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Ma Psy Syllabus

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In each Semester, the examination shall consist of six Papers: Four Theory Papers (Paper I to IV) consisting of 100 marks each (Total 400 marks in Theory) and Two Papers in Practical - Paper V [A] and V [B]) consisting of 100 marks each (Total 200 marks in Practicals). In each Semester, Candidates are required to pass in theory and practical examinations separately.

Semester I Theory PAPER I: Cognitive Psychology: Attention, Perception and Memory PAPER II: Motivation and Emotion: Nature, Classification and

Measurement PAPER III: Personality Growth PAPER IV: Research Methodology Practical PAPER V A: Tests and Experiments PAPER V B: Data Collection: Quantitative Methods

Semester II Theory PAPER I: Cognitive Psychology: Language, Problem Solving and Decision Making PAPER II: Motivation and Emotion: Physiology and Theories PAPER III: Personality Assessment

PAPER IV: Research Design and Correlational Methods Practical PAPER V A: Tests and Experiments PAPER V B: Data Collection: Qualitative Methods

Semester III Theory Paper I: Relationships Nature and Development Paper II (A): Clinical Psychology: Diagnosis and Assessment Paper III (B): Industrial Psychology Paper IV (A): Counseling Psychology: Process and Skills Practical Paper V A: Experience Paper/Field Training Paper V B: Tests and Experiments

Semester IV Theory Paper I: Relationship Processes Paper II (A): Clinical Psychology: Therapies Paper III (B): Personnel Psychology Paper IV (A): Counseling Psychology: Approaches Practical Paper V A: Dissertation Paper V B: Tests and Experiments

Semester - I
PAPER I: Cognitive Psychology: Attention, Perception and Memory

UNIT I Introduction: Historical Antecedents Basic Concepts Mental Representations and Processing; Artificial Intelligence. Scope of Cognitive Psychology Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuropsychology. Computational Modeling concepts and types. UNIT II Theories of Attention Filter Theories, Capacity Theories, Features Integration Theories, Automaticity Theories, Action Slip Theories Depth Perception Perceptual Constancies Pattern Recognition and Theories- Bottom-Up, Top-Down, Template Matching etc. UNIT III Memory- structure Models Atkinson-Schifrin Model, Levels of Processing Approach, Tulvings Model, Parallel Distributed Processing Approach Sensory Memory and Short Term Memory

UNIT IV Long Term Memory, Episodic Memory and Semantic Memory Everyday Memory Imagery- Theories of Imagery; Dual Coding Theory and Kosslyns Theory Theories of Forgetting- Trace Decay, Repression, Interference Context Change Theory.

Books Recommended Anderson , J.R. (1985). Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications , New York, Freeman Best,J.B.(1995). Cognitive Psychology. Fourth Edition. West Publishing Company Eysenck, M. and Keane,M. (1990) Cognitive Psychology: A students Handbook: Psychology Press Galotti, K.M. (2001). Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory. Second Edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company Matlin,M.W.(1995). Cognition. Third Edition. A Prism India Edition Payne, D.C. and Wegner, M.J. (1998). Cognitive Psychology, Houghton Mifflin Co

PAPER II: Motivation and Emotion: Nature, Classification and Measurement

UNIT I: Nature Nature and Levels of motivation and emotion. The Developmental Interactionist Model Functions of motivational emotional system: the relationship of motivation and emotion, The Readout Hypothesis The arousal and measurement of needs Unit II: Biological and Psychological Motives Hunger- Control of hunger mechanism: Stomach contractions; Chemical, Mechanical, Oral and Neural factors. Recent theories of the hunger mechanism; The Glucostatic hypothesis, the Thermal hypothesis. Sex Developments in the study of sex; the nature of sexual arousal; Physiological determinants of arousability; Hormonal, Social and Environmental effects on arousability. Competence Exploration and Stimulus seeking; the concepts of optimal stimulation, Effectance motivation and Competence. Cognitive Development and Emotional Education Competence and Helplessness Achievement The tendency to achieve success; the tendency to avoid failure; the approach-avoidance conflicts in achievement situations; Expectancy of success. Studies of achievement motivation.

