Elect Enrgy Effic Cement 05+23
Elect Enrgy Effic Cement 05+23
Elect Enrgy Effic Cement 05+23
ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice i
2.6 General Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.6.1 High-Efficiency Motors and Efficient Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.6.2 Variable Speed Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.6.3 Preventative Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.6.4 Compressed Air System Optimization and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4 BUSINESS MODELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
ii Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice
Figure 1: Cement Production Process Flow Schematic and Typical Energy Efficiency Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Figure 2: Rotary Cement Kiln (Dry Process with Cyclonic Preheaters) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Figure 3: Schematic Depiction of Control Points and Parameters in a Kiln System Control and Management System . . . . . . 9
Figure 4: Typical Waste Heat Recovery System Using Steam Rankine Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 7: Installed Costs for Chinese Stem-based Waste Heat Recovery Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 9: Optimized Cooling Air Distribution for a Typical Eight-compartment Reciprocating Grate Cooler . . . . . . . . . . 22
Figure 10: Power Consumption of Fan Installations with Different Control Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 15: Energy Savings Potential of Vertical Roller Mills versus Ball Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Figure 17: High-Pressure Roller Press as a Pre-grinding Step for Ball Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Figure 18: High-Pressure Roller Press as a Semi-finish Pre-grinder with Two-stage Separator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice iii
Table 2: Production Gains Achieved in Different Plants Using Oxygen Enrichment Technology .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Table 3: Improvements in Alternative Fuel Use with the Use of Oxygen Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
iv Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice
This report was produced in cooperation between IFC, SNIC (Sindicato Nacional da Indústria do Cimento), ABCP
(Associação Brasileira de Cimento Portland), and INT (Brazil’s National Institute of Technology).
Development of the report was managed by Alexander Sharabaroff (IFC), Gonzalo Visedo (SNIC), and Marcelo
Pecchio (ABCP). The primary authors include Stephanie Nour and Pierre Langlois of Econoler, Bruce Hedman,
and Victor Turnell.
Professor Dr. José Goldemberg, Dr. Mauricio Francisco Henriques Junior and Fabrício dos Santos Dantas of INT
shared invaluable insights to the report.
The team would like to acknowledge a tremendous contribution to this report by Michel Folliet (IFC), Jigar Shah
(IFC), José Otavio Carvalho (President, SNIC), Renato José Giusti (President, ABCP), Hugo da C. Rodrigues Filho
(ABCP), and Antonia Jadranka Suto (ABCP); Araceli Fernandez Pales, Kira West, and Steffen Dockweiler of the
International Energy Agency (IEA); and Alexios Pantelias, John Kellenberg, Jeremy Levin, Luis Alberto Salomon,
Sivaram Krishnamoorthy, Yana Gorbatenko and Alexander Larionov of IFC.
This report and an accompanying report on alternative fuels provide a summary of international best practice
experience in the cement sector and focus on specific technical measures that could be implemented by cement plants
to reduce their operating costs and improve their carbon footprints. The reports provide a plethora of practical
information from implemented projects and include detailed technical descriptions, capital and operating costs, and
case studies and references from locations where the measures have been implemented. A combination of general and
in-depth information will make these reports a helpful read to both management and technical and operating personnel
of cement plants as well as to a larger range of stakeholders.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice v
Cement is paramount for economic development and poverty reduction in emerging markets. Along with aggregates
and water, cement is the key ingredient in the production of concrete, and, as such, is an essential construction material
that enables large infrastructure projects in energy, water, and transport, as well as, importantly, the construction of
modern buildings and urban infrastructure. Given the rapid urbanization rates in developing countries, cement is
crucial for delivering on the climate-smart cities agenda. Emerging markets have been rapidly increasing their cement
use and now account for over 90 percent of cement consumption worldwide (4.1 billion tons in 2016).
Cement accounts for at least 5 percent of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, and, according to some
estimates, this share may be even higher. At the same time, energy-related expenses in the cement sector, mostly
on fossil fuels and electricity, account for 30 to 40 percent of the industry’s cash costs. While current energy
prices are still recovering from the global financial and economic crises, there is no doubt that they will continue
to increase in the long run. In recent years, the cement industry has been successful in reducing its operating costs and
improving its carbon footprint (emissions per unit of output) by improving energy efficiency, increasing the use
of alternative fuels, and deploying renewable energy sources.
With a cumulative investment portfolio in cement of over $4.2 billion, IFC has accumulated a vast experience in the
industry, including in sustainable energy projects. To share its knowledge with external stakeholders and to promote
sustainable practices in the sector, IFC commissioned two studies on international best practice in the cement sector,
covering thermal and electric energy efficiency, and alternative fuels. These studies were developed as part of the Brazil
Low Carbon Technology Roadmap led by the National Cement Industry Association of Brazil (SNIC), the Brazilian
Association of Portland Cement (ABCP), the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Cement Sustainability Initiative
(CSI) of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and IFC.
This report, and an accompanying report on alternative fuels, provide a summary of international best practice
experience in the cement sector and focus on specific technical measures that could be implemented by cement plants
to reduce their operating costs and improve their carbon footprints. The reports provide a plethora of practical
information from implemented projects and include detailed technical descriptions, capital and operating costs, and
case studies and references from locations where the measures have been implemented. A combination of general and
in-depth information will make these reports a helpful read to both management and technical and operating personnel
of cement plants as well as to a larger range of stakeholders.
vi Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice
Cement production is a resource-intensive practice involving 1.1 RAW MATERIAL PREPARATION
large amounts of raw materials, energy, labor, and capital.
Raw material preparation provides a mixture of raw materials
Cement is produced from raw materials such as limestone,
and additives that has the right chemical composition and
chalk, shale, clay, and sand. These raw materials are
particle size distribution necessary for clinker production. For
quarried, crushed, finely ground, and blended to the correct
plants that receive their raw materials already crushed, this
chemical composition. Small quantities of iron ore, alumina,
stage usually involves grinding (milling), classification, mixing,
and other minerals may be added to adjust the raw material
and storage. Raw material preparation is an electricity-intensive
composition. Typically, the fine raw material is fed into a
production step requiring about 25 to 35 kilowatt hours (kWh)
large rotary kiln1 (cylindrical furnace) where it is heated
per ton of raw material, although it could require as little as 11
to about 1,450 degrees Celsius (2,640 degrees Fahrenheit).
kWh per ton.2
The high temperature causes the raw materials to react and
form a hard nodular material called “clinker.” Clinker is After primary and secondary size reduction, the raw materials
cooled and ground with gypsum and other minor additives are further reduced in size by grinding. The grinding differs with
to produce cement. the pyroprocessing process (kiln type) used. In dry processing, the
materials are ground into a flowable powder in horizontal ball
Beyond the mining of the raw materials, there are five major
mills or in vertical roller mills. In a ball mill, steel-alloy balls are
process steps in cement production (see Figure 1). Each of
responsible for decreasing the size of the raw material pieces in a
these steps has specific energy requirements and consumption
rotating cylinder. Rollers on a round table provide size reduction
patterns, as well as various energy efficiency measures that
in a roller mill. Waste heat from the kiln exhaust or the clinker
can be applied to reduce energy use and increase productivity
cooler vent, or auxiliary heat from a standalone air heater before
depending on the characteristics of and conditions at each
pyroprocessing, is often used to further dry the raw materials.
individual cement plant. The remaining energy consumption
The moisture content in the raw material feed of a dry kiln is
at cement plants is used for final-product packaging,
typically around 0.5 percent (0 percent to 0.7 percent).
lighting, and building services. These are typically minor
electricity uses compared to the major electricity and fuel
consumption in the five major process steps.
Solid fuel preparation involves optimizing the size and moisture
content of the fuel fed to the pyroprocessing system of the
kiln. Solid fuels are typically coal, petrocoke, and/or a mix
of alternative fuels. Vertical roller mills are the dominant
choice for solid fuel grinding, with a worldwide share of fuel
processing capacity of around 90 percent. Ball mills, often
1 Clinker can be produced in many different pyroprocessing
used for fuels with poor grindability, make up the remaining
systems or kiln types. There are two basic kiln configurations—
vertical (or shaft) kilns and rotary kilns—and many variations
of each type are in use around the world. Generally, shaft
kilns are an older, smaller, less-efficient technology and have 2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Available
been phased out in most countries. Modern cement plants use and Emerging Technologies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas
variations on the dry rotary kiln technology, incorporating Emissions from the Portland Cement Industry (Washington,
various stages of preheating and precalcining. DC: October 2010).
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 1
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 2
Figure 1: Cement Production Process Flow Schematic and Typical Energy Efficiency Measures
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 3
Figure 2: Rotary Cement Kiln (Dry Process with Cyclonic Preheaters)
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy and Emissions Reduction Opportunities for the Cement Industry (Washington, DC: 2003).
phased out as new generations of grate coolers enter the market consumption in a clinker cooler is the electricity required to
with further operational and efficiency improvements. Modern push cooling air through the cooler.
clinker coolers route the heated air to the precalciner to serve
as preheated combustion air, or to the preheaters to preheat 1.5 FINISH GRINDING
raw material prior to entering the kiln. The primary energy
Once the clinker has been cooled, it must be crushed and mixed
with other materials to produce the final cement product. After
Table 1: Specific Thermal Energy Consumption by cooling, clinker is often stored in domes, silos, or bins. The
Rotary Kiln Type material-handling equipment used to transport clinker from the
Kiln Type Heat Input clinker coolers to storage and then to the finish mill is similar to
(MJ/ton of clinker)
equipment used to transport raw materials (for example, belt
Wet 5,860–6,280
conveyors, deep bucket conveyors, and bucket elevators). To
Long Dry 4,600
produce cement, clinker nodules are ground to the consistency
1-Stage Cyclone Suspension 4,180
of powder. If the blending material is not already in a powdered
state, it also must be crushed and ground prior to blending.
2-Stage Cyclone Suspension 3,770
Preheater Ordinary Portland cement is composed of 95 percent clinker
4-Stage Cyclone Suspension 3,550 and 5 percent additives. “Blended cement” is the term applied
Preheater to cement that is made from clinker that has been ground with a
4-Stage Cyclone Suspension 3,140 larger share of one or more additives. These additives can include
Preheater plus Calciner
such materials as fly ash from power plants, blast furnace slag
5-Stage Cyclone Suspension 3,010
volcanic ash, and pozzolans. The finish grinding is typically done
Preheater plus Calciner plus High-
Efficiency Cooler in ball mills, ball mills combined with roller presses, vertical
6-Stage Cyclone Suspension <2,930 roller mills, or roller presses. Coarse material is separated in a
Preheater plus Calciner plus High- classifier and returned to the mill for additional grinding to
Efficiency Cooler
ensure that the final product has uniform surface area.
Source: Based on N. A. Madlool et al., “A Critical Review on Energy Use and
Savings in the Cement Industries,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15,
no. 4 (2011): 2,042–60.
