Psychology Syllabus - Sam Global
Psychology Syllabus - Sam Global
Psychology Syllabus - Sam Global
Subject: Psychology
Types of tests
Muscular and Glandular system: Types and functions Biological basis of Motivation:
Hunger, Thirst, Sleep and Sex.
Biological basis of emotion: The Limbic system, Hormonal regulation of behavior.
Genetics and behavior: Chromosomal anomalies; Nature-Nurture controversy [Twin
studies and adoption studies]
Signal detection theory: Assumptions and applications Subliminal perception and related
factors, information processing approach to perception, culture and perception, perceptual
styles, Pattern recognition, Ecological perspective on perception.
Creativity: Torrance, Getzels & Jackson, Guilford, Wallach & Kogan Relationship between
Intelligence and Creativity
Emotion regulation
Health: Health promoting and health compromising behaviors, Life style and Chronic
diseases [Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease], Psychoneuroimmunology
[Cancer, HIV/AIDS]