7/14/13 Contemporary Service
7/14/13 Contemporary Service
7/14/13 Contemporary Service
FCC THIS WEEK The calendar is available at fcc-stillwater.org. Find us on Facebook too! Sunday, July 14 9:00 Traditional Worship Service 10:10 Sunday School 11:10 Contemporary Worship Service Monday, July 15 5:15 Cabinet Meeting 5:30 HR Dept Meeting Tuesday, July 16 7:00 Trustees Meeting Wednesday, July 17 2pm Ina Lasiter Funeral Mark Your Calendars! Aug 10 CMF Breakfast Aug 22 Official Board Meeting Sept 4 WNF Returns
Thursday, July 18 Praise Band Rehearsal Explorations in Music and Prayer Sunday, July 21 Traditional Worship Service Sunday School Contemporary Worship Service Depart for Mission Camp El Reno Elders Meeting
At the close of worship, all are invited to commit or recommit ourselves to following Jesus. We are sent forth into the world in song, charged to be disciples in our lives.
The flowers in the chancel area are from Jim Rutledge in memory of Kathy Rutledge
Nursery: Children are always welcome in the service. We do provide a nursery for newborn - 3 years old for anyone who prefers to take their little ones there.
Senior Minister: Owen Cayton Children & Youth Ministries Director: Sondra Ladd Interim Contemporary Music Director: Alyson Friesen