The team first developed a draft candidate list of • Improve or add additional preheater capacity
technologies and measures to improve thermal and electric • Reduce moisture absorption opportunities for raw
energy efficiency in the cement sector based on information materials and fuels, avoiding the need to evaporate
contained in the Industrial Energy Technology Database, adsorbed water
augmented by additional research and resources. The
• Reduce dust in exhaust gases by minimizing gas
final list of priority technologies was determined in close
turbulence: dust carries energy away from the kiln where
coordination with the Brazilian counterpart based on
it is captured in dust collectors; the dust is recycled into
four main factors: 1) applicability to the Brazilian cement
the raw material and fed into the kiln where it is reheated
sector, which is already quite energy-efficient, 2) level of
potential fuel and electricity savings, 3) level of commercial • Lower clinker discharge temperature, retaining more heat
development, and 4) cost-effectiveness. The group of priority within the pyroprocessing system
technologies generally includes simpler and non-complex
• Lower clinker cooler stack temperature
approaches to efficiency improvements, such as advanced
control and automation systems, improved process • Recycle excess cooler air
optimization processes, variable speed drive installations, • Reclaim cooler air by using it for drying raw
high-efficiency electrical motors, and optimization of air materials and fuels or for preheating fuels or air
compression systems. • Reduce kiln radiation losses by using the correct mix
and more energy-efficient refractories to control kiln
It should be noted that the technologies and measures
temperature zones
detailed below are specific capital upgrades that can be
evaluated for a facility and that may be applicable depending • Reduce cold air leakage
on the condition of current equipment, plant layout, site- • Close unnecessary openings
specific conditions, and operating practices at the plant. In
• Provide more energy-efficient seals
general, a number of basic operating and maintenance best
• Operate with as high a primary air temperature
practices and objectives should be implemented as basic
as possible
operating principles for efficiency improvements, including:
• Optimize kiln operations to avoid upsets.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 5
2.1.1 HIGH-EFFICIENCY FANS AND VARIABLE SPEED Electrical energy consumption can be reduced by 0.36 kWh
per ton of clinker.4
Process fans are large electricity consumers in cement
manufacture, second only to grinding. With better materials Capital costs: $0.04 per ton of clinker
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 7
Capital investment cost estimates for a complete ball mill 2.3 CLINKER PRODUCTION
replacement vary widely, but include one estimate of $33 per 2.3.1 PROCESS CONTROLS AND OPTIMIZATION
ton of raw material.15
RELEVANT FACTORS FOR IMPLEMENTATION The clinker-making process is a countercurrent process, with
Most applicable to older plants with raw grinding limitations the kiln located between two heat exchangers that recover the
and high power consumption. Feasibility of this measure depends heat of the combustion gases and the hot clinker. Optimum
on the age and performance of the existing ball mill. For mills control of the kiln system is key for a smooth and energy-
that are older than a threshold (for example, 10 years is used in efficient process. Non-automated or non-optimum process
China), it may be more feasible to replace the ball mill with a control systems may lead to heat losses, unstable process
new vertical mill. This measure will be more applicable for those conditions, and more operational stops. The latter effects
plants where the replacement of the ball mill is not considered lead to increased fuel demand of the system. Automated
feasible and increased production is desired. computerized control systems are effective measures to
optimize combustion process and conditions and to maintain
COST EFFECTIVENESS PRIORITY operating conditions in the kiln at optimum levels. Today, all
Medium to low, depending on the total capital cost and the modern kilns are equipped with such systems.
extent of productivity gains. Effectiveness also depends on
Both raw materials and the fuel mix can be improved
the properties of the raw materials from the quarry and on
through analysis of chemical and physical characteristics.
the grindability of the raw mix components.
Besides automating the weighing and blending processes,
other parameters such as air and mass flow and temperature
distribution can be controlled in order to optimize kiln
operation. Additional process control systems include the
use of online analyzers that permit operators to determine
the chemical composition of raw materials and the product,
Similar to the raw meal mills, the energy efficiency in coal thereby allowing for immediate changes in the blend of
mills also can be improved with the use of high-efficiency these materials. Process control of the kiln system can
fans (in a dust collector bag fan) and variable speed drives improve heat recovery, material throughput, and reliable
for air flow control. control of free lime content in the clinker. As a result, the
operating cost of an optimized kiln is usually reduced as a
result of decreased fuel and refractory consumption, lower
Electricity consumption can be reduced by 0.16 kWh per ton maintenance costs, and higher productivity.
of clinker.
Combustion management is of prime importance for kiln
CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS optimization and requires specific attention to the
Installation costs in India are reported to be $0.04 per following items:
annual ton of clinker capacity.
1. Fuel grinding management: fuel grinding should be
COST EFFECTIVENESS PRIORITY managed to achieve optimally set fineness.
High; however, applicability may be limited depending on 2. Air ratio management: to maintain an appropriate
the efficiency of current fan and vent systems. Economics air ratio, the oxygen concentration in the combustion
also depends on the power price. exhaust gas requires strict management.
Source: FLSmidth.
3. Exhaust gas management: carbon dioxide and nitrogen An alternative to expert systems or fuzzy logic is model-
oxides should be measured, and the measurement data predictive control using dynamic models of the processes in
should be used for combustion management. the kiln. Additional process control systems include the use
of online analyzers that permit operators to keep track of
4. Kiln burner management: the basic designs such as
the chemical composition of raw materials being processed
the fuel discharge angle of the burner, the primary air
in the plant. This enables rapid changes to be made to the
ratio, etc., should be reviewed to maintain the optimum
blend of raw materials. A uniform feed allows for steadier
combustion conditions.
kiln operation, thereby saving fuel.
5. Cooler operation management: heat recovery at the
cooler greatly affects the combustion management of the Modern versions of process control and optimization
kiln burner. systems make use of advancements in information
and communication technologies and enable real-time
Improved process control also will help to improve the
monitoring and adjustment of process parameters by
product quality and grindability, such as reactivity and
multiple users using, among others, mobile devices.16
hardness of the produced clinker, which may lead to more-
efficient clinker grinding. A number of management systems ENERGY PERFORMANCE
are marketed through the cement industry manufacturers
Thermal energy savings from process control systems may
and are available and in use throughout the world. Most
vary between 2.5 percent and 10 percent, and the typical
modern systems use so-called expert control (also known as
savings are estimated at between 2.5 percent and 5 percent.17
“fuzzy logic” or rule-based control strategies). Expert control
systems do not use a modeled process to control process 16 National Development and Reform Commission of China,
conditions, but try to simulate the best human operator, using National Key Energy-Saving Technologies Promotion Directory
(Fifth Batch) (Beijing: 2012), 65.
information from various stages in the process.
17 EU-China Energy and Environment Program, Cement – A
Reference Book for the Industry (Brussels: 2009).
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 9
In addition, electricity consumption can be reduced by up to systems. However, given the high level of technology in
1 kWh per ton of clinker.18 Brazilian plants, the energy savings in general are likely to be
on the lower side of the estimated range.
For kilns without a control system, savings can be between
50 and 200 megajoules (MJ) per ton of clinker.19 CASE STUDIES
• The existing plant constellation predetermines the 2.3.2 MODERN MULTI-CHANNEL BURNERS
further needs for equipment and consequently the TECHNOLOGY/MEASURE DESCRIPTION
implementation costs and system performance.
Some cement kiln systems are equipped with direct-fired
• A high educational level of operators and staff is critical solid fuel systems that use a mono-channel burner pipe to the
for process control and optimization.
kiln. Mono-channel burners are basically a refractory-lined
• Expert control systems simulate the best operator by single pipe with a nozzle. Primary air and fuel are conveyed
using information from various
stages in the process.
together through the mono-channel for combustion into
the rotary kiln. These systems typically have primary air
• Computational modeled predictions may be used for
flow rates that are 20 to 40 percent of the total combustion
future applications.
air required. A mono-channel burner also has operational
• Electrically driven control fittings consume power.
disadvantages: the exit speed obtains a fixed velocity at
the tip of the burner by design of the nozzle diameter. The
velocity cannot be adjusted during operation. Furthermore,
High. There are no barriers to installing advanced process shaping the flame by changing the burner adjustment is not
controls on new construction. Most existing facilities should possible during operation, if, for example, one wanted to
be able to retrofit the operations to accommodate control optimize the temperature profile in the sintering zone.
19 Ibid.
22 National Development and Reform Commission of China,
20 Ibid.
National Key Energy-Saving Technologies Promotion Directory
21 Ibid. (Fifth Batch) (Beijing: 2012), 65–66.
Celsius (depending on cooler type and operation) and leads $0.34 per ton of clinker.25
combustion air can be taken from the cooler, leading to a of technology in the Brazilian industry. Adoption of low
decrease in specific fuel consumption. nitrogen oxide combustion techniques also limits savings
Besides the energy-saving effect, modern multi-channel
burners have several advantages related to kiln operation:
nitrogen oxide emissions may be reduced due to the decreased
oxygen availability in the core flame. Furthermore, these
modern burners allow the use of significant amounts of Multi-stage cyclone preheaters are the main components
secondary fuels. for the heat exchange of raw gas and raw meal in the
clinker-burning process. Cyclones are used to preheat the
raw meal prior to the kiln. Exhaust gases from the kiln or
Depending on the secondary air temperature, reduction clinker cooler are routed to the cyclone and provide the
of the primary air ratio by 5 to 10 percent will lead to a heat to preheat the raw meal suspended or residing in the
fuel energy saving of 50 to 80 MJ per ton of clinker at cyclone. The larger the pressure drop losses in the cyclone,
conventional kilns and about half of this at precalciner the greater the energy requirements for the kiln or clinker
kilns. The electricity demand will remain more or less cooler exhaust fan. Modern cyclones are designed with
unchanged as the higher consumption for control fittings and lower pressure drop and higher material separation efficiency
air delivery channels can be offset by the reduction of the than older designs. Plants with older design cyclones may be
primary air. 23
able to upgrade their preheater cyclones with modern design
cyclones. By doing so, the static pressure at the preheater
vent fan will decrease, resulting in potentially lower specific
If the existing system is a direct-fired system with a mono- power consumption. In addition, the increased material
channel burner, then the plant will be required to convert the separation efficiency will improve heat transfer in the
direct-fired system to an indirect-fired system (or a variation preheater, thereby lowering the specific fuel consumption.
of it) before changing to a multi-channel burner. The capital
cost to convert a direct-fired system to an indirect-fired system
can vary greatly depending on the plant conditions. The Depending on the efficiency of the fan, for each hectopascal
typical range can be between $5 million and $10 million. of pressure loss reduction, 0.12 to 0.15 kWh of electricity
can be saved per ton of clinker. For older-type kilns, this
If the existing system is an indirect-fired system with a mono- amounts to savings of 0.6 to 1.5 kWh per ton of clinker.
channel burner, then the plant retrofitting costs for Europe
are estimated to be between $0.54 million and $0.68 million
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 11
CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS remaining portion of the heat in these exhaust streams for
power generation.
