Energy Management
Energy Management
Energy Management
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Article history: Received 5 December 2011 Received in revised form 27 February 2012 Accepted 24 March 2012 Available online 22 April 2012 Keywords: Cement Raw mill Energy Exergy Efciency Specic energy consumption
a b s t r a c t
Several grinding methods are available in cement industry depending upon the material to be ground. In cement production process, about 26% of the total electrical power is used in grinding the raw materials. During grinding process, the energy obtained from the rotary burner is consumed. In this study, the rst and second law analysis of a raw mill is performed and certain measures are implemented in an existing raw mill in a cement factory in order to reduce the amount of energy consumption in grinding process. The rst and second law efciencies of the raw mill are determined to be 61.5% and 16.4%, respectively. The effects of ambient air temperature and moisture content of raw materials on the performance of the raw mill are investigated. The data collected over a 12-month period indicate that rst and second law efciencies of the raw mill increase as the ambient temperature increase and the moisture content of the raw materials decrease. The specic energy consumption for farine production is determined to be 24.75 kWh/ton farine. The use of an external hot gas supply provides 6.7% reduction in energy consumption corresponding to a saving of 1.66 kWh per ton of farine production. 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Cement production in the world is currently about 1.6 billion ton per year. About 2% of the electricity produced in the whole world is used during the grinding process of raw materials [1]. While total electrical energy consumption for cement production is about 100 kWh/ton of cement, roughly two thirds are used for particle size reduction [2]. About 65% of the total electrical energy used in a cement plant is utilized for the grinding of coal, raw materials and clinker Fig.1. The cement industry one of the worst pollutant industries [4]. The collection and evaluation of periodical data concerning industry and other nal energy consuming sectors are primary conditions in the determination of targets for the studies on energy saving [5]. Since 1970, the primary physical energy intensity for cement production has dropped by 30%, from 7.9 GJ/ton to 5.6 GJ/ ton [6]. However at the same time the production of cement increased from 570 million tons to 1.6 billion tons per year. As a result, about 5% of global carbon dioxide emissions originate from cement production. About half of this is due to calcinations and the remaining half is due to combustion processes. In a cement plant, using energy efciently during grinding process will lower the production costs considerably. That will also lead to lower the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 90 342 317 1734, 90 506 515 5351(Mobile); fax: 90 342 360 1170. E-mail address: (A. Atmaca). 0360-5442/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/
emission rates. A wide range of options exists to reduce CO2 emissions [7], and almost all of them are based on increasing energy efciency in various processes in industry. Exergy analysis is a modern analysis tool which is used for engineering processes. Exergy analysis is related to both the rst law and second law of thermodynamics. The main purpose of exergy analysis is to identify the causes of the imperfection of an energy conversion process. Exergy analysis leads to a better understanding of the inuence of thermodynamic processes on the process effectiveness, comparison of the importance of different thermodynamic factors, and the determination of the most effective ways of improving the process under consideration [8]. A better understanding of sites of exergy destructions can help improve the system operation and help in better design and optimization. A higher exergetic performance of a system translates into energy savings and environmental benets [5]. There are many studies about grinding process including those on the effect of farine size distribution of raw material on pyroprocessing, melting and chemical reaction of clinker mixture [9,10]. While preventing to decompose the clinker composition, some additives during grinding are suggested and the enhancement in the process was achieved [11,12]. Sogut et al. [13] calculated rst-law (energy) and second-law (exergy) efciencies of a raw mill by varying dead state temperatures between 18 C and 41 C. Schuer et al. [14] studied energy consumption data and focused on the energy saving methods for German cement industry considering electrical energy saving methods and thermal energy saving
Therefore it is not easy to accept a grinding and drying process ideal or most convenient [18]. Each case needs different considerations. The raw mill considered in this study is located in a cement plant located in Sanliurfa, Turkey. The plant is a single chamber mill with mechanical circulation system which grinds a medium hard material at a capacity of about 160 tons/h. The mill diameter is 4230 mm and the grinding chamber length is 10,950 mm (Table 1). The ow diagram of the plant which uses end discharge mill with a circulation system incorporating a bucket elevator is represented in Fig. 2. The bunkers contain raw materials and these materials are fed to the mill with required proportions where they are dried and ground. After that, the pulverized material is conveyed to the separator with a bucket elevator. The oversized material is conveyed back for further grinding. The amount of recirculating material designates the feed rate through the raw mill. With the help of an external air heater, 10e20% of moisture content can be dried. If the only external heat supply is the rotary burner, only 5e10% moisture content of the input materials can be dried.
