering - TU Freiberg Chair of Energy Systems [project coordinator] - TU Munich Institute of Energy Research - Forschungszentrum Jlich GTT-Technologies - Herzogenrath Siemens (Fuel Gasication Technology) - Freiberg Energy companies (E.ON, RWE, EnBW, Vattenfall)


Introduction Research project HotVeGas Solver-package coalFoam Preliminary results Future work

Solver-package coalFoam

What is coalFoam? OpenFOAM-solver-package for numerical simulation of coal gasication in an entrained ow gasier
coalSteadyFoam - stationary solver coalTransientFoam - transient solver

Main developer Bernhard F. W. Gschaider [6] Status: Development and validation More detailed description: Article at Open Source CFD International Conference 2009 [7]



Introduction Research project HotVeGas Solver-package coalFoam Preliminary results Future work


Preliminary results

Actual proceedings in calculation/simulation:


2D-Case (tube reactor) for plausibilty tests [evaporation and devolatilization (pyrolysis)] 2D-Case (dualInlet) for testing of transport-equations in OpenFOAM 3D-Case of a large scale coal gasier [INCI-Principle]


Tube reactor

Case settings:
Inert gas phase: YN2 = 1.0, v 3 m s, TGAS {800, 1300, 1700} K, p = 5 bar Tube idealised as 2D-domain: xmax = 1 m, ymax = 0.1 m, 100 10 cells coal-parcels: m GAS m COAL = 3, d = 0.1 mm, YP,Solid = 0.8 (ash), TCOAL = 298 K
Evaporation: YP,Liquid = 0.2 (H2 O) Devolatilization: YP,Gas = 0.2 (CH4 )


Tube reactor

Conclusion: massow at outlet correct (error < 0.1%) tendency of evaporation rate is correct 14

Tube reactor

Conclusion: massow at outlet correct (error < 0.1%) tendency of pyrolysis rate is correct 15

Case settings:
Operating conditions: T = 1700 K, p = 5 bar XInlet: YN2 = 1.0, v = (2 0 0)
m s m s

YInlet: YH2 O = 1.0, v = (0 -2 0)

Grid: xmax = 0.07 m, ymax = 0.04 m, 1500 cells


Results of dieselFoam-1.5.x:


Results of dieselFoam-1.6.x:


Bug removal in solvers:
YEqn.H: old: ( Yi ) ((Chem + t ) Yi ) = SYi new: ( Yi ) HEqn.H: old: ( h) ((Chem + t ) h) = Sh new: ( h) Dimensionless numbers: Le = Pr = Sc =
a D , Lewis number a , Prandtl number D , Schmidt number 19 Chem Le

t Sct

Yi = SYi

Chem +

t P rt

h = Sh

Results of coalSteadyFoam:


Coal gasier
Internal Circulation Gasier allows high-ash/low-rank coal feed and combine: entrained ow gasier (e.g. SCGP) (POI for the following simulation) uidised bed gasier (e.g. HTW) new principle of post-gasication Some advantages of INCI: Fouling free HRSG operation due to high dust carbon content High ame temperatures partial ash melting with agglomeration complete carbon and minerals oxidation

Coal gasier
First results:



Introduction Research project HotVeGas Solver-package coalFoam Preliminary results Future work


Future work

Finish the development and validation of coalFoam Modeling the inuences of mineral matter with ChemApp in coalFoam Wall deposition of particles dependent on particle condition



The results described above were obtained in the research project HotVeGas. The project was supported with public funding by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (Project ID 0327773B)


Literatur I
[1] OpenFOAM, www.opencfd.co.uk/openfoam/. [2] http://www.gtt-technologies.de/chemapp. [3] DG Goodwin. Cantera: Object-oriented software for reacting ows. Technical report, California Institute of Technology, 2002. [4] Gschaider B., Rehm M., Seifert P., Meyer B. Implementation of an alternative chemistry library into openfoam. In Open Source CFD International Conference 2008, Berlin, 2008. [5] Messig D., Rehm M., Meyer B. Coupling of ChemApp and OpenFOAM. In CCT2009, Dresden, 2009. [6] Strmungsforschungs GmbH, http://www.ice-sf.at/cfd.shtml.

Literatur II

[7] Messig D., Uebel K., Gschaider B., Grbner M., Meyer B. Coal gasication solver coalfoam. In Open Source CFD International Conference 2009, Barcelona, 2009.


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