Capital costs are estimated at between $10.8 million and
$13.5 million (for a plant with 2 million tons per year of
Because raw material drying is important in a cement
clinker capacity and including the replacement of three
plant, heat recovery has limited application for plants with
cyclone stages in a double-string preheater) (2009 values).
higher raw material moisture content. Often drying of other
materials such as slag or fly ash requires hot gases from the
Operational costs are expected to decrease by $0.068 to
preheater or cooler; in that case, opportunities for waste heat
$40.11 per ton of clinker.
recovery will be further decreased.
Power production with residual hot gases from the preheater
Replacement with low-pressure drop cyclones can be
and hot air from the cooler require a heat recovery boiler
economically reasonable when the foundation and tower
and a turbine system. Power generation can be based on
of the preheater are usable without rebuilding. The costs
a steam cycle or an organic Rankine cycle (that is, the
of such refurbishment are very site-specific. The main
conversion of heat into work). In each case, a pressurized
parameters influencing the feasibility of this measure include:
working fluid (water for the steam cycle or an organic
compound for the organic Rankine cycle) is vaporized by the
• Efficiency and flow volume of the induced draft fan
hot exhaust gases in a heat recovery boiler, or heater, and
• Need for extra capacity
then expanded through a turbine that drives a generator.26
• Electricity price.
steam Rankine cycle, uses water as the working fluid and
involves generating steam in a waste heat boiler, which then
COST EFFECTIVENESS PRIORITY drives a steam turbine. As shown in Figure 4, in the steam
Low. Applicable to old plants. Replacement with low-pressure waste heat recovery cycle, the working fluid—water—is
drop cyclones can be economically reasonable when the first pumped to elevated pressure before entering a waste
foundation and tower of the preheater are usable without heat recovery boiler. The water is vaporized into high-
rebuilding. The costs of such refurbishment are very site-specific. pressure steam by the hot exhaust from the process and
then expanded to lower temperature and pressure in a
2.3.4 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FOR POWER turbine, generating mechanical power that drives an electric
generator. The low-pressure steam is then exhausted to a
TECHNOLOGY/MEASURE DESCRIPTION condenser at vacuum conditions, where the expanded vapor
In the case of dry process cement plants, nearly 40 percent is condensed to low-pressure liquid and returned to the
of the total heat input is available as waste heat from the feedwater pump and boiler.27 The steam turbine technology
exit gases of the preheater and clinker cooler. The quantity is best known from power plants. While in modern power
of heat from preheater exit gases ranges from 750 to 1,050 plants, electric efficiency is raised to 45 to 46 percent, the
MJ per ton of clinker at a temperature range of 300 to relatively low temperature level from the cooler (200 to 300
degrees Celsius) limits the efficiency in waste heat recovery • Can recover heat from the middle of the air cooler
systems in cement kilns to a maximum of 20 to 25 percent. 28
exhaust flow to increase waste gas temperatures to an
acceptable level for the system, but at the expense of not
Steam cycles are, by far, the most common waste heat recovering a portion of cooler waste heat.
recovery systems in operation in cement plants. These
• Often require a full-time operator, depending on
systems are generally characterized by the following:
local regulations.
• Are most familiar to the cement industry and • Require feedwater conditioning systems.
economically preferable where source heat temperature
• Require a water-cooled condenser; air-cooled condensers
exceeds 300 degrees Celsius.
can be used but create a performance penalty due to
• Are based on proven technologies and simple to operate.
higher condenser vacuum pressures.
• Are widely available from a variety of suppliers.
• Match well with large kilns and systems with low raw
• Are less costly to install than other systems on a specific material water content (resulting in higher waste gas
cost basis ($ per kW).
• Require higher-temperature waste heat to operate Organic Rankine Cycle—Other types of working fluids
optimally (minimum >260 degrees Celsius); generation with better generation efficiencies at lower heat-source
efficiencies fall significantly at lower temperatures, and temperatures are used in organic Rankine cycle (ORC)
lower pressure and temperature steam conditions can systems. ORC systems typically use a high-molecular-mass
result in partially condensed steam exiting the turbine, organic working fluid such as butane or pentane that has a
causing blade erosion.
lower boiling point, higher vapor pressure, higher molecular
mass, and higher mass flow compared to water. Together,
28 CSI, Existing and Potential Technologies for Carbon Emissions
Reductions in Indian Cement Industry. 29 IIP/IFC, Waste Heat Recovery for the Cement Sector.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 13
these features enable higher turbine efficiencies than those They are limited in sizing and scalability and generally
offered by a steam system. ORC systems can be used for are smaller in capacity than steam systems.
waste heat sources as low as 150 degrees Celsius, whereas
• Depending on the application, often have a higher
steam systems are limited to heat sources greater than 260
specific cost ($ per kW) than steam systems.
degrees Celsius. ORC systems typically are designed with
two heat transfer stages. The first stage transfers heat from • Create some system inefficiencies related to the
the waste gases to an intermediate heat transfer fluid (for two-stage heat transfer process.
example, thermal transfer oil). The second stage transfers • Normally use heat transfer fluids and organic fluids
heat from the intermediate heat transfer fluid to the organic that are combustible, requiring fire protection measures
working fluid. ORCs have commonly been used to generate and periodic replacement over time. Also, there may be
power in geothermal power plants, and more recently, in environmental concerns about potential system leaks.
pipeline compressor heat recovery applications in the United
• Are generally well-matched with small- to medium-size,
States. ORC systems have been widely used to generate
high-efficiency kilns or kilns with elevated raw material
power from biomass systems in Europe. ORC system’s
moisture content.30
specific features include the following:
Japanese companies spearheaded the introduction of
• Can recover heat from gases at lower temperatures than is waste heat recovery power systems in the cement industry
possible with conventional steam systems, enabling ORC and introduced the technology to China in 1998. Since
systems to use all recoverable heat from the air cooler.
then, China has become the market leader in waste heat
• Operate with condensing systems above atmospheric recovery installations in the number of systems installed
pressure, reducing risk of air leakage into the system domestically (see Figure 5) and in the number of systems
and eliminating the need for a de-aerator.
installed internationally by Chinese companies (particularly
in Asia). Initially, waste heat recovery development in China
• Are not susceptible to freezing.
was driven by incentives such as tax breaks and Clean
• Operate at relatively low pressure, meaning that they Development Mechanism (CDM) revenues for emissions
can operate unattended and fully automated in many reductions from clean energy projects. In 2011, a national
locations depending on local regulations.
energy efficiency regulation mandated waste heat recovery
on all new clinker lines built after January 2011. These
• Avoid blade erosion because the organic fluid properties
drivers were reinforced when multiple Chinese waste heat
result in the working fluid remaining dry (no partial
recovery suppliers entered the market, lowering waste heat
condensation) throughout the turbine.
recovery capital and installation costs by adopting domestic
• Can use air-cooled condensers without negatively components and design capability, which developed the
impacting performance.
technology for the Chinese market. The experience in China
• Have a lower-speed (rpm) turbine, which allows on waste heat recovery for cogeneration of power has shown
for generator direct drive without the need for and that, in large plants, about 22 to 36 kWh per ton of clinker
inefficiency of a reduction gear.
(25 to 30 percent of the total requirement) can be generated.
This power is considered sufficient to operate the kiln section
• Utilizes equipment (turbines, piping, condensers, heat
on a sustained basis.31
exchanger surface) that is typically smaller than that
required for steam systems, and the turbine generally
consists of fewer stages.
clinker; based on the chosen process and kiln technology,
8 to 10 kWh per ton of clinker can be produced from cooler
India 26
exhaust air, and 9 to 12 kWh per ton of clinker can be
Japan 24
produced from the preheater gases if the moisture content
Thailand 12
in the raw material is low and if it requires only a little hot
Pakistan 9
gas/air for drying. Thus, in total, up to 22 kWh per ton of
Other Asia 24
clinker, or up to 25 percent of the power consumption of a
Mid East 15
cement plant, can be produced by using these technologies
Europe 7
without changes in kiln operation. If kiln operation is
Americas 5
modified in order to produce more electricity (higher
Rest of World 4
preheater exit gas and cooler exhaust air temperature), up to
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
30 kWh per ton of clinker is possible. Power generation can
Source: OneStone Research, “Latest Waste Heat Utilization Trends,” CemPower, be further increased by additional co-firing into the boiler
or by modification of the kiln system (for example, fewer
cyclone stages or bypassing upper stage(s)). Output up to
In part due to market experience in China, interest in cement 45 kWh per ton of clinker has been reported. Depending
industry waste heat recovery is expanding among countries on local conditions, this can be an attractive option. Under
and global companies, driven by the following: certain conditions, it also can make sense to use the residual
energy content of the gases after waste heat recovery for
• Rising prices for power and fuel, particularly where cooling purposes.32
captive power plants prevail.
The experience in China on waste heat recovery for
• Concerns about grid power reliability, particularly in
cogeneration of power has shown that, in large plants,
developing countries where the electricity supply often is
about 22 to 36 kWh per ton of clinker (25 to 30 percent
controlled by local, state-owned monopolies and the cost
of the total requirement) can be generated. This power
of power can represent up to 25 percent of the cost of
is considered sufficient to operate the kiln section on a
cement manufacture.
sustained basis.33
• Industry commitment to and government support for
sustainable development. There will be marginal increases in power consumption
of the preheater fan and cooler fan due to the additional
However, in many other regions with unstable power
pressure drop of the boilers.
supplies, conventional self-generation solutions, such as
captive diesel generators and captive thermal power stations, CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS
still can be preferred to waste heat recovery systems. The
A waste heat recovery installation is a relatively complex
generation efficiency of waste heat recovery is normally
system with multiple interrelated subsystems. The basic
less than 15 percent. If higher power production is needed,
package for a steam-based system consists of heat recovery
waste heat recovery is in competition with other energy
boilers or heat exchangers, a steam turbine, a gearbox, an
efficiency measures for clinker production, but ultimately
electric generator, a condenser, steam and condensate piping,
both techniques are aimed at a minimization of unused
waste heat. Power generation can be further increased by
32 ECRA/CSI, Development of State of the Art-Techniques in
additional co-firing into the boiler or by operating the kiln Cement Manufacturing.
system with fewer cyclone stages or bypassing upper stage(s).
33 CSI, Existing and Potential Technologies for Carbon Emissions
Reductions in Indian Cement Industry.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 15
lubrication and cooling systems, a water treatment system, Chinese suppliers now have greater experience in engineering,
electrical interconnection equipment, and controls. constructing, and commissioning steam-based waste heat
recovery projects and have substantially reduced the cost
The total installed cost, which includes design, engineering, of waste heat recovery systems within China, where project
construction, and commissioning, can vary greatly depending costs for these systems are now three to four times lower than
on the scope of plant equipment, country, geographical area costs of systems installed in Western countries using Western
within a country, competitive market conditions, special site suppliers. Chinese technologies are increasingly available in
requirements, and availability of a trained labor force and Asian and European markets. Figure 7 shows the relative
prevailing labor rates. cost differences for Chinese waste heat recovery systems in
China, Asia, and Europe.