Unit III: Sociological Motives Affiliation Nature; Determinants; Relationship between affiliation and anxiety Approval Social Desirability research. The Marlowe-Crowne Scale. Approval as an evaluatively dependant behavior. Personality correlates of approval. Aggression Nature; Kinds. Theories of aggression as innate, Environmental theories. Unit IV: Emotions Concomitant with Extreme Motivational States Anxiety As the force underlying other apparent motives; Manifest anxiety; Test anxiety; Anxiety as a drive. Frustration The necessary preconditions, Sources. Frustration as a drive: The Brown-Farber theory, The Amsel theory. Reactions to Frustration Fear As an acquired drive and as an intervening variable; Fear as conditioned aversion; Phobias; Modifying fears. Books Recommended Beck, R.C. (2005) Motivation: Theories and Principles. Fourth Edition Buck, R. (1987) Human Motivation and Emotion Cofer, C.N. and Appley, M.H. (1963): Motivation Theory and Research Houston, J.P. (1985): Motivation Weiner, B (1992) Human Motivation: Metaphors, Theories and Research Young, P.T. (1961): Motivation and Emotion

PAPER III: Personality Growth

UNIT I Growth Psychology: Historical Perspective, misconceptions about healthy personality, Inner Psychological Processes UNIT II Healthy Personality: Clinical and Growth Models, Assumptions and conceptualizations. Triguna and personal growth UNIT III Existential Approach: May and Frankls models and their application Cognitive Approach: Kellys theory and its application UNIT IV Humanistic Approach: Maslow and Rogers theories and their applications

Books Recommended Arkoff, A.A (1985). Psychology and personal Growth Burger, J.M. (1986). Personality - Theories and Research. Wordsworth Pub. Co Dyer, W. Your Erroneous Zones Fadima, J. and Fager, R (1976). Personality and Personal Growth. New York: Harper and Row Publishers Hjelle, L.A. and Ziegler, D.J. (1976). Personality Theories. McGraw Hill and Co

Kundu, C. (1977). Personality Development: A Critique of Indian Studies. Vishal Publications Monte, C.F. (1977). Beneath the Mask, Holt, Rinechart, Winston

PAPER- IV: Research Methodology

UNIT- I Scientific and Non- Scientific Approach to Knowledge. Levels of Analysis, Goals of Scientific Methods. Types of Scientific Method: Positivism and Anti- Positivism. Hypothetico-Deductive and Inductive Research, Nomothetic, Idiographic and Hermeneutics Research. UNIT- II The Research Process: Problems and Hypothesis, Variables and Constructs. Sampling Issues: Representativeness and Adequacy; Sampling Strategies and Design; Probability and Non Probability; Sampling Errors (Principles and Application). UNIT- III Experimental and Correlational Research: Nature and Types, Strengths and Weaknesses Artifacts: Demand Characteristics and Subjects Role. Ethical Issues UNIT- IV Basic and Applied Research. Action Research: Types and Uses of Action Research. Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Types of Qualitative Research

Books Recommended Aronson, E and Ellsworth D.C, Carlsmith, J.M., Gonzales, M.I. (1990) Methods of Research in Social Psychology. McGraw Hill International Edition Breakwell, G.M., Hammond, S & Schow, C.F. (Edited) (1995). Research Methods in Psychology. Sage Publications Ebnes, D.G, Kantowitz, B.M, Roediger,H.L. (1989). Research Methods in Psychology. West Publishing Company Greenberg, J and Folger, R (1988). Controversial Issues in Social Research Method. New York. Springerverlag Katz,D. and Festinger,L. (1953). Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc Kerlinger, F.N. (1964). Foundations of Behavioral Rersearch. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc Mohsin, S.M. (1984).Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Orient Longman Ltd Schaugneassey, J.J, Zechmeister,B (1990) Research Methods in Psychology. McGraw Hill Publishing Sommer and Sommer,R (1997). A Practical Guide to Behavioural Research. Oxford University Press