methods. Utlu et al. [5] studied energy and exergy efciencies of a raw mill for analysis and improvement of the plant. Sogut et al. [15] assessed the performance of a trass mill in a cement plant using energy and exergy analysis. Saxena et al. [16] investigated energy efciency of a cement plant in India. Engin and Ari [17] analyzed a dry type rotary kiln system with a kiln capacity of 600 ton clinker per day. They found that about 40% of the total input energy was lost through hot ue gas, cooler stack and kiln shell. Worell et al. [6] dealt with energy analysis in the U.S. cement industry for the years 1970 and 1997. The study indicates that for a dry type cement production process, the carbon dioxide emission intensity for kiln feed preparation process is about 5.4 kg CO2 per ton cement produced. In this study, the raw mill of a cement plant is considered and its performance based on the rst and second laws of thermodynamics is investigated. Effects of weather conditions, moisture content of input materials, and the use of an external hot gas supply facility on the performance of the raw mill are studied. The literature survey indicates that studies on raw mill is limited in number and scope, and this paper can contribute to a better understanding of raw mill operation and parameters affecting its performance. 2. Farine production Raw mills are used to grind the raw materials into the farine which is the semi product of clinker. It is then fed to the rotary burners which transforms it into clinker which is the semi product of cement. After the grinding process in a cement mill, the production process completes. In order to lower the cost of grinding and drying process, the average moisture content of input materials must be as low as possible. This may be achieved by using the waste heat from the kiln effectively. Drying the materials during grinding process consumes energy which is transferred from the rotary burner. When selecting the most convenient grinding and drying process, various factors must be considered such as grindability of the input materials, ambient air conditions, mill size and shape, feed material size, waste heat temperature, and quantity sucked from the rotary burner as well as moisture content of the input materials.
3. System analysis In order to analyze the raw mill thermodynamically, the following assumptions are made: - The system is assumed as a steady state, steady ow process. - Kinetic and potential energy chances of input and output materials are negligible. - The gases inside the mill are assumed to be ideal gases. - No heat is transferred to the system from the outside. - Electrical energy produces the shaft work in the system. Energy and exergy analyses in grinding process are performed by using the rst and second laws of thermodynamics. The control volume chosen during the energy and exergy analysis of the system is shown in Fig. 2. The specic heat capacity, the input and the output mass of each item, the temperature and pressure values and the constant specic heat of the input and output materials are determined for a currently working raw mill. In order to nd heat and work interactions, energy and exergy efciencies, and the rate of irreversibility in a steady state ow process, the following balance equations are applied. The mass balance is expressed as
_ in m
_ out m
where the subscript in stands for input and out for output. The general energy balance is expressed as
_ E in
(2) (3)
_ _ Q net;in W net;out
_ is the rate of heat transfer, W _ is the rate of work (power), where Q _ is mass ow rate, and h is enthalpy. The rst law (energy or m energetic) efciency is dened as the ratio between the amounts of energy output and the amount of energy input to a system:
Table 1 Specications of the raw mill. Model Inside diameter (mm) Length (mm) Rotate speed (rev/min) Ball charge capacity (tons) Feeding mine granularity (mm) 35 Moisture content of feed and discharge (%) 15e1 Fineness residue 90 mm (%) 12e14 Processing capacity (tons/h) 160 Power (kW) Weight (tons)
hI P _out Ein
The general exergy balance is expressed as
P_ E
cp cv c
Internal energy change and enthalpy change values are
_ Ex in
_ out Ex
_ Ex dest
Z2 cT dT cavg T2 T1
Dh Du v DP
_ is the heat transfer rate through the boundary at where Q p temperature Tp at location p. The subscript zero indicates properties at the dead state of P0 and T0. Also, the ow exergy with negligible kinetic and potential energies is
where cavg is average specic heat, v is specic volume and DP is pressure change. Pressure chance in the unit is negligible so that the enthalpy change is equal to the internal energy change of a material. The enthalpy values of the input and output materials can be expressed with reference to ambient conditions:
j h h0 T0 s s0
(13a) (13b)
The exergy destroyed or irreversibility can be determined from an exergy balance (Eq. (6)) or from entropy generation by
_ _ Ex dest T0 Sgen