The total capital cost (equipment and installation) is a strong
function of size: smaller waste heat recovery systems will In India, the installation costs are estimated to range
have a higher dollar cost per kilowatt of generation capacity. between $1.6 million and $2 million per MW of capacity. 35
Engineering, civil work, and construction costs can represent
as much as 34 to 45 percent of the total project cost. Costs RELEVANT FACTORS FOR IMPLEMENTATION
in Western countries are at the high end of the range. The following factors are important in determining the
applicability of this measure:
Figure 6 shows industry estimates of total installed costs
for cement waste heat recovery projects on a $ per kW of • The amount of heat available in the waste gases (exhaust
electricity basis and illustrates how costs depend heavily on gas volume and temperature) and the conditions of the
project size (in megawatts, MW), local cost variations (region waste gases determine the size, potentially the technology
of the installation), and type of technology (systems lower (for example, ORCs are more applicable for lower-
than 2 to 3 MW tend to be ORC systems). Hence, total temperature exhaust streams and lower gas volumes),
installed costs for waste heat recovery systems are a function and overall generation efficiency (for example, the
of all of the factors mentioned above, but costs can range amount of power that can be produced) of the waste
from $7,000 per kW of electricity for 2 MW systems (ORC)
to $2,000 per kW of electricity for 25 MW systems (steam).34 35 IIP/IFC, Waste Heat Recovery for the Cement Sector.
Installed Costs, $/kW
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 17
an undisclosed North American plant (7 MW). Holcim is In response to increasing pressure to lower fuel costs, cement
installing another 4.7 MW ORC system at its Mississauga, producers have been very successful in increasing alternative
Canada, plant from an undisclosed provider. ABB installed fuel use to meet cost reduction goals. In many European
a 1.9 MW ORC system at Holcim’s Untervaz, Switzerland, markets, alternative fuels have replaced on average more
plant using heat from the preheater. than 50 percent of the fuel input, with some plants averaging
60 to 70 percent (see Table 3). The use of high alternative
fuel rates in the calciner is common, and some plants have
TECHNOLOGY/MEASURE DESCRIPTION been very successful with the near-complete replacement of
Oxygen enrichment is the process of injecting oxygen fossil fuels. However, the properties of these fuels have posed
(as opposed to air) directly into the combustion zone (or challenges for the pyroprocessing section in the kiln.
as an adjunct to the combustion air stream) to increase
Preheater kilns that require firing most, if not all, fuels
combustion efficiency, reduce exhaust gas volume, and
through the main burner are especially prone to issues
reduce the available nitrogen that may form nitrogen oxides.
associated with expanded use of alternative fuels such
In general, the use of oxygen-enriched combustion air
as a cool burning zone, an unstable and/or long flame,
reduces fuel consumption, increases production capacity, and
insufficient burnout, and high process variability. Such
can enhance the substitution of fossil fuels with low-caloric-
problems may ultimately result in poor clinker quality and
value or alternative fuels.
kiln capacity. These adverse effects limit the possibilities
Potential drawbacks of the measure include increased risk for further increasing the use of alternative fuels. Oxygen
of damage to the kiln refractory and the potential for higher enrichment also can be used to enhance stable and consistent
nitrogen oxide emissions if not adequately controlled due to combustion of low-quality alternative fuels with low heating
increasing thermal nitrogen oxide formation in the sintering value and larger particle size. The injection of oxygen into
zone. Moreover, production of oxygen requires significant the flame root has proven to be very effective for these
additional power consumption. fuels as it enables more rapid heat-up, fuel devolatilization,
and fuel ignition. The improved combustion conditions
Oxygen enrichment technology is implemented in some can compensate for flame cooling due to fuel moisture. In
cement plants in order to increase production capacity. In addition, the available residence time in the flame is used
addition to specific fuel savings, experience with oxygen more effectively, which enhances burnout of fuels with larger
injection has demonstrated benefits ranging from production particles. This is a concern for clinker quality and clinker
increases of up to 25 percent, reduced specific dust losses, sulfur retention if the larger particles fall into the clinker
and improved kiln stability, as evidenced by clinker quality bed, and results in locally reducing conditions.
and kiln coating (see Table 2).
One frequently voiced concern about oxygen injection is the
impact on nitrogen oxide emissions, due to increased thermal
nitrogen oxide formation. This can be avoided if the oxygen
Table 2: Production Gains Achieved in Different Plants
Using Oxygen Enrichment Technology injection system is designed correctly. In the case of oxygen
injection for alternative fuel combustion, the oxygen raises
Company Base Production New Production % Increase
(tons per day) (ton per day) combustion temperatures in the fuelrich flame core where the
A 1,300 1,490 15 overall fuel rich conditions favor the reduction of nitrogen
B 4,000 4,360 9 oxide to nitrogen. This effect has been successfully exploited
C 3,800 5,000 32 using oxygen injection for nitrogen oxide reduction in the
D 2,000 2,140 7
power industry. In addition, the injection of oxygen into the
flame compensates the cooling effects of moisture addition
Source: Air Products.
from the additional alternative fuel. Thus, oxygen brings the
CO2e savings 13,500.0 8,100.0 10,800.0 9,720.0 34,500.0c 10,800.0 3,780.0 11,880.0
(tons per year)b
thermal condition in the burning zone back to where they CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS
are required to be for high-quality clinker production.
Both new installation and retrofit costs are estimated to be
$6.75 million to $13.5 million (for a plant with 2 million
While additional production may not be a primary goal of
tons per year of capacity and assuming a cryogenic air
oxygen use for alternative fuels, the reduced flue gas volume
separation unit).
can compensate for the water ballast that negatively impacts
the capacity of the flue gas system. Thus, lost production
Operational costs are estimated to increase by $0.68 to
can be recovered, or, if desired, clinker production can be
$2.70 per ton of clinker (only considering increased
increased by combining the goals of alternative fuel increase
electricity and reduced primary fuel consumption; kiln
and production increase.
capacity improvements and increased ability to burn
secondary fuels are not taken into consideration).38
Oxygen use has proven to be flexible and straightforward
from an operational point of view. Kiln operators quickly
Studies have shown that an increase of 25 to 50 percent in
realize the potential to stabilize the combustion during kiln
kiln capacity is possible with oxygen enrichment of 30 to
upsets. Experience indicates that oxygen often promotes better
35 percent by volume.39
kiln coating, as the temperature distribution in the burning
zone is favorably affected by the additional flame stability. RELEVANT FACTORS FOR IMPLEMENTATION
None of the applications has led to a reduction in refractory
The decision for a dedicated oxygen supply system (on-site/
life, and many kilns have benefited from a stronger coating.36
off-site) depends on the specific need of the cement
ENERGY PERFORMANCE plant. Oxygen production itself leads to comparatively
high additional power consumption. Other factors for
Thermal energy consumption can be reduced by 100 to
consideration include:
200 MJ per ton of clinker.
37 ECRA/CSI, Development of State of the Art-Techniques in 39 U.S. EPA, Available and Emerging Technologies for Reducing
Cement Manufacturing. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Portland Cement Industry.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 19
• Durability of refractory lining and wear elements.
Table 4: Impact of Oxygen Injection on Alternative
• Economics are ruled by power price and investment costs.
Fuels and Production
Baseline With oxygen
Total alternate fuel 66% 75%
Low to medium. May be useful for plants that need additional rate (% heat input)
capacity or want to maximize alternative fuel use. An oxygen Liquids AF 36% 21%
source is required, and dedicated air separation plants
are capital intensive. Increased electricity use for oxygen Plastic fluff 21% 35%
production must be included in the plant energy balance.
Other AF 9% 9%
Production 100% 105%
The injection of oxygen to increase the use of alternative
fuels was implemented at Lafarge’s Karsdorf plant in
Source: Global Cement, “Oxygen-enhanced Combustion of Alternative Fuels.”
Germany in 2008. The plant has three kilns, of which kiln
lines three and four are fourstage cyclone preheater kilns Even at the baseline conditions, the plant already was using an
with a nominal daily production of 2,000 tons per day. impressive 66 percent alternative fuel. As Table 4 shows, these
These kilns fire-dried lignite dust, low-quality waste oils, were mostly liquid alternative fuels. Although these liquids
animal meal, and shredded plastic fluff in the main burner usually combust very well due to their high volatile content,
and whole tires through the feed shelf. To allow for higher general availability (at a reasonable cost) did not allow a
chlorine input resulting from alternative fuel combustion, further increase of this fuel group. Instead, with injection
each kiln was retrofitted with a 5 percent bypass. of oxygen, the amount of low-cost fluff could be increased
significantly. The percentage of tires and animal meal stayed
The oxygen is produced cryogenically and is injected via a nearly constant. However, overall economic success of the
proprietary stainless steel lance through the burner into the oxygen injection is due mainly to the reduction of heat input
flame root and through a second lance installed in the kiln from dried lignite from 34 percent to 25 percent, as this fuel
hood. The lance in the kiln hood is installed to maximize is clearly the most expensive.
oxygen injection flexibility for both improving the alternative
fuels rate and increasing production. Initial optimization of In addition to the installation of the oxygen delivery system,
the oxygen injection system had the following goals: only a few minor changes were necessary to make the above
possible. The original kiln control approach had to be modified,
• Increase of solid alternative fuel (fluff) as it did not allow the reduction of lignite as the control fuel
• Minimization of dried lignite use below a certain minimum value, and the fluff dosing system
had to be upgraded to allow higher flow rates. Apart from
• Maximization of tire use
permitting considerations, further increase of alternative fuels
• Maintenance of the clinker quality. will likely face the following process restrictions:
40 Global Cement, “Oxygen-enhanced Combustion of Alternative over-concentration of fine clinker particles poses a particular
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 21
problem. The air flow can be improved by narrowing and 3-degree inclined coolers, and 2.0 to 2.5 kilopascal in old
the cooler grate area on the fine clinker side, slowing the 10-degree inclined coolers.
movement of the fine clinker bed, and diverting more fine
clinker to the coarse cooler side by using wedge-type grates. Careful adjustment of airflow rate is another critical
parameter, as both too little and too much air has
To avoid heavy air channeling and bypassing the clinker undesirable consequences. To achieve this goal, predefined
load, some air holes can be blanked off and cooling air amounts of cooling air need to be established for every
thus can be diverted into the clinker load. When severe cooler compartment. Coolers with air beams or mechanical
“red river” conditions exist and loss of cooler grates is air flow regulators can refine the air distribution even more
experienced, “Ondufin” grates, which have cooling fins on to sections of grate plates or to individual plates. Figure 9
the underside and which can stay cooler and last longer, shows a chart of optimized cooling air distribution for a
can be applied. A proper and uniform distribution of the typical eight-compartment reciprocating grate cooler—where
clinker on the grate is of importance and can be achieved by: the first five compartments (including the quench compartment)
1) using a sloped inlet; 2) using a water-cooled, adjustable supply secondary air and tertiary air, if applicable, and
steel impact inlet plate; 3) reducing the effective grate width compartments five through eight cool the clinker to a final
(horseshoe pattern of inlet grate plates); 4) using stationary temperature of approximately 100 degrees Celsius.41 Modern
quench grates at the front of the cooler; and 5) using a automation systems employ high-temperature, high-sensitivity
spreader beam across the cooler. An example of a fixed radar transmitters that allow precise measurement of the
cooler inlet is shown in Figure 8. clinker bed depth and adjust the cooling air flow rate and
grate speed accordingly to achieve optimal performance.42
Increasing the clinker bed thickness generally improves the
overall clinker distribution and heat transfer. In addition,
lower grate speed has had a positive effect on grate wear rates. 41 E. H. Steuch, “Clinker Coolers,” in Bhatty et al., eds.,
Innovations in Portland Cement Production (Skokie, IL:
High under-grate pressures and airflows adversely affect the Portland Cement Association, 2004), 477–98.
conveying action of a reciprocating grate. To prevent clinker 42 Toshniwal Industries Pvt. Ltd., “Clinker Cooler Optimization,”
from flowing forward, the single grate surface should be at http://www.tipl.com/blog/70-clinker-cooler-optimization.html,
viewed April 4, 2016.
least horizontal. Best results can be attained with a maximum
of 4.7 to 5.5 kilopascal under-grate pressures in horizontal Figure 9: Optimized Cooling Air Distribution for a
Typical Eight-compartment Reciprocating Grate Cooler
15 450
10 300
5 150
Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Compartment number
Source: Steuch, E.H. 2004. “Clinker Coolers,” Chapter 3.8, page 495 In Source: Steuch, E.H. 2004. “Clinker Coolers,” Chapter 3.8, page 495 In
Innovations in Portland Cement Production page 498. Innovations in Portland Cement Production page 495.