A: Tests and Experiments 100 Marks B: Data Collection: Quantitative Methods 100 Marks

Semester - II
PAPER- I: Cognitive Psychology: Language, Problem Solving and Decision Making UNIT I Organization of knowledge, knowledge types Concepts Scheme: Concept theories Representation: Internal Vs. External Integrative Models for representing (ACT) UNIT II Language comprehensioninner speech Theories of language comprehension Capacity theory, sentence processing, pragmatics,

Discourse processing, Story processing Language production speaking, writing and bilingualism UNIT III Problem solving- Structure of Problems (Well-defined and Illdefined) Perspectives (Gestalt, Newell and Simons Information Processing theory, problem space) Means-end heuristics, Analogy Approach UNIT-IV Reasoning and types (syllogistic, conditional) Decision making- Types of decisions (The Representative Heuristic, Probability Heuristic)

Factors operating in decision making (Loss aversion, Framing, Perceived justification and Anticipated regret and Self-esteem) Creativity- General approaches to creativity, discovery using mental models

Books Recommended Best,J.B.(1995). Cognitive Psychology. Fourth Edition. West Publishing Company Eysenck,M. V and Keane,M (1990) Cognitive Psychology Matlin,M.W.(1995). Cognition. Third Edition. A Prism India Edition Sternberg, R.J. (1977) Intelligence, Information Processing and Anological Reasoning The componential analysis of Human abilities, Hillsdale, N.J. Earlbaum Sternberg, R.J. (1994) (Ed.) Handbook of Perception and cognition (Vol. 12) New York Academic Press Sternberg, R.J. (1996) Cognitive Psychology, Holt Renehart and Winston Inc

PAPER II: Motivation and Emotion: Physiology and Theories

UNIT- I: Homeostasis and Processing Systems

Adaptation- The Special Purpose

The Peripheral Nervous System: The somatic nervous system; the autonomic nervous system; Synaptic transmission in the autonomic nervous system; Cannons Emergency Theory of Emotion The Endocrine System: The traditional view: The neuropeptides; the endorphins: The Anxiety Peptide The Immune System: The Brain-Immune System Interaction Adaptation and Stress: Selyes stress syndrome; Hormonal effects on the Brain. Stress and Disease UNIT-II: Central Nervous System Mechanisms The Brain Stem: Hindbrain and Midbrain; The Mechanisms of emotional expression; expressive vocalization and facial

expression. Reticular formation and the Ascending Reticular Activating System. The importance of reticular formation in arousal, attention and Sleep. The Hypothalamus: Its role in eating, sexual, aggressive behavior and social attachment, hypothalamic events in humans. The Limbic System: MacLeans conceptualization of the Limbic System. The Amygdala Circuit, The Kluver-Bucy syndrome. The limbic malfunction and violent behavior. The Septal Circuit: septal stimulation, septal stimulation in human. The Hippocampus and its interactive functions.

UNIT-III: THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Hulls Drive Theory: The use of machine metaphor; The drive concept; Integration of drive and habit; Empirical support for the drive theory; Secondary drives; Incentives. Lewins Field Theory; The life space; Structural and dynamic constructs related to the person and the environment; Levels of aspiration: The resultant valence theory; Empirical research initiated by the field theory. Attributional theories: Causal antecedents, Causal schemata, Discounting; Actor-observer perspective; The hedonic bias; Causal dimensions; external-Internal, controllable-uncontrollable, stable-unstable; Motivational dynamics of perceived arousability; Causal beliefs and learned helplessness; An attributional theory of motivation.