where T1 and T2 are the input and output temperatures of the materials and T0 is the ambient air temperature. For incompressible substances the entropy change is
_ gen is the rate of entropy generation. The second-law where S (exergy or exergetic) efciency may generally be dened as the rate of exergy output divided by the rate of exergy input:
s2 s1 cavg ln
T2 T0
s2 s1 cp;avg ln
The second law efciency can be dened differently depending on how the output (i.e., product) and input (i.e., fuel) is dened. For example, one can replace the term exergy input in the denominator an exergy expended term for the process [19]. In this study, we use Eq. (9) and use exergies of outgoing and input materials to the unit. Maximum improvement in the exergy efciency for a process or system is obviously achieved when the exergy loss or irreversibility is minimized. A higher exergy efciency permits a better matching of energy sources and uses. For incompressible substances such as liquids and solids, both the constant pressure and constant volume specic heats are identical,
T2 P Rln 2 T0 P0
Since the pressures of the input and output materials are equal, the Ds values for input and output materials are expressed as
Dsin cp;avg ln
T1 T0
Dsout cp;avg ln
T2 T0
After obtaining the entropy and enthalpy values of the input and output materials, the exergy values of input and output materials in the raw mill are calculated from
(17a) (17b)
where Rtotal is the total thermal resistance of the system and calculated from
Energy is transferred by mass, heat and work within the raw mill which we choose as the control volume. The simplications of the one dimensional heat conduction, convection and radiation equations in a cylindrical structure for the case of constant conductivity for steady conduction with no heat generation is applied (Fig. 3). The rate of heat transfer between the control volume and its surroundings is calculated from the following equations:
Conduction, convection and radiation thermal resistance values are determined from
Rcond Rrad
(21) (22)
1 hrad A
where h is the convection coefcient, k is the thermal conductivity, and hrad is radiation heat transfer coefcient and the value should be found from
Fig. 3. The thermal resistance network for heat transfer through the mantle of the mill subjected to convection, conduction and radiation.
The system transmits power through a shaft. There is also electrical work consumed because of the motors, compressors, blowers and pumps within the system. Work transfer due to shaft and electricity and heat lost values are calculated. The given and _ ), input (T1) and calculated values including mass ow rates (m output (T2) temperatures, constant pressure specic heats (cp), enthalpy (Dh) and entropy (Ds) changes, energy and exergy values of the raw materials, rst law (hI) and second law (hII) efciencies, and average ambient air temperature (T0) are given in Table 2. There are ve raw material weighing machines on the mill inlet, and the mass ow rates of each entering material are obtained from
Table 2 Energy and exergy analysis of the system. _ (kg/h) m Input materials Limestone Marl Clay Iron ore Bauxite Moisture of limestone Moisture of marl Moisture of clay Moisture of iron ore Moisture of bauxite Gas from rotary burner Return material from seperator Leaking air Dust Electrical work Total Output materials Farine Hot gas Steam Leaking air Total 74,252 43,208 14,856 1350 1350 4455 7777 2526 135 135 66,346 27,104 4058 2103 e 249,655 cp (kJ/kgK) 0.82 0.64 0.92 0.62 0.64 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 1.45 0.81 1.01 1.05 e T0 (K) 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 290 e T1 (K) 295 295 295 295 295 295 295 295 295 295 567 360 295 565 e T2 (K) 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 e
Dh (kJ/kg)
4.10 3.20 4.60 3.10 3.20 20.90 20.90 20.90 20.90 20.90 401.65 56.70 5.05 288.75 e
Ds (kJ/kgK)
0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.97 0.18 0.02 0.70 e
_ j (kW) Sm 0.72 0.33 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.22 0.38 0.12 0.01 0.01 2208.35 44.49 0.05 50.04 3250 5554.9
_ h (kW) Sm 84.56 38.41 18.98 1.16 1.20 25.86 45.15 14.66 0.78 0.78 7406.46 426.89 5.69 168.68 3250 11,489.28
these machines. The input and output material temperatures are measured with the help of a resistance temperature probe. Temperature of the hot gas from rotary burner at the inlet of the mill and the temperature of hot gas leaving the raw mill are continuously measured by the probes which are installed on the system. Temperature of the mantle of the mill is measured by a non contact digital infrared thermometer with a sensitivity of 0.5 C. The specic heat capacity of the each input and output material for analyses is determined using the empirical correlation below which practices upon the Kirchhoff law. The total specic heat capacity of each material has been calculated by using the mass ows of each materials components.
