UPSC CSE Mains Psychology Syllabus: Paper - I
UPSC CSE Mains Psychology Syllabus: Paper - I
UPSC CSE Mains Psychology Syllabus: Paper - I
Paper - I
Foundations of Psychology
7. Memory: Encoding and remembering; Short term memory, Long term memory, Sensory
memory, Iconic memory, Echoic memory: The Multistore model, levels of processing;
Organization and Mnemonic techniques to improve memory; Theories of forgetting: decay,
interference and retrieval failure: Metamemory; Amnesia: Anterograde and retrograde.
10. Intelligence and Aptitude: Concept of intelligence and aptitude, Nature and theories of
intelligence - Spearman, Thurstone, Gullford Vernon, Sternberg and J.P; Das; Emotional
Intelligence, Social intelligence, measurement of intelligence and aptitudes, concept of IQ,
deviation IQ, constancy of IQ; Measurement of multiple intelligence; Fluid intelligence and
crystallized intelligence.
12. Attitudes, Values and Interests: Definition of attitudes, values and interests; Components
of attitudes; Formation and maintenance of attitudes; Measurement of attitudes, values and
interests; Theories of attitude change; Strategies for fostering values; Formation of stereotypes
and prejudices; Changing others behaviour; Theories of attribution; Recent trends.
13. Language and Communication: Human language - Properties, structure and linguistic
hierarchy, Language acquisition- predisposition, critical period hypothesis; Theories of
language development - Skinner and Chomsky; Process and types of communication - effective
communication training.
Paper - II
Psychology: Issues and Applications
2. Psychological well being and Mental Disorders: Concept of health-ill health; Positive
health, well being; Causal factors in mental disorders (Anxiety disorders, mood disorders,
schizophrenia and delusional disorders; personality disorders, substance abuse disorders);
Factors influencing positive health, well being, life style and quality of life; Happiness
3. Therapeutic Approaches: Psychodynamic therapies; Behaviour therapies; Client centered
therapy; Cognitive therapies; Indigenous therapies (Yoga, Meditation); Bio-feedback therapy;
Prevention and rehabilitation of the mentally ill; Fostering mental health.
4. Work Psychology and Organisational Behaviour: Personnel selection and training; Use
of psychological tests in the industry; Training and human resource development; Theories of
work motivation – Herzberg, Maslow, Adam Equity theory, Porter and Lawler, Vroom;
Leadership and participatory management; Advertising and marketing; Stress and its
management; Ergonomics; consumer psychology; Managerial effectiveness; Transformational
leadership; Sensitivity training; Power and politics in organizations.
10. Application of Psychology in Information Technology and Mass Media: The present
scenario of information technology and the mass media boom and the role of psychologists;
Selection and training of psychology professionals to work in the field of IT and mass media;
Distance learning through IT and mass media; Entrepreneurship through e-commerce;
Multilevel marketing; Impact of TV and fostering value through IT and mass media;
Psychological consequences of recent developments in Information Technology.
11. Psychology and Economic development: Achievement motivation and economic
development; Characteristics of entrepreneurial behaviour; Motivating and training people for
entrepreneurship and economic development; Consumer rights and consumer awareness,
Government policies for promotion of entrepreneurship among youth including women