45 Ibid.
47 ABB, “AC Drives Ensure Efficient and Precise Cooling of
46 Ibid. Clinker and Reduce Energy Consumption” (Zurich: 2009).
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 23
Figure 10: Power Consumption of Fan Installations with Different Control Methods
Required fan power
Inlet vane control
(for centrifugal fans with backward-curved impeller)
60 Bypass control
(for axial fans)
40 Damper control
(for centrifugal fans with forward-curved impeller
Damper control
20 (for centrifugal fans with backward-curved impeller)
Damper control
(for axial fans)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Volume flow, %
Source: ABB.
Benefits of using variable speed drives in cooler fans include COST EFFECTIVENESS PRIORITY
the following:
High; however, applicability may be limited depending on
the efficiency of current fan and vent systems. Economics
• Substantial energy savings can be realized through
also depends on the power price.
optimal control of cooling air.
• Flying start of fan motors without high-starting torques Grinding operations are highly energy-intensive processes
or high-starting current peaks is possible. and are coupled with high risk to influence product quality.
Process control and management systems aim to maximize
• Easy connection to the cement plant‘s automation system
production with minimum energy use, while minimizing
via various fieldbus adapters.
quality variations. Control systems for grinding operations
ENERGY PERFORMANCE are developed using the same approaches as for kilns (see
above). The systems control the flow in the mill and classifiers,
Electricity consumption can reduced by 0.04 to 0.17 kWh
producing a stable and high-quality product. Several systems
per ton of clinker.48
are marketed by a number of manufacturers. Expert systems
CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS have been commercially available since the early 1990s.
48 Worell, Galitsky, and Price, Energy Efficiency Improvement as process delays (for example, fineness analysis delay)
Opportunities for the Cement Industry.
Source: FLSmidth.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 25
ENERGY PERFORMANCE Another important feature is the smooth handling of recipe
changeover. This strategy ensures changeover from one product
Energy savings can be between 2.5 and 10 percent, or
type to another in the shortest possible time with the least loss
between 3.8 and 4.2 kWh per ton of cement.49
of production. This is achieved through auto changeover of all
CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS operating parameters and manipulated variables.50
The payback is estimated to be between one and two years. 2.5.2 REPLACING A BALL MILL WITH A VERTICAL
High. There are no barriers to installing advanced process TECHNOLOGY/MEASURE DESCRIPTION
controls on new construction. Most existing facilities should be
Cement grinding accounts for nearly 40 percent of the
able to retrofit the operations to accommodate control systems.
electricity used for cement production. Ball mills commonly
CASE STUDY used for finish grinding have high energy demands,
consuming up to 30 to 42 kWh per ton of clinker depending
Maihar Cement in India had earlier adopted an expert
on the fineness of the cement. Complete replacement of
control system in its roller press and ball mill combination.
ball mills by more-efficient milling systems, such as vertical
In 2008, the plant decided to implement an expert system
roller mills, high-pressure grinding rolls, and Horomills®
in two additional mills, following an upgrade of its control
is regarded as best practice and can improve both energy
system in those mills.
efficiency and productivity.
The higher the pressure during comminution, the narrower Within a grinding plant system, the Horomill® is, without
the particle size distribution and the higher the impact on exception, used as a closed-circuit bucket elevator mill.
water demand, strength development, and setting time of the It therefore has relatively low capital costs. For drying
cement paste. 51
raw materials and granulated blast furnace slag with
moisture contents of up to 10 percent, it is connected with
The Horomill® operates on the principle of a horizontal a flash dryer and, for higher moisture contents, with an
ring-roller mill and was first demonstrated in Italy in 1993. In “aerodecantor.” The mill can achieve levels of fineness
the Horomill®, a horizontal roller within a cylinder is driven. corresponding to Blaine values of up to 5,000 square
Like the vertical roller mill, the Horomill® uses the principle centimeters per gram when grinding cement. As far as power
of centrifugal force to transport the material (Figure 13). The consumption is concerned, the Horomill® lies between the
short mill cylinder driven through a girth gear runs above high-pressure roller press and the vertical roller mill, and,
the critical rotational speed, and a horizontally supported in contrast to the high-pressure roller press in closed-circuit
and hydro-pneumatically loaded grinding roller is dragged with a high performance separator, it always supplies a
over the lower cylindrical internal surface of the mill cylinder finished ground product (Figure 14). In certain installations,
by frictional engagement with the mill feed. The mill feed parallel arrangement of two mills was implemented, with
introduced at the static end wall of the mill is carried by savings and pooling of resources in the peripheral equipment
centrifugal force to the internal cylindrical wall and guided in order to achieve particularly high outputs and high
by scrapers into the sickle-shaped stressing gap between the flexibility. The Horomill® also requires a moderate amount
mill cylinder and the grinding roller. The centrifugal forces of maintenance and has favorable wear characteristics.52
resulting from the movement of the cylinder cause a uniformly
distributed layer to be carried on the inside of the cylinder.
The layer passes the roller (with a pressure of 700 to 1,000
bar). The finished product is collected in a dust filter.
51 ECRA/CSI, Development of State of the Art-Techniques in 52 E. Edet, “20 Years of the Horomill – A Review,” Cement
Cement Manufacturing. International 4 (2013): 76–81.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 27
Figure 13: Horomill® Concept
Source: http://ietd.iipnetwork.org/content/cement-grinding-horomill.
Figure 14: Basic Layout of Cement Grinding Using
Horomill® The energy efficiency of ball mills for use in finish grinding
is relatively low, consuming up to 30 to 42 kWh per ton
of clinker depending on the fineness of the cement. Power
consumption in the finish mill can be reduced to 20 to 30
kWh per ton of clinker with the use of roller presses or roller
mills.53 Energy-savings potential is influenced by the quality
requirements of the final product and the specific system
layout as well as the auxiliary equipment installed.
Specific energy consumption, Total (kWh/t)
Ball mill
≈ 45%
≈ 33%
2,500 2,700 2,900 3,100 3,300 3,500 3,700 3,900 4,100 4,300 4,500
Blaine value (cm /g) 2
Grinding Portland cement with a Blaine of 3,200 Figure 16: Energy Savings Potential of Horomill®
square centimeters per gram in a Horomill® consumes
approximately 23 kWh per ton, and even for pozzolanic 80 up to 60%
operating worldwide have shown energy savings ranging
50 up to 55%
between 35 and 70 percent, as shown in Figure 16.
CAPITAL AND OPERATION COSTS up to 35% up to 45% up to 70%
Replacing ball mills with vertical roller mills is estimated to
require an investment cost of $35 per ton of cement capacity up to 50%
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 29
Capital cost estimates for installing a new roller press vary 2.5.3 OPTIMIZING THE OPERATION OF
widely in the literature, ranging from low estimates of $2.5 A CEMENT MILL
to $3.6 per annual ton of cement capacity to high estimates TECHNOLOGY/MEASURE DESCRIPTION
of $8 per annual ton of cement capacity. 56
Ball mills account for the majority of all mills in cement
plants, and therefore the optimization of established ball
Additionally, new grinding technologies may reduce
mills has high savings potential. Fine tuning of operating
operating costs by as much as 30 to 40 percent.
parameters represents an attractive approach because almost
RELEVANT FACTORS FOR IMPLEMENTATION no additional capital costs are required. Parameters that
hold potential for energy savings are load level, revolution
Vertical roller mills had initial issues with vibration in the mill,
speed, combination of the ball charge, lining design, and the
wear of the grinding roller and grinding disc, and product
adjustments of the separator. Standard optimization methods
quality issues in finish grinding. These issues generally have been
include meter sampling of the effective length as well as
with more recent systems. This technology is considered to be
separator sampling. By determination of the particle size
suitable for new installations as well as for those undertaking
distribution, electricity reduction potentials can be revealed.
major upgrades. Plants interested in this technology are advised
In addition, enhanced measures have been developed that
to carefully consider logistical aspects of maintenance and parts
allow for more directed control of the grinding process. This
replacement by technology providers.57
includes electric ears with a downstream frequency analysis
In pure energy efficiency terms, when using vertical roller for a wide range of oscillations or online monitoring. Feeding
mills in finish grinding, the benefit of grinding power such monitoring data to expert control or fuzzy logic systems
reduction is countered by the very high power required by can support mill optimization. As mentioned earlier, the
mill fans. In addition, the absence of the heat generated in a main obstacles are the complex interdependences between
ball mill and the high volume of air required by the vertical the mentioned parameters. The modeling and simulation of
mill have required the provision of waste heat from cooler ball mills have proven to be effective methods for obtaining
exhausts and/or auxiliary furnaces to dry raw materials and further understanding. Besides providing savings in electricity,
achieve a limited dehydration of gypsum. 58 this can reduce the cost induced by wear.59
COST EFFECTIVENESS PRIORITY Optimizing the grinding media in the ball mill is another
measure that can reduce energy consumption and increase
Medium. Effectiveness depends on clinker properties, desired
product quality, and equipment durability. Initial problems
with equipment reliability, maintenance, and product quality ENERGY PERFORMANCE
have been solved in current product offerings.
Electricity consumption can be decreased by between 0 and
2 kWh per ton of cement.
For a 2 million ton per year plant, the installation costs are
estimated to be around €0.01 million. Operational costs are
expected to decrease by €0 to €0.15 per ton of cement.