Fig. 6. Effect of moisture content of raw materials on the rst law and second law efciencies.
Cp a bT cT 2 dT 3
Here, a, b, c and d are the constants for raw material and T represents temperature of each material. The constants of each component of the input and output material may be found in Ref. [20]. Based on the calculated values in Table 2, the rst law efciency of the raw mill is calculated from Eq. (4) to be 7066.29 kW/ 11,489.28 kW 0.615 or 61.5%. The energy lost account for 38.5% of the inlet energy, which is due to frictional forces on the bearing unit of the mill and heat loss from the pipes and mill mantle. In order to reduce losses, an effective insulation should be applied between the plates arranged circularly at the inner surface and mantle of the mill. The piping of the hot gas lines should also be insulated. Additionally, in order to decrease the frictional forces on the bearing unit, an effective lubrication and maintenance is needed.
The second law efciency of the raw mill is calculated from Eq. (9) to be 912.01 kW/5554.9 kW 0.164 or 16.4%. This corresponds to an exergy loss of 83.6% in the unit. These losses are due to friction and heat transfer across a nite temperature difference. The energy balance of the system is calculated from Eq. (2). Total energy input _ in) consists of energy entering by raw materials and electricity (SE consumed. A reading of electric meters indicates that 3250 kW electricity is consumed by the main driving motors of the raw mill. _ out) consists of the energy of raw materials Total energy output (SE leaving the unit and heat loss from shell of the mill. The heat lost is determined to be 4422.9 kW. Using the energy and exergy analysis results in Table 2, we obtain energy and exergy ow diagrams for the input and output materials and ows. Fig. 4 shows a Sankey diagram indicating magnitudes and percentages of energy ows and losses while Fig. 5 shows a Grassmann diagram with the corresponding data for exergy (Fig. 6). Operation of the system involves both thermal and electrical energy inputs in the form of hot gas, electricity, and thermal energies with return and raw materials (Figs. 4 and 5). The output includes thermal energies contained in farine and hot gas as well as energy losses with heat losses and leaking air and steam. The input energy is dominated by hot gas with a 64.5% contribution while electricity consumption accounts for 28.3% of the total energy input. The energies of return and raw materials account for only 7.2% of the total energy input. Heat loss accounts for 38.5% and leaking air and steam account for 7.5% of the output energies. One
Table 3 Monthly electrical energy consumption, farine production, and specic energy consumption (SEC) of the raw mill. Months Total production (tons) 107,178 89,646 48,715 99,827 110,225 109,441 109,565 106,978 110,624 105,433 107,225 106,658 100,959 Electricity consumption (kWh) 2,506,530 2,482,360 1,287,920 2,741,100 2,901,000 2,757,180 2,755,440 2,565,180 2,514,000 2,402,800 2,665,150 2,408,200 2,498,905 SEC (kWh/ton) 23.39 27.69 26.44 27.46 26.31 25.19 25.15 23.98 22.73 22.79 24.85 22.57 24.75
January February Marcha April May June July August September October November December Average Fig. 5. Grassmann diagram (exergy band diagram) of the raw mill.