UNIT-IV: Development and Expression of Emotion and Theories The Development and expression of Emotion: Ontogeny and the emotional communication in primates. Temperament and emotional expressions in humans. Studies of facial expression and gesture; Introversion-Extraversion; Inhibitory and excitatory mechanisms. Non-verbal sending accuracy. Display Rules. Discreet Emotion Theories: Adaptive acts and kinds of languages; Evidence for discreet emotions. Dimensional

Theories of Emotion: Bipolar vs. Unipolar dimensions of affect; Independent unipolar dimensions; Importance of dimensional analyses.

Cognitive theories of Emotion: The necessity of cognitions: Cognitive-Arousal theory; Excitation-Transfer theory. The Psycho-Physiological Measures of Emotions: Electro dermal measures, the circulatory system, muscle tension, the electroencephalograph.

Books Recommended Beck,R.C. Edition Buck,R. (1987) Human Motivation and Emotion Cofer, C.N. and Appley, M.H. (1963): Motivation Theory and Research Houston,J.P.(1985): Motivation Young,P.T.(1961): Motivation and Emotion Weiner,B ( 1992) Human Motivation:; Metaphors, Theories and Research (2005) Motivation: Theories and Principles. Fourth

PAPER III: Personality Assessment

UNIT-I Psychology of Self: Indian and Western Perspective,

Transpersonal view, Assessment of self. UNIT-II Self-Awareness and Enhancement Techniques, Yoga, Meditation and Sensitivity Training. UNIT-III Approaches to Assessment: Theoretical and empirical issues; Moral Issues- confidentiality, inviolacy, Clinical vs. Actuarial prediction UNIT-IV: Methods Projective Tests TAT Psychometric Tests MMPI Kellys Repertory Grid Response Distortion: Response style and Response bias

Books Recommended Kundu, C (1977) Personality Development: A critique of Indian Studies. Vishal Publications Lanyon, R.I and Goodstein, L.D. (1997). Personality

Assessment.Wiley & Sons Publishers Liebert, R.M. & Spielgler, M.S. (1978) Personality Strategies and Issues: Illinois Dorsey Press Paranjpe, A (1989) Theoretical Psychology

PAPER IV: Research Designs and Correlational Method

UNIT-I Research Designs: Meaning and Purpose; Good and Poor Designs Between and Within Group Designs Quasi-Experimental Designs, Single Subject Designs UNIT-II Analysis of Variance: Assumptions Randomized Group Designs and Analysis, Randomized Block Design and Analysis Two-Way Analysis of Variance Single Factor Analysis Of Variance For Repeated Measures UNIT-III Multiple Comparision Tests Duncans Test and Newman Keuls Test Methods of Correlation: Biserial , Point Biserial , Phi - co-efficient and Tetrachoric Partial correlation UNIT-IV Simple Linear Regression and Prediction Qualitative Analysis: Transcribing Data, Thematic Qualitative Analysis and Theory-Led Qualitative Analysis.

Books Recommended Edwards, A.L.(1953) Experimental Designs in Psychological Research, Rinehart and Co.Inc., New York Kerlinger,F.N. Foundation of Behavioral Research Schaugneassey,J.T. & Zechmeister,B. (1990) Research Methods in Psychology, Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi Sommer,B. & Sommer,R (1997) A Practical Guide to Behavioural Research, Oxford University Press Broota,K.D.(2003) Experimental Designs in Behavioral Research, New Age International

PAPER V: PRACTICAL A: Tests and Experiments (100 Marks) B: Data Collection Qualitative Methods (100 Marks)

Semester III
PAPER I: Relationships Nature and Development UNIT I The Self: Interactions and Relationships, Relationship as accounts or narratives. Theories and Models of Relationships: Exchange, Interdependence, Equity and Investment. UNIT II Parent Child Relationships in Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood. Romantic Love; Types (Sternbergs Triangular Theory of love and Lees Classification). Marital Relationship, Divorce and Remarriage. UNIT III Other Family Relationships: Sibling Relationship and Grandparent Grandchild Relationships. Friendships- Concept, Characteristics and Identification. Enemyship (or Enmity) Concept, Characteristics and Identification. UNIT IV Model of relationship development: The Six- Stage Model. Relationship Initiation: Attention and Initial Attractions, Interaction and Exchange of Rewards.