56 Ibid.
58 L. Evans, “Best Energy Consumption,” CemNet.com (February 59 ECRA/CSI, Development of State of the Art-Techniques in
16, 2015). Cement Manufacturing.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 31
Figure 18: High-Pressure Roller Press as a Semi-finish
Pre-grinder with Two-stage Separator For a 100 ton per hour mill in Japan, the installation costs
are reported to be about $2.7 million ($1 = 110 Japanese yen),
including auxiliary and construction.
Source: FLSmidth, 2010. Hefei Donghua Building Materials Co., Ltd. in China
installed a combined open-circuit roller press (HFCG160-
140), SF650/140 dispersing classifier and a ϕ4.2 × 13.0m
Such pre-grinding configurations can greatly increase ball mill and reached a capacity of 180 tons per hour, with
throughput (up to 100 percent increases are reported in specific grinding power consumption of 27 kWh per ton
India) as compared to single-stage grinding in ball mills. of cement and overall grinding station consumption of less
They are particularly interesting for countries with high than 32 kWh per ton of cement—saving 12 kWh per ton of
electricity costs or with poor power supply. Multi-stage cement as compared to a traditional ball mill system. The
configurations are, however, more complex to operate. company realized annual savings of more than 6 million
Chinese renminbi, due to reduced electricity consumption.
Saving potentials approach 30 percent. In another Chinese case, Tianjin Zhenxing Cement Co, Ltd.
reduced specific energy consumption by 7.0 kWh per ton of
Reductions in specific energy consumption have been cement by installing a combined roller press and ball mill
reported in the range of 7 to 24 kWh per ton of cement.60 grinding system in a 2,400 ton per day cement production
line. For an annual production of 900,000 tons, this
In China, reductions in specific electricity consumption of
provides a saving of around 6.3 terawatt-hours per year. The
8 to 12 kWh were achieved, representing 15 to 30 percent
plant realized annual savings of more than 3 million Chinese
savings over a traditional ball mill system. For a typical
renminbi due to reduced power consumption.62
5,000 ton per day plant in China, such configurations are
reported to save 20 terawatt-hours per year.61 2.5.5 IMPROVED GRINDING MEDIA FOR BALL MILLS
Earlier-generation classifiers had low separation efficiencies Typical savings of 5 kWh per ton of cement are reported
compared to modern higher-efficiency designs. The lower in China.
separation efficiency leads to the recycling of fine particles,
resulting in extra power use in the grinding mill. As a result,
the number of circulations of the mill feed declines and the Investment costs were estimated at $2 per annual ton of
throughput rises (by up to 15 percent). This also involves a finished material. Operational costs were estimated to
reduction of the specific energy demand compared to grinding increase by $0.04 per ton of cement.
circuits with lower efficiency separators. Newer designs of
high-efficiency separators (Figure 19) aim to improve the Capital costs for both new installations and retrofitting in
separation efficiency further and reduce the required volume Europe are estimated at €2.5 million (for a plant size of 2
of air (hence reducing power use). million tons per year of capacity). The operational costs are
expected to go down by €0.28 per ton of cement.
For India, the investment costs are reported to vary between
Overall grinding energy use can be reduced by 10 to 15 percent,
$0.2 million and $0.4 million, or around $20,000 per ton of
despite the extra power required by higher-efficiency separators.
hourly capacity.
Energy savings of between 0 and 6 kWh are reported,
depending on the existing plant configuration, the type of
cement, and the fineness required. This conversion would require, in addition to the high-
efficiency classifier, a product dust collector and a new fan.
Retrofitting existing facilities with high-efficiency classifiers
63 Worell, Galitsky, and Price, Energy Efficiency Improvement
should be considered where the physical layout of the finish
Opportunities for the Cement Industry.
grinding system allows it.
64 Ibid.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 33
The separator technology has to be optimized for 2.5.7 HIGH-EFFICIENCY FANS FOR CEMENT
each application. MILL VENTS
The particle size distribution of the finished material will be
As discussed earlier, process fans in a cement plant are
slightly changed (lower proportion of fines), but not to the
the second-largest users of electricity; therefore, measures
extent that the quality of the cement is significantly affected.
that can reduce their power consumption are important.
To ensure process reliability and to use the separators to full With better construction materials for fans and with design
capacity, the operation parameters of the particular mill have optimization, fans with a higher operating efficiency are
to be adjusted, which is very often restricted by the still-limited available for all cement industry applications. These modern
knowledge of the comminution mechanisms. fans are designed for higher energy efficiency, higher wear
resistance, lower material buildup and effects of erosion,
The impact of grinding aid has to be specified for each better speed control, low vibrations, and high operational
product (for example, workability). stability. Fans with higher energy efficiency (82 to 84 percent
efficiency) can replace inefficient fans in finish grinding by
both design and by retrofit. Higher pressure drops in inlet
Medium to high. Effectiveness depends on clinker properties, duct systems also can be analyzed and reduced by using
product quality and condition, and the efficiency of existing computational fluid dynamics techniques.
classifiers, but demonstrated payback periods for the
investment have been low. Applicability also is limited by
physical layout limitations. In an Indian plant, replacement of the cement mill fans with
more-efficient versions reduced the energy consumption by
0.13 kWh per ton of cement.
In Hushan Group’s 5,000 ton per day plant in Zhejiang,
China, the installation of a high-efficiency separator/classifier
took three months to complete. The unit reduced specific For India, the implementation costs of this measure are
energy consumption in finish grinding from 36 kWh to less reported to be between $0.05 million and $0.15 million
than 31 kWh per ton of cement. Annual electricity savings depending upon the capacity, or around $400 per ton of
of 10 gigawatt hours are realized, corresponding to annual hourly mill capacity.
production of 2 million tons of cement. The installation
required an investment of 2 million Chinese renminbi and
was paid back in less than one year. High; however, applicability may be limited depending on
the efficiency of current fan and vent systems. Economics
Huaihai China United Cement Company Limited also also depends on the power price.
installed a high-efficiency separator/classifier in its 3,700
ton per day plant and thereby reduced specific energy CASE STUDIES
consumption in finish grinding by 2 to 3 kWh per ton of Siam White Cement Co., Ltd., located in Saraburi, Thailand,
cement, resulting in annual electricity savings of around is the largest white cement producer in the country with
4.2 gigawatt hours. The unit required an investment of 2.4 a production capacity of 160,000 tons. The company’s
million Chinese renminbi and took one month to complete. team found that electricity consumption at Cement Mill 1
The system helped improve the product quality, increased was excessive due to the high separator load (kilograms of
output by 10 percent, allowed for increased use of cement cement per cubic meter of air). The airflow rate could be
additives by 5 to 10 percent, and reduced dust emissions. increased by installing a new efficient circulating fan that
The payback time for the investment was less than one year. would reduce the separator load and electricity consumption.
Efficiency (%)
acc. to IEC 60034-30:2008
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 35
ENERGY PERFORMANCE $134,000 (including a rebate from the local utility company),
giving a payback time of around eight months.69
Power savings may vary considerably by plant, ranging from
3 to 8 percent.66 Substituting the DC motor system with an 2.6.2 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES
AC version for the kiln drive may result in a reduction in
Most electric motors used in cement plants are fixed-speed
electricity use of the kiln drive of between 0.5 and 1 percent.67
AC models; however, motor systems are often operated at
When considering smaller motors used in other applications, partial or variable load, particularly in cement plants where
high-efficiency motors are typically between 1 and 4 percent large variations in load often occur. Variable speed drives
more efficient than traditional ones. can increase motor efficiency by decreasing throttling and
coupling losses. Variable speed drives can be applied primarily
CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS for fans in the kiln, clinker cooler, preheater, separator, and
For a 5,000 ton per day plant, it is estimated that replacing all mills, and for various drives in a cement plant.
If the replacement does not influence the process operation, savings to be 15 to 44 percent of the installed power, or
motors may be replaced at any time. Further, oversized roughly equivalent to 8 kWh per ton of cement.71
action must be a part of any comprehensive energy In Europe, for systems over 300 kW, the costs are estimated
conservation effort. at €70 per kW ($75 per kW) or less, and for systems in
the range of 30 to 300 kW, costs are estimated at €115 to
COST EFFECTIVENESS PRIORITY €130 per kW ($120 to $140 per kW).72 Based on these, the
High; however, applicability may be limited depending on specific costs for a modern cement plant were estimated to
the efficiency of current fan and vent systems. Economics be roughly $0.9 to $1.0 per annual ton of cement capacity.
also depends on the power price. In India, the costs of high-temperature and low-temperature
variable speed drives are assumed to be $240 to $300 per
CASE STUDY kW and $120 to $200 per kW, respectively.73
process control measures have been reported. Typical savings Compressed air generation is one of the most expensive
are around 3 kWh per ton of clinker.74 auxiliary processes for an industrial facility. Over
80 percent of the electricity used for this process is
CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS attributed to wasted heat at the compressor. Plants need
Startup and implementation costs of preventive maintenance to consider more cost-effective ways to accomplish the
tend to be very low, often resulting in payback times of less same tasks. If air nozzles are required, a Venturi-type
than one year. nozzle can significantly reduce compressed air demand,
as well as lower noise levels. If an air motor is used
COST EFFECTIVENESS PRIORITY for mixing, a plant can consider replacing this with an
High. Preventive maintenance is low cost and should be electric motor. The plant also can check to ensure that air
included as standard procedure in plant operation. is not being supplied to unused or abandoned equipment.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 37
frequent problem areas are after-coolers, separators, rate of pressure decay by locating receivers near surge
dryers, filters, regulators, and poor connection practices at demands. For systems with highly variable air demand,
the point of use. For systems in the range of 100 pounds the plants can achieve tight control by combining storage
per square inch gauge (psig), every increase in discharge with a pressure/flow controller. Narrowing the pressure
pressure of 2 pounds per square inch (psi) will increase variation with better controls uses less energy and
energy consumption by about 1 percent at full load. minimizes potential negative effects on product quality.
4. Reduce System Pressure. Many plant air compressors 6. Use Efficient Part-Load Controls. For rotary screw
operate with a full load discharge pressure of 100 psig compressors, throttling the air can allow the output of
and an unload discharge pressure of 110 psig or higher. a compressor to meet flow requirements. Throttling is
The actual pressure requirements of machinery and usually accomplished by closing down the inlet valve,
tools are often 80 to 90 psig or lower. Reducing and which restricts inlet air to the compressor. However,
controlling system pressure downstream of the primary this control scheme is inefficient for controlling
receiver can reduce energy consumption, leakage, and compressor output for displacement compressors.
demand for new capacity, as well as cause less stress on Most manufacturers offer control options for larger
components and operating equipment. However, caution compressors that are more efficient at part loads. Load/
should be exercised in lowering system pressure because unload controls can improve the efficiency at part-load
large changes in demand can cause the pressure at points operation if there is enough storage capacity. Another
of use to fall below minimum requirements. This can efficient approach uses variable displacement control or
be avoided by carefully matching system components, variable capacity control, which reduces the effective
controls, and storage. Plants can address unnecessary length of the rotors at part loads. Variable speed control
pressure drops prior to lowering system pressure. can be a very efficient approach to provide “trim” duty.