266 Table 4 Moisture content of raw materials. Input materials Limestone (lm) Marl (ml) Clay (cl) Iron Ore (io) Bauxite (bx)
the specic energy consumption of the mill are given on a monthly basis in Table 3. Equipments used during the production of farine including main drive and auxiliary motors, bucket elevator, separators, electrolter, and system fan motors are taken into consideration while calculating the specic energy consumption. The raw mill system consumes an average of 2,498,905 kWh of electricity while producing 100,959 tons of farine per month. Then the specic energy consumption for electricity is determined to be SEC (2,498,905 kWh/100,959 tons) 24.75 kWh/ton farine. 5.2. Keeping the moisture content of the raw materials under control The study is conducted during a 12-month period. Moisture contents of the raw materials are measured in the soil laboratory of the factory on a regular basis. In the laboratory, a sample of each raw material entering the raw mill is weighed, heated in an oven for an appropriate period, cooled, and then reweighed. This way, average moisture contents of each raw material is determined and recorded. Maximum and minimum moisture percentages for each raw material which are dried and ground inside the raw mill are given in Table 4. It is seen that the raw materials which are extracted from the mining area have an average moisture content of 10e12%. Each day the average moisture content of the raw materials entering the mill and daily electricity consumption of the system are recorded. It is seen that when the moisture content of the raw materials is increased or reduced, there is a corresponding change in the rate of farine production and electricity consumption of the system. During the investigation, both wet and dry materials are chosen for the grinding process. Daily raw materials moisture
may also consider energy of hot gas leaving the system as the loss since this energy is not used for a useful purpose. The exergy ow diagrams in Figs. 4 and 5 show that most of the exergy input to the system is due to electricity (58.5%) followed by the hot gas (39.7%) with the exergy of raw materials contributing less than 2%. Note that exergy of electricity is equal to itself while exergy of thermal energy of hot gas is much less than its energy. As a result, hot gas has the greatest contribution of input energy and electricity has the greatest contribution of input exergy. An examination of output exergies shows that exergy loss is responsible for 83.6% of the all output exergies. 5. Efciency enhancement studies 5.1. Specic energy consumption There are two main types of energy use in cement industry: fuel and electricity. Raw material preparation is an electricity-intensive production step. Here, we calculate specic energy consumption (SEC) for electricity. Electricity consumption, farine production, and
Table 5 Daily electrical energy consumption, farine production and SEC of the raw mill for wet raw materials. Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Average Raw materials moisture content (%) 13 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 15 13 15 14 15 14.07 Total production (tons/day) 3339.3 3488.2 3448.4 3327.6 3456 3414.7 3452.2 3565.9 3469.8 3347.8 3340.8 3471 3600 3366.7 3434.9 Electricity consumption (kWh/day) 83551 92745.3 89273.1 84703.3 86700 88572.7 81848 85506 86689.7 89426.7 82171.7 96834.5 92014.8 93021.1 88075.6 SEC (kWh/ton) 25.02 26.59 25.89 25.46 25.09 25.94 23.71 23.98 24.98 26.71 24.60 27.90 25.56 27.63 25.65
Table 6 Daily electrical energy consumption, farine production and SEC of the raw mill for dry raw materials. Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Average Raw materials moisture content (%) 5 6 5 6 6 4 5 5 4 5 5 6 4 6 5.14 Total production (tons/day) 3805.9 3654.9 3793.3 3650.9 3594 3948 3668.8 3632.6 3814.6 3689.4 3707.5 3539.9 3901.9 3555.3 3711.2 Electricity consumption (kWh/day) 90517.7 88745.3 89273.1 88036.7 86700 88572.7 85181.3 85506 88069 89426.7 86838.3 86489.7 92014.8 86354.4 87980.4 SEC (kWh/ton) 23.78 24.28 23.53 24.11 24.12 22.43 23.22 23.54 23.09 24.24 23.42 24.43 23.58 24.29 23.72
and second law efciency values. Storing raw materials in a closed material storage is a simple and effective way for reducing their moisture content. Any drying facility which uses hot gas from a kiln will help reduce moisture values considerably. Experiments also indicate that production rate of the raw mill increases as a result of reducing moisture content of raw materials (Figs. 7 e 9).