Development of Close Relationships: Affiliation and Attachment, Self Disclosure, Trust, Intimacy and Commitment. Books Recommended Hendrick, C. and Hendrick, S.S (Eds). Close Relationships- A Sourcebook, Sage Publications, Inc Hinde, R.S (1997).Relations- A Dialectical Perspective Psychology. UK. Taylor and Francis Duck, S. (1993). Social Context and Relationships. Sage Publications Duck, S. (1994). Dynamics of Relationships. Sage Publications Duck, S. (1995). Confronting Relationship Challenges. Sage Publications Baron, R.A and Byrne, D. (1998). Social Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi Josselson, R. (1996). The Space Between Us: Exploring the Dimensions of Human Relationships. Sage Publications Berschied, E. and Regan, P. The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships

PAPER II (A): Clinical Psychology Diagnosis and Assessment

UNIT I: Introduction Clinical Psychology as one of the Mental Health Professions Developments in Clinical Psychology Characteristics of Clinical Psychology Goals of Diagnosis: Reliability & validity of diagnosis; differential diagnosis; criticisms UNIT I I: Intellectual Assessment Wechsler Scales Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, 4 and 5 Edition Kaufman Scales Interpretation of intelligence test scores UNIT III: Personality Assessment Types of Projective Tests Rorschach Ink Blot Test Approaches to objective personality scales The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory UNIT IV: Other Forms of Assessment Interview Case Study Mental Status Examination Neuropsychological Assessment Books Recommended Bankart, P. C. (1997). A History of Western & Eastern Psychotherapies, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company
th th

Bohart, A. C. & Todd, J. (1988).Foundations of Clinical and Counseling Psychology; Harper Collins Publishers Monte, C.F. (1977). Beneath the Mask: An Introduction to theories of personality, Praeger Publishers, New York Nelson, G. and Arkoff, A. (2006). Psychology and Personal Growth. Pearson Publishing Co Newmark, C. S. (1985). Major Psychological Assessment Instruments Nietzel, M. T. Bernstein, D. A. and Milch, R. (1994). Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Prentice-Hall Inc. Phares, J. E. (1988).Clinical Psychology : Concepts, Methods & Profession, The Dorsey Press

PAPER III (B): Industrial Psychology UNIT- I Nature and scope of Industrial Psychology, Time Motion Studies, Hawthorne Studies. Efficiency: Measurement and Determinants. UNIT- II Fatigue and Monotony: Causes and mitigation, Fatigue and Production curve, Rest pauses and fatigue, Fatigue and accidents, Accident and Safety; Causes and Prevention, Accident proneness. UNIT- III Work environment: Illumination, Atmospheric conditions (Temperature, Humidity And Ventilation), Noise, Music and Work Schedules. UNIT- IV Job design and Human Engineering: Approaches to job design, Problem of Human Engineering, Man- Machine Systems, Equipment Control and Equipment Display.

Books Recommended: Arnold, J. Robertson, I.T and Cooper, C.L. (1996): Work Psychology : Understanding Human Behavior in the Work Place: MacMillan India Ltd Blum. M.L and Naylor, J.C (1984- Revised Edition). Industrial Psychology Its Theoretical and Social Foundation: New York: Harper & Row

Cooper, C.L and Locke, E.A. (2000). Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Linking Theories with Practice: UK Blackwell Publishers Inc

Dunnette, M.D and Hough, L.M (1998). Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. I and II, Delhi: Jaico Publishing House

Mc Cormick, E.J. and Ilgen, D. R. (1984).Industrial Psychology. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