In some plants, the high-pressure requirements of a Proper selection of part-load controls depends on specific
few uses drive the pressure requirements for the entire compressed air system requirements.
system. If these uses can be supplied by a dedicated
7. Optimize Distribution System Operation. The air
compressor, the rest of the system can operate effectively
distribution system that connects major compressed
at a lower pressure.
air system components is very important. Appropriate
5. Size and Control Compressors to Match Loads. Since sizing and layout will ensure proper air supply, good
compressor systems are typically sized to meet a system’s tool performance, and optimal production. A plant
maximum anticipated demand, a control system often can size and arrange the complete drying, filtration,
is required to reduce output for low-demand periods. and distribution system so that the total pressure drop
The compressor package usually includes controls. For from the air compressor to the points of use is below 10
systems with multiple compressors, it is usually good percent of the compressor discharge pressure. The plant
practice to follow a baseload/trim strategy. This allows can choose equipment and piping components to avoid
some compressors to be fully loaded to meet the baseload excessive pressure drops and leakage. A plant also may
demand. The compressor(s) with the highest part-load dramatically improve the operation of existing systems
efficiency is placed in trim service to handle variations by replacing worn-out or inadequately sized hoses and
in load. This strategy requires controls that operate the couplings, inspecting and maintaining filter/regulator/
group of compressors as an integrated whole. This is lubricator components, and installing adequate storage.
typically far more efficient than placing compressors in
8. Improve Routine Maintenance. Inadequate compressor
modulation, which is a common practice.
maintenance can increase energy consumption
An effective control strategy includes adequate storage.
significantly via lower compression efficiency, air leakage,
A plant can employ storage to cover peak air demands
pressure variability, higher operating temperatures, poor
by reducing both the amount of pressure drop and the
moisture control, and poor air quality. A plant can keep
• Regularly inspecting drain traps. By fixing leaks, the energy consumption of the compressed
air system can be reduced by up to 20 percent.
• Maintaining the cooler to assure lowest possible inlet
temperature to the dryer. CAPITAL AND OPERATIONAL COSTS
• Adjusting the belts and checking them for wear. Typical capital costs for systemic leak management in
• Replacing air lubricant separators at optimal intervals. compressed air systems, combined with system controls, are
estimated as follows for different system sizes:
• Maintaining the water quality of water cooling systems.
75 Worell, Galitsky, and Price, Energy Efficiency Improvement 76 United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Motor
Opportunities for the Cement Industry. System Efficiency Supply Curves (Vienna: 2011).
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 39 COMPRESSOR CONTROLS ENERGY PERFORMANCE
The demand patterns in compressed air systems are often Sophisticated controls can provide up to 12 percent energy
dynamic, and therefore few systems operate at full load all savings annually. Changing the compressor control from on/
the time. Part-load performance of a compressed air system zero/off to a variable speed control can save up to 8 percent
is a critical factor affecting the efficiency of the system per year.77
and is influenced primarily by compressor type and system
controls. When the pressure in the system is higher than
what is required, more energy—approximately 7 percent for Typical payback for start/stop controls is one to two years.
every extra bar—is consumed.
The objective of any control strategy is to shut off High. Economics also depends on the power price and on
compressors that are not needed or to delay bringing on the condition of the current system and controls.
additional compressors until needed. All units that are on
should be running at full load, except for one. Positioning of
the control loop also is important; reducing and controlling
the system pressure downstream of the primary receiver
can result in energy consumption of up to 10 percent or
more. Start/stop, load/unload, throttling, multiple (fixed)
speed, variable speed, and network controls are options for
77 Worell, Galitsky, and Price, Energy Efficiency Improvement
compressor controls. Opportunities for the Cement Industry.
The main reason for this is the presence of different market residual value, making them unusable as collateral
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 41
These properties create a mismatch between the current
lending practices of local financial institutions and the
needs of energy efficiency projects, making energy efficiency
lending discouragingly difficult. Local banks typically:
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 43
4.1.2 SUBORDINATED DEBT FINANCING Equity financing can come from professional venture
(MEZZANINE FINANCING) capitalists. Venture capital is a specific sub-segment of
Subordinated debt financing, also called mezzanine private equity investment, which entails investing in startup
financing, is capital that sits midway between senior debt companies with strong growth potential; private equity
and equity and has features of both kinds of financing. entails investment in the expansion and growth of any
Subordination refers to the order or priority of repayments: company that is not listed on a public stock exchange.
subordinated debt is structured so that it is repaid from Venture capital investors obtain equity shares in the
energy efficiency project revenues after all operating costs companies that provide energy efficiency goods or services
and senior debt service has been paid. and generally play a significant role in the management and
technical aspects of the company. Without clear exit paths,
Subordinated debt is substantially riskier than senior debt typically through resale or initial public offerings, venture
since it is generally subordinate to senior debt in terms of capital investors cannot easily commit to the deal, even when
collateral rights and rights to cash flow. Subordinated debt they are convinced of the investment potential.
financing is generally made available directly from insurance
companies, subordinated debt funds, or finance companies.
Alternatively, it is raised with public offerings of high-yield Leasing consists in getting new energy efficiency equipment
bonds to institutional investors. These funds are loaned under a rental contract within a determined period. It
based on the amount and predictability of energy efficiency makes it possible to finance up to 100 percent of the energy
project cash flow exceeding that required to service senior efficiency project cost. Leases are guaranteed by the new
debt. Because subordinated debt usually has little collateral equipment and usually do not require any other guarantee.
protection, the lending institution may be granted stock Typically, leasing finances large pieces of equipment that
options to own equity of the outstanding stock. can easily be removed from the site and resold (for example,
boilers, chillers, compressors, etc.). There are two types of
Subordinated debt funds can be undertaken in partnership lease: operating lease and capital lease.
with senior lenders. Alternatively, a subordinated credit facility
can be provided to the local financial institution, which acts OPERATING LEASE
as senior lender; the senior lender then on-lends to the project, An operating lease is a mechanism that involves making
blending together the subordinated debt with its senior debt regular payments as a standard operating expense with
provided from its own resources. The borrower sees one single no ownership of the asset by the end-user (lessee) during
loan, but the senior lender applies loan payments to repay the the lease term. At the end of the lease term, the lessee may
senior debt component on a priority basis. purchase the asset at the then-fair market value, return the
equipment, or renew the lease for a new lease term. This
helps facility owners preserve their corporate line of credit as
Equity financing for energy efficiency projects refers to well as any cash they may have set aside for other business
the acquisition of funds by issuing shares of common or needs, since the transaction is not recorded on the balance
preferred stock of a corporation in anticipation of income sheet of the lessee.
from dividends and capital gain as the value of stock rises.
Equity is the residual claim or interest of the most junior CAPITAL LEASE
class of investors in an asset, after all liabilities are paid: For a facility owner who prefers to enjoy the benefits of
ownership equity is the last (residual) claim against assets, ownership of the assets without actually owning the energy
paid only after all other creditors are paid. Ownership equity efficiency project assets, a capital lease may be the best
is also known as risk capital or liable capital. financing vehicle. It is still a lease where the facility owner is
a lessee, but the lessee has access to any tax and depreciation
benefits that the equipment may have. In terms of the facility
44 Business Models
owner’s balance sheet, the equipment would need to be 4.2 ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING
recorded as a capital asset and the lease payments would be MODEL
recorded as a liability. At the close of the lease contract term, 4.2.1 DEFINITIONS AND BASIC CONCEPTS
the energy-efficient equipment transfers ownership to the
Energy services companies (ESCOs) develop, implement, and
facility owner for a nominal purchase price.
provide or arrange financing for upfront energy efficiency
4.1.5 PARTIAL LOAN GUARANTEES investments for their clients. Repayments from savings allow
clients to compensate the ESCO’s ongoing savings monitoring,
A partial loan (or credit) guarantee refers to a program
measurement and verification costs, and assumption of
administrator who offers credit guarantees to back up loans
risk through energy performance contracting or third-
or leasing issued by financial institutions to project developers.
party financing. The fundamental concept of the energy
These guarantees are used as collateral for the financial
performance contracting business model is that the client does
institutions and thus allow them to offer better loan conditions
not have to come up with any upfront capital investment
to the project developers. In addition, this removes from the
and is only responsible for repaying the investment made or
borrowers the burden of using personal assets as guarantees.
arranged by the ESCO.
The program administrator can do this on the base of a fund
kept in a reserve account, which can be withdrawn to cover Three dominant energy performance contracting models have
for defaulted payments from the clients of the banks. The loan been developed to help address the different market needs
guarantees may not cover the loans entirely, so that the local in specific sectors: shared savings, guaranteed savings, and
financial institutions must accept part of the risks. Partial loan “chauffage.”
guarantees generally cover up to 90 percent of the investment.
The level of coverage is established based on the risk perception 4.2.2 SHARED SAVINGS ENERGY PERFORMANCE
of the commercial banks.
In a shared savings energy performance contract, the ESCO
The financial barriers mainly addressed by partial loan finances the total upfront capital cost of the project and is
guarantee activities are the high cost of financing due to totally responsible for repaying the lender. The client pays
high real or perceived risk and the perception of high risk of the ESCO a percentage (or it can be a fixed amount) of
financial institutions in the energy efficiency business. its achieved savings from the project, large enough for the
Partial Credit
Guarantee Fund
x% PCG
Claims on PCG
Local Commercial
EE Loan
Partial Collateral/
Loan Repayments
Borrower for EE
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 45
ESCO to repay the project investment to its lenders, cover
Figure 25: “Chauffage” Financial Model
measurement and verification costs, and pay any other
associated costs. The energy end-user assumes no direct
contractual obligation to repay the lender; only the ESCO has
this obligation.
46 Business Models
4.2.5 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE DIFFERENT The main features of public-private partnerships include:
• Long-term agreement for delivery of service by a private
Table 7 shows a comparison of the various energy performance
sector firm in a public sector facility.
contracting models along with three important questions.79
• Transfer of risks to the private sector.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 47
a large extent on the level of sophistication of the different international financial institution. Limited partnerships
governments and on the development of the judicial systems. are created for large investments (for example, $5 million
and above) because of the amount of legal and accounting
4.4 SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE services required, which cause the transaction cost to be
very high. It is appropriate for projects in industrial facilities
The use of a special purpose vehicle consists in the setup
or for the retrofitting of many facilities owned by a single
of a special-purpose company owned by whomever injects
entity (for example, a municipality or a state government).
equity in it. The “other project owner” could be, for
Nevertheless, it is a very innovative scheme that makes it
instance, an equipment vendor with whom the ESCO will
possible to fine tune the risk assignment.
partner. It also could be a program administrator or an
(Secured Party)
Credit Interest
Equity Fees
Limited Other
Partnership Project Owner
Fees Equity
(Project Beneficiary)
Source: Adapted from C. Bullock and G. Caraghiaur, A Guide to Energy Services Companies (The Fairmont Press / Prentice Hall, 2000).