5.3. Supplying hot gas to the system from rotary burner During the grinding process, if we increase the hot gas inlet to the system from the rotary burner unit, the energy requirement of the system to dry the raw materials entering the system is reduced. This in turn increases production rate. Also, the grinding ability and the quality of the output material increases, and these cause improvements in the rst law and second law efciencies. Adding hot gas from rotary burner increases the rst and second law efciencies. Fig. 10 shows that the rst law efciency is increased by 9.1% and the second law efciency is increased by 28.6% by feeding the system with 580 K hot gas which has a mass ow rate of 40 tons/h. Also, supplying hot gas to the system from an external burner increases the production capacity of the mill rather dramatically (Fig. 11). The application of an external hot gas supply to the system increases the production capacity and dryness of the raw materials entering the system. The moisture content of the materials is kept constant at about 10e12% for the analysis. Hot gas supply rate, electricity consumption and farine production for a 14-day period are shown in Table 7. It is seen that the specic energy consumption (SEC) of the system is reduced by the supply of hot gas to the
Fig. 8. Effect of hot gas mass ow on the rst law and second law efciencies.
content, electricity consumption, and farine production for a 14day period are shown in Table 5 and Table 6 for wet and dry materials, respectively. When the moisture content of the raw materials is increased to about 14%, the SEC of the system is calculated to be 25.65 kWh/ton and when it is reduced to about 5% the corresponding electrical SEC value is calculated to be 23.72 kWh/ton farine. With average moisture content of 10% for the raw materials the rst law and second law efciencies of the raw mill are determined to be 61.5% and 16.4%, respectively. When we reduce moisture content of raw materials, we have a slight increase in both the rst
Table 7 Weekly electrical energy consumption, farine production and SEC of the raw mill by hot gas supply to the system. Weeks 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
The raw mill works for about 22 h a day. The mill stops for 2 h for the peak time tariff.
system. The SEC in this case becomes 23.09 kWh/ton farine by the supply of 40 tons/h hot gas to the system. The rotary burner is the source of this hot gas. This corresponds to using waste heat from the rotary burner for the raw mill grinding and drying process. 5.4. Effect of ambient temperature on the efciency of the mill The highest and lowest ambient air temperatures are obtained from Turkish State Meteorological Service, as shown in Fig. 10 [21]. The changes in efciency values with respect to ambient air temperature are shown in Fig. 11 on a month basis. The data indicates that at higher ambient temperatures (during summer months), both the rst and second law efciencies increase. This corresponds to higher rates of grinding, and consequently production of more farine in the mill. In summer days, the ambient air temperatures are considerably higher compared to the winter days in Sanliurfa, Turkey. The average air temperatures for winter and summer can be taken as 10 C and 30 C, respectively. As a result, the efciency is higher in summer than in winter. The mantle of the mill is maintained at about 40 C. The temperature difference between the mantle of the mill and the surrounding air is lower in summer, and less heat is lost as a result. 6. Conclusions The analysis and performance assessment of a raw mill indicate that the grinding process involves energy and exergy losses and the process is affected by certain parameters. The main results of the study can be summarized as follows: The rst law efciency of the raw mill is determined to be 61.5% while the second law efciency is 16.4%. The electrical power input from the main driving motors to the system is 3250 kW while the energy lost from the system is calculated to be 4422.9 kW. The specic energy consumption for farine production is determined to be 24.75 kWh/ton farine. Operation of the system involves both thermal and electrical energy (and exergy) inputs in the form of hot gas, electricity, and thermal energies (and exergies) with return and raw materials. The output includes thermal energies (and exergies) contained in farine and hot gas as well as energy (and exergy) losses with heat losses and leaking air and steam. Heat loss accounts for 38.5% and leaking air and steam account for 7.5% of the output energies. An exergy balance shows that 83.6% of all exergy input are lost in the process. It appears that reduction in fuel and electricity consumption in a raw mill operation can be achieved by minimizing various losses occurring in the unit. Minimizing heat losses by effective insulation, reducing the temperature of gases at the outlet by more effective heat transfer in the unit, and minimizing air and steam leak by effective sealing are some measures that can help reduce energy consumption. The moisture content of each raw material should be as low as possible for improved performance of the process. Keeping the
raw materials in a closed stock area decreases the moisture content by 20e30%. When the moisture content of the raw materials is reduced by half, the rst law efciency and second law efciency values of the unit are increased by 1.46% and 9.15%, respectively. The SEC for farine production is calculated as 23.72 kWh/ton farine. This corresponds to a 4.2% decrease in SEC of the unit. Special considerations should be given to large ball mills so that utilization of all waste heat from the kiln is maximized for drying during grinding process. Each ton of hot gas at 580 K supplied from the kiln increases the farine production capacity of a standard mill. By supplying 40 tons/h of hot gas at 580 K, the rst law and second law efciency values are increased by 9.1% and 28.6% respectively and SEC reduces to 23.09 kWh/ton farine. This corresponds to a 6.7% decrease in SEC of the unit. The ambient air conditions affect efciency and production capacity of the mill. Both the rst law and second law efciencies of raw mill and the production rate increase in summer months due to higher ambient temperatures. It appears that the losses (particularly heat losses) increase in winter months. The raw mill operates for about 7200 h in a year. The amount of carbon dioxide emission per kWh of energy consumption can be taken as 0.62 kg [22]. The annual total farine production of the mill was 1,211,515 tons. The annual total energy consumption in the system is 29.98 106 kWh and the corresponding carbon dioxide emission is about 18,592 tons a year. The CO2 emission is reduced to 17,817 tons after the reduction of moisture content; and it is reduced to 17,344 tons by the application of hot gas supply. The raw mills are big grinding facilities consisting of dozens of different machinery. There are many different parameters affecting the grinding behavior of the unit. Mill size, ball charge rate, shape, temperature and humidity of the entering raw materials, circulating load within the system, ambient air conditions, rotational speed of the mill, temporary stops for the periodical maintenance of the system, chemicals used to speed the pulverization and to eliminate the sticking problem, efciency and performance of each machinery used, the microstructure of the raw materials and vibration characteristics of the system are some of these parameters. Vibration increases electricity consumption, heat transfer, and maintenance time, and the mill standard production rate is sometimes reduced by half to decrease the vibration values on the system. All of these factors affect the specic energy consumption of the system. Further studies on the topic may involve the investigation of these parameters on the system performance and optimization of them for best operation. A thermoeconomic analysis of the system can also provide signicant information indicating cost allocation in the system.
Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge the support provided by the Scientic Research Unit (GUBAP) of the University of Gaziantep, Dr. Nihat Atmaca and Dr. Recep Yumrutas from the University of Gaziantep, and Erkan Demirel, Mehmet Marasli and Kursat Korkmaz from Limak Cement Group.
Nomenclature A c _ E _ Ex h k L m _ m P r R Q _ Q s _ S T T0 v W _ W cross-sectional area (m2) specic heat (kJ/kg K) energy rate (kW) exergy rate (kW) specic enthalpy (kJ/kg) or heat convection coefcient(W/m2K) thermal conductivity (W/mK) length (m) mass (kg) mass ow rate (kg/s) pressure (Pa) radius (m) thermal resistance (K/W) heat transfer (kJ) heat transfer rate (kW) specic entropy (kJ/kg K) entropy rate (kW) temperature (K) ambient temperature, K specic volume (m3/kg) work (kJ) work rate or power (kW)
Greek letters rst law efciency (%) second law efciency (%) emissivity j ow exergy (kJ/kg) s Stefan-Boltzman constant as 5.67 108 W/m2 K4
hI hII
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