PAPER IV (A): Counseling Psychology: Process and Skills

UNIT I Orientation: Counseling as a Profession, Approaches (Eclectic and Integrated) and Ethical Issues. UNIT II Process and Skills: Process of Counseling, Goals and Necessary conditions, Counseling Skills (Listening, Relationships, Empathy, NonVerbal Communication). UNIT III Psychoanalytic Approach to Counseling: Underlying assumptions, Centrality of unconscious, Defenses, Techniques, Transference and Counter transference. Existential Approach to Counseling. UNIT IV Behaviouristic Approach to Counseling: Underlying assumptions, Techniques (Systematic Desensitization, Assertiveness and Social Skills Training, Modeling and Visualization).

Books Recommended Bohart, A.C. and Todd, J. (1998). Foundations of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Harper Collins Publications Gelso, C.J. and Pretz, B.R. (1995). Counseling Psychology, Bangalore, India, Prism Books Pvt. Ltd

PAPER V: PRACTICA L A: Experience Paper/ Field Training (100 Marks) B: Tests and Experiments (100 Marks)

Semester IV
PAPER I: Relationship Processes Unit I Decline and Dissolution of Relationship: Phases, Factors

Contributing To Decline, Decline of Family Relationships and Friendships. Relationship Maintenance: Stability and Change, Strategies And Behaviors, Continuity Of Unhappy Relationships. Unit II Interpersonal Relationship Communication: Interpersonal Communication and Relationships, Patterns, Facilitatory Factors and Barriers. Social Support: Concept, Social Support Networks, Perception of Social Support, Social Support Behaviours, Social Support Mobilization, Social Support Satisfaction. Unit III Power: Power, Influence and Control Types, Tactics, Power In Close Relationships. Conflict: Nature, Sources, Factors Related To Conflict Generation And Escalation ,Tactics And Behaviours (Or Strategies) Satisfaction: Contributing Factors, Conceptual Models of the Bases of Satisfaction. Perception : Accounts and Perception Of

Unit IV Chronic Illness: Impact On Relational Partners And The Relationships Coping With Chronic Illness Aggression And Violence: Determinants Loss And Bereavement : Reactions and Coping Books Recommended Canary, D.J., Cupach, W.R. and Wessman, S.J. (1995). Relationship Conflict, Sage Publications Devito ,J.A. (1997). Human Communication of the Basic Course. VIIth Edition. Deisow Duck, S. (1993). Social Context and Relationships. Sage Publications Duck, S. (1994). Dynamics of Relationhips. Sage Publications Duck, S. (1995). Confronting Relationship Challenges. Sage Publications Hendrick, C. and Hendrick, S.S (Eds).(2000) Close RelationshipsA Sourcebook, Sage Publications, Inc Hinde, R.S (1997). RelationsA Dialectical Perspective

Psychology. UK. Taylor and Francis. Wesley Educational Publisher

PAPER II (A): Clinical Psychology: Therapies

Unit I: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Freudian Psychoanalysis: Background and basic principles. The nature and meaning of symptoms. Metapsychology of repression. Techniques of Psychoanalysis. UNIT II: Existential Humanistic Approach Humanistic assumptions about human being, counseling and science (in brief). Carl Rogers Person Centered Therapy: Psychopathology and the Therapeutic Process; Necessary and Sufficient Conditions; Essential Qualities of the counselor acceptance, empathy and genuineness, paraphrasing and summarizing; Reflection of meaning and feeling. Gestalt Therapy. Eclectic Treatment Combinations: A three stage model of helping. Process Experiential Therapy. Unit III: Cognitive Behavioural Approaches Behavioural Approaches to Therapy: Principles of Learning: Development of abnormal behavior; Features common to all behavior therapies. Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning based methods of intervention, Social Learning methods; Behavioural Medicine. Becks Cognitive Therapy Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy

UNIT IV: Group and Relational Approaches Group Therapy (in brief) Marital Counselling and Therapy: Techniques to clarify communication; Virginia Satir and Dysfunctional communication; Behavioural Marital Therapy. Minuchins Structural Family Therapy Strategic and Systems Approach: Bowen and Personal Differentiation: Milton Ericksons techniques.

Books Recommended

Bohart A. C and Todd J. (1988). Foundations of Clinical and Counselling Psychology; Harper Collins Publishers Nelson, G. and Arkoff, A. (2006). Psychology and Personal Growth. Pearson Publishing Co Newmark C. S. (1985). Major Psychological Assessment Instruments. Allyn and Bacon, Inc Nietzel, Michael T, Bernstein, Douglas A. and Milch Richard (1994). Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Prentice-Hall Inc Phares, Jerry E. (1988). Clinical Psychology : Concepts, Methods & Profession, The Dorsey Press

PAPER III (B): Personnel Psychology

UNIT I Personnel Selection And Placement: Job Analysis; Technique Of Job Analysis, Selection Methods: Interview, Biographical Data, Application Blanks, Reference Reports, Psychological Tests In Personnel Selection, Basic Selection Model. UNIT II Job evaluation: Scope And Methods, Performance Appraisal Methods; Ratings and Behavioural Checklist. Training: Types and Methods Of Training For Workmen, Supervisors and Higher Level Personnel. UNIT III Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction: Theories of Work Motivation: Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, Vroom and Adams, Financial and Non Financial Incentives. Job Satisfaction; Determinants (Personal And Organizational), Employees Morale: Techniques Of Enhancing Employees Morale, Determinants. UNIT IV Supervision: Production Oriented Vs Employee Oriented Supervision Industrial Conflict: Causes and Control of Industrial Conflict Occupational Stress and Health: Sources and Coping Strategies, Effect of Occupational Stress on Health

Books Recommended

Arnold, J. , Robertson , I.T. & Cooper, C.N.(1996), Work psychology: Understanding Human Behavior in the Work Place, McMillan India Ltd

Blum. M.L and Naylor, J.C (1984- Revised Edition). Industrial Psychology Its Theoretical and Social Foundation: New York: Harper & Row

Hersey, P. and Blanchard, K. (1986), Management of Organizational Behaviors: Utilizing Human Resources, Prentice Hall of India

Landey, F.J. and Trumbo, B.A. (1976); Psychology of Work Behaviors. The Dorsey Press, Homewood II Illinois Maier, N. R.F (1965).Psychology in industry, Oxford and IBH publishing Co Vroom, V.H. (1964): Work Motivation: New York John Wiley Sons, Inc

PAPER IV (A): Counseling Psychology: Approaches

UNIT I: Cognitive approach to Counseling Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy, Irrational Beliefs, The ABCDE Paradigm. Becks Cognitive Therapy- Cognitive Distortions, Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Techniques (Decatastrophizing, Reattribution, Redefining, De-centering) UNIT II: Gestalt and Transactional Analysis Perls Gestalt Therapy : Theoretical assumptions ,Organismic Self Regulation, Exercises and Games Philosophical Assumptions of Bernes Transactional Analysis Therapy, Ego state Analysis, Life positions, Transactions, Ego state. Pathology, Games and Script analysis. UNIT III: Person Oriented Approach to Counseling Rogers assumptions of Client Centered Therapy. Incongruence, Congruence and the Fully Functioning Person Experiential Knowing And Pre-Requisites Of Therapy Therapeutic Process UNIT IV: Systemic Approaches to Counseling Wholeness and Interdependence Circular Causality Homeostasis and Change Techniques- Congruent Communications, Structural Family Therapy, Strategic Approach.

Books Recommended Mc Leod, J.C. (1998): An Introduction to Counseling (2 Buckingham Philadelphia Open University Press Patterson, C.H. (1986): Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy Richard, M.J. (1982): The Theory and Practice of Counseling Psychology, N Y Holt Rinehart and Winston



A: Dissertation (100 Marks) B: Tests and Experiments (100 Marks)

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