48 Business Models
Several examples of successful business models exist • The general objective is to promote and strengthen
throughout the world. This section covers those models energy efficiency in the industrial and commercial sectors
that are considered most relevant for the Brazilian cement in Chile.
sector. More examples can be found in publications such
• The specific objectives are to:
as the Institute for Industrial Productivity’s Delivery
• Obtain a critical mass of trained government staff,
Mechanism for Financing of Industrial Energy Efficiency;81
energy efficiency auditors and consultants, as well as
the Inter-American Development Bank booklet Programas
representatives from the industrial and commercial
de Financiamiento de Eficiencia Energética,82 written by sectors, with on-site practical experience of available
Econoler; and the International Energy Agency publication technologies for energy efficiency, including their
Joint Public-Private Approaches for Energy Efficiency implementation and measurement and verification of
Finance,83 co-written by Econoler. energy savings.
5.1.1 PROMOTING AN ENERGY EFFICIENCY MARKET • Provide practical experience in design and imple-
IN CHILE mentation of energy efficiency measures and verify
INTRODUCTION energy efficiency projects in specific identified areas.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 49
the technical assistance package will target small and • Direct measurements (for example, reports on energy
medium enterprises and information awareness issues. savings resulting from pilot projects and other energy
efficiency investments facilitated by the GEF project
• Lack of technical capacity at the local financial
calculations greenhouse gas emission reductions through
institution level to evaluate energy efficiency projects.
the method in the GEF guideline).
Through evaluation of existing credit lines and
investment facilities, the program aims to suggest energy • Indirect measurements (for example, the amount of
efficiency financing mechanisms that address the current resources invested in energy efficiency projects in small
barriers and issues. and medium enterprises implementing technologies
promoted by the project).
It will be good to monitor on a regular basis the
To address the above barriers, the program design includes a
implementation of this program, as it has the embedded
package with the following components:
versatility and potential to have a positive impact in Chile
and also to increase the awareness of energy efficiency in
• Institutional strengthening and capacity building
the market. Because this is reimbursable program, it is
in energy efficiency. The technical support package
expected to run for some time and to compound the market
aims to consolidate AChEE as a “one-stop shop” for
transformation effect.
energy efficiency by increasing the know-how in energy
efficiency, establishing an energy efficiency strategy for 5.1.2 CHINA UTILITY-BASED ENERGY EFFICIENCY
the country and its implementation plan, and developing PROGRAM (CHUEE)
a communication strategy to create awareness among INTRODUCTION
the rest of the market stakeholders. The package also
The CHUEE program is implemented by IFC in China.
will finance workshops and seminars on energy efficiency
Although the name suggests that the program is linked to a
program design and evaluation, benchmarking, risk
utility, this is not the case. Initially, the program was designed
assessment of energy efficiency projects, as well as
to promote the switch from coal to natural gas and was to
measurement and verification protocols to be taught to
be implemented through a gas utility in China. However, this
AChEE staff members, ESCOs, and market stakeholders.
concept was abandoned due to misalignment of interests,
• Implementation of energy efficiency pilot projects in and the program evolved into a partial guarantee mechanism,
selected and prioritized areas. disbursed through local banks in China.
50 International Best Practice Business Models for Implementing Energy Efficiency Projects in Industry
potential at their facilities, to develop energy efficiency DESIGN OF THE MECHANISM
projects, and to assess the risks of such projects.
The design reflected the objectives of the program to target the
• Lack of awareness and experience among Chinese above barriers. The CHUEE design had three main components:
commercial banks about financing energy
efficiency projects. • An energy efficiency partial credit guarantee mechanism.
This was a mechanism intended to overcome the risk-
• High risk aversion among local banks in China.
averse behavior of Chinese banks and to give them an
• Use of asset-based lending as the only approach to incentive to experiment and lend to energy efficiency
lending by local banks, which discredited energy projects. The partial credit guarantee, provided by the
efficiency stakeholders such as equipment suppliers and program was a “first-loss,” where IFC would cover:
ESCOs that have a weaker asset base. • 75 percent of the first 10 percent losses of the
Chinese bank
Technical assistance
Market partners
Utilities, ESCOs,
energy users
vendors, and so forth
Technical assistance
Source: IEG
Note: CHUEE = China Utility-Based Energy Efficiency; ESCOP = energy service company.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 51
The total funds allocated to the program were $215.5 A number of recommendations were made for Phase III of
million (including the technical support components). the program (CHUEE III), such as:
Apart from the market transformation impact, the effect was • Subsidies should be used in areas with market failures.
much more pronounced at the level of the two participating To the extent possible, energy efficiency financing should
banks (Bank of Beijing and Industrial Bank). CHUEE be done on a commercial basis.
practically started the energy efficiency lending business for
the two banks, and it continued in a sustainable manner RISK-SHARING PROJECT
after the end of Phase II of the program. The exposure
to energy efficiency transactions of the two banks was
significantly influenced by CHUEE, and now they have a The project entails the development of a risk-sharing facility
much higher proportion of energy efficiency transactions in to support the energy efficiency, renewable energy, and
their loan portfolios, compared to competitor banks. ESCO sectors. It will contribute to increasing efficiency
in industry, reduction of operating costs, and pollution
A number of lessons were learned from this program, which reduction. Thailand is heavily dependent on energy as an
can be transferred to the Brazilian market context: input and has one of the highest electricity rates in the
Southeast Asia region.
• For programs that aim for market transformation,
careful selection of the local partner banks is required The total size of the facility is estimated to be $70 million,
as a prerequisite for success. and IFC investment totals $36.81 million. BMUL would be
responsible for generating a portfolio of energy efficiency
• Flexibility in the program design is a key to help
leases. IFC will share the risk of that lease portfolio, which
respond to unexpected market changes.
will include support from the Clean Technology Fund.
• Supporting government policies are a strong market
driver that can influence the implementation BARRIERS ADDRESSED
• Indiscriminate use of subsidies impedes the different set of regulations governing the leasing business
commercialization of energy efficiency finance. makes leasing companies more flexible and particularly
suitable to financing energy efficiency equipment.
• Caution is needed when applying a utility-based model
in emerging markets. The main barrier addressed by the program in Bangkok was
• A program exit plan is critical to success. the high perceived risk of energy efficiency investments by local
financial institutions, and respectively the high requirements for
collateral and business cash flows from borrowers.
52 International Best Practice Business Models for Implementing Energy Efficiency Projects in Industry
equipment are being installed, replacing old and obsolete BARRIERS
equipment. By design, the equipment itself is enough as
The main barrier to be addressed is the lack of low-cost
collateral on the transaction. The leasing mechanism,
energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable energy
although not targeting the entire energy efficiency market
technologies in the region.
potential, focuses on a good portion of the market and has a
unique market transformation effect. DESIGN OF THE MECHANISM
The Energy Efficiency Guarantee Mechanism (EEGM)85 is a
Although equity financing takes only a small niche in the $25 million mechanism exclusively for buildings, including
energy efficiency financing market, this program is an industrial buildings. However, projects related to the
interesting approach to energy efficiency financing in the improvement of the process are excluded. The mechanism
general framework of clean energy support. CLSA Capital is the result of a partnership between the Inter-American
Partners Limited, a financial institution with a strong Development Bank, the United Nations Development
presence in Asia, is raising the Clean Resources Asia Growth Programme, and the GEF, which offers partial credit
Fund, a $200 million clean technology fund. The Fund will guarantees of up to 80 percent of the value of the energy
target opportunities across the value chain within the clean efficiency contract, or up to 100 percent of the financed
technology sector, including several areas that are currently amount, for the maximum term of seven years, in the form
underserved by capital sources: of two guarantee products:
• Pollution and waste management technologies. • The comprehensive risk guarantee: covers defaults for
technical and financial creditworthiness reasons. This
• Water and wastewater solutions.
product is available to financial institutions, ESCOs,
• Sustainable agriculture technologies. and their clients. The EEGM takes up to 80 percent of
• Energy efficiency technologies.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 53
the payment risk of the borrower participating in the
Figure 28: Krakow Energy Efficiency Project
underlying energy efficiency contract (credit risk).
54 International Best Practice Business Models for Implementing Energy Efficiency Projects in Industry
energy efficiency projects/companies and service and supply • Provides financing to energy efficiency/renewable energy
companies, collectively partner institutions in the Southeast service or equipment manufacturing companies that require
European Region. More specifically, the GGF: funding for growth capital to expand their business.
Source: http://www.ggf.lu
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 55
A limited number of mechanisms are available in the and the limits defined by the BNDES and undertakes the
Brazilian market to support energy efficiency investment in related credit risks.
the industrial sector.
The isolated acquisition of machines and equipment requires
6.1 TAKING ON DEBT automatic indirect financing, regardless of the amount,
obtained through Cartão BNDES or FINAME. Automatic
The Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e
indirect financing of projects requires the use of the BNDES
Social/BNDES (National Bank for Social and Economic
Automático product.
Development) is the biggest and leading agent for the
financing of long-term projects and investments in The main products offered by the BNDES for the industrial
Brazil. The BNDES is a state-owned bank that acts as sector are as follows:
the instrument of government policies on credit for long-
term developments. As such, the bank has access to long- • BNDES Finem: for the financing of business ventures
term financing under favorable conditions and can offer of more than 20 million Brazilian reals. This product
longer-term and less-expensive funds than other financial has a high number of lines, with specific characteristics,
institutions. The BNDES is the main financing agent of depending on the sector or program. One line is dedicated
energy efficiency projects in the Brazilian market. to energy efficiency, Finem–linha Eficiência Energética.88
6.2 ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING Out of the 90-plus ESCOs associated with ABESCO,
Brazil has had firms providing specialized energy efficiency only about 5 or 6—the largest ones—count as “real”
project services since the early 1990s, as well as an ESCO ESCOs, working in the typical business model (in energy
association, ABESCO, since 1997. ABESCO, the Brazilian performance contracting). Several— including Efficientia
Association of Energy Services Companies,90 is a nonprofit (CEMIG, Minas Gerais) and Light ESCO (Light, Rio
entity that officially represents the segment of Brazilian de Janeiro)—were founded by utilities as a project
energy efficiency, representing ESCOs and encouraging implementation arm. Other large private ESCOs include APS
and promoting activities and projects for the growth of the Engenheria and Vitalux Eficiência Energética. Those ESCOs
energy market. According to ABESCO, several financing have implemented projects in the industrial sector, including
lines exist for financing energy efficiency projects,91 including in the cement sector.
the BNDES lines presented above.
According to a 2014 survey conducted by Econoler, the
The majority of the ESCOs associated with ABESCO are commercial, services, and industrial sectors are the main
in fact energy consultants, as they do not all necessarily potential clients of both big and small companies. The big
work with energy performance contracts and do not companies that work 100 percent under energy performance
follow the typical ESCO type of company management. contracting all stated that they focus all of their efforts on
Several professionals (the majority), who work in the industrial sector.
individual companies as consultants, originally came from
89 Ibid.
90 ABESCO, http://www.abesco.com.br/pt/.
Improving Thermal and Electric Energy Efficiency at Cement Plants: International Best